Elizabeth: October 1588, 1-5

Pages 232-247

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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October 1588, 1-5

Oct. 1/11 Colonel Verdugo to Count Charles de Mansfelt.
Arrived here to-day. Was very pleased to see the Count in such good health. Has not received Count Charles' account of why his Highness sent him hither, and hopes he will not grow angry with him: has had more than enough misfortune and toil in these journeys on which he has been sent this summer. Needs money.
The Count showed him a letter from Count Charles, who has been very ill-informed as regards the journey therein proposed, which is utterly impracticable.
Desires him, if he has not done so, to deal with the Marquis de Renty of the business which he wrote of from Bonn. Believes he is on his wife's estates.—Venlo, 11 October, 1588.
Postscript. Would give his own counsel in writing concerning the journey: the advice of one who knows the possibilities is essential. Has been much accused touching his Highness' former journey through these parts, and it is difficult to bear all in patience.
Copy. Endd. "Copy of Verdugo's letter to Count Mansfield the younger." French. 1¾ pp. [Flanders IV. f. 308.]
Oct. 1. H. Kyllygrew to Walsingham.
Captain Hitchcocks delayed the delivery of his former letter. Thanks his honour for furthering his revocation, "whereof I have understood by my brother William." Mr. Bodley or Mr. Gilpin would fill his place adequately, if the choice of a successor is a reason for delay. "Besides mine age and weakness of body, my private estate also doth enforce [me] to desire home, being entangled in an office wherein if my servant will, he may both deceive her Majesty and undo me." At the least he desires a few weeks' leave to clear his accounts, "and also, now it hath pleased God to call away my lord of Leicester, that I may yield him the last service and testimony of my devotion at his funerals. . ."— The Haghe, 1 October, '88.
Postscript. Since writing the above, has been confined to his room with a "very sharp and vehement" ague. Had an attack last spring, but must expect "an harder pluck now at the fall of the leaf." His physicians prescribe a change of air, so that he desires his recall more earnestly than ever. "The States General are now dissolved, the Council of Estate divided some into one quarter some into another, the controversies for which it pleased her Majesty to continue my service here the longer are all appeased, save this new brabble of Utrecht wherein I am able to deal nothing at all; and what stay then can there be of my return?" Mr. Guilpin would supply his place very well, at least for a time.
Encloses copy of a letter he wrote to M. van der Aa, "a man of especial good account with Count Moeurs," immediately after the tumult at Utrecht; also encloses his answer. (fn. 1) Is sorry that his friend M. Deventer was so far transported by ambition, if it be true that he was at fault. When last at Utrecht, vainly attempted through M. van der Aa to reconcile M. Deventer and the Count. Since then has spoken on M. Deventer's behalf with M. van der Aa, and also with President van der Mile and the Chancellor Leoninus who are now deputed thither, but "it is no time to strive against the generality for this or that private person."
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 2½ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 1.]
Oct. 2/12.
[last date.]
Extracts from intercepted letters of the old Count of Mansfelt, at Venlo, to Parma.
September 30—October 10. Hears from Colonel Verdugo that he (Verdugo) hopes to be here to-day and that there is great lack of money in his government.
September 30—October 10. Had to offer the Marquis of Bourgau's regiment two crowns a head, and promise another crown in a fortnight's time, and that he would write to Parma to let them receive a month's wages in cloth. The other troops here, and those that were at Bonn, will demand the same, and the treasurer's official has not money enough to satisfy them. Desires Parma to take order herein.
October 1–11. Is much put out by the request received to-day from the Prince de Chimay. Has no one, except his own household, he can employ therein. Expected greater courtesy from the Prince de Chimay: those in his charge may adopt a like tone. Is much hindered by all these failures.
October 2–12. George Cressia wrote asking instructions for his light cavalry, now between Cerpin and Castre: ordered them to come hither. Expects also the troops from Bonn, clamouring for money. Shortage of money. The said Colonel blames the undue liberality of the treasurer's official.
Copy. Endd. French. 1¾ pp. [Flanders IV. f. 310.]
