Mary: August 1556

Pages 242-246

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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August 1556

Aug. 3.
522. Sir Edward Carne to same. As yet has been unable to procure the bulls of Winchester and Chester, the Pope having been so busied with the matters of Paliano, but trusts it will not be long now ere he does. Since his last of the 14th ult. the warlike preparations increase daily. On the 15th Cardinal Tournon was dispatched by the Pope to Venice in all diligence to make sure of the Venetians for his Holiness, who fortifies all his frontiers towards Naples, also Veletri, Castle Angelo, and the Burgo here. He has levied large dimes on the clergy in his dominions and places subject to him, as well mediate as immediate, such as Ferrara, Urbino, and Parma. All the officers of his court contribute their fees for one month, and a tallage to the amount of three per cent. is laid on every house in Rome. Proclamation is also made that no man shall carry any kind of money, gold, silver, jewels, or plate out of the city, except expense money only. Sign. Camillo di Orsini is General of his army. Marc Antonio di Colonna is excommunicated, and all who take his part against the Pope, who it is said will do what he can utroque gladio therein. Sign. John Garcilasso, mentioned in his last as being prisoner in Castle St. Angelo, and who was named for Ambassador to his Majesty, is still in confinement, and there had been a rumour in the city that Carne was prisoner, the people thinking prima facie that it was he. After Garcilasso's letters had been deciphered in Venice (for none by lack of the original cipher could do it here), it appeared there was some privy treason against the Pope, but the names of persons and places could not be made out. Wherefore Garcilasso being fed with salt meat, was kept without drink for three days to make him confess the names. On this compulsion he named Ascanio della Cornia, one of the Pope's chief captains, who lay at Veletri with 600 foot and 200 horse, and was General of all the cavalry. On this the Pope sent Papirio de Capismia, a Roman gentleman, on the 25th ult., with 500 men to Veletri to take Della Cornia. On his arrival an alarm was made, and the person who had charge under Ascanio withstood Papirio till he showed his commission, and in the meanwhile Ascanio fled with eight or nine in his company. When this was known pursuit was made, but what with the hot weather and haste the horses failed, so that none but the standard bearer of Veletri and other four overtook Ascanio, who hurted the standard bearer. In this garbaly [garboil], one of Ascanio's servants brought him a very swift jennet, which was always kept ready for similar emergencies, which he mounted, and calling on his followers to come after him hasted to Neptuno, where the Pope had 400 men of war. These on his arrival he made to believe that those at Veletri had revolted with the Colonnas against his Holiness, that he had much ado to escape, and that they were coming after to take Neptuno. Whereupon, believing what he said to be true, they prepared to resist those that prosecuted after Ascanio, and he appointed such as he selected to keep the castle there. Meanwhile, under pretence of going in haste to apprize the Pope, he went by a back way aboard a frigate, and, sailing straight to Gaeta, so escaped. His image is hanged up here as a proditore. On the 27th ult. Ascanio's brother, the Cardinal of Pusa [Perugia], was imprisoned in the castle of St. Angelo, some think on suspicion of being privy to the conspiracy, but others say he is charged by the Pope also with a murder committed by him in Rome in the time of Pope Paul III., before he was made Cardinal. On the 29th Sign. Camillo di Colonna and the Archbishop of that house were also apprehended and lodged in St. Angelo, it is supposed lest they should do any hurt in the event of a force coming against his Holiness; and on the 31st arrived six ensigns of Frenchmen to the Pope. It is blown abroad that Cardinal Caraffa is coming with 30 more ensigns of Frenchmen and 6,000 men of arms, and that 6,000 Frisons are shortly expected. The Neapolitan army of the other side is estimated at 28,000. According to a resolution taken in the Congregation on the 14th ult., Sign. Ferrante della Sanguine was sent from the College to the Duke of Alva at Naples to treat of some appointment, but received for answer that the Duke would accede to none unless the Pope would guarantee that the French should not come to Paliano. This, he hears, the Pope will in nowise do. Since then messengers have come from the Duke to his Holiness, cannot learn wherefore, but preparations still go forward. The Pope is said to be one who fears no man in his doings. Yesterday there was a congregation of Cardinals with the Pope when the Emperor's Ambassador requested leave to depart. He was very gently used by his Holiness, and much urged to remain both by him and the Cardinals, but he did not absolutely say whether he would go or stay. Afterwards, however, he told Cardinal Morone that he would leave his secretary and half his household here and would return again, but the Cardinal informed him, that once gone he must have a new commission before he could come back, and therefore recommended him not to be hasty in departing. Cardinal Caraffa remains in France until he hears from the messenger from the Pope to the Emperor; if there is peace he will remain, if not he will return as speedily as he can. Cardinal Morone has been very earnest with him to solicit her Majesty to help to have some good way in this matter, without which great inconveniences are likely to arise to Christendom. "If God help not it is like to be a dangerous work, and if it go forward, here is very evil tarrying." [Six pages and a half.]
