Elizabeth: November 1588, 1-10

Pages 299-314

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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November 1588, 1-10

Nov. 1/11. Count Maurice to Walsingham.
Has not replied before to his letters by Bourman because, after receiving them, he waited in Holland to understand more fully from Bourman himself of the matters therein contained. Intended to visit him in Zeeland, but had to stay in Holland to obtain reinforcements for the States' army against the Duke of Medina and the Prince of Parma, and afterwards to prepare succour for Bergen and Ter Tholen. Since coming to Walcheren he has been unable to find Bourman.
But for the Earl of Leicester's death, he had intended to seek an agreement with him, and would have referred all matters to the judgment of her Majesty and her Council. Is also very willing to be reconciled to M. Roussel, gravely though he has been injured by him.
His eagerness to do her Majesty service. As for those persons recommended to him by Walsingham, they will admit that he has dealt more kindly with them than they could have hoped; those whom they have maligned have been ever ready to spend life and means on her Majesty's behalf.
Thanks him for his care and counsel. Walsingham's remarks in favour of Captain Roger Willems were hardly required, for they became firm friends at their first meeting.—Middelburg, 11 November, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. French. 2½ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 1.]
Nov. 3. Lord Wyllughby to the Privy Council. (fn. 1)
Received yesternight their letters of Oct. [blank in MS.]. Had already conferred with Sir John Norreys concerning the disorders at Ostend, but as he had to go to Holland and Wyllughby was very busy here, they could decide nothing. Now that Berghen is no longer besieged, will take order for Ostend as their lordships direct.—Berghen-op-Zom, 3 November, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. with note of contents. ½ p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 9.]
Nov. 3. Lord Wyllughby to the Privy Council.
The enemy has retired with all his forces from before Berghen. Leaves all to the report of his cousin Vere, "who hath been an especial actor in the whole service."—Berghen-op-Zom, 3 November, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. ¼ p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 11.]
Nov. 3. Lord Wyllughby to Burghley.
"For so bad a secretary I have thought it best to choose the most sufficientest reporters," so sends his cousin, Francis Vcre, to whom he refers all matters.—Berghen, 3 November, "the same day the town, God be praised, is quitted of the siege."
Postscript. "Good my lord, I beseech you to remember I may have leave to come home, and see her Majesty, and there to put order to my poor estate, though it be for a fortnight."
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 7.]
[Nov. 3.] Persons and causes recommended by her Majesty to the States.
Persons. Their causes. The States' answers.
Colonel Sonoy. Quarrel with the States and Count Maurice. Her Majesty wrote on Feb. 13, March 5, 17, and April 12, to Willoughbie to mediate an agreement which would leave Sonoy as governor of Medenblic, or else secure him payment of everything due to him and leave to depart from the countries. Was by Willoughbie's mediation brought to an agreed settlement. Snoy resigned the government. How much the States have performed on their part, is to be learned from Snoy.
The men of Leyden, Gromvelt, Deventer. Her Majesty on Feb. 13 directed Willoughbie to ask the States to desist from their violence towards these men. No further proceedings against them since.
The province of Utrecht. Her Majesty on Feb. 13 and March 5 directed his lordship to urge the States to unity and if he could not compound their differences, to refer the decision (according to Article 27 of the Contract) to her Majesty, and to send representatives from both sides to inform her fully of the case. They surceased their claim of superiority over Utrecht, but have recently revived it.
Sir Martin Skinck. For payment of his entertainment, due by the States. To be governor of Gertrudenbergh. Unanswered. The garrison and the States utterly refuse.
Colonel Backs. For payment of his entertainment as lieutenantgeneral of the light horse; also for his foot-band. Unanswered.
The banished men of Leyden. Deventer. Discontented provinces and towns. That by her Highness' mediation they would restore them: to deal very effectually for Deventer: and to mediate an accord between the States and any discontented provinces and towns.
Request of the town of Ostend. That either they may grant licences of convoy, or else that some order be taken to maintain garrison and burghers, and to finish the fortifications.
The 'Ammon' of Theil. His house burned and he ill-treated because in a government of his own inheritance he disobeyed the States' command to cease bidding his people in her Majesty's name to be devoted to her Majesty.
