East Indies: January 1628

Pages 439-458

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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January 1628

Jan. 2–4.
572. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Request of Mr. Methwold on behalf of Mr. Muschamp to employ 131l. worth of silk in cloth for two suits of apparel, beaver hats, silk stockings, garters and four cases of strong waters; the Court not unwilling to pleasure a deserving servant were content to deliver the silk to Methwold with condition to disburse 40l. in those commodities and keep the rest till Muschamp's return, but not to employ any in commodities for the Indies except by special leave. Difference between Nicholas Skinner and his son-in-law, Richard Wiseman, about an adventure; ordered that Sambrooke examine the accounts and ask Skinner if his son-in-law being a prisoner could come to a hearing of the cause. Relation of Bruite Greade, late carpenter in the London, that he had made known to President Hawley, at Jacatra, the unserviceableness of the Abigail to go to the coast of Coromandel, but that he respecting more the accommodation of Eustace Man, who was to go master in her, than the good of the Company would not hearken to him, but called him knave, and he was soundly beaten by the purser, Cockram, and the steward, Bill. He also complained of the great power and pride of young Hawley who rules all, of his building a junk, for which he culled out the Company's best planks, and spent their nails, spikes, tar, pitch, ordnance, powder, shot, &c., with other insufferable abuses, which he would make good whensoever called upon to do so, and said if any man can get young Hawley his friend he need not care who his enemy is in the Indies; ordered that not only these informations be recorded in the Company's books but that Capt. Pynn, Gread, and all others that can speak anything against the proceedings of the President, his kinsman, or others set them down in writing under their hands and on their oaths, to remain as testimonies against the delinquents on their return. Stephen Porter's wages increased from 15s. to 25s. per month on the special recommendation of the President and Council at Jacatra in respect of his extraordinary pains in the Counting house and in engrossing their aggrievances. Ordered that the 10,000 Ryals to be sent in the pinnace Dove be enlarged to three chests of silver containing 800l. apiece.
Jan. 4.—Request of Jonas Colbach to receive some part of his means remaining in the Company's hands, but was referred to a more ample Court in regard of the exceptions against him as well concerning matter of account as his disorderly behaviour and debauched carriage in the Indies. Mr. Sherburne ordered to procure a letter from the Lord Treasurer to Mr. Wollfrayes the Farmors Deputy at Southampton concerning goods landed from the Expedition. 121b. of pepper bestowed upon Mr. Harrison of the Custom House for his speedy despatch in all the Company's affairs. 4½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 204–208.]
Jan. 4.
573. President Thomas Kerridge, Richard Wylde, John Skibbowe, Joseph Hopkinson, Wm. Martin, and G. Page to the East India Company. Their reasons for not sending home a ship after return of the fleet from Persia, as promised in letter of 29th Nov. 1626 (see ante No. 378.) are certified in their last letter of 17th March, 1627, [wanting] sent to Mocha overland by Grand Cairo. If unreceived, the transcripts and books of registers herewith sent will declare their designs in the employment of the fleet. Will now send more particular reply to letters of 30th September 1624, received by the Palsgrave and William in October 1626, with others of March 1625 and March 1626 by the Christopher, and of April 1626 by the William. Explanations concerning the silk and cotton yarn found rotten on arrival of the Dolphin in England, and their especial care for the well stowing of all goods. Have already given their opinion concerning the loss of the Whale by the James and Jonas. Good correspondence with this country people (the Guzerats) continued with greater amity than before the breach, who are more inclined to the English than the Dutch, albeit the intrusion of the Swally Governor, who for private gain would enforce a new custom which detained their goods 40 clays in the fields. Concerning the amity enjoined with the Dabullers of Deccan; the debt still unsatisfied by the Deccannees of Nizam Shaw's country for the caphila robbed by his army. In the margin is written the account of Melech Amber still indebted. Reasons for not attempting trade in Dabul; the death of Edell Shaw, King of Dabul, and minority of the infant King, induce them to fear it would become a prey to Nizam Shaw, his potent neighbour, whose lately deceased general, Melech Amber, was master thereof two years since, but restored it by composition. State of their business in Mocha; the few commodities were received by the Factors there, who are still detained, but give encouragement for prosecution of that trade. Rebellion of the Arabs against the Turks. Send copy of letter received from Mocha, whereby they will perceive that Thomas Beale, one of the four factors left there, took passage for Deccan, but it is not known what has become of him. The Deccannees will detain him (if living) to constrain our pass for their shipping. Our attempts against the Portugals for their insolent and inhuman butchery on our people not successful Wants and excesses in the ladings of' the Dolphin, London, Jonas and Lion grieve them much, not knowing how to procure satisfaction, because most of the Factors have left, and the principals remaining, Joseph Hopkinson, chief at Ahmedabad, and William Martin, chief in Baroach, know not where to impute the fault. The Factors returned in the Blessing, William, and Star should give account of the three churls of indigo missing; perhaps they were stolen on the way from Ahmedabad. Remarks and explanations concerning other missing goods. Know not to whom to impute the other bales opened by thieves, but