Index: P

Pages 513-523

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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Pacheco, Juan de, marquis of Cerralvo, Ceralvo, the marquis, governor of Galicia, 273, 353.

Paderborn, Padelborne [Westphalia, Germany], 286.

Padstow [co. Cornwall], 398.

Padua [Venezia, Italy], 62; podestá of. See Grimani.

Paget, Thomas, baron, of Beaudesert, at Antwerp, 10, 102.

Palatinate [Germany]:
-, princes palatine meet to buy back Pfalzburg, 124.
-, gold mine in upper, 153.
-, Junius' property in, 177.
-, Bellamy in, 366.
-, young prince and princesses of, 309.
-, administrator of. See John Casimir.

Palatine, Elector. See Frederic III.

Pallandt, Floris, count of Culemborg, Culenborgh, Cullenberche, 323, 380.

Pallavicino, Sir Horatio, Horace, 130, 321; letter from, 362; opinion of, on Buhy's demands, 349.

Palmer, Barnaby, gentleman-porter of Brielle, 175.

-, Edmund, at St. Jean de Luz, letters from, 151–2, 172, 383–4.

-, Valentine, brother of Edmund, 172.

Palustre, Jean, mayor of Poitiers, king hanged, 355.

Panama [Central America], 346.

Paolo, Petro, 357.

papacy, the; apostolic, holy, see; see of Rome:
-, Henry III has contemned, 16.
-, pope complains of poverty of, 25; he imposes tax for defence of, 326.
-, League bound to support, 179.
-, Spain menaces, 201.
-, court of, 16, 25, 49.
-, See also cardinals; Rome; Sixtus V.

Papal States:
-, Pope demands 600,000 crowns of, 49; and imposes tax on clergy of, 326.
-, pays 75,000 crowns yearly for galleys, 49.
-, Ferrara protects bandits of, 78.
-, Pope levies no men in, 302.
-, See also Rome.

papistry, papists. See Catholics, Roman.

Parceval. See Perceval.

Parcher, Humphrey, 181.

Pardieu, Valentin, sgr. de la Motte, de la Mote, la Moat, la Moate, Lamote, la Mote, la Mothe, Lamott, la Mott, la Motte, governor of Gravelines, 188:
-, letters to, referred to, 118, 278, 284, 287.
-, urges Artois to accept garrisons, 45.
-, prepares to besiege Ostend, 118; withdraws, 166.
-, again approaches Ostend and then retires, 185, 199, 200, 202, 211, 218, 221.
-, again prepares against Ostend, 224, 248; will besiege it if surprise fails, 257, 283; takes troops to Nieuport, 258.
-, urged immediate attack on Ostend, 266; makes demonstration there, 276.
-, intercepted letter to, shows plans, 278, 284, 287.
-, is to stay in Flanders, 297.

Paris [France] and Parisians, 90, 334, 363, 384, 394:
-, letters dated at, 179, 197, 212.
-, Aumâle rouses, for League, 6, 15, 24; he is made governor of, 10, 16, 47, 48; he executes royal officials, 16; imprisoned 800 royalists, 47; he leaves, 96; he is at, 126.
-, Parma said to go to, 11.
-, League levied taxes at, 14; edicts and taxes against king at, 33; offers to pay 30,000 men, 47; coins own money, 48; levies 10,000 men, 50; to pay 20,000 by monthly tax, 63; now coins with king's stamp, 81.
-, pillage Gondi's palace, 15.
-, sends forces to Orléans, 16; their defeat, 27; 1,000 sent, 33; 4,000 sent, 44; 2,100 sent, 63.
-, Stafford expects punishment of, 26.
-, continues old courses, 28, 44.
-, Navarre praised at, 28.
-, Mayenne expected at, 33, 47, 63; he is on way to, 62, 69, 81, 136; he goes to settle quarrels at, 73–4; he is at, 96, 126, 153; he returns from Rouen to, 151.
-, treats with king, 48; proclamation at, against speaking ill of him, 81.
-, occupy two places on Seme, 64.
-, Nemours at, 69; wants Christine of Lorraine to marry Nemours, 92; he is governor of, 96.
-, chevalier d'Aumâle goes to, 69.
-, seeks to buy Gast's prisoners, 78.
-, French queen going to, 85.
-, Mayenne urges Chartres to unite with, 89.
-, king's declaration against, published, 92.
-, Châteauneuf's news from, 126.
-, Mayenne asks Parma to send money to, 136; assures Cambrai to Parma, 188.
-, Mendoza goes to, 188, 209; his presence at, saved League, 212.
-, Mayenne sworn as lieut.-general at, 188; he leaves, 196; he summons all forces from, 220; he forbids speaking ill of king, 227, 231; he returned for three days to, 232.
-, sends envoys to Rouen and Hâvre, 228, 231.
-, riots at: many for king in, 233; poor state of, 245.
-, St. Malin's head sent to, 245.
-, king before [false], 282.
-, Aumâle and Balagny flee to, 291, 327.
-, Navarre marches to view steeples of, 335; king's plans against, 335.
-, afraid, 336; blockaded, and treats with king, 342, 361; scarcity in, 343, 362; royalists executed at, 351; is very divided, 355.
-, Pope offended with, 350.
-, Mayenne enters, 351, 362; he gets grant from and leaves, 358, 386.
-, horsemen of, routed, 351.
-, spy goes to London from, 351.
-, kings march on, 355, 386, 393; they will invest, on both sides, 359; their approach prevents League States meeting at, 387.
-, [Givry] in suburbs of, 355; Navarre defeats force from, 387.
-, sends guns to Mantes, 357.
-, lack of good leaders at, 375.
-, bull against king published at, 376.
-, high prices at, 387; is ready to starve, 389; famine at, 406.
-, sortie made from, 405.
-, suburbs taken, 406.
-, write to Rouen for ‘Charles X,’ 406.
-, will not hold out long, 409.
-, League's seizure of (1588), mentioned, 7, 14.
-, bishop of. See Gondi, Pierre de.
-, échevins of. See Compan, Jean; Cotteblanche, François de.
-, premier président of parlement of. See Harlay, Achille de.
-, prévôt des marchands, provost, of. See de la Chapelle-Marteau, Michel.
-, Sorbonne, 33.
-, places in:
-,-, arsenal, 47.
-,-, Bois de Vincennes, St. Vynsante's wood, 245, 361.
-,-, chambre d'or, 188.
-,-, charterhouse, 409.
-,-, Notre Dame, 50.
-,-, St. Germain-des-Près, St. Jarmyn des Pres, Sant Garmen, fauxbourg, 282, 342.
-,-, St. Honoré, St. Onerie, 375.

