East Indies: July 1625

Pages 79-86

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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July 1625

July 1. 156. Court Minutes of the East India Company. A general release of Hugh Greete's pretended estate to be procured from Sir Thos. Smythe and Sir Wm. Russell, his executors. About paying the wages of Benjamin Moore, in the Company's service in the Indies, to his brother. See Sherburne to attend the Lord Treasurer for his warrant to the Farmers of the customs concerning the refuse coral. Account of the Company's wares and commodities since the beginning of the second joint stock, presented by the Auditors, wherein they find Mr. Ellam keeps an exact account of every particular piece, which it was wished all the warehouse keepers had done; the business of the pepper held to be worthy a further consideration, as also divers propositions of the Auditors as to the disposal of two or three tons of Indian tin. An overture made by Evelyn to furnish the Company with 600 barrels of powder yearly at 5l. per barrel, so as the Company will put down their mills; but the Court having written for a great quantity of saltpetre from the Indies, and holding that as good powder might be bought for five marks, would by no means hearken to the motion. Gratification of a piece of plate to Mr. Sadler for his pains in finding a place for their mills. Request of Mr. Governor, in regard there is a general Court in the afternoon, to know their pleasure in two things concerning their being with the King, whether to have the petition read, and about the business of Wither. Divers books on arithmetic and navigation, composed and dedicated by Thos. Addison, master of the Palsgrave, to the Governor and Company, presented by his wife. Order to sell 10 barrels of indigo at 4s. 4d. Whether to buy any more cloths and kersies in regard of the present infection, there being already 1,100 bought. Twelve suitors for the place of porter, but the Court having first resolved not to entertain any in that place that were married or had children, only three who promised to keep themselves single were put in election, and the choice fell upon Wm. Horsey, who was admitted, with the yearly fee of 26l. 4 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII., 89–92.]
July 1. 157. Minutes of a General Court. Those absent to be fined 12d. apiece. The assembly being very ample, Mr. Governor acquainted them in detail with a relation of what had lately passed in prosecution of their remedy for the barbarous action at Amboyna, and desired them to resolve what was in their opinions further to be done, himself and committees having diligently prosecuted the business for more than a year, and prevailed no further than was now declared. Hereupon some repeated the intolerable injuries and insolencies of the Hollanders since and contrary to the Treaty of 1619, including the whipping and salting of their servants at Jacatra, which were the more to be resented for that the Hollanders suffer the Danes and French to trade freely in the Indies without daring to touch a hair of their heads, and affirmed that without the vigorous and effectual protection of his Majesty there will be no means to continue the trade, since the Dutch Company is so maliciously bent to the overthrow of this and so countenanced by their State, which hath hitherto justified their proceedings or at least slighted the complaints and even the mediation of his late Majesty for redress, and now the Dutch ministers see that the English can obtain no remedy here they will proceed to greater outrages upon our people there. After much discourse some professed plainly that they would not proceed in their supplies of money until there were somewhat really done by way of righting this Company; but Mr. Governor and divers of the committees persuaded them not to fall so suddenly upon such a resolution, and being after debate put to the question, it was resolved by far the greatest part of the Court, to shorten the trade until the Company be relieved by the State effectually. Mr. Governor then related the proposition of sending an ambassador into Persia, which was conceived to be a needless charge and tending rather to the prejudice and overthrow than any advancement of the trade where their factors have already been received as competent agents, and indeed were fittest for that negotiation; but one Anthony Wither offered to make the contrary apparent and presented a writing wherein he charged Mr. Governor, Deputy, and divers committees with evil government and denying the use of the balloting box, and propounded the remedy by removing them: to which Mr. Governor made answers and added that he had made offer before the Lords that if Wither could prove but any one of his charges Mr. Governor would lose his reputation with their Lordships and all the world and plead guilty to all the rest. Re-election of Sir Morris Abbott, Governor; Christ. Clitherow, Deputy Governor; and of Messrs. Stone and Bateman, Treasurers for the year ensuing; also of six new committees, viz., Messrs. Milward, Clement Harby, John Fowkes, John Cordell, Mustard, and Spurstow, none being delinquents or having less than 2,000l. adventure; and to make room for these committees, Messrs. Offley and Eyres being dead, Alderman Allen excusing himself, and Alderman Westrowe chosen sheriff of London, there remained only two to be left out, which by erection of. hands appeared to be Messrs. Smith and Keightley. So the names of the 24 committees for the year ensuing are as fallow, viz.:—
Alderman James Cambell. [Ant.] Abdi.
