Elizabeth: June 1589, 26-30

Pages 340-355

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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June 1589, 26–30

[June 26.] The Queen to the French King.
“Vous pourriez a grande raison, mon tres-cher frere, m'imputer crime de nonchalance, si en si long temps de vos fascheuses troubles je ne vous representasse l'ennuy que j'en sens, avec le plaisir qui me tient de quelque bel accident qui vous advienne. Mais je me descharge, ayant mandé souvent les messagers, estantz aulcuns happés par le chemin que leur retournez pour n'y trouver passage. Quant a l'arrivée de mon ambassadeur, il est tres certain qu'il m'a faict ung bien long discours de votre constante et asseuree amitie, avec ung desir tres ardent de me rendre par tous bons moyens satisfaicte en cest endroict: dont je me recongnois vostre tres obligée et en louë Dieu, que vous a donné ung jugement sincere de ma bonne affection immuable vers vostre particulier. Et pour ce me tiendrois trop mal fortuneé si l'arrivée de Monsieur de Buy deust alterer quelque peu le lieu que je confesse avoir bien merité en vos bonnes graces. Voycy l'estat de la cause qu'il a maniés depuis son acces. II me demande une somme si grande, qu'ayant sur les bras tant de fardeaux et si divers, ne puis presentement conceder en argent contant. Mais luy ay offert de m'engager tres volontiers de toute la somme vers quelques Princes, marchans ou villes; et avois prest ung gentilhomme qui l'accompagneroit aus Princes et villes en Allemaigne. Et ay usé de ceste hardiesse de le retenir, cuidant le pouvoir persuader pour vostre service ou luy mesme de prendre tel voyage, ou, pour s'espargner, mander quelque sien confidant; adjoustant que je vous mesurois par la reigle des princes, que vous seriez mal satisfaict s'il negligeast de attenter ung si grand affaire, ne pouvant obtenir le reste qu'il souhaita. Nonobstant, il me usa assez, si non trop, de privaulté, en me disant qu'il porteroit que du papier, et qu'avez besoing d'aultre monnoye. Je croy que ne le louerez trop de tel language, mesprisant tel lien de contract qui oblige et honore tous princes de la Chrestienté; entre lesquels, pour le credit de ma parole, je ne me metz au reng inferieur de celuy qui encore possede les Indes. S'il vous plaist pourtant de mesurer par votre sain jugement le temps avec ma bonne offre et mettre la faulte non en moy, qui vouldrois faire ce que je pourrois, mais en celuy qui me rend soupconneus si n'ayant de ce costé ce que desirez soyez contrainct de faire pire pacte. Ce qui, si Dieu plaist, ne vous arrivera oncques. Mais peult estre que quelques mauvais espritz en feront leur prouffit de votre ruine; ce que j'espere jamais ne vous adviendra, comme Dieu scait, a qui je prie vous donner toute prosperité. Vostre tresaff. bonne soeur et cousine.”
[Postscript.] “Je ne vous puis celer, mon bon frere, que nonobstant la pertinace de Buy, si envoye-je presentement ung gentilhomme en Allemaigne vers les princes pour leur inciter de vous assister d'hommes et d'argent, en leur donnant mon credit, ne doubtant que le votre est desja es mains de Hambourg, et en espere quelque bon fruict.”
Endd. “26 June, 1589. Copy of her Majesty's letter, written with her own hand to the French King and sent by Monsieur de Buy. From Nonsuch, 26 Junij, 1589.” 1 p. [France XIX. f. 162.]
June 26. Buzanval to Burghley.
Feels compelled to write about M. de Buhy's affairs, because of the enclosed letters [not found] received from Germany and the danger to France and all Christendom. M. Buhy's resolution to return to the King would make the dumb speak. The heavy mass of Germany will not rise without the leaven of her Majesty's example and means. Is aware of her burdens, but it would destroy her reputation for inexhaustible resources to show the Germans that her treasure is exhausted. The effect upon the hesitating French King and his frightened council would be to throw them back into the League's power. There are plenty who encourage him to gain by mildness and penitence for the past those great towns which he cannot enter by force. If he did so, her Majesty would then be glad to share her means with the King of Navarre to prevent his ruin, which she would certainly not allow. Help now would do more good in a month than it would then in a year. Knows that her Majesty offers her credit in Germany and that Gaspard Schomberg goes thither to employ the King's and his own (which Buzanval values still more). Wishes this might content the King. But some of his counsellors tell him that a King of France should not lose his state for credit. Moreover, it would be better for her Majesty to set the Germans an example by doing something substantial, than for her to propose that which may serve them for the delays to which they are so much disposed. Even if they do a great deal and her Majesty advances two hundred thousand, or even one hundred and fifty thousand, crowns, yet the League and the treasure of Spain make and will make breaches in France that cannot for a long time be repaired. Earnestly beseeches his lordship's good offices, for no occasion of greater importance has presented itself in the last five hundred years.—London, 26 June, 1589.