The President of Friz, Doctor Aisna. Was President of the Council there, 1585 onwards. In Aug., 1587, when Leicester and the States were disagreeing, he came to Leicester upon the Earl's summons. For this support of her Majesty and her Lieutenant, upon his return (after the Earl's departure) he was displaced out of his office, his house burned, his papers seized. Urges that he be restored to his former place.
Endd. with date. 3 pp. [Holland XXVIII f. 13.]
Nov. 4. Gilpin to Walsingham.
Has written from time to time. Sends this to the English house at Middelborough to be sent over thence, there being no messengers here. If his letters "come stale dated," it is the fault of the bearers, or of the winds, which have long continued in the west. Lately sent his boy expressly, but he was forced to put back after getting within a mile of Margatt, and was chased by the enemy during most of one night. Mr. Killegrew often complains of similar difficulties.
Hears that the enemy has retired from before Bergues, placing some of his forces in the nearest villages. The rest are expected to invade the Velewe in Gelderland, against which the Council here is preparing resistance. Holland seems forward herein, as their deputies assured the Council. The deputies also urged the speedy relief of Wachtendonck, which is besieged by the old Count of Mansfelt with five camps and great ordnance and fireworks. The captains there seem resolute, but write urging that relief be not too long deferred, as it was at Bon. The Baron of Kitlich, who commanded there, is in Wachtendoncq with five horse and foot companies. "The place is strong, and not to be beaten but at one side where a river runneth. The worst is that Schenck is displeased and proceedeth with that fort he maketh, refusing to come hither, though content to enter into conference and treaty with such as shall be sent unto him; but, the meantime, will suffer no ships to pass without the paying unto his officer the licences." To-day letters and articles of complaint arrived from him, with his advice for the defence of those parts. The advice of the Hollanders taken thereon. "The complot between him, the Amptman of Thiel, and Brakel, manifesteth more daily, and is thought that they have won unto them the Count of Cullynberch, who levieth a company of men for the keeping of his town, having refused to receive the company that the Council had sent thither. His means are not great to keep men long, without he be assisted by Schenck of that [which] shall be received by the licence, against which they of Holland are much moved, and must find some remedy or else the trade of the two rivers of Maes and Wael will come to nothing, and the means to maintain their shipping diminish, whereout greater new discontentments will fall out."
Utrecht is quiet. Those of Holland have induced them to take an Ambsterdam company into the town, where there are now four companies and a horse-band; sufficient to assure the place, it is thought, "from all inward danger." Hears of no formal proceedings against the prisoners, but they will deal straitly with Deventer, and he is told that they are inquiring from the printer (who will probably be tortured) about a discourse (which Deventer denies having written) against the sovereignty that the States are said to pretend. Probably the men meant well, but if nothing be done for them except the writing of letters it will avail them little. All inconveniences here are due to want of authority, which ought to be given to her Majesty's Lieutenant and the Council of State. Now "there is, in a manner, no speech of the Lord General, neither of any particular governor, but of Count Maurice, [who] is accounted as chief of the wars, and so laboured to make all follow and de[pend] on him," as Mr. Killegrew at his coming over can declare.
Hears that those of the Council who were in Zeeland lately wrote to her Majesty complaining of those of Geertrudebergh, whose disorders are not easy to redress, though had the Lord General's repeated advice been taken, probably matters would have been better. The place is very important, "for none can pass between Holland and Zeeland but [it] may annoy them." As the garrison protest that they will acknowledge only her Majesty, it was thought well not to discontent them by delivering to them her last letter. Mr. Killegrew is fully informed hereof.
Count Maurice is in Zeeland. He has been in Tergoes supervising fortifications, and comes to Camphere next Sunday, "to be there invested Marquis," and then hither.
By the Council's order Gilpin despatched yesterday to the provinces copies of an act from the Councillors that were in Zeeland concerning Sir John Norrys' proposals, and required them to send their deputies to the States General fully empowered to resolve thereupon. Encloses a copy of the act, together with a copy of a letter from Count Hohenlo to those of Holland concerning his embassy, (fn. 2) whence, it seems, no great matter will follow. "I got the original letter by a chance, and would not doubt to compass greater things if it had been thought good to use of me so far that I had been altogether accounted of and accepted here for her Majesty, and in no respect to depend on any other, which now to continue my entrance in Council I am forced to do, as Mr. Killegrew can and will enlarge further . . ."