Parker, Sir Nicholas, 332; money paid to, 175; requests of, 324; troop of, at Bergen, 71.

Parkett, John, 231.

parliament, 113, 163.

Parma, duchy of [Italy], 49.

-, duke, prince, of. See Farnese, Alexander.

-, Margaret, duchess of, 25, 63.

Parsons, Persons, Fr. Robert, S.J., English exile, 34, 290.

Parthenay, Partyné [Deux Sèvres, France], 79, 81.

Pasages, los, the Passage [Guipuzcoa, Spain], Oquendo returns to, 151; French ships arrested at, 151, 232, 383; galley royal at, 384.

Pas de l'Escluse. See Écluse.

Pasqualigo, Filippo, 48.

Passos, Gregorio, 273.

passports, convoys, licences, safeconducts, safeguards:
-, Walsingham's, to Armada prisoner, referred to, 36.
-, Baudimont sends Meiminck a, 38.
-, English pirates ignore lord admiral's, 52, 161; they ignore all, 150.
-, for absence from army, referred to, 61, 250, 274, 281; licence to H. Norris to be absent, 119; States allow for none absent without, 129; to keep part of band in England, referred to, 300; Council's orders about, 377, 382, 399.
-, Parma will give none, 102; his revenues from, pledged to Italians, 222.
-, Rouen refused Moffat, 126.
-, Grey refused, to spies, 153.
-, Casimir will give Visher, 154.
-, Mondragon gives Tomson, 217.
-, to export corn, referred to, 219.
-, to export guns, referred to, 240.
-, States', referred to, 272.
-, Vasseur sought, for Duigens, 299.
-, Russell gave T. M. Wingfield, 333.
-, Stanley offers his troops, 338.
-, Barton gave Germans, 348.
-, to Hautefort, referred to, 363.
-, of Verdugo, referred to, 373.
-, Walsingham sends Gourdain, 409.

-, requests for:
-, by Châteauneuf, 55.
-, by Captot for Bernet's man, 359; also by Buzanval, 373.
-, for Mme. de Civille, 373.
-, to export corn, 23, 359; gunpowder, 221; guns, 44, 170, 253, 368; cattle, 378; white cloth, 392.

-, of United Provinces for trade with the enemy, etc., referred to, 295, 325:
-, Vijgh not to touch, 1.
-, Frisian, 6; Count William would abolish, 141; readily given, 184.
-, Ortel's proposals on, 108; reply to him, 145.
-, C. of S. should control, 120, 307.
-, Bodley protests at, 122.
-, to trade to France, referred to, 170, 198.
-, revenues from, maintain navy, 192, 296.
-, Geertruidenberg ignored, 206, 207.
-, articles about, 308.

Pastrana, Pastrona. See Silva y Mendoza, Roderigo de.

patent, letters:
-, Queen's, to Venice co., referred to, 113; Flushing asks grant by, 257; Schomberg seeks, to make salt, 394; to Willoughby, referred to, 411.
-, of States General, referred to, 237.
-, of Sultan, referred to, 134.
-, Willoughby's, to Houfflin, 181; Willoughby's, referred to, 14, 349.

Paul, Jolin, English agent in Germany, 154.

Payne, Edward, formerly Waller's lieutenant, acting sergeant-major at Ostend, letter from, 382.

-, Richard, provost-marshal of Brielle, 175.

Pecok, Pecocke, Robert, deputy-governor of Merchants Adventurers at Stade:
-, letter to, 127.
-, investigates export of guns, 240.
-, can inform of suspension of imperial decree, 241; is officially informed of it, 331.
-, and Muscovy company debts, 247.

