Pages 457-464
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.
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falcons. See guns.
Fall, Falle, la. See de la Faille.
Falster, island of [Denmark], 78.
Famars, Famas, Famasse. See Lieven, Charles de.
Fare, the. See Vreeswijk.
Farnese, Alexander, prince, duke, of
Parma, Parme, Parmeye,
governor-general of the Spanish
Netherlands, his highness, 219,
299, 340:
-, letters from, 391.
-, -, referred to, 4, 226.
-, letters to, 222, 223, 234, 236.
-, -, referred to, 253, 267, 329,
391, 392, 396.
-, woman-spy of, captured, 1.
-, will not take ransom for Barney, 3.
-, expensive preparations of, 7;
fears they will turn to smoke,
-, favour of, to Amadeo, 12.
-, has 3 ambassadors at Emden, 19,
-, English exiles resort to, 34, 37,
-, hears Armada is in Galicia, 36.
-, makes pilgrimage, 35, 37.
-, Mendoza sends courier from Spain
to, 64.
-, Spaniard says would lose head if
in Spain, 98; their censure
unjustified, 104; Mendoça in
a great chafe against, 108,
154; Leaguers accuse of betraying Armada, 146; Spaniards
charge with treachery, Italians
say would have been himself
betrayed, 153; supercession of,
reported, 232; is blamed for
failure, but King must wink at
it, 401.
-, has much correspondence in England, 112; hears fortnightly
from England, 370.
-, Russel sends Armada prisoners to,
114; Piementel sends a captain
to, 185.
-, imprisons la Motte and Champagney, 122; imprisons Aguilar,
-, de Loo sending Derby portrait of,
-, favour of, to Rijngaut, 171.
-, left Dunkirk, 171.
-, unable to raise loan at Antwerp,
188; money sent from Spain
to, 232; lacks money, 398.
-, two pages of, slain at Bergen, 204.
-, Tomson sent to, about release of
prisoners, 214; Bassets sends
Tomson answer of, 320–1;
sends Lerma to Tomson, 396.
-, knows Norris brings reinforcements, 252.
-, articles accorded to Grimston by,
258; Grimston commended for
overreaching, 271.
-, ill treats English prisoners, 265.
-, States suggest, instigated Stewart's
reprisals, 285.
-, assembles Estates at Brussels,
-, returns to Antwerp and on to
Brussels, 305; nearly drowned,
-, going to Spain, 320, 351; to load
new Armada, 349, 398; may
go to Spain, 396.
-, went disguised into Holland, 326.
-, Menninck's relations with, 330–2,
362; Menninck's evidence about
plans of, 345–6.
-, plans some enterprise for spring,
-, favours Walloons, 350.
-, raising Swiss and Germans for
Spain, 370.
-, eager to take Ostend, 377, 387.
-, Mörs had secret dealings with,
-, ill: death reported, 382.
-, at Dunkirk, 382.
-, army of, the enemy:
-, surgeons and war material
sent to, 1.
-, fears will besiege Ostend, 3,
40; Walsingham thinks
not, 18; Leicester fears it
if Armada does not come,
-, in embarkation camp at
Nieuport, 8.
-, many Germans join, 8, 35, 36.
-, fears it will attack Zeeland,
11, 19, 25, 42, 43, 48, 49,
50, 60; States need all
available forces against,
20, 43.
-, objective of, is invasion of
England, 15, 17, 25, 28;
this unconcealed, 34, 37;
Leicester thinks would give
up this if Armada did not
come, 25; depends on
Armada to cover crossing,
35; ready to cross when
Papists have slain Queen,
-, Dale's reports of, 15, 17, 35,
36, 37.
-, mutinies in, 28; Italians in,
desert, 32.
-, preparing to embark, 40;
ordered to be ready to
embark, 48.
-, draws nearer France, 41.
-, expense of, makes early action
essential, 47; Garnier says
it is 50,000 strong, 95.
-, Queen's reasons for believing
will attack her, 52.
-, between Dunkirk and Nieuport: purpose uncertain,
58; ready to embark for
England, 85.
-, danger to States if marched
into Gelderland, etc., 65,
135; Walsingham fears it,
175, 177.
-, Gilpin sends news of, 67.
