Mary: November 1554

Pages 132-142

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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November 1554

Nov. 3.
283. Peter Vannes to the Council. Has received a letter from the King accepting and approving of his services. Touching the state of Italy and especially of Tuscany, incloses a bill of particulars (missing). In sum, Sienna is in great hazard, losing daily the things needful for her sustenance, and though they can hardly support themselves and that scantly for this quarter of a year, and no succour appears, yet they are determined rather to die of hunger than to submit to the Florentines. The French with fair words put them in good comfort, sed tamen nihil inde venit. As far as he can learn the French think they have spent a great deal of money to no purpose, and would be glad the matter were taken up by some honourable means. Though they only say Sienna is well furnished for a long season, yet as they add in their communication that at the worst they shall be able to keep and defend four of the principal and most plentiful places in Sienna, viz.: Montalcino, Grosseto, Chiusi, and Porto Ercole, he can only fear the worst for Sienna, and believes that whatever happen Sienna will not be able for many years to do either good or harm to itself or others. The Pope, the Venetians, and the Duke of Ferrara labour to induce the Emperor, the French King, and the Duke of Florence to peace and to save the Siennese. Knows no particulars. The Turk is not to be feared; daily news is brought of their coming and returning home, yet the season of their navigations is passed. This morning the Seigniory sent for him and the Emperor's Ambassador desiring them to commend to their Majesties the expedition of a ship of theirs, the Tarrabolla, detained on account for the delivery of certain ordnance depending before the King's Council of Spain. The Emperor's Ambassador promised to write to the King, and Vannes the like. Begs the Queen's favour in the matter. The state of the cause will appear by an instruction here inclosed (missing), and by the report of Sig. John Michele, the Venetian Ambassador. [Two pages and a half. Indorsed by Petre.]
Nov. 5.
284. Sir John Masone to Queen Mary. The Pope's Nuncio having had audience of the Emperor in reference to compounding the matter of Sienna, received for answer that his Majesty had never interfered with Sienna but for the benefit of its inhabitants. The garrison which he had placed there had been sent at their own request, they being like to come to ruin by reason of their own dissensions. This garrison they had expelled, and in its place received a power from his mortal enemy, tending to the disquietude of all Italy and especially of such places as belonged to him; whereby they had become his enemies and a seat, or staple as it were, of all such wars as the French might like to move on that side of the mountains, for avoiding which he had been compelled to act as he had done. As for what the Nuncio on behalf of the Pope moved touching the end of this matter, his Majesty said he had to do with both the French and the Siennese therein: if the motion was made on behalf of the former, there were many things to be treated of between him and them, and therefore greater leisure was required. If on behalf of the latter, it must be considered that they are not in their own power either to treat or to conclude anything, but if they could get rid of the French who now hold their town, they should find him not only ready to talk with them, but easy to be induced to any such appointment as, by honour saved and due respect had to the quiet of Italy, might reasonably be required of them. M. de Vaudemont's coming is supposed to be principally to sound the Emperor's disposition to a peace or a truce, although he alleges other causes. Of these one is to excuse the receiving into his Government the Marquis Albert, who now makes that state his lurking corner, thence oftentimes making courses into Germany, and, robbing and spoiling both merchants and others, retires with his prey sometimes into one place of Lorraine and sometimes to another. Another cause of his coming he makes to be a marriage offered to him in France with the sister of the Duke of Nemours, into which talk he thought not his part to enter without making the Emperor first privy thereto; and a third pity for the many nobles and gentlemen prisoners on both sides, for whose deliverance he wishes some good way were taken. He has made many overtures of peace, as he says of his own accord; and shortly after departing hence he will go to France. Wishes earnestly for peace, the state of Christendom having so long been such as to prepare more and more a highway for the entry of the Turk. The Duke of Florence's army is increased with 3,000 Germans, 1,500 Spaniards, and 1,000 Italians. On the 20th ult., 16,000 crowns, meant to have been conveyed into Sienna, were intercepted. Dragut Rey's movements are uncertain, but there is great likelihood of his returning to Constantinople, first, because of the late overthrow of the Turk, and secondly, because the French having promised to give him within a specified time certain money for the victualling of his gallies, have not therein kept touch, wherewith he is very much disappointed and thereby greatly offended; and so much the more, because a cousin-german of M. de Thermes, remaining with him as a hostage for the payment, is secretly stolen away from him. The fort of Fillek in Transylvania, belonging to the King of the Romans, is lately rendered to the Turk by the treason of its Governor; its loss being the greater from its proximity to certain mines whereof riseth a great profit to the King. The new fort near Hesdin is now made guardable; and after one course meant to be made into France is achieved, the camp will probably be broken up and the troops dismissed, except such as the Emperor shall like to retain, and which during the winter will