Aug. 4.
523. Dr. Wotton to Queen Mary. On 25th July received her Majesty's letter of the 9th regarding Lord Lennox's matter, and that of the 10th concerning the counterfeit coin. Had informed Nisbet, the agent for Lord Lennox, of her Majesty's pleasure, and his intention to seek audience of the French King thereon; but, as Nisbet had letters for the young Scottish Queen which required early delivery, he requested Wotton to defer speaking of the matter until his return from Fontainebleau, whither he went on the following day, and did not come back until Saturday the 1st inst., having been delayed for the young Queen's answer. Wherefore, the King having left next morning, he cannot have audience until he be again at Fontainebleau, which is not likely to be for a fortnight. As to the counterfeit coin, on the Friday evening had conference with the Constable, who considered the case alike prejudicial to France and England, and thereupon reasoned with Secretary Bourdin for the sending direct to Dieppe to take steps for the arrest of the offender and his accomplices. Delivered to them a remembrance in writing and the eight pieces of base coin. Complained to the Constable of the assembling together of the rebels at Rouen, and that the common voice both there and at Dieppe was of their arming and preparing themselves for sea; that they were suffered to sell their prizes in the French ports, as at Conquest, La Rochelle, and La Hogue, where they might easily have been taken if the King and his officers would have gone about it, as he alleged the King's pleasure was they should. The Constable denied all aid or connivance on part of his Majesty, but Wotton said these men brought nothing with them out of England, and were on such good credit with the people here that nobody would lend them one sous, and yet had they here found ships, which they had well manned and provisioned, and thus sailed from the French ports. The Constable still persisted in his denial. It is reported at the Court that the Imperialists would have taken the Pope and saccaged Rome, but the plot being discovered his Holiness has imprisoned divers Cardinals, Ambassadors, and others, and it seems will not stick to do execution on many of them. Hears he has already deprived of his hat the Cardinal of Burgos, whom, had he been in Rome, the matter might have touched nearer than his hat. It is also said that Cardinal Motula, who was going to Brussels, has fled into France, being afraid lest the Emperor and King Philip might have put him in prison too. The Legate Caraffa would fain be gone, but awaits the final resolution, which cannot be determined till the Duke of Ferrara's answer has been received; this makes people think the truce is at a point, and already the King sends a number of troops to Sienna and Corsica. The Constable has complained that a packet of theirs coming from Scotland has been detained four days in England by the officers of her Majesty's Court, and that another sent to Scotland has not been heard of. In spite of all the Constable says, the constant voice is that the rebels prepare for sea with more ships than previously, and amongst others one which they have taken of upwards of 400 tons. They take up as many English, Scots, French, and others as they can get, paying them in hand money which they have made by the sale of their prizes. The French King also is arming some vessels, as admitted to the Emperor's Ambassador by the Constable, who pretends it is for the purpose of pursuing the pirates, which is as true as are the answers which they have continually made concerning the rebels and these pirates. It is also reported that the Earl of Devonshire will join them very shortly, and that they have already taken some port in one of her Majesty's islands. Trusts this is not true, but fears by such report that something of the kind is to be attempted. Has not the slightest reliance on the fair words of the King and Constable, who would further any rebellion in England or aid the external enemy, and wishes her Majesty thought so too, as she would be less deceived by them. The King has sent for a number of landsknechts and has his horse in readiness, and the Emperor's Ambassador is credibly