-, Armada in Channel on way to
join, 81; Armada was
meant to unite with, 116.
-, embarked, then disembarked,
97, 113; driven in by
States' fleet, 104; 15,000
strong, still ready to embark, 112; Willoughby
expects sortie by, 113.
-, will now attack States, 103,
106, 141, 182; States'
expenses against, 104; will
attack Zeeland, 122.
-, rumours will besiege Bergenop-Zoom, 136, 142, 159,
196; and Heusden and
Geertruidenberg, 188, 191.
-, Burghley would send men to
Ostend, Bergen, etc., to
divert, 140.
-, hovering for further event,
150; still around Nieuport,
152; uncertain purpose
of, 160; will begin no siege
till English enterprise
impossible, 162.
-, disorders of Spaniards and
Walloons in, 158.
-, retires to Dixmude, 172;
and towards Sluys, 177;
purpose still uncertain, 184.
-, siege of Bergen by. See
under Bergen-op-Zoom.
-, likely to prevail against
States, 197.
-, plan to cut off from sea, 216.
-, will attack both Gelderland
and Bergen, 253; only
season likely to hinder,
258; seems to be waiting
for frosts, 288; will invade
the Veluwe, 302.
-, weakness of in 1583–4, 259;
has taken no place since
Sluys, 267.
-, prepares new enterprise for
next year, 273; against
England, 304, 312, 390.
-, Leon given company in, 305.
-, men to go from, to Spain,
305, 379, 396; 6000 sent,
323; 10,000 sent, 311; 4
Spanish regiments sent,
351; 10 regiments sent,
403; sent to Spain or
Ireland, 364, 365; nobles
in, gone to Spain, 366.
-, may attempt Utrecht now,
313, 316.
-, quartered in towns, 323;
going into winter quarters
in Flemish villages, 326.
-, forces of, near Ostend, increasing, 365; Ostend hinders
little, 407.
-, presence of, in Flanders
justified concentration of
English at Flushing,
Bergen, etc., 333.
-, is very quiet, 371; may
attack Bergen again, 381;
or Zeeland, 403.
-, See also Bonn, siege of;
Charles, archduke; Croy,
Charles de; Lalain; Mansfeld, Peter Ernest of;
Pardieu, Valentin; Stanley,
Sir William; Wachtendonk.
-, court of, 1, 40, 331.
-, naval forces of:
-, Derby sends Hodgson's report
of, 3.
-, ships ready to sail at Nieuport
and Dunkirk, 8; not more
than 18 mean ships, 35, 37;
Bruges and Antwerp ships
going to Dunkirk, 40.
-, States' fleet sent to blockade,
15, 25; 50 sail blockading,
45; Maurice meant to
command in person against,
-, flat bottoms being concentrated at Gravelines, 15, 35,
-, brigantines to be built at
Dunkirk, 17.
-, Walsingham thinks, dare not
put to sea, 18.
-, mariners desert, 32; and are
mutinous, 103.
-, galley driven back, 50.
-, ships for, sought in Denmark,
-, galley driven into Texel, 82.
-, is ready to sail, 85; will make
sortie, 118.
-, States' fleet still blockades,
111; and frustrates an
attempted sortie, 119;
Seymour reinforces blockaders of, 133.
-, Queen asks States to blockade,
133; thanks States for service against, 339.
-, value of States' blockade of,
144; caused Armada's
failure, 111.
-, can do nothing now spring
tides past, 133; lacks
mariners, 158; munitions,
etc., still aboard, 172.
-, galley goes to Reyden, 157.
-, ships go after Armada, 171,
-, boats raid into Zeeland,
-, state of, at Dunkirk, 228.
-, 600 boats near Tholen, 271;
boats at Bergen, 278.
-, six ships of, to convoy troops
to Ireland, 320.
-, ships for, bought of the Hanse,
330; and stores at Hamburg, 390.
-, ships at Dunkirk, 399.
-, relations with France and the
-, sent money to Guise, 4.
-, has designs on Boulogne, 63.
-, king allows to victual army
from Picardy, 108.
-, Chevalier d'Aumâle gone to,
-, attempts to support League
after Guise's death, 391–3;
Peronne may admit garrison from, 398; report that
he marches to Paris, 400.
-, learns of Guise's death, 395.
