Elizabeth: April 1589, 11-20

Pages 211-224

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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April 1589, 11–20

April 11/21 Guerin de Captot to Walsingham.
Asked Buzanval to excuse his not writing to his honour. Could not trust the bearers. Continual alarms here. The governor's loyalty to the King. Many support him, but there is chaff amongst the grain, as the last six days have shown. The enemy since their failure here, have shown themselves several times and are now on the brick bridge at the fort of Mon Plaisir. They were near Venea yesterday and were fired upon. They are now at Huit Mille, a league from here, which they have fortified. Their cavalry is at Marquise, between here and Calais. If they master this place, they will command the low town.
Hope for her Majesty's support. Now is the time to help, and to raise in England a good troop to scatter this rabble, which is not two thousand men all told, of whom a hundred or a hundred and twenty have good horses. If M. de Gourdain would have understood this, they would long ago have been driven from the Boulonnais. Cannot believe the report about the governor of Calais. Sentence upon the sieur de Senlis and his accomplices is expected to-day or to-morrow. This bearer, a maker of harquebuses, wheels, etc., for this place, is sent by the governor to buy iron. Desires Walsingham's favour for him.
Oatmeal badly needed here.—Boulogne, 21 April, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. French. 1¾ pp. [France XIX. f. 104.]
April 11/21. d'Estreelles to Walsingham.
His honour's former favours. His bankruptcy towards God's church doubtless appears ill. but he earnestly desires to serve his native land. Since leaving England, he has not been idle either at court or here. Importance of this town. The discourse which Captot sends to Busanval shows the enemy's efforts to seize it. It troubles them more than any place in France. Prays for long life for her Majesty and his honour. Affairs go better than they had hoped.—Boullogne, 21 April, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal. French. 1 p. [France XIX. f. 106.]
April 11/21 Bernardino de Mendoza to the King of Spain.
Encloses copies of three of his letters to the Duke of Parma. (fn. 1) “It hath been a particular permission of God that he only inspired unto me that I came to this city,” although sore afflicted by loss of sight: otherwise “the whole body of the Union had been dismembered.” Refers him to Parma's answer about the landsknechts promised to the Duke de Meyne. The fault was in the Duke in not going promptly hence, not in the landsknechts' delay, though they are too weak and ill-equipped to form the nucleus of a camp as they were meant to do. Some say that this reveals their dependence upon Parma: makes his friends deny this, whilst showing the value of Spanish aid.
The ambassador of quom's remarks about coming from his Majesty and the Duke of Medina Cely to comfort this King upon his mother's death. He tries to persuade the Union that they can do nothing with his Majesty except through the Duke, his master. Mendoza must stay here to influence their deliberations and strengthen their Union against the French King. Had the landsknechts arrived in time, Meyne would have gone forth at the first and driven the King over the Loyre. Sends deciphered advices from England.—Paris, 21 April, 1589.
Translation, often obscure. Endd. 2 pp. [Spain III. f. 54.]
[April 12.] The Queen to Bodley.
Repeating her former instructions to him to deal with the States General for an agreement with Gertrudenbergh. He shall inform the States of her disapproval of their violent and disorderly course, which endangers that town and a large part of the country. Their complaints against the soldiers have neither been proved nor brought to trial, despite the requests of Willoughby and himself. The soldiers say that they have observed their treaty with the States. Her ministers were not informed of the States' purpose. The greatest possible opportunity is offered to the enemy by this violence. Bodley shall urge them, and the Council of State and the towns near Gertrudenbergh, to preserve the place, which will be done chiefly by satisfying the garrison according to the former agreement. Has written to the garrison promising to urge such a course upon the States. He shall inform the States of this letter. Their imminent danger if the town should yield to the enemy.
Copy corrected. Endd. with date. 1⅓ pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 55.]
Another copy of the above, without the last two sentences. Endd. with date. 2/3 pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 54.]
“Notes for a letter from her Majesty to Mr. Bodley,” to the same effect as the above. (fn. 2)
Undated. Endd. “memorial from the L. Willoughby,” ¾ p. [Holland XXXI. f. 227.]