Peersevall. See Perceval.

Pekfyn. See Petvyn.

Pekott, Pigott, Pygott, William, renegade captain, 158, 227.

Pélet, Gaspard de, sr. de la Verune, governor of Caen, 221.

Pelham, Sir William, late lord marshal of army in Netherlands, 175.

Pellegrini, Pompeo. See Standen, Anthony.

Pellevé, Nicolas de, archbishop of Sens, cardinal of SS. John and Paul, 326.

Peniche [Estremadiira, Portugal], 336, 353.

Pera [Constantinople, Turkey], 303.

Perceval, Parceval, Peersevall, Perseval, Christopher, sergeant-major of Harlingen, discourse on Frisian troubles by, 3–5; gave Queen's letters to Frisian States, 131; request for Oostergonians by, 189–90.

Perche [France], 342.

Percy, Henry, earl of Northumberland, daughter of, 365; servant of. See Stoker, George.

Percydia. See Persia.

Peretti, Alessandro, Montalto, cardinal of S. Girolamo degli Schiavoni, 15, 64.

Perez de Guzman, Alonso, duke of Medina Sidonia, Medina, Medyna, Sidonia, admiral of 1588 Armada, 353, 410:
-, sent to his house on return, 151.
-, entertains Bruter, 194.
-, accuses Parma, 337.

Pernon. See Nogaret, Jean Louis de.

Peronne, Perona, Pirone [Somme, France], 328, 342.

Perrenot, Frederic Granvelle, sr. de Champagney, Champagny, 43.

Perrot, Sir John, privy councillor, letters signed by, 226, 293, 398.

Perseval. See Perceval.

Persia, Percydia, and the Persians:
-, peace with Turks unlikely, 12; Turks say peace likely, 15; Turks reject overtures of, 62; peace unlikely, 63; Turks will make peace with, 133.
-, besiege Tabriz, 15, 87; defeat Hassan, 24, 87; two more Turkish defeats by, 133.
-, Turkish preparations against, 87.
-, Usbec makes peace with, 88.
-, Turkish army mutinies, 133, 134; many desert to, 164.
-, Tartars urge Turks to continue war against, 165.
-, English allowed to trade through Russia to, 246, 247.
-, renewed rumours of Turkish peace with, 375.
-, ancient king of, 404.
-, shah of. See Abbas I.

Persons. See Parsons, Robert.

Persynn, Peter, 83.

Pescia [Toscana, Italy], 26.

Pestrana. See Silva y Mendoza, Roderigo de.

Peter III, Petras, ex-vaivode, prince, of Wallachia, 15, 327.

Peterson. See Merode-Pieterfex, baron of.

Petre, Robert, 75.

Petvyn, Pekfyn, Edward, 377.

Pewe, Robert, 176.

Peyton, Sir John, 83.

Pfalzbourg [Lorraine, France], 124.

Pfyffer, Fifer, Pifer, Pipher, Ludwig, colonel, Givry takes children of, 96; levies Swiss for League, 208; rules Catholic cantons, 326.

Pharond. See Farrand, William.

Phelippes, Philips, Phillyps, Thomas, 72, 198.

Phern. See Furnes.

