Index: E

Pages 454-463

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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Eagle, of Rotterdam, 356.

Earithe. See Erith.

Eastland and Easterlings, 114:
-, Spain buys corn from, 224; Dutch take corn to Spain from, 296; van den Bergh seeks ships and corn from, 331.
-, States get powder from, 295.
-, trade of, to Lisbon damaged by English, 363; English seized ships of, 384, 410.

-, company, company trading the Sound, deputy of, at Elbing. See Barker, William.

Eaton, Thomas, customer of Southampton, 162.

Ebrahim. See Ibrahim.

Écluse, Eclusa, Pas de l'Escluse [Ain, France], 270, 379.

Écouis, Equytt [Eure, France], 86.

Edinburgh [Scotland], letters dated at, 56.

edicts. See proclamations.

Edmond, captain, 384.

Edmondes, Edmunds, Thomas, 35, 198.

Edward IV, king of England, 186.

Edwardes, John, of Salisbury's and Scott's companies, 407.

Edzard II, count of Emden, 234.

Eggalstain [Gelderland, Netherlands], 286.

Egmont, Egmond, Anna van, countess of Buren, daughter of Maximilian, 1st wife of William of Orange. 2.

-, Jacob van, heer van Kennenburg, Kennenburch, member of C. of S., 392:
-, letters signed by, 43, 46, 283, 333, 343, 344, 374, 395; referred to, 338.
-, letters to, referred to, 283, 333, 344.
-, sent to Queen, 257; Bodley warns Burgh ley against, 264.
-, expected at Flushing, 275.
-, mission to England. See under Elizabeth, relations with United Provinces.

-, Maximilian van, count, earl, of Buren, Bueren, governor of Friesland, 2.

-, —, daughter of, dead, 371.

Egypt, 134; new religion disturbs, 24, 62.

Eindhoven, Endoven [N. Brabant, Netherlands], 407.

Eistenberger, A., 52.

Elbe, Elve, river, 241; English warships in, 52; English sell guns in, 242; Dutch blockade Dunkirkers in, 331.

Elbing, Elbinge [E. Prussia, Germany], deputy of Eastland company at. See Barker, William.

Elboeuf. See Lorraine, Charles de.

Eliff, —, gunmaker, 240.