fear the greatest thieves are their own people either at the marine or aboard the ships, otherwise 3 hhds. of indigo could not be filled up with their old clothing. Describe how the goods are taken charge of from remote factories and guarded till finally discharged aboard the ships. Have not neglected the Company's orders for timely providing of goods, as appears by the large sums owing at dispeed of the James and their present engagements exceeding 36,000l.; but the return of the ships the year of their arrival is impossible. as well for that the calicoes are procured with tedious labour as that the shipping are many more than they have means to lade home. The Company's desire for farming customs of their goods will not be granted, nor would it be convenient. Jewels, cloth, tapestry, and other goods sold at Cambaya, also satins, &c., sold to the Governor, Mirmosa, newly returned from Court, the same that proffered more for Sir Francis Crane's tapestry in Ahmedabad than afterwards it yielded at the Court at Lahore; the cloth of gold and plushes he utterly refused, being mean and exceeding dear, and the plushes so ruffled in packing as to be unvendible. Mirmosa earnestly desired the principal jewels, but thought them extraordinarily over rated, but after going to Ahmedabad to advance their sale, returned and sold the Governor the crystal cup for 8,600 rupees, a gold feather set with rubies at 1,400 rupees, add two rings at 1,000 rupees, which is much less than they are invoiced to have cost. No endeavour omitted to advance the price of the great ballast [ruby] appertaining to Sir Thomas Roe and Mr. Leatt, which, was bought by a rich jeweller of Ahmedabad, who being on some complaint commanded to Court desired to furnish himself with rarities for 15,900 rupees without any other abatement than a toy of Mr. Leatt's rated at 3l. and broken given to his child, and a vest of satin to each of the brokers that negotiated the business; he also bought three rubies for 5,200 rupees, the pearls valued at little more than half the price invoiced, and the emeralds at one-third. Desire no more jewels may be sent except extraordinary rich orient round pearls, paragon rubies, and beautiful, but not any emeralds. Broad cloths go slowly, and fine clothing is yearly brought out and sold by private traders at mean rates. The amber beads found vent at Ahmedabad at far less rates than heretofore, though at 25 per cent, profit; to send less quantities and supply the want with rough amber. Elephants' teeth at the arrival of the Palsgrave and William, through quantities lately brought by the Portugals, greatly declined, but after some months producing a small gain, but at present in better esteem. Want in weight, which they impute to drying on the way. Prices at which the coral was sold, the benefit much less on the larger than the smaller sorts. The gains of all above the invoice. Remarks on the difference of weight in the 21 chests invoiced, wrappers rotten and neither numbers nor marks discernible. For prevention the marks and numbers should be set on the lids of each chest. Lead sold and exported to Ahmedabad and Baroach, where no great quantities have been sold. Remnant of commodities landed last year, jewels, satins, plushes, cloth of tissue and broad cloth. Decease of Justinian Offley in Agra, after a lingering sickness, 18th April last; he was buried by the Dutch, no English being there. Gregory Clement, Robert Cletheroe, and Ralph Cartwright arrived there 15th June, and found John Banggam and John Goodwin newly come from Lahore. The house was surrendered by the Governor of Agra, and the Dutch, who had sealed up the Company's goods. Offley's accounts most imperfect. Consultations with the Commanders about fortification, London's Hope and Bombay, places selected by the Company, not fitting. Full description of the island called Bombay; the inhabitants are poor fishermen and labourers subject to the Portugal, whither the Portugals' and Moors' cattle come to feed, in length 6 or 7 leagues, and in breadth little more than an English mile. The Portugals have chosen the fittest places to fortify; the entrance cannot be commanded from the shore, so the Portugals have not bestowed cost in strengthening it, as at other places; the small forts keep the Malabars from robbing the country, which abounds with fruits, rice, and fish, a most pleasant and healthful place, with stones for building, and timber from the main in abundance to make Portugal frigates, but greater ships they build at Bassein and Damaun. Our seamen's opinions concerning Ormuz and Kishme. It is past all doubt by the letter of Mr. Burt, agent at Ispahan, that the King hath given ample denial for any fort within his Persian dominion, the reason for us to assist the King of Persia to take Muscat, lest he claim the continent of Arabia also. To have fortification in some convenient harbour is very necessary, where-unto they have joined their endeavours, but it cannot be effected without a greater number of engineers and military than their fleets ever afford. Have inquired concerning all the harbours of this coast, but none fit without great cost and difficulty. Defects at London's Hope, yet all difficulties may be overcome if the Company regard not the charge. The jealousy of these inhabitants will afford neither workmen nor materials, nor would workmen go, "being gentiles and superstitious in their eatings." The fleet last year departed hence 1st March and arrived at Batavia 28th May, and with the Exchange sailed thence 18th June, anchored at Augustine Bay 28th July, and proceeded for the Islands of Comoro, against our orders, spent 17 days in Mohilla and Joanna in expectation of the fleet's arrival from England, sailed 28th August, and arrived at Swally 1st October without encounter of friend or enemy. Account of commodities consigned for Batavia on that fleet, and in return received cloves, sandal wood, sheathing boards, and rack. The bad sales in Persia have caused them to desist sending thither until requiry, and to send the Blessing to