Edward VI: October 1550

Pages 56-60

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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October 1550

Oct. 6.
244. Sir John Masone to the Council. Describes the entry of the French King into Rouen on the 1st of the month, the preparations in the city not having been completed by the 25th ult., in consequence whereof he had to reside in an abbey half a mile distant; but had kept the feast of St. Michael very solemnly within the city, when the order was conferred upon the Rhinegrave only, although there were four vacancies. Sets forth the various pageants exhibited. Has had communications with the Constable in regard to the Scots; the settlement of these matters is deferred until the arrival of the Master of Erskine, who is expected in three or four days. Has been spoken to on the subject of the commercial Commissioners, and had seen De Boses about the counterfeiting of the English money. Has this day waited upon the Queen Dowager of Scotland, who arrived on the 25th ult. with a large retinue of Scottish gentlemen, and had been received with much honour. Africa had been carried by assault on the 20th ult. with great loss. The English merchants much alarmed at the prospect of a war with France. Sends the names of the principal Scots who are with the Queen Dowager, and who are squabbling greatly among themselves about their lodgings. The King will remain eight or ten days, and then visit Dieppe and his other fortresses on the sea coast. The Empercr is still hot about the Council. The Pope's Nuncio and the Venetian Ambassador have been frequently of late with the King. The Duke D'Aumale is very desirous to have a portrait of the King of England, which he says was promised to him by his Majesty on his leaving England; urges that it may be sent to him while he is here as he speaks very highly of the King and of the realm, and of the courtesy which he met with there. [Six pages. Copy in Sir J. Masone's Letter-Book. Printed, with small omission, by Tytler, Vol. i., p. 325.]
Oct. 18.
245. Joachim Kundelfinger to the Council. He arrived here on the 3rd inst. with fifty master mine-workers, and applied to Sir Thomas Chamberlain, the Ambassador, and Mr. Dansell, the Agent for his Majesty, for such need as he had to do, as Doctor Brown shall more fully declare. But they made him answer, that for lack of commission from their Lordships they could not help him of his request. Wherefore requests they will make such expedition of his dispatch hence towards England with these workmen as may seem to them good. [One page.]
This letter was probably accompanied by the following:—
"Extraict des Instructions de Syre Thomas Chamberlain et Joachim Gondelfinger, Commiz vers Dennemarck et Scweden. L'an v.c. 49."—As soon as possible after the departure of Gondelfinger 1,000l. worth of good kersies. of such colour as he may wish, are to be consigned to Wolff Reytweiser, at Antwerp, to be forwarded to Nuremberg, for exchange with the Governor of Sibenburgen in Hungary, in order that by the exchange of these and other cloths such fair amount of gold or ducats of Hungary may be annually derived, as the said Gondelfinger shall to the best of his ability arrange for the benefit of his Majesty. As soon as these matters are arranged he is to return to the Court with as much expedition as possible to give an account of his proceedings, and settle with the Council, and to bring with him to England, on as reasonable terms as he can, the following persons for his Majesty's service:—
One of the most experienced and sworn master mining engineers. A good metal-founder. Two others for making shafts, tunnels, and trenches of mines, called in German Schirpffer. Two carpenters to descend into mines, and prop each side of such shafts, and passages: called in German, Steyper. One who thoroughly understands the art of draining and carrying off water. One who understands the assaying of all metals Two smiths for making the necessary tools for the pioneers and others. Two colliers to work the large coal of the mines. Two who understand the separation of the sulphur before melting. Twenty pioneers, good, strong, and experienced, unmarried if possible: all who have harness and weapons to bring the same with them, and each to have a long harquebuse. One who understands the baking of rock alum. Two with the seed of the pine and deal, to sow the same according to the nature of the soil, to increase the forests both of England and Ireland. All these to be Germans, and brought to England by sea from Frankfort, the best way he can.
Inasmuch as the above-mentioned kersies have not been sent to Gondelfinger, and he has brought the said persons to Antwerp at his own expense, and these Germans will not cross the sea without money, and his own is all spent, and he cannot obtain any at Antwerp, he therefore begs the Lords of the Council will send him as soon as possible the sum of 400l. sterling. [French. Two pages.]
Oct. 19.
246. Sir John Masone to the Council. Incloses a letter from the Constable to their Lordships in favour of Sir Anthony Guidotti, and requests their early and favourable attention to the business which takes him to England. [One page. Copy in Sir J. Masone's Letter-Book.]
Oct. 19.
247. Same to same. Narrates his conferences with the Constable and the Council in reference to the merchants' complaints and the Scottish affairs, concerning which he can as yet have no satisfaction. It appears to him "that they would fain the Scots had their minds, and yet for that they see the treaty beareth not them therein, they cannot tell what to make of the matter." The Master of Erskine, who arrived on the 12th, is appointed to go to Flanders to conclude a peace, and they will probably defer reply to all matters until his return, shaping their proceedings upon the result of his mission. Much talk among the inferior members of the Court since the coming of the Scots, and specially of Erskine, that Ireland is theirs whenever the King shall give them a signal, that Calais is not a seven nights' work, and that the dissensions in England are great. Sees not that cheer in their countenance as he thinks he has seen heretofore. The Emperor's Ambassador haunts the Court much, on pretence of the Scottish matters. The French King makes great warlike preparations, and has increased his troops on the frontiers. "The gentleman of Brittany, named M. de Botte, and commonly called Le Beau