Index: Q, R

Pages 851-857

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.

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Quercy, Marshal d'Aumont's forces sent towards, 521.

Quergrois [or Kergroix], Sieur de, wounded, 500.

Quimper-Corentin, Brittany, a parish in the jurisdiction of, 380.

Quitry or Guitry (Gyttery) [Jean de Chaumont], Sieur de, agent of the King of Navarre, visit of, to England, 107, 109, 313;

alluded to, 336, 373;

in Holland, 333, 366, 403;

money said to have been given to, by Elizabeth, 373;

mission of, to Germany &c., to obtain aid for the King of Navarre, 378, 384, 515, 676, 682, 684;

movements of, 426, 427, 455, 512, 556;

his negotiations with Elizabeth discovered in France, 519;

final agreement of, with Duke Casimir, 684;

refuses to go to France with the German embassy, 686.

-, -, letters from, 295, 307, 333, 427, 689.

-, -, memorandum by, 253.

-, -, notes of a conference between Burghley and, 336.


Ragazzoni, [Geronimo,] Bishop of Bergamo, nuncio in France, bulls presented by, to the French King, 374;

to be one of the sellers of ecclesiastical rents, ibid.;

letters sent to, from Rome, 703;

believes Charles Arundel to be “honest,” 704;

news sent by, to the Prince of Parma, ibid.;

plotting against England, 705;

no money to be got from, 706.

Ralegh (Ragley, Raley, Ralli, Raulegh), Sir Walter, 175, 400;

Mauvissière arranges a meeting with, 260;

a Jesuit's suggestions in relation to, 261, 262;

his voyages, alluded to, 261;

his Vingandicon voyage, 337;

a Spanish captain recommended to, 383;

complaint against, by a French merchant, 444;

a letter to be shown to, 523.

-, -, letters to, alluded to, 469.

-, -, his jurisdiction of Cornwall and Devon, 349.

-, -, servant of. See Wetz, Martin.

-, -, ships of, wine seized for, 584, 698.

Rambouillet [Charles d'Angennes], Cardinal, at Rome, 663.

-, [Philippe d'Angennes] Seigneur de La Fargis de, proposed mission of, to Germany, 517, 596.

Ramefort [Onuphre d'Espagne, Baron de], a leader of the King's army in Dauphiny, 476.

Ramel, Henry, President of Danish Privy Council, and Majordomo to Prince Christian, sent to England as ambassador, 564, 654;

at Greenwich, 608.

-, -, letter from, 608.

-, -, articles exhibited to, 673.

-, -, credentials for, 564.

-, -, “note of things propounded by,” 652.

-, -, servants of, 608.

Rammekens, Ramikins, the, Castle of, to be given into the Queen's hands, 38, 58;

commissioners to go to, 42;

is annexed to the Government of Flushing, 92;

Sir P. Sydney lands near, 176;

rules the coast, 533;

delivery of, to the Queen, mentioned, 701;

Captain Huntly put into command at, and consequent proceedings, see Huntly, Capt. Edmund.

-, -, captain for the States at, thanked for his services 49.

-, -, dykes between Flushing and, 408.

-, -, English troops to be put into, 76;

their weakness and poverty, 76;

their weakness and poverty, 78, 81–83;

Hohenlohe has waited to hear of their arrival, 84;

his delay has prevented them going into, 87.

-, -, garrison of, settled, 41, 184;

companies for or at, 27, 36, 93, 96, 111, 123, 222;

list of troops in, 212;

to be paid by her Majesty, 248;

is a security to Walcheren, 265;

payment of, 308;

companies sent into, 341.

-, governor, captains and soldiers of, oaths taken by, 339.

Ramoen, —, “sometime Admiral of Antwerp,” captain of a ship trading with Spain, 437.

Randall, Captain, recommended to Burghley, 558.

-, -, company given to, 668.

Randolph, Randolphe, Amery, letter from, 353.

-, -, father of, death of, ibid.