[April 12.] The Queen to the soldiers and burghers of Geertruidenberg. (fn. 3) Exhorts them not to persist in violent courses or surrender to the enemy. Let them inform her of any complaint which they have against the States, and she will procure them satisfaction and treat a refusal as a personal injury [over and she will see them satisfied, crossed out]. They should not prefer the enemy's offers to the larger promises made, as she hears, by the towns around them. [The enemy will break his word and their treason will not profit them, crossed out]. Requires them to' inform this gentleman of their grievances. Bodley is to protest against the States General's violent proceedings, undertaken without her ministers' knowledge, and to obtain satisfaction for the soldiers and burghers. They have taken an oath to her and surely will not agree with the enemy. [Is sure that they will treat well her subject whom they have chosen as their governor, crossed out].
Draft, much corrected. Endd. with date and “this was misliked by her Majesty by reason of one word, which was that it was written that her Majesty did take upon her to see them satisfied: instead whereof she would have it put in that she promised assuredly so to deal with the States that they should satisfy them, or else she would take the injury [as] done to herself.” French. 1½ pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 58.]
Another copy of the above, corrected in much the same manner and omitting the last sentence, about the governor.
Endd. with date and “this is the true copy of her Majesty's letter….” French. ¾ p. [Holland XXXII. f. 70.]
“Notes for a letter from her Majesty to the soldiers of Gertrudenbergh,” to much the same effect as the first of the two letters calendared above. (fn. 4)
Undated. Endd. “memorial from my L. Willoughby for a letter …” 1 p. [Holland XXXI. f. 226.]
April 12. The Queen to the States of Holland.
Sonoy requests her to urge them to satisfy him for his past services and for the payment, which they promised, of those burghers of Medemblik who supplied certain provisions to his soldiers. The latter sum was defalked upon the soldiers' pay. Sonoy has been reduced to extremity in meeting these creditors. Urges them to relieve him of this crushing burden, as they promised in the agreement made with him. Has charged the sieur de Caron, sent over to deal with them of other matters, to commend Sonoy's case earnestly to them.—12 April, 1589.
Copy. Endd. French, ¾ p. [Holland XXXII. f. 68.]
Another copy of the above, dated April 13.
Endd. French. 2/3 p. [Holland XXXII. f. 73.]
[April 12.] Request of Sonoy to the Queen.
While he has been here in England, the States of Holland have disregarded the agreement made with him by the mediation of her Majesty's ministers there, despite the requests of Bodley and Sonoy's own humble requests sent by Voicht. Has to sell his goods to satisfy the burghers of Medemblik for the soldiers' debts which the States undertook to pay. Desires her Majesty to amplify the commission of the sieur Caron, seigneur de Schonwalle, now going to the Low Countries, so as to include his affairs.
Copy. Endd. with date, note of contents, and “a letter to be written from her Majesty to the States of Holland in behalf of this gentleman, to the effect within contained. The same to be written in effectual manner.” French. 1 p. [Holland XXXII. f. 66.]
With the above:
Memorial from Sonoy. (fn. 5)
His agreement with Count Maurice and the States of Holland, made, by Willugby and Kyllegreu's mediation, in April, '88, has been broken in the following points.
(1) The magistrates of Medemblik sue him and Captain Wolfwinckel, despite the act of oblivion for Sonoy and the garrison.
(2) Captains Cristal and Wolfwinckel not paid their arrearages.
(3) The burghers sue him for the garrison's debts, though the States promised to pay these as well as three months' pay in cash, to be paid in 15 days.
(4) He was to retain his position and stay in Medemblik with such forces as were necessary for its defence. Not done.
(5) This was to be until his cause was heard by the Council of State, in the presence of Willugby and her Majesty's representatives therein. Not done.
(6) Otherwise, he was to be honourably discharged, and satisfied for past services. Not done.
Desires her Majesty to secure the performance of this agreement. The States should pay also for the powder left at Medemblik, for which he owes the merchant who supplied it.
Signed. Endd. Undated. French. 2⅓ p. [Holland XXXII. f. 64.]
April 12. James Digges to Burghley.
Sends him, as he desired, the accounts of the ‘cassed’ horse companies. Desires him to authorise the Lord General (who has already written thereof) to warrant the Treasurer at Wars to pay him an imprest of two months' pay or of the remainder saved upon the horse companies' pay.—12 April, 1589.
Signed. Add. Endd. with note of contents. Seal of arms. ½ p. [Holland XXXII. f. 52.]
April 12. Abbreviate of Flushing musters.
Sir William Russell. 6 officers, 4 targeteers, 4 halberds, 43 pikes (armed except for pouldrons and taches), 12 musketeers, 47 calivers (of whom 30 have morions), 1 preacher, 1 sergeant-major, 2 cannoneers, = 120. Absent, 60. Strangers, 12.