the southwards with a round cavidall of goods. Sent for Masulipatam, on the Morris, broad cloth, gold and lead. Abstracts of the several invoices sent herewith. The Morris arrived at Masulipatam the 27th April, but departed not from Armagon, laden, till the 14th August, for which they refer to the Factors' letter, as also for what they laded from Masulipatam. The Abigail repaired by counsel of Eustace Man, but the charge has since made them wish it undone; there many months till 15th October, was dispeeded before the other was ready for Armagon, to lade salt. The fortifications at Armagon given over, the Factors contenting themselves with a residence. Two small pieces of coin of Armagon, and 20 other musters of gold reduced into troy weight and English value will be found in the box of writings. Arrival of seven Dutch ships and a pinnace at Swally, from Batavia, with a packet of letters from the President and Council, and copy of their letter to England by the Expedition, which, with a protest against the Burghers of Batavia, is sent herewith. An English ship then in sight, conjectured to be the Speedwell. Three of these Dutch ships consigned for Surat last year, but one leaky returned to the Texel, where hearing, through the James and Jonas' arriva., the danger of the Portugal in these seas, they were ordered for Batavia, and were 12 months or more on the way; and this year the same fear caused their sending two other ships for Batavia, which increased their number to seven. The Dutch stick not to beast of 200,000l. received in moneys and goods for Surat and Persia, and have landed 25 chests, each containing 8,000 ryals of 8, store of gold of all sorts, and broadcloth, quicksilver, vermilion, and lead, though in no such quantity as to prejudice the sale of the Company's. This plenty gave no relief to us, because of debts for money taken up at interest and goods bought at Ahmedabad and Cambaya for 38,600l., our business found a general stop for want of means. Unexpected opposition to lading for new customs in Swally, besides Surat. The dissentions in consequence and conduce of Mirmoso, Governor of Cambaya, which cost them large presents, a reconciliation at last concluded by the King's government, which cost another bribe of 500 rupees and accustomed presents. News of the King's death on the 1st November, on his journey betwixt Cashmere and Lahore, which filled all men with fear, except thieves and rebels, every one attending who should succeed him. Stratagems to seize the castle and proclaim Prince Charoom [Kharrum] King. Whilst all men were distracted with these occurrences, arrived Capt. Hall's fleet from England on 29th November, the day wherein the castle was surprised. Accident of fire in the Palsgrave, where many bales were wet or burnt. Their tardy arrival imputed to contrary winds, arrived at Cape Speranza the 10th July, and departed the 20th, but gained not Mohilla till the 10th September, whence they departed the 16th. It is requisite either to give their fleet more timely dispatch or absolutely to prohibit them touching at Cape Speranza. Received three copies of their letter of 12th March, with transcripts of former letters and all other writings mentioned. Relation of the differences between Prince Kharrum and Mahomet Khan, the King's general, who though he had set Aseph Khan at liberty by instigation of the Queen, was commanded to keep himself and his army five course from the King's, and expelled from the revenues of Bengala; he was followed by 10,000 or 12,000 of the King's horse who never came within 15 or 20 course of his stations; meantime his eldest son having surrendered Bengala, received gracious entertainment from the King, in Cashmere. News of the King's death put life into the Prince to stand for the kingdom. He first possessed himself of Surat, Sief Khan's friends having fled into the castle. Lent the King 5,000 ryals to be defalked out of the customs, and 7,000 more some merchants borrowed to lend him. Followed him towards Baroach and delivered their present into the King's own hands, being two fair horses, Arabian and Persian, six yards scarlet and six yards rich cloth of gold, which and especially the horses, one of which he rode himself the next day, together with themselves, had gracious acceptance and general applause, and on his demand what we would have, showed our late grievances, and the next day received his phirmaund for all good usage, and are confident, if he be King, that our suits will have better redress than heretofore. The Governor of Baroach received him not, so the King proceeded towards Ahmedabad, and was received at all other places; when within 20 miles of the city the whole nobility came forth, and accepted him as their King, but most of the richer inhabitants, knowing his wants must be relieved, hid themselves. The officers rendered all the old King's treasure, and gave large presents of their own, and Surat Castle, with the treasure therein, was also delivered to him. Sief Khan was pardoned; but the Prince took what he liked of his treasure, jewels, elephants, horses, and servants, and proceeded with 25,000 horse over the mountains towards Agra, where it is likely he will be enthroned, though two other competitors have been proclaimed kings; for the Queen's son-in-law surprised Lahore and was first proclaimed King, but in a battle the late great Queen and her son-in-law were taken prisoners, and the conqueror proclaimed, but all elsewhere is reserved for Kharrum, whom the Governor of Agra has called, the soldiers love, and whose age, warlike disposition, travail, and experience have made him fittest for the government of so many nations. Have not heard any tidings of the Scout, but the Refuge arrived with the rest. His Majesty's Ambassador [Sir Dodmore Cotton] came safely in company of Sir Robert Sherley and his lady, but the Persian Ambassador died the day before anchoring at Swally, and the merchant's son a few days after, coming from Mohilla. The latter made a will, and the former had little to give. The late coming of the fleet