-, English peace negotiations with:
-, king warns, not to be abused
by, 4.
-, Queens sends Dale to, 10, 17;
he returns, 26; account of
audiences, 32–5; his
answer 'leaves it doubtful,'
38; assures de Loo of
sincerity, 47; Croft hopes
answer of, will enable
Queen to resolve, 46.
-, English demand to see his
full powers, 29.
-, has little hope of peace, 47.
-, Queen's ultimatum to (not
sent), 51.
-, used treaty as a blind, 59,
-, may imprison English commissioners, 60.
-, 'deduction' of whole negotiation with, 71–4; summary report of it, 94–7;
refused cessation and reimbursement, 171.
-, English commissioners recalled, 81; provides passports and carriages for
them, 94.
-, de Loo finds, still eager for
peace, 117, 195–8; and
advises fresh overtures to,
150, 151.
-, chapon of. See Villalua, Martin
-, entretenido of. See Leguiçamo,
Don Tristran de.
-, secretary of, See Garnier,
Flaminco; Massi, Cosmo.
farriers, 414.
Feodor I. Ivanovitch, tsar, emperor, of Russia, 351, 352.
Ferdinand, archduke of Austria, 58.
Feret, Ferat, Pherhad, Pasha, Bassa, Turkish general, builds fortress near Rezan, 165; Persians seek to separate Cigala and, 172; overthrow of, 393.
Fernandes, Juan, 264.
Ferrol, Ferral [Coruña, Spain], 231.
Fez, Fess, Fesse [N. Africa], kingdom of, 173.
-, king of, 200.
Fie, John, 293.
Figliazzi, commendator Bongianni Gian, proposal that should mediate peace, 295.
Filkehaza, Filek [Hungary], letter dated at, 336.
-, bey of, brother of Ibrahim Pasha, letter from, 336.
Fin, la. See de la Fin.
Finch, Finshe, —, 82.
Finisterre, cape [Galicia, Spain], 12.
Fionia. See Fyen.
fireships, drove Armada from Calais, 104.
fireworks, wildfire, used in siege of Wachtendonk, 302, 303.
Firolles, count of, 116.
-, Leveson robbed Hollanders, 21.
-, Holland herring fleet, 68, 91.
-, of Dieppe, report about Armada,
-, bring news of San Felipe, 114.
Fizes, Simon de, baron de Sauve, 178.
Flamedeyne, Jacques, 409.
Flanders, county of, 83, 94, 105,
-, German forces arrive in, 8,
-, States' ships watch coast of, 25,
45, 339; Queen asks States to
blockade, 133.
-, Parma's forces wait in, till traitors
slay Queen, 41; their concentration in, threatens England,
52; and justified concentration
of English at Flushing, etc.,
333; Gilpin sends news of
Parma's forces in, 67.
-, Navarre pledges lands in, to
States, 53.
-, Wyatt employed by Willoughby
in, 57, 60.
-, free passage from Zeeland into, 59.
-, Russel sends Armada prisoners
into, 114.
-, Parma's troops pillage villages of,
-, Parma's army leaves, 183, 214.
-, Killigrew writes of plan for enterprise in, 185; note of some
service to be done in, 216–7;
Caron advocates the plan, 259.
-, Stewart should seek payment
from, 198; makes no claim
against, 286.
-, Ostend claims to represent, 212,
-, counts and countesses of, 212.
-, Renty will attack Tergoe from,
-, Parma billets troops in villages of,
326; Stanley goes into, 320;
his Irish go into, 351.
-, Ostend burghers all have kinsmen,
etc., in, 341.
-, Conway urges offensive in, 377;
value of Ostend for such an
offensive, 406–7.
-, gentlemen leave, for Spain, 382.
-, council of, Rijngaut's case stayed
before, 171.
-, councillors of. See Assonville,
Christophe d'; Damhoudère,
N. de.
-, president of. See Meetkerke,
Adolf van.
-, See also Bruges; Dixmude; Dunkirk; Ghent; Low Countries,
Spanish; Nieuport; Ostend.
fleet. See England, navy of; Spain, navy of; Turkey, navy of; United Provinces, navy of.
Flemings, 155, 305.
Flemish tongue, 315, 318.
Flensburg [Schleswig, Denmark, now Germany], prefect of. See Ranzau, Peter.