Those of Arnham have written for assistance, as they expect to be besieged after Wachtendonck; "which is feared will not be able to hold out long because the 'housen' are most 'tatched' with straw and reed, and that the enemy used now to shoot wildfire."
No boats are allowed to pass up the river to Thiel for a few days. They think thus to move the townsmen against the Amptman.
"A kind of mutiny" at Berck has been appeased and money, etc., sent. The garrison is to be changed.
M. Brakle's soldiers tried, unsuccessfully, to seize Rhenen. They would not serve under captains appointed by the Count of Moeurs, so were cashiered, and most of them have taken service under the Count of Culenborgh and Schenck.
Count Moeurs writes earnestly for men and means.—The Haghe, 4 November, 1588, st. ang.
Signed. Add. Endd. 3⅓ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 15.]
Nov. 4. Thomas Wylsford to Burghley.
Sends "these few lines as only a token of my dutiful remembrance and love," and refers the report of things here to "this gallant gentleman, Sir Francis Veere."—Bergus-sur-le-Zome, 4 November.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. ½ p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 17.]
Nov. 5. Lord Wyllughby to Burghley. (fn. 3)
Sir William Drury has loyally obeyed her Majesty's commandment, to his very great disgrace "and heart's grief." He has, moreover, behaved most honourably and valiantly in all actions of war. Were he not duly rewarded, "it would not only kill his heart . . . but be a great discouragement to all others that follow the wars." Therefore, as Sir John Conaway has often written of his desire to resign his government, owing to its troublesomeness, his wife's death, and his own ill-health, it would be well for her Majesty to recommend Drury to the States who "would be very glad to pleasure the good knight so."—Berghes, 5 November.
Postscript. "What the enemy's purpose is to make war in England, as for that [which] is passed here, your lordship shall at large understand all by my cousin Vere."
Holograph. Add. Endd. with note of contents. 1 p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 21.]
Nov. 5. Nicholas Parker to Burghley.
Refers the report of their late actions at Berghen to Sir Francis Vere, an eye-witness and chief actor. Acknowledges Burghley's favour and apologises for again importuning him, but his expenses have been so heavy that without present relief he can no longer maintain his company.—Berghen-op-Zom, 5 November, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. "For his pay . . ." 1 p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 25.]
Nov. 5. Nicholas Parker to Walsingham.
To the same effect as the above.—Berghen-op-Zom, 5 November, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal. 1 p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 27.]
Nov. 5. Adolf, Count of Neuwenar, to the Queen.
Has received her letters of Oct. 17 concerning Deventer. Cleerhagen, etc. Hopes that his letters of Sept. 30 will content her Majesty in all points. Regrets that she is dissatisfied, especially as her dissatisfaction is based upon false reports from men of no rank or standing. Considers that in the loss of his possessions and hazarding of his life he has given better proof of his loyalty to the cause than have these galands factionnaires.
Lord Buckhurst can testify to the rash deeds of Deventer and his adherents, against which the States General protested to her Majesty, and the Count complained in vain to the Earl of Leicester. Leicester gave so great heed to Deventer that he put under him the English troops in the town, to the prejudice of the Count's authority as governor of the province. This made Deventer insufferably arrogant. Her Majesty's complaint that some have been expelled, was based on wrong information, for none have been expelled, although the ritmaster Bacx, who was found in arms beside his cousin Deventer, fled from the city of his own accord.
Will proceed against Deventer and his adherents only in accordance with strict justice. Will do his best to obtain their full liberty if they are proved innocent.
His devotion to her Majesty.—Utrecht, 5 November, 1588, stilo antiquo.
Signed. Add. Endd. French. 2¼ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 23.]
Nov. 5/15. Villiers to Walsingham.
Excuses his not replying to Walsingham's letter by Burnham. Did his best with the Count as regards the matter contained in the articles which Burnham brought, and with such success that the Count and the English leaders have co-operated readily in repulsing the Prince of Parma from Tertolen and Berghe. Norreis himself no doubt writes of his negotiation here with the Count, Estates, etc. The Count is eager to convince her Majesty that the differences here have been purely personal, except with regard to the peace treaty, wherein had the States seemed ready to concur, it would have been their ruin.