prevented the Ambassador from going to Surat, who went for Persia in the William, leaving Sir Robert Sherley in the Star. Have sent to Persia the Exchange, William, Hart, and Star, which carried near 300 passengers, mostly Persians, and a large freight In them were sent the goods consigned by the Company, with 18 broad cloths and one chest of ryals to accommodate transportation of the goods up country. The reasons given by the Company for sending so small supply will not pass current there. The ships set sail 17th December, the Dutch fleet being gone eight days before. What induced them to detain the Mary; the rest sufficient to encounter the Portugals, who have received a greater overthrow by the will of the Almighty than our forces could give them. Have provided sufficient quantities of the kinds of goods sent by the James and Jonas to lade the Palsgrave, Dolphin, and Discovery. Price of indigo which cannot be abated, but is rather like to increase; the quantity bought and where; 200 bales, by Gregory Clement at Agra. Have provided and sent greater quantities of cotton cloth or calicoes than in any year before; the qualities and quantities are set forth. Send enough saltpetre to ballast the ships, the best from Agra and Ahmedabad cost very dear, by reason of exactions on the way, and is laden on the Palsgrave, Dolphin, and Discovery; a like quantity may be expected on every ship. Description and quantities of dutties sent; some shorter than heretofore, which the brokers affirm to be a new custom in Dulka, but have determined this year to settle one or two factors there. Five bales of Gundinee dutties are also sent, and any refused by our broker are bought as fast as made by Surat merchants for Mocha. Long white bafties have been provided by Joseph Hopkinson, and semanos by Robt. Tottell J. Of Watchett dutties 144 bales are sent, but will send no more till required. Description of other cloths and stuffs shipped for England in these ships; the serayas [? serges], Hopkinson says are useful for flags, and may be dyed into fitting colours. Other stuffs provided in Baroach and Brodera, by the chief factors, William Martin and Richard Barber and in Ahmedabad. One bale, containing seven carpets from Persia, will be received, but no more provided until ordered; a pair bought by Justinian Offley must be sent home, for they are too costly for our use. Account of the bales of silk sent from Persia; also of quilts and cotton yarn bought in Baroach and Cambaiett of which the Dutch buy great quantities also. Of Cornelian beads and blood stones five baskets are now sent. Of spikenard eight bales. Of aloes Socotrina eight hhds. bought by Ralph Cartwright, purser of the Palsgrave, in Socotra, and 14 butts bought cheaper of the King's servant in Surat. Of gumlack 136 bales, the sort in sticks suddenly bought up for Persia. Richard Wylde has contracted with Deccan merchants for 1,500 piece of coarse salloes and 3,000 pieces of finer sorts, if these should be disliked hope they will find vent in Poland, Barbary, or Turkey, whither abundance are transported, or in Algiers or Tunis. Also send three bales of cotton cloths belonging to Justinian Offley, deceased, Thomas Barker, deceased, in Persia, and Richard Chamberlain, steward of their house in Surat, who deceased the 2nd September, together with the inventory and accounts of Chamberlain's estate. The cloves from Batavia invoiced 250 cwt. : 2 : 22 lb., whereto were added 7 cwt. : 1 : 25½ lb. belonging to Richard King, who deceased in September when purser in the Exchange on his way from Batavia, are laden aboard the Discovery. Greatly marvel at the want of 18,000 lb. in the 627,936 weight of pepper sent in the James, the want is not here to be sought, for we had our full weight from the sellers. Garbling is not known in this country, but if the Company will send instruments, and some one to direct, it shall be done. Account of the Malabar pepper sent loose in the Palsgrave and Dolphin and aboard the Discovery bought in barter of lead; Persia vends great quantities bought here by Dutch, Moors, and all other traders; also of the weight of the Bantam pepper and Deccan pepper sent. Little cinnamon comes to Surat, but they chanced to buy covertly from a Portugal 40 bales, which is sent with 60 bags of cotton wool. Will not fail to procure against next year green ginger, keeses, tapseels, thread, and dimities. Have observed their order in naming factors that provided the goods. Have not seen any rare birds in these parts; the beasts of esteem arc antelopes and other deer, whereof they send a buck and two does on the Palsgrave. Some error and loss caused in repacking goods on the Palsgrave through the fire. How the accident was occasioned by a candle taken out of a lanthorn by a midshipman to see a void place in the hold. Loss of part of a caphila also from Ahmedabad by thieves, when two country people were slain, and an Englishman that made good defence and slew a prime horseman of them, was left for dead, but recovered. Hope to find vent for coral, teeth, amber beads, quicksilver, stametts, &c. Their debts are more than all the money received, which will constrain them to keep great sums at interest till next supply. Received one chest of small coral beads by the William said to belong to Alderman Gore, but no advice concerning price; also a chest of wrought plate, in all 646 ozs., but no invoice or advice. In margin, "this was the Company's which should have been sent to Jacatra to furnish the factory of Lagundy." May justly excuse themselves from the blame of employing insufficient factors, for the choice has been so small that better could not be spared, but what may be done shall be effected now their supply is enlarged. Sent with Mr. Burt last year for Persia, William Gibson, Jno. Antill, and George Turner, surgeon, who also took on shore Malachi Martin, purser of the Dolphin, and some other young men; also this year Robert Woader as an accountant, and Jno. Strethay, a silkman. This factory and others depending upon it, has been reasonably well