Index: B

Pages 424-435

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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B., 3, 231.

Baal. See Balon.

Babbington, Edward, 408.

-, Henry, 409.

Babylon, Babilon, 172.

Bachencel, captain, 149.

Bacon, Anthony, letters from, referred to, 332; hard case of, 332, 333.

-, Anne, lady [née Cooke], 333.

bacon, 6.

Bacq, Backes, Backs, Bacx, Bax, John, colonel, lieutenant-general of States' light horse:
-, letter from, 50.
-, cashiered, 20; appeals to Queen, 50; Norris to deal for, 248; Queen's letters in vain, 301; Bodley to commend to States, 305.
-, fled from Utrecht, 305.
-, brothers of, at Bergen, 20.

Baden [Baden, Germany], 400.

Bagnall, Samuel, Vere's lieutenant, promoted, 105; money due to, 194.

bailo, bailoe. See ambassadors.

Balen, Baal, Balle, Godert van, captain, 187, 374.

Balfour, Henry, colonel, governor of Bommel, 209; at Hohenlohe's devotion, 215; Maurice sends for, against Schenck, 342.

Ballaintes, 200.

Bamburgh, Thomas, marshal of the Brielle, 410.

Bannister, Banaster, Banester, Bannaster, Bannester, Bannyster, Edmund, captain, sergeantmajor of Bergen, 347, 410:
-, denied resigning company, 30.
-, at Bergen siege, 211.
-, money paid to, 261, 262, 277; due to, 411; due by, 353, 354.
-, company of, at Bergen, 137, 263, 291; men from, sent to England, 132. See also Aldrich, George; Ryall; Smyth, Henry.

Barbary [N. Africa], 335.

Barcelona [Catalonia, Spain], 102, 330.

Barchon, Berson, Guillaume de, colonel, captain, 371, 374.

Bargan, Bargen, Barges, Barghen, Bargon, Bargues. See Bergenop-Zoom.

Barke. See Rheinberg.

Barker, John, captain, 410:
-, given E. Cary's band, 290.
-, to go with Norris, 390.
-, money paid to, 262.
-, company of: at Ostend, 224; at Bergen, 264, 291.

Barkley, Francis, 410.

Barlaymont. See Berlaymont.

Barnard, Hans, 354.

Barnarde. See Barney.

Barnavelt, Barnevelt. See Oldenbarnevelt.

Barney, Barnard, Barnarde, Barny, Edward de, renegade captain:
-, Parma will not ransom, 3.
-, at Ostend, but to be sent to England, 167.
-, Lygons petitions Conway through, 203.
-, is not to be trusted, 350.

-, wife of, 3.

Barowe. See Bergen-op-Zoom.

Barrabas, 83.

Barrabon. See Rye, Marc de.

Barrges, Barrow. See Bergen-opZoom.

Barsey, Christopher, of R. Sidney's company, 195.

Bart, Barte, Anthony, victualler, of Flushing, 243, 353.

Barton, Edward, English agent in Turkey:
-, letters from, 138, 165, 172, 199, 281, 334.
-, -, referred to, 281.
-, plans of, to get Turks to restore Antonio, 138, 173–5; will speak to Hassan, 166; audience with Hassan, 199.
-, urgently needs news of Armada, 200.
-, discourse by, on foreign relations of Turkey, 172–3.

-, Richard, 409.

Barwicke. See Berwick-on-Tweed.

Basilius, Jacobus, the elder, minister, of Bergen-op-Zoom, letter from, 391.

Baskerville, Baskerfelde, Baskervile, Baskervill. Sir Thomas, captain, 410.
-, letter signed by, 229.
-, valour at Bergen, 209.
-, hates T. Morgan, 347.
-, money paid to, 129, 261, 262, 412; due to, 411; due by, 354, 355.
-, company of, at Bergen, 137, 263, 291; men from, sent to England, 132; Morgan expelled stranger from, 347; to go with Norris, 390. See also Grimston, William.

Basques, Juan, 264.

Bassano, Bassaine, Andrea, water bailiff of Brielle, 410, 411.

Bassets, Bassetes, Anthony, Garnier's clerk, letter from, 321; R. Tomson deals with, 320, 396.

Bassompierre, Bazompierre, Bazonpierre, Christophe, baron de, seigneur d'Harouel et de Baudricourt, 392.

Basta, Nicolo, count Nicolo, cornet of, captured, 211.

Bathori, Zsigmund, prince of Transylvania, 335.

Batton, colonel, 236.

Baudimont, Baudemont, François, president of Netherlanders at Wolfenbüttel [late secretary to Orange], 318.

Baut, Ouwit den, captain, 149.

Bavaria, Ernest of, archbishop and elector of Cologne, bishop of Liège, advised Parma to imprison English peace commissioners, 60; 157.

Bax. See Bacq.

Bayonne, Bayon, Bayone [Basses Pyrénées, France], 148, 251:
-, Armada galleys lost near, 100, 127; one escapes into, 171.

Bazan, Alvaro de, marquis of Santa Cruz, Ste. Crusse, flyboat of, 228.

Bazompierre, Bazonpierre. See Bassompierre.

Beale, Beal, Robert, clerk of Council, late member of Council of State, 409, 415:
-, instructions, going to Hamburg, 38–40.
-, petition to, referred to, 243.
-, criticised Council of State's instructions, 324.

Béarn, Bearne, 147.

Beaton, James, archbishop, bishop, of Glasgow, letter to, referred to, 120.

Beaumanoir, Jean de, marquis of Lavardin, Lavardine, marshal of France, 363.