be distributed in the towns of these frontiers. Mons. de Trelon is to be Captain of the fort. Don Ramon de Cardona, who came here three or four days ago for the affairs of Piedmont, is remitted, it is said, to King Philip, and will in a day or two proceed to England. At the same time also intends to go thither Pompeio Tuttavilla, who was lately sent to this Court for justification of the doings of Marc Antonio Colonna. At his coming out had sued her Majesty for such charity as she might think convenient to be showed to Cheke's wife and her four children; and as he is advertised and partly feels that they remain hitherto in miserable case, most humbly beseeches leave to renew his suit. Her husband by his folly is fallen from 600l. per annum to less than nothing; her children be all of that age as never a one of them is able to make himself ready; she is his wife's daughter, whereby the burden of keeping them from starving lies on his back that is not able well to maintain himself. On his knees beseeches her to be good to the poor innocents; and if he might be so bold would also crave licence to renew his suit for the children of the offender Isley. They are his wife's nephews, and have at this present no man to hang upon but him. Trusts that their demeanour shall be such that no part of their father's lewdness shall at any time appear in them; and had the father followed the advice of some of them, he had not fallen into the folly which for lack of grace he fell into. [Three pages.]
Nov. 5. 285. Minute of instructions given to the Lord Paget and the Master of the Horse [Sir Edward Hastings]. Cardinal Pole being sent from the Pope to congratulate her Majesty on her marriage, they are desired to go to escort him to England. In the first instance they are to open the matter to the Emperor, and then to apprize the Cardinal that the Council only agree to his interference on condition of the Pope's dispensing that the holders and possessors of the lands and goods of the late religious houses shall quietly enjoy the same without trouble and scruple. And that he shall use all diligence to receive authority from the Apostolic See to grant such dispensation, if he has it not already. Further, that although she and a great many others accept him as Legate de latere, yet at present, till he himself witnesses the state of the country, she thinks it best that he only enter as a Cardinal and Ambassador. [Draft. Autograph of Petre. Four pages. Printed partly by Tytler, Vol. ii., p. 445.]
Nov. 5. 286. Queen Mary to Sir John Masone. Informs him that Lord Paget and Sir Edward Hastings are to leave to-morrow in speedy journey to conduct Cardinal Pole to England, and desires him to wait upon him and the Emperor in reference thereto. [Draft. Autograph of Petre. Two pages and a half.]
Nov. [5.] 287. Memorandum in modern handwriting of the mission of Lord Paget and Sir Edward Hastings to wait upon the Emperor Charles V. at Brussels, and escort Cardinal Pole to England. [Half a page.]
Nov. 8.
288. Sir John Masone to Queen Mary. As Sienna now begins to draw to some extremity, many of the Italian states begin to lay their heads together to devise some remedy thereof, seeing that if some peace be not this winter accorded there must next summer be kindled a great fire in Italy. But the substance of them are loth to see the Duke of Florence any greater than he is, and as there is some likelihood of his achieving his enterprise, they think it high time to look upon the matter. They have accordingly met at sundry places and have concluded to recommend the peace of Italy both to the Emperor and the French King; and the Nuncio has again commission to follow the matter, his late reasonable answer notwithstanding. The Venetian Ambassador is commissioned by the Seigniory to do the like, and to move the Emperor to an universal peace, and if that may not be had, then to do his utmost for some composition of the wars of Sienna. M. de Vaudemont has taken leave and departed: the particulars of his doings here are kept so secret that they are only known to the Emperor and those with whom he was in communication. The Cardinal of Augsburg, the Duke of Wittenberg, the Bishop of Passau, the Duke of Bavaria and his uncle, who was lately Archbishop of Saltzburg, have had a diet at Tonnevert on the Danube, the object of which was to compound a contention between the Duke of Bavaria and his said uncle, which was like to have bred some stir in Germany. The Archbishop having for many years held the see of Saltzburg, yet never minding to be priest, had about two months ago resigned that promotion, and being returned to the lay kind of life, and married, he demanded his partage of the estate of Bavaria, being brother to the old Duke. This being refused, he began to raise troops to win it by force, but in the end by means of the fore-named, the matter is settled that he shall have 150,000 Rhenish guilders in hand, and the life-rent of a city in Bavaria, to be used with all commodity as it is presently by the Duke. Marquis Albert has left Lorraine, and is said to have gone to Alsatia on promise of some friendship there. The Pope has lately caused to be arrested three Roman gentlemen, Giovanni Colonna, Jacomo Savelli, and Jeronimo Fregapani [Frangipani], who went about to make a stir on behalf of Ascanio Colonna; by this some think Ascanio is not so clear as some would make him to be. Prince Doria, having conducted 11 ships laden with wheat to Genoa, is thought by this time to have returned to the enterprise of Porto Ercole; which, if he achieves, must needs put the Siennese to desperation, their only hope of succour being now by way of the sea. Dragut Rey has returned as far as the coast of Corfu, which makes some in doubt of his coming near. The fort being now guardable and garrisoned, the camp is broken up. Yesterday arrived Don Hernando de Gonzaga, who, with all his train, make very honest report of his honourable entertainment in England. [Two pages.]