supplied by men from the ships, viz., Arthur Suffield, purser of the Blessing, Ralph Cartwright, purser of the Palsgrave, Nicholas Wolley, purser's mate of the Falcon, Ralph Rand, purser's mate of the Morris, and Jno. Webb and Thomas Smyth, writers. Of those now come Skibbow is admitted one of the Council, Edward Scudamore to attend the Customs, Richard Predys, Nathaniel Wich, and Crispin Blagden, shall be placed, and Jeronimo de Payna employed as occasion shall require. Thomas Kerridge, Joseph Hopkinson, and William Martin have yielded to another year's stay and to have for President whoever the General Council shall elect. Jno. Glanvile, who has been two years' from Baroach, intended to have returned by the James and Jonas, but went aboad the Dolphin last year conceiving she would be sent home, and there has remained ever since. The small diamonds sent home were prize goods, which might have been ascertained of Wm. Hoare that carried them. A new mine was some years past discovered near Masulipatam, but has been shut again lest it should give edge to the more powerful for invasion. Near Vizapore also an old mine affords some diamonds which the Portugals buy, but do not yield competent profit to transport; if the Company will send means and advice as to sorts and quantity opportunity shall be embraced. Observations concerning private trade. Complain of the Company requiring an account of what private trade was on the Anne as if they all were accessories. The master, Eustace Man, conceived to have been the principal private trader so they retained almost 1,000 ryals of eight from him, for which they gave him bills of exchange on the President and Council at Jacatra, but are wholly ignorant what private trade he carried. Gregory Clement could not do much, he is at Agra, so cannot give his reply now. Did not advise the Company of the leave given to some Guzerats to have private trade to Jacatra by the Anne; the reasons which moved them to grant this liberty. The Dutch granted these principal Guzerats the like liberty and returned them 70 per cent, the same year. At the instance of the Company's Persian factors, granted passage to Bantam to a merchant, sent by Mullaimbeage to procure China wares and rarites for the King of Persia; and others have obtained passage which is also ordinarily given by the Dutch. Things of this kind must be left to the discretion of the President and Council. Opened the Company's letter to the President and Council of Jacatra concerning the removal of their people from thence, under the subscription of four or five principal officers of the London, they resolved to open their letter to that President and Council, whereby many things came to their knowledge. Bejoice that they have so absolutely ordered the removal. Coen digging for letters at the Cape found these also, and after perusal sent them to Capt. Hall. Uncertain whether their people shall be suffered to remove to Bantam. Expect return of the Blessing's lading in pepper from Bantam, which is 50 per cent, cheaper than Deccan pepper; send Edward Scudamore to effect it. Have many more ships than they have means to lade. Sugar dear and scarce, except brought from Agra, and saltpetre procured with difficulty, only cotton wool plentiful, but never a profitable lading except stived, for which instruments must be sent. Hope the Company will consider what was written by the Expedition for the augmentation of trade, for the Dutch begin to reap the harvest which with costly expense the English have long time sown, and of which they cannot fail to gather a portion if the King assist them. No discouragement should cause desistance from the resolution to separate and plant in some place which would draw Chinese and others from the Dutch, and where it may be effected far more profitably than in these parts. Coffa [Coha in margin] seed grows plentifully about Mocha, the price also of the husks; both are useful in making the drink, send a sample of each. Have answered concerning London's Hope, but whether Zela, Barbara, and Magadoxa are fit for trade shall be further inquired after. Observe what the Company write concerning Jeronimo de Payna. The Auditors advertisements concerning accounts per the William and the Mary answered by Richard Wylde. Two dollars sent for musters, with the Masulipatam musters. of gold, which if their value at home were not mistaken yield most profit of any silver coin. Saved 10,000l. custom in landing the gold, but part must pass the Custom House to colour the rest; nothing vends readier or to more profit than 20s. English gold pieces. Concerning their last year's accounts now sent with those of Ahmedabad and Baroach, this year's not yet balanced, the Ahmedabad and Cambayet accounts not coming in season. Agra and the Court still the tardiest though divers letters show their earnest soliciting of the accounts, but Justinian Offley is dead and John Banggam has deferred them on account of his continual travel and still excuses himself, though they have written to him often and sharply, so cannot distinguish the charge for Sir Francis Crane's goods. Their caution concerning the Dutch shall be observed, experience having taught how far to trust them; the agreement for our ships rendezvous lasted but one year, and the Company may please to omit it in future instructions. Uncertain how to dispose of this great fleet until return of the ships from Persia; the Red Sea would yield something if fear of after question at Constantinople did not restrain;" the Portugal, if God gave them, would be the surest." The Mary and her consorts saw a carrac and carvell, which was all the supply this year from Lisbon, but could not come near them, and the Palsgrave, William, &c., had not the patience to wait one day according to their instructions. Muscat is poor, and the Persian not to be trusted. If they employ this fleet to visit Sofilla or Mozambique, will order their endeavour to meet the fleet expected out of England, or a vessel shall be sent express with intelligence to the Bay of Augustine and Islands of Comoro.