-, Madame, 333.

Beauvais-sur-mer, Bouveyes, Bouvyes [Vendée, France], 363.

Beck fort [Rhenish Prussia, Germany], 187.

Beckworth, Robert, letter from, 368.

-, Derby gets from England, 3.
-, London prices of, 169; dear in Parma's camp, 323.
-, Ostend complaints of, 202; English refuse to pay duty on, 212; quantity sent there, 277.
-, London small and strong, 226.
-, money due for, 243, 353.
-, Killigrew sends to Mme. Deventer, 245.
-, request for licence to export, 269.
-, supply of small, to army, 327; Bergen captains given 'billits' for, 347.

Beke, van. See van den Beke.

Belgium, 96.

Bell, Bastian, draper, of Delft, 408.

-, Thomas, 408.

Bellechière, Jacques, president of Utrecht provincial court, 290.

Belleman, Anthonis Willem, merchant, of Rotterdam, 148.

Bellièvre, Belliever, Pomponne de, French surintendant des finances:
-, oration of, about Mary Stuart reprinted, 153.
-, dismissed, 178; thought a Huguenot, 208; no Leaguer, 209.

Bell Ill. See Gondi, Charles de.

Bellow, Henry, of Spitterup, viceroy of Jutland, captain of Kolding castle, 80.

Bender [Bessarabia, Rumania]. 281.

Bennyt, William, 293.

Berch, Berck, Bercq, Berge. See Rheinberg.

Bergen-op-Zoom, Bargan, Bargen, Barges, Barghen, Bargon, Bargues, Barowe, Barrges, Barrow, Berg, Bergan, Berge, Bergeine, Berges, Bergh, Berghe, Berghen, Berghes, Berghhes, Berghn, Bergin, Bergine, Bergues, Bergus, Bergven, Berken, Bourgen, -opt, -up, -upp, -Som, -Some, -Son, -Zom, -Zome, -Zone, -Zoon, -Zoone [N. Brabant, Netherlands], 57, 230, 299, 396, 398:
-, letters dated at, 41, 105, 134, 150, 164, 204, 205, 206, 207, 209, 237, 252, 265, 266, 270, 271, 272, 279, 287, 290, 299, 300, 303, 304, 308, 320, 337, 346, 347, 366, 370, 382, 390, 391, 396.
-, -, referred to, 320.
-, garrison of:
-, forays by, 6, 32; attacks Wouw, 32.
-, Bacq's brothers in, 20.
-, peace articles found at, 49.
-, and Ostend absorb all English, 68, 241.
-, men sent to England, 89, 100, 138; at Middelburg, 106; return urged, 141, 142; questions about their pay, 161, 294.
-, used States' stores, 242; Ortel complains, 283.
-, Ostend troops at, 284, 326.
-, store of victual to be set up at, 327.
-, English well placed to aid, 333.
-, wants of, 366, 370.
-, forces to go with Norris from, 373; names of bands, 390; 13 bands to remain, 378.
-, Ostend garrison may be sent to, 380.
-, forces drawn from, to relieve Wachtendonk, 381, 389.
-, is in danger, 388.
-, abbreviates of musters at, 137, 263, 264; names of bands in, 290–1; Morgan's report of forces at, 346.
-, Webbes desires to be commissary at, 160.
-, Digges has had no muster books from, 229.
-, debts of, 278.
-, money due to cannoneers, 275; their imprests, 292.
-, See also Williams, Thomas.
-, commissary of musters at.
-, See Rogers, John.
-, master gunner at. See Gates, Lawrence.
-, sergeant-major of. See Bannister, Edmund.
-, governor of. See Drury, Sir William; Morgan, Sir Thomas; Reade, Sir William.
-, siege of:
-, rumours of; town weak, 140, 142, 152, 159, 163, 178, 183, 196.
-, Parma's horse near Lillo, 136; army a day's march from, 164; 3 miles from, 180, 181.
-, Ortel to ask Queen's aid, 144.
-, Willoughby asks instructions, 136, 143, 144, 163.
-, States supply, 155, 187, 193; but will do little for, 183, 185; lack means to aid, 184.
-, Willoughby goes to, 159, 160, 182, 187.
-, Queen sending forces to, 176, 177, 180; threatens to withdraw her forces if States neglect, 179, 191; forces returned from England sent to, 187, 188, 192.
-, siege begun, 187, 197, 199; first skirmishes, 204, 205.
-, men sent from Ostend to, 193, 205, 218.
-, Willoughby asks Council of State for men, 207.
-, good service of English captains at, 209.
-, Willoughby's journal of, 14– 20th Sept., 210–1.
-, enemy entrenched, but cannon not planted, 214.
-, 3000 more men needed for defence, 215.
-, prisoners escape, 216.
-, Willoughby complains that States victual Parma, 219– 20; States forbid this trade, 234, 254; Norris to require its prohibition, 248.
-, another skirmish, 220.
-, Norris bringing 1500 men from England, 220, 239; States to pay for them, 221, 247; rumour that 4000 coming, 244.
-, Norris to assist Willoughby, 249, 257.
-, States' resources absorbed by, 223, 235, 253.
-, Morgan's note of needs, 237.
-, enemy guns command haven mouth, 246, 258.
-, Russel fears general alteration unless English reinforcements sent, 249.
-, Willoughby's account of situation, 251.
-, Russel takes forces to, 252; the 1500 from England land in Zeeland, 266.
-, Cleerhagen's band sent to, 253; Holland increases supplies for, 253; Utrecht contributes, 270; States do little for English, 274.
-, Grimston's stratagem; Parma's promises, 258; prisoners' names, 264; accounts of the action, 265, 266, 268, 271, 273, 307.
-, Parma will batter forts, 266.
-, three captains taken, 267.
-, siege may be raised, 273, 281, 293; Tholen side free, 278; guns withdrawn, passages free, 279; in manner delivered, 280; Parma's evacuated N. camp burnt, 287.
-, 1500 arrive from England, 287; States will not pay, 288; to go with Norris after siege, 307, 337.
-, names of Willoughby's troop who lost horses at, 293; not to be checked for 4 months, 413.
-, note of supplies received, 297.
-, Parma's voluntaries weary, 298.
-, siege raised, 299, 300, 302, 305, 306; due to kind of mutiny, 308; or to state of roads, 350.
-, news reaches England, 311.
-, dispositions of enemy, 308, 313, 322.
-, account of enemy camp, 323; muster roll found there, 359.
-, Willoughby's expenses at, 374, 375, 376.
-, referred to, 313, 316, 371.
-, town and inhabitants:
-, letters from magistrates of, 337.
-, States to garrison if 2000 English withdrawn, 28; States cannot, 91.
-, high prices at, 134.
-, will not work on defences, 210, 211.
-, request for corn for, 290.
-, asks Queen for guns and privileges, 337, 346.
-, places in, named, 204, 210–1.
-, drossaard of. See Lion, Elias de.
-, minister of. See Basilius, Jacobus.
-, victualler of. See Daniell, Robert.
-, dispute over government of:
-, hard to replace Drury by Morgan, 11.
-, Morgan's petition, 20–1; and complaints, 93; Drury's complaints, 206–7.
-, governor does not command forts, 209; Drury still commands them, 260.
-, dangerous, 212.
-, captains write for Drury, 228; reasons for hating Morgan, 347.
-, Schenck's complaint about, 246.
-, Willoughby will put all under Morgan, 308.