Postscript. A servant of the King of Navarre arrived last evening with letters from Germany. Offers to send the man to Burghley. Heard yesterday from the coast that there are many Leaguers there and that all there are much corrupted.
Holograph. Add. Endd. French. 1¾ pp. [France XIX. f. 163.]
June 26./July 6. John Welles to Walsingham.
The Kings arrived at Bohhrine, “two little leagues off Paris,” on June 23 and stayed three days. Paris offered to compound. The King promised not to ‘pill’ the city if they yielded him a hundred men. He removed his camp on the first and is lodged in the Sant Garmen fauxbourg. Paris is blocked. The camp is 40,000 men. Great mutiny in Paris: three to one for the King. 8,000 men slain in the battle at Satiuetira between de Mayn and Longvill, Torye, la Noue, and Gitire. Torye and Gitire hurt, and de Mayne had a musket-shot through the shoulder—some say he is dead. The victory was to the King's side, who took the ordnance. The Count of Swison escaped from Nantis: one of his guards “let him out at a window with a basket”: he is in the field. Balynie cannot get into Cambrye and has lost his wife and his goods. Troyeis in Shampayn is for the King. Aminis, Abvill, Pirone, Bovisine, and other Picardy towns will admit no garrison and are thought to be for the King. The Duke de Markire besieged Vitire: after he had made a breach, they opened the gates and pretended to yield to the League, but at the entry there was a mine laid with which they blew up 500 of the besiegers: the siege is raised, with a loss of 1,500 to the besiegers.
The Duke d'Omall, with Count Brysake, was here for eight days but they could and would give him no money and he has gone to Loviris, malcontent and without men. All but six of the greatest of the Council of the League here resolved to yield to the King. On the 24th they hanged a captain who would have betrayed this town to the King: “and at his death did discharge all them that he had accused and said he did say it for to save his life, and said two times ‘I die for the service of my roy.’” Yet, the town will soon be for the King. Five days before, they burned a gentleman for the religion and hanged clivers prisoners “for the conspiration of the town.” The [governor of] Pond Larche, who has 500 men, lets no boats go to or come from Paris or Ron. The King wrote to him of de Mayne's defeat, made him great promises, and said he would soon visit him. M. de Mon-panser's camp retired, by the King's orders, some fifteen leagues, into Perche and Mayne. Those of Dipe come to the gates here. The captured Newhaven ship was not the governor's, but was to supply the enemy here with munition. Another comes from Duncarke with powder. West Country men convoy much hither. Welles is “will[ed] of the best to write to you of it.” Powder is unobtainable here, and is worth 50 s[ous] the pound. They lack shot too. They fortify this town night and day, Sundays as well. All the best have fled to Pond Larche. Some of the council of the League fled. “And now they [here] do prisoner their wives and sell their goods to make money to pay their soldiers here. In Paris they eat nothing but bread; and here bread worth two s[ous] is worth 8 s[ous] now.” 400 English horse and 600 foot would win all this country for the King, “for men here, I am assured, will pay them for three months. Mr. Carlyeil were a good man for that purpose.”
Can write no more news of his own deliverance. Has presented over sixty supplications. M. the Mose says that he shall not depart till the wars are ended, or till twelve Papists imprisoned in England are delivered for him: and that he is to be “sworn to the Union and to confer with Papists here to be of their rite and to forsake my mistress.” Said he would be torn with horses first. “Why, said he, hath not the Pope excommunicated both her and Harry the Valyeis?” They threaten to hang him for a letter which he wrote to Walsingham and which they took. They accuse him of being a spy. “My charges is great here, and used like a dog …”—Rone, 6 July, 1589.
Postscript… “For God's sake have pity on my wife in my absence.”
Holograph. Add. Endd.pp. [France XIX. f. 165.]
June 26./June 27. The States' Commissioners to Burghley.
The Judge of the Admiralty is sending a packet to Mr. Secretary Walsingham upon the settlement of the complaints of the Low Country merchants and inhabitants. Desire his lordship's good offices to obtain due satisfaction, as they asked in their request already exhibited to her Majesty.—London, 6 July, 1589.
Signed by all three. Add. Endd. with note of contents. Seal of arms. French. ½ p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 141.]
June 27 Instructions from the Privy Council to Sir Robert Sidney, appointed Governor of Vlishinge. (fn. 1)
To succeed Sir William Russell as Governor.
To inform the burghers of her Majesty's desire that her soldiers should give them no cause of offence and of her hope that they will treat them in friendly fashion.
To inform them of her Majesty's confirmation of their privilege of trading to England upon payment of only those dues which her subjects pay. [Added by Burghley. They are not to colour anyone else's goods.]
To punish severely any who injure any burghers. To forbid by proclamation unlawful play or resorting to tippling houses.
