East Indies: November 1628

Pages 569-579

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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November 1628

Nov. 3. 741. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Request of Nevill concerning some bags of pepper which had lain in the warehouse for three years. Letter read from Capt. Bickley that his men refused to go again to sea this winter season; ordered that he be recalled from the Downs and that letters be sent to victual and man the prize at Falmouth and bring her to Plymouth. Counsel to be paid 20l. for the cause between David Bourne and the Company in Chancery, to be heard on the 6th. Liberty to be given to all who have pepper to take out to do so on paying 20s. per bag. Brokes to be defalked out of the 12th division from those who had not transported their pepper and calicoes according to order, at 5l. per bag for pepper and 20l. per cent. for calicoes. 2½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 118–120.]
Nov. 7.
The Hague.
742. Dudley Carleton to the Lords of the Council. Sends resolution of the States, at the end of which mention is made of his proposition touching the Amboyna business (sent herewith) made the 7th October (see ante No. 723) of September, the answer whereto the States now refer to further communication with his Majesty and the Council by their Ambassadors, who it seems have orders to insist once more on the personal appearance of the English witnesses, without which some of the States have intimated that their judges may not find subject enough to give such a sentence as his Majesty expects. Meantime no man calls for those originals sent over by their Lordships' appointment, which still remain in the hands of the Company's agent at Delft, but understands that their Lordships will be moved in case the witnesses cannot be persuaded to come over, to give order that those pieces be delivered, and the Fiscal be ordained ad concludendum in causâ. The Commissioners of this East Indian Company have been here with the States and dispatched all things necessary for their journey into England, and attend only such letters of safe conduct as they pretend others have had in former treaties. Enclosed,
742. I. "Extract out of the Register of the States General of the United Provinces. And to the proposition of the Agent Carleton about the business of Amboyna, no answer can be made until such time as further communication be had with his Majesty of Great Britain and the Lords of his Council by their Ambassadors now in England. 1628, Nov. 4–14. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Nov. 7. 743. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Payment ordered to Philip Bearden, purser of the Reformation for provisions. News of the safety of the Dolphin, which escaping the late violent storm is at anchor in Yarmouth Road. Capt. Pynn entreated to ride post to Yarmouth for dispeeding away the ships, and 10l. ordered for charges. The original will of the late President Hawley to be delivered to his brother and executor William Hawley, the copy not being sufficient for taking out letters of administration. The pinnace Edward to be forthwith unladen, and the men to receive their pay, the Company having no more use of her. After debate upon the quick stock to be sent this year in the two ships it was proposed to send 40,000l. to Surat and 20,000l. to Bantam, and to supply the factory in Persia with 15,000l. worth of tin, 1,000 cloths and 20,000 ryals of 8 upon credit, rather than that hopeful trade should be let fall, but these things were only propounded and nothing concluded. 2½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 121–123.]
Nov. 8.
The Hague.