Nov. 8.
289. Lord Clinton to Sir William Petre. On Sunday arrrived at Hedingfert [Hesdin fort], where he found the Duke of Savoy, who, because he thought there was no meet place there for receiving the Order [of the Garter], deferred his investiture till his going to Osyshatewe [Auxy-le-Chateau], whither the camp marched on Monday, and on the next day with great honour the ceremony was performed. The great entertainment and courtesy shown to Clinton and his suite. On the day of the investiture was a great skirmish between the French and the Duke's troops, in which the Duke was engaged, and which lasted three hours There were taken 30 or 40 French, Scots, and English, and on his return, the Duke said, "This good luck is happened the day that I have received this noble Order." On Wednesday he removed with the whole camp four leagues into France, designing some enterprise. On Clinton's departure, the Duke sent to each of the gentlemen in his company, which, with Mr. Garter [Sir Gilbert Dethick], were eight in number, a chain worth 40l. or 50l. apiece; and to Clinton, a jennet, very fair, which he esteemed much, and was the horse for his own saddle well appointed; also armour and weapon for a man of war of divers kinds, very fair, with message that it was the present of one soldier to another. He further sent with him two bands of horsemen, of 200, to escort him to Bethune. [Two pages and a quarter. Printed by Tytler, Vol. ii., p. 448.]
Nov. 9.
290. Sir John Masone to King Philip and Queen Mary. On Thursday the 8th, before day arrived Francisco with their letter of the 5th, on receipt of which he resorted to the Cardinal, and thereafter had audience of the Emperor, declaring their Majesties' pleasure to each. Details at length their conversation. The Cardinal will be ready to leave on Tuesday or Wednesday, at farthest. "Between this and Calais he must make at the least six days, and peradventure seven; the constitution of his body being so easy to be overthrown as a little travel taken more than it be able to bear were enough to lay him up, and therefore he useth most to be carried in his journeys in a litter." He will probably arrive about the 24th or 26th of this month. [Three pages. Printed by Tytler, Vol. ii., p. 451.]
Nov. 10.