Fletcher, Jeffrey, of Lord Burgh's company, 194.
Fleure. See Doeres, Floris.
Flicke, Robert, captain of Merchant Royal, 378.
Florence, duchy of, ships of, taken for new Armada, 401; ships of, in Armada. See ships.
-, duke of. See Medici, Ferdinand I de.
Flores, Antonio, captain, 331.
Floris, Florris, John, 353, 408.
-, M. See Thin, Floris.
Flud, Edward, 210.
Flushing, Flusching, Flushinge, Flushyng, Flusshinge, Flusshynge,
Flussing, Flussinge, Flussinghe,
Flyshing, Flysing, Vlasshen,
Vlishing, Vlishinge, Vlisshing,
Vlisshinge, Vlissing, Vlissinge,
Vlissingen, Vlusshinge, Vlyshinge, Vlyshyng, Vlyssen,
Vlysshyng [Zeeland, Netherlands], 28, 64, 72, 118, 183, 224,
230, 235, 320:
-, letters dated at, 11, 12, 30, 32, 48,
49, 50, 58, 59, 81, 82, 83, 101,
105, 113, 114, 122, 130, 132,
133, 137, 140, 150, 152, 159,
164, 169, 180, 188, 192, 194,
199, 213, 214, 217, 224, 226,
231, 235, 243, 246, 249, 251,
252, 269, 271, 273, 274, 307,
308, 314, 316, 317, 344, 345,
362, 364, 365, 368, 378, 383.
-, discussion during peace treaty of
restoration of, to Spain, 73.
-, the 1000 shot to embark for England at, 89.
-, Ostend mutineers' grievances to
be examined at, 167, 168, 170;
money for Ostend sent to,
-, States should pay for extra
fortifications at, 243.
-, Bodley to go by way of, 334.
-, discharged soldiers at, relieved by
church, 345.
-, advertisements from, 350.
-, garrison of:
-, mentioned, 12, 190, 269.
-, Willoughby and Russel
quarrel over appointment
of captains at, 9; Buck's
declaration upon it, 30;
Colman and Savage's
accounts, 31.
-, Russel wants reinforced, 48;
would need more men than
treaty allows, if attacked,
69; dangerous to withdraw any from, 91.
-, ten sent from each band to
Ostend, 49, 50.
-, note of men sent to England,
132; 209 sent, 138; these
withdrawals dangerously
weaken, 100, 177; troops
return and are sent to
Bergen, 265; Digges'
questions about their pay,
161, 294.
-, creditors of, going to England,
58; many undone by debts
of, 187, 194, 274; magistrates write on behalf of
creditors of, 224, 243.
-, Russel asks that Merchant
Adventurers should advance lendings to, 122;
fears mutiny if unpaid, 180,
194; also needs powder,
187; has been paid, 241, 242.
-, Zeeland protests at size of,
142; Russel complains of
practices to reduce, 163,
-, Russel complains of Queen's
small regard for, 152.
-, untenable with 6 companies,
187, 188.
-, many captains in England,
-, dangerous to reduce lendings
of, 199.
-, two companies from, to go to
Bergen, 220; 200 men sent
from, 251; no more can
be spared from, 266.
-, not mustered by States since
Oct., 1587, 229, 231, 296.
-, T. Digges services as commissary, etc., of, 255.
-, Errington mentioned as probable governor of, 271;
he does not desire it, 344.
-, creditors of, in England;
petition for them, 277–8;
Ortel's requests for them,
282; he asks that they
may be satisfied, 307;
their petition, 313: debts
due, 352–5; Sherley's
answer about lendings, 367;
he is to answer about stores
consumed at, 338.
-, magazine of victuals to be
set up at, 327.
-, Bodley to justify English
concentration at, 333.
-, Errington's requests about
ordnance at, 344.
-, seven companies to stay in,
378; 3 to go with Norris,
390, 391.
-, Russel will send none from,
to Wachtendonk, 381.
-, States eager for reduction of,
-, weekly imprests of officers of,
129; money due to, 411.
-, estimate of month's imprests
for, 291, 292.
-, money allowed for victualling, 129.
-, money paid to, 170; paid and
due to, 275, 276, 277.