Alderman Robt. Ducie. Job Harby.
[Nich.] Leatt. Clement Harby.
[Robt] Bell. [Geo.] Strode.
[Thos.] Style. [Hump.] Browne.
[Rich.] Venn. [Abrah.] Cartwright.
Henry Garwaie. John Cordell.
William Garway. Mr. Mustard.
[Thos.] Mun. Mr. Spurstow.
[Jeff.] Kerby. Mr. Milward.
[Nich.] Crispe. John Fowkes.
[Edward] Warner. [Gyles] Martyn.
7 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII., 93–99.]
July 3.
The Hague.
158. Carleton to Sec. Conway. Touching the East Indian business, there have passed several conferences of late days betwixt the States' deputies and himself touching the three articles. The first, concerning the remove of our men from places where the Dutch are in possession is willingly yielded unto. The second, concerning the remitting of all causes criminal and civil betwixt the two nations to the Council of Defence is by these men thought impracticable, because the Council can have residence but in one place, but the causes of differences may happen in many; so proposed that such causes should be handled by the chief of both nations upon the place where they happen, with appeals to the Council of Defence, the two Companies in Europe and his Majesty and the States. This the States do not disallow; but the 17 Bewinthebbers being to assemble the 8th of this month at Middleburgh, have required nothing may be determined therein till they have given their advice. The third touching fortifications, these Bewinthebbers allowing our men to build where they have no jurisdiction nor exclusive contracts within 30 miles of their possessions, except the Moluccas, Banda, and Amboyna, pretending it so to be understood by former treaties. Could not yield to this, but showed them that Pooloroon by the 9th article of the treaty 1623 was absolutely adjudged to the English. Whereupon they resorted to the original treaty of 1619, where, in the 24th article, it is resolved that at the expiration of two or three years the point of building of fortresses should be resumed. This is likewise remitted to Middleburgh; but whether his Majesty will have it followed on that side the sea or on this side, for without treaty nothing can be concluded in these two last points. Touching the business of Amboyna, the Governor and judges being actually sent for, Mareschalk in hold and Coen stayed, there is no more to be said by us till their appearance; but very much is here said both by the States and other magistrates of their towns; that, notwithstanding they have taken herein a satisfactory resolution, yet they find (by a ship of theirs from Coromandel which they say was chased by his Majesty's ships) the decree for reprisals is continued. Answered them he understood by Sir Will. St. Leger that his Majesty was contented, and that the Lord Admiral had given order for suspension of the reprisals, which though it might not be come to the captains of the King's ships when their Coromandel ship passed, yet now they need not fear; wherewith they rest satisfied. Understands the captains have yet no knowledge of his Majesty's resolution to have the reprisals suspended, and withal is informed of a petition by the East India Company to have them continued; wherefore his Lordship may put the King in mind of the Order of Council at Hampton Court the 27th September last, which was only grounded upon the accident of Amboyna, and that being put in such a way of justice he may well conceive what disorder may arise if now any reprisals should be so much as attempted. Wherefore in case order be not already given for suspension of them, beseeches him to know the King's pleasure therein, and accordingly not only to give present order, but likewise to acquaint the States' Ambassadors therewith to the end they may not be jealous that we would reprise by surprise. [Extract from Corresp. Holland.]