Bergen, Sebastian à, van, secretary of senate of Hamburg:
-, letter from, 224.
-, mission to England: credentials, 1; desires answer from Queen, 224; the answer, 226–7.
-, received Harborne, 404.

Bergh, Berk, Berke. See Rheinberg.

Berlaymont, Barlaymont, Florent, count of, 204.

Berne [Switzerland], sends Boustreten to Henry III, 399.

Bernet, Raymond Roger de, governor of Boulogne:
-, Navarre sends Papillon to; Queen's support asked, 63.
-, has defeated Leaguers, 90.
-, should be courteously used, 97.
-, asked Queen for money, 394.

Bernevelt, Bernvelt. See Oldenbarnevelt.

Bernstel. See Stel, Barent.

Berone. See Gontaut, Armand de.

Berson. See Barchon.

Bertie, lady Mary, Willoughby's wife, 375, 376:
-, letter from, 144.
-, goes to Netherlands, 68, 70, 89.

-, Peregrine, baron Willoughby of Eresby and Berk, Welobe, Willoghby, Willoughbie, Willughbie, Willughby, Wylloby, Wylloughby, Wylloughbye, Wyllowbye, Wyllowghby, Wyllughbie, lord general of her Majesty's forces in the Low Countries, her Majesty's lieutenant-general, governorgeneral, 24, 46, 138, 156, 199, 247, 283, 336, 348, 402, 410:
-, letters from, 8, 9, 26, 27, 51, 54, 57, 60, 88, 103, 106, 113, 130, 136, 143, 148, 150, 156, 163, 180, 182, 191, 193, 197, 198, 204, 205, 206, 207, 209, 219, 220, 251, 265, 270, 271, 280, 287, 290, 299, 300, 304, 319, 372, 378, 379, 383, 394, 397.
-, -, referred to, 19, 43, 51, 57, 114, 144, 163, 178, 205, 244, 293.
-, letters to, 141, 168, 178, 189, 220, 229, 230, 231, 234, 257, 284, 311, 315, 319, 368, 380, 389, 390, 397.
-, -, referred to, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 30, 51, 54, 59, 82, 90, 144, 150, 159, 197, 202, 300, 372, 374.
-, letters patent of, 109.
-, paper signed by, 57.
-, warrants of, referred to, 277, 358.
-, Council of State tells, that ships sent to Queen, 2.
-, pacified Veere and Arnemuiden, 7.
-, recommends Sonoy for service in England, 8; deals with States for him, 9.
-, offers to bring 300 lancers to England, 8.
-, dispute with Russel over appointment of Flushing captains, 8, 272; his memorial on it, 9; Buck's declaration, 30; Colman and Savage's accounts, 31; reconciled with Russel, 134.
-, agreed to Drury as governor of Bergen, 11; Morgan complains of, 20–1, 48, 93.
-, Ortel's proposals about authority of, referred to, 19.
-, urges agreement in Friesland and Overijsel, 19, 43; without success, 287.
-, asks States to release 2000 men for England, 19; the request, 28; they agree, 26–7.
-, gives A. Wingfield's company to Wilsford, 27; would replace all absent captains, 54.
-, notes on States' instructions to Council, referred to, 42, 184; States' slender answer to, 155.
-, stormy negotiations with Geertruidenberg, 44; is at Dordrecht, 50; before Geertruidenberg, 51; concludes agreement, 55, 63, 66–7, 68; terms, 55–7; sends Gilpin to inform States, 118; leads garrison in victory over Breda horse, 89, 101, 115; Schenck unjustly blames for the settlement, 65, 68, 140, 246.
-, sends over Wyat, lately employed in Flanders, 57, 60, 67.
-, wishes Gilpin were in Council of State, 87.
-, sends over 1000 'shot,' 89, 91, 106, 115; does so reluctantly, 113; desires their return, 136.
-, wishes to serve with Leicester, 106; or at sea if Parma sails, 113.
-, stays J. Digges' patent as clerk of check, 119, 230; grants it, 159; although preferred Stubbe, 150, 163.
-, moves Zeeland for supplies for Queen's ships, 130.
-, horse captains petition, 134, 163.
-, directions to, about musters, 141–2, 279–80, 298; warrant to, to issue imprests, 147; protests at reduced imprests, 204, 205; complains of delays of new system, 220.
-, thinks States not slack in sending ships, 143.
-, asks instructions about Bergen, 143, 144, 163, 181; sends Colman over, 182; Council's instructions to, 179.
-, reluctantly sends horsemen to Schenck, 150, 162.
-, time wasted on financial matters, 159.
-, at Bergen, 159, 160.
-, again pacifies Geertruidenberg, 160; Hohenlohe may quarrel about it, 184, 185; States complain to, of garrison's forays, 234.