Oct. 2/12. The Council of State to Lord Willoughby.
The States General, in order to raise the money for their war expenditure and especially that on the navy, have been accustomed to allow convoys of goods to be transported to neutral districts and to grant licences to carry goods to the towns of the enemy. The garrison of Ghertruydenberch disregard this order and pillage the ships and goods, despite the States' passport. If they continue to do this, the traffic will cease and the States will have no means with which to keep up their naval forces. They therefore desire Willoughby to write to M. Winckfeld and the garrison to cease their depredations. To prevent supplies being sent to the enemy's camp before Bergen, the States have long since forbidden all traffic to Antwerp, Breda, Zevenberghen, Steenberghen, Rosendael, etc.: that with Bois-le-Duc and by the rivers higher up has not been stopped, as the enemy there is practically isolated by the States' garrisons and cavalry.—The Hague, 12 October, 1588.
Copy. The original signed, Leoninus, and countersigned, Chr. Huygens. Endd. French. 2¼ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 3.]
Oct. 2. Cornelis Kyen, burgomaster of Ostend, to Walsingham.
The Pensionary, since their last letter, has returned to Oisthende, where his failure to take back any good answer will cause many to desert the town for fear of the winter floods. The writer has stayed on in the hope of getting a better answer by explaining more fully their necessities. Illness has prevented him from waiting upon Walsingham before. Regrets to learn that Walsingham told the Pensionary that the Privy Council considered their requests unreasonable, seeing that all the towns in Holland and Zeeland pay these taxes. Desires his good offices in presenting the annexed memorial to her Majesty.—London, 2 October, stylo Anglie.
Postscript. Desires the return of their letters of credence.
Holograph. Add. Endd. French. 2½ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 5.]
Petition of Ostend to the Queen.
Requesting a loan of 3 or 400l. sterling for the restoration of the dykes and for the completion of the fortifications of the town. When they petitioned her Majesty previously, she promised to urge their necessities upon the States General by General Norrytz, but the States General will do nothing to help them; and even were her Majesty to persuade them, they are so busied about the siege of Bergen-op-Zoom that their help would come too late to save the town from the floods of the coming winter. The town cannot afford the necessary works and, unless help is forthcoming, it will be utterly ruined, as many inhabitants will depart for fear of the floods which will leave the town open to the enemy. Need also of coals and candles.
French. 2½ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 6.]
Oct. 2. [James Digges] to his cousin Wroth.
If his books are not made up to August 12, he may make them up to October 11. Desires him "to finish them very orderly," according to directions. In any doubtful points William Good, who is at Middelbrow or Vlishinge, will instruct him. Daily expects his last muster rolls, as also the former ones taken by Wroth's brother: desires him to send or bring them with all expedition as a matter much importing the service. With them he wants his observations, etc., against his book of warrants. Desires him also to remember his (Digges') brother's bills for his dead pays, first to 12 October, '87, and then to March 25, the date of his discharge. Wishes to be commended to his cousin Edward Digges.—Vlishing, 2 October.
Draft, corrected. 1 p. [Holland XIX. f. 318.]
Oct. 3/13. The Count of Mansfelt to Count Charles, his son.
His Highness [Parma] and Count Charles apparently do not realise that for a journey into the Velue everything is lacking. Will do his utmost, if given the means. All the troops will soon be assembled, but then there will be trouble for lack of money, and unless some provision be made, the Count desires to be replaced by another, as he can do nothing and will lose in reputation. All will mutiny from mere misery. If given means, could perform some service, but not that of the Velue. Cannot entertain the troops longer with words when they are naked and dying of hunger. Those who cannot be paid should be discharged. Learns from Colonel Verdugo that the Prince de Chimay has but 20,000 crowns of the King's money left, which he has carried to Burick, meaning to use part thereof for his own government. Mansfelt understood that he alone ought to issue this money, but apparently he was misinformed! Bourgau's Germans are as he wrote before. 9000 crowns must be given to them, and the other troops demand money. Cannot achieve the impossible and should not be asked to do so. Could not get to Bonn before it was captured, and none of his requests have been answered. Is alone and empty-handed. If no provision be made, irremediable ills will ensue. Thinks succour for a month should be sent, and then, after some service had been performed, those who were no longer needed should be cashiered. It should be remembered that if written orders are to be carried into effect they should be based upon mature consideration and accompanied with means.— Venlo, 13 October, 1588.
