Index: C

Pages 437-449

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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Cadiz, Cales, Calis [Cadiz, Spain], 26, 194.

Caen, Caenne, Can, Cane [Calvados, France], 228:
-, news from, 220, 230.
-, Hâvre ships cut off Dieppe from, 203.
-, Montpensier at, 351; leaves, 361.
-, Aumâle summons, 405.
-, parlement at, 388.
-, governor of. See Pélet, Gaspard de.

Caesar, Dr. Julius, judge of High Court of Admiralty:
-, delays of, 53, 161; caused by appeals from, 113; to give States speedy justice, 144, 145.
-, sentence by, referred to, 161.
-, needs assistants, 163, 164.
-, has packet about States' complaints, 343, 374.
-, should make yearly circuit, 369.

Caesar, 98.

Cairo [Egypt], 134.

Cajetan, Caetanus, Henry, cardinal, to France, 333.

Calais, Calice, Calis, Callais, Calles [Pas de Calais, France], 34:
-, letters dated at, 21, 36, 45, 198, 264, 282, 336, 398, 408.
-, passage to, dangerous, 35, 211.
-, gets early news, 36; news from, 202, 210, 248, 397.
-, contraband trade through, 36.
-, Châteauneuf going by, 97.
-, plotters gone to, 118.
-, Queen promises aid to, 123.
-, Mitchell goes by, 263.
-, Ostend a second, 267.
-, Leaguers raid near, 336.
-, Scofield cannot get justice at, 398.
-, Buzanval urges Queen to send to, 405; Mills sent to, 407; Tomson at, 408.
-, is for Henry IV, 409.
-, French capture of [1558], 168.
-, governor of. See Mauléon, Girault de.
-, mayor and échevins of, 35.
-, merchants of, 35.
-, post of. See Monier.
-, church at, 282.

Calais, Pas de [France], 329.

Cales, Calis. See Cadiz; Calais.

Callycowe, islands of, 361.

Calmphout, Callentote, Callingtolt, Calmthout [Antwerp, Belgium], enemy garrison at, 156, 324; leaves, 223.

Cambrai, Cambra, Cambray, Cambrie, Cambrye, Camerryck, Cameryck [Nord, France], 50:
-, Parma may seize, 11; League promised, to Parma, 188; is Spanish, 189.
-, Queen Mother won, for France, 70.
-, for Henry III, 272; yields to Spain, 297.
-, Balagny sells, to Spain, 327; la Noue saves, 328, 339; Balagny cannot enter, 342; he secures, 359; affair ruined League's credit, 337.
-, castle of, 328, 359.
-, governor of. See Monluc, Jean de.
-, prebendary of. See Neudon, Dr.

Camfere, Campher, Camphier, Camphire. See Veere.

Camminga, Camynga. See Kammingha.

Campion, —, 176.

Can, Cane. See Caen.

Canano, Cananie, Giulio, cardinal of S. Eusebius, 201.

Canaye, Philippe, sgr. de Fresnes, 379.

Candishe, See Cavendish,

candles, 190, 379; Ostend needs, 41, 197, 239; -money in cautionary towns, 143, 304; tallow for, 378.

Cangas, Cangos [Pontevedra, Spain], 273.

Caniliac, marquis of. See Beaufort-Montboissier, Jean Timoléon de.

Canobio, —, vice-legate of Bologna, 20.

Canterbury, archbishop of. See Whitgift, John.

Canther, Dirck, burgomaster of Utrecht, 148.

Canvell, M., 389.

Cappes, Tyaerck, 131.

Caprigliola, 20.

Captot, Guerin de, captain:
-, letters from, 211, 359; referred to, 373.
-, urges Queen to aid Boulogne, 211–2; further requests of, 260.

capugies, 88, 165.

Caracas, Carracas [Venezuela], auditor and treasurer of, 345.

-, at Bonucci's funeral, 19.
-, congregation of, for revenues to be set up, 25.
-, not to meddle in politics, 25.
-, French, may be called to Rome, 49.
-, one approves plot against Queen, 118.
-, Tuscany wants a new, 291.
-, upbraid Pope about France, 302.
-, Pope taxes, 326.
-, Bellamy had letters to, 365, 366.
-, congregation of, for ceremonies, 25.
-, congregation of, for France appointed, 16; to advise on king's absolution, 19; the advice, 25; conditions for it, 49.
-, datary, 25.

-, names of. See Albert, archduke of Austria; Aldobrandini, Ipolito; Allen, William; Angennes, Claude d'; Arques, François d'; Bonucci, Stefano; Borromeo, St. Charles; Bourbon, Charles de, cardinal of Verndôme; Bourbon-Vendôme, Charles de, cardinal of Bourbon; Cajetan, Henry; Canano, Giulio; Cusani, Agostino; del Monte, Francesco Maria Bourbon; Facchinetti, Giovanni Antonio; Farnese, Alessandro; Gesualdo, Alfonso; Giustiniani, Benedetto; Gondi, Pierre de; Lancellotti, Scipione; Lenoncourt, Philippe; Lorraine, Louis de; Mattei, Girolamo; Morosini, Giovanni Francesco; Pellevé, Nicolas de; Peretti, Alessandro; Pinelli, Domenico; Radzevill, George; Santori, Giulio Antonio; Sfondrati, Niccoló; Simoncelli, Girolamo; Sittich, Mark; Valiero, Agostino.

Carey, Cary, Carye, Sir Edmund, 176; company of, 249.

-, Henry, baron Hunsdon, privy councillor, letters signed by, 148, 226, 293, 385, 400.

-, —, of Clovelly, 369.

Carlisle, Carlell, Carleil, Carleill, Carlyeil, Carlyll, Karler, Christopher, captain, 264, 343:
-, letter from, 267.
-, went to view Ostend, 37, 259; returns, 40–2: estimate of, for repairs, 45; instructions to, referred to, 53; protests at evacuation, 268–9.