July 7. 159. Sec. Conway to Carleton. So pressing are affairs here for dispatch of the French Ambassador and fleet as at this time no present direction can be given touching the East India business, whereof neverthelesss care will be had, and an answer given with all possible speed. [Extract from Corresp. Holland.]
July 7. 160. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Debate upon the customs to be paid to the Farmers for the Company's refuse coral. Ordered, on the proposal of the Governor, that but one Court a week be held during this contagion, because the sickness does so universally disperse itself in the city, and their occasions are now but small, and would every day grow less and less until it should please God to send a return of some of their ships home; and that there be a general cessation for a while of all business which concerns the buying (if commodities, only the business at the yard at Blackwall was thought fit to go forward. Examination of the abuse of the defect found in the weight of pepper referred till next Court. Concerning the sale of indigo, gumlac, benjamin, and calicoes, to clear the warehouses against the coming home of ships. Demand of George Headland, Master of the Jonas, for his wages for the voyage performed two years since, which Mr. Lanman had refused to pay in respect he could not get Headland's journal, which he had now brought. 100l. to be paid to Matthew Graves towards finishing the Red Lion. 3½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk., VIII. 100–103.]
July 13.
161. Robt. Barlow to Sir D. Carleton. Understands that the business of Coen's stay in not proceeding to the Indies will be questioned by the 17 Bewinthebbers, and knows those of Home and Enchusen, with some of this chamber who are gone to Zealand, will join and so overrule and make a new election for Coen to go by the next ships. So unless Carleton obtains the States' letter prohibiting there will be means wrought to confirm Coen in the place arid send him away; for the resolution being taken by the 17 there is no opposing it. Coen hath retired himself into a village by Utrecht the better to effect his ends, which he and his friends will strain all their strings to compass although it should tend to the utter ruin of the Company. [Extract from Corresp., Holland.]
July 15.
162. Sec. Conway to Carleton. For the East India business, there must needs be some great misfortune in it when both parties show so much grievance and offence. Whatsoever they on that side pretend, our Company here is hardly kept from abandoning the trade, which as they must be held by the power of his Majesty's persuasions and command to continue, so must the differences be accorded by treaty with the Ambassadors here, to which we conceive their commission will sufficiently extend. [Extract from Corresp. Holland.]
July 15. 163. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Report of Mr. Governor that being with the Lord Treasurer he acquainted him that the generality made known that their discouragements have been so many and their losses so great, without hope of any reparation from the State, that they had resolved to proceed no further in their trade till they be righted by the Hollanders, especially seeing that a Dutch East India ship homeward bound lately rode two days within a league of his Majesty's ships who had command to stay her, and was suffered to pass through the Narrow Seas. His Lordship made answer he was sorry to hear the Company had this cause of discontent, and wondered at the passing by of that ship, considering the great and fair promises which had been made them, desiring him to relate the manner thereof; but Mr. Governor referred him to the attested declaration delivered to Sir John Coke, "because he would not question that great person who was reported by said attestation to be the cause thereof." Mr. Governor then endeavoured three several times to have conference with my Lord Chamberlain, but could not so, so repaired to Lord Conway and related the same, and how the Company had been mindful of what they promised the Lords at the Council Board to go on cheerfully with the Persian trade, that they had prepared two ships and had bought already 1,200 cloths besides great quantities of tin and other commodities for this voyage only, but were utter disheartened to proceed any further, and resolved wholly to give over the trade. His Lordship "seemed to be as it were ignorant" of the ship's passing, and demanded by what order it was done, to which Mr. Governor replied be doubted not but his Lordship best knew why and by what warrant his Majesty's former command was neglected, whereunto his Lordship gave no answer. Mr. Governor further said he had no commission from the generality to signify so much, but felt bound in duty to make known