Breton," who was sent to Ireland at the concluding of the peace. only returned within three days, and reports that the greater part of Ireland is subject to the Earl of Desmond. Has been visited by nearly all the Scots gentlemen, except the Earl of Huntly and George Douglas. Mentions the conversation of others, to whom he gave ear as to Scots, and framed his answers accordingly. The Earl of Glencairn complains grievously of the detention of his two sons, his father for whom they were hostages being dead, and especially of their treatment by the Archbishop, who kept them two years in his kitchen, and still keeps them without the increase either of learning or of any other good virtuous nurture. If such be the case, urges the amendment of it. Great excitement caused by a rumour of the slaying of the Vidame of Chartres. Much controversy between the French King and the Bishop of Rome as to ecclesiastical patronage in France, which the Cardinal Salmoneta has come to pacify, and since his arrival has received two abbeys from the King. Chastillon, being disappointed in his expectations of great recompence for his service about Boulogne, has left the Court in displeasure, and has been in his house the last two months, willing not to return till the King expressly sends for him. Signor Horatio [Farnese], who it is thought is to marry the King's bastard daughter, a match long talked of, has left Rome for the Court. Had written thus far at Rouen, now concludes at Dieppe, where are four fine ships of war ready to be put to sea, one of 400, two of 250, and the fourth of 110 or 111 tons. The King arrived here yesterday with great solemnity. On Monday he goes to Havre de Grace, and thence continues his winter progress. Julian de Medicis, the Queen's cousin, having arrived here lately from England, expresses his sense of the great courtesy which he met with there from his Majesty and the Council. Having inquired as to the commissions touching depredations upon the sea, is informed that no farther proceedings shall be taken therein until they hear from the French Ambassador in England. [Twelve pages. Copy in Sir J. Masone's Letter-Book.]
Oct. 21.
248. Sir John Masone to the Council. Details at length his conference with the Constable, who had sent to inform him of the sudden termination of the proceedings of the Commissioners for defining the limits, and who requested that the English Commissioners should be instructed to return, as their departure might give rise to sentiments injurious to the friendship existing between the two countries. In the end the Constable proposed that either the Commissioners should return, of which he was very desirous, or that a special Commissioner should be sent to France, who with the Ambassador should settle the matter with the French Council. Should this alternative be adopted, suggests the appointment of Mr. Shelley as one fully qualified for it by his knowledge of the language and previous experience. Such a quantity of English money circulates in France, that there is in a measure no other gold to be seen, by reason of the great depreciation of the currency in England. The Irishman has been dispatched with the King's letter, the copy of which, herewith sent, shows that although the Commissioners be not yet out, summary order in such cases is taken. The French King is in high favour with the merchants by reason of his just paying of the interest: he is already indebted in more than 1,500,000 ducats, yet large sums come daily from Antwerp to the bank of Lyons for his use as he may need it. By such means the Emperor has carried on his wars for many years, and his example seems followed by the French King. A fort is in course of being erected at Dieppe, which it is thought will cost 100,000 crowns before it is completed. Engineers shortly go to Scotland to plan fortifications on the coast there. [Seven pages. Copy in Sir J. Masone's Letter-Book.]
Oct. 22.
249. Same to same. Has this morning been informed by a gentlemen straight from the Court that the French King has altered his intention of going to Blayse [Blois], and that immediately after Allhallow-tide he designs to go into Picardy with a small train. The reason assigned for this change in his plans is a report that the Emperor is dangerously ill. [One page. Copy in Sir J. Masone's Letter-Book.]
Oct. 27.
250. The Council to Sir John Masone. Have received his last three letters, and commend his diligence. They are willing to entertain the Constable's proposition for a renewed negotiation by the same or other Commissioners, as he may prefer, but in the meanwhile require that the French troops quartered at Sandingfeld shall be withdrawn. Mention their subsequent interview with the French Ambassador on the same subject, and the right of the English to the disputed boundaries. Send memorial of certain depredations by the French on some natives of Jersey, transmitted to them by Sir Hugh Paulet, the Captain of said island; also another touching an Englishman, named Broughton, prisoner in the hands of Mons. de Brissac. [Seven pages. Copy in Sir J. Masone's Letter-Book.]
Oct. 251. Proposal, by medium of Dr. Bruno, from Albert Marquis of Brandenburg, to raise troops for the service of King Edward VI., for which he shall have a pension of 2,000l. per ann., and the command of said troops. Refers to proposed marriage of the Marquis with the Princess Mary. Table showing descent of the Marquis from Frederick Burgrave of Nuremberg. [French. Five pages. Indorsed by Cecil, "Doct. Brunonis et Alb. Brandb. mq. opinio."]
Oct. 252. Discourse by Dr. Bruno, wherein enumerating the various Sovereigns and Princes of Europe favourable to Protestantism, he proposed that each should send learned men, such as Bucer, Melancthon, &c., to the next pretended Council, for the purpose of disputing with the Papists, and if they should be unable to prevail, then to form a general league, and invoking King Edward to take the initiative. [Latin. Five pages. Indorsed by Cecil, "Discursus D. Brunonis."]
Oct. 253. "Articles of the credence of the messenger from the Princes of Germany." With reference to forming a general league in defence of Protestantism; wherein is to be considered "the colour and craft whereby the war shall be dissembled not to be made for religion," and in such respect the league to be regulated by the terms of a "treaty of the Duke of Prussia with Mr. Alasco, had three years past." [Four pages. Indorsed by Cecil.]