Postscript. Received his letter since those of the 12th.
Copy of an intercepted letter. Endd. French. 2 pp. [Flanders IV. f. 312.]
Oct. 3/13. Count Mansfelt's steward to a friend in Brussels.
Waited at Venlo for the 'camp' from Bon until October 8, hoping then to attack Wachtendonck. Colonel Batton's and the Marquis of Barrabon's regiments, with some cavalry are already near there, but eight companies of Germans have mutinied and the seven companies are waiting for money.
Schenck came on the 9th to Wachtendonck and put 200 horse therein. He then went away.
Those of Wachtendonck made a sortie on the night of October 6, but took only three or four prisoners, the lieutenant of Niclaes de Vaess among them.
Translation. French. Endd. ¾ p. [Flanders IV. f. 314.]
Oct. 3/13.
[last date.]
Extracts from letters of Colonel Verdugo to the Prince of Parma.
October 2–12. By Count Mansfelt's command has come hither for a day or two from Burick. Desires his excellency to pardon him and to remember the wants of his government. Schenck loses credit and should be set upon: this could easily be done.— Venlo.
October 3–13. Encloses letter from Groningen, that all the country is flooded, with many other complaints. Desires that order be taken that this country, which has suffered much, be not utterly ruined.—Venlo.
September 30-October 10. Count Mansfelt summoned him from Burick to Venlo. Arrived here at Gelder where the troops and inhabitants are in considerable want, as are those of his own government, to which he will return as soon as possible. Left Bonne in some disorder, and another garrison or at least a smaller one, and order for its victualling, should be sent there.
Some care should be had of the large fort, and better order taken for the goods passing from Frankfurt, etc., as the King, and not any private person, should reap the profit.
Desires him to content in some measure those of Groningen.— Gelder, 10 October, 1588.
Postscript. Hears that many of the garrisons of Deventer, Zutphen, etc., have come forth to find food in the countryside. Have long received no entertainment.
Copy, translated into French, of intercepted letters. Endd. 2 pp. [Flanders IV. f. 315.]
Oct. 3. Adolf, Count of Neuwenar, to Burghley.
Excuses his writing, as to an unknown friend. Desires his favour for one who for the common cause has abandoned all his worldly wealth and undertaken the government of the duchy of Gelderland, and the lordships of Utrecht and Overijsel, provinces exceptionally exposed to the wolf's jaws, but as eager as more powerful provinces to live still under the reformed religion. Hopes that her Majesty, in following up the victory that God has given her, will remember these provinces, which, given adequate means, can perform notable services, holding as they do the way into Holland by land.—Utrecht, 3 October, 1588, stilo veteri.
Signed. Add. Endd. French. 1¼ p. [Holland XXVI. f. 362.]
Oct. 3. Sir Thomas Morgan to H. Killigrew.
Sends a note of such victuals, etc., as he has received. Has no time to detail all their wants. Great need of faggots and timber for their fortifications. Far more than the 300 pioneers, which Killigrew promises, would be welcome: there is work for 1000, and for 1000 soldiers too, whereas they are but 2200 in all and have to keep watch continually. Desires him to move the States to send them timber, faggots, and artillery, besides pioneers, and soldiers. "I sorrow to think that our wants should be a means to hinder the willing and forward minds of such brave men as are now in this town." Thanks him for his "great forwardness to assist me."—Berges, 3 October, 1588, stilo Anglie.
Postscript. There are 2260 horse and foot in this town, "our works many and dangerous, our workmen and soldiers very few and they both over-laboured and over-watched." Great need of present supply of artillery to be planted "to batter on the north dyke." Every hour is precious. "The Prince intendeth to win the town or lose his whole camp. The States have written to the Drossaard to lay out money for pioneers, and he will not lay out one penny." Great need of powder, and of miners, "or money to have them." There are good English miners here but they will not work without money.
