Index: I

Pages 486-487

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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Ibrahim, Ebrahim, Pasha, Bassa, late admiral of Turkey, 13, 254, 375.

ice-spurs, 10.

Igueldo, Guido, Pedro de, purser of Sta. Ana, 197.

Ijlst, Drylst [Friesland, Netherlands], 6.

India and East Indies, Portuguese, 140; fears for ships from, 354.

Indies, Spanish, 340, 355:
-, Antonio may attack, 17.
-, fleet sailing for, 63; it dare not sail, 66; it sails, 97, 221.
-, escort preparing for fleet from, 151, 354, 383; its loss would ruin Spain, 152, 221; it brings king twelve millions, 221
-, council of, 346. See also Valtadano, Benito Rodriguez. See also Santo Domingo.

Ingrame, Anthony, Hart's servant, 297.
-, inns: Golden Fleece, London, 38; tippling houses, 343.
-, Inquisition, the Roman, 124, 302; the Spanish, 49, 337.
-, interest, rates of, 127, 128; usury, 220.

Iper. See Ypres.

Ireland and Irish, 371:
-, Armada survivors in, 10, 152.
-, musters procedure in, 123.
-, Mushac Reyz in, 125.
-, trade to Spain from, 152, 383; will not carry Palmer's letters, 384. See also James, Sir; Strong, Piers,
-, deserters from Stanley, 185, 301.
-, Hanse ships go to Spain around, 202.
-, Valladolid seminary for, 290.
-, Allen plans to attack, 338.
-, priest in Armada, 383.

Isbrandia, Isbrands, Ekoe, 4, 108.

Islands, the, 354.

Isle Adam, l' [Seine-et-Oise, France], 375, 390.

Istowhowe. See Itzehoe.

Italians, 357:
-, Savoy sends, to Chambéry, 16.
-, in Parma's army: Bergen routs cornet of, 20; near Bergen, 108 Schenk takes colours of, 116 regiment of, sent to Savoy, 117; Mansfelt takes, towards Luxembourg, 188; quarrel with Spaniards, 275, 284; fail to seize Metz, 311, 324; new regiments replace old, 339; take field, 396, 407.
-, Lucca will admit garrison of, 48.
-, merchants paid for Geertruidenberg, 222.
-, merchants' factors at Hamburg, 241–2.
-, Spanish levies of, 302–3, 304, 350.

Italy, 244:
-, Aldobrandini returning to, 14.
-, the baths in, 73, 85.
-, de la Torre went to, 104.
-, Lobetius sends news from, 124.
-, Spain offers Pope gains in, 201.
-, Hamburg trade with, 241.
-, radish seeds from, 271.
-, Savoy “the doorkeepers” of, 302.
-, Spanish levies in, 302–3, 304, 350.
-, Turkish galleys alarm, 303.
-, League gets troops from, 328.
-, preparations in, to attack England, 354.
-, Lilly sends news from, 376.
-, Aumont's sons captured on return from, 386. See also Ferrara; Florence; Genoa; Milan; Naples; Papal States; Savoy; Venice.

-, princes of:
-, Mayenne awaits decision of, 47; he sends to, 62.
-, Henry III sends Retz to, 73, 86; he should seek aid of, 91.
-, jealousies of, 201.
-, should aid Henry III, 303. See also Charles Emmanuel I; Este, Alfonso II d'; Farnese, Alexander; Gonzaga, Vincenzo I; Medici, Ferdinand I de; Sixtus V.

Itzehoe, Istowhowe [Holstein, Germany], 240.

Ivan TV Vasilewich, the Terrible, tsar of Russia, 246.