Elizabeth, queen of England, her Majesty, her Highness, 129:
-, letters from, 18, 21, 22, 71, 92, 96, 127, 128, 130, 172, 199, 212, 213, 214, 235, 277, 333, 340.
-, letters from, referred to, 4, 5, 18, 29, 31, 34, 38, 40, 53, 54, 55, 64, 80, 87, 93, 95, 98, 99, 103, 106, 116, 121, 131, 133, 137, 189, 216, 246, 251, 252, 255, 265, 270, 273, 289, 293, 298, 319, 320, 331, 352, 355, 372, 373.
-, letters to, 8, 18, 33, 40, 43, 45, 52, 57, 106, 110, 117, 118, 128, 135, 153, 159, 171, 177, 198, 218, 246, 257, 262, 264, 275, 313, 320, 325, 329, 355, 360, 364,390, 392, 394, 404.
-, letters to, referred to, 43, 71, 103, 108, 116, 128, 136, 160, 210, 278, 315, 330, 350.
-, letters patent of, referred to, 113, 257, 411.
-, warrants of, referred to, 248, 393.
-, fears of plots against, 10; reports of plots against, 117–8, 406; Holt urges Mitchell to kill, 263, 282, 408; Mitchell railed at, 312: Griffith offers to spy on plotters, 290; and denies plotting against, 302; Henry III's death justifies, 394; reported assassination of, 397, 409.
-, at St. Paul's thanksgiving for Armada's defeat, 20.
-, Visher offers to find mines for, 153–4.
-, letter altered by, 213, 235.
-, grants by, referred to, 224.
-, credit of, good, 232, 340; reputation of, for inexhaustible resources, 341.
-, Venetians reverence, 303.
-, promised to commend J. Burgh's suit to Burgh ley, 330.
-, copy of holograph letter of, 340–1.
-, excommunication of, referred to, 343, 351.
-, Germans escape from Turkey as subjects of, 348.
-, Casimir will not write lengthily to, 364.
-, supremacy of, over church, 365, 366; persecutes Catholics, 368.
-, Burghley commends Bodley to, 404.
-, Williams in disgrace with, 411.
-, court of:
-,-, letters dated at, 72, 148, 236, 246, 293, 385.
-,-, penitent exiles should be kept from, 10.
-,-, Frisians at, 107.
-,-, traitor at, 118.
-,-, at Whitehall, 172.
-,-, Stafford going to, 209.
-,-, Burghley leaves, 267.
-,-, soldiers demand pay at, 275.
-,-, Buzanval going to, 297.
-,-, Mörs buys letter at, 315.
-,-, Walsingham back at, 322.
-,-, States' envoys coming to, 344.
-,-, Buhy goes to, 393.
-, relations with Denmark, 59:
-,-, sent Rogers, 4.
-,-, gave redress for spoiled ship, 149.
-,-, complaints to, of piracy, 325.
-,-, licence to export cloth sought from, 392.
-, relations with France, 59:
-,-, Gourdain thanks Walsingham, 21; Proby kept back letter, 35.
-,-, sent king intercepted letters, 26.
-,-, Châteauneuf urges Vega's suit, 33; also Masselin's, 89; he complains of Admiralty, 113.
-,-, king reopens trade to Spain, etc., 44; his reasons, 93; his letter informing Queen, 95.
-,-, gives Châteauneuf congé, 55; Wootton to go with him, 97; stays Chateauneuf, 97–8; he sends Walsingham news, 126; Stafford urges staying of him, 177.
-,-, Henry III will appeal to: Pujols' advice, 57; Henry III needs aid of, 86.
-,-, Lilly seeks audience for Stafford, 69, 70, 74, 81. is pleased with Stafford, 72.
-,-, Stafford sends Henry III's reply on arrested ships, etc., 80; reasons for its delay, 81; the reply, 95; Stafford's criticism of the request to Henry III, 93.
-,-, Navarre sends Bongars to, 89.
-,-, instructions for Wootton, 91–2 credentials, 92; to go with Châteauneuf, 97.
-,-, Dieppe asks for munitions, 103; Chatte thanks Walsingham, 151; who should write to him, 153.
-,-, offers aid to Calais, 123; Gourdain thanks Walsingham, 198.
-,-, Dieppe wants armour from England, 165; also munitions, 203, 221, 231; it needs aid as siege likely, 228; refugees should be sent back to, 231; Chatte asks it, 291.
-,-, Stafford returning with Henry III's answer, 177; Henry III will allow stay of ships, 178; Stafford arrives, 209.
-,-, Henry III treats with, 179.
-,-, Boulogne hopes for aid of, 211; and sends for iron, 212.
-,-, Navarre's credentials for Lysle, 246.
-,-, du Pin's letter on Portugal expedition deserters at Rochelle, 247–8; they join Navarre, 336.
-,-, requests about troops for Boulogne 260; Buzanval's letter on it, 262; he denies embezzling grant for them, 275; difficulties about their pay, 297.
-,-, Montpensier asks, for powder, 263.
-,-, Buzanval urges, to aid kings, 292; Wroth suggests writing to Venice to aid, 303.
-,-, Buhy's mission to: at Dover, 297; estimates of cost of German levy, 321; Buhy refuses credit, 330; Queen's letter to Henry III on this, 340–1;
-,-, Buzanval urges Buhy's requests, 341; Pallavicino's opinion, 349, 362; Buhy asks for cash, 360; Buhy at court, 393.
-,-, Bernet asks, to deliver Hautefort's boat to him, 303; Villars asks its restitution, 329; Hautefort's petition, 363; Aldred's mission about it, 402–3.
-,-, Portugal expedition seizes French ships, 354, 384, 410.
-,-, Stafford should return, 358–9.
-,-, Boulogne seeks supplies from, 359, 373.
-,-, Henry III wants perpetual league with, 376.
-,-, Lilly informs, of assassination of Henry III, 394.
-,-, Buzanval urges, to aid Henry IV, 404–5.
-,-, Mills sent to Calais, 407.
-, relations with Germany:
-,-, asks Maurice to stay Hamburg ships, 18.
-,-, Saxon Elector commends Hohen-lohe to, 45; so does Brandenburg, 171.