-, Randall, Thomas, ambassador in Scotland, 352, 565, 568.

-, -, letter from, 201.

-, -, letter to, 591.

-, -, passport from, alluded to, 651.

-, -, nephew of. See Randolph, Amery, above.

Ranoet, agent of the Council of State, 559.

Rantzaw, Ranzow, “old,” [Henry, Count of], viceregent of Holstein, letter from, mentioned, 433.

Rapamat near Pera, letter dated from, 14.

Rasse des Neux [François], letter from, 383.

Ratepont, Messieurs de, refugees at Rye, 293.

Ratley, in Cornwall [?], 584.

Rattell, a Dutch captain, 200.

Raven, Mr. [of the Exchequer ?], money delivered by, 471

Ravenel, Giles, merchant of Vitré, endeavours of, to obtain redress for cloth seized by the English, 191, 412, 697;

is sending merchandise into England, 400.

Ravenna, corn loading at, for Rome, 209;

persons imprisoned at, 627.

Ravestein, Ravestene, 542;

castle of, said to be taken by the English, 624;

taking of, not confirmed, 659.

Raymond, Captain, a ship of Embden seized by, 686.

Read, rede, Thomas, an English merchant trading at Dunkirk, 207.

-, Captain William, recommended to be lieutenant under Sydney, at Flushing, 126;

made serjeant-major, 277, 608;

“an old garrison man of Berwick,” 608;

at the siege of Nimegen sconce, 657, 687;

a “noble and notable soldier,” 687.

-, -, companies of, 668.

-, -, passport for, not of, 189.

Reading, resident at, 612.

Recaldo, Don Juan Martino de, general of ships sent to the Indies, 233, 537;

in great favour with the King of Spain, 700.

Recanati, church of, to be joined in a bishopric with Loretto, 483.

Rechtere, Cornellis de, greffier of the States of Holland, document signed by, 144.

Redondela, in Spain, [on the bay of Vigo,] the friars of, plundered by Drake, 64.

Reggio, ambassador sent from, to the Pope, to pray for freedom from archbishopric of Bologna 622.

-, Bishop of, is going to Rome, 625.

Reidanus [qy. Rheda, on the Ems], 170.

“Remuz,” English troops stayed at, on their way to Flushing, 76.

Renti, Marquis of. See Lalaign, Emanuel Philibert de.

Reprisal, letters of, grant of, mentioned, 356.

Requesens, Don Luis de, Comendador Major of Castile, death of, alluded to, 264.

Requests, Master of. See Clarke, Dr. Bartholomew.

Retz, Marshal. See Gondi.

Reye Alto, Domingo, post master of Ierrone [i.e. Irun], letter from, 26.

Reyns, John, a servant of the Earl of Leicester, recommended to Walsingham, 600.

Rheims, Archbishop of. See Lorraine, Louis de, Cardinal de Guise.

-, a doctor of, 706.

-, letters sent to, 714.

-, resident at, 316.

-, Seminary at, English Catholics at, 703;

to be sent to England, 709–710.

-, traveller to, 707, 710.

Rheinberg (Berck, Berges), hope of restoring, to Truchsess, 403;

Schenck returns to, 485;

the Emperor vainly demands money in aid of, 509;

preparations for besieging, 621.

-, proceedings at and government of (from 1577), 266.

-, -, rector or drossart of. See Eilius.

Rhenen, 666;

importance of preserving, 265.

Rhine, the, 265, 546, 658;

the enemy on, 195;

traffic on, prevented by frost, 381;

forces crossing, 485;

no free passage for merchants on, 503;

to be prevented from giving succour to the enemy, 618;

“cleared for passage,” 673.

-, forts upon, 87, 187;

taken, 678.

-, ships lying in, 720.

Rhone, passage of, at Baix, held [by the Huguenots ?], 477;

passed by La Valette at Valence, 477;

endeavours to keep open, 487;

a castle on, taken by the Huguenots, 693.

Ribot, Sieur de, message sent by, 98.