-, fills bands with strangers, 161.
-, Drury supplies news to, 164; favours Drury, 212.
-, to hear Ostend mutineers' case, 167, 170, 219; to send Wilsford thither with pay, 190; to supply wants and hear grievances, 191; note of mutiny sent to, 205–6.
-, Walsingham's replies to, 176, 292.
-, asks allowance for intelligences, 178.
-, sends scouts towards Bergen, 180; going thither, 182, 191; attended only by Wilsford, 183; deals with States for relief of Bergon, 193; despairs of situation, 197.
-, sends over one lately in Italy, 198.
-, at siege of Bergen, 187; first skirmishes, etc., 204, 205, 209; journal of, 210–1; complains that States victual Parma, 220; Queen orders to leave town, 220; wishes to remain, 252; Norris to assist, 249; account of situation by, 251; Russel going to reconcile Morgan and, 252; Queen informs of Norris' mission, 257; he gives Morgan command of town only, 260; gets forces from other garrisons, 265; Russel commends, 266; sends Colman to England, 270; risks person in Grimston's stratagem, 268, 271; heart broken, 272; returns to Middleburg, 280; burns evacuated enemy camp, 287, 323; requests of, 293; promises Morgan command of forts, 308.
-, requests to Council, and answers. 238–40; Colman's reply, 274; Digges' requests for, 298; apostilles to requests of, 307; Council's answers to, 311.
-, States wish would put forces into field, 241; and not meddle with theirs, 242.
-, and Norris to settle Geertruidenberg, 248, 250; States suspect of partiality, 303, 312; rebukes the garrison, 319; is to remedy disorders, 338, 397; reply of, to Norris, 414.
-, Norris complains of, 232, 288, 289, 311–2, 313.
-, gets States to agree with Sonoy, 250, 300.
-, Norris and, to punish Ostend mutineers, 273, 284, 299; Conway sends to, 279; sends forces thither, 322, 325; pardoned many, 371.
-, often asked for auditor, 296.
-, desires leave, 300.
-, and Council of State should have authority, 302.
-, T. M. Wingfield's complaints of, 307.
-, seeks to put English into Vreeswijk, 313.
-, Queen's directions to, 315–6; Bodley to deal with States for, 324.
-, at the Hague, 343.
-, Morgan reconciled to, 346; should order Bergen to obey States, 347.
-, Deventer would justify himself to, 349.
-, respites checks, 356.
-, Conway complains of, 366.
-, Council of State desires to cooperate with, 369.
-, goes to Wachtendonk, 372; declaration of, 374; takes men from Bergen, 381; attempts to embroil Morgan and, 389.
-, objections of, to withdrawals for Portugal voyage, 373, 383; instructions to, for withdrawals, 389, 390, 391.
-, Conway asks help of, 377, 386; to move States to repair Ostend defences, 380.
-, Morgan intercepts agent of, 382.
-, articles of, referred to, 413.
-, pay and lendings of, 128, 291, 409; money paid to, 129, 260, 261, 262, 276; due to, 16, 411; owed by, 353; charges of, 374, 375, 376.
-, account of, referred to, 355.
-, company of: men from, sent to England, 132; at Bergen, 137, 263, 290.
-, troop of: at Bergen, 137, 224, 264; skirmishes with Parma, 180; ransom of cornet of, 277; names of, who lost horses at Bergen, 293; officers cashiered by States serve in, 375, 376.
-, house of, at the Hague, 374, 375, 390.
-, brother-in-law of. See Wingfield, Sir John.
-, children of, 398.
-, servants of, 87, 88.

-, Richard, father of Peregrine, 375, 376.

Berwick-on-Tweed, Barwicke, 200.

Bild, Jan Cornelius, 408.

Bills. See Brielle, the.

Billy, van. See Robles, Caspar de.

Bing, Andrew, of Midsturp, 80.

Bingham, Sir Richard, master of ordnance in Low Countries. went to Ireland, 344; money paid to, 276; due to, 409.

Birchensha, —, 412.

Biron. See Gontaut, Armand de.

Biscay, Byskeye [Spain]:
-, great preparation of ships in, 12.
-, Armada driven back to, by storm, 62.
-, 50 of Armada returned to, 281.

Biscayans. See ships.

Biserta, Biserat [Tunis, N. Africa], Doria burns, 201; Moorish rebels threaten, 335.

Bisschope, Garratt, 293.

Black Nease, Ness. See Gris Nez.

Blair, captain, 286.

Blanchard, François, seigneur de Cluzeau, Cluzeaux, governor of Marans, 145.