Carmagnola, citadel of, 304.

Caron, Noel de, sr. de Schoonewal, Schoenewal, Schonwalle, Schoonwalle:
-, letter to, 278.
-, in London, 4; knows about Friesland, 6.
-, Queen sends, to States: credence for, 18.
-, deals for Aysma, etc., 182, 189; goes to Friesland, 225; promises to, not performed, 344.
-, to deal for Sonoy, 214, 216.
-, returns from Utrecht, 271; got evasive reply on Deventer, 275; got promise of his release, 314.
-, Count William will see, 278.
-, returns to England, 350.

Carouges, Carruge. See Veneur, Tanneguy le.

Carpen. See Kerpen.

Carr, George, Scottish spy, 153, 165.

Carracas. See Caracas.

Cartagena [Colombia], 97.

Cary, Carye. See Carey.

Casale Maggior [Piemonte, Italy], 351.

Casan. See Kazan.

Cascaes, Cascais, Cascales, Cascalles, Cascayz, Casqueys [Estremadura, Portugal], letter dated at, 301; English take, 336, 351, 353, 354, 363, 384.

Casimir, duke. See John Casimir.

Caspian, Caspien, sea, 246.

Cassaekes, Cossacks. See Cossacks.

Cassano, Cassan [Cosenza, Italy], 104, 105.

-, bishop of. See Owen, Dr. Lewis.

Cassell [Hesse-Cassell, Germany], 321.

Cassovia, 134.

Castany, chief city of Tartars, 346.

Castelnau, Michel de, sr. de Mauvissière, Mavansiere, 74; secretary of. See Rybot.

Castile, Castylle [Spain]:
-, fears attack, 152.
-, Portuguese sent to, 202.
-, Lisbon expects troops from, 353.
-, corn dear in, 384.
-, king of. See Philip II, king of Spain.

Castilio, Pedro de, letter to, 349.

Castro Urdiales, Oreyales [Santander, Spain], 384.

Cateline, Catyline, Henry, 176.

Catherine, duchess of Savoy, daughter of Philip II, goes to Milan, 49, 286.

Catherine de Medeci, queen mother of France:
-, death of, 6, 24, 25, 63, 80, 212.
-, Henry III visited, after Guise's death, 19; blamed him, 25.
-, funeral of, 70, 92.
-, Wootton to condole on death of, 91,92.

Catholics and Catholicism, Roman; papists, papistry, etc.:
-, League uses as cloak, 7, 15; Guise died for, 89; depends on League, 209.
-, Antonio requires Norris and Drake to respect, 139.
-, Spain a danger to, 201.
-, attack Anglican translations, 242.
-, Pope accused of neglecting, 302.
-, may accuse Queen of hiring Turks, 348.
-, English: Welles accused of spying on, 231; he could be exchanged for imprisoned, 343, 352; Mitchell spies on, 263; should not favour Spain, 290; executed, 365, imprisoned, 368, 389. See also England, exiles.
-, French: Guise split, 7 'are yet amazed,' 17; reports of Navarre's conversion to, 24, 405, 406; many, slain at Niort, 24; of Rouen, 44, 389; of Dauphiné, 124; heretics burn, 136; king weakens, 179; Caetano sent, to comfort, 333; Henry IV's promises to, 403, 406, 407, 409; all, liable to be Leaguers, 405. See also League, Catholic.
-, German, 189.
-, Netherlands, 10; Frisian, 3; at Utrecht, 148, 271; Junius purged Antwerp of, 177; church property secularised, 295.
-, Scottish, 56, 210.
-, Transylvania forsakes, 133.
-, See also cardinals; clergy; Jesuits; papacy; Sixtus V.

-, Ostend, 276.
-, enemy seizes, in Bommeler Waard, 311.
-, English seize, near Lisbon, 354.
-, Bellamy's, 365.
-, Heusden troops seize, 391.
-, horned beasts, 373.
-, oxen and cows, 344, 378; Lier toll on, 299.
-, pigs, porks, 378.
-, sheep, 378.
-, See also horses.

Catyline. See Cateline.

Caumont, Jacques Nompar de, duke of la Force, de Force, marshal of France, Biron's son-in-law, 358.

Caupone, 252.

cautionary towns, 268:
-, fears States may seize, 58, 157, 270; Queen sure of loyalty of, 68; should be well held, 291.
-, Treaty's defects about, 192; notes for its amendment, 304, 306.
-, injustices of admiralty in, 147.
-, garrisons of, 30:
-,-, creditors of, petition Queen, 18; separate accounts should be made for, 239.
-,-, to be reduced, 39, 68, 122; States meant to draw Portugal forces from, 60–1; States urge reduction of, 76, 79, 168, 370; answer to Ortel on it, 143–4, 146; Ortel complains of size of, 255.
-,-, to reinforce Bergen and Ostend, 71.
-,-, aliens not allowed in, 82.
-,-, numbers appointed for, 100; note on auxiliary bands in, 205; nine cautionary bands in, 220.
-,-, alone should watch, 230.
-,-, officers' retinues unmustered in, 250.
-, governors of, 306:
-,-, attitude to Portugal withdrawals, 29; will send no men to Bergen, etc., 46, 100; Willoughby urges them, 64; he has no authority over, 110.
-,-, to keep out of local politics, etc., 39, 68, 76.
-,-, preserved towns from States, 60.
-,-, grant passports, 61.
-,-, answer to Ortel on, 143.
-,-, control auxiliary bands, 205.
-,-, orders to, on lendings, 398–9.
-, See also Brielle, the; Borlas, William; Burgh, Thomas, lord; Flushing; Sidney, Sir Robert.

Cavendish, Candishe, Henry, in Turkey 348, 350, 402.

Cavriana, Filippo, Florentine ambassador in France, 62.

Çayas, Alonso de. Armada prisoner, letters from, 157, 345; ill, 115.

-, Gabriel de, 157, 345.