[Note by Killigrew's clerk, "Money, they have resolved to send him some, but for pioneers they can get none."]
Signed. Add. Endd. 1¼ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 9.]
Oct. 4. Sir John Conway to Burghley.
Thanks him for his favour to this garrison and himself and his good allowance of his (Conway's) proceeding during these late troubles. Protests that he "left no part of an honest man's duty unperformed." His nephew Gryvell will inform him of the present situation here and of the garrison's thankfulness for her Majesty compassion towards them.—Ostend,—October, 1588.
Holograph. Add. and with date under the address. Endd. "By Mr. Fowlke Greville." ¾ p. [Holland XXVII. f. 13.]
[Oct. 4 ?] Petition of the garrison of Ostend to the Queen and Council, sent by Mr. Foulke Grivell.
To thank her Majesty for her pardon sent to them, and to assure her of their loyal service.
"They humbly desire her Majesty, of her gracious compassion and in consideration of their long want, to grant them a pay, so as they may have the better mean to defend the extremity of winter, and to retain health to do her Majesty service."
"The companies of this garrison, which have long continued in this hard place of service, without beds and all comfort of hearing from their friends," desire to be released, or at least transferred to some easier and cheaper place.
As many of the soldiers have during their long service been transferred from one captain to another, they desire that they may be duly paid for their service under each captain.
Thank her Majesty for assuring them that their weekly lendings shall be continued: desire that the treasurer at wars be specially commanded to ensure this, as "the barrenness of the place and the bitterness of the winter season will extremely pinch men wanting money and lying without beds."
Endd. ¾ p. [Holland XXVII. f. 15.]
[Oct. 4.] Morgan Colman's requests on behalf of his master, Lord Willughbie, with the answers of the Privy Council.
(1) Mr. Bodeley shall be instructed to deal with the States for the reformation of the instructions, in so far as they impugn the contract. (1) That some discreet, learned, and stout, civilian be sent to debate with the States of all defects and to resettle the articles of the Contract in their former right and meaning, so as to avoid continual difficulties with the States, who are ever ready by cunning courses to thrust out her Majesty.
(2) Sir John Norrice, who goes presently to those countries, will inform his lordship of the orders given for supply of the town. (2) Understands of their lordships' care (during his sickness) to supply his lordship and Bergeine-up-Son, and desires its continuance.
(3) If her Majesty were assured the States would keep it safely, she would agree to its delivery. (3) Desires to know their final pleasure concerning the delivery of Bergeine-up-Son to the States, which they have often instructed him to threaten, and which would greatly please the States, if it were really intended.
(4) Will move her Majesty to send over an auditor. (4) That an auditor be sent over, for the avoidance of abuses in the army.
(5) Present order to be given. (5) That captains absent without passport be ordered to return to their companies: otherwise their lordships will no doubt excuse his lordship if he cashier them all and give to others their companies. The trouble at Ostend largely due to this fault.
(6) His lordship should send over a 'plot' of how to reform this. (6) The late strict order for payment of weekly lendings caused great discontentment. Many gentlemen (the strength of every band) and officers were ready to leave this service. His lordship will undertake, if their lordships will refer it to him, to content everyone without increasing her Majesty's charges.
(7) Her Majesty would be glad to hear how both captain and soldier might be relieved. (7) His lordship's continual misery in being petitioned for relief by captains who have no means to redeem prisoners, supply their loss, repair arms, saddles, etc.; has no means to relieve them.
(8) Order shortly to be taken. (8) To move her Majesty for a full pay, at least until October 11 last.
(9) Have often moved her Majesty herein, but cannot yet draw her to resolve. She thinks the States should bear the extraordinary charges outside the contract. They are to be dealt with herein, also "to use some gratuity towards the Lord General." (9) Again asks for some allowance for espial, intelligence, and travel, which his lordship cannot pay out of his 6l. a day, which is all the means he has, having no allowance from the country.