Blande, —, 409.

Blankenberghe, Blankenberg [W. Flanders, Belgium], San Felipe captured off, 112, 114.

Blavet [Morbilan, France], galleon at.
-, See Santa Ana.

Blavoet, Martin, letter from, 130; annuity of, 292, 343.

Blienbeck, Bliembeck, Blienbeeck, Blyenbeeeq [Gelderland, Netherlands]:
-, Schenck at, 215.
-, cannot resist long siege, 247.
-, Schenck would remain neuter at, 370.

Blois, Bloys, Bloyse [Loir et Cher, France]:
-, Stafford may follow king to, 62; sends one to, 178.
-, king insists States General meet at, 108; sickness at, 125, 126.
-, League unpopular at, 110.
-, king at, 152.
-, Guise and Soissons' servants quarrel at, 154.
-, Guise, etc., slain at, 391; Bassompierre, etc., escape from, 392.
-, Queen Mother dies at, 398.

Blome, John, of Schedorff, prefect of Hadersleben, 80.

Blosset, Jean, sieur de Torcy, Torsay, letter from, 179.

Blunt, Blonte, Bloonte, Blount, Blounte, Sir Charles, 170, 222, 410:
-, absent since Dec., 175; attending Queen, 366.
-, pay of, 131.
-, money paid to, 261, 262; due to, 411.
-, company of, at Ostend, 132, 137, 141, 264; to go with Norris, 390.

-, Sir Christopher, 410:
-, letter from, 162.
-, seeks to get a company for Savage, 30.
-, desires larger lendings, 162; signs horse captains' petition, 163.
-, money paid to, 260, 262.
-, troop of, at Rheinberg, 14, 43, 57, 93, 137; at Utrecht, 224, 264; to go with Norris, 390. See also Kellawe, George.

Bluth, captain, 187.

Blyenbeecq. See Blienbeck.

Bobadilla, Bonadelle, Don Francisco de, 116.

Boddenham, Bodnam, William, ship of, 228, 399.

Bodley, Bodeley, Bodiley, Bodleigh, Bodleye, Bodlieth, Bodligh, Thomas, member of the Council of State, 348, 349, 361:
-, letters from, 381, 400.
-, -, referred to, 400.
-, letters to, referred to, 400.
-, would fill Killigrew's place satisfactorily, 233.
-, appointed to replace Killigrew in Council of State, 238, 250, 308; Willoughby informed, 315.
-, credence for, 311; credentials to States, 318.
-, memorial for, on musters, 316.
-, instructions, 324, 325; heads thereof, 356; memorials for, 333–4, 356; especial points to be performed by, 356.
-, safe conduct for, 357.
-, is to deal for Schenck, 338, 369.
-, at Flushing, sees Russel, 364; Zeeland complains of Russel to, 381; at Middelburg, 381, 382; arrival eagerly awaited, 388.
-, Digges dealt with, about musters, 394.
-, postpones presentation to Council of State, 400.

Boetselaer, Rutger van, heer van Asperen, Asperon, 346.

Bois-le-Duc, Bolduck. See Hertogenbosch, s'.

Bolen, Diricke, 297.

Bolen, Bollyn, Bologne. See Boulogne.

Bolton, John, 409.

-, William, 408.

Bommel, Bonmiell [Gelderland, Netherlands]:
-, garrison disordered. 44.
-, alone remains at Hohenlohe's devotion, 215.
-, governor of. See Balfour, Henry.

Bommeler Waard, Bommerswalle [Gelderland, Netherlands], Willoughby would send forces to, 205.

Bonadelle. See Bobadilla, Francisco de.

Bond, William, captain, sick, 366.

Bonn, Bon, Bone, Bonne, Boone [Rhenish Prussia, Germany]:
-, letters dated at, 222.
-, -, referred to, 233.
-, siege of:
-, States will not aid Schenck to relieve, 20; aid promised, 43; means discussed, 65, 175; no hope of relief yet, 68.
-, no base for relief nearer than Rheinberg, 44; frequent sorties, 58; none can get out of, 59; assaults repulsed, 155, 157.
-, Parma sends for men from, 85.
-, Schenck goes to relieve, 119; Willoughby loth to send horsemen to, 150; Schenck gone to, 155, 157.
-, given up for lost, 185; can hold out 12 days, 187; capitulates, 215, 267.
-, States' delays made relief impossible, 246, 302; Holland's expenses to relieve, 402.
-, fall of, threatens Gelderland, 187, 216, 270.
-, troops from, disordered, 234, 236, 237.
-, forces from march to Wachtendonk, 247; at Venlo, 258.

Bonne, François de, seigneur de Lesdiguières, Ediguières, 107.

books. See Allen, William; Coels, Cornelis; de la Noue, Odet; Marnix, Philippe de.

Boorman, Clause, 293.

Bordeaux, Burdieux [Gironde, France], 363.

Borgerhout, Burgenholt [Antwerp, Belgium], 346.

Borkum, island of [E. Frisian isles], 157.

Borlas, Borlace, Bourlacey, Bourlas, Bourlaseye, Burlacey, Burlas, Sir William, lieutenant-governor, marshal, and gentleman-porter of Flushing, 243, 278:
-, letters from, 31, 105, 316.
-, captures San Felipe, 105, 114.
-, should succeed Russel, 271; or govern in his absence, 345.
-, to return with Russel, 316.
-, Flushing magistrates wish him to stay, 362.
-, Russel commends, 364, 368.
-, weekly imprests of, 129, 291; daily pay of, 410.

Borne, —, 408.