Cecil, Cicell, John, 181.

-, William, baron Burghley, lord treasurer, privy councillor, 280, 315:
-, letter from, 293.
-, letters from, referred to, 199, 240, 241, 259, 260, 267, 300, 333, 344.
-, letters to, 6, 8, 12, 18, 23, 26, 31, 33, 36, 40, 52, 55, 58, 59, 106, 113, 148, 154, 167, 182, 186, 188, 194, 197, 199, 210, 215, 223, 232, 233, 239, 241, 242, 249, 252, 259, 260, 262, 263, 266, 267, 276, 278, 288, 289, 291, 297, 300, 310, 322. 330, 333, 341, 343, 344, 350, 356, 360, 362, 372, 395, 397, 401, 409,
-, letters to, referred to, 8, 116, 148, 154, 198, 225, 232, 234, 266, 267, 270, 276, 279, 290, 344, 397.
-, letters and papers signed by, 115, 236, 261, 293, 385, 398, 400.
-, papers annotated, etc., by, 30, 72, 84, 127, 128, 129, 130, 138, 142, 143–7, 159, 169, 174, 199, 205, 208, 249–50, 256, 259, 260, 266, 267, 274, 284–5, 294, 298, 304–8, 309, 310, 312, 328, 343–4, 368. 392.
-, Willoughby sends discourse to, 8; also memorial, 37; Bodley sends book to, 117.
-, notes by, of Portugal forces, 9; horsebands' accounts sent to, 215; note by, on return of Portugal forces, 382.
-, cautionary town creditors petition, 18; A. Janson petitions, 115.
-, relations of Walsingham and, 23, 26, 31, 116, 168, 204; does Walsingham's work when he is ill, 130.
-, de Loo asks reward of, 43.
-, to discuss reducing charges with Ortel, 103.
-, discusses admiralty cases with Châteauneuf, 113.
-, Milward to write to, 128.
-, asks Ortel to send ‘last resolution’ to States, 130; ‘digests’ States' complaints, 229; Ortel asks, to present letters to Queen, 278, instructions for Bodley sent to, 329; Ortel asks, for Johnson's release, 356.
-, Gilpin thanks, 199.
-, Morgan asks aid of, 223; Burgh asks, for more men, etc., 291, 350.
-, examined Crofton, 240.
-, Hart commends an exile to, 242.
-, Heigham asks, for pay, 249; cannoneers ask, for pay, 261; J. Burgh asks, for pay, 330.
-, Bodley commends Loosen and Valcke to, 264; envoys' answer to, about Willoughby, 333; asks for written answer, 344; envoys ask, for redress for merchants, 343; they write about musters to, 395.
-, Conway urges, to keep Ostend, 266; did not speak to Queen of it, 267; would reinforce it, 283; Ostend petitions, 372.
-, urged Willoughby to return, 288.
-, notes by, on German levy for Henry III, 321; Buzanval urges Buhy's suit to, 341; and offers to send messenger from Germany to, 342; Buhy asks, to get loan, 360; Buzanval urges, to aid Henry IV, 405.
-, notes by, on army victualling, etc., 328; and on lendings, 392; Sherley asks, for money for army, 362; checks to be sent quarterly to, 399; answers of, to Sherley about payments, 411.
-, father of his country, 330.
-, Bannister offers to send news to, 401.
-, commends Bodley, 404.
-, lodgings of, 113, 395.

Ceinsquy. See Kintsky.

Centurion, of London, 150, 161.

Centurione, —, clerk of Roman camera, 20.

Ceralvo, marquis of. See Pacheco, Juan de.

Cerberus, 87.

Cervan, beglerbeg, pasha, of. See Hassan.

Cervi, Orsato da, Ragusan ambassador to Turkey, arrested, 13; Barton complained of, 88, 133.

Châlons-sur-Marne, Challons [Marne, France], 28, 335.

Châlons-sur-Saône [Saône-et-Loire, France], Mayenne at, 32, 47; for League, 233.

chamber, the Queen's, gentleman of. See Allen, Richard; Wootton, Edward.

Chamberlain, Chamberlan, Chamberlayne, —, provost-marshal of Bergen, displaced, 319, 320.

Chambernon. See Champernon.

Chambéry [Savoie, France], 16, 233.

Chamborant, Pierre de, sgr. ale Droux, Drow, Leaguer, 84.

Champagne [France]:
-, towns in, for king, 33, 92; Sedan aids Dinteville in, 179.
-, Mayenne in, 62; uses up his forces, 196; League forces too weak to go to, 233.
-, Swiss defeat Leaguers in, 387.

Champagny. See Perrenot, Frederic Granvelle.

Champernon, Champernon, Champernowne, Arthur, captain:
-, money paid to, 176.
-, company of, from Utrecht at Bergen, 138; to go to Portugal, 9, 61, 72; States forbid it, 57; at Rotterdam, 101; embarks, 111; mustered and reaches England, 142; fifty deserted, 143; to return to Bergen, 377; lieutenant of, 101.

chancellor, the lord. See Hatton, Sir Christopher.

chaouses, 13, 88, 347.

Charboniere. See Prévost, Gabriel.

Charibdis, 408.

Charité, la [Nièvre, France], 95.

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 2, 3, 4, 307.

Charles IX, king of France, 300.

Charles X, pretended king of France. See Bourbon-Vendôme, Charles de.

Charles, archduke of Austria, |?| daughter of, 26.

Charles, duke of Gelderland, 2.

Charles II, duke of Lorraine:
-, letters to, referred to, 135.
-, besieges Jametz, 48; repulsed, 65; truce there expires, 124; batters Jametz, 286; refused Henry III's request not to besiege it, 376, 379; takes it, 394.
-, prefers France to Spain, 94.
-, holds Estates, 124.
-, prolongs term for restoring Pfa1zburg, 124.
-, Alegria's mission from Parma to, 135–6; Parma sends forces to, 324, 376, 387.
-, masses troops, 379; enters France, 407.
-, brother of, 94.
-, chamberlains of. See Anglure, African d'; Artigotti, Chretién d'.
-, daughter of. See Lorraine, Christine de.
-, sons of. See Lorraine, François and Henri de

Charles, Carolus, prince of Sweden, 202.