(10) [In a different hand.] "The weekly lendings of the horseman, being now but 30l., to be increased to 40l."
Replies in a different hand from the petition. Endd. 4 October, 1588. 2½ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 232.]
Another copy of the above requests and replies, in different hands. The reply to (6) is struck out, and the following substituted: "the moderation thereof referred to his lordship's consideration, so as to be done without increase of her Majesty's charges, as is promised."
The reply to (7) is also struck out, and the following substituted: "the request is found reasonable, and therefore it is hoped her Majesty will assent thereunto."
(10) is omitted.
Endd. 11 October, 1588. 12/3 pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 230.]
Another copy of the above requests and replies, in different hands. Both the request and the reply at (2) are struck out. The reply to (6) reads as in the copy at f. 230, with an addition by Burghley "that he certify us in what sort he shall proceed therein." The reply to (7) as in the copy at f. 230. (8), (9) and (10) are omitted.
Undated. Endd. 2 pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 228.]
A copy of the requests only, in the same hand as the requests at f. 232.
Endd. by Burghley, 2 October, 1588. 2¼ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 226.]
[Oct. 4.] Requests presented by M. Ortel to the Queen and Privy Council.
1. That her Majesty, for the better re-uniting of the Provinces, would publicly declare in writing that the late revolts and mutinies of certain towns against the States were contrary to her will and liking, especially as the 60,000l. sterling which they cost the States would have sufficed to provide 40 or 50 good ships to reinforce her navy.
2. That her Majesty would write earnestly urging Vytreiht and Vriesland to unity with the States and to pay their due contributions.
3. That the garrison of the Breill may be paid (as that of Flushinge has been) and the country eased of the charge. Their lordships by their apostilles upon the States' letter (April 13) promised this, but hitherto it has not been done.
4. That her Majesty would take some order with the garrison of Gertruyden Berghe, who, despite the last accord, hold the place under an English governor and in her name, and have taken an oath to the late Earl of Leicester: this is contrary to the Contract, and prejudicial to the contributions and government, and to the house of Nassau.
5. That the governors of towns and places of assurance be charged not to introduce more troops at the country's expense than the Contract allows. Their imprests and extraordinary charges are greater than the whole pay of the garrisons used to be. "It is greatly doubted if upon the frontiers of Gelderlande and Uttreight there be half a company of about 60 or 70 persons; being the whole remnant of [her Majesty's] assistance (besides the ordinary and extraordinary garrisons of the towns and places of assurance) distributed in Berghn-opt-Some and Ostende." Of the 1000 horse there are but 400.
6. That arrests of and reprisals upon the inhabitants of the United Provinces be restrained. It is usual during a war not to press too hardly upon debtors.
7. That the promises made in their lordships' apostilles of April 13 last, upon the States' letters of February (whereof a copy is annexed), may be performed, as the States complain that hitherto nothing has been done.
8. That her Majesty should assure the States that she has no intention of entering into any further treaty with the enemy [margin: "without their privity"]. The late treaty caused great suspicion.
Endd. "Certain points to be considered concerning the States of the United Provinces: delivered by Mr. Ortel, 4 October, 1588."
Marginal notes of contents. 3 pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 17.]
Their lordships' answer by way of apostilles. Points of the States' letter, 13 April, 1588.
Orders to be sent to Lord Willoughby to this effect. The troops not to be used in "desperate services," and the safety of the towns whence they are drawn to be first assured. That the whole number agreed on by the Contract "be employed to the field."
The Treasurer and another to join with those whom they appoint for the examination. The sum, being duly charged upon her Majesty's bands, shall be defalked for new provision. To hasten the examination of the store consumed out of their magazine.
[This answer underlined.]
After a full account has been made between her Majesty and the States (who have continually postponed it), what is due shall be paid. The country shall not have such a charge laid upon it in the future. That the countries be repaid what they have disbursed to the garrisons of Briell and Flusshinge; and be not henceforth so charged.