To take care for the watching and warding of the town, [added by Burghley, and to observe the same sometimes with his own eyes].
To appoint an officer to attend and take account of all strangers entering the town. The officer to report daily in writing.
To maintain daily and orderly worship in the English tongue according to the laws of England. To require to have the use of some church for this. [Added by Burghley. With the magistrates, to seek to rid the town of sectaries, such as Anabaptists and Libertines, lest her Majesty's subjects be infected.]
To enforce presently existing disciplinary orders. Any new ones to be sent over for her Majesty's and the Privy Council's approval.
To receive “of me the Secretary,” a copy of the articles in the Treaty which concern the government of the town.
“You are to consider, etc.” [breaks off].
Unfinished. Corrected by Burghley. Endd. with date and a trefoil. 6⅓ pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 92.]
June 27./July 7. The States' Commissioners to Burghley.
Have received his reply to their letter, in which he desires them to answer Lord Willughby's articles in writing, so as to save themselves the trouble of coming to Court. Assure him that it is very little trouble. On so important a matter, touching the honour of the States General, they desire to answer in speech as well as in writing. Desire him again to appoint a day for them to appear before the Council, and that Willugby may also be present.—London, 7 July, 1589, stilo novo.
Signed by all three. Add. Endd. French. ¾ p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 96.]
June 27, last date. Hessele Aysma to Walsingham.
Owing to the Governor's absence, nothing has been done to perform the promise given to M. Caron, sieur de Schoenewal. He has gone with a good force to make a diversion on the Ems. The enemy has completed his new fort on the Opslach by which he hopes to render useless the forts of Nyesyl and Emmvalle. The Governor, being unable to prevent this, has taken two enemy forts on the Ems, Suhaechstersyl (between Reyde and Oterdom) and Reyde fort, which surrendered on the 16th. His lieutenant, Colonel Ceinsquy meanwhile has revictualled Nyesyl and Em-metille, but lost 40 or 50 men on his return. Common rumour blames him for this.
Hears that Uhbytzw Camminga goes to meet Lord Buchenhorst at the Hague, to fill his ears with calumnies. Camminga was once in England, with others, as envoy of the States General. He always shows small respect for her Majesty.—Leeuwarden, 26 June, 1589.
Postscript, June 27 [on separate slip, annexed]. Their men have brought in 95 oxen and cows, 50 horses, and 100 pieces of cloth from before Groningen. That town would be her Majesty's in ten days were she to send forces. All the burghers are hostile to their magistrates and favour this Governor.
Hears that a voice is heard at Reyde crying vae, vae. It is said to be that of a little man, like a child, who may sometimes be seen, sometimes not. Knows not what it is, whether divine, counterfeit, or satanic.
Holograph. Add. Endd. French. 2½ pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 89.]
June 27./July 7. Don Alonso de Çayas to [Walsingham?].
Gabriel de Çayas, as his letters to the writer will have shown Walsingham, has great hope of the writer's early release as the King has instructed the Duke of Parma to negotiate about the ransoms of all those who were in the ship commanded by de Valdes. The Duke received this order long ago, but he does not seem to be carrying it out with that promptitude which is desirable. The writer and the others recently asked Richard Draque to approach the Council for them and request leave to send a Spaniard to Flanders to the Duke of Parma, who should move the Duke to send someone at once to deal in this matter or to give his reasons for not doing so. Draque says that he has approached the Council, who replied that they were daily expecting a representative of the Duke to arrive from Flanders, that they did not know if the Duke were alive or dead, and that, until they knew, they were unwilling to allow anyone to go over. Implores Walsingham to obtain this permission for them, so that the negotiations may be completed before the end of this summer, for if they have to stay here another winter, weak and ill as they are, they will certainly die. Also asks leave to write to Spain of the Council's decision, if Walsingham will inform him of it.— 7 July, 1589.
Signed. Not add. or endd. Spanish. 1 p. [Spain III. f. 91.]
Between June 4/14 and June 27./July 7. Intercepted Spanish Letters and Papers.
(1) Declaration made in the court of Santo Domingo de la Espanola about the 4,000 ducats due to the King of Spain by the heirs of Bernave de Ortegon, late contador of the island, in respect of that office. The money not paid, because Alonso de Cuellar has in his possession a number of negroes belonging to Ortegon's widow.—30 June, 1589.
(2) Information given in the audiencia of San Domingo by the fiscal, Francisco de Aliaga, of the death of the auditor and treasurer of Carracas. Aliaga desires to be appointed to the said offices.—23 June, 1589.
(3) Procuration for Gaspar Luys d'Escobar.—4 July, 1589.
(4) Procuration from Francisco de Aliaga, fiscal, to Gabriel de Arriaga of Madrid, revoking an earlier one to Rodrigo Xuares.— 3 July, 1589.