Hears that the Prince of Parma would assemble his Estates at Brussels, and that the King wants men to be sent to Spain.— Middelborgh, 15 November, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. French. 1 p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 29.]
Nov. 5/15. Pedro de Leon to Don Pedro de Valdez.
Wrote to him days ago. Was sent by the Duke of Medina to inform the Prince of Parma about the army, and evil weather prevented his return. The Prince has shown him such favour "that he hath bound me to be a Fleming for some years, giving me the charge of a company, and to bear my charges." This, however, cannot comfort him for the loss of his ship the Gallega, even though so many besides her were lost. His Highness took these losses very grievously, especially that of Valdez, whom he greatly esteems. His own desire to do all possible to assist Valdez and his fellow prisoners.—Dunkirke, 15 November, 1588.
Copy. Endd. 1 p. [Spain III. f. 25.]
Nov. 61/6. John Gylles to Walsingham.
His last was of Nov. 4 [n.s.]. Awaits answer from his honour or Mr. Stockes concerning Mr. John Delafall.
Yesterday received a letter from his friend at Anwart, of Nov. 11, that on the 10th the Prince of Parma arrived there from the camp before Barrow: with him were the King of Spain's two bastard sons, Don John de Medesi, Amadise de Savoy, the Marquis de Bourgoing, cousin to the Emperor, and divers of their chief colonels. All these depart for Spain and Italy. The next morning the Prince left hurriedly for Brusselles. Divers men have been put into garrison in Macklen, Anwarp, and elsewhere, and six cannon were brought to Anwarp last week. The camp before Berges rises, and only Standly and some Wallones are before it now.
Other news has come, three or four days ago, that they have burned their tents before Barrges. Expects they will keep divers sconces thereabouts.
His friend at Anwarp also writes that Dragonne is glad to hear of the departure of the governor of Flysing: Gylles fears his successor, whoever it be, will be too familiar with the States, for they are subtle, as he heard by Justyns, admiral. Gylles could learn much from Justens and Allegond were he familiar with them. Hears from Anwarp that divers Spaniards have landed in Ireland and joined with the wild Irish: this news came by way of Calles. Standly has men who daily come and go over. Eaton is not to be trusted, and neither he nor Pegot are fit to come near the Court, for they "watch but opportunity. God preserve her Majesty."
News comes to-day that the enemy is risen from Berken upon Sunday.—Mydelborow, 16 November, styllo novo.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 30.]
Nov. 6. (fn. 4) Extract of a letter from the Consuls of Gelderland to the Council of State.
A strong enemy force besieges Wachtendonck, which cannot hold out long unless relief is sent. This bearer was sent to understand of the situation there, and he returned yesterday, reporting that the enemy battered the town all St. Martin's night, and sent a good force to the very ramparts by means of a pontoon which they brought from Venlo. The defenders slew practically all these men and burned the pontoon. The enemy, however, approached still by two other pontoons and began to sap the walls, which could not be prevented as the place was not flanked. The bearer on his return to Gennep heard that the enemy had made two other assaults, both of which had been repulsed. All the neighbouring towns, as well those of Cleeff as of the King, are compelled to furnish supplies every ten days to the besiegers. The rains have made the roads around the town almost impassable, the soldiers sinking to their knees as they march.
Endd. French. 1p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 31.]
Nov. 7. J. Ortell to Burghley.
At her Majesty's special command, when the Spanish fleet was off these coasts, he sent an express messenger into the United Provinces, at his own charges, for powder. When it arrived (having himself paid its freightage), Sir Robert Constable accepted and paid for one half of it, for the service of her Majesty, but some few barrels of the rest were of inferior quality and a little damp. Agreed that Constable might choose what he wanted thereof, and he took the greater part of it, worth some 400l. at 12d. the pound. There seems no reason to send the rest back, paying more freightage and discouraging others to send in like circumstances, so he desires satisfaction herein.
Also earnestly recommends the cause of the poor men of the Briell, Flushing, and Middelborough, who assisted her Majesty's garrisons in time of need and are in such want that they dare not return home for fear of arrests.—London, 7 November, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. with note of contents. Seal of arms. 1¼ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 32.]
Nov. 7. Thomas Maria Wyngfelde to Walsingham.