Sir Thomas Sherley. 5 officers, 26 pikes as above, 9 musketeers (6 with morions), 50 calivers (no morions), 1 preacher, 1 sergeant-major, 1 cannoneer, = 93. Absent, 42. Strangers, 8.
Sir William Drury. 6 officers, 3 halberdiers, 30 pikes (15 with morions, 3 no armour), 8 musketeers, 45 calivers (no morions), 1 preacher, 1 sergeant-major, 1 cannoneer, 1 fife, = 96. Absent, 39. Strangers, 6.
William Browne. 8 officers, 5 targeteers, 38 pikes (armed except for pouldrons and taches), 12 musketeers (no morions), 48 calivers (no morions), 1 preacher, 1 sergeant-major, 1 cannoneer, = 114. Absent, 21. Strangers, 7.
Morrys Denys. 6 officers, 4 targeteers, 4 halberds, 38 pikes (no burgonettes), 13 musketeers (no morions), 56 calivers (no morions), preacher, sergeant-major, cannoneer, = 124. Absent, 11. Strangers, 10.
Francis Darcye. 7 officers, 6 halberds, 36 pikes (no burgonettes), 15 musketeers (no morions), 58 calivers (no morions), preacher, sergeant-major, cannoneer, = 125. Absent, 10. Strangers, 5.
Richard Harte. 4 officers, 3 targeteers, 44 pikes (10 morions, 5 with taches and pouldrons), 19 musketeers (3 morions), 52 calivers (no morions), preacher, sergeant-major, cannoneer, = 125. Absent, 10. Strangers, 10.
Allphrey Randolph. 7 officers, 35 pikes (17 burgonettes), 14 musketeers (no morions), 66 calivers (no morions), preacher, sergeant-major, cannoneer, = 125. Absent, 10. Strangers, 8.
Francis Litleton. 4 officers, 3 targeteers, 8 musketeers (no morions), 38 pikes (no morions), 62 calivers (no morions), preacher, sergeant-major, cannoneer, = 118. Absent, 17. Strangers, 16. Total, 1,040 present, 220 absent, 82 strangers.
At Ramykens.
Nicholas Erington. 7 officers, 6 targeteers, 4 halberdiers, 8 musketeers, 28 pikes, 57 calivers, = 110. Absent, 5. Strangers, 1. All very serviceably furnished of weapons, “as well armed men as musketeers and harquebusiers.”
Endd. 3 pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 60.]
Another copy of the above.
Endd., and, by Burghley, “from Arthur Heigham.” 3 pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 62.]
April 13. [Walsingham?] to Bodley.
Her Majesty has written to the States of Holland on behalf of Sonoy. Details of his cause, which is to be solicited by (fn. 6) M. de Caron, whom Bodley shall urge to deal very effectually, delivering to him the enclosed copy of her Majesty's letter. Her Majesty's especial care for Sonoy.—Whitehall, 13 April, 1589.
Minute. Endd., “from his honour …” 1 p. [Holland XXXII. f. 72.]
April 14/24. The States General to the Privy Council.
Received on April 14 her Majesty's letters of March 16 (fn. 7) about Geertrudenberge. The proceedings of that town, under pretext of her Majesty's service, have now had the unfortunate result which they have anticipated for fourteen months past. This pretext serves all traitors, mutineers, and seditious persons, in matters of political government as well as of war. Have protested often thereof to the late Earl of Leicester, to the baron Willughby, and others, as well as to her Majesty herself and her ambassadors, baron Buchenhorst and Sir John Nourreis. They desired her Majesty to cause her servants to direct their actions to maintaining the true religion and the liberties, customs, and public authority of the Countries. The treason of Geertrudenberg had long been treated of by the leaders last set up there. So the States have thought good to publish by placard, of which they enclose a copy, (fn. 8) the whole history of this treason and of the proceedings of the States with the town. Have treated with all possible moderation and discretion [underlined] the actions of her servants. Justify his excellency of Nassau's conduct towards the garrison.