-,-, Imperial rescript against Merchants Adventurers, 51–2; Milward thinks it harmless, 197; Stade asks its suspension, 241; it is suspended, 331.
-,-, reply to, on ship seized at Konigsberg, 57.
-,-, Gilpin thinks, might get loan in Germany, 80; Milward sent to borrow 100,000l., 127; his instructions, 127–8. See also Milward, William.
-,-, Hamburg asks Adventurers' return, 106; evils of Hamburg's free trade with England, 198, 280; Hamburg hostile to, 232; Adventurers should stay at Stade, 241–2; Spaniards urge Hamburg, etc., not to trade with, 331.
-,-, Lobetius would be agent for, 124.
-,-, Walsingham's notes on Germany, 189.
-,-, agreement on Spanish trade necessary, 192; could ruin Spain by stopping the trade, 224; should stop it, 232.
-,-, Casimir commends Bassen to, 218.
-,-, Augsburg sends Sulzer's petition to, 218.
-,-, Milward stops export of guns to Hamburg, etc., 240–1.
-,-, Portugal expedition checks Spanish trade, 241, 269; Hamburg forbids it, 331; Portugal expedition seized ships, 354, 363, 410; goods to be sold, 377; some ships escaped, 384.
-,-, estimates for German levy for Henry III, 321; Buhy refuses credit for it, 330, 360; is sending envoy, 340–1; Buzanval's views, 341; Pallavicino's views, 349, 362; Casimir urges grant, 364; Averly urges it, 395; Buzanval again urges it, 404.
-,-, Casimir sends Bellamy's confessions to, 364–8.
-, relations with Morocco:
-,-, replies to emperor, 96, 130–1.
-,-, Moroccan envoy's requests, 125; reply, 193.
-, relations with Russia
-,-, Tsar's reply about trade, 246–7.
-, relations with Scotland, 59:
-,-, Huntly cannot resist James and, 56.
-,-, Ortel asks, to write for States, 103.
-,-, Papists there menace, 210.
-,-, king would not extradite Bellamy, 366.
-, relations with Spain, 154:
-,-, means to invade Spain, 8. See also Portugal, expedition to.
-,-, means to stop trade to Spain, 8, 152; ships off Cape St. Vincent blockade Spain, 66; should stop trade in naval stores, 172; could defeat Spain by stopping corn trade, 224.
-,-, asked Maurice to stay Hamburg ships, 18; should stop Hamburg—Spain trade, 232; Hanse will not now trade to Spain, 331.
-,-, Bodley asks States to join, in stopping Spanish trade, 38; their reply, 43; his answer, 67; their reply, 76; his further answer, 122.
-,-, Flemings would welcome forces of, 41.
-,-, Bourbourg peace treaty, referred to, 41, 133, 134, 145; de Loo asks reward, 43; Inquisition blames king for rejecting offers of, 337.
-,-, Parma to attack when Portugal expedition gone, 45, 118, 189.
-,-, States think, more engaged against Spain than they are, 58.
-,-, allows Valdes to write about ransom, 69; ordered Armada prisoners' removal, 115; orders on their ransoms, referred to, 157; Tomson's negotiations, 217; Parma sending about ransoms, 345; money ready, 408.
-,-, stayed French ships going to Spain, 80; must stop trade, 177–8.
-,-, answers to Ortel on stopping Spanish trade, 103, 137, 145; Ortel's requests about it, 108–9, 162–4, 256; his protest at seizures, 150; memorial on it, 192; Flushing petition about seizures, 198.
-,-, Antonio thanks, 138, 360.
-,-, could ruin Spain by taking Indies fleet, 152, 221.
-,-, Portugal expedition best way to bridle Spain, 186, 202; it prevented attack on Ireland, 338; it spoiled Spanish preparations, 410.
-,-, Bruter offers to spy for, 194.
-,-, attack astonishes Spaniards, 222; Germans will not lend till see result, 269.
-,-, importance of Holland to, 270.
-,-, questions to Egmont. etc., on Spanish trade, 296; suggested articles, 308; agreement necessary, 310.
-,-, Venice, etc., should aid, 303.
-,-, Standen sends suggested peace terms, 304.
-,-, should not treat without States, 305.
-, relations with Turkey:
-,-, Barton urges Turks to attack Spain, 13, 87, 88, 132; he sends Sultan's reply, 133–4, 350; the reply, 135.
-,-, Barton gets Turks to warn Ragusa not to aid Spain, 88, 133.
-,-, value of embassy and trade during Spanish war, 113, 348.
-,-, new vizier promises to send fleet against Spain, 347, 375.
-,-, released some Turks, 348.
-, relations with United. Provinces:
-,-, Frisian relations with [1585–8], 3–5; malcontents' requests to, 5–6, 131–2; States' defence, 106–8; referred to, 128, 141; Aysma's defence, 182–5; Perceval's requests to, 189–90; Kammingha hostile to, 344; should send forces, 345.
-,-, States' reply to, on Spanish trade, 8.
-,-, Willoughby sends over Wilsford, 8.
-,-, Digges' difficulties with States over army accounts, 8–9, 59–62; they may rob, of 20,000l., 32; Digges asks instructions, 60; points he wants decided, 61–2; his account of difficulties over checks, 249–51.
-,-, Bodley presented to States, etc., 10–1; his admission delayed by dispute over oath, 23, 31, 32; admitted, 34; his oath, 40.
-,-, States lothe to admit Gilpin, 11.
-,-, Bodley compliments Maurice for, 11; Maurice promises, to stay Hamburg ships, 18.
-,-, Bodley sends, resolution on Deventer, etc., 11; Utrecht reply to, 12, 13; reply, referred to, 31; Bodley wrote for Deventer, 31; Mors' reply to, 40.
-,-, Ortel urges petition of cautionary town creditors, 18.
-,-, sends Caron to States, 18; to urge Sonoy's cause, 214, 216; Sonoy's memorial, 214–5.