Philip II, king of Spain, Portugal, etc., his Catholic Majesty, 154, 168, 354:
-, letters from, referred to, 117, 243, 304, 396.
-, letters to, 196, 197, 212, 346.
-, letters to, referred to, 208.
-, cedula of, referred to, 383.
-, commission of, referred to, 371.
-, warrants of, referred to, 350, 355.
-, accused of poisoning Polish king, 10.
-, Pope licences cardinal Albert to go to, 19.
-, unwell, 23.
-, Huntley and Errol hope for aid of, 56; Mendoza invites Powrie to serve, 178–9.
-, lacks troops, 84; Tirol levy for, goes slowly, 303; levies Swiss and Tirolese, 304.
-, Spain grants 8 millions to, 194; Indies fleet brings 12 millions for, 221; polls and peels Spain, 384.
-, Fuggers finance, 272; bankers break with, 338; Queen's credit as good as, 340.
-, goes to Biscay, 292.
-, Pope jealous of, 337.
-, money due to, 345, 346.
-, lost by depreciating coinage in 1583, 346.
-, reported dead, 358.
-, relations with England:
-,-, Queen more engaged than States against, 58.
-,-, Queen commissions Drake against, 63; Antonio's agreement with him, 138–40; Antonio's success unlikely, 180.
-,-, forbids mourning for Armada, 84; instructions of, to Armada, referred to, 151; Papal offers to, referred to, 326; orders prisoners' ransom, 345, 408; rewards an Armada priest, 383.
-,-, seeks Levant ships, 88; will again attack England, 97; prepares ships but lacks sailors, 151.
-,-, Portugal expedition best way to bridle, 186; fears rising and goes to Portugal, 202; fears Drake, 383; sends Toledo to Portugal, 384; expedition showed how to undo, 411.
-,-, Mitchell banished from lands of, 264.
-,-, Germans will not lend till see result of struggle, 269.
-,-, Parsons great with, 290; grows slack in paying exiles' pensions, 325; erects Valladolid seminary for exiles, 338; priests in England serve, 394.
-,-, Italians should aid Queen against, 303.
-,-, is resolute to attack again, 304; will invade Ireland, 338; prepares new attack, 354; Tuscany aids, 358; takes every third man for navy, 383.
-,-, Inquisition blames, for refusing Queen's offers, 337.
-,-, value of English ambassador to Turkey against, 348.
-,-, all praise Queen for beating, 378.
-,-, See also Elizabeth, relations with Spain; Farnese, Alexander; Portugal, expedition to; Spain, navy of.
-, relations with France and the League:
-,-, Guise promised crown to, 26; States General may be told of it, 33.
-,-, Henry III orders stay of Santa Ana, 44.
-,-, Henry III withdraws trade embargo, 44, 93, 95.
-,-, Mayenne will be ruled by, 47; Alegria's report on his attitude, 135–6; Mendoza urges his requests for money to, 196, 208, 209, 212.
-,-, League depends on, 57.
-,-, more grieved about Guise than about Armada, 66.
-,-, Retz may serve, 86.
-,-, supports League, 91, 96; orders Parma to aid League, 189; sends money by sea, 221; finances League, 341, 397.
-,-, Lorraine hostile to, 94; Alegria's report on Lorraine's attitude to, 135–6.
-,-, orders seizure of Newfoundland fleet, 151, 232; still stays it, 172; releases it, 383.
-,-, urges Pope to aid League, 201; sends Terra Nova to Pope, 202.
-,-, League offers towns to, 202; Cambrai said to yield to, 297, 327.
-,-, war there distracts, from England, 290.
-,-, Queen and Italians should aid Henry III against, 303.
-,-, may send Italian levies thither, 304.
-,-, See also Farnese, Alexander, relations with France; Mendoza, Bernardino de.
-, relations with Italian states:
-,-, sends Golden Fleece to Mantua, 15, 48, 62; Mantua sends reliquary to, 25.
-,-, Tuscany fears, 19, 20; may get Portuguese match for Pietro, 26; sends duke Golden Fleece, 302; and congratulates him on marriage, 304; duke will not send heir to, 326; but aids, against England, 358.
-,-, Savoy promised, not to restore Saluzzo, 24.
-,-, invests Parma with Ponza, 25, 63.
-,-, Lucca accepts Italian, but not Spanish, garrison from, 48.
-,-, asks Milan for grant, 49.
-,-, troops levied for, 49, 201, 209, 302, 304, 326.
-,-, Genoa dislikes being asked for ships by, 78.
-,-, sends Terra Nova to Venice, 202; welcomes new Venetian ambassador, 303; asks Venice for loan,327.
-,-, Urbino pensioned by, 302.
-, relations with Netherlands:
-,-, Frisian government under, referred to, 2, 4; States there encourage friends of, 5; States should take oath against, 141.
-,-, States glad England attacks, 8; they will never yield to, 65; English aid essential to save them from, 86, 132; Hamburg expects them to yield to, 270.
-,-, Flanders ready to rise against, 41.
-,-, Kyen said to favour, 99.
-,-, United Provinces' abjuration of, referred to, 107, 181.
-,-, orders Parma to impeach Portugal expedition, 118; and to besiege towns, 189.
-,-, Geertruidenberg submits to, 186–7.
-,-, Parma may desert, 188.
-,-, may recall Parma, 189; refuses to pay his bills, 222, 243, 275, 279; demands accounts, 292, 337.
-,-, sends money to Parma, 221, 397, 408.
-,-, bade Parma wait at Spa till decides charges against him, 337.
-,-, commissions Parma for three years more, 371; conditionally, 396.
-,-, Parma sends Richardot to, 396.
-,-, pensions vizier, who prevents attack on, 12, 132, 133; new vizier threatens, 375.
-,-, Barton urges Turks to attack, 13, 132; Sultan promises to attack, 133, 135, 350; Sultan sends fleet against, 347.
-,-, spends largely to keep peace with them, 87, 348.
-,-, vizier warns Ragusa not to help, 88, 133.
-,-, council of, 273.
-,-, court of, 172, 363, 383, 384.
-,-, ‘bastards’ of, 118, 396. See also Leyva, Antonio Luis de; Silva y Mendoza, Roderigo de.
-,-, son-in-law of. See Charles Emmanuel I.

Philip, archduke of Austria, 163.

Philip, landgrave of Hesse, the landgrave, 321:
-, letters to, referred to, 331.
-, has answered States' envoys, 1.
-, forbids levies for League, 286.
-, to meet Cliristian 1 of Saxony, 364.

Philip, duke of Holstein, 285; letter from, 320–1.

Philips, Phillyps. See Phelippes, Thomas.

Picardy, Picardie, Pykerdy [France]:
-, rises against Henry III, 44; is wholly for League, 63, 97.
-, Balagny said to make himself governor of, 117.
-, Aumâle in, 118.
-, Dieppe seizes boats going to, 221; sends men against Dieppe, 230.
-, towns in, refuse garrisons, 342; may join king, 389.
-, Spanish designs in, 376; League yields towns in, to Spain, 397.