-, list of companies in, 30;
'cautionary' companies at,
272–3; musters of companies in, 137, 263.
-, officers of, 410.
-, cannoneer in. See Seale,
-, clerk of munition in. See
Germain, Edward; Maddox, Griffith.
-, commissary of musters resident in. See Digges,
Thomas; Heigham, Arthur.
-, gentleman porter of. See
Borlas, William.
-, governor of. See Russel, Sir
William; Sidney, Sir
-, keeper of ordnance at. See
Errington, Nicholas.
-, lieutenant-governor, marshal,
of. See Borlas, William;
Errington, Nicholas.
-, master-gunner in. See
Thomas, William.
-, provost-marshal of. See
Gwynne, Richard; Manchester, Robert.
-, sergeant-major of. SeeDennis, Maurice.
-, water-bailiff of. See Burnham, Edward.
-, See also cautionary towns.
-, town, magistrates, and inhabitants
-, letters from, 224, 243, 362,
-, Russel fears may practise
with enemy, 12; are very
hostile to English, 48, 50.
-, peace articles alarm, 69.
-, easily stirred to tumult, 122;
discontented, 137, 140,
-, Bergen desires same English
trade privileges as, 337;
privileges of, infringed, 362.
-, desire Borlas to stay as
lieutenant-governor, 362.
-, Russel has agreement with
about justice, 364.
-, desire grain from England,
378, 383.
-, practices against English at,
-, new bailiff of, dangerous, 133,
-, court of, 355.
-, hospital of, funds of, depleted
by relieving garrison, 243,
-, shipping of:
-, thirty sail sent to Seymour,
81, 88, 90.
-, have taken San Felipe, 98,
105, 114, 122; and San
Mateo, 114, 176; they sink,
112; papers from them,
sent to England, 130.
-, Digges hires bark of, 231.
-, take Cornelis Petersen, 399.
-, See also Heye.
-, baker of. See Anderson, Joyce.
-, burghers of. See Anthonyson,
Makyn; Gilliam; Harries,
John; Oste, Adrian; Verdurst,
-, merchants of. See Leynkins,
-, pensionary of. See van den Beke,
-, provost of Merchant Adventurers
at. See Esherstone, Richard.
-, secretary of. See Oillaerts,
-, shoemaker of. See van den Well,
-, victualler of. See Bart, Anthony;
Cartwright, Thomas.
Fly. See Vlieland.
Foeck, Albert, late échevin of Utrecht, act restoring, 254.
Fontaynes, Jacques, French merchant, 88.
Fontenay-le-Comte, Fonteney [Vendée, France], 363.
Foran, Job, merchant, of Ré, 367.
fortification, lecture on, at London, 311.
Fosse, William, clerk of munition at the Brielle, 410; money due to, 409.
France and the French, 131, 259, 348,
359, 414, 415:
-, talk of counter league in, 5.
-, duke of Lorraine withdraws troops
from, 13.
-, Parma's forces draw nearer, 41.
-, Buzanval urges Queen to intervene in, 53–4.
-, Stafford expects a great change in,
-, breach of promises to Protestants
responsible for troubles in, 97.
-, English keep Armada away from,
-, attacks on Elizabeth printed in,
-, Ste. Aldegonde thinks of going to,
-, Burghley's notes of changes of
councillors in, 208, 209.
-, Parma's French sailors discharged,
228; all ships at Dunkirk
manned by Frenchmen, 298.
-, Vento gone to, 282.
-, Queen allows Châteauneuf to go
to, 318; his requests for leave,
-, Turks say Spain would give to
Savoy, 335.
-, Spain will maintain war against,
-, d'Aumâle sends to Parma, 391.
-, Spanish influence in, discouraged
Italian princes, 393.
-, good state of, 394.
-, news from, referred to, 395.
-, exchange rate on Antwerp, 398.
-, Artois levies sent into, 399.
-, comfortable news from, 400.
-, admiral of. See Nogaret, Jean
Louis de.
-, chancellor of. See Hurault,
Philip, count of Chiverney.
-, garde des sceaux of. See Montholon, François de.
-, council of state of, discusses
command of army against
Navarre, 124; discusses
Mendoça's demands about San
Lorenzo, 144, 147.
-, king of. See Charles IX; Henry
III; Louis XI.