Desire them to move her Majesty (1) to take notice of the conduct of her subjects who were employed, from first to last, at Geertrudenberge and are now par delà. (2) To keep her succours in sufficient strength, well disciplined and commanded, and obedient to the States. (3) To repay the disbursements for her garrison at the Briele, at least those made since their lordships' promises given in answer to their letter of 13 April, 1588. Also that the said promises be not made illusory by the particular claims of the Treasurer Shurley, as has hitherto been the case. (4) To remedy the evils caused by her subjects' seizures of ships and goods of these countries. (5) To disavow by public act all disunions, mutinies, factions, and seditions, as well among soldiers as others, and to show no favour to such. Named the chief authors in their letters of a year ago to-day and showed how feigned was their devotion to her Majesty. Once effectual order is taken herein, they will be far stronger to resist the common enemy, to render her Majesty valuable service and to carry out her wishes.—The Hague, 24 April, 1589.
Signed, Heermale. Counter-signed, C. Aerssens. Add. Endd. French. 2¼ pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 74.]
April 15/25. Richard Tomson to Walsingham.
Waited almost six weeks at Bruzelles, Andwerpe, and this place, for the commissary that the Duke of Parma sends with him to England. Finally got M. Mondragon's passport to go and wait in Zeeland, but has been stayed here for seven days. The money for the prisoners was ready 20 days ago, but as the exchange is now unfavourable and as they are lothe to risk so much money by sea, they make these delays. The Duke of Parma went towards Getrudenberghen on April 6, N.S., “and concluded with the town in short time for 15 months' pay; and having put a garrison of Wallons therein and M. de Werpe for Governor, returned to Bruzels” on April 22, N.S. If the States' men had stood their ground he would have had difficulty in putting in a garrison, “but so soon as they saw the Duke's people draw near they fled away and would abide not one assault.” The States have begun an evil piece of work. Hewsden and other places “upon this continent of Brabant” are in danger now that they “have waked the sleeping dog.” The enemy at the same time sent 3 or 4000 men to surprise Ostend, but found the English too vigilant.—Ordam, 25 April, 1589, new style.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal. ¾ p. [Flanders V. f. 16.]
April 15. Casimir to the Queen.
Recommends this bearer, Jean de Bassen, a Low Country gentleman well versed in letters and languages and commended by the ministers of the secret church in Cologne, where he employed him. Has now no employment for him. His property seized by the enemies of the Evangelical Religion. Hopes she will employ him or at least help him to preserve his property.— Heidelberg, 15 April, 1589.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1⅓ pp. [Germany, States, V. f. 219.]
April 15/25. The Magistrates of Augsburg to the Queen.
That George Sulzer's enclosed petition be granted, he never having had anything to do with the Spanish war.—25 April, 1589.
Add. Endd. Parchment. Latin. ½ p. [Germany, States, V. f. 216.]
George Sulzer of Augsburg's petition to the magistrates.
In November last, '88, Giles de Greff, of Hamburg, committed certain goods [details given: include Hungarian copper ingots, linen, cotton, silk, gold and silver thread] in Sulzer's name to John Krieger and Henry Schelle, sailors, of Hamburg, to take to St. Lucar in Spain to John and Peter à Bell. Also in October, 1588, John Cleinhart, of St. Lucar, delivered some wine and twelve gilded hides to Lawrence Shuveer, sailor, of Hamburg, to take to Greff at Hamburg for Sulzer. All were marked with Sulzer's mark, an $. They were seized and carried into England. As the goods are his and he has had nothing to do with the Spanish war, he hopes that her Majesty will restore them. He prays the magistrates to commend his cause to her and obtain the restitution of his goods and any others of his that may be seized.
Add. Endd. Latin. 3 pp. [Germany, States, V. f. 217.]
April 15. Thomas Bodley to Walsingham.
“Since the sealing of the enclosed, coming in place where Barnevelt was, upon occasion of speech between us for the loss of Gertrudenbergh, of himself he requested me to enter into communication with him about the redress of all matters, to the satisfaction of her Majesty and the country: which I told him I had long desired and would appoint any time that he should best like. What further talk passed between us, the sudden departure of this bearer cannot afford me the leisure to signify at this present. But I find him very weary of that course that he has taken and I stand in hope to do a great deal of good.” —15 April.
Holograph. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Holland XXXII. f. 78.]
[April 15.] Brief note of the Treasurer at Wars' gains.
Yearly entertainment: for himself and deputies 1,155l. 16s. 8d. Hundredth penny, from her Majesty 1,300l., from the soldiers 1,300l. His 30 men in pay, 365l. Total, 4,120l. 16s. 8d. This double as much as the Lord General's. Also his footband, and his son's horse and footbands.