Rich, Robert, Lord Rich, house of, in London, 385.

Richardot [Jean de Grussot], M. de, President of Artois, sent to Nimegen, 675.

-, -, letter from, 154;

alluded to, 158.

-, -, letters to, alluded to, 674;

extract from, 695.

Richmond Court or Palace, the Queen comes on to the green before, 207.

-, -, letters dated from, 114, 145, 151, 186–188, 198, 204.

Rieux, Baron de, a leader of the King's army in Dauphiny, 476.

-, Sieur de. See Coligny, François de.

Riga, Ryga, ships to and from, provision for defence of, 720.

Ringout, Sieur de, of Antwerp, Clerk of the Finances of the States, reported to be an agent for the King of Spain, 108;

“a dangerous fellow,” in England, 230;

would have been very useful for the finances, 350;

going over to Holland, 366;

a man “sore troubled” by, 523;

is recalled, and said to be soliciting pardon from the Prince of Parma, 524.

Rizzo (Ryso), Francesco, appointed attorney for Palavicino, 353;

moneys delivered by, 545.

-, -, letters from, 449, 564, 581.

Robert, an English merchant in Russia, 56.

Roberts, Captain John, of Col. Morgan's regiment, at the Brill, 48, 57, 77;

to command the forts, 58, 62.

-, -, company of, payment to, 25;

numbers of, full, 86;

deductions from pay of, 129.

-, -, lieutenant of, to command “the little fort,” 62.

-, Roberts, John, envoy to the Hanse towns and Denmark, 218, 421–423;

a friend of Dr. Schulte, 110;

to explain the Hanse matters, 145.

-, -, letter from, 249;

letters &c. sent or to be sent to, by, 164, 435, 436.

Rochefort, a castle near Angers, 66.

Rochegiffard, M. de, brother of, wounded, 500.

Rochelle, La, a succour of ships to be demanded for, 11;

taking of corn to, alluded to, 24;

Mademoiselle de Tremouille at, 66, 299;

false rumour that it has been betrayed, 300;

report from, 445;

the Leaguers propose to stop up the entrance to, 536, 630;

Prince of Condé reported to have died at, 606;

M. de Rohan dies at, 610;

King of Navarre near, 644.

-, -, a captain of. See Bontemps.

-, -, letters dated at, 305.

-, -, mayor of, 300, 537.

-, -, a merchant of. See Cabesse.

-, -, ships of (Rochellers), French ships said to be making ready to keep the seas free from, 396;

ships carried to, 417, 482, 537;

men of war of, taken by the Spaniards, 700.

Rochellois or Rochellers, “those of Rochelle,” sending of victuals to, during the late siege, alluded to, 75;

“make all Papists good prize,” 445;

ship taken by, 532;

furnish a well appointed fleet, 536;

are scouring the seas, 570;

block up the harbour of Brouage, 610, 639;

on captured ship, hanged, 700.

Rochepluviar, Baron de la, a leader of the King's army in Dauphiny, 476.

Rochester, the post at, 325.

Rodwell, Thomas, letter from, 580.

Roels, Christofle, pensionary of Zeeland, letters from, 87, 122, 153, 164, 175, 206, 247.

-, -, copy certified by, 154.

-, -, documents signed by, 109, 122, 123.

-, -, house or lodging of, at Middelburg, 206.

-, -, brother-in-law of, 1.

Roermonde, held by the enemy, 265.

Rogers, Daniel, 168;

appointed to go with Lord Willoughby on his proposed mission to the Princes of Germany, 87, 135, 142, 143;

mission of, to Denmark, alluded to, 90. See Rogier and Rougier.

-, -, letters from, noted, 267.

-, Thomas, letters from, 703–708.

-, -, (as Bearden), information from, 716.

-, -, father of, 707.

Rogier, M. [probably Daniel Rogers], letter for [from Truchsess ?], 404.

Rohan, Réné, Vicomte de, death of, said to be by poison, 606, 610.