Asking his favour in the matter of Don Jan de Mendoza. Every workman is worthy of his hire and it is unprecedented to take a prisoner from his captor without any compensation. If he is himself captured, he will have to find his own ransom, so should be allowed to build up his estate by such honourable helps. Has served her Majesty seventeen years, both here and in Ireland. Desires his honour, and Sir Walter Myldemaye, to obtain for him a commission from the Privy Council to the governor here, and others, to hear and decide the cause. The prisoner worth 500 or 600l. sterling.—Vlyshyng, 7 November, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. ¾ p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 36.]
Nov. 7. Thomas Maria Wyngfelde to Sir Walter Myldemaye.
Excuses his seldom writing. His honour is doubtless informed of the repulse of the enemy's attack upon the sconce at Berganup-Zome. At his own earnest desire, attended the governor of this place thither the day before the attack. The governor was given his own quarter with his Vlyshynge company. The enemy attacked them, pulled down part of the lower palisade, and was further assisted by their own great piece which at the first shot "shaked down a great part of the upper palisade," where Don Jan de Mendoza, minor, and others trying to enter were twice repulsed. Don Jan found himself unable to retreat and "desired to yield himself, and being within my halberd's length of me, and remembering my brother's long imprisonment, I drew him by my halberd up unto me, took from him his arms, and he gave me his ring in token that he was my prisoner. This man, with another Spanish captain whom I likewise brought to my Lord General, be by my Lord General taken from me, the one given to Mr. Grymston, the other to Redhead, the two instruments of this service, without any satisfaction to me,"—a most unprecedented course. Desires his honour and Mr. Secretary's letters to the governor here to examine and decide this cause according to justice and martial custom. Has long served her Majesty and this is the first benefit that he has had thereof.—Vlyshyng, 7 November, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal. 1p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 34.]
[Nov. 7.] Postilles to the rest of Lord Willoughbye's articles.
10. When Berghen is free, 'they' are to be employed in some special service under Sir John Norrice and Sir Francis Drake, as no doubt Sir John has by now informed him.
11. Mr. Bodligh has instruction to deal with the States for the better usage of both footmen and horsemen: if they will not conform thereto, her Majesty will take suitable measures.
12. Present order shall be given for the increase of their weekly lendings.
13. Such as lose horses in the service shall be allowed four month's pay, without check, to refurnish themselves.
Endd. with date. ¾ p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 108.]
Nov. 7/17. Sigismund III, King of Poland, to the Queen.
Thanks her for her letter of congratulation. His desire for her friendship. Will favour her subjects at Elbing as much as did King Stephen, his predecessor, but must defer the confirmation of their privileges as he has not his council with him here in Lithuania. Meanwhile their privileges remain inviolate.—Brestia in Lithuania, 17 November, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. 13 Nov. [sic] and with note of contents by L. Tomson. Latin. 1½ pp. [Poland I. 44.]
Nov. 8. Sir William Russell to Burghley.
The Duke of Parma has raised his siege of Bergues, "whereunto he was enforced through some dislikes and discontentments the Dukes of Ascholla and Pastrano, and divers other gentlemen that came lately out of Spain, conceived against him, which, as I hear, grew unto a kind of mutiny in his camp. These dukes, with many Spaniards, are presently to depart from him into Spain. We have no great cause to fear any of his attempts this winter."
Desires that pay may be sent over. The Ostende disorder continues, and the soldiers held a council to displace their officers. Hopes Captain Wilson's going thither with new companies will reclaim them.—Vlisshing, 8 November, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. ¾ p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 40.]
Nov. 8. Sir Thomas Morgan to Walsingham.
Received his of Oct. 14. Sir John Norrice has not spoken to him of this letter or of its contents, other than of the 1500 men.
Hopes the Lord General's usage will be amended, as he has promised that Morgan shall have the whole government "and that the knights should be removed into other garrisons."
Thanks him for soliciting her Majesty in his behalf.
"The enemy lieth entrenched round about us, as namely at Rossendale, where there lie two regiments of foot, two cornets of lances, and one of harquebusiers: at Callingtroute, where there lie two regiments of foot, two cornets of horse: at Holstrate where there lie the Marquis Renti his regiment and two cornets of horse. Many lie at Breda, and all the country over."
Desires licence to transport necessaries for his house.—Berges, 8 November, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 42.]
Nov. 8/18. Sigismund III, King of Poland, to the Queen.