(5) Letter from Luis d'Escobar to Velasco, late fiscal of Granada, concerning certain offices in San Domingo which he (Escobar) desires to obtain.—San Domingo. 4 July, 1589.
(6) Letter from Francisco de Aliaga to Gabriel de Arriaga [but endd. in English as to Benito Rodrigues Vattadano, of the King's Council for the Indies, in Madrid]. Concerning certain suits pending in the Courts at San Domingo: desires to leave the island.—San Domingo, 6 July, 1589.
(7) Letter from Aliaga to Alonso de Barros, about the valuable offices now vacant in San Domingo.—San Domingo, 6 July, 1589.
(8) Letter from Aliaga to Ruy Perez de Ribera. Concerning the proposed marriage of Don Diego de Nogera to Don Luis de Roxas' daughter, which will probably not take place. Aliaga's desire for an office in Panama or Mexico.—San Domingo, 6 July, 1589.
(9) Letter from Aliaga to the King of Spain in his royal Council of the Indies. The citizens of San Domingo deny that they should pay for the maintenance of the galleys: the audiencia still proceeds therein. Desire that the matter be heard before the King's Council in Spain. Complains that the officers unduly favour the heirs of Bernave de Ortegon in the suit about the money owed to his Majesty. By altering the rate of money in 1583 the King has lost very heavily. Complains of the prelate of St. Francis' monastery who enters into the nunnery of Sta. Clara.—San Domingo, 7 July, 1589.
(10) Letter from Aliaga to Benito Rodriguez Valtadano, in Madrid. Concerning certain suits, among them the one against Ortegons heirs. Hardships caused by the depreciation of the coinage. Desires to leave the island, where he cannot support his four orphan sisters out of his salary. 52,000 maravedis sent to Seville in the Capitana.—San Domingo, July 7, 1589.
(11) Acknowledgement for 52,000 maravedis which the Secretary Simon de Bolivar was adjudged to pay. The money sent to Seville in the Capitana.—San Domingo, 14 June, 1589.
All endd. with notes of contents, in English. Spanish. 48 pp. [Spain III. f. 61.]
June 12 and 27. Edward Barton to Walsingham.
Wrote on the last of April [letter not found] of the Tartar's complaint to the King of Poland; of the damage done to him by the Cassackes; of the Grand Signor's displeasure thereat; and of what passed thereupon between the Polish nuncio and the Vicerey, all things being referred to the coming of the great ambassador. Since then the Cassacks have again attacked the Tartar, ravaging his chief city, Castany, and much of his country. Complaint being made to the Grand Signor, who now has a Vicerey unwilling to put up with injuries, order was promptly given to the beglerby, or general, of Grecia to make ready to invade Poland; and Yusu Bassa, late beglerby of Buda, who is now third bassa of the Bench, was ordered to be ready to command the invading army. They mean to set forth within twenty days and have summoned all the Grand Signor's spahies in Grecia to join them at Bendir, and have called upon the Tartar Crim to gather his forces. The princes of Bugdania and Wallachia are to provide horses for the artillery and corn. This is done the more because the spahies become very insolent when not employed. They extort money from Christians in the streets and lately refused to take their pay in “their country coin,” requesting “dollars of foreign stamp,” whereupon the Vicerey swore that, though he could not punish them, he would send them where they would have a harder pay, meaning probably Poland. 60 galleys to go to sea within four days. The Vicerey suggested to Hassan Bassa that Barton should send one of his servants for the more sure testimony of their good minds in her Majesty's affairs, Barton having pressed them, more than they desired, to set out the fleet, alleging her Majesty's expectation, the Grand Signor's promises, and the danger that as the galleys must be back by late September or mid-October they would have no time for anything but suppressing the Tripoly revolts. “The Vicerey on the other side put me in good hope, and charged Hassan Bassa to give some assault on the Spaniards where he thought good: but I, not being personally demanded for the said servant, as also not having any in my house fit to be employed therein, did send none.”
“A certain Greekish friar … as three days past went into the open senate among all the Bassaies, upbraiding them with their naughty life and wicked Mahomettish doctrine,” exhorting them to become Christians, and using many persuasions in the Turkish tongue in which he was very perfect. He was condemned to death upon his refusal to turn Turk. He was raised by cord and pulley to the gallows and then dropped “upon a sharp iron hook half way from the ground, to hang there at chance, as the hook caught hold, till death.” He went on preaching from the hook until they in a fury cut out his tongue, then cut off his nose, ears, and fingers, put out his eyes, and stoned him. Yet he “ceased not till the last gasp to bawl as he might against them, living on the hook only five hours”…—12 June, 1589.