744. Dudley Carleton to Sec. Conway. His Lordship will observe how the States, in answer to his Proposition of the 7th October, refer once more the consideration of the confrontation of witnesses to a further communication with his Majesty and the Lords. The States appointed Commissioners to communicate a writing of the same nature given by Secretary Coke to their Ambassadors in England to the judges, who framed a large letter persisting stiffly for the personal appearance of the witnesses, for as the depositions on both sides are as contrary as night and day, they cannot otherwise clear them, so that not finding hitherto any legal or sufficient ground to punish the delinquents, they left it to the States whether to proceed to sentence or to hold the matter longer in suspense. At the same time the Amboyna delinquents presented an earnest remonstrance for sentence, complaining of great wrong by reason of their long detention from their houses, wives, and children in the Indies. In private conference with some of the States, was told that in case he would require their Fiscal to ask sentence, there might be a speedy end, but if the sentence proved not such as was expected, peradventure it would be wished by our men that they had not omitted so essential a part of the process as the confrontation of witnesses. Whereto answered as before that nothing was so strange as to see judges of so great experience hesitate so much in so clear a case; that there were enough of his Majesty's subjects that understood justice as well as they, who would demand no other proofs against the delinquents than their own acts of their Amboyna process to hang them up, and that he feared his Majesty and the Lords could have no other opinion of these proceedings but that the judges made themselves the protectors of the murderers of his subjects, if they did not punish them according to the enormity of the crime. As for requiring the Fiscal to proceed, it belonged to the States to require him to do anything they liked. As touching the Psalm Book of Coulson and the bill of Towerson sent over by Sir. Henry Marten under the seal of the Admiralty, had let it be understood divers times that they are ready in the hands of the English Company's agent at Delft to be presented when called for. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Nov. 10–12. 745. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Letter read from Capt. Bickley about a longboat for the Palsgrave. Resolved that there be in store at Sandwich, Deal, and Dover cables, anchors, boats, and other provisions necessary for relief of their ships homeward bound. Concerning the further repairs necessary for the James. The Charles to be launched next spring (tide). Committees appointed to expedite the dispeeding away of the Charles and the London to the Indies and to buy 100 oxen more and a proportionable quantity of pork to be in readiness when occasion happens to set out another ship. Complaints sent home of the insufficiency of the ship carpenters; Mr. Stevens is admonished to be more careful for the time to come; he agrees to make all the masts for the Charles for 42l. Mr. Clifton to be sent for to next Court to answer complaints from the Indies of the badness of the bread in the Mary and Refuge, a former order was remembered; ordered that any baker serving "naughty bread" should be forthwith dismissed from baking for the Company. Spanish iron needful for making great anchors to be bought.
Nov. 12.—Consideration of the suit depending with Mary Fagg for some of the Moon's pepper. Examination of Clifton, the baker, who laboured to excuse himself concerning the badness of his bread on the Exchange, whereof one-third was cast overboard, deferred. Request of Mr. Offley to be cleared of the 50l. broke for not shipping pepper taken out upon stock. Debate on the order of Chancery presented by David Bourne in the cause between the Company and him; he demanded to have his stock out, but was answered that the Company can do no more for him than for other delinquents, 80 in number, that he was the only one who had complained of the order which was made so much in their favour, and that if he will bring his creditors they will do what they can for him. That preparations cannot be made for launching the Charles this spring, because Boatswain Ingram is sent in quest of the Morris and Mr. Swanley at Erith preparing for the ships in the river. Demand of Mr. Shrimpton, solicitor to Lady Dale, to receive her ninth division, amounting to 150l.; but as the business depending was referred back by the Lord Keeper to the referees, he was entreated to have patience until they had spoken with Mr. Acton. 7½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 123–130.]
Nov. 16.
The Hague.
746. Dudley Carleton to [Sec. Coke?]. Has delivered those originals sent over by order of the Lords of the Council from our East India Company to the President of the Judges of that cause, and taken an act of their receipt, which he judged better than to charge himself longer with them in expectation of their being called for, they having been so often desired by the States and so seriously demanded by their Ambassadors, The Commissioners will set forward so soon as they receive the letters of safe conduct desired. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Nov. 17. 747. Court Minutes of the East India Company. No tidings having been received of the Morris since she was driven from her anchor in the late great storm, resolved to dispeed forth with the Reformation in quest of her, with cables, anchors, and other necessaries. Committee to go down to Erith on Friday and break bulk of the Palsgrave, Dolphin, and Discovery. Request of the executors of Richard Cocks to have a sight of his book of accounts; Committee appointed to look into the accounts and report how they stand. Report of Mr. Treasurer Bateman that he had not above 4,000l. in the chest to pay 11,500l. behind of the dividends, besides other daily disbursements, and he desired the Court before they set forth any ships first to make sure of moneys to defray that charge; he was wished to be encouraged, for as they have three ships in safety, creditors will give the Company credit, and therefore they advised him to make use of the Company's seal, and to employ Mr. Bostocke, an honest and discreet man, the Court intending at next meeting to propound that Committees would afford their credits as formerly in case Mr. Treasurer cannot in the meantime be supplied upon their seal. Gratuities of 2l. apiece to 13 Dutchmen who came from the Indies in the Discovery for their charges into Holland, 2½. pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 130–133.]