Order shall be given that nothing be done contrary to the Contract. As soldiers in the States' pay are drawn into service in her Majesty's name, and some have grown disobedient and caused the late mutinies, they desire that the Lieutenant-General, and the governors of the cautionary towns be forbidden to meddle with the forces not in her Majesty's pay.
As these expenses were in their service and owing to the failure of their extraordinary levies in Germany, this appears "an over-strait manner of dealing," especially as "the time being such, and the place at the camp, as the Council of State were not present." For her Majesty's extraextraordinary charges. they will allow all sums issued with the Council of State's advice, provided, first, that the country ought to bear it.
"So as they shall show themselves in all other things conformable, her Majesty may be induced to yield to the forbearing of the said repayment for the time by them required.— Was signed, Fra. Walsingham." And so that the countries are not charged with the foreign levies, which is repugnant to the Contract; "yet nevertheless they will be contented to allow them when the troubles shall be ended."
2 pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 19.]
Copy of the above two papers, in the same hand but without the marginal notes to the first paper.
Endd. by Burghley, "4 October, 1588. Mr. Ortell's petitions for causes of the Low Countries." 5 pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 21.]
Oct. 4. The substance of Mr. Ortell's requests.
Much as above, with a note that the points promised by their lordships in their apostilles of February 23 and April 13 and not yet performed, are those concerning (1) "the examinations how their magazines of store and victuals and munition at Ostend and Bergen was consumed," and (2) the payment of the garrison of Briel.
Endd. 1½ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 25.]
Oct. 41/4. The Bailiff, Burgomasters, and Échevins of Flushing to Burghley.
Hear from Ortel, agent of the States of Holland and Zeeland, that some resolution is being taken concerning the affairs and garrison of this town. They had, more than a year ago, vainly petitioned his excellency and the Council of State, and then they asked Beal, councillor of State for her Majesty, to communicate their petition to the Queen and her Council, for the repayment of debts due to citizens by Captains Richard Wyngfild and Avery Randolf for provisions for their companies, supplied upon the promise of payment made by them and the lieutenant-governors Erington and Bourlas. The sum is about 7000 florins.
Item, the funds of the hospital here are exhausted and in arrears owing to the illness among the garrison. They thank her Majesty and Burghley for their care of the town, and they desire that the arrears may be paid to the citizens to whom they are due.
That the cost of the extraordinary fortifications, thought needful by her Majesty and the Governor, in excess of the usual expenses, be transferred to the States. That the soldiers be regularly paid, which would prevent disorder among them. Assurance of their eagerness to maintain the treaty with her Majesty.—Flushing, 14 October, 1588.
Signed, A. Oillarts. Add. Endd. French. 1¾ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 104.]
Oct. 41/4. The Bailiff, Burgomasters, and Échevins, of Flushing to Burghley.
Requesting his assistance to obtain payment of a debt of 612 florins 16 stivers (61l. 5s. 7d.) due to Josse Andriessenne, burgher and baker of Flushing, by Edward Norreys for bread supplied to his company, as appears by the obligation under the hand of lieutenant Robert Prosser, dated 25 July, 1587, containing a bill upon Thomas Shurley, her Majesty's Treasurer at Wars. Andriessenne, being pressed by his creditors, is sending to England to petition for payment.—Flushing, 14 October, 1588.
Signed, A. Oillarts. Add. Endd. with note of contents. Seal. French. 1¼ p. [Holland XXVII. f. 108.]
Oct. 4/14. The Bailiff, Burgomasters, and Échevins of Flushing to Burghley.
Requesting his assistance to obtain payment of a debt of 39l. 7s. sterling due to Anthony Bart, burgher of Flushing, by Edward Norreys, lately of this garrison and now at Oostende, for butter, cheese, and beer, supplied to his company, as appears by lieutenant Robert Prosser's schedule of July 27, 29 Eliz. Distressed state of Bart for want of this money.—Flushing, 14 October, 1588.
Signed, A. Oillarts. Add. Endd. with note of contents. French. ¾ p. [Holland XXVII. f. 106.]