Piedmont [Italy], duke of Savoy leaves, 124; he may go into, 234; he withdraws his forces into, 351.

Piemonte, duke of, 118.

Pieterss., Jan, first burgomaster of Flushing, 170.

Pifer, Pipher. See Pfyffer.

Pigionat, —, 70.

Pigott. See Pekott.

Pinelli, Pinello, Domenico, cardinal of S. Lorenzo, 16.

piracy, pirates, and reprisals:
-, Spanish preparations against, 36.
-, Maurice asks redress for Leynss. against, 52–3.
-, French goods seized by, to be customs-free, 89; French denied redress against, 113.
-, States wrote to Queen about, 103; Ortel asks answer, 108; his requests about 109; answers to him, 144, 145, 147.
-, United Provinces complain of English, 132, 157; books about it, 299.
-, Danes given redress against Leveson, 149, 160; Danish complaint of wrecking, 325.
-, Ortel's lists of seizures by English, 149–51, 160–2; his proposals for redress, 162–4; he again complains of, 255, 256.
-, 1585 proclamation against, referred to, 151, 162.
-, States require redress against, 217.
-, States' envoys ask redress against, 283, 328, 369; they send packet about, 343; they ask reply on it, 374; they have commission only to deal about, 369.
-, See also Sohochi.

Pirnon. See Nogaret, Jean Louis de.

Piron, colonel, 287.

Pirone. See Peronne.

Pisa [Toscana, Italy], Order of S. Stephen meets at, 19; Tuscan forces at, 63; League courier intercepted at, 326.

Pithiviers, formerly Pluviers [Loiret, France], 334.

Pius V, pope, 25, 49.

placards, placarts. See proclamations.

Plessis-les-Tours [Indre-et-Loire, France], 236.

Pluto, 87.

Pluviers. See Pithiviers.

-, M. de, 81.

Plymouth [co. Devon]:
-, letters dated at, 186, 197.
-, Leynss.' ship seized at, 53.
-, States' ships seized at, 109, 149, 150, 161.
-, Mendoza sends Andrada to, 197.

Po, river [Italy], 26.

Podolia [Ukraine, Russia], 47, 401.

Poietiers. See Poitiers.

Poieroyen, Poderoyen [Gelderland, Netherlands], enemy takes, 380, 384, 391.

Poigné, Poigny. See Angennes, Jacques d'.

Poissy, Pose, Poyssy [Seine-et-Oise, France]:
-, Navarre goes towards: chevalier d'Aumâle at, 335.
-, king takes, 351, 357.
-, king reviews Swiss at, 386.
-, religieuses of, 357.
-, bridge at, 357.

Poitiers, Poictiers [Vienne, France]:
-, rises against king, 24; League garrisons, 63.
-, Navarre near, 81.
-, revolts after king visited, 355.
-, mayor of. See Palustre, Jean.

Poitou [France], for king, 98; Navarre's forces in, 179; he gets forces from, 358.

Poland, Powlande, and the Poles:
-, Maximilian still hopes to win, 12.
-, legate arranging settlement in, 14, 63; good hope of it, 47, 48; Hapsburg affairs go ill in, 124; Zamoiski's terms to legate, 193; emperor ratifies peace, 379–80.
-, Turks prepare against, 88; will not send to Turks, 134; Sultan forbids Tartars to attack, 165.
-, Transylvanians would not offend, 133.
-, assemblies in, 134.
-, Turks prepare to invade, 346–7, 348; Turks do not want war with, 374.
-, Turkish spies in, 401.
-, Tartar invasion of, repulsed, 401.
-, chancellor of. See Zamoiski, John Sarius.
-, diet, senate, of, 12, 47.
-, king of. See Sigismund III.

Pole, Poole, Geoffrey, English exile, 367.

Poley, Sir John, 401; letter from, 338–9.

Pollyngton, Thomas, of Bristol, 172.

-, William, 172.

Pond, Pond Larch, Pond Larche. See Pont de l'Arche.

Pons [Charente Inf., France], 7.

Ponse. See Ponts de Cé.

Pont, marquis de, 182.

Pont-à-Mousson, marquis of. See Lorraine, Henri de.

Pont Audemer, Pountoudmaere [Eure, France], 409.

Pont de l'Arche, Pond, Pond Larch, Pond Larche [Eure, France], 388:
-, Rouen citizens flee to, 342.
-, for king, 351; king gets powder from, 387.
-, governor of. See Blanc, Pierre de.

Pontoise, Pontoy, Pontoyeis, Pontoyes, Pontoyse, Pontoysse, Pontoyuis, Pont Toyets, Pounthowse [Seine-et-Oise, France]:
-, letters dated at, 359, 376.
-, kings besiege, 357–8, 362; only church hinders them, 359; siege goes slowly, 375; kings batter, 379.
-, English troops at siege of, 375.
-, fall of, expected, 380; treats with king, 387.
-, Lilly's account of taking of, 385–6; taking of, referred to, 389, 393; royalist losses at, 390.
-, Welles sent one to, 388, 389.
-, Navarre opposed siege of, 389.
-, Mayenne failed to save, 394.
-, Henry III said to be slain near, 397.
-, St. Martin's abbey at, 385.
-, churches at, 375; church of Notre Dame at, 359, 385, 386, 387.
-, post house at, 359.
-, governor of. See Neufville, Charles de.