Charles, formerly Walsingham's page, 132, 370, 380.

Charles Emmanuel I, duke of Savoy, son-in-law of Philip II, 47
-, League prevented Henry III resisting, 15; Henry III cannot resist, 50.
-, plot against, 16.
-, will invade France, 16, 24; will not restore Saluzzzo, 24.
-, Mayenne asks, to join League, 24; was to be viceroy of France, 26; makes League expect Spanish aid, 57; supports League, 91.
-, visits Milan, 24.
-, plots against Lausanne, 32, 48, 63; Berne attacks, 48; builds boats on lake of Geneva, 49; Swiss declare war on, 104; Berne would fight, 124.
-, sends to Emperor, 48.
-, sends forces over Alps, 62; Lesdiguières besieges town of, 84.
-, hates Nemours, 74.
-, Parma sends forces to, 117, 132.
-, increases forces, 201.
-, Swiss prepare against, 233; Lesdiguières, etc., aid against, 234; Genevans take Éluse from, 270; Swiss defeat, 286, 326, 364, 376, 379; lacks money and retires, 352; Corso may attack, 379.
-, Pope will not aid, 302; Pope's offers to, 326.
-, Spain aids, 302; Spain may send troops to, 351.
-, Catholic Swiss aid, 326.
-, enters France, 407.

Charlite, Laon de, 136.

Charonère, la. See de la Charronnière.

charter party, referred to, 164.

Chartre, la. See de la Châtre, Claude.

Chartres, Chatres, Shartiris [Eure-et-Loire, France], 14:
-, Henry III going to, 6,
-, Sagonne near, 74, 78, 84; Mayenne at, 84, 89; for League, 95.
-, king will attack, 188; for king, 351.

Chaste, de. See Chatte, Aymar de.

Chasteaudun. See Châteaudun.

Chasteaugiron. See Châteaugiron.

Chasteauneuf. See de l'Aubespine, Claude.

Chasteau Regnault, lord of. See Nelle.

Chastillion, Chastillon. See Coligny, François de.

Chastineray. See Vivonne, Jean de.

Chastre. See de la Châtre, Claude.

Château du Loire [Sarthe, France], 237.

Châteaudun, Chasteaudun [Eure-et-Loire, France], 285.

Château Gaillard, Galyarde, 220, 221.

Châteaugiron, Chasteaugiron [Ile-et-Vilaine, France], 285.

Château Gontier [Mayenne, France], 355.

Châteatmeuf. See de l'Aubespine, Claude.

Château Renault, Regnault [Indre-et-Loire, France], 236.

Château Thierry, Satiuetira [Aisne, France], 342.

Châtellerault, Chatelrault [Vienne, France], 96.

Chatillion, Châtillon. See Coligny, François de.

Chatinerai, la. See Vivonne, Jean de.

Chatre. See de la Châtre, Claude.

Chatres. See Chartres.

Chatre-sur-Montlhery, now Arpajon [Seine-et-Oise, France], 336.

Chatte, Chaste, Aymar de, de la, governor of Dieppe, 389:
-, letters from, 103, 151, 291, 378, 402; referred to, 165, 231.
-, letters to, referred to, 221, 231.
-, brought Henry III's justification against Guises, 6–7.
-, fears siege and seeks supplies in England, 103, 165, 203, 221; should be encouraged, 153.
-, releases Moffat, 127.
-, does not set out ships, 203; sets out five, 361.
-, sent powder to Château Gaillard, 220.
-, lacks money, 230.
-, asks Queen's aid, 231.
-, wants Huguenots sent back, 231, 291.
-, king promises to aid, 231.
-, takes St. Victor abbey, 360; defeats Aumâle, 361.
-, Walsingham sent account of Portugal expedition to, 378.
-, hears of Henry III's death, 402; has not heard from Henry IV, 409.
-, still in touch with Villars, 403.
-, father of. See Joyeuse, Paul de.

Chaumont, marshal de, 379.

Chersull, beglerbeg of, 134.

Chesholme, John, 56.

Chester, James, Starkie's agent, 297.

Cheston, Thomas, 176.

Chevalier, —, councillor of Geneva, 364.

Chevrault, Chevault, —, 321.

Chiaus Bassa. See Seiavus Pasha.

Chinon [Indre-et-Loire, France], 237, 248.

Choart, Paul, sgr. de Buzanval, Busanval, Busanvall, Buzenvall, Navarre's agent in England, 89, 211:
-, letters from, 6, 209, 262, 263, 275, 292, 297, 341, 373, 404, 405.
-, letters from, referred to, 394, 395.
-, letters to, 247, 359, 394.
-, letters to, referred to, 209, 210, 341, 342, 373, 394, 405
-, would humour Dutch, 210.
-, Captot sends discourse on Boulogne to, 212; further request of, 260; denies misappropriating van Loo's pay, 275; goes to court about Boulogne, 297.
-, could not get grant, for Navarre, 247; urges Queen to aid him, 292.
-, urges Queen to aid Henry III. 341.
-, should hasten German levy, 395.
-, urges Queen to aid Henry IV, 404–5.

Chorige, M. the. See Veneur, Tanneguy le.

Christal, Cristal, Jacques, captain, 215.

christening, 356.

Christian IV, king of Denmark, 237, 240:
-, to be invested as duke of Holstein, 285.
-, Parma sends van den Bergh to, 331; sends ambassador to Parma, 338.
-, buys cloth in England, 392.

Christian I, elector, duke. of Saxon:
-, letter from, 45.
-, answer to States' envoys unsatisfactory, 1.
-, writes for Hohenlohe, 45.
-, to meet Landgrave, 364.