Borneham, Bornhem. See Burnham.

Borogh, Borowes, Borrough. See Burgh.

Bouchier, Boucher, Bourcher, Bourchier, Bowcer, Bowrcheir, Bowrchier, Arthur, captain, 222, 410: discharged, 264.
-, money paid to, 260, 262, 412; due to, 276, 411; due by, 194.

Bouillon, duchess, princess, of. See de la Marck, Charlotte.

-, duke of. See de la Marck, William Robert.

Boulogne, Bolen, Bollyn, Bologne, Boullen, Boullogne, Bullein, Bullyn [Pas de Calais, France]:
-, Campagnol enters, 4, 13; Aumâle raises his siege of, 7, 13, 14, 17; designs of League and Parma on, 63; League reverses at, 90.
-, Epernon will keep by English aid, 14; Miron sent to demand his surrender of, 62.
-, Henry VIII's siege of, referred to, 34, 37.
-, king's grant of, to League only pro forma, 99.
-, Buzanval wishes Queen to satisfy Epernon about, 221; Epernon offered to Elizabeth, 310.
-, Guise promised to Spain, 311.
-, governor of. See Bernet, Raymond Roger de.

Bourbon, house of, princes of the blood, Catholic princes of, may join counter-league, 5; will come well attended to Blois, 154.

-, cardinal of. See BourbonVendôme, Charles de.

-, Charles de, cardinal of Vendôme, the king makes much of, 126, 145.

-, Charles de, count of Soissons, Soyssons:
-, signs Union, with reservations, 62.
-, king praises, 126; and pardons for Joyeuse's death, 153.
-, quarrel between servants of Guise and, 154.

-, Henry of, prince of Condé, Condy:
-, Placin accuses Navarre of poisoning, 23, 86.
-, princess's servant confesses he was poisoned, 110.

-, -, wife of. See de la Tremouille, Charlotte.

Bourbon-Vendôme, Charles de, cardinal of Bourbon:
-, paper signed by, 16.
-, to meet king at Chartres, 61.
-, speeches of, against Elizabeth, 126.
-, Parma hears of imprisonment of, 391.

- -, François de, duke of Montpensier, Mompensier:
-, signs Union and promises to bring Sedan to live catholickly, 4, 62.
-, is much beloved in Normandy, 154.

- -, Henri de, prince de Dombes, son of François, 154.

Bourbourg, Bourborough, Bourboroughe, Brougboue, Burborough, Burborow, Burborowe, Burburg [county of Flanders, now Nord, France]:
-, letters dated at, 3, 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 17, 26, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 46, 47, 71, 84.
-, soldiers use up all supplies at, 38.
-, peace treaty at, 68; queen chose for treaty, 95; Parma agreed, 96; proceedings at, 73–4.

Bourcher, Bourchier. See Bouchier.

Bourcy, Réné, sieur de Gerzai, Jarsay, 145.

Bourgau. See Charles, archduke of Austria.

Bourgen. See Bergen-op-Zoom.

Bourghe See Burgh.

Bourgoing, Bourgou, Bourgow. See Charles, archduke of Austria.

Bourlacey, Bourlas, Bourlaseye. See Borlas.

Bourman, sieur de, merchant, of the Palatinate, 348.

Bourman, Bournam. See Burnham, Edward.

Bourrgrave. See Burchgrave.

Boustreten, Jacques de, governor of Morges, instructions from Berne for mission to Henry III, 399.

Bouveyes, Bouvyes. See Beauvaissur-mer.

Boweer, Bowrcheir, Bowrchier. See Bouchier.

Boyl, James, merchant, of Middelburg, 177.

Brabant, duchy of, Spanish Netherlands:
-, Bergen garrison spoils Aremberg's lands in, 32.
-, Geertruidenberg to be paid from contributions of, 56, 66; appropriates the contributions, 154.
-, Parma's cavalry in, 136; Spanish foot going to, 158; his whole army in, 160, 164, 183; del Guasto's horse go to, 172.
-, Stewart should claim his debts from, 198, 286.
-, Ostend claims right to licence trade with, 212.
-, Parma forces billeted in, 323; forces from Wachtendonk go to, 396.
-, offensive in, suggested, 407.
-, loss of, was due to Chimay's treachery, 259.
-, revolt of, in 1562, mentioned, 415.
-, archives of, 286.
-, See also Brussels.

Brackel, Brackell, Brackhell. See Aeswijn, Reinhard van.

Brackenbury, Brockenburie, captain, sergeant-major of Ostend:
-, and Conway fail to quell mutiny, 202; his note thereof, to Willoughby, 205–6.
-, commands Ostend forces at Bergen siege, 265.
-, company of, at Bergen, 291.

Brahe, Steno, of Knuthsthorp, 80.

-, Ticho, Rogers meets, 76.

Brakel, Brakele, Brakle, Braquel. See Aeswijn, Reinhard van.

Brandenburg, elector, duke, of. See John George.

Brasbridge, a pirate, 7.

Brasser, Govert, burgomaster of Delft, member of Council of State, 83.

brazil, brasill, 148.

Breda, Brydaw [N. Brabant, Netherlands]:
-, Geertruidenberg friendly with, 44; routs cavalry of, 89, 101, 115.
-, surprise of, rumoured, 171.
-, Parma means to stay at, 188.
-, States forbid trade with, 234, 254.
-, enemy forces at, 308; in land of, 313.

Bredenborg, Breidenborg [Holstein, Denmark, now Germany], 80.

Brederode, Floris van, heer van Cloetingen, United Provinces' ambassador to Denmark and Germany, 186.