Ponts de Cé, Ponse [Maine-et-Loire, France], 227.

Ponza, island of [Pontine Isles, Italy], 25, 63.

Poole. See Pole.

poor, relief of the, French proposals about, 27, 33; Geertruidenberg forfeitures to, 208; by United Provinces, 295.

Pope, the. See Pius V; Sixtus V.

Pope, George, deputy-treasurer at Ostend, 258.

Popel, George, 379.

Poppe, Paul, of Aalborg, 325.

Porchmouthe. See Portsmouth.

Porras, Diego Peres de, 355.

Port a Portingall, 202.

Portes, M. de, 403.

Porto Rico [W. Indies], letter dated at, 350.

-, governor of. See Valdes, Diego Melendes de.

Portsmouth, Porchmouthe, Portchemouth [co. Southampton], 402.

Portugal, Portingal, Portingale, Portingall, Portinghale, and the Portuguese, Portingalls, Portugals, Portyngalles, Portyngalls:
-, nun stirs up, against Spain, 24; the nun burned, 49.
-, Pietro de Medici may marry a lady of, 26.
-, Catherine de Medici's claim to, asserted, 70.
-, Spanish preparations in, 97.
-, letters of reprisal allowed against, 162.
-, in Turkey in danger, 254.
-, famine in, 336, 363.
-, Antonio still hopes to return to, 360.
-, some of Antonio's, in France, 384.
-, Toledo sent to, 384.
-, king of. See Antonio; Philip II.
-, viceroy, governor, legate, of. See Albert, archduke of Austria.
-, expedition to, 319, 337:
-,-, States rejoice at, 8; it commits Queen to war, 58.
-,-, troops withdrawn from Netherlands for. See under army, English, in Netherlands.
-,-, Antwerp news of preparations of, 16, 20; thought to be against indies, 17; or Cadiz, 26; or Spain, 50.
-,-, Leoninus dissuaded, 38.
-,-, Lawrens prepares ships for, 44.
-,-, Spanish preparations against, 45; they expect attack on Portugal, 66; they send troops thither, 97, 152; governors appointed to prepare against, 194.
-,-, Queen commissions Drake to go to, 63; note of bands from Netherlands to go with, 71–2; not to await delayed horsebands, 103; they are to follow, 128; orders for Netherlands' bands' pay, 147; imprests for, 176.
-,-, States should stop trade to Spain during, 103, 137, 145.
-,-, troops ready to embark, 104.
-,-, Conway said to go on, 111; Raynsford would go with, 117; licence to H. Norris to go with, 119; W. Devereux goes with, 152; M. Morgan and Blunt would not go with, 166; Ste. Aldegonde should not go with, 180; Cleerhagen came too late for, 277; Meetkerke goes with, 285.
-,-, Parma to impeach, 118; he will not move till it starts, 158, 167; he is to besiege towns to divert, 189.
-,-, Ortel's memorial on, 136.
-,-, Antonio's answers to Drake and Norris' articles, 138–40.
-,-, Ross asks Gray about, 153; Mendoza sends Andrada to spy on, 197.
-,-, Flanders fears, 166.
-,-, States' ships unlikely to go, 168.
-,-, Antonio unlikely to succeed, 180; Portuguese revolt expected, 202, 282.
-,-, R. Williams' views on, 186; his defence of it, 410–1.
-,-, may use Moroccan ports, 193.
-,-, sailing, 197, 241; reported delay of, 269.
-,-, Spaniards astonished at sailing of, 222.
-,-, sailing of, stops Hanse trade to Spain, 241, 331.
-,-, ships and troops from, at la Rochelle, 247–8; troops join Navarre, 336; their poor state, 357; many return to England, 301; some still at la Rochelle, 380; 2,000 deserted at Coruña, 410.
-,-, Hamburg merchants ‘hover upon’ result of, 269; Germans will not lend till see result of, 331.
-,-, attacks Coruña, 273, 331; spoils around Coruña, 282; reports of repulse of, 336, 351; account of actions there, 353; Williams regrets delay there, 410.
-,-, off Barlengas, 282; takes Peniche and Ataguia, 336, 353; takes Cascaes, 336, 351, 353, 354, 363.
-,-, great forces sent against, 292; Spanish forces at Lisbon, 336, 353.
-,-, reported defeat of, 298; Antonio bemoans state of his affairs, 301.
-,-, importance to Italy of, 303.
-,-, relieves Dutch, 322.
-,-, prevented attack on Ireland, 338.
-,-, may divert Spanish levies from Savoy, 351.
-,-, repulsed at Lisbon, 351; accounts of actions at Lisbon, 353–4, 362–3; failed for lack of guns, 361, 384; losses there, 376.
-,-, some few Portuguese join, 353, 363; English abandoned them, 354, 361; Portuguese did not aid, 376, 378; they did more harm than good, 410.
-,-, re-embarks, 354, 361, 376, 384; sacks Vigo, 383; sickness in, 354, 383, 410.
-,-, seized Hanse and French ships, 354, 410; some escaped, 384; they brought summer corn supply, 363; cargoes to be sold to pay transport of bands to Netherlands, 377.
-,-, Antonio thanks Queen for, despite unsuccess, 360.
-,-, takes ships from Brazil, 361.
-,-, Dutch ships arrested for, 369.
-,-, bad news of, 371.
-,-, Walsingham sent Chatte account of, 378.
-,-, should have gone to Santander, 383–4.
-,-, returned, 393.
-,-, master of ordnance in, 139.
-,-, treasurer-at-wars of. See Huddleston, Richard.