Christians, 125, 149, 347:
-, in Turkey in danger, 254, 303, 347.
-, princes, 133, 134.
-, See also Catholics, Roman; Protestants.

churches, the. See Protestants.

Cicell. See Cecil.

Cinqfontus. See Silva, Juan de.

ciphers, referred to, 86, 284:
-, Walsingham—,Schwartz, 22.
-, Queen—Stafford, 93.
-, Milward's, 128, 198, 279, 280.
-, Powrie's, 179.
-, Andrada's, 197.
-, Burghley—Stafford, 376.

Civille, François de, 210.

-, Mlle. de, and her husband, 373.

Civita Vecchia [Roma, Italy], 20.

Clant, Clandt, Albert, colonel, 311.

Clarehage, Clarehagen, Clarehaghen, Clarhage. See Cleerhagen.

Clark, le. See Clerk, le.

Clarke, Clerk, Clerke, Dr. Bartholomew, formerly member of C. of S., 163; notes by, 238–9.

-, Dr. William, late judge-marshal of army in Netherlands, 82.

Claudio, count, 15.

Clavellie. See Clovelly.

Cleentken, Martin Simonss., shipmaster, of Flushing, 170.

Cleerhagen, Clarehage, Clarehagen, Clarehaghen, Clarhage, Clerhaeghen, Clerhagen, Julian, captain:
-, letters from, 115, 277; referred to, 137.
-, State release, 11; Mörs detains, 11, 12; magistrates release, 13; Mörs will suspend case against, 40.
-, Allen's dealings for, 102–3, 115, 137; Queen should write for, 116; Mörs consults States about, 141; freed but stayed by creditors, 156; in England, leaving children as pledges, 277.
-, asks grant from Queen: his career, 277.
-, Deventer and, 316, 318.
-, company of, 12, 316; given to another, 277.

Cleinhart, John, of San Lucar, 218.

Clément, Jacques, Jacobin, assassinates Henry 111, 397, 403, 404; Lilly's account, 394; Chatte's account, 402; Rouen stories of, 406; makes religious orders unpopular, 409.

clergy, priests, etc., 187.

-, Catholic, 153, 408:
-, formerly sat in Frisian States, 3.
-, royal rights against French, 15; Pope blames French, 25; king's plans about their revenues, 27, 33.
-, papal edict against absentee, 25.
-, of galleass at Calais, 36.
-, Pope taxes, 49, 326.
-, Scottish, plots against Queen, 118.
-, in Marshalsea, 242.
-, of Tours disloyal, 245; League troops rob them, 245.
-, of Étampes, 335.
-, of Rouen council, 352.
-, English desert Portuguese, at Lisbon, 354.
-, Bellamy carried letters to, 365; he denies plotting with, 366.
-, an Irish, was in Armada, 383.
-, attack on Henry III justifies Queen's treatment of, 394.
-, bishops, 337; Irish, 152, 338; papal order about appointing, 50.
-, canons of Utrecht, 271.
-, Carthusian. See Mere, George.
-, Cistercian. See Friard.
-, Dominican, 48.
-, frairs: Transylvanians expel, 133; arrested at Rouen, 389; Greek, 347; Capuchins, Capicons, Capichons, 406. See also Clément, Jacques.
-, Jesuits. See Jesus, society of.
-, monks, 409.
-, nuns, 23, 49, 357.

-, Protestant:
-, in Flushing garrison, 61, 82, 170, 215–6,249.
-, in army in Netherlands, 239.
-, of United Provinces, 295.

Clerhaeghen, Clerhagen. See Cleerhagen.

Clerk, Clark, Jean Bussy le, 28, 74.

Clerk, Clerke, Dr. See Clarke, Dr. Bartholomew.

Clervant. See Vienne, Claude Antoine de.

Cleves, Cleve, duchy of, pays Mansfelt's men, 2; Menninck denies spying in, 254; enemy go to, 397.

-, dukes of. See John William; William.

-, town of [Rhenish Prussia, Germany], Schenk near, 391, 397.

Clifford, Edmund, 161.

-, George, 3rd earl of Cumberland, ships of, 162.

Clitherow, Fr. William, letter from, 224.

Clocke, William, 9.

clocks, 347.

cloth, etc., 220:
-, Hamburg obstructs vent of English, 198; interlopers there sell, 280; importance of, 331.
-, Antwerp duty on, raised, 397.
-, staple of, 241.
-, canvas, 138.
-, cotton, 218.
-, fustian, 138, 312.
-, Groningen, 344.
-, linen, 218.
-, sacks, 221, 400.
-, silk, 254, 355; English seize cargo of, 218; Parma partly paid in, 397; raw, 402.
-, velvet, 397.
-, white, 392.
-, woollen, 312, 355; sacks, 221; wool, 280.

clothing, apparel, 10, 158, 160:
-, old, from Armada infected Portugal expedition, 410.
-, breeches, 324.
-, caps, 138, 303; price of, 312.
-, cassocks, 138; price of, 312.
-, clerical habit, 50.
-, doublets, 138, 324; price of, 312.
-, Golden Fleece vestments, 48.
-, gowns, 254.
-, hats, 324; price of, 312.
-, kerseys, 280.
-, shirts, 138, 324, 352; price of, 312.
-, shoes, 138, 176, 324, 352; price of, 312.
-, stockings, 138, 176, 324, 352; price of, 312; Venetians, 138, 312.
-, women's, 357.
-, See also under army, English, in Netherlands.

Clovelly, Clavellie [co. Devon], 369.

coal, sea-, 176.

coat money, 192.

Cobham, lord. See Brooke, William.

Coblenz, Covelence [Rhenish Prussia, Germany], 299.

Coburg [Bavaria, Germany], princes of, 153.

Cocq, Jan Pieterss., merchant, of Flushing 170.

Coeuerte. See Court.