Also these extraordinary means:—by advancing money to officers before full pay is ordered; by paying victuallers, etc., one before another, or one more than another; by buying in captains', creditors', and soldiers' debts for trifles, when they are made to believe there never shall be a full pay; by defalcations from the States, etc.,—the captains' acquittances not specifying details,—he may gain 20,000l. yearly; petty exactions of 20s. or 30s. and the taking of double or treble hundredth penny; by victualling and apparelling troops and lending out her Majesty's money (this less injurious, and the money will be said to be his own).
“It is informed from Captain Errington that a great part of the corn transported as her Majesty's provision into the Low Countries is carried to Antwerp, whereby corn is better cheap with the enemy than with us.”
Endd., and, by Burghley. “15 April, 1589 … L. Will.” 1¼ pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 80.]
[Probably April 15.] Estimate of the contractors' gains.
Under colour of keeping coin in the realm her Highness' troops are paid in the Low Countries by contractors (“as they be termed”) who greatly benefit by this arrangement. The forces could be paid as well and the coin kept in the realm without this sum now lost to the contractors.
Intolerable gains in clothing the soldiers.
Having licence to transport wheat, malt, beer, etc., out of the realm “to victual every company weekly with 8l. 6s. in bread and beer, they under colour thereof deliver corn and other things and buy in the captains' bills for much less than they amount unto, making thereby exceeding great gains.” They are responsible for pay being so much ‘prolonged.’
They gain by exchange on the yearly imprests of 59,973l. 6s. 8d. some 1,199l. Gains upon victualling (figures given as examples). In clothing the soldiers they make 2,270l. 15s. 5d. yearly by selling to 110 men in each of the 41 companies, for 2l. 3s.d. each, suits of common soldier's apparel which cost 33s. 4d.; also 820l. by selling 20 “gentlemen's suits” to each company for 3l. 10s. each, when the cost is only 50s. “… They transport out of the realm great quantity of corn, beer, cloth, and other provisions and make a trade of merchandise thereof. Wherefore it were most needful that the quantity and quality were by an especial officer surveyed and a perfect register thereof to be kept, with the goodness examined and price set.”
Endd., and, by Burghley “L. Will.” Undated. 2 pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 82.]
[Probably April 15.] Note of weekly imprests or half pay.
Foot companies: weekly, 853l. 6s. 8d.; yearly, 44,373l. 6s. 8d.
Horse companies: weekly, 300l.; yearly, 15,600l.
Total, yearly 59,973l. 6s. 8d. Deduct 24,613l. 6s. 8d. for six horse and 5 foot companies brought away, and for nine cautionary companies at Vlishinge and Bryle. Remains, 35,360l.
“Towards the payment of which, if her Majesty will please to allow the Treasurer's entertainment, not reckoning his horse and foot company, the place may be supplied with as sufficient a party as himself, of living as able to make as good satisfaction, and shall be resident …” Her Majesty shall certainly save full 3,000l. yearly, “and her Majesty's army free from abuses, pollings, exactions, and from extreme usury after 30l. in the 100 per annum, which the captains complain of to be proved true.”
Undated. Endd., and, by Burghley, “L. Will.” 1 p. [Holland XXXII. f. 84.]
April 16/26. Ottywell Smyth to Walsingham.
John Welles still a prisoner at Roanne. A gentleman brings news from the court that the French King is still at Angeres with a very strong camp. Thinks that the King of Navarre has passed the river, that Memoransee's forces are with him, and that Espernon waits until de Maine advances. Paris news that de Maine is at Etampes with great forces. On Thursday at Paris he summoned all soldiers to join him in twenty-four hours on pain of death, as Navarre's forces were said to be advancing on him. Secret report that some of de Maine's forces are beaten. Caenne news that Monpansiere besieges Fallysse and has ambushed and routed 3,000 men under the Count de Bryssake, killing 1,200. A Roanne report that he has taken Fallysse: if so, only Lysyouexe, a weak place, is between him and Roanne.