Pory, Porye, laird of. See Ogilvie, Henry.

Pose. See Poissy.

Post Horse, of Amsterdam, 160.

posts, couriers, messengers, 222, 273, 347, 391, 407:
-, Henry III sent, to seize Mayenne, 17; one of Henry III's, captured, 388.
-, Swiss send, to Savoy, 124.
-, to Châteauneuf from his sister, 125.
-, from States to Ortel, 130.
-, Parma's, 263.
-, from League to pope captured, 326.
-, Willoughby and Russell sent, to Geertruidenberg, 329.
-, Queen's, to Henry III unable to reach him, 340.
-, Welles sends, to Pontoise, 388–9.
-, Blois—Rome, 19, 63.
-, Bordeaux ordinary, 81.
-, Holland—England, 10.
-, Lyons—Venice ordinary, 47, 63.
-, Spain—Brussels, 337.
-, express, special, messengers, 7, 80, 210, 235, 279, 322.
-, times of, 398.
-, See also Monier; Roy, John le; Tupper, John; Welles, John.

Pounthowse. See Pontoise.

Pountoudmaere. See Pont Audemer.

Powell, Powle, David, captain, 176; company of, at Bergen, 138; to go to Portugal, 71.

-, Thomas, 176.

Powlande. See Poland.

Powry, laird of. See Ogilvie, Henry.

Poyssy. See Poissy.

Prague [Czecho-Slovakia]:
-, letter dated at, 52.
-, news from, 14, 47, 48, 63.
-, Imperial-Polish peace ratified at, 379.
-, castle of, 52.

Pretherch, Prether, Prother, Prothera, Protherch, John, captain:
-, letter from, 257.
-, certificate about Suderman by, 301.
-, money paid to, 176.
-, company of, at Ostend, 71, 138; muster of, 339, 382.

Préost, Gabriel, colonel, sgr. do Charbonnières, Charboniere, 81.

Price, Pryce, John, captain, marshal of Brielle, money paid to, 175, 176; company of, at Brielle, 72, 138.

prices, 305:
-, trade with enemy increases, in Holland, 39.
-, of apparel for the army, 138, 311–2, 352, 353.
-, of horses, 234.
-, of arms and armour, 246, 301.
-, note of Ostend, referred to, 298.
-, glut forces down herring, 320.
-, of oats, 324.
-, of gunpowder at Rouen, 342, 387.
-, of bread at Rouen, 343; at Dieppe and Paris, 362.
-, of victuals for army too high, 352.
-, of wheat in Spain, 384.
-, of mutton at Paris, 387.

priests. See clergy.

prisoners of war, 190, 299, 309:
-, at Ostend, 14, 41, 185, 227–8; captains would keep their, 229; two, from Ostend, 278.
-, Baskerville's lieutenant, 52.
-, allowances to captains for, 61; captains enrich themselves by, 82; orders on their pay, 377, 399.
-, taken at St. Paul's defeat, 90.
-, from Armada poor and ill, 115; Council's orders on, referred to, 157; plan to exchange Teligny for, 199.
-, taken at Bergen, 125, 278, 319, 320, 332–3.
-, States' resolution on, 142.
-, Leaguer, at Rennes, 182; taken by Montpensier, 227; at Dieppe, 360.
-, French royalist, at Rouen, 203, 228, 361.
-, Holland sailor at Nieuport, 258, 260.
-, English, at Gravelines, 278.
-, English, in Portugal, 354, 361.
-, Truchsess seeks, 374.
-, at Heusden, 401.

-, ransoms of, 187:
-, allowances to captains for, 61, 175, 176, 324, 377, 399.
-, of Armada prisoners: negotiations about, 69; delay about, 217; Çayas urges haste, 345; Tomson hopes soon to get, 408.
-, Montescot's, 84.
-, Antonio's provisions about, 139–40.
-, of Geertruidenberg prisoners, 187.
-, of Welles, 352, 389, 406.

-, See also Achez, Jerome d'; Angennes, Jacques and Philippe d'; Bourbon, Charles de, count of Soissons; Brackenbury; Çayas, Alonso de; de la Noue, Odet; Dixon; Godoya, Luis de; Jones, Roger; Mendoza, Juan de; Montescot; Ortez, Geronimo; Valdes, Pedro de; Wingfield, Sir John.