Oct. 4. G. Gilpin to Walsingham.
Sends his other letter herewith. "Whereas there is one sent hence into Scotland and is to have her Majesty's letters of favour with any other help that it may please the same to grant and yield unto him"; it should be remembered "that the exceptions these men make against the debt demanded by Colonel Steward have been heretofore, and will be still, made against that her Majesty or any of her Highness' subjects can claim for money due, either for that by her Majesty prested unto the General States, or that for that in service deserved and due to her said subjects." Those of Holland often excused themselves as "not comprehended under the General States in the obligations, though their deputies appeared in the meeting: and this was by them stood in when they of Zeeland had agreed and consented to bear their portion in the 4000l. due for interest of Palavicino his money." Should her Majesty now support their excuses to the Scottish King, it may later prove prejudicial to herself and her subjects. The best course would be to entreat his Majesty to forbear awhile the execution of his decree, "and the particular creditors to be deferred till a more convenient time," so as not to hurt or endanger the general cause.
There is a rumour that her Majesty will send 4000 soldiers to assist these men against the enemy at Bergues and elsewhere. It would certainly do much good, but, coming as an extraordinary aid, may be "regarded as that was which came when the town of Sluys was besieged . . . . The States have solicited for none such succour, and consequently will dispute of the restoring of the charges." Also they may suspect that the men are sent "to possess more of their places." They are very reluctant to admit those here into garrison, especially the horsemen: this is because "their prests in this dear country cannot bear their charges, but must charge the place where they lie." These men would be best pleased and the service furthered by sending men to "make up the troops to the full number they should be at," and ordering the captains to keep them complete. This would stop the talk of the bands' weakness and ill-usage for want of pay and the captains' presence.
The agreement with Colstan is much disliked: the General States will debate the matter when they meet on November 15. "If it be thought good to redress matters passed, so well in respect of the government according to the treaty, as other articles therein contained, and of any point mentioned in the said articles to be handled by the General States, it cannot be amiss to send some chief personage hither from her Majesty, or such direction as shall be thought convenient of that her Highness will have said or done at their said meeting."
"I cannot do that service which otherwise I might if it pleased her Majesty by letters to recommend me to this Council, to serve in place by provision until others be sent over." Lord Willoughbie and Mr. Killegrewe have written to urge this.—The Haeghe, 4 October, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. 2⅓. pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 11.]
Sept. 30. H. Killigrew to M. van der Aa. (fn. 2)
Regrets the tumult lately happened at Utrecht, both on account of the public danger and because it may, unjustly, be suspected that her Majesty's letters on behalf of those now in trouble were an occasion of the disturbance. Will never value private friendship above the common weal, and if Deventer has given the Count of Newenar cause of offence, he will not discuss the matter nor seek to defend him, though when he was lately at Utrecht the Count and M. Deventer seemed to have been reconciled. Nevertheless, if there is any place for a petition he would not desert a friend in his necessity. Is especially sorry for his wife and household.—30 September, 1588.
Copy. No signature or address. Latin. 1⅓ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 27.]
Oct. 4. G. (fn. 3) van der Aa to Killigrew.
Has received his letters of September 18 and 30. Had replied to the first the day before the disorder broke out here, and had sent the reply to M. Deventer with whom he had been in communication for the redress of Deventer's affairs and those of the town. Took back the reply the next day, since the disorders made it irrelevant. Deventer, and his lordship too, were in great personal danger. Certain people have made the most of this accident. His lordship remains constant in religion and loyal to her Majesty. The new captains, chosen from the burghers, make the same declaration and even wish to send it, signed, to her Majesty. The new magistrates mean to do likewise, and they and his lordship have written to her Majesty.
Fears an enemy attack, they being around Wachtendonck with some 100 ensigns of infantry and 30 cornets of cavalry.