-,-, instructions to Willoughby on Geertruidenberg, 21.
-,-, grants Willoughby leave, 21, 22.
-,-, requires States to replace Ostend withdrawals for Portugal, 22; Willoughby presents requests on Portugal forces, 29; States' replies, 30, 31; reply referred to, 36–7, 50; Ortel to inform, of reply, 33–4.
-,-, Bodley would use Portugal withdrawals to make new treaty, 23; Willoughby also, 58–9.
-,-, Bodley has not discussed replacing troops by subsidy, 23; Ortel ready to discuss reducing charges, 103.
-,-, Bannister seeks grant from, 23.
-,-, writes to Schenk, 34; Bodley forwards letter, 80; Mascal brings reply and captured colours, 116.
-,-, Bodley alters instructions, 34, 79.
-,-, Bodley to urge Saravia's cause, 34; can do little, 79.
-,-, did not inform Willoughby of Norris' agreement, 37.
-,-, sent Carlisle to Ostend, 37, 45; Conway's report on town, 40–1; estimates of its needs, 44–5.
-,-, Willoughby urges, to attack Flanders, 37; Conway urges it, 41; Borchgrave urges, to attack Dunkirk, 104; letters from a congregation to, 117–9.
-,-, Willoughby's memorial for Killigrew, 37–8.
-,-, Bodley's proposals to States, 38, 39; referred to, 18, 79; States' answers, 42–3; referred to, 51, 79, 116; Bodley's replies, 66–7, 67–9; referred to, 79, 115; States' answers, 75–6, 76–7; referred to, 115, 116, 117; Bodley's replies, 121–2, 122–3.
-,-, States protest at orders for Portugal withdrawals, 40, 50; States' letter to, 45–6.
-,-, Willoughby asks, for instructions, 40, 57.
-,-, letters commending Hohenlohe to, 45, 171.
-,-, Bodley criticises policy of, 46.
-,-, spent much on levy of horse, 50, 54, 59.
-,-, Maurice writes for Leynsz. to, 52–3; Provinces troubled by arrests of ships, 65, 157; Ortel's complaints and requests, 103, 149–51, 160–4, 255, 256; Flushing complains, 198; States complain, 216–7.
-,-, Willoughby's memorial on Portugal voyage, 53–5.
-,-, States' protest at despatch of Portugal forces, 57–8; protest, referred to, 58, 59, 64; they meant all to go from cautionary towns, 60–1, 65; Willoughby's reply, 64.
-,-, consultation about Deventer, 66; Bodley can do little for him, 79–80; Deventer appeals to, 86–7; Willoughby's instructions to Allen, 102–3; Allen's declaration to Utrecht, 112; Allen at Utrecht, 114, 115; returns to England, 116, 130; his proceedings, 137.
-,-, instructions to Willoughby on Portugal forces, 71; list of them, 71–2; he informs States, 98; he protests at the list, 99–100; he despatches troops 101–2.
-,-, Oldenbarnevelt hostile to, 79, 116, 117, 404; he suggests redress of all matters, 218; his violent speeches against, 311, 380.
-,-, C. of S. urges reduction of cautionary garrisons, 79.
-,-, Bodley would be told of any proposals by Ortel, 80.
-,-, Flushing captains defraud, 82; they petition, against new way of payment, 190–1.
-,-, Ostend petitions to, 91, 99.
-,-, Ortel asks, about Portugal forces, 103, 130.
-,-, Ortel asks, to aid States with Scots, 103.
-,-, orders cautionary towns to reinforce Bergen, 106; Morgan's reasons for delaying Portugal forces, 166–7.
-,-, stays guns for Zeeland, 106.
-,-, Ortel's requests, 108–9, 136; answers to him, 137–8, 143–7.
-,-, States ask, to reinforce troops, 110.
-,-, Willoughby's parting declaration to States, 110–1, 111–2; States send no letters by him, 116.
-,-, Janson asks payment by, 115.
-,-, contract with merchants to pay troops, referred to, 117.
-,-, licences H. Norris to go to Portugal, 119.
-,-, J. Bacq asks to be in pay of, 119; Fremin discharged for affection to, 132; Junius appeals to, 177; Houfflin asks, for pension, 180–1; Cleerhagen appeals to, 277.
-,-, Bodley's declaration to States on C. of S. instructions, 119–21: referred to, 115–6.
-,-, orders Willoughby to hasten Portugal horsebands, 128; orders on discharged bands, 159.
-,-, Geertruidenberg will obey only, 142, 154, 156; Willoughby protests to Maurice at siege, 154; Bodley offered aid to States, 155; Gilpin's advice, 157; Bodley's advice, 167.
-,-, orders on pay of Portugal forces, 147–8.
-,-, States mistrust, 155; they grow more perverse, 158; should be as jealous of States as of Parma, 166; many cry out against, 195, 200.
-,-, Flushing loyal to, 158, 314; its requests to, 169–71; Ortel urges reply, 210; it would buy English guns, 253; articles prayed for by Flushing, 257.
-, Maurice's letters to, on Geertruidenberg, 159, 160; projected reply, 168–9; replies, 172–4.
-, should resolve about Geertruidenberg, 164, 166; Bodley asks, for instructions, 195.
-, Bodley protested at Geertruidenberg siege, 167; C. of S. asked his aid, 194; he wrote to Wingfield, 195.
-, States' ships probably not going to Portugal, 168.
-, still mistrusts Ste. Aldegonde, 180.
-, orders levy of 1,500 for Ostend, 187; note of provisions, 192–3; letter to States on it [not sent], 199; captains kept in attendance, 293.
-, note of matters to be treated with States, 191–2; note of Low Country matters, 204–5; matters to confer on, 229–30; States' breaches of treaty, 237–8; reforms needed in treaty, 238–9.
-, States' great need of aid of, 195; Gilpin's advice, 200; Buzanval's advice, 210. States' placart against Geertruidenberg, 205–8; States send it to, 216–7; Willoughby protests, 252; its evil effects, 270, 272.