Cognac, Coignac [Charente, France], 32.

coins and coinage:
-, English: attempt to check export of, 219; Treaty with States unsatisfactory on, 307.
-, Spanish, depreciated (1583), 346.
-, Turkish, debased, 164, 254, 347.
-, See also exchange.

Coligay, Anne de, Mlle. d' Andelott, letter from, 408.

-, François de, count of Châtillon, Chastillion, Chastillon, Chatillion:
-, letter to, referred to, 371.
-, at Huguenot church assembly, 7.
-, before Cognac, 32; near Poitiers, 81; at la Trischery, 96.
-, goes to Navarre, 233; valour of, at Tours, 244–5; at Pithiviers, 334; sent to Poitiers, 355; crosses Oise, 375.

-, Louise de, princess of Orange:
-, letters from, 1, 199; referred to, 209, 297, 371.
-, writes for Teligny's release, 199.
-, fears about Geertruidenberg, 209–10.
-, sends discourse on Dauphiné, 292.
-, godmother of Borlas' son, 356.

Colmogor [Russia], 247.


Cologne, Collen, Collin, Colyne, Cullen, Cullyn [Rhenish Prussia, Germany]:
-, letters dated at, 367, 368.
-, news from, 20, 26, 50, 311, 324.
-, Estates to reform government of, 26.
-, secret Protestant church at, 218.
-, Toraise's preparations at, 253.
-, Menninck denies spying at, 254.
-, Milward cannot get loan at, 269.
-, Bellamy at, 366.
-, archbishop and elector of. See Truchsess, Gebhard.
-, English exiles at. See Breye, Henry; Heath, Thomas; Mere, George; Stoker, George.
-, nuncio at, 110.

Colonna, Prospero, 26.

Colston, Colstan, William, merchant, of Bristol, 147, 280.

commerce. See trade; trade with the enemy.

commissaries of musters. See under army, English, in Netherlands; United Provinces, army of.

commissioners. See ambassadors.

-, of Frisian States, referred to, 3, 107, 183.
-, Queen's, referred to: under great seal, 150; to Willoughby, 54; to Caron, 214; to Conway, 227.
-, of States General, 299; referred to, 65, 309, 320, 369.
-, of Leicester, referred to, 82, 319.
-, C. of S. should issue, 120.
-, of Philip II, referred to, 371.

Compan, Jean, échevin of Paris, 15.

Condé, Condy, dowager princess of. See Bourbon, Françoise de.

Condy, prince of. See Bourbon, François de.

Constable, Constabell, Sir Robert, 40.

-,—, 226.

Constantinople [Turkey]:
-, letter dated at, 135.
-, news from, 15, 24, 62, 325.
-, Emperor sends tribute to, 63.
-, janissaries seldom leave, 87; they nearly mutiny, 134; they mutiny, 254, 319.
-, value of English agent at, 112–3.
-, officers flee from Persia to, 134.
-, 60 galleys leave, 302, 303.
-, exiled pashas recalled to, 370.
-, arsenal at, 88.

Contarini, Tomaso, new Venetian arnbassador to Spain, 303.

Conti, Conty. See Bourbon, François de.

contract, the. See treaties: England and United Provinces.

convoys. See under passports.

Conway, Conwaie, Conwye, Sir John, governor of Ostend:
-, letters from, 40, 158, 165, 166, 185, 245, 259, 260, 261, 266, 276, 283, 297, 381.
-, letters from, referred to, 22, 40, 41, 158, 185, 227, 246, 261, 266, 276, 293, 381.
-, letters to, 226, 229, 235, 248, 293, 384, 385, 398, 406.
-, letters to, referred to, 14, 42, 158, 227, 245, 248, 259, 260, 261, 266, 267, 276, 284, 297, 385, 406.
-, Suderman complains of, 14, 264; is more friendly, 42; accuses Suderman of treachery, 301.
-, States' orders to, on Portugal forces, 30, 46; will send none, 98; sends A. Wingfield's band, 158.
-, confers with Carlisle, 40; sends requests by him, 41; estimated cost of repairs, 45.
-, urges attack in Flanders, 41.
-, should be recalled, 91, 370; slack and secretive, 226–7, 258; captains dislike, 259, 284; and protest against, 260; asks Walsingham not to listen to ill reports, 284; Matruyt reported well of, 385.
-, accuses Kyen, 99.
-, will resign, 111; Willoughby asks, when will resign, 158; asks to resign, 185; T. Knollys asks to succeed, 209; Queen commends and refuses leave to, 226, 245; thanks Walsingham, 261.
-, dealings with Barney and Pekott, 158, 261, 277.
-, scouts sent out by, 166.
-, asks Morgan for men, 185; monitions needed by, 193.
-, Council warns, against attack, 235; and asks his needs, 236; fears attack and asks for men, etc., 245–6.
-, to report on and prepare to evacuate Ostend, 248; would hold it, but must be reinforced, 259, 260–1, 266, 283; will keep plans secret, 261; offers to serve without pay to keep it, 267; estimate by, of men, etc., there, 267.
-, refuses Wolffwinckel as sergeant-major, 260; appoints Payne, 382.
-, apologises for ‘ill hand,’ 267.
-, to estimate for repairs, 293; does so, 297.
-, Maurice warns, against attack, 356.
-, musters garrison and complains of new bands, 381.
-, Bodley asks, for two bands for Heusden, 385; C. of S. again asks, 406.
-, Salisbury's band sent to, 385.
-, Aldrich thanks, 393.
-, orders to, on lendings, 398.
-, money paid to, 176; allowed 20 dead pays, 32, 61.
-, wife of, dead, 185.
-, men of, 381. See also Wood.
-, company of, at Ostend, 71, 138, 267; going to Portugal [untrue], 111; musters of, 339, 382; books not sent, to Digges, 249.

-, Mr., 382.

Conyere, John, 75.

Cooke, Henry, 176.

Cooper, A., letter signed by, 313.