Rolestone, Anthony, 705.

Rolles, Captain. See Rowles.

Rolls, Master of the. See Gerrard, Sir Gilbert.

Romagna, the, bandits in, 572.

-, governor or president of. See Canani, Cardinal. See also Celso, Monsignor.

-, -, proposed. See Madrucci; Pinelli.

-, legate in. See Canani, Cardinal.

Roman pontificate, the Pope discourses on the authority of the, 210.

Romane [sic], an English merchant in Russia, 55.

Romano, stabbing affray at, 209.

-, inhabitant of (a Romagnolo), hanged, ibid.

Romans, King of, proposed election of, 627, 660.

Rombryck, M. de, grand ecuyer of Cleves, reiters to be levied by, as colonel to the Duke of Bouillon, 336.

Rome, state of affairs in, sede vacante, 168;

corn for, 209;

solemn processions in, 254;

bread in, to have a third part of barley, 486;

German students brought prisoners to, 509;

appeal to, done away with, in relation to draining of the marshes, 570;

the new Venetian ambassador arrives at, and the old departs, 571;

pardon to all who had favoured, 572;

beggars in, means for reduction &c. of, 660;

the craft of wool to be introduced into, 664;

country people flocking into, 664;

provision of bread in, 664.

-, ambassadors or embassies to. See under Sixtus, Pope; from Francis lst, see Carpi.

-, cardinals at, see news from, passim.

-, -, Sacred College of, sentence given in, 572.

-, [Church of,] reconciling of Englishmen to, 716.

-, Congregation held in, 664;

German, aid to be given by, to the “Bavarian Elector” [of Cologne], 571.

-, Consistories held in, and business dispatched at, 483, 486, 571, 572, 622, 625, 665.

-, English Catholics at, or going to or from, 703–710.

-, Inquisition in, 661, 709;

a prisoner of, 574.

-, Jews in, protest against a monopoly, 660.

-, letters dated at, 545, 582;

letters from, alluded to, 141, 605, 693, 703, 707.

-, mendicants in, new hospital of, 664.

-, meretrici in, regulations concerning, 660.

-, miracles said to be performed in, 622.

-, monti erected or to be erected in, 486.

-, news from, 210, 483, 485, 570–572, 609, 622, 624, 660, 663;

alluded to, 693.

-, a prisoner in, 711.

-, travellers to and from, 254, 484, 488, 570–573, 623. And in news from, passim.

-, buildings and places in or near:—

Abbey at Farfa, fair held in, 486.

Appian and Ostian Ways, to be put into use as far as Gaeta, 571.

Archdeacon of Mileto's house, 572.

Azzolini, monastery of, the Pope goes to hear the singing at, 622.

Casa d'Este, 483.

English Seminary, grant to, taken away, 709.

German College, 571.

Ghetto, the, preaching of Franciscan friar in, vain protest by the Hebrews against, 572.

Jesuits' College, 142.

Monte Cavallo, water to be brought to, 660.

-, house of St. Andrea, for novices, on, 710.

Ortaccio, palace of the Giglio near, 664.

Osteria in, for victualling the Jews, monopoly of, protested against, 660.

Palazzo Riario in Trastevere, 486.

Piazza of Diocletian, talk of enlarging, 486.

Piazza Trajana, 483.

Porta Salera, a new road to be opened from, 486.

St. Angelo, castle of, money in, 572;

money put into, by the Pope, not to be removed, 521;

treasure in, regulations concerning, 660.

San Silvestro, monastery of, a desecrated church behind, miracles said to be performed by an image or picture of the Madonna in, 622;

Bishop of Gaeta's action in relation to, 624;

the church to be rebuilt by the offerings brought to, ibid.; and see Madonna of the Miracles, Church of, below.

San Spirito, hospital of, revenues &c. of, put in order, 664;

proveditore of, ibid.

Terme of Diocletian, 486.