-, Ortel urges, to send special envoy to States, 210.
-, instructions to Bodley on Geertruidenberg, 212–3; letters to garrison, 213–4; the letters referred to, 251; letters to Dordrecht, etc., 235; not delivered, 270.
-, States' requests to, 217.
-, Willoughby's suggestions on army pay, etc., 220.
-, States' designs on cautionary towns, 222; they are now less careful of, 222–3; should send Sidney to Flushing, 225; should not weaken its garrison, 275.
-, appointed Morgan lieut.-colonel,224.
-, Walsingham urges return of Bergen captains, 225; sent back, 252.
-, Caron goes to Utrecht and Friesland, 225; States' promises not performed, 344; he returns, 350.
-, commends Conway but refuses him leave, 226; may abandon Ostend, 227; warns Conway about Northkern, 235–6; promises supplies, 236; should abandon it, 243; Conway asks for men, etc., 245–6.
-, Bodley to inform States that [Buckhurst] coming, 235; he informs them, 265; mission cancelled, 251; Gilpin expected good results from it, 270, 322; Deventer's hopes of it, 275; Buckhurst eagerly awaited, 280, 289; mission, referred to, 252, 344.
-, Borlas sends last musters to, 242.
-, will abandon Ostend if Conway thinks it untenable, 248; Conway's opinion, 259, 260–1,261; Ostend petition to, 265–6; Conway urges keeping town, 266–7; Carlisle urges it, 267–8; his reasons, 268–9; estimate for repairs there, 292.
-, instructions to Bodley on Ostend, 251; he informs States, 273–4; their reply, 278; they send commissaries thither, 283–4; they send to, 322; their grant delayed, 323; they ask Flushing to reinforce it, 327.
-, Bodley to get Wingfields freed, 251; he gets P. Wingfield freed, 311.
-, States sending envoys to, 251; credence for Egmont, Loosen, Valcke, 257, 264; Bodley's opinion of them, 264; bankrupt Moucheron sent with them, 299. articles presented by Ortel, 254–6.
-, Zeeland writes about Bergen troubles to, 262; instructions to Bodley, 277; Ortel's request, 278; Bodley there, 280; Morgan thanks, 289, 298; bade Morgan write to Willoughby, 289; Bodley's account of the affair, 290; Willoughby complains, 319–20.
-, Egmont, etc., go to, 275, 280, 291; to ask return of Portugal forces, 278; to deal about Willoughby's grievances, 288.
-, Deventer appeals to, 275–6; sends his replies to charges, 314–5; the replies, 315–9; Deventer released, 380.
-, Conway urges decision on Ostend, 276; he asks for men, 283; it should be reinforced as attack likely, 284, 287; Conway's estimate for repairs, 297; he asks for supplies, 297–8
-, States ask for English forces for Schenk, 279; Veiv takes them, 280, 287, 289.
-, Digges urges agreement with States on musters orders, 281–2.
-, Egmont, etc., have audience with, 283; their requests, 283.
-, should fill up Flushing bands, 284, 314; verbally gave Borlas command there, 337.
-, note of grievances against States, 284–5; notes for amending treaty, 304–8; notes of things required, 310; notes of matters to be treated, 325; Bodley's opinion on them, 380.
-, Buckhurst's questions to Egmont, etc., 287; their replies to questions, 294–6.
-, States threaten Vasseur, 287; they arrest him, 299; quarrel with Flushing garrison over it, 300, 313–4, 322, 337; Bodley's opinion, 310–1; C. of S. letter on it, 312–3; Zeeland's letter, 313; States to try him, 327, 336; C. of S. act on him, 338; Charles sent to Holland on it, 370; States writing to, 380.
-, Willoughby asks for discharge, 288.
-, Bodley to present Willoughby's grievances, 288; Bodley sends States' reply, 310; his answer, 329–30.
-, should hold cautionary towns securely, 291; note of Brielle's needs, 291–2.
-, sends 500 to Ostend, 293; review of them, 298; note of cost, 301; Walsingham on value of Ostend, 300.
-, gibing books against, 299.
-, Egmont, etc., complain of army's weakness, 309–10, 398; they ask Portugal forces' return, 310; they are to ask again, 390; they write to Burghley about musters, 395.
-, Gilpin expects little from Egmont's mission, 322–3.
-, Bodley to get Egmont, etc., fuller powers, 328–9, 333; his request to States, 369; their reply, 369–70; his answer, 372; States' reply, 372–3; Bodley to hasten powers, 404.
-, Bodley to deal for dismissed captains, 329.
-, Egmont, etc., write on Willoughby's grievances, 333, 344; his Apology prevented settlement, 404.
-, instructions for R. Sidney, 343–4; he goes as governor of Flushing, 371.
-, Egmont, etc., ask redress for seized ships, 343, 369, 374.
-, project for declaration disavowing States' opponents, 352.
-, Zeeland asks licence to buy guns, 356; Flushing also, 368.
-, Ortel asks redress for Johnson, 356.
-, note of Ostend petitions to, 370; magistrates urge them, 372, 397.
-, orders on musters, etc., and return of Portugal forces, 376–8, 398–400; Burghley's notes, 382.
-, States ask for English troops for Heusden, etc., 385, 390–1, 397, 400, 406; C. of S. write for them to, 390; Borlas refuses, 393.
-, Morgan asks for men to fill bands, 396, 407.
-, Vere wishes, would send more forces, 400.
-, printer to. See Barker, Christopher.