Priuli, Lorenzo, bishop of Vicenza, a Venetian, papal nuncio to Florence, 201.

prizes, 87:
-, States ships trading to Spain will be lawful, 38; States treated English ships as, 67.
-, Antonio's provisions about, 140.
-, Ortel's proposals about, 162–3.
-, prize crew, 52.
-, prize money, 140.

Proby, de Probie, Peter, letters carried by, 21; letters from, 34–6, 45; letters to, 297, 312; cousin of. See Humbarston, William.

proclamations, edicts, ordinances, placards, placarts:
-, of emperor against Merchants Adventurers, 51–2; referred to, 197, 241, 331.
-, of C. of S. about Crooke, 309.
-, of States General on musters, 129; about Geertruidenberg, 205–8.

-, referred to, 343:
-, by Elizabeth, 163; on Leicester's return to Netherlands, 146; about reprisals, 151, 162; project for, 352.
-, by Henry III against League, 71, 78, 90, 92, 96; re-enacting edict of January [1561], 227, 228.
-, on accord of Emden counts, 234.
-, by Leicester on musters, 31.
-, by Mayenne and League, 33, 48, 81, 227, 231.
-, by Philip II, 84, 318.
-, by Sixtus V, 25.
-, by viceroy of Naples, 88.
-, of States General on musters, 167, 250; on money values, 237; against Geertruidenberg. See under Geertruidenberg.

procuration, letters of, 345; referred to, 127.

Projham, —, 282.

Protestants and Protestant religion, Huguenots, etc., 154, 212, 217, 406:
-, Scottish confession, referred to, 56.
-, Anglo-Dutch treaty safeguards, 68; Elizabeth the nurse of, 177; Philip II will not tolerate, 304.
-, in Flanders, 91, 117–8, 370.
-, at Antwerp, 102, 272, 284, 397.
-, suppressed in most of Friesland, 184.
-, Parma to occupy Liège and imperial towns of, 188, 189.
-, secret church at Cologne, 218.
-, good prospects of, in Brunswick, 285; Otto Heinrich forsakes, 286.
-, Utrecht ministers of, 315.
-, De venter left s' Hertogenbosch for, 316.
-, value of Genevan example to, 364.
-, English, 367.
-, enemies of, plot against Queen, 408.
-, Anabaptists, 344.
-, Huguenots:
-,-, Rochelle assembly of, 7.
-,-, Guise's intrigues strengthened, 7.
-,-, bishop of Bourges' speech on, 27.
-,-, Havre expelled, 44; one there, 403.
-,-, Rouen disarmed, 44; and imprisons, 86; one burned there, 342.
-,-, massacres of, 48; burn Catholics, 136.
-,-, of Dauphiné, 48, 50; make truce with royalists, 71, 84, 124, 179, 233.
-,-, fortify their houses, 63.
-,-, Lyons expels, 63.
-,-, Queen advises Henry III to seek aid of, 91; persuaded him to kill Guises, 105; Pope urges him to attack, 124; his favour to, 179, 180, 196; he grants edict of January to, 227–8.
-,-, Pastrana welcomed, 222.
-,-, Queen should send back refugees, 231; Chatte asks it, 291.
-,-, good chance for, in France, 292; Henry III's excommunication benefits, 332.
-,-, League defeats Breton, 299.
-,-, Papal policy may bring, over Alps, 302.
-,-, Gourdain regrets Henry IV is, 397.
-, Lutherans, 201:
-,-, petition of Utrecht, 148–9; referred to, 140; refused, 156. at Emden, 234.
-,-, sectaries, 344.

Proteus, 12.

Prother, Prothera, Protherch. See Prether.

Prounincq, Pruyninck, Gerard de, Gerrit van, called de Deventer, M., late burgomaster of Utrecht:
-, letters from, 86, 130, 275, 314.
-, letters from, referred to, 19, 80, 137, 276, 315.
-, letters to, referred to, 317.
-, Mörs promises justice to, 12; he will suspend case against, 40.
-, Utrecht magistrates' reply about, 13.
-, Bodley wrote for, 31; he can do little for, 79; Bodley blames, 80.
-, ‘consultation’ about, 66.
-, appeals to Walsingham, 86–7, 275; trusts only in Queen, 130; desires audience, 276; asks Queen's aid, 315.
-, memorial for Allen about, 102–3; Allen's declaration to Utrecht States about, 112; letter from Queen might release, 116; Allen's dealings at Utrecht for, 137.
-, nearly slain in prison, 119; wounded by gaoler, 156.
-, Caron could do little for, 275; Caron given promise of release of, 314.
-, articles about, referred to, 276; sends them to Walsingham, 314–5; the articles with his answers, 315–9.
-, at Culemborg, 380.
-, Utrecht court's sentence on, 381.
-, wife and 9 children of, 315.
-, house of, at Utrecht, 316, 318.
-, pamphlets, etc., by, referred to, 317, 318.

Provençale, captain, 90.

Provence [France], 233, 292.

Prussia, duchy of, 57.

Pruyninck. See Prounincq.

Pryce. See Price.

Pujoles, Pujols, de. See du Faur, A.

Puleston, John, deputy-treasurer at Utrecht, 258.

Pygott. See Pekott.

Pykerdy. See Picardy.