Nov. 17.
748. The President and Council at Surat to the President and Council at Bantam. Advised them at large of their masters' affairs in these parts, by the Mary and Pinnace John, which departed the 11th current, and answered their letters of 19th May, 30th June, by the Blessing, Christopher and Cocoanut, and sent invoice and bills of lading of the goods and provisions upon the Mary, with copy of their masters' letter to them by the Jonas and Expedition, and would have sent transcripts of all by this conveyance of the Dutch, were they not doubtful of interception, or at least longer detention than honest correspondency would require. Have great engagements at interest caused by their large returns last year on the Palsgrave, Dolphin, Discovery, and William, and provisions for the dispatch of the Exchange, Blessing, Hart, and Star this season, with the necessity of the sudden dispeed of the Mary would not admit of any more cargazoon upon her than what accidentally offered by goods returned from Mocha for want of sales, viz., wheat, butter, oil, meal, and biscuit. Rice very bad and dear, so promised a larger proportion by the Christopher and Eagle after their return from Persia. Concerning Jeremy Shuker's balance of account at his late coming from Baroach. Are doubtful how to dispose of the Jonas, Expedition, Hopewell, and Little James, the wars in the Red Sea leaving no expectation of any good to be done at Mocha, and their means too small to afford any goods, though they send them to winter at Bantam, to which they will the rather be induced because there will be an overplus of pepper after the dispeed of the Mary, which if sent to them may go on the Jonas and another small ship which they intend to send for England next year, at less charge then if laden by itself from Bantam. Hear no news of the ship sent from Bantam for Masulipatam, and doubt the monsoon will give them a long passage. Nothing worthy of notice since the Mary's departure. Endorsed, "Copy of our letter of the 17th November a° 1628 . . . . per the Blessing." 2 pp. [O.C., Vol. XII., No. 1284.]
Nov. 19. 749. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Suit of Mrs. Jourdain that in regard the cause between her and Jonas Viney concerning her late husband's estate is now adjudged to her, and she has taken out letters of administration, the Company will order payment; ordered that the books be searched to see what remains due to her. On the sad news received this morning of the wreck of the Morris on the coast of Holland ordered that the Reformation be unladen and the men discharged, and that a caveat be entered to detain the wages of the Morris's men till further order. Concerning the action against Mrs. Fagg about a great quantity of the Moon's pepper pretended to have come to her hands. To examine the business of the 75 pieces of calicoes brought home in the Discovery but seized in Newgate Market by a waiter of the Custom House. Letter read from Mr. Mynors, master of the Refuge, complaining of the badness of the beer put abroad; ordered that the brewer be! warned to next Court. Request of Mr. Shrimpton, solicitor to Lady Dale, for payment of 150l. due upon her 9th division, answered as before, that though ready to pay the same, yet till the differences in Chancery are determined, or the Lord Keeper expressly requires it, the Company desire to be excused. Petition of George Fuller for the wages and a gratuity for his servant Richard Honniborne, who in the late fight with the French in the Reformation was shot in the leg and utterly maimed; ordered payment of his wages and 10s. out of the poor box, and a letter to be written to Alderman Cambell that his servant be received into St. Thomas's Hospital. Petition of the wife of john Darby, late mate of the Discovery, deceased, for the goods of her late husband; ordered that they first be brought to Crosby House to be viewed. 4pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI.133–137.]
Nov. 19.