Bredges. See Bruges.

Breill. See Brielle, the.

Bremen [Germany], 59.

Bremien. See Brumen.

Brenn, Sir John, 256.

Bresse, la, Bressa, 393.

Brest [Finisterre, France], 69.

Brest-Litovsk, Brestia [Poland], letters dated at, 308, 309.

-, news of Armada from, 28.
-, a captain brings Mendoça false reports of Armada, 100, 127.
-, report by, of Spanish ships off Brittany, 171.
-, man League ships, and hate English, 363.

Brett, Brytt, Arthur, captain, 410:
-, letter from, 380.
-, wishes to go with Norris, 380.
-, money paid to, 261, 262; due to, 411.
-, company of, at the Brielle, 137, 263, 273; to go with Norris, 391.

Bridgeman, John, 408.

Bridges. See Bruges.

Brielle, the, Bills, Breill, Briel, Briele, Briell, Bril, Brill, Brille, Bryel, Bryell, Bryll [S. Holland, Netherlands]:
-, letters dated at, 258, 379, 380.
-, garrison of:
-, States send commissary to, 19; advanced lendings to, 68.
-, treaty numbers too few for siege, 69.
-, imprests of officers of, 129.
-, takes town's contributions, 141.
-, Russel sends powder to, 188.
-, Ostend garrison to be paid same as, 190.
-, troops sent to Bergen from, 220, 251, 265.
-, not mustered by States since October, 1587, 229, 231, 296.
-, Ortel desires payment of creditors of, 241, 242; imprests advanced by town to, 260, 261, 262, 263.
-, money due, or paid, to 275, 276.
-, creditors of in England seeking payment, 277–8; their petition, 313; Ortel urges their payment, 282, 307; it is promised, 283; Sherley's answer to Ortel, 367; States urge payment, 284, 312; Holland urges payment, 329; Council of State urges payment, 340; Sherley to answer about stores used, 338; captains' debts to burghers, 355.
-, estimate of imprests of, 291, 292.
-, lacks men and powder, 258; powder and guns formerly sent to, 344.
-, to be reduced to 4 companies, 378; Burgh protests, 378; States eager for reduction, 388.
-, men to go with Norris, 390, 391.
-, list of officers of, 410; money due to them, 411.
-, list of 'cautionary bands.' 272–3.
-, musters of, 137, 263.
-, clerk of munition of. See Fosse, William.
-, commissary of. See Thorisby, George.
-, governor of. See Burgh, Thomas, lord; Cecil, Sir Thomas.
-, master gunner of. See Payne, Richard.
-, gentleman porter of. See Palmer, Barnaby; Westhrop, Thomas.
-, provost marshal of. See Bamburgh, Thomas; Knyvett, Thomas; Raynsford, Giles.
-, water bailiff of. See Bassano, Andrea.
-, town and inhabitants of:
-, Ortel recommends requests of, 1.
-, sailor of, brings news of Armada fighting, 92.
-, restoration of, to Spain mentioned in peace treaty, 73.
-, Bergen desires same privileges in England as, 337.
-, See also cautionary towns.

brigantine. See ships.

brimstone, 136, 297.

Bristol, Bristo, Bristow, Bristowe [co. Gloucester]:
-, ship formerly of, lost in Armada, 116.
-, treaty of, referred to, 415.
-, merchant of. See Colston, William.

Brittany, Britten, duchy of [France], 146. See also Bretons.

Britten, Nicholas, 410.

Brock, John, 409.

Brockenburie. See Brackenbury.

Brocktorff, Detleve, of Schrevenborn, 80.

Brook, —, 410.

Brooke, Broke, Brook, Edward, of Kent, in Waller's company, kinsman of Cobham, 203:
-, Council send back with answer to Ostend mutineers' complaints, 189–91.

-, William, baron Cobham, lord warden of Cinque Ports, privy councillor, peace commissioner, 117, 415:
-, letters from, 3, 4, 6, 17, 37, 38, 70, 97.
-, -, referred to, 195 (?).
-, letters to, 15.
-, -, referred to, 197.
-, letter signed by, 142.
-, told Seymour of ships going for Spain, 3.
-, and Derby alone know reasons for Dale's visit to Parma, 10, 32.
-, Derby informs, of one who would serve Queen, 14.
-, thinks commissioners should be recalled, 38, 70.
-, unwell, 70.
-, at Calais, returning, 97.
-, servant of. See West, Harry.

Broomeley, Robert, 407, 408.

Brougboue. See Bourbourg.

Brough, Broughe. See Burgh.

Brounbanke, —, 217.

Browne, Brown, John, merchant, of Middelburg, 409, 412.

-, Robert, 293.

-, William, captain, 222, 410:
-, letter from, 113.
-, 150l. due to, on pay, 114; payment unlikely, 177; Russel urges payment of, 180, 192, 194.
-, money paid to, 260, 262; due to, 411; due by, 352, 353, 354.
-, and Borlas capture San Felipe, 114.
-, mother of, 192.
-, company of, at Flushing, 30, 137, 263, 273; men from, sent to England, 132.

Bruen. See Brune.

Bruges, Bredges, Bridges, Brudges, Burges [W. Flanders, Belgium], 340, 341, 365, 377:
-, Parma at, 10.
-, Dale sees Parma at, 32, 47.
-, shipping at, 40, 228.
-, proposed for peace conference, 73, 94.
-, Parma returning to, 158.
-, prior of monastery at, captured, 326.
-, Stanley's regiment near, 398.

Brughe. See Burgh.