Elizabeth, princess of Denmark, eldest daughter of Frederick II, to marry Heinrich Julius of Brunswick, 270, 285.

Elve. See Elbe.

embalming, 375.

Emden, Embden [E. Friesland, Germany], 198:
-, Baudimont lived at, 107.
-, Hohenlohe at, 141.
-, news from, 234.
-, counts' quarrel settled: religious disputes at, 234.
-, Walsingham buys horses at, 234, 332.
-, count of. See Edzard II; Enno.
-, senate of, 234.

Emmerich [Rhenish Prussia, Germany], 254. Emmetille, Emitelle, fort [Groningen, Netherlands], 344, 392.

Emmvalle, fort [Groningen, Netherlands], 344.

emperor, Holy Roman. See Charles V; Rudolf II.

-, of Morocco. See Mulay Ahmed.

-, of Russia. See Feodor

Emperor, Henry le, 35.

Empire, Holy Roman, Romish:
-, Friesland was in, 2.
-, Merchants Adventurers harm, 51–2; Queen should write about trade, 241.
-, Augsburg confession brought peace to, 148.
-, diet, general states, of, 241, 331.
-, electors of, 241, 331. See also Bavaria, Ernest of; Christian 1 of Saxony; Frederick III; John George; Truchsess, Gebhard.
-, imperial chamber of, 20.
-, troops of, 87.
-, vice-chancellor of. See Kurz, Dr. Jacob.
-, See also Germans; Germany; Rudolf II.

Ems, river [Germany], 344.

Enchusen. See Enkhuisen.

Endoven. See Eindhoven.

Eneas. See Aeneas.

Engelstedt, Engelsted, Engelstede, Lucas, late receiver-general of Friesland, 4–5.