750. Order in Council on a memorial of the States' Ambassadors touching the sending of the witnesses of the fact of Amboyna into Holland. His Majesty finds it very strange that having consented to as much as could reasonably be granted this sending over of his subjects into another country should still be insisted upon, being a thing against right or customs of nations. Yet to make it appear that nothing shall be denied which without prejudice may be granted for the satisfaction of the States, notwithstanding there is no doubt of the fact, the acts of the process being sufficient to bear a sentence, his Majesty to his former offer of permitting his subjects to be examined here by what magistrate the States shall require, and in presence of such as they shall depute, is pleased to add that if the States will send over the parties to be confronted with the witnesses he will give them safe conduct coming and returning, and they shall have the same liberty of confrontation as if they were in Holland. But in case due justice be longer protracted, his Majesty declares he can no longer forbear to put that course in execution which was resolved of by the late King on 27th September 1624, and more expressly notified by his protest of 9th September 1625, and presented in the States Assembly by his Majesty's Ambassador 27th October 1625, the translates of which are both annexed and delivered for final answer to the States' Ambassadors. 1½ pp. [Holland Corresp.]
[Nov. Jambi.] 751. [Thos. Taylor] to a Factor at Macassar. Has received his of 23rd of August by the King of Tallo's prow with news of the dispeed of the Roebuck for Bantam, since arrived, the untimely death of Mr. Bluck and the large favours of the King of Tallo. How this years poor supplies from England will enable him to give satisfaction for the great sums he is indebted to his Majesty is to be doubted, for only the Dove of 700 tons is sent by the Company, with 40 broad cloths, 3,070 ryals of 8, and Dutch money and rix dollars not current without extraordinary abatement to the amount of 8,000 ryals. Understands the Company will not send money or ships till assured of the President and Council's removal from Batavia, and Messrs. Hawley ("of both kinds,") Steele, Man, Mills, Bruen and Robinson are all sent for home. In the Dove is come one Wm. Hoare to be of Council and Muschamp is to be President, so that he stays one year longer, and President Bix goes for England by the first, as he understands by particular letters from both. The Dove was destined for Macassar, but no news being heard of the West Coast ships Abigail and Speedwell, the latter was to have been presently sent with advice for England, but it is thought they may be forced to send the Dove; and how then they can send to Macassar he knows not, for the greatest ship they had to sent to (Jambi) was the Jude, the Roebuck, Falcon and Cinnamon being unfit for sea. Dispeeded the Coaster and Dove for Bantam laden with pepper the 7th present, when the Jude arrived thence, and the Swallow, Carter master, went for Masulipatam, which [factory] is to be dissolved and Armagon continued. Have 400 tons of pepper which they will want at Bantam if ships arrive from Surat in December for England, but cannot have it for want of shipping and money to pay custom. Intends to sail for Bantam in the Jude in about 30 days. The Company has not one piece of cloth in the factory, but is much indebted, as they are in each factory. The Materam has of late much distressed Batavia, and some of his people by night desperately entered the castle, where there fell some hundreds of them and but three or four Dutch since which they lie intrenched within shot of the castle. Hope this will somewhat assuage the towering Dutch, having half undone the Burghers. who were forced to send confusedly aboard the ships their women and goods, a brave time for the merchants and masters of those ships, where it was better to try a combat with Venus than with Mars to wage war with the Materam. The inhuman Dutch have burned all the Company's houses, warehouses and stores, and Messrs. Muschamp and Hoare having gone to protest against the General, who answered that he had to defend his castle and town and would not talk on any business, but if they would come and be merry with him they should be welcome; how Hoare came into the castle and cunningly delivered the protest he cannot certify. If the Speedwell be not miscarried the Dove may be with him ere this. The two prows from Macassar, wherein is St. John the Frenchman, are safely arrived at Bantam. 2 pp. [O.C., Vol. XII., No. 1285.]