informed that these will suddenly enter Flanders by Ardres and attempt to take Bourbourg and Gravelines. Recommends that Guisnes and other places thereabouts may be well fortified and provisioned, as this dry year puts them in hope some good may be done that way, all marsh grounds being dried up. Throckmorton's man has been to know if any answer has come, and says his master has spoken with no Englishman in this town, and would wish to meet Wotton in some secret place, being fain to come to him but dreading danger. Will have nothing to say to him. Has inquired of several Englishmen if they had heard of his being here; they say they have not, which seems strange, his person and that of his man being well known, and one of Wotton's men having seen him in the street going to the Palace. Two of the officers of the Court de la Monnaie came to him yesterday to obtain full information as to the counterfeit money, as one of them was ready to depart for Dicppe to examine the matter. Lord Lennox's man has spoken with the Constable and the Cardinal of Lorraine for his master's business, but they told him until the King returns to Paris, where he will shortly be, it is not to be spoken of. Will not fail then to do her Majesty's commandment thereon. [Six pages. Greater part in cipher, deciphered.]
Aug. 5.
524. William, Duke of Cleves, to Queen Mary. Sends Arnold à Lewen, licentiate of laws, to request her Majesty's authority may be exercised in the expulsion from England of two domestics of his sister the Lady Anne, viz., Jasper Broickhusen with his wife Gertrude, (who by her marvellous impostures and incantations seems to have driven his sister mad,) and one a native of Wylick. Every exertion has already been used, not a stone left unturned, to have them removed from her service, but in vain; wherefore the necessity for this application. [Latin. Broadside.]
Aug. 5.
525. Emanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy, to same. Was delighted with the good news contained in her Majesty's letter of the 16th ult., which was followed so soon by the melancholy event of the death of Lord Maltravers. Thanks her for writing in favour of the Marquis de Terranova to his Majesty, whose return he will omit no opportunity to facilitate. [French. One page and a quarter.]
Aug. 25.
526. Intelligence from Vienna. The Archduke of Austria set out for Hungary on the 24th inst. with 4,000 men at arms, 6,000 light horsemen, 6,000 landsknechts, 4,000 Hungarian infantry, 32 pieces of artillery for the field and battery, and 2,000 miners. His Commander-in-Chief is Palavicino, the General of the men-atarms Carlo Sciaratino Boemo, the remaining cavalry and infantry being divided among good and faithful, if not very famous captains. It is said that the Archduke's intention is first to go and fortify Righet, then to turn to the right and try to storm Baboccia, a place neither well fortified nor strong by position; when that has succeeded, he will lay waste about 20 leagues of country, as to which the common opinion of the competent is that it is the finest frontier that can be now opposed to the Turkish forces. It is believed and hoped that the Turks are not for going out of their fortresses, because unfortunately their reinforcements can arrive before the winter sets in. If the Archduke obtain any territory, and Petrowitz, who is 83 years of age and suffering from fever, should die, many desire that Transylvania should be able easily to surrender to his Majesty. Since the proposal which the Duke of Bavaria made in Ratisbon in the name of the King, the agents of the Princes have written to their masters for their orders as to the reply. As all have not yet received an answer, no further progress has been made. The common opinion is that they will not refuse aid against the Turk for next year if they can obtain their intent touching religion. Twenty bands of infantry are being raised in the Tyrol to pass into Italy, by what is said, for the service of the King of Spain. [Italian. Two pages.]
Aug. 30.
527. William, Duke of Mantua, to Queen Mary. Credentials of Signor Annibale Litolfi, Ambassador to King Philip, who will wait upon her Majesty to pay his respects. [Italian. Half a page.]