291. Dr. Wotton to the Council. Has received their letter of the 21st ult., and in consequence thereof had audience of his Majesty and the Constable in reference to complaints of the merchants and the matter of the Hay, and Madame de Lisques; receiving from both very gentle answers and good words. Dining with the Constable, where also were Cardinal Chastillon, the Dukes de Guise and Montpensier, and other nobles, the Constable, who sat next to him, said to him secretly, "The Queen, your mistress, is with child." He replied that he had no certain news of it, but understood it was generally supposed there was some likelihood of the fact. The Constable rejoined, "It is true without doubt." Yet for all that, Wotton is credibly informed, that when he talks with others thereof, he says he does not believe it. The French send horse and foot to Piedmont; their proper destination not yet well known. De Damville, the Constable's second son, has within the last three or four days ridden in post to Piedmont, to be general captain of the light cavalry there. He is accompanied by a young gentleman, son to M. D'Urfé, the Dauphin's governor, recently married to a daughter of the Comte de Tende, brother-in-law to the Constable. The Ambassador from Sienna says that P. Strozzi has thrust out of that city a great multitude of the common people, and that victuals there are as cheap as at Florence, which is hard to be believed. The Pope and Duke of Ferrara travail with the Duke of Florence for raising the siege of Sienna, and the withdrawal of foreign troops; but the Duke, though supposed to be weary of the charges, will do nothing but with the Emperor's advice and consent. It is said he has dismissed his Italians, and retains only the Spaniards and landsknechts, amounting in all to above 9,000. It is reported that the French King had sent Signor Orsino to be his lieutenant in Corsica, but the people there say they are content to have Frenchmen in that room, but no Italians. Hears that the Baron De la Garde was not well received at Court, and was only heard by the King on the intercession of the Duchess of Valentinois. The non-advance of the Turk's navy last summer is imputed to him and to his negligence the ill success of matters at Sienna; and some think, that had the Prior of Capua been alive he would have superseded the Baron, whom now, for lack of another, it seems they will still employ. In consequence of the courses which the Burgundians, encamped near the fort of Hesdin, make daily about Montreuil and Abbeville, the King sends reinforcements of horse and foot to M. de Vendôme, who will soon be very strong and able to cope with the Burgundians. They say that the horses of the Burgundians and Dutch die so fast for lack of food, that the whole camp cannot longer remain there; also that the fort is begun upon such a ground, that it falls down almost as soon as it is built, and that it cannot continue, for any cost that shall be done upon it. [Three pages.]
Nov. 10.
292. Dr. Wotton to Sir William Petre. Was for a while much offended by the false rumours here, imputing them to the fugitives and merchantmen; but finding they have far more plenty of these ill-favoured tales at home, will henceforth trouble himself the less with them. Yet such are neither new, nor to be marvelled at. Si patrem familias Beelzebub vocaverint, quanto magis domesticos ejus? For all their prating of the word, their dissimulation now so plainly bursts out as to make it evident that to them it was said, "Vos ex patre diabolo estis, et desideria patris vestri vultis facere. Ille homicida erat ab initio, &c." As it is impossible, considering the present state of the realm, but the like must chance often enough thereafter, great diligence must be used, that such things may come to light in time, for they have even from the beginning founded their new gospel upon the saying of Christ, "Putatis quia pacem veni mittere in terram. Non dico vobis, sed separationem." On this foundation it may be seen, they build still. Ludovic Greville is welcome to him; he has appointed him to the company of John Somer, who will take pains to help him to the French tongue, wherein he were else like to profit but little amongst Wotton's men, who speak but English. Hopes there will be no change in their office of auditor, as a better than Wylde cannot be hoped for, but if God takes him, they must look for a successor. Is not sure whether a grant of the office was not made out previous to the erection of their chapter, but whether or not it be so there is much earnest suit made for it. Five of the oldest prebendaries have written to him that they have granted their good wills for it to one dwelling in Canterbury, so that if they persist, he does not see how it can be obtained against them. It is certainly very necessary that the auditor should reside in Canterbury, as they have, in a manner, daily need of his advice; and although Mr. Baker has earnestly written to him for one whose father was servant to Wotton's father, who he would be content had it, he will see what he can do with the chapter for the person in whose behalf Petre so earnestly writes, as also do other of his friends. Sends a prognostication for next year, containing more strange things than former ones; although he doubts not their Majesties credit such gear as the matter deserves, they may perhaps be content to read it. [One page.]
Nov. 13.
293. Lord Paget and Sir Edward Hastings to Queen Mary. Arriving here last Sunday forenoon, they had audience of the Emperor in the afternoon, notwithstanding that he had that day received the blessed Sacrament, whereby they noted a fresh care in him for the expedition of them hence again. Details what passed at the interview. After taking leave, repaired forthwith to the Cardinal. Believe that whensoever he shall be in England, that country shall fare the better for him; "for he is the man of God, full of all godliness and virtue, ready to humble himself to all fashions that may do good." Yesterday the Cardinal, as they also did, took leave of the Emperor. To-day he begins his journey, the stages of which they specify; "for his weak body can make no great journeys, and his estate also is to be considered." [Two pages and a half. Printed by Tytler, Vol. ii., p. 457.]
Nov. 19.