Copenhagen [Denmark], letter dated at, 325; inhabitant of. See Matthew, Strang.

Coplie, lady, 336.

Corbeil, Corball, Corbel, Corbill [Seine-et-Oise, France], for Henry III, 386, 387, 389.

Cordaillot, — de, Châteauneuf's secretary, letter from, 393; Welles urges arrest of, 389, 406.

Corclall, Thomas, merchant, of Levant co., owner of Merchant Royal, 160.

Corgna, —, clerk of Roman camera, 20.

Corn, Jesper, J. Lawrens' agent, 44. Corn:
-, Sound dues on, 1.
-, Friesland grows much, 6.
-, for army in Netherlands: sold at Antwerp, 219; contractors' abuses, 220; at Ostend, 267; in garrisons, 308–9; rates allowed, 293.
-, scarce in Spain, 221, 224, 363, 378, 384; Spain buys, through Antwerp, 224; and from Hanse towns, 331.
-, for Turkish army, 347.
-, Deventer and Zutphen, 373.
-, put into Rheinberg, 400.
-, English trade in: licences to export, referred to, 23, 219, 359; to Antwerp, etc., 219, 220.
-, French trade in: Calais to Spain, 35; ships arrested in England, 80, 95; king allows export of, 95; Dieppe to Spain, 153, 204; English seize ships at Lisbon, 354,410; Maupin buys English for Boulogne, 359.
-, Hanse trade in: ships lading for Spain with, 198, 202, 232, 241; Portugal expedition stays them, 331; and seizes many ships, 354, 363, 384, 410.
-, Naples trade in, 63.
-, United Provinces send to Spain, 296, 378.
-, barley, 308.
-, meal, 115, 354, 359.
-, oats, 101, 244; price of, 324; oatmeal, 212, 373.
-, rye, 354; Janson owed for, 115; at Geertruidenberg, 156; at Ostend, 267; in Netherlands garrisons, 308.
-, wheat, for Netherlands army, 219; at Ostend, 267; in Netherlands garrisons, 308–9; seized at Lisbon, 354, 410; dearth of, in Spain, 384; at Pontoise, 386; wheaten bread, 49.

Cornelison, Adrian. See Roerom, Adrian Cornelius.

Cornelisz., Corneleson, Adriaan, 9.

Correggio, Fulvia de, countess of Mirandola, 62.

Corsicans, 26.

Corso, Corse, Corsi, Scorsi, Alfonso, colonel:
-, at, Guise's assassination, 47.
-, secures Lyons for king, 48; Lyons expels, 63.
-, makes truce in Dauphiné, 71; near Dijon, 81; great forces of, 84.
-, in Dauphine, 233; may attack Savoy, 379; forces of, 388.

-, Sampiero, father of Alfonso, 233.

Cort, Corte, Pice, Pyere. See Court, Pierre.

Corte, Maximilian de, 244.

Coruña, the Groine, Groyne [Galicia, Spain]:
-, Recalde returns to, 151.
-, English besiege, 273, 282, 331, 351, 353; repulsed, 336.
-, English should have gone to Santander before, 383; Williams regrets delay at, 410.
-, hospital at, 151.

Cosby, Arnold, 176.

Cossacks, Cassackes, Cossacks, attack Turks, 88; attack Tartary, 346.

Cossé, Charles de, count of Brissac, Brisac, Brisack, Brisak, Brisake, Brissacke, Brysacke, Brysake, Bryssake, Leaguer governor of Normandy:
-, spoke for nobility at States General, 27, 33.
-, Montpensier routs, 220, 227–8; flees, 230.
-, at Rouen, 342; at Mantes and goes to Rouen, 357; left men in Mantes, 386; at Mantes, 388; goes to Rouen, 389.

Costalora, Juan de, 273.

Cotteblanche, Coteblanche, François de, échevin of Paris, prisoner at Blois, 15; released, 28.