Those of Roanne do more hurt than all the rest. Besides several other castles, they took within the last two days Chateau Galyarde, which closed the river between Paris and Roanne. This governor recently sent powder, etc., thither. The governor of Chateau Galyarde surrendered for two thousand crowns after three days' siege: he could have held out for a year. They have but 4 castles more to take and then will probably besiege this town. This governor wants powder, etc. [as in Smyth's letter of the 7th, above, p. 203]: he has supplied much to various gentlemen and has no money. He wants Smyth to supply the gentlemen, who will pay him though they will not pay the governor. The governor of Caenne wrote to this governor for powder. If Humphrey Basse, merchant, may send over by Rye four or five thousand pounds, Smyth could supply everybody. Desires licence for this. Those of Rye allow strangers, but not Englishmen, to bring over powder. A small barque set forth by this governor, who prepares one or two more, took boats going from Roanne to Picardy. The governor of New-haven wants a truce: it is unlikely.
News came this week by three ships from Cyvylle in Spain that sixty very rich great ships went for the Indies not six weeks ago: thirty good ships could have taken them. No other army preparing. A Fleming, five years resident at Cyvell, says that not above forty sail of the army for England came back, and that the whole country is in poor estate for lack of traffic, corn being exceptionally dear and their crops burnt up by the great heat. Less than three weeks ago three small barques came from Spain with wool sacks, but in them were, it is said, over 200,000 crowns for Flanders and the League. The Indies fleet is expected within two months, with over 12 millions for the King, who would be undone for ever were it taken. Small barques will come with treasure to Newhaven this summertime: some small pinnaces lying off this coast might easily take them. Requests powder again.
Has sent four dozen quail, the first he has seen this year, to Mr. Dydsberye for Walsingham.—Dyepe, 26 April, 1589.
Postscript. Encloses a letter for Mr. Graye, brought by a Scot. This governor wants a good gunner: he expects a siege. Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal. 2 pp. [France XIX. f. 107.]
April 17. St. Omer's Advertisements.
The Duke's purpose of sending men to Scotland is altered since the failure at Ostend, and he now uses them against Holland. The Duke and M. de Wharfe entered Getervanbergh by composition on April 16, N.S. His camp is in and about the town. Sconhoven, Dort, Gerkham, Utright, and other towns offer, it is said, to parley and may be lost.
Endd. ½ p. [Newsletters IX. f. 96.]
April 18/28. [Gherard Janss.] to [Walsingham?]
A three months' illness has prevented him writing. Seeks to perform his promise and has secretly cultivated an acquaintance with many great persons, who believe him to be wholly the Spaniards'. Will tell the important secrets which he has learnt, when they meet. The Prince of Parma says secretly that Bergen is at his disposition. The governor carried off M. Peterson's daughter and Peterson is made much of by the enemy because of this marriage, which the Bishop of Liège persuades him to appear to disallow. Money collected to corrupt the governor.
The Duke is said to have sent envoys to corrupt the German princes: jewelled hatbands sent. Disputes among the French Leaguers, despite the Pope's counsel.
The Estates of the King's Low Countries discuss a grant: great disputes, for the people can hardly pay the ordinary taxes. The Duke cannot, however, raise loans and his letters of credit are refused in Spain. The Italians paid for buying Gertrenberg: they are said to have as security all the licences and means for 1589. Without their help, the soldiers would have mutinied. The garrison of Gertrenberg regret their treason. Husdon to be besieged.
They are astonished that the English fleet sails and that her Majesty makes war on the King.
The Duke of Pestrana, said to be the King of Spain's bastard, is very popular with these burghers. He received well some Huguenots. He is aged 22 years, and said that he [blank in MS.] he had never heard of religion. The Spaniards want him as governor.
Sends this by the post: cannot afford a messenger. Cannot live properly on 3s. sterling a day. The Duke is at Brussels.
Copy, often obscure and with some words omitted. Endd. with date. French. 3¼ pp. [Flanders V.f. 17.]
April 20. Sir Francis Vere to Walsingham.
Although by the States General's placard against Gertrudenbergh he is set down among the rest as a traitor, (fn. 9) he feels himself so honest a man that he ceases not to write to his honour, who will in any case not condemn him unheard. His behaviour in the first troubles deserved other recompence than blame, and with the last he had nothing to do, being out of the town,—“unless they will have me a traitor because my Lord General at his being there gave me Thomson's company, which I never enjoyed six hours.” Their action is probably due to malice against the English, and to a desire to cover their own rashness, which lost them the town. No doubt Mr. Erington informs his honour of their designs to recover Vlishing. They will leave nothing unattempted to recover that place and the Bryll. They have used other princes merely for their own ends, and now that her Majesty by preserving them during the last three years has herself become engaged in war, they are no longer so careful of her favour as in the days when she might have left them with no danger to her own estate. This humour is nourished by certain persons' private ambitions.—Berghes, 20 April. Holograph. Add. Endd.pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 90.]