Vatican, the, the Pope at, 660;

“chapels” held at, ibid;

visitors to, 664;

library of, books carried from, to the Pope's chamber, 483;

Sistine chapel in, mass celebrated in, 573.

-, churches in:—

Sta. Croce in Jerusalemme, 483;

the Pope present at “chapel” in, 622.

Santi Apostoli, the Pope says mass in, 622.

Madonna of Miracles, consecrated, 663;

miracles at, commission to examine, ibid. And see under San Silvestro, monastery of, above.

Sta. Maria del Popolo, to be one of the seven churches, 624.

Sta. Maria Maggiore, mass at, 486.

the Minerva, the Pope at, for the ceremony of the Citelle, 486.

San Pietro, altars in, granted to the church of Sta. Maria del Popolo, 624–625.

San Pietro Martire, 573.

San Sebastiano, as one of the seven churches, the church of the Popolo to take the place of [at certain times], 624.

San Vito, consecration of, intended for the monks of St. Bernard, 483.

-, offices and officials in:—

Congregazione dell' Abbondanza, 483.

fiscal of. See Pinelli.

governor of (March, 1586), in relation of the Vice-Chamberlainship, 486;

the Archbishop of Bari suggested as, 571;

(in May, 1586) to be nuncio to Naples, 622;

orders of, 660.

Senator of, the Pope refuses to make, a cardinal, 210.

Rooles, Captain. See Rowles.

Roper, Captain, at Utrecht, 495.

-, Mr., near Greenwich, steward of, 713.

Rosenbach, Dietz von, a leader of the German reiters going to France, 50.

Rosental, in Brabant, the English mean to encamp near, 482.

Roses, confect of, 46.

Rosny [Maximilien de Bethune], Baron de, sent to the French Court by the King of Navarre, 690.

Ross, Bishop of. See Lesley, John.

Rossel, Jacques, his service to the States as quarter-master and muster-master, and desire for a commission from her Majesty, 127;

wishes to keep the post of quarter-master, 151;

wages and salaries of, payment of, desired, 350.

-, -, letters from, 1, 20, 44, 49, 76, 93, 102, 121, 127, 151, 161, 167, 350.

Rossi, [Ippolito] de, Bishop of Pavia, made a cardinal, 210;

nearly drowned, 486;

going to Turin, 573.

Rotterdam, 33;

the States' garrison of the Brill withdraw to, 57;

the Earl of Leicester's visit to, 239, 243, 245, 308;

a meet residence for the English merchants, 385.

-, house of Erasmus at, 243.

-, ships lying at, 720.

-, troops at, 339.

Rottum (Roteram), island of [Groningen], the enemy mean to build a fort on, 334.

Rouelles, M. de, of Rouen, refugee in England, 293.

Rouen, refugees from, in England, 293;

forces under a Huguenot leader near, 299;

Englishmen at, grant of liberty of conscience obtained for, 300;

herrings brought to, 300, 301;

the fair at, 337;

traffic to the east of, prohibited, 359;

a Spaniard going to, 523;

all the Flemings at, arrested, 556.

-, letters dated at, 406, 407, 493, 543, 556, 711–714;

alluded to, 568, 714;

sent by way of, 392.

-, merchant of, plundered by the English, 412;

information given by, 556;

merchants and factors at, 355;

English merchants at, 711;

letter from, 543.

-, money at, 575;

money sent by way of, 581.

-, monks and friars at, hope that her Majesty will soon be put to death, 556.

-, news from, 299, 300.

-, ships going to, 416;

laden at, 417, 540;

stayed at, 556, 645;

a ship of, taken, 584.

-, town gates of, shut, 300.

-, travellers to or from, 712, 714, 721.

Rougier, M. [qy. M. Roger, valet de chambre of the French King], warning against, 71.

Rowles (Rooles, Rolles), Capt. Thomas, of Col. Morgan's regiment, and his company, sent to Flushing, 48, 81;

payment to, 25;

deductions from, 129.

Royan, on the Garonne [or rather Gironde], taken by the Huguenots, 440, 536.