Nov. 27–28. 752. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Renewed request of Mrs. Jourdain for her deceased husband's estate; the Court, taking knowledge of what had been paid to Mrs. Viney and her non Jonas, and that John Jourdain, nephew to Capt. Jourdain, is indebted to the Company, allowed her for her present wants 10l., and ordered a suit to be commenced against John Jourdain upon his bond. Capt. Pynn's bill of charges for his journey to Harwich and Yarmouth to be paid. Report of Mr. Kirby that the beef and pork ordered will be all slaughtered before Wednesday next, and that Mr. Styles wished to forbear the buying of 100 more oxen; resolution deferred Report of Hanson of the state of the accounts of the powder mills, and of the powder made by Mr. Blyth, his offer to deliver 1 cwt. of powder for every cwt. of saltpetre, and to charge 10s. per barrel for workmanship, held no way reasonable, for every barrel would stand them in 7l. or more, and they conceived Mr. Evelyn would do it far cheaper. Gratuity of 4l. to the waiters of the Custom House for discovery of 75 books of calicoes delivered to the Company by warrant from Mr. Attorney, and of 30s. to Mr. Attorney's messenger. Thomas Corne to be warned to next Court concerning missing bonds committed to his custody. Gratuity of 20s. each again ordered to be bestowed on the 13 Dutchmen that came from Surat in the Company's ships.
Nov. 24.—Letters to be written to Mr. Poynett, the younger, to go down forthwith to the Downs and endeavour the recovery of the anchors and cables let slip out of the Palsgrave, Dolphin, Discovery, and Morris in the late great storm. Ordered that the purses of the Palsgrave, Dolphin, and Discovery present a note of all private goods brought in those ships, with names of the owners. Committees to confer with Sir Edward Randall concerning his own and his lady's making further assurance to the Company of their powder mills and grounds near Guildford, the Court inclining to give him some reasonable composition rather than to contest in law. Motion of the Lord Treasurer to contract for his Majesty's service for saltpetre returned in their ships; left for consideration. The wages of the men of the Reformation to be forthwith paid. Gratuity of 3l. to Mary Lane, whose husband was slain by the fall of an anchor while unlading the Discovery. The books to be searched about Mrs. Jourdain's cause, and the accounts of her husband's estate made ready, and to have 100l. for her present occasions. Request of Treasurer Bateman that the Court bethink themselves how to accommodate him with money. Debate upon the only two ways thought upon to raise money for setting forth the two ships, viz., upon the Company's seal, and upon the bonds of the Committees. Question whether they was sufficient in the land to make it good and pay their debts. That howbeit through the loss of the Morris no dividend will be paid, the Company will be no less able to set out two ships. Argued whether notwithstanding the order of the General Court it were not better to proceed on a new subscription, and that if his Majesty cause justice to be done on the Dutch and compose differences for the future, no doubt a sufficient stock will be raised to make the trade flourish as bravely as at any time heretofore. It was conceived that if the Committees are not divided in opinion the generality will no doubt incline to the proposition, and therefore thought fit to intimate that the great sums required for setting forth the two ships cannot be taken up except by the credit of the Committees, who refuse to be further engaged. Resolved that at the next General Court Mr. Governor declare the joint opinion of the Committees that it were better to divide all upon the old stock, and proceed on a new subscription, which if they will not do themselves then to give liberty to such as will, to buy the Company's ships and take off the Company's hands all provisions supplied for the two ships to be sent to Surat and Bantam, and to send them into all parts of India for one voyage only. Report of Mr. Governor that by his Majesty's express command the States Ambassadors had been sent for the Council Board and told how ill his Majesty took the dealing of the States in conventing Mr. Misselden before them as a delinquent for doing but his duty, especially he being a public minister of his Majesty, and that his Majesty required him to write to the States to give knowledge thereof from whom he expected justice and reparation, which they undertook to do; so that what was intended to disgrace Mr. Misselden was by his Majesty's favour like to turn to his honour and to the justification of his faithful proceedings. Resolved that Mr. Governor attend his Majesty to-Morrow to deliver the King of Bantam's letter, and give account of the success of his Majesty's letter to that King, and his kind reception of their servants.