The Admiral left with sixty galleys on the 21st. It is late for him to do much, but the news that he is so near the Spaniards as Tripolye will do good. “He hath promised to do much, as also the Vicerey, being both well affectioned towards her Majesty's proceedings …”
The nuncio with the tribute of Hungary arrived on the 8th and presented four silver clocks very artificially wrought and sixteen great pieces of goodly plate. Six days later the Vicerey refused to allow him to send a courier to the Emperor or to permit certain ‘Duch’ barons to go to Jerusalem. The Vicerey said “that he had sent a chaous to the Emperor to require a tribute which of [late? MS. torn] is behindhand and certain Turks of importance which be captives in Vienna”; and that if this were refused, the nuncio will be detained and open war proclaimed. Some of the nuncio's gentlemen thereupon required safe conduct “to pass into Poland under title of her Majesty's subjects, which, redounding to her Majesty's credit, I cannot nor will deny.”
The beglerby of Grecia left for Poland on the 23rd, ordering all the spahies of Grecia to meet him at Bendir where he will join the Tartar.
The Duke of Florence's galleys have taken 2 galleys of Rodus and with those of Malta do great harm in the Archipelago, having taken at least sixteen carmesals, or Turkish ships.
Mr. Henry Candishe and Mr. Richard Mallorye arrived here on the 16th. Writes again by them.—27 June, 1589.
Signed. Endd.pp. [Turkey I. f. 170.]
June 27. Edward Barton to [Walsingham?].
Has, according to his honour's letter, entertained Mr. Richard Mallorye, its bearer (who arrived on the 16th), as well as he could in this barbarous country. Imparted a few matters to him, and, firstly, touching Barton's proceedings against the Spaniard. The residence here of her Majesty's ambassador or agent has prevented the Spaniard from resolving confidently upon his enterprises and has forced him to spend in these parts three hundred thousand ducats yearly in extraordinary charges and bribes. If this benefit results from her Highness' minister's mere presence here, anyone can judge what good the procurement of “this man's” forces against the Spaniard does and will do. For that, all these people must be bribed. It would cost no more than the setting forth of three of her Highness' princely ships, for all are well affectioned towards her and could easily be bought, because of her wars against their mortal enemy and her release of divers of the Grand Signor's subjects. The sum need not be so great nor so openly spent as to allow the Papists to accuse her Majesty of hiring the Turk to endamage Christendom— “though it be a common practice with every of them.”
If her Highness continues her ambassador or agent here, either the Company should increase his ordinary allowance for household expenses or else it should be increased by her Highness, “for hitherto her Majesty's officers have been far inferior in countenance to those of other princes, not expending the third part of that which the Emperor's and French King's ambassadors and others are allowed, whereby no little dishonour groweth in these parts to her Majesty and discredit to our country….”
Barton's third petition is that, whereas he suspects that his letters may often be intercepted (seeing that his honour in his letter requires him to write frequently), he may hear when they arrive safely. Has been wont to write double copies every fourteen days and at the end of every month to send copies of the previous fourteen days. Has sent overland the present occurrences, in his letters dated June 27: annexes copy of them to this. Refers his honour to this bearer's report, who has been in part testis oculatus.—27 June, 1589.
Postscript. Sends a box of terra sigillata and two little pots of metridatum and triaca, the best to be found.
Signed. Endd.pp. [Turkey I. f. 172.]
[June 28.] “Horace Pallavicino's opinion upon the matters propounded by M. De Buhy.”
The levy which the French King means to make in Germany is so large that M. de Buy should reckon upon the help of the Protestant Princes as well as upon English money. The latest advices say that they are very well disposed. De Buy therefore should continue his journey to Germany and not refuse her Majesty's offer to help the King so far as she can. He should agree to take with him from her Majesty a gentleman instructed to see what progress Schomberg is making with the said levy and authorised to assure the Princes of Germany, if he finds that it only remains to get their contributions, that her Majesty means to help the King with money to which end he (the gentleman) has brought treasure and credit. Thus as little as possible would be spent in anticipation. As assurance to de Buy of her Majesty's sincerity, the gentleman may take with him to Germany fifty thousand crowns in bullion and an instruction for the Merchant Adventurers at Staden to provide a further fifty thousand by exchange upon his demand.
Endd. by Burghley as above and with date. Italian.pp. [France XIX. f. 168.]
June 28. William Borlas to Walsingham.
Received his two letters to-day. As directed, he wrote to Sir Thomas Morgan to send hither Sir Edmund Udalle's company from Bergen, promising to send thither Mr. Darse's by the same boats that brought Udalle's. Lord Wyllobe sent his patent by his lieutenant, to admit his own company into this town. Refused to do so, having no order from Sir Robert Sydne.
Walsingham writes that his book of musters is misliked. The commissaries themselves hindered him, lest he should discover their abuses. The 9 companies here make but 7, yet they appear as full in the books. Spent nearly 40l. taking these musters.— Flusschyng, 28 June, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd.pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 100.]
June 28./July 8. Diego Melendes de Valdes, governor of Porto Rico in the West Indies, to Pedro de Castelio, at Sivill.
