Edward VI: May 1548

Pages 22-24

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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May 1548

May 1.
89. Same to Secretary Sir William Petre. As yet has heard of no answer from the Bishop of Rome to the Interim. Mr. Mount hears that the Marquis of Brandenburg, elector, is to remain here another fortnight. Prince Doria has signified to the Emperor that his galleys are ready armed, to be used at his pleasure. The Emperor has recalled his horse of the Low Countries from Wirtemberg, some say for the purpose of escorting the Archduke to his galleys, others to guard himself when he goes a hunting, which it is supposed he will do at the close of the diet. Incloses Mr. Mount's notes of intelligence from Italy, of which the chief is that the Pope has given the French King 120,000 crowns for assisting the Scots. [One page.]
May 2. 90. The Lord Protector to Dr. Wotton. The French Ambassador had an interview with the Lord Protector last Sunday, when he demanded the delivery of certain French fugitives confined in Boulogne; to this the Council did not think proper to accede, until some English fugitives in France should be apprehended and delivered to Dr. Wotton, being demanded in terms of the treaty. [Two pages. Draft, autograph of Sir W. Petre.]
May 16.
91. The Bishop of Westminster to the Council. On the 8th had received their letters of the 2d by Bluemantle, and had audience of the Emperor on the 12th as to granting licence for recruiting Germans, seeing that the French King by secret practices had got Germans to aid the Scots, who were enemies both of the Emperor and King of England. The Emperor expressed his desire to maintain amity, but cannot consent to give such licence without concurrence of the estates, and referred him to Granvelle; the interview with whom on Sunday the 13th he details. Informed by him that the Emperor has instructed the Regent to signify to the French King that as he sends his ships to aid the Emperor's enemies the Scots, they shall not be permitted to enter or have supplies at any of the Emperor's ports. The same expressions of amity, but steady refusal of licence repeated. Touching the practising of the French King with the King of Denmark for aiding the Scots, Granvelle is directed to confer with the Danish Ambassador. It is plain no other aid can be looked for than what can be obtained at the hands of the Regent of Flanders. [Three pages.]
May 16.
92. The Bishop of Westminster to Sir William Petre. The English must trust to themselves, as he sees that these men will yet hold up fair with France, and yet in words they would make him believe other. Had written to him by the ordinary post on the 15th intimating the long-looked for arrival here of Prosperus de Sancta Cruce, who was expected to bring the Bishop of Rome's resolution upon the Interim, and now is said to have brought nothing relating to it. Last night the Interim was published to the States, with exhortation to all Catholics to continue in their old religion and to all who had swerved from it to return; they that will not are commanded under great pains to keep the Interim until order be taken by the General Council. Sends letters from Mr. Mount (missing). [One page.]
May 17.
93. Same to [Sir William Petre]. His despatches intended to have been sent off last night were by reason of Bluemantle's illness delayed, and are now conveyed by his own servant Thomas Allington, who could not leave until this morning, the gates being shut. [Half a page.]
May 20.
94. Gustavus I., King of Sweden, to the Lord Protector. Complaining that in the wars between England and Scotland the merchant vessels of Sweden, which was strictly neutral and had done no injury, had contrary to the law of nations been seized and pillaged as those of a common enemy, and requesting that any of their ships in the possession of the English may be restored to them. [Latin. Three pages.]
May 22.
95. The Lords and Councillors of Sweden to same. Desiring the establishment of a commercial treaty between England and Sweden. [Latin. Three pages.]
May 22.
96. The Bishop of Westminster to Sir William Petre. Desires to hear of Allington's safe arrival. The Interim is now published, and he hopes to send a copy of it in his next letter. It is said that Duke Maurice is personally content with it, but having so often promised to his subjects liberty of continuance in their adopted religion, he cannot compel them to observe the Interim. The Marquisses Hans and Albert of Brandenburg have protested against it. On Whitsun-eve the Emperor proposed to the States that they should provide a large contribution to be in readiness for defence of the peace of Germany. [One page.]
May 25.
Ronay by Brienne.
97. Dr. Wotton to the Lord Protector. The King, who is here at certain places of the Duke of Guise, is not likely to leave for 10 or 12 days, when he will probably go to Anserville, near St. Diziers; but since that place is near to Bar, there may be some meeting with the Duchess of Lorraine, as something likely is ado, seeing the Car dinal of Guise has gone thither. Their removal to Lyons is still reported, and the Queen of Navarre is ready to proceed there to be at her daughter's marriage. The younger Bonivet, that was Bishop of Bosiers, was shot at the musters in Brittany, on his way to Scotland. Pietro Strozzi had been in danger of like death. The Cardinal of Lorraine has left the Court, it is said, for Lorraine. The Emperor's Ambassador had twice audience of the King while at Troyes, although he was not more than a week there, and also twice since he lay at Delvent, a frequency in so short a space somewhat unusual. Sends herewith a complaint of some spoliation alleged to have been committed by some English on a person of Bordeaux. Had replied that he had no commission in such matters, and that they must apply to his Grace or to the ordinary judges. [Five pages. The first and larger part in cipher, undeciphered.]
May 29.
98. The Bishop of Westminster to Sir William Petre. Sends the effect of the supplication from the Commissioners of the cities against the Interim (missing); also Preface to the Interim, "ut possit estimare leonem ex unguibus;" the rest he will bring with him. Also copy of the Hungarians' petition for aid (likewise missing). The league between the French and the Bishop of Rome is positively affirmed, and money deposited on both sides. Bernardine has heard that the French have laid at Venice 700,000 crowns, and the Bishop at Lyons 350,000. "They name this league defensive, but the Imperials name it offensive." He has also heard of the angry expressions in regard to the Bishop of Rome made use of by the Emperor to the Legate, moving for the restitution of Piacenza. Duke Maurice left this two days ago, as did the Landgrave's wife, having permission to visit her husband. The insurrection in Poland said to be at an end, all parties having submitted to the King, from whom an Ambassador to the Emperor is on his way. Mount has seen the request of the Austrians to the States for aid: pretended, like that of the Hungarians and the King of the Romans, to be for raising an army and defences against the Turk. [Two pages.]
Eod. die. Copy of preface to the Interim referred to in the preceding letter, [Eight pages.] Entirely different from that printed in the Constitutiones Imperiales of Melchior Goldast.