England and the English, 4, 54, 64, 117, 125, 186, 231, 254, 269, 316, 338, 356, 393, 407:
-, Engelstedt went to, 5; Frisian exiles in, 107; Frisian States hostile to, 184; Frisians were Christianised by, 185; Kammingha's visit to, referred to, 344.
-, Nassau princes prefer France to, 6.
-, Suderman would go to, 14.
-, celebrations in, for Armada's defeat, 20; Armada's attack on, referred to, 67, 76, 326; Armada prisoners in, 199, 217, 272. See also under Spain, navy of.
-, Killigrew goes to, 21, 31.
-, Willoughby given leave to go to, 22; he goes to, 110, 132, 159, 207.
-, fleet preparing in, 16, 17, 20, 26; Spain prepares against it, 36; Dutch ships with munitions for, wrecked, 50; Drake commissioned, 63; forces for Portugal go to, 114, 142; many return to, 248, 301. See also Portugal, expedition to.
-, Netherlands army captains in, 32, 61, 132; soldiers absent in, 178, 192; T. M. Wingfield in, without passport, 55, 333; Vere went to, 124; R. Salisbury in, 223; T. Sherley keeps thirty men in, 300.
-, Spellman knows, 41.
-, Carlisle returned to, 42.
-, Parma gets news from, 45; Mendoza gets news from, 197, 212.
-, States' hostility to, 58, 222, 242, 272; over Geertruidenberg, 173, 254, 285; gibing books against, 299; Oldenbarnevelt scoffs at, 380.
-, musters in, referred to, 77, 123.
-, Utrecht fears to let Deventer go to, 80, 103; Allen went thither from, 112; and returns to, 116; Cleerhagen in, 277.
-, French corn seized and sold in, 80, 95.
-, discharged Flushing soldiers beg in, 82.
-, Drake brought a Moor to, 90.
-, Spain will again attack, 97; next year, 354, 384; Tuscany will aid Spain, 358; Huntley asked Parma to invade, 366; Portugal expedition spoiled Spain's preparations against, 410.
-, costly to reinforce Netherlands forces from, 98, 324; Conway wants men from, 165; Ostend should be reinforced from, 327, 356; 500 men sent to Ostend from, 339; Morgan wants men from, 167; Bergen reinforced from, 279; abuses in paying, etc., from, 219–20.
-, Zeeland buys guns in, 106, 170, 368.
-, Schenk sends Mascal to, 116.
-, Russell gone to, 118.
-, Don Antonio in, 138.
-, Dutch ships seized in, 150–1; Ortel protests, 162–3, 255; Flushing asks redress, 170; Egmont, etc., protest, 283, 369.
-, W. Devereux goes to, 152.
-, Scots spies go to, 153; Conway would send Pekott to, 158; le Roy's brother goes to spy in, 228, 229; two in, swear to kill Queen, 263, 408; priests sow sedition in, 394; Rolffe going to, 398; Manwaring goes to, 407.
-, Visher offers to find mines in, 153.
-, prices in, lower than at Bergen, 166.
-, Flushing trade privileges in, 170, 257; confirmed, 343.
-, none to be allowed in Spain, 172, 384.
-, Stafford returns to, 177.
-, Ste. Aldegonde should not go to, 180.
-, evils of Hamburg free traffic to, 198; danger of Hamburg— Spain trade for, 232; Hamburg hostile to, 241; would mutiny if Hanse stopped trade, 331.
-, Geertruidenberg would not send powder to, 206.
-, Digges' frequent journeys into, 210; his services, required in, 398.
-, Boulogne wants men from, 211; horsemen ready to go thither, 262; trouble over their pay, 297.
-, Sonoy in, 214; Bluesfolte gone to, 327; dismissed States' captains in, 329.
-, Sulzer's goods seized by, 218. Rye officers do not allow, to supply Dieppe, 221;some, with Dieppe forces, 361.
-, Marsh, etc., fled from Russia to, 247.
-, importance of Ostend to, 268; it could supply fish to, 370.
-, prisoner at Gravelines, 278.
-, States' envoys arrive in, 280, 315.
-, Casimir's exservant goes to, 286.
-, French refugees in, 291.
-, States promised to send Vasseur to, 313, 314.
-, wrecking by, 325.
-, Lilly lacks news from, 336. West Countrymen, 342, 387.
-, Catholics imprisoned in, 343, 352, 389.
-, 1,000 would win Normandy for Henry III, 343.
-, volunteers with Navarre, 357, 375.
-, North of, 365.

-, army of. See army, English, in Netherlands; Portugal, expedition to.

-, church of, 242, 344, 365.

-, kings of. See Edward IV; Henry VII; Henry VIII.

-, navy, fleet, of; Queen's ships, 292,348:
-, in Narrow Seas, 35, 97.
-, to stop contraband trade, 38; seizes Dutch ships, 65, 109, 157; and all ships off Cape St. Vincent, 66; and Hautefort's boat, 303, 363.
-, warships in Elbe, 52.
-, alarms Spain, 84.
-, pinnaces should blockade Hâvre, 203; ships near Havre, 402.
-, Chatte wants aid of, 231.
-, Mitchell offered to burn, 312.
-, Williams urges attack on Santander by, 411.
-, See also Achates; Portugal, expedition to.

-, queen of. See Elizabeth.

-, exiles, fugitives, rebels, traitors, etc.:
-, some would return, 10; one returns, 242; at Rome would return, 325; at Antwerp would return, 397.
-, in Spanish Netherlands lose credit, 35; troubles about liberantiae, 224–5; Mitchell and, 263, 282; at St. Omers, 336; all ' private beggars,' 338; fear loss of pensions, 397.
-, Morgan writes about, 104–5.
-, at Rouen, 126.
-, Griffith offers to spy on, 290.
-, Valladolid seminary set up for, 290, 338.
-, See also Allen, William; Barney, Edward; Bellamy, Robert; Bostocke; Bratleye; Breye, Henry; Butler, Dr.; Clitherow; Coplie, lady; Creake, Ralph; Crispe, Edward; Darbishire, Thomas; Femesley; Griffith, William; Harris; Hay, John; Heath, Thomas; Holt, William; Kempe; Kirkham, William; Luckener; Manwaring, William; Marshal, Thomas; Mitchell, John; Moffat, Thomas; Morgan, Thomas; Nevill, Charles; Owen, Dr. Lewis; Paget, Thomas; Parsons, Robert; Pekott, William; Pole, Geoffrey; Sebright; Smith, —, captain; Standen, Sir Anthony; Stanley, Sir William; Stoker, George; Strong, Thomas; Tresham, William.