Received his letter of February 15. Regrets the imprisonment of Don Pedro de Valdes, his cousin, and of Don Diego Floris de Valdes, though he not only wishes Don Pedro “more straiter imprisoned of those which escaped, but rather I do desire that he were dead.” John de Texeda, master of the field, and John Bontista Antoneli, master workman, have planned a fort covering this harbour. Has his Majesty's warrant for expending the necessary money: the island provides four thousand pioneers: has written to Texeda for 200 negroes. The full complement of 200 soldiers promised, but not yet all arrived. The fort is to be built trianglewise, between the sea and the bay, upon the top of the mountain called the Hangman's Place. Copper ordnance to be cast at Havana. The fleet is to come by Sayona, not touching at Havana.—Porto Rico, 8 July, 1589.
Postscript. Four thousand men work on the fort: 200,000 reals already spent.
Translation. Endd.pp. [Spain III. f. 89.]
June 29. Lord Burgh to Burghley.
Sends this by M. Caron, to whom he refers the news of these countries. Desires his lordship to further the supply of the wants of this place.—Brill, 29 June.
Holograph. Add. Endd. ¾ p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 102.]
June 29. Edward Barton to [Walsingham?].
“In the latter time of Chiaus Bassa his government,” Barton gave the Grand Signor a false alarm that her Majesty had written to know his final resolve about sending his fleet against the Spaniard, whereupon she would know how to proceed, “being by her enemies … offered large honourable proffers of peace.” This so amazed the Grand Signor that he ordered his navy to be made ready and earnest letters to be written promising her Majesty his aid this summer against the common enemy. Sent copies of this letter to his honour, keeping the original until now when he sends it by the safe hands of this bearer, Mr. Henry Candishe.—29 June, 1589.
Signed. With a verbatim copy of the letter of June 27, here dated 29, calendared above, pp. 346–8, under date June 12 and 27. Endd. 1⅓ pp. [Turkey I. f. 174.]
June 29. July 9. J. Wrothe to Walsingham.
The enclosed shows what happens in Turkey. These Signors' small extraordinary provision for the sea suggests that the Turk will this year send no great strength into the Archipelago.
The Pope thunders no more against the King of France. He seems very offended with those of Paris for their slackness about publishing his monitory, calling them ghiottoni and saying that he would proceed after another fashion with them if things were to begin again. All his care is to gather money and he shows no hearty affection to either side. The forces levied in Italy and the 4,000 ‘Duches’ from Tirole are to be mustered at Casale Maggior in Lombardy. Some think they are for Savoy, but if the English continue to molest Spain they will probably go thither.
Victuals and money are said to be scarce in the Duke of Savoy's camp and he withdraws part of his forces into Piedmont “under colour of M. Deguires descending the mountains” though the true cause is thought to be his said wants.
The Spanish ambassador this week feasted all the ambassadors lieger here, but neither the French ambassador nor the Pope's nuncio attended. “All begin to laugh at his puffed haughtiness —a most notable vice in most of that nation.”
The Spaniards seek to maintain the opinion of their greatness by false reports. When their news of the repulse of the English at the Groyne with the loss of 1,500 men was proved false, they forged news that the English were driven out of the suburbs of Lishbone with a loss of 3,000 men. They confess that the English have taken Casqueys and the fort of that town.—9 July, 1589.
Postscript. The Spanish galleys have brought 600 thousand crowns to Genoa.
Holograph. Add. Endd.1 p. [Venice I. f. 72.]
June 30./July 10. John Welles to Walsingham.
Summary of his letter of the 4th [recte 6th (N.S.)]. Some say Count Soissons is at Angiris, others at Cane with Mompanser, sick. Nantis is revolted; Shartiris, Pond, Sent Cloue, and Pose, for the King. The Paris suburbs cried ‘live the King.’ Many in the town who were for the King, have been put to death. M. de Mayne entered Paris hurt and disguised. 800 horse sallied from Paris: la Noue and 200 retired and the King of Navarre surrounded them and killed or took most of them. The King was excommunicated by the Pope in all the parishes here on the 9th: “and that they shall kill all here that doth take part with him; and [is also] against the Queen my mistress.” The King's camp is 45,000 besides Mompanser and those of Dipe (who defeated 4 companies of this town). 1,200 horse and 3,000 foot are coming within these three days to the [governor of] Pond Larche, it is thought for some exploit here. M. Mompanser marches. “The Duke de Mayn hath written hither to pray for him: it is thought he needeth no[w?] to be prayed for. The King is at Monford, 4 leagues off Paris: the King of Navarre at Sent Dinis, and goeth from town to town and doth reduce many places and hath taken all the passages.” The King beheaded one of de Mayne's gentlemen at Etampis, and those of Paris would have put to death M. Forgit, Rambolyt's brother, “but the King wrote, and so justice stayed.” The Duke d'Omall came to Ron to-day with ten horse: he knows not wither to retire. “The King of Navarre is thought to do that he doth by sorcery, for all places do yield to him.” A man has come from Paris and goes to London with letters for his honour. He has been in the town house, his letters were opened, and he is said to be a spy. A priest of the council says Welles will not be released till the wars are ended, or twelve Papists are released in England, “or 600 crowns and 200 crowns taken at Rye from a boy of France, (fn. 2) that was papists' money. For Gods sake let some goods of Ralph Letherbouiris be stayed, or other that doth come from hence. I rest my life in your hands….”—Ron, 10 July, 1589.