Jan. 12.—Aboard the Palsgrave ready to sail from Swally Road. Cannot determine the disposal of the remaining fleet until return of the ships from Gombroon, in regard of the Company's order to assist the Persian at Muscat if required; but the silk being a large cavidal, intend to endeavour their utmost to procure commodities for filling the William after her return from Gombroon and despatching her, that the silk may attain its market before the Dutch store comes. Will forthwith dispeed Capt. Hall in the Mary with moneys, lead, and cloth for Dabul to procure pepper for lading of the William; indigo of Ahmedabad being dear, and that of Agra not to be brought down without great hazard. Doubtful of the removal of our people from Batavia and of returns from thence our intended supply thither is greatly lessened, and all goods fit for vent in the Red Sea ordered to be reserved. The ships here are many more than they have means to lade; 15 or 16 men fled from the Dutch fleet for Persia to us, ordered their reception into our ships to restore them to their masters and prevent them running away to the Portugal. Abuse of the Dutch President of Surat, Van der Brock, when he could not persuade their return; they procured some few to return, but the rest ran away they know not whither. Have augmented the wages of sundry men taken ashore from the ships, as appears in a consultation of 15 November 1627. 27½ pp. [O.C., Vol. XI., No. 1264.]
Jan. 4.
574. Extract from the above letter. [East Indies, Vol IV., No. 27.]
Jan. 6.
The Hague.
575. Sir Dudley Carleton to Sec. Lord Conway. The Ambassadors have special charge to procure the enlargement of the three East India ships, which they are to press on this ground, that the Amboyna business was here put in hand before they had news of the arresting their ships, and is since pursued with that diligence the business can bear, in which there being question of life and death they think they are not to be blamed if they do not use that precipitation as those judges did on whom they sit in judgment. Much clamour continuing at the detention of these East India ships in England, and the true reasons thereof dissembled by some and forgotten or unknown by many new comers, he has repeated them out of his proposition made in 1624 under three heads, viz., their men's pretended jurisdiction in the Indies with tyranny against the English and natives (of which Amboyna, though clamans peccatum, is but one example; their expelling the English and rooting the natives by bloody executions out of their possessions confirmed by Treaty; and their hindering the English by force from the most beneficial trades of those parts. These things having stood since 1624 without any satisfaction, he desired them once for all that if their Ambassadors could not be accompanied with Deputies of this Company they might have at least commission to assure his Majesty within what time Deputies would follow, that all difficulties might be taken away and commerce finally re-established betwixt the Companies. To this they have brought no answer, nor will anything be done till news comes from their Ambassadors. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Jan. 6. 576. Dudley Lord Carleton to (Sec. Sir John Coke). Calling to mind Coke's letter of the 2nd October touching Deputies to be sent over to settle differences in the East Indies and to establish a confederation of trade in the west, and his own answer of the 13th that there was good appearance in both, he may well marvel he has heard no more news of either, but what was thought might serve as an inducement (the stay of the East India ships) has produced a contrary effect, for the States of Holland will not treat (as their phrase is) with a foot upon their throats. His opinion of this business, and how the process of Amboyna stands, his nephew will relate. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Jan. 8.
577. Answer of Richard Wylde to the exceptions of the Auditors of the East India Company against the account sent home by the Great James in 1626. This refers to a book kept by Joseph Hopkinson and to a continuation by Giles James when William Hoare was warehouse keeper. To the loss of 41 bars of lead, 6l. of gold lace, pepper, bastaes, 22 elephants' teeth stolen, and divers bales of indigo, cloth, and cotton yarn, to 16 pieces of tapestry brought from Burrampoor, sold by outcry to Robert Young, one piece of the History of Hercules quite spoilt, and others received rotten for the want of lead covers. Promises to rewrite the accounts in Book L. against the next shipping, and reform all mistakes, Skibbowe appointed to enter the books now in hand; meanwhile entreats the Company's charitable opinion, his errors being only mis-entries and omissions of ignorance, and requests that the books may be rectified by some skilful accountant at Wylde's charge. Endorsed," Per the Palsgrave." 1 p. [O.C., Vol. XI., No. 1266.]