-, lieutenant-general of. See Lorraine, Henry of.
-, marshals of. See Aumont, Jean
d'; Beaumanoir, Jean de; de
la Châtre, Claude; Gondi,
Albert de; Gontaut, Armand
de; Goyon, Jacques; Montmorency, Henri I of.
-, queen of. See Louise de Lorraine.
-, queen mother of. See Catherine
de Medici.
-, secretaries of state of. See
Brulart, Pierre; Neufville,
Nicolas de; Pinart, Claude;
Revol, Louis.
-, States General, estates, aesteitts,
of, 394:
-, Epernon's cause deferred till
meeting of, 4.
-, King insists on Blois for
meeting of, 108; League
would transfer to St. Denys,
-, date of, uncertain, 126.
-, Montpensier bringing all
Norman gentry to, 154.
-, ministers dismissed so that
may answer before, 178.
-, uncertain when will end,
-, sets out fleet, 363.
-, restrain King's finances, 401.
-, treasurer of épergne. See Roy, le.
-, See also Bourbon; Henry III;
Henry of Navarre; League;
Francis, duke of Anjou, Monsieur, 208, 251, 259, 328, 415.
Francis II, duke of Lauenburch, Lauwenberch, Lawenburch, 310, 345.
-, brother of. See Heinrich of Lauenburch.
Franck. See Vranck.
Françoies, captain, 293.
Frankfurt-am-Main [Hesse-Nassau, Germany], 186, 237.
Fransz., Pieter, captain, 149.
Frederick II, king of Denmark, 87, 228,
-, letters from, referred to, 80.
-, letters to, referred to, 76.
-, Queen sends Rogers to condole on
death of, 75, 113.
-, Kronborg castle built by, 75.
-, gentlemen complain of fines and
disregard of hunting rights by,
-, Hamburg attacks on English
church displeased, 227.
-, children of, with dates of birth,
-, brother of. See John, duke of
Freeselande, Freeslande. See Friesland.
Fremin, George, colonel, letter from, 105; letter to, 105; discharged by States, 105, 178.
Froth, A., letter from, 224.
friars. See under priests.
Frias, Juan de, 264.
Fridrichburg [Zeeland, Denmark], 404.
Friesland, Freeselande, Freeslande,
Friezland, Frizeland, Fryselaynds, Frysland, Phrise, Vriesland, Vrieslandt, Vrieslant, one
of the United Provinces, 155,
-, said to refuse contributions, 4;
voted, but amount unknown,
-, Willoughby seeks to pacify, 19;
disputes continue in, 88; good
accord in, 160.
-, Willoughby urges to send councillors of state, 43; is sending
them, 155; will not send them,
215; sends them, 253.
-, hopes of peace lead to large enemy
gains in, 43; peace articles
spread abroad in, 90.
-, Ortel asks Queen to write to, 240;
Norris to seek to reconcile
Holland and, 247; fears ascendancy of Holland, 289.
-, is quiet, 269.
-, Ostergonians urge Queen to send
4000 men to, 287.
-, Engelstedt would export guns to,
-, deputies on way to States General,
321; one arrives, 342.
-, Menninck's activities in, 330, 331.
-, Council of State writes to, for H.
Aysma, 343.
-, fears attack, 371, 388.
-, States of, 260; deputies sent by,
to England about peace treaty
do not cross, 59.
-, Ostergonians appeal to Queen
against, 287.
-, governor of. See Nassau-Dillenburg, William of; Robles,
Caspar de.
-, president of. See Aysma, Hessel.
Friesland, East. See under Emden.
-, count of. See Edzard II; Enno.
Frinsel, captain, 286.
Frise, Lewis de, 408.
Frizon, Garrett, 408.
Frys, Albert, of Harritzkier, 80.
Fuchs, captain, a pirate, 87.
Fulford, Fulfard, Fulforde, Fullford, James, captain, 217.
-, Richard, captain, formerly
Russel's lieutenant, 410:
-, Willoughby and Russel quarrel
over giving company to, 30, 31,
-, money paid to, 263.
-, company of, at Flushing, 137, 263,
273; men from, sent to England,
132; to go with Norris, 391.
Fusingor [N. Jutland, Denmark], 80.
Fyen, Fionia, Denmark, 310.