Will do his best for M. Deventer, who should have openly and sincerely declared what Killigrew and van der Aa advised, for then he would have been contented and the town undisturbed. Visited his wife last night and advised her as best he could. Hopes they will do nothing to her husband but by justice and reason and that he is in no personal danger. Has communicated Killigrew's letters to them both: they commend themselves to him, and Madame will soon send for the beer which he promised her when he was last here. Her Majesty and Mr. Secretary Walsingham wrote two days ago to his lordship and the Estates of this province. It is a pity the letters did not come ten days earlier, in which case this disorder would not have happened. Does not fully know the charges against M. Deventer, and is not very curious about them. Will do his best for M. Deventer during the short time he expects to be here.—Utrecht, 4 October, 1588, stilo veteri.
Copy. Endd. "Copy of Mr. Killigrew to Mr. van der Aa touching Deventer; and his answer." French. 1¼ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 28.]
Oct. 5. Sir William Russell to Walsingham.
Sends letters from Sir Thomas Morgan, which have been delayed here by contrary winds. Morgan has been placed in the government of Berghen, but as Sir William Drury is appointed to command the forts before the town "great inconvenience is like to grow by the difference which is between them. . . . The enemy have planted some pieces of artillery on a dyke, which play already upon the boats which pass forth of the haven, and have shot one twice through." The States are very backward in sending provisions thither. Unless her Majesty sends men and provisions to its relief, it is likely to be lost.
Hears that the States have imprisoned burgomaster Deventer and one Brackhell, slain Clarehaggen (who were all very well affected to the English), and have also driven divers of the best affected out of Utricque, as the enclosed copy of a letter shows.
The States lately increased the excise on every barrel of beer by 2s., and as much on chimneys, "which the people take very patiently." Yet they do not appear to intend any new levies of men or supplies: "such is the effect of their government that it turneth altogether to their private commodities."
Desires to come over to England as soon as possible.—Vlisshing, 5 October, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of Arms. 1¼ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 29.]
Oct. 5. The "substance of Sir Marten Schencke's letters unto her Majesty."
Was put in comfort, at his departure from hence, of great preferments, amongst them the government of Gertrudenberg, and that he should be assisted to obtain payment of his entertainment from the States. Found, however, that Lord Willoughby sought to place his [Willoughby's] brother-in-law in Gertrudenberg and also preferred someone else to the government of Bergen. Nor has he obtained any satisfaction from the States, who, moreover, so delayed him that he could not relieve Bonn. Although he lost 1500 of his men there and had 500 more wounded or sick, he can get no payment for them. They held the place until they had but three days' victuals left, and then made a very honourable composition, marching out "ensign displayed, bag and baggage, the bullet in mouth, and fire in their matches." Yet instead of commendations, songs were made about them, "that they were all yielded into the enemy's hands and hanged."
"That they carry hard hands against all those that show themselves any way well affected toward her Majesty, and single them out one after another; as they have of late dealt with the Amptman of Thiel, whom they now take a quarrel against for that he useth her Majesty's name in matters of justice in an honour of his own inheritance, which they have commanded him to leave to use any longer. And, for that he hath not yielded unto them therein, they have 'sett' up his house and spoiled his goods." He desires her Majesty's aid herein.
Having taken Bonn, the enemy has entered Gelderland and besieges Wachtendonck. Soon they will be before Schencke's Sconce, and his dwelling house, called Bleinbeck, which cannot withstand a long siege.
Has served the States the two or three months more, as he promised her Majesty, but can get no satisfaction from them, so means to quit their service. Would serve her Majesty rather than any other prince, if she will use his service.
The troubles at Utricht were due to Count Meur's practice to seize the government by displacing Deventer and Brackel, who are now in prison and in danger of their lives, unless her Majesty intervene. The States will probably lose no time in bringing them to trial, and, if they are allowed "to have their wills" herein, they will without doubt lay hands upon all who have been devoted to her Majesty.
Endd. 2⅓ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 31.]


  • 1. Possibly the copies calendared under date Oct. 4, below; if so the postscript to the above letter must be several days after the letter itself, possibly owing to Killigrew's ague.
  • 2. See p. 233, above.
  • 3. The copyist, in attempting to facsimile this signature, has made this initial more like a J than a G.