Council, the privy, the lords of the council, 32, 297, 410:
-, letters from, 147, 173, 226, 235, 246, 248, 293, 328, 385, 398.
-, letters from, referred to, 40, 45, 52, 53, 80, 117, 166, 227, 248, 252, 260, 261, 288, 297, 329, 385, 406.
-, letters, etc., to, 29, 40, 50, 55, 57, 80, 101, 106, 160, 166, 178, 216, 252, 264, 276, 288, 297, 312, 381, 406.
-, letters to, referred to, 105, 223, 224, 246, 293, 311, 380.
-, warrants of, referred to, 368, 411.
-, passport of, referred to, 359.
-, instructions of, to Stafford, referred to, 80; think ill of Buhy, 330; Welles asks, to free him, 388.
-, reply to S. à Bergen, referred to, 106.
-, a petition to be made to whole, 115.
-, Raleigh summoned before, 149.
-, and Armada prisoners, 157, 345.
-, licence of, to export guns, referred to, 240.
-, exiles rail against, 263; Mitchell complains of, 312.
-, ‘from whom … do descend all despatches,’ 291.
-, Williams urges, to attack Santander, 411.
-, and United Provinces:
-,-, Willoughby sends Wilsford to, 8; and asks, for orders, 54, 57, 59.
-,-, orders of, on Portugal forces, referred to, 40, 45, 58, 59, 60, 61, 79, 112.
-,-, Carlisle to report on Ostend to, 41.
-,-, apostilles of, to States' letter of 13 April, 1588, referred to, 67, 76, 77, 122, 137, 217, 255–6 notes on them, 145–6.
-,-, is ill-informed about Provinces, 109, 146; this denied, 144; Ortel asks, not to listen to complaints, 255.
-,-, should judge contraband cases, 109; Ortel complains of piracies to, 149–51, 160–3.
-,-, disliked instructions to C. of S., 119.
-,-, T. M. Wingfield appealed to, 125.
-,-, apostilles of, to Flushing requests, referred to, 143.
-,-, answer of, to Holland [1587], referred to, 146.
-,-, order of, on discharged horsebands, 159.
-,-, draft answer of, about Geertruidenberg siege, 168–9; de bates on it, 172; answer of, on it, 173–4.
-,-, Flushing captains ask, for pay, 190; order paying of Digges, 246.
-,-, States' requests to, 217.
-,-, Walsingham asks Woolley to move, on Netherlands matters, 225.
-,-, warn Conway against attack, 235; ask his needs, 236; levy 500 men for him, 293; Ostend petitions to, referred to, 372, 397.
-,-, one of, going to States General, 265; not going, 404.
-,-, Morgan asks favour of, 279; Morgan thanks, 289; Willoughby appeals against Morgan to, 320; Morgan asks, about Salisbury, 340; order Salisbury's band to Ostend, 385.
-,-, States' envoys to confer with, 283; their remonstrance to, 309–10; their conferences with, 333; their requests about piracies to, 369, 374; they deal about Willoughby with, 344, 404; some of, spoke ill of Olden-barnevelt to envoys, 404.
-,-, Borlas wants Vasseur tried by, 300; C. of S. write about Vasseur to, 312–3.
-,-, articles by, on reform of Treaty, etc., 304–8, 325; Bodley to present these to States, 328–9; does so, 369; States' answer, 370; Bodley's reply, 372; articles sent to provinces, 373; Bodley and Gilpin criticise articles, 380.
-,-, instructions for R. Sidney from, 343–4.
-,-, commend Bodley, 404.
-,-, and musters, etc.: allow aliens in bands, 50, 250; limited Willoughby's power to warrant payments, 211; complain of frauds, etc., 252; allow Sherley 30 men, 258, 300; should appoint commissaries, 262–3; should fix rates of pay, 274, 275; Digges asks, for instructions, 282; ordered Ostend musters, 381; plans of, on musters, referred to, 395; orders of, on musters and lendings, 398–400.
-,-, members of. See Brooke, William; Carey, Henry; Cecil, William; Croft, Sir James; Fortescue, Sir John; Hatton, Sir Christopher; Heneage, Sir Thomas; Howard, Charles; Mildmay, Sir Walter; Perrot, Sir John; Sackville, Thomas; Stanley, Henry; Walsingham, Sir Francis; Whitgift, John; Wolley, Sir John.
-,-, clerks of. See Beale, Robert; Rogers, Daniel; Waad, William; Wilkes, Thomas.

Council of State. See under United Provinces.

council of, at, war:
-, Cleerhagen set up, 12.
-, of army in Netherlands, 37, 319, 320; tried T. M. Wingfield, 55, 125, 332.
-, of Bergen, 106, 289.
-, of Geertruidenberg, 169, 174.
-, of Ostend, 226.
-, Parma holds, 117, 267.
-, of United Provinces, 237, 306.

couriers. See posts.

courts martial, 332, 333.

Court, Coeuerte, Cort, Corte, Pierre, Pice, Pyere, attacks Montpensier, 203; routed, 228, 230.

Covalence. See Coblenz.

Cox, Coxe, Henry, victualler of army in Netherlands, 176.

Cracow, palatine of, Polish ambassador to Emperor, 379–80.

Craffort, earl of. See Lindsay, David.

Crane, John, deputy controller of works at Berwick, 371.

Creake, Ralph, English exile, 263.

credentials, letters of credence:
-, Queen's, for Caron, 18; 214; referred to, 278; for Wootton, 92; for Bodley, 277.
-, States General's, for Ortel, 33–4; for Egmont, etc., 257.
-, Maurice's, for Ortel, 160.
-, Zealand States', for Ortel, 262.
-, Truchsess', for Valcke, 262.
-, C. of S., for Egmont, etc., 264.
-, Schenk's, 395.

Cremona [Lombardia, Italy], cardinal-bishop of. See Sfondrati, Niccoló.

Creuance. See Krichingen, Thomas, baron of.

Crimea, Crim, Tartars of, 347.

Crimpe, Crimphaven, Crimpt. See Krempe.

Crispe, Cryspe, Peter, captain, 82.

-, Edward, English exile, 34.

Cristal. See Christal.

Croeger, Henry, shipmaster, of Hamburg, 160.

Croft, Crofte, Sir James, privy councillor, letters signed by, 148, 385, 398, 400.

Crofton, Croftonne, William, junior, master of Black John of London, 240–1.

Cromwell, Edward, captain, 83.

Crooke, John, States' commission to, as provost-marshal of Bergen, 299; C. of S. ordinance about, 309; Willoughby blames Morgan over, 319; unjustly, 320.

Croue, captain le, master of Rouen prison, 228.

Crounsthankes, master, a Scottish spy, 153, 165.

Croy, Philippe de, duke of Aerschot, Askot, 396.

Cryspe. See Crispe.

Cudmer, William, Sir R. Constable's servant, 240.

Cuellar, Alonso de, 345.

Culemborg, Culenberch, Culenborgh, Culenbourg, Cullenberelne [Gelderland, Netherlands]:
-, letter dated at, 119.
-, attack on, expected, 271, 323, 381, 385.
-, Deventer at, 380.

-, count of. See Pallandt, Floris.

Cullen, Cullyn. See Cologne.

Cumberland, earl of. See Clifford, George.

Curtz. See Kurz.

Cusani, Cusano, Agostino, cardinal of S. Adrian, Andrian, 16.

customs duties:
-, Antwerp, 397.
-, English: evasion of, 36; charged on goods illegally seized, 89; requests for exemption from, 106, 392; Flushing pays only same as English, 170, 257, 343; on trade to Spain suggested, 192; on fishermen, 370.
-, Danish Sound, 1.
-, Königsberg, 57.
-, Russian, 247.
-, Turkish, 254.
-, See also United Provinces, finances of.

Custrick [W. Flanders, Belgium], 35.

Cusy, —, 28.

Cyvell, Cyvylle. See Seville.