Brulart, Brulard, Brullart, Pierre, sieur de Crosne et de Genlis, French secretary of state, dismissed, 178, 209; for 10 crowns would betray all, 208.

Brumen, Bremien, Geoffrey le, 24, 63.

Brune, Bruen, Thomas, victualler:
-, letter from, 30.
-, under arrest, 30.
-, Russel gets powder from, 188.
-, money due to, 407.

Brunswick, duke of. See Heinrich Julius.

Brussels, Brusselles, Bruxels, Bruxells, Bruxills, Bruxselles [Brabant, Belgium], 236, 323:
-, letter dated at, 321.
-, Bergen demands contribution of, 32.
-, Parma going on pilgrimage from, 35, 37.
-, prisoners taken near, 49.
-, Parma gone to, 172.
-, Parma assembles Estates at, 305.
-, Parma garrisons, 310.
-, Parma at, 320.
-, Bassets goes to, 396.
-, Stanley at, 398.
-, edict of, referred to, 34, 96, 97.
-, parlement of, sends envoys to Emden, 156.

Brydaw. See Breda.

Brye, Denys de, flyboat of, 228.

Bryel, Bryell, Bryll. See Brielle, the.

Brym, Philip, letter from, 390.

Brytt. See Brett.

Buck, Bucke, John, captain:
-, letters borne by, 51.
-, declaration of, on Willoughby Russel dispute, 30.
-, comes from England, 67.
-, at Bergen, prisoners of, escape, 216, 267.
-, money due to, 408.
-, brother of, 216.
-, company of, at Bergen, 264, 290.

Buckholt, John, prefect of Iceland, 80.

Buckhurst. See Sackville, Thomas.

Buddins, Michael, 408.

-, prince of, 174.
-, heavy taxation in, 283.

Buillon, duke of. See de la Marck, William Robert.

Bull, Thomas, of Knollys' company, 195.

bulls, papal, 267, 268; deposing Elizabeth, referred to, 33, 51, 60.

Bull inn, Southwark [co. Surrey], 22.

Bulloinia, Hugo, 293.

Bullein, Bullyn. See Boulogne.

Burborough, Burborow, Burborowe, Burburg. See Bourbourg.

Burchgrave, Bourrgrave, Burgrave, Daniel de, 259: knows of a plan for offensive in Flanders, 183, 193, 217.

Burd, William, clerk of J. Burgh's company. 315.

Burdieux. See Bordeaux.

Burgau. See Charles, archduke of Austria.

Burge, in la Bresse, 393.

Burgenholt. See Borgerhout.

Burges. See Bruges.

Burgh, Borogh, Borowes, Borrough, Bourghe, Brough, Broughe, Brughe, Burghe, Sir John, 222, 224, 410:
-, hopes to go with Norris, 379.
-, money paid to, 260, 261, 262, 358, 412; due to, 199, 258, 411.
-, company of, at the Brielle, 137, 263, 273; clerk of. See Burd, William.
-, troop of, at Amersfoort, 14, 137, 224, 264; going with Schenck, 162; to go with Norris, 390.

-, Thomas, lord, governor of the Brielle, 9, 410:
-, letters from, 258, 379.
-, letters to, 311, 391.
-, -, referred to, 180, 379, 390.
-, gets States to send commissary to view forts, 19.
-, to send men to Bergen, 180; sent them, 265.
-, asks for men and powder, 258; protests against reduction, 379.
-, petition for, 315.
-, Deventer would justify himself before, 349.
-, to send men with Norris, 391.
-, money paid to, 261, 262, 276, 315, 412; due to, 314; owed by, 344, 355.
-, company of, at the Brielle, 137, 263, 273; clerk of. See Swynlerst, Peter; sergeant of. See Durbancke, John. See also Fletcher, Jeffrey; Smyth, Robert; Style, John.
-, secretary of. See Thorisby, George.

Burghley. See Cecil, William.

Burgoo. See Charles, archduke of Austria.

Burgrave. See Burchgrave.

Burgundy, house of, 117.

Burick, Burich [duchy of Cleves, now Rhenish Prussia, Germany], 236, 237, 331.

Burlacey, Burlas. See Borlas.

Burley, Richard, English renegade, 107.

Burlote, captain la, governor of Oorderen, Lorrainer, detains R. Tomson, 320, 321, 396.

Burnham, Borneham, Bornhem, Bourman, Bournam, Burneham, Edward, water-bailiff of Flushing, 410:
-, letters from, 11, 48, 49, 82, 100, 103, 158.
-, -, referred to, 18.
-, letters borne by, 90, 109, 150.
-, buying armours in Netherlands for Walsingham, 11, 49, 82, 100, 103.
-, indisposed, 20, 32, 48, 82, 100.
-, sent letters to Killigrew, 64, 82; who calls him to the Hague, 65.
-, Walsingham's replies to, 177.
-, Roels met, 213.
-, Maurice did not meet, 299.
-, Villiers deals with, to reconcile Maurice and Russel, 305.
-, imprests of, 129, 291.

Burse. See Buys.

Burton, William, 409.

-, —, 410.

Busenval. See Choart, Paul.

Butler, Sir Philip, 410; money paid to, 260; due to, 408.

Butt, Cornelius, 408.

butter, 243:
-, provision of, for Ostend, 131, 226; mutineers complain of, 202.
-, English prices of, 169.

Buys, Burse, Paul, 21, 44, 213.

Buzanval, Buzenval, Buzenvalle. See Choart, Paul.

Bye, Buy, Joris de, treasurer-general of United Provinces, 374.

Byron. See Gontaut, Armand de.

Byskeye. See Biscay.