Royston [on the coast of Norfolk or Suffolk], 198.

Rudolf II, Emperor called “our espagnolizé Emperor,” 49;

supports the efforts of the Papists, ibid.;

solicitations of, to the young Elector of Saxony, 218;

Elizabeth sends a letter to, 249;

will try to prevent the levies for the King of Navarre, 298;

would not be sorry if the affairs of Cologne were left unsettled, 415;

is to “occupy the roads” and prevent the Protestants from invading France, 424;

reported request of, to the Assembly at Worms, 424;

complains of the reception of the King of Navarre's ambassadors by German princes, 454;

demands contributions for the Bishop of Liége and succour for the Count of Embden, 455;

will send to congratulate the new Elector of Saxony, 482;

condemned prisoners respited by, 485;

has written to the Imperial cities, to hinder their treaty with England, ibid.;

asked to be godfather to the Prince of Mantua's son, ibid.;

“unity of plans” between the King of Spain and, 498;

assurances on behalf of, to the Protestant Swiss, ibid.;

demands of, to the Deputation-Tag at Worms, not granted, 509;

would probably receive favourably the design for a peace between England and Spain, 517;

in relation to Count Edzard of Embden, 541, 545, 563;

audiences given by, 570;

fear of displeasing, 576;

sends to congratulate the new Elector of Saxony, 622;

is godfather to the Prince of Mantua's son, 627, 661;

the young Elector of Saxony goes to do homage to, 652;

Malaspina said to have written too openly of, 661;

the French King's “close intelligence” with, 722.

-, in relation to the Hanse towns:—

petition of the Hanses to, alluded to, 17;

a letter from, brought by the Hanse commissioners to England, 72;

decree of, concerning England and the Hanses, alluded to, 144;

they have almost prevailed with him to forbid English commerce, 150;

their dispute with England to be submitted to, 350;

is urged by them to put in execution his decree, 480.

-, ambassadors, resident, to and from, see Ambassadors;

proposed mission to, from the French King, 517, 596;

post of ambassador from, to the Pope, rival candidates for, 622.

-, chamberlain of. See Dietrichstein.

-, commissioners of, at Worms, ask for money to appease the troubles of Cologne, 359.

-, his Kammersgericht or supreme court, 563.

-, league of, with the Pope, Spain &c., alluded to, 722.

-, mandate of, alluded to, 298.

-, proposed marriage of, to the eldest Infanta Isabella, obstacles to, 208;

nothing more heard of, 570;

the Archduke Ernest said to be coming to arrange, 622.

-, troops of, near Switzerland, 498.

Russell, Francis, Earl of Bedford, death of, alluded to, 352.

-, -, house of, in London, 385.

-, Mr. [qy. Sir William], the Earl of Leicester wishes that Ste. Aldegonde were in charge of, 171.

-, Sir William, 576, 657;

sent with troops to Utrecht, 277;

made lieutenant of the horse, ibid.;

going to England, 561.

-, -, letter from, 448.

-, -, document signed by, 593.

-, -, nephew of, lands of, 448.

Russia, treatment of foreign merchants in, 54–56;

hostilities between Sweden and, 147;

ill-treatment of Englishmen in, by Jerome Horsey, 268;

tortures employed in, ibid.;

reports from, 663.

-, Emperor of. See Feodor.

Russia Company. See Muscovy Company.

“Rustici,” Bishop of, may be made a clerk of the Chamber to the Pope, 211.

Rusticucci, Jeronimo, Cardinal, report that he is giving up his office of secretary to the Pope, 211;

thinks of retiring from his charge at the Vatican, 665.

Rye, Huguenot refugees at, 292, 293;

French ship taken at, 412;

money at, to be sent into France, 575.

-, fisher-boats of, 331.

-, a place near, 540.

-, searcher at. See Geymer.

-, travellers to, 713.

Ryon, John, of Dieppe, ship of, taken by the English, 412.

Ryswick, Elector Truchsess at, 32.