Received her letter of June about a ship and goods belonging to her subjects. Has written to the Duke of Prussia thereof, urging him not to punish the merchants so severely for a clerical error. Hopes this will suffice: can only use persuasion.—Brestia in Lithuania, 18 November, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. 14 Nov. [sic] and with note of contents by L. Tomson. Latin. 1½ pp. [Poland I. 45.]
Nov. 9/19 The Conseil commis of the States of Zeeland to the Privy Council.
Have often asked for licence to transport, free of custom, 100 tons of iron artillery. Hear that the grant thereof has been delayed owing to rumours that certain individuals mean to carry some of the pieces to the enemy. The States purchased the pieces some eight months ago, and the merchants they have employed herein are interested as much as they are. They will guarantee that the pieces will not be carried to the enemy, and pray their lordships to grant licence to Michel Leeman, this bearer, to transport them without paying custom.—Middelburg, 19 November, 1588.
Signed, P. Ryche. Countersigned, Chr. Roels. Add. Endd. with note of contents. French. 1½ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 44.]
Nov. 9/19. G. Gilpin to Walsingham.
No news of Count Hohenlo since the letter, of stale date, of which he sent a copy in his last. The Count and the other envoys are said to be in Denmark. Report that were Count Maurice made Count of Holland and Zeeland, the King's sister would be given him in marriage: this probably " a device to prepare matters," so that if, as is likely, he is made greater at this assembly of the States, it will not be murmured at.
A portrait of the Queen of Scots, with verses praising her and slandering her Majesty, together with the order of the execution, was for sale in the Courthall. One was brought to Mr. Killegrew, who sent it to Gilpin to communicate to the Council. The seller was examined and proved to be innocent, having received them with others from Ambsterdam. He was dismissed, with a warning to have no more like them. The Council have written to Ambsterdam, but have not yet had an answer.
Men, munitions, and victual appointed to go to Arnham. A mutiny at Lochum pacified by the officers promising pay in ten days. The matter referred to those of Holland.
Schenck has gone to provide for his fort of the Weerdt beyond Nimmeghen. The enemy still before Wachtendonck, but has not yet planted his cannon; nor does his fort in the marsh go forward. The town has been treating for means to get out their horses, which the horsemen are loth to lose. As any treating is dangerous, they have been informed that any horses lost will be replaced. Hope of speedy rescue, especially if the dispute with Schenk were ended. They have again written promising him all good usage, but no answer has yet arrived.
Utrecht remains as before. As the minister Modet does not wish to abide there, nor is greatly desired, he is to live in Eastland to maintain correspondency between the Flemish churches there and here, and to move them to contribute to the charges of the wars.
"The General States are not yet come, but again written for." Hears that Bolducq has expelled its garrison, and that Bruxels, Machelin, Andwarpe, and the towns of Henow, are filled with garrisons, to their great charge.—The Haghe, 19 November, 1588, stil. novo.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1¼ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 46.]
Nov. 10, last date. Occurences: Stade.
The Estates of Holtz [Holstein] desired the young Duke to press for repayment of loans by Andwarpe. He wrote to Hamburg for the arrest of all Andwarpe goods there but was answered that, those of Andwarpe being by their traffic the chief maintainers of Hamburg's prosperity, they could not grant his request.
La Noo at Essedan. His son's book on the benefits of adversity.
Ships should be stationed off the Hebrides and Orchades to intercept the Hamburgers trading that way into Spain, and also to benefit her Majesty's custom, just as the King of Denmark benefits by compelling those of Lubeck to pass by the Sound, where the custom must be paid, rather than by Alse and other islands of Fionia.
The deputy, Mr. Pecock, thinks that with two ships the whole trade of St. Nicholas Port could be assured.
Those of Staden doubt whether to go forward in building their town, as their adversaries seek to entice the Englishmen away. They think of taking the suburbs towards the haven into the city.
Duke Francis of Lawenburch, stipendiary of the Emperor, occasionally intercepts those of the Low Countries "by reason of debts due unto them, which cannot redeem themselves without his contentation." He is to bring, this 10th of October, 10,000 dallers to pay the debts of his brother, the last Archbishop, and so to redeem his plate, jewels, etc., "which are more worth by 4,000 dallars."