April 20. Sir Thomas Morgan to Burghley.
Lately feared an attack, but the enemy has gone from Callingtolt and Holstrate to lodge three miles from Huisdoune, which he intends to ensconce up and then to return to attack this town. Touching the strength of the English forces here, and also his controversy with Capt. Salisburie, refers him to his letters to the Privy Council [not found]. Desires his furtherance therein, as also for his pay as lieutenant. Has had some of the entertainment from Sir Thomas Sherley.—Berges, 20 April, 1589.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. ¾ p. [Holland XXXII. f. 88.]
April 20. Sir Thomas Morgan to Walsingham.
Received his letters. Will do his best to get Lord Huntingdon's man released. Has, as Walsingham advises, often sought the Lord General's favour, but in vain. The Lord General's faction is so strong here, that Morgan cannot administer impartial justice without offending him. Common tale-bearers, etc., incense him against Morgan. Sometimes he seems ready to be reconciled, but then all is altered, owing to his readiness to believe every vain report. Morgan is eager for reconciliation.
Walsingham would hardly believe that Capt. Salisburie was animated in his practices by that faction, yet he (Salisburie) would do that and more to regain the Lord General's favour. Morgan has written to the Privy Council and sent copies of the whole discourse [not found]. Desires that Salisburie's punishment be exemplary. “I hold my place in vain if I should suffer myself to be bearded, braved, challenged, and reviled by a private captain, yea, and such a one whose allegiance is had in jealousy, and that in my place of government…. And, surely, if your honour compare the present time when it was done, to the letters of the Estates, who were advertised at that instant of him by their espials and sent word thereof unto me; and add withal what cunning means he had wrought to send his father to the enemy before he entered into this action, your honour cannot otherwise think of it but as of a matter begun of purpose to have raised a mutiny.” His clerk, who is, Morgan believes, with him in England, could tell much.
The Prince is near Huisdonne, with many pioneers and carpenters. He means to block it and then besiege Bergen. The old Count Charles Mannsfeld on Wednesday attacked a sconce at Huisdonne but was repulsed “and he for his own safeguard enforced to take the river of the old Mase.” The Prince has forces near Vendlo and may go into Gelderland.
Desires to enjoy his pay and place as lieutenant to the General. Has written to the Council thereof. Does not think that her Majesty's grant of it to him has been recalled. Denies having increased his wealth, as some report, in this government. Thanks his honour for his “stay and patronage.” Commends himself to Lady Walsingham and Lady Sidney.—Berges, 20 April, 1589.
Postscript. If Salisburie loses his company, as the States wish, desires that Mr. Allen, Sir Francis Vere's lieutenant, be given it.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 2½ pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 86.]
April 20/30 Advertisements from Ostend.
La Mothe is determined to take Ostend, despite his three previous failures. He makes great preparations, aided by the Four Members of Flanders, who are greatly harassed by this “paltry town,” as they call it, which costs them a full 100,000 pounds a year.
A rumour that Parma will attack Zeeland, where he hopes to succeed as half the soldiers are sent to England to go with Sir Francis Drake. Sir William Standly has gone to Rome: his soldiers are weary of service.
Certain Spanish and Flemish merchants hear from Spain that corn will be very scarce there owing to drought, and that great efforts are made to buy through Antwerp from the east countries. If her Majesty would stay it passing, she might force the King of Spain to yield to any terms.
The late general meeting at Gaunt with much ado granted further imposts upon meat, drink, etc., for three years from May day last, N.S. Yet they will willingly pay if they can get Ostend.
Dated at head. Endd.pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 92.]


  • 1. Calendared above, under date, pp. 208–9.
  • 2. A draft of this, calendared in H.M.C, Ancaster MSS., p. 272.
  • 3. Another draft in H.M.C., Ancaster MSS., p. 276.
  • 4. A draft of this calendared in H.M.C., Ancaster MSS., p. 272.
  • 5. Dutch text in Bor, XXIV., ff. 97–8.
  • 6. By Bodley and Caron, according to directions in her Majesty's letter, crossed out and that which follows above inserted.
  • 7. See H.M.C., Ancaster MSS., pp. 266ndash;7.
  • 8. Calendared above, pp. 205–8.
  • 9. This was done by mistake—Japikse, VI. 307–8.