294. Gregory Raylton [Clerk of the Signet] to Sir William Petre. By his letter to him at the end of last September, and the one to Mr. Clyff in August, doubts not that Petre understands the cause of his long absence, which is sickness, wherewith he has been extremely handled a long space, and in the beginning of August was in such danger that both he and his physicians despaired of his life. He is now somewhat recovered, but is unable to travel, especially at this season, being so weak. Understands that Petre is sore offended with him, because he has not come home according to his promise, judging that he absents himself for other respects. Is most sorry he should so think, and much laments he is unable out of hand to take his journey homewards for the purging of himself that way. Beseeches Petre, for God's sake, to judge otherwise of him, since he knows him never to have been a meddler in any way, but applying himself always to do his duty, and using himself according to his vocation. When he was suitor to him for the Queen's licence, he did it by counsel of three or four notable physicians, who declared that nothing should be better for his health than to travel, and persuaded him to take this journey, which has evil succeeded with him. Intreats Petre to bear with his calamity, and, God willing, at the next spring he shall either see him alive in England, or hear tell that God has otherwise disposed of him. [One page.]
Nov. 23.
295. Sir John Masone to the Council. The Emperor's camp, having spoiled and wasted all along the river Seine, and taken on their way the town of Ancre, is arrived in Cambresis, where yesterday all the soldiers of the Low Countries, and most part of the swertritters [schwart ritters], were dismissed, but with orders to be ready again at all times after the 1st of April next. The Germans are all retained, so that all the winter shall be entertained 10,000 foot and 4,000 horse, besides the furniture of the fort, amounting to 4,000. Besides the victual and provision found in Ancre were 2,000 pieces of wine, which are distributed among the fort and the other strengths of the frontiers. The Venetian Ambassador has been earnestly in hand with the Emperor to hearken to a peace. The Emperor expressed his great desire of the unity of Christendom, for compassing of which, as the same might be sure and stable, and not made one day and broken another, as the French used always to do, he could be content to lose the best blood of his body. The Pope's Nuncio had even been more particular, stating that the Pope willed him to assure the Emperor that the French King was content to come to communication, and is in hope that he may bring both sides to appoint Commissioners. The Lord put thereunto his helping hand ! The affairs of the Siennese proceed from worse to worse: they have lately lost Crevola, Monte Rotondo, and Massa, towns of much importance, yet the French faction say that they can hold out till March, when they shall have help enough. On the other hand, the Duke's party say they cannot hold beyond a month. The Diet in Germany, which was appointed to begin on St. Martin's day, is now adjourned to that of St. Catherine, by reason of certain lets chanced to the King of the Romans. Presumes his Majesty is aware of the triumphs made in Milan on its being taken possession of on his behalf, and of the like to be in Naples next Sunday. Dragut Rey has returned to Previsa to victual his gallies; his future movements are not known. [One page and a half.]
Nov. 25.
296. Peter Vannes to [Sir William Petre]. The courier soon departing has no time to reply to his letter of the 4th inst., delivered this morning; but shall reserve himself until Saturday next. Thanks God her Majesty is with child. Incloses advices of new preparations of the French in Piedmont. Reckons them as a brag to other purposes, considering the season, the lack of victuals, the hard and narrow passage, the fortifications of every small town between, the readiness and puissance of the Imperialists, being like that the French will wander in the field while the Imperialists are masters of the towns, and well furnished with necessaries; and as to aid or victuals from Marseilles, the seas and winds are doubtful and dangerous. The Emperor's, the Genoese, and Neapolitan gallies are abroad. The Emperor is much beholden to the French, for, with their sudden enterprises, they always advance, by their failure, his honour and glory. His reputation is, as ever, everywhere very great. The French cannot trust in any help from the Turkish gallies, for each mistrusts the other, and after great expense and no result, they have returned to Constantinople. Sienna is wasted like a candle. Of late, they have cost the castle of Massa and the town of Crevola. Great parties of Imperialists are in Sienna, but for fear of the French Governor cannot show their hearts. It is said in Venice that the Duke of Florence has commanded all his men to return to Sienna. Perhaps he is minded to give some assault. The Swiss in Sienna are reported to die half-a-score a day; and many of the Italians to be discharged, and greatly mistrusted. If the matter come to extremity, unless they see the game half won, they will be the first to help themselves to some booty. God inspire them to put themselves in the Emperor's mercy, and him to accept them, and make him author of the quiet of Christendom ! Intends shortly to write to the Council for their favour to him with the King and Queen. Sees good hope of the restoration of the Catholic religion. It is known to [Petre] and all the Council, and especially to the Bishop of Winchester, who next to King Henry the Eighth was his chief helper in the matter, that Pope Clement VII., at the King's earnest request and at the suit of the Council, granted him the collectorship of England, with a several bull containing divers faculties of dispensation during his life. The office shortly after was put down by Parliament, and yet he was put to great expense and trouble on account of a pension which he was bound to pay to Cardinal Ridolphi. The office was not taken from him by the Pope, but only by Parliament and the King's command, as Lord Cromwell said, who in the King's name commanded him to bring to him all his documents in the matter. Knows not what became of them. Supposes the grant to exist in the registers in Rome. His great prebend of Bedwyn was taken from him, the compensation not being equivalent, part being given in a prebend in S. Frideswide, part upon the Duke of Somerset's land, and part lost in hope of a better turn. His prebend of Beverley was suppressed, and a small pension appointed, in which, by the gentleness of the receivers, he is behind-hand many a day. Prays the Council to be suitor to the King and Queen in the matter, for he knows the Pope has remitted all the circumstances of that religion to the will and disposition of their Majesties. The King's letter plainly declares his good mind to him; of the Queen's favour he has had good experience, as well as of that of the Council. Begs [Petre] also to be a suitor to the Bishop of Winchester and the Council for him. [Six pages.]