News at Staden, Oct. 10, that the Danes had imprisoned Gherardt Rantzow and Valckendorph It would lead to troubles there. Also that "Gherard Ranzow would not suffer the governors should only place Danes in the castle of Cronenburche, but would have also 'Dutchmen' in garrison, as . . . in the last King's days."
No certain news from Spain of the fleet's return.—Stade, Oct. 10.
"November. After my return into England."
"The Duke of Espernon sent a gentleman to the Q[ueen] as concerning Bologne, to take [it] into her hands. The Q[ueen] sent 1000l. unto Buzenvalle for that matter: the Q[ueen] would not take it, but the King of Navarre treateth with Espernon for it."
The Duke of Savoy has taken the Marquisate of Saluse, which the last heir gave to Charles IX. In Dolphiné, la Valette has defeated some of the King's horse. The King of Navarre has taken St. Jean, a town at the mouth of the Loire: his affairs go well. The Duke of Guise promised Bologne to Spain.
"The 4th began there a lecture to be read at London touching the art of fortification."
The 10th came news that the Duke of Parma has retired from before Bergen-op-Some, and that 10,000 Spaniards and Italians are to go to Spain.
Endd. in a later hand. 1¾ pp. [Hamburg and Hanse Towns III. 14.]
[Nov. 10.] The Privy Council to Lord Willoughby. (fn. 5)
For the execution of James Digges' proposals concerning musters.
His lordship's requests by Colman answered by way of apostilles.
The requests of the captains of horsebands to be similarly answered.
Order to be given to the Treasurer for avoidance of the troubles due to the delays and the baseness of coin when money is made over by way of exchange.
Her Majesty means to reward Grimston and Readhead.
Cannot answer concerning Captain Savage's offer for the tenth horse band until the States reply about the conversion of 300 horsemen into footmen. —November, 1588.
Minute, corrected. Endd. 1½ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 38.]
[Nov. 10 ?] The Privy Council to Lord Borrough. (fn. 6)
To credit what Mr. Bodligh shall communicate to him concerning governors of cautionary towns not intermeddling in civil government and Admiralty matters.
Minute. Endd. "1588. M. from the LL. to the Lord Borrough and Sir Wm. Russell," and with note of contents. 1 p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 110.]
Nov. 10. Sir John Norreys to Walsingham. (fn. 7)
Received his letter of Oct. 29. Is glad that her Majesty has passed warrant for the rest of her adventure. Regrets that the Council and the clergy seem loath to put themselves to charges: they should regard the example of the nobles and clergy of Spain. Though they do nothing to help, as much shall be performed as is promised.
Fears contrary winds have delayed his letters, so sends Sir Roger Wyllyams to report. Lord Wylloby very unwilling to further this journey; fears he will do little to assist, when his aid is required for quartering, removing, and altering companies. Letters from England have little effect upon him, so would wish that he (Willoughby) might take now the month or two's leave, for which he has asked, leaving Mr. Wylford in charge, who is likely to be more tractable and understanding in the matter. Does not complain of Wylloby to the Lord Treasurer, but desires his honour to acquaint him with as much as he thinks convenient.
The States not yet assembled. Understands from Bernevelt and others that "they have given order for the levying of ten thousand pound, and that therewith they intend to set forth ten of their greatest ships of war, furnished with victual and munition for six months. They will also set forth 2000 'shot,' armed, entertained, and victualled, for like time, under the conduct, as it is thought, of the Count Philip. They will give me assistance also to levy 2 or 3000 'shot' of these country men and permission to freight shipping for their transportation. They will be content also that I shall freight ten of their best ships, that are fittest, to carry horses. It is told me that the States of Holland will yield to somewhat more from themselves, but what not yet resolved of." They excuse themselves for not giving as much as they would, on the grounds of their late confusions and the charges of the last wars. This is quite true, and little more could be expected of them. The absence of the States causes little delay, as all provisions are in hand and the shipping appointed to be ready by Jan. 1, by which time he understands that Sir Francis Drake will also be ready. Is delayed here himself, waiting for the States, but the business can go forward unhindered, as Drake has undertaken the provision of shipping and victuals, and Norreys has only to levy and arm the soldiers, which need not be done until within fourteen days of their departure, thus saving extra costs for their maintenance and lessening the danger of their intent being discovered.
Has given Sir Roger Wylliams a note of the chief matters of which he is to remind his honour. Desires an early answer thereon.