the same, so that both himself and the Committees may be free from blame having promised to advance the Persian trade as much as possible. His Lordship expressed a kind of dislike in this resolution of the generality, and said they may not give over the trade, for he would acquaint the King with it. Mr. Governor also reported that he had since attended the Lord President, to whom he had delivered the substance of the premises, so the Company must now attend the issue it will produce. Ordered that the calicoes, about 15 or 16,000 pieces, should not be opened but sold by the bale. Resolved, that the Exchange be not yet launched because of the great charge of keeping men aboard her. Payment to Quarles, the postmaster, for postage of letters to Mr. Misselden. Examination into the great defect of pepper [i.e. the quantity missing], there yet remain 390 bags undiscovered; resolved by all means to come to the light thereof, and that the auditors use extraordinary diligence in this particular. Henry Fotherby accepted tenant of the Company's house at the stone wharf in Deptford, with the banquetting house by the water side, and the long storehouse, at the yearly rent 8l. Leave granted to Mr. Markham, auditor, being in a deep consumption, to go into the country till Michaelmas, the Court considering that they cannot expect the service of a sick man, which is God's visitation, and being desirous to give their best furtherance for his recovery. They were also pleased to dispense with the attendance of Messrs. Hanson and Colthurst, auditors, holding it wisdom to lessen the number of those that have daily recourse to Crosby House "during the violence and heat of this contagion." Petition of cloth workers to be paid for some part of their work already done utterly denied. Report of Mr. Ducy that he found 1,000 loads of very good timber of Mr. Garroway's in Lincolnshire, within a mile and a half of the water side, resolved to treat about the price of same. Request of Mr. Leatt for the loan of the house wherein Mr. Burrell dwelt at Deptford to accommodate the Turk now resident here in respect of the infection in London; but at the request of Mr. Bell, who hath special occasion for the use of said house, the Court rather conferred it upon him, holding Mr. Bell more worthy to be respected and accommodated, being a committeeman, than a stranger, especially he being a Turk. Mr. Ducy's bill of 13l. 3s. 7d. for riding charges to be audited. Bond for payment of 357l. 5s. 10d. to Benj. Decrow, agent to the Muscovy Company, to be delivered to Mr. Kerby and Mrs. Harrison to be cancelled, the money having been paid. 6½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII. 103–109.]
July 17.
Doonarra, three days' journey beyond Jalore.
164. John Banggam to President Kerridge and Council. Has travelled in safety with Meer Moosa, having escaped the coolies who robbed part of the caffila and slew seven men. Met a peon a few days since belonging to the factory of Ahmedabad, who certified that John Goodwin and Jadoe were gone from Agra to Lahore; which, with the danger of the roads betwixt Agra and Lahore, by reason of the strength of the rebels about Delhi, and Meer Moosa's importunity, has occasioned his immediate repair for Lahore by way of Nagoare. Desires how he shall proceed against Jadoe, and whether they intend any present for the King, for they know he must not be empty handed. 1 p. [O.C., Vol. XI., No. 1202.]
July 23. 165. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Mr. Burrell's house at Deptford formerly granted to accommodate Mr. Bell and friends in this infectious season, now granted to Mr. Leatt for the use of the Turk, who is desirous to retire himself out of London. Message received from Mr. Washburne that one of his daughters is sick, and not knowing what the disease in these doubtful times may prove, he thought it meet to send the keys of the Exchange cellar, which were delivered to Treasurer Stone. Letter read from the Privy Council of 20 July inst., wherein their Lordships seem to take notice of some remissness in the managing of the affairs of the Company, also of a resolution in the Company to discontinue the East India trade, grounded upon an opinion that they should not be righted against the Dutch East India Company for the many injuries and losses sustained, and peremptorily requiring prosecution of the trade, and promising reparation when these contagious times should permit. Said letter taken into consideration, and resolved plainly to let their Lordships know that they are no way conscious of any remissness; that the resolution of relinquishing the trade was an order of the generality, grounded upon their losses and injuries abroad, and discouragements at home, because they are not righted according to the promises, orders, and commissions of