Nov. 30.
297. Thomas Gresham to the Council. According to his intention, expressed in his letter of the 16th forwarded by the Portuguese Ambassador, he left Medina de Campo on the 23d in post and arrived at Seville on the 26th, where he found his factor Edmund Hogan with the 100,000 ducats. These had been twice told over by the tenant and other officers, were all packed, sealed, matted and corded, and the mules hired for their conveyance, when a difficulty was started as to whether, notwithstanding his passport and letters, he was the Queen's factor and possessed the especial power. At last on his finding two natives born and two Englishmen to testify to her Majesty's hand and seal, the officials came on the 28th and 29th, and after opening one case, counting over its contents again, and seeing it repacked, gave him his despatch at 5 o'clock of the latter day. The cases have been sent off to-day, he with two of his servants besides the scryvano [escribdno] and his servant seeing them shipped. There are 50 of them, each marked with the broad arrow and numbered from 1 to 50, and each contains 22,000 silver Spanish rials, amounting to 2,000 ducats at 11 rials the ducat. These shall be shipped at Puerto Real in such good merchants' vessels as shall be present with the advice of Mr. Wood. The rest, which he will have in readiness, and which will not exceed 110,000 ducats, he intends to put on board two of her Majesty's ships, which will be a venture in each of 16,000l., and therewithal to come himself. There is no small exclamation among the commons of this town that so much money should go out of the realm, the scarcity thereof being so great; and for his own part he cannot with his pen set forth the great scarcity now throughout all Spain. By order of the Emperor all bill transactions must be settled in the banks. Whilst he was at Valladolid one of the ancient banks here, that of John Innynges and Octavian Negrone, on the 17th inst. played bankrupt with the sum of 150,000 ducats. In this bank her Majesty has 2,000 ducats, but it is judged that there will be but small loss sustained, as John Nenynges [sic] is a man of 60, and esteemed to be worth 80,000 ducats, besides having put in sureties for 100,000 ducats. Ten days before he broke he owed the Queen 10,000 ducats. Gresham is blamed as being the cause of this bankruptcy, for his instructions are to receive all in ready money only, which so vexes the banks and the town that he fears he may be the occasion of the whole suspending payments, which would the rending of the town and to the great loss and damage of her Majesty. Wherefore having yet to receive 100,000 ducats here and at Medina de Campo out of the banks, he will leave such order with his factor to receive it with as fair means as he can, for now there is no other way to help this matter, considering the ships, which are looked for daily, have not arrived from the Indies. Trusts they may come soon. Will bring with him all the relative documents and vouchers necessary for his discharge. Hopes he and their treasure may reach Laredo overland in safety, seeing the great bruit of the commons at its leaving the country. Recurring to the bankruptcy of Nenynges [sic] and Negrone, as it is the custom in Spain that the Prince of all men is first paid, if her Majesty shall obtain from the King a letter claiming it as his debt, the 2,000 ducats will be paid out of hand, otherwise it will take some time before payment is made. Has been invited to join the other creditors, but has refused on the ground that the debt belongs to the Prince and not to him. Beseeches they will accept all his doings in good part, as in truth he can do no more than he has done. [Three pages.]