In his instructions from the Council, reformation of many things was promised, but nothing said of by whom or when, e.g. concerning completing the bands, replacing some horse companies by double the number of foot, and avoiding the surcharges in the cautionary towns. Desires more particular direction herein. They exclaim much at having to pay the lendings of the Brill garrison. Would have compounded the matter, but found it very difficult as they profess to owe Sir Thomas Shurley nothing. Desires direction herein also. Doubts if he can do any good in the matter of Ghertrembergh: they suspect Lord Wylloby of being an interested party. The garrison commits marvellous outrages. Has tried to get some of them to go with him, but probably will not succeed.
Cannot learn that the Duke of Parma has any notice of the intent of their journey, but most apparently he prepares again for England, putting his forces in garrison in his best towns, to refresh them. Antwerp made some difficulty over admitting 3000, so all the burghers were disarmed. Report that all the nobles who came from Spain for the English enterprise are returning, and that the Duke is ordered to send ten regiments to Spain, which he has promised shall be there by May 1. He blames the Duke of Medina for the failure of their enterprise "and saith that for fear of three or four fired boats he did run away. . . . "— The Haghe, 10 November, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 4¾ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 48.]
Remembrances for Sir Roger Wylliams to move to Mr. Secretary.
That Norris may have commission from her Majesty to have ten of the old companies, besides the ten now brought over; and that if any of the new companies cannot be spared from their garrisons, he may take instead as many of the old.
That he may choose which companies he will take.
To know her Majesty's pleasure for the discharging of certain weak horsebands, and that if she like of it, order may speedily be given so that he may take some of them with him.
To know whether her Majesty would like the States to garrison Ostend, in place of her men.
That if these men desire assurance for the well-using and safety of their ships, her Majesty will write to give such assurance to the States of Holland.
"To deliver his opinion how my Lord Wylloby affects the journey."
[On the cover.] "Provision is made from hence for 7000 soldiers, armed, shipped, and victualled. Furniture for 20,000 men more, 2500 lances, 500 horsemen's armours, 40 lasts of powder and match, some artillery."
In Norris' hand. Endd. "November, 1588." 1¼ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 156.]
Nov. 10. Thomas Wylsford to Walsingham.
Received his letter of Oct. 28. Refers all things to the report of this bearer, Sir Francis Vere. The Duke of Parmeye, since rising from Bergus, has divided his army into three parts, one at Callintothe "where it is given out he will fortify and at Rosendall, one other part in the land of Breda and to Rosendall, the vanguard at Tilberg." Suspects his real meaning is against Utrithe, where he will probably "find governors and magistrates made in his own forge," the whole government having been put into Papists' hands. Need to put strong forces therein to prevent their plots. The Lord General has sent to see if they will admit some of her Majesty's forces into the Fare, "the which place must serve for a retreat for our horse that are in the upper quarters; and, without that, they have no retreat at all . . . ."—Dort, 10 November.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1½ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 31.]
[Nov. 10.] Petition of certain of the Bryel, Vlissinge, and Middelborowe.
For payment of debts due to them for money, meat, drink, and apparel supplied to certain companies of her Majesty's garrisons, as appears by bills more at large: total sum, 2375l. 14s. sterling. They came to England some six weeks ago, and have been continual but unsuccessful suitors to the Lord High Treasurer and Sir Thomas Shurley, so are compelled to appeal to her Majesty. The sum is to be defalked again from the companies' entertainments.
Endd. with date. ½ p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 53.]


  • 1. Extract in Bertie, Five Generations of a Loyal House, p. 232.
  • 2. Calendared at p. 186, above.
  • 3. Extract in Bertie, Five Generations of a Loyal House, pp. 232–3.
  • 4. So in MS.: but the reference to St, Martin's night makes this improbable.
  • 5. Printed in Dasent, Acts of the Privy Council, xvi. 340–1, under this date.
  • 6. Printed in Dasent, Acts of the Privy Council, xvi. 342, under this date: but Russell on Dec. 5 acknowledged the receipt of a letter of similar content, dated Nov. 15; see Calendar, p. 364. Bodley's credentials are dated Nov. 16, see Calendar, p. 318.
  • 7. Portion quoted in Bortie, Five Generations of a Loyal House, p. 233.