Postscript. “I wrote you nine letters.”
Holograph. Add.pp. [France XIX. f. 166.]
[June.] Project for a public declaration by the Queen disavowing all who, under pretext of her service, seek to sow dissension between her subjects serving in the Low Countries and the States General or the particular Estates or magistrates of the United Provinces; or to overset or calumniate the authority, rights, and privileges of the said States, etc., to the advantage of the common enemy; or to stir the States' soldiers to mutiny, whereby great losses have already fallen out.
Endd. with date. French. 1½ pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 112.]
English version of the above, slightly amplified.
Endd. by Burghley. Undated. 2¼ pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 114.]
[June.] Notes by Walsingham.
More victuals are sent to the Low Countries than the garrison requires. The victuals are sold at over-dear prices and [breaks off]. The Treasurer has his 100th penny out of the lendings, not out of the full pay. “To seek out the date of her Majesty's letter for the placing of Sir Thomas Morgan, and when Sir William Reade was discharged. That the companies of the States are nothing so strong as her Majesty's companies.”
In Walsingham's hand. Endd. with date. 2/3 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 108.]
[June.] Sir Edmund Uvedalle's opinion upon the payment of her Majesty's forces in the Low Countries.
The soldier is now paid 12l. 3s. 4d. yearly; whereof there is defalked 7l. 16s. weekly imprests, 4l. 6d. 6d. for two suits of apparel, 2s. 1d. for the Treasurer's 100th penny, and 2s. for the clerk of the band, in all 12l. 6s. 7d.; so he is short by 3s. 3d.
The captains therefore desire that:—only one suit of apparel be supplied, at 2l. 3s. 3d.; that each soldier be paid 2l. in ready money for his wants, hurts, sickness, imprisonment, repair of arms, for shirts, stockings, shoes, etc., for which nothing is now allowed; that those who supply apparel be ordered to supply this one suit yearly and to keep a stock of shirts, stockings, and shoes.
The summer apparel is “not equal or answerable to the first pattern of the winter apparel at these prices sent over.”
Endd. as above. 1¼ pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 106.]
[Between June 8 and 17.] An account of the expedition of the English fleet.
It reached Coruña on May 4. (fn. 3) The Marquis de Ceralvo had and 17.] there only about 200 soldiers, besides the townspeople who were of little account. 8,000 men and four pieces of artillery were landed: they sacked the suburbs, and then for some days bombarded the town. They mined a tower, which fell on their own men, killing several captains and persons of note. Their frequent assaults were repulsed with loss. Finally, they embarked on the 18th, and burned five ships in the harbour, among them the galleon San Juan, the Duke's [recte Recalde's] admiral-ship. They took the artillery from the ships and, according to prisoners' reports, killed more than 500 men there.
On the 26th they arrived at Peniche, thirteen leagues north of this place. In less than four hours they landed all their men,— 14 or 15 thousand, with 50 horse. Don Antonio also landed. Don Pedro de Guzman, the inspector-general, was there with three companies of Spanish infantry, besides above 1,000 Portuguese who abandoned him when the fleet anchored. After the Spanish troops had skirmished at one of the landing places, he retired as he could make no further resistance.
After taking Peniche and Atauguia, the enemy, leaving 250 men in Peniche castle, marched to Torres Vedras whose inhabitants came out with a canopy to welcome Don Antonio.
300 Spanish lancers, pikemen, and harquebusiers, skirmished with the enemy on their march, killing many.
On the 27th the Count of Fuentes came out with 2,000 Spaniards and 8,000 Portuguese. The Portuguese dwindled to 2,000 during the night. The Count realised that the deserters would not rejoin, and as the Cardinal, who also came out to pitch his camp a league hence, warned him that many plots had been discovered in the city, they both withdrew, intending merely to defend the city until Castilian troops arrived. The Count entered the city on the morning of Corpus Christi. That afternoon the enemy occupied the suburbs, where they remained for four days without making any assault, only awaiting the success of the many plots which they had made with the Portuguese to admit them. Many of the Portuguese traitors were captured and the chief ones were executed. At last the enemy withdrew to Cascais, where their fleet lay. They did not burn or destroy any buildings in the suburbs, nor even damage the churches, which is miraculous. There was little looting, for the best things had already been removed and the Count had ordered all the warehouses in which there were victuals to be set on fire and all the wine to be poured away. There were some very pretty skirmishes while the enemy was under the walls and in these and in the retreat they lost 500 men killed and over 50 taken prisoners. Only 25 lost on the Spanish side. Captain Pedraca Francisco Malo and Don Juan de Torres, who will not survive, were wounded.