Jan. 9–16. 578. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Ordered that Mr. Woodall be allowed 10s. per week for the diet and lodging of Mr. Forbes for the time he was in his house. Report of Mr. Governor that an arrest was made by the Farmer's deputies and some of the Company's servants at the Queen's Arms at Holborn Bridge of goods brought home in the Expedition and supposed to be unlawfully bought by Mr. Warner, that he had violently carried them to his own house in contempt of the Lord Treasurer and Lord Mayor's warrants, for which he was committed by Mr. Recorder to the Compter in the Poultry, yet so ordered it that when the Company's servants with a constable came by Mr. Recorder's warrant to search for said goods they found nothing but the empty cask, upon which the Lord Mayor and Recorder sent for Warner to the Court of Aldermen, who committed him to Newgate; whereupon the Court were inclined to frame an indictment against him upon suspicion of felony for his denial and cautelous answers, but first required Mr. Acton to attend Mr. Recorder for his advice. Capt. Bond's letter read in favour of his Lieutenant, Richard Carter, who was gratified with 10l. for his pains in conducting the London and Reformation from Portsmouth to the Thames. On consideration of the daily expectation of the arrival of the Ambassadors from the States of Holland, when it was supposed the Company's grievances would be taken into consideration, and remembering how backward they were with their complaints on the last Treaty, for which they were blamed by his late Majesty, Committees are appointed to meet every day and digest into form a particular of their new and just complaints against the Dutch, with the damages received and the proofs as vouchers. Motion of Mr. Governor for taking the opportunity of these westerly winds to clear the pinnace Dove from Gravesend for the Downs, whither the letters and other things wanting might be sent to her; Mr. Mun made known the excessive charge of her building, which for her hull alone was 8l. per ton, when as good a ship could be built for 4l. a ton; ordered that a Committee clear the yard of the master carpenter and others, and when they have use of him to employ him" by the great." An order of the Lord Keeper that their cause with the Countess of Leicester be referred to four merchants, whereof each party to nominate two, and if they could not agree upon the men he would nominate them himself, and if those could not compose the difference he would order it, approved of. Ordered warrant to Mr. Treasurer for 73l. for new year's gifts over and above 160l. formerly ordered.
Jan. 11.—Allowance to be made to the executors of John Bryson, sailor, for a hogshead of white sugar, 472 lbs. net, used on the London, at 12d. per lb. Report of Mr. Deputy that the Committees had examined Jonas Colbach's case, concerning the 5,000 ryals paid to the King of Jambi, to which all then present at Jambi had consented by consultation to prevent a greater damage. Being called in, Colbach could not deny the charge of riotousness, but alleged fraud could not be proved against him for the worth of a penny, and pretended that Harris, who succeeded him, gave information against him to the President to gain that place; he denied ever trusting Swezan with 350 ryals, but said he had trusted Matticho, Swezan's wife, who traded apart, and could not have done otherwise if pepper were to be provided beforehand; that he had not given consent to allow the half of 650 ryals taken from a China junk by Ellesmore and himself, for he was not a penny the better; he demanded the increase of wages promised by the President and 461 ryals laid out for the Company, but was answered that the Company would allow no increase to any that carried themselves so debauchedly, and that besides the debt of Matticho he was indebted 411 ryals of eight; in fine after some impatient words he departed, declaring a purpose to sue the Company. Motion on behalf of the wife of Richard Steele, factor at Jacatra, to receive the overplus of 200l. returned home by her husband for the maintenance of herself and eight children; to be allowed 50l. Petitions read of Nicholas Skinner showing that he had turned over his adventure of 1,000l. in the second joint stock to his son-in-law, Richard Wiseman, for satisfaction of his creditors, but that Wiseman, now a prisoner in the Fleet, makes use of the adventure to satisfy his own debts, praying for a certificate to the Lord Keeper of Wiseman's indirect dealing; also of Mrs. Frances Peirce, widow, to receive a debt of 80l. due from Skinner after said debts were satisfied; answered the Company could not make the certificate, knowing nothing of the fraud pretended, but that Skinner and Wiseman's debts to the Company being cleared, the adventure should not be disposed of without consent of Mrs. Peirce and Mr. Skinner. Ordered that the Dove with all expedition be carried down to Gravesend, and that Committees clear the ship on Monday. The master of the Expedition to be sent for, for reasons best known to the Company, and Richard Swanly, master of the Jonas, to bring the ship about with the first opportunity. Concerning an adventure of 500 ryals for a gentlewoman carried out by Capt. Browne and returned in cloves, that 43 cwt. of cloves were wanting of the quantity mentioned in the invoice; Mr. Deputy and Mr. Mun to speak with the party.
Jan. 14.—Ordered that the Expedition be brought up from Gravesend to Blackwall to be unladen. Examination of Mr. Yonge concerning the private trade landed out of the Expedition at South -ampton; that 22 casks, iron bound, were landed and the custom paid, and there were 12 tons of ebony aboard; he was required to attend before the Lords with a particular of such goods as he knew of and the names of those that sold and bought them. Also examination of the purser, he declared the master had 4 tons of long pepper, 6 of round pepper in bags made of the Company's canvas, a ½ hhd. of green ginger, and a barrel of sanguis draconis; also 12 tons of ebony cut at the Mauritius, and he conceived that Jesson before coming from Jacatra had a secret purpose to go there, for he bought axes from the Chinese and brought with him three or four Dutchmen that stole aboard, who had formerly been there; Willoughby also had a hhd. of nutmegs and other goods; he was required to set all this down, also what goods were sent from Mr. Steele to his wife; further information of Jesson's private trade from Japara and complaint of the master's hard dealing towards him during the whole voyage.