Nov. 26.—Dispute as to the continuance of the trade deferred to be debated more fully at a General Court. Report of Mr. Governor that he understood from the Lord Treasurer the unwillingness of the Dutch Commissioners to come over about accommodation of differences till the business of Amboyna be first settled, finding that his Majesty presses this matter home upon them, and that yesterday with some Committees he presented the King of Bantam's letter to his Majesty, declared that King's noble and hearty reception of their servants, and caused the extract of their Factor's letter to be read to that purpose, wherewith his Majesty seemed well pleased; he also let his Majesty know of the present sent to him by the King of Bantam in the ship Morris, which was unfortunately cast away on the fly land near the Texel on the coast of Holland, which his Majesty seemed very sorry for, and that he further gave his Majesty thanks for stirring up the States' Ambassadors and letting them know how ill his Majesty takes the delay of the judges in the Amboyna cause, upon which his Majesty said it was true he had been round with them, but the sending over the witnesses was again very earnestly pressed by the States, by reason of the contradiction in the depositions of the witnesses, and therefore though his Majesty held it not fit to send them, yet if the witnesses would go voluntarily, it would take from the judges all exception of delay; but Mr. Governor answered that the Company were advised this could not be done without much dishonour to his Majesty and wrong to the cause which would thus be submitted to their censure; and his Majesty said he never intended to do this, being but a permitting not a remitting of the cause; but Mr. Governor desired the Company to be excused, for they were confident that the Dutch never intended to pronounce any sentence against their people for this fact of Amboyna, and that this was but to protract the cause, for if they conceived the confrontation of witnesses so material to guide their consciences, they have many of their own people now in Holland who were present at Amboyna, and will witness as much as any of the English, divers having made voluntary confessions before a public notary in Amsterdam, copies whereof, fair written in a book, Mr. Governor offered to present and read to his Majesty; but his Majesty answered that he was fully satisfied concerning the fact, and commanded the book to be delivered to Mr. Sec. Coke, and that he should cause them to be read at the Board, and then acquaint the Ambassadors therewith. Mr. Governor also acknowledged his Majesty's favour and order for reparation of Mr. Misselden's credit for the wrong done to him by the States who convented him before them as a delinquent for doing but his duty as a public minister of his Majesty, beseeching his Majesty to continue his countenance to his, which was seconded by the Lord Treasurer. Committees to attend the Lords in the afternoon, when the attestations of the Dutch (presented yesterday) concerning the fact of Amboyna are to be read, and if they find opportunity, to press the reading of Mr. Misselden's letter and declaration to the States that the whole Board may know the wrong offered him. Mr. Clarke questioned for 16 bags of pepper not transported according to order, whereupn 5l. per bag charged on his account. Ordered that Thomas Corne be warned to next Court to answer his abuse of gathering in debts of runaways, some of the bonds being missing; and that that employment be henceforth committed to John Spiller, the Company's beadle. An assessment of 68. 8d. per acre imposed by the Commissioners of Sewers for the Company's ground at Blackwall to be paid. Ordered that the will of Tho. Barker, who died in Persia, be delivered to Wm. Browne, his brother and executor, and that Barker's accounts be examined. Also that Jane, widow of Philip Garland, late surgeon in the Palsgrave, receive his estate; and that 10s. for an amercement and two quitrents of 1s. be repaid to Nicholas Collins, the Company's bailiff at Deptford. Part wages to be paid to Fortunatus Guy, servant to Wm. Mills, deceased, boatswain of the Discovery. Gratuity of 22s. to George Fuller for the burial of his servant, Richard Honnibone, who died in St. Thomas' Hospital of a hurt in the leg received in the late fight with the French in the Reformation.