Enkhuisen, Enchusen [N. Holland, Netherlands], 168.

Enno, count of Emden, 234.

envoys. See ambassadors,

Épernon, Epernone, duke of. See Nogaret, Jean Louis de.

Épinac, Pierre, archbishop of Lyons:
-, trial of, likely, 33, 63.
-, League suspects, 47.
-, Pope demands release of, 49, 358, 393.
-, League would exchange Poigny for, 78.
-, Henry III takes, to Amboise, 95.

Equytt. See Écouis.

Erith, Earithe, Erithe [co. KentJ, customers of, 356. See also Barnes, William; Wilson,

ermine, 388.

Ernando, Don. See Toledo, Ernando Alvarez de.

Errington, Erington, Erinthen, Erryngton, Herington, Hernithen, Heryngton, Cuthbert, lieutenant and nephew of Nicholas, 371.

-, Nicholas, captain, governor of Rammekens, controller of works at Berwick, 186, 222, 356:
-, letters from, 98, 157, 200, 337, 371.
-, letters from, referred to, 286, 337.
-, letters to, referred to, 98, 311, 337.
-, to act as governor of Flushing: is reluctant, 98; Borlas replaces, 337; would keep Rammekens as gains nothing at Berwick, 371.
-, says corn for army sold to Antwerp, 219.
-, Vasseur pays, 286.
-, Walsingham loses letter from, 337.
-, released Middelburgers arrested as hostages for Vasseur, 337.
-, money paid to, 176; allowed 20 dead pays, 32, 61; to have fifteen, 377; needs imprest, 158; money due to, 371.
-, company of, at Rammekens, 72, 138; checks of, 174; muster of, 216.
-, deputy of, at Berwick. See Crane, John.

Eschallard, Charles, sgr. de la Boulaye, la Bollie, 357.

Escluse, pas de l'. See Écluse.

Escobar, Antonio de, ‘Sampson,’ Don Antonio's agent in France, 197.

-, Gaspar Luis de, 345, 346, 355.

Escoubleau, François d', sgr. de Sourdis, Surdy, governor of Beauce, 89.

Eslandes, M. d', letter from, 171.

Esperance, l', of Rosco, 162.

Espernon, Espernone. See Nogaret, Jean Louis de.

Espichel, cape [Estremadura, Portugal], 354.

Esrom, 134.

Essex, earl of. See Devereux, Robert.

Estampes, Estempes. See Étampes.

Este, Alfonso II d', duke of Ferrara, 201:
-, mourns Guise, 15; Mayenne asks aid of, 62.
-, garrisons Miraudola, 62; levies troops, 63.
-, protects Papal States bandits, 78.
-, Henry III should seek aid of, 91.

-, Anne d', duchess of Nemours, Namui'i's, Namurs, Mayenne's mother:
-, arrested at Blois, 47; released, 69–70.
-, to negotiate with Mayenne, 70–1, 126; will do little, 73; may move Nemours, 74; to answer for Mayenne, 85; sees him, 96.

Estreelles, M. d', letter from, 212.

Étampes, Estampes, Estempes, Etampis, Etempes [Seine-et-Oise, France], 394:
-, Mayenne at, 81; League army at, 188, 203, 220, 233.
-, Henry III takes, 334, 335, 351; leaves Paolo in, 357.
-, Mayenne defeated near, 355.
-, king's Swiss expected at, 359.
-, castle of, 334.
-, churches at, 334.
-, League governor of. See St. Germain, baron of. procureur of. See Bergeroneau.

Europe, Europia, 6.

Evreux, Eviris [Eure, France], 388.

Evreux, d'. See Devereux, Walter.

Excetter. See Exeter,
-, exchange:
-,-, Huddleston's losses on, 83.
-,-, Milward to send German loan by, 128.
-,-, Sherley's payment to Norris by, 129.
-,-, contractors' gains on, in paying army, 219.
-,-, arma took up loan by, 275.
-,-, money should be paid to Buhy by, 349.
-,-, brokerage, 128.
-,-, rates vary in Germany, 128.
-,-, England—Spanish Netherlands rates, 217.
-,-, asper—dollar, 164.
-,-, crown—sterling, 321.
-,-, dollar—sterling, 234.
-,-, franc—sterling, 35.
-,-, gulden—sterling, 2, 118.

-, letters of, of credit, referred to, 222, 231, 292.

exchequer, money issued to Sherley from, 75, 175, 177; and to Willoughby, 408; tellers and clerks of, 84.

Exeter, Excetter [co. Devon], inhabitant of. See Dorchester, Richard.