the late King, the State, and Lord Admiral, and because the Dutch East India ship was suffered to pass notwithstanding the many commissions and commands for seizure of same, and that this Court cannot alter the order of the generality, nor can they in these contagious times be called together, the greater part having retired into the country, and so dispersed that they cannot be assembled; but the Court being unwilling to conclude anything in a business of so great consequence without Mr. Governor's opinion and approbation, ordered Mr. Cappur to ride to Mr. Governor and entreat him to give a meeting at four this afternoon to conclude upon the answer. Letter read from the Commissioners of the Navy desiring to be furnished with 200 tuns of water casks, because they could not be supplied by any other means, they acknowledging that the King's service was much beholding to the Company; the Court were content to accommodate them for ready money. In the afternoon, Mr. Governor being come to town, and the Deputy and Committees, who were present in the morning, having met, the answer to the Lords letter was agreed upon and ordered to be considered and engrossed against morning, when the Committees were to subscribe it. 5l. bestowed upon the parish of St. Helen's towards the relief of their sick and poor; and calling to remembrance the visitation of Tiggins and his family, 40s. were bestowed upon him. Joseph Cocrk's adventure in the second joint stock to rest in the Company's hands until his debt to his Majesty be paid or the account cleared. Petition of Natham Bolt and his wife against Burrell referred by the Lord Keeper to the Governor and Committees to certify the truth of the business. 3¼ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII. 109–112.]
July 23. 166. Morris Abbott, Governor; Christ. Clitherow, Deputy; Robt. Bateman, and Wm. Stone, Treasurers; Nic. Leatt, Nich. Crispe, Jef. Kerby, Hen. Garwaie, Robt. Bell, Edw. Warner, John Milwarde, and Humph. Browne, Committees of the East India Company to the Lords and others of the Privy Council. Have received their Lordships' letter of the 20th July, taking notice of a resolution in them to abandom the trade to the East Indies. This determinate purpose was no act of theirs, for it was concluded upon by the generality at a public assembly the 1st inst., called only for the election of the Governor, &c, which resolution grew by reason that (after so long solicitation and hopes for seizure of the Dutch ships and great expenses disbursed to effect the same) divers ships outward bound passed by, and especially one returned from the Indies, which rode two days within a league, and in the view of his Majesty's ships in the Downs, and went her way without question, contrary to the Company's expectation, and many orders from the Lord Admiral. Neither have they any power to proceed with the trade without the consent of the generality, which now cannot possibly be called together in regard of the contagiousness of the time. Cannot conceive their wrongs require any new debate, seeing they have not only been already sufficiently examined before his Majesty of blessed memory, and their Lordships, but the only remedy by their Lordships then propounded was to make stay of their ships, whereto his Majesty gave his assent, and their Lordships ordered it should be effected; and they conceive they shall never be righted, unless those ships be seized. Lastly they are not conscious wherein they have showed so great remissness in managing the East India trade as their Lordships' letters import; but if it please them to make known any particular they doubt not to give satisfaction concerning the same. 2 pp. [East Indies, Vol. III., No. 75.]
July 29. 167. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Mr. Ducy's bill of charges to be paid. Edward Tynes to assist Mr. Blunt in marking the cloths. Report of Mr. Governor that Mr. Sherburne had delivered to Lord Conway the Company's answer to the letter from the Lords of his Majesty's Council. On account of the sickness ordered that no more cloths be put out to dyeing and dressing for a fortnight, that all cloths now abroad be brought in, and because of these hard times that the cloth workers be paid a quarter of what they have earned upon account. William Webber, one of the six that came home from Amboyna, appointed to pursue the runaways and their sureties for recovery of imprest money, in the room of John Keeling deceased. Kerby's bill of 357l. 5s. 10d. delivered to him to be cancelled, he promising to deliver up to be cancelled Messrs. Stone and Bateman's counter bond. All the benjamin, being 15,000 or 16,000 cwt., sold to Mr. Leatt at 2s. 8d. per 1b. Mem. "There were no Courts between this and the 4th October in regard of the sickness." 3¼ pp. [Ct. Mm. Bk. VIII. 113–116.]