Nov. 28—Offer of Capt. Prynn, late Commander of the pinnace Edward, to conduct the prize from Falmouth. John Jourdain, sometime the Company's servant in the Indies, and lately arrested for a debt of 4,000 ryals charged upon his account, to be set at liberty on entering into bond to produce Mr. Spalding, or some other pregnant proof for his discharge, having, as he alleged, accounted for the 4,000 ryals to Rich. Harris at Morocco, whose receipt he had lost. Debate upon the resolution of the last General Court to divide half a capital in pepper and set forth two ships for Bantam and Surat, the question being, considering the unhappy loss of the Morris, how to provide money, goods, and provisions, and to satisfy mariners' wages, the remain of the dividend, 11,000l., besides custom, impost, &c., altogether estimated at not less than 100,000l. Resolved to declare to generality that the opinion of this Court is to proceed upon the old stock, for this time only, upon the credit of the Committees, and to waive the dividend, so as to be the better able to send out these two ships with a brave and large capital. 17 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 137–154.]
Nov. 28. 753. Minutes of a General Court. Mr. Governor declared that he must deliver both good and bad news. That all their four ships were in extreme danger, during the late great storm, but that the Palsgrave, Dolphin, and Discovery were now in the river in safety, but the Morris was cast away and lost; that for her preservation a skilful pilot and 70 fresh men with all things necessary were put aboard since her coming into the Downs, and other measures taken for relief of the other ships, that the Morris was driven on the coast of Holland and could not be found, but beating up and down unhappily met with a Holland man-of-war, which put a pilot aboard to conduct her into the Texel, but the storm continuing he missed his course and was driven upon the sands of the Fly Island, where the ship was east away with the loss of 80 men and all her goods except some small matter. This disaster, the cause of this meeting, for it is conceived they will not now be able to set out the two ships ordered at the last General Court and make the division of half a capital in pepper as well; whereupon after large debate it was resolved to waive the division of the half capital in pepper, and to confirm their former resolution for setting forth two ships for this year only upon the old stock with 60,000l. or 70,000l. capital or as much more as they shall be able to raise. Propositions by one of the generality [Mr. Mynn] that no order of the generality may hereafter change their resolution not to send out any particular man's estate upon the old stock unless he give his consent, conceiving it unreasonable that a General Court of not above 200 persons should tie the rest of the Company against their consents who were at least three times the number; secondly, that charges both at home and abroad be lessened as much as might be; and, thirdly, that the goods hereafter returned might be sold for payment of their debts, and the rest to be divided according to the adventurer's subscriptions; the first and third propositions were held most just and reasonable to be ordered, and thought fit that when the ships be dispeeded away consideration be taken of the second proposition by the Mixed Committees, though it was remembered that the Standing Committees had not been negligent in lessening salaries and displacing servants they could spare. Petition, with order in Chancery annexed, presented by David Bourne, desiring, in commiseration of his distressed estate and for discharge of his debts, the generality to order him payment of 500l. due to him out of the proceeds of the first joint stock and 375l. paid in by him to the second joint stock, alleging that the like favour was done to the Earl of Suffolk, then Lord Treasurer, deceased, and the said order of the Lord Keeper desiring that his stock might never be sent out again, and moving the Company to take some conscionable course for his relief; whereupon Mr. Governor related that he and some Committees had satisfied the Lord Keeper that it was not in the power of the Court to perform it, and if it were it would occasion the Company to pay to other delinquents in the like case at least 80,000l. or 100,000l., but if the General Court should nevertheless think fit to grant this suit, the Governor and the rest would not oppose; upon which the Court being persuaded that though in right they cannot do it, yet in charity they may, considering [his misfortunes and nine years imprisonment, ordered that the whole 875l. be paid to Bourne between this and Lady Day next, nothwithstanding it was the express order of the Court that this shall be the last they will ever grant in this manner to any whomsoever. 4pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 154–158.]