The fortress of Cascais surrendered very basely without any heavy bombardment or any assault. Its captain is now a prisoner here and condemned to death, unless his Majesty pardon him. The English took water aboard and cleared the whole district of cattle, and made some kind of biscuit until the grist failed. They embarked on the 13th, leaving behind on shore some 2,000 Portuguese whom they had gathered. They embarked the sick and the clergy but landed them all, except a few chief persons, again on the next day, took from them all they had, and beat them with sticks.
On the 18th they sailed and until now have been cruising towards Cape Espichel, 6 leagues south of this port. (fn. 4) The weather is unfavourable for the voyage to the Islands, which they seem to intend.
They take with them over 30 German barques and 50 French ships, which they captured. These are laden with wheat, rye, flour, cheese, meal, etc. which will be used to supply the fleet which is short of food. They will probably make the wheat into biscuit on one of the Islands.
The troops are said to be dying of sickness at the rate of 100 men a day.
There was no good opportunity to use the galleys here. (fn. 5) There are fears for the ships from Portuguese India, but they are said to have taken a different route and not to be coming to this port.
The prior Don Ernando is captain-general of the armies now being raised in Spain. Don Francisco de Bobadilla is master-general of the camp; Audicidialas (fn. 6) purveyor- and commissary-general; and Don Alonso de Bazan (brother of the Marquis of Santa Cruz) general of the fleet which sets out to-day to bring in that which is yonder. The prior is already in Alcantara, where the whole army is to assemble.
In all these kingdoms and in Italy great preparations are being made for another expedition to England next year. God grant it better success than that of last year! [A marginal trefoil against this paragraph, which is underlined.]
Undated. Endd. “The report of the success of the English fleet that went into Portingale, as it was written out of Lisbone.” Spanish. 1⅓ pp. [Spain III. f. 92.]
[June?.] Note of favours required by Gaspar Luis d'Escobar from Señor Belasco in Madrid, viz.:—A royal warrant to return to Granada; another to the justices there to decide his 12 years' old case; another allowing him or his agent to carry arms in Spain or the Indies, as a son of Don Pedro Manrique Enson de Soldado has gone to Granada; another forbidding any justices to intervene in the affairs of the brotherhood of the solitude of the Mother of God without its consent; to get the Nuncio to confirm the ordinances of the brotherhood, which Diego Peres de Porras will send.
Endd. “A remembrance given … unto the licenciado Velasques….” Undated. Spanish. 1 p. [Spain III. f. 94.]
[June?.] A list of apparel, and silk and woollen goods to be bought in Granada and sent to the writer at San Domingo.
Endd. in English and Spanish. Undated. Spanish. 1 p. [Spain III. f. 93.]
[Early in June.] Extracts from letters sent from Brittany to Guerneze.
The King of Navarre routed the Duke of Maine between Orleans and Estempes, taking thirteen cornets which he sent to the King. The Duke escaped to an abbey where the King of Navarre besieges him. The King and his army march towards Paris. M. de la Noue is in the suburbs of Paris, where the people are very divided, some crying vive le roy, others vive la ligue.
The Prince of Dombes comes to Brittany with 4,000 men and will take the two thousand men and the artillery of the Prince of Soissons which are at Chateau Gontier.
M. de Mercure is before Vitré which he began to batter with three cannon on the 9th of this month.
Poictiers, which had returned to the King's obedience, has gone back to the League. The King had been there in person, with M. de Biron, and hanged seventeen Leaguers, headed by the mayor. The town paid him 120,000 crowns to avoid being sacked. The King has sent M. de Chastillon to punish them.
Marshal d'Aumont is to go with Dombes against M. du Boisdauphin who holds le Mans for the League. Boisdauphin has been defeated and is said to be dead.
Several leaders of the League, among them two or three presidents, some councillors, gentlemen, etc. and forty other Leaguers have been expelled from Rennes.
Add. to Walsingham. Endd. with date. French. 1 p. [Newsletters IX. f. 99.]


  • 1. Full version printed in Acts of the Privy Council, xvii. 421–6.
  • 2. See Calendar, XXII. 88.
  • 3. The dates in this account are N.S.
  • 4. Drake and the fleet reached Bayona on June 17, o.s., so this account must have been written before that date [cf. Corbett, Drake and the Tudor Navy, II, 355].
  • 5. They made an attack on June 7, o.s. [ibid. p. 353].
  • 6. So in MS.: Cayet, Chronologie Novenaire (Petitot collection), II, 146, gives the name as Andrea d'Alva.