Jan. 15.—After the letter from Surat to Jacatra was read Mr. Govenor briefly represented that the sending of the Jonas was formerly deferred till they might see how his Majesty and the State will right the Company for their injuries by the Dutch, and observed that the trade of the coast is unprofitable because the Factors abuse the Company 30 per cent., for the stock at the coast was 47,000 ryals before the Abigail came there, whose cargazoon was 52,000 ryals, all which stock the Factors keep and expend in charges only what they return for themselves; Mr. Treasurer adding that Mills had lived there chief too long and was set out for private ends and not for the good of the Company. On advice in the Surat letter that they did not think it meet to send home the Dolphin so late in the year, especially in these dangerous times, but that next year they would send the Palsgrave and Dolphin together for security, Mr. Governor observed that the Factors either will not understand or will not follow their commission to dispeed one or more ships in November or December, and not to stay to come in fleets unless the second ship may be ready within a month at furthest. Also that at the southward the advice often given for leaving Jacatra for Bantam was not yet performed, nor is the Exchange sent home according to direction, yet for accommodation of Eustace Man the Abigail, a weak unserviceable ship, must be employed to the coast, to the exceeding damage of the Company, not only in the loss of that ship but in sending the Morris to the coast which otherwise might have gone directly for Jacatra, and the Dolphin laden might have accompanied the fleet as far as Mozambique toward England; and on occasion of the Abigail's employment from Surat they advise to Jacatra not to employ such weak ships when they have other serviceable vessels lying in the road, which Mr. Ellam was directed to take notice of in the next letters to the Indies. Mr. Governor declared that it had formerly been resolved before Christmas to send the Jonas for Surat with 50,000 or 60,000 ryals of eight towards lading home 2,000 tons of shipping now there, but the want of mariners and stock, the expectation of justice from the state, and waiting till they might read the letters in the Expedition from Surat were the reasons she had not proceeded. It was moved to call a General Court and propose this ship's sending away, which was held necessary unless they would bury the trade alive, but first to argue and prepare the business for "the opinion of this Court will lead" the resolution of the generalty"; aguments in favour of setting her out, half the charge expended already, and the Company never afraid to have 50,000l. or 60,000l. at interest, nor was it fit to forsake the trade disgracefully and lose ships and footing in trade all at once; after much debate ordered that the Jonas proceed with a stock of 50,000l. if the generalty consent. Ordered that those who had taken out only eight half capitals may now if the General Court consent take out the 9th, 10th and 11th divisions in pepper without money to transport, so that they take out all the three half capitals at the price to be agreed upon, but to reserve the Bantam pepper for sale in town.
Jan. 16.—Ordered that Mr. Acton's bill of charges be discharged. Concerning Burlamachi's security for his bargain of 10,000l. worth of pepper. Request of Capt. Davis and Mr. Bromfield on behalf of the widow of Capt. Arnold Browne concerning his estate; answered there is much complaint against him for private trade, and to set down the commodities he carried with him. Woodall to answer at next Court a great complaint of Capt. Christopher Browne, James Slade and others of the insufficiency of all the surgeons in that fleet. 15½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 208–223.]
Jan. 18. 579. Dudley Lord Carleton to Sec. Lord Conway. There is no such haste made in the process of Amboyna as to hasten the release of the Dutch East India ships, for which he understands M. Joachimi is an earnest solicitor. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Jan. 18–24 580. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Lady Dale's case in Chancery to be heard on the 28th, the books contained 600 sheets of paper left to Mr. Acton to give what fees he thought fit to Mr. Attorney and Mr. Recorder retained as counsel. Request of Smethwike to have a sight of the order concerning brokes and interest, to be considered. Hoare entertained prime Factor for those parts, admitted to the reading of the general letter to the President and Council at Jacatra, and advised to be very circumspect in conforming to the Company's orders, for it was not alone the Dutch but the abuse and excessive immoderate carriage and charge of their servants that had undone the Company; they therefore admonished him, among other things, not to fashion himself to the vast and prodigal expense of former times, nor according to such Factors as desire more to show their own greatness than to study the good of the Company, but to proportion the Company's charge with their present stock; he acknowledged their instructions and advice as a special favour and promised his careful performance of them. Mr. Treasurer to buy as much foreign gold as he can, now brought in the Dutch pinks. The great charge in Blackwall Yard to be remembered at next Court and Mr. Steevens warned to be present. George Willoughby, who came home in the Expedition, demanded why the President and Council did not repair to Bantam; answered that a month or two before his coming from Jacatra there came an Ambassador from the Pengran of Bantam, who for fear of the Dutch durst not come to speak with the President, but sent a messenger to desire the English to trade at Bantam, to which the President answered that the Pengran had pulled down the English house there to the ground, whereupon the messenger replied that 30,000 or 40,000 ryals of 8 should breed no difference between the Pengran and the President; but at length the President said that till he should receive order from Europe he could say nothing.
Jan. 21.—Information of John Powell that with Edward Willson the Farmers' deputy he searched the King's ship Charles for 2 butts and a hhd. of long pepper supposed to be conveyed thither out of the Expedition by Randall Jesson, but found none remaining; ordered that Powell go to Erith, and that the Expedition break bulk on Wednesday next. Examination of Henry Woolman concerning Jesson's private trade, who laded pepper, which the President knew of; promised to endeavour to present a particular of Jesson's goods against next Court. Concerning the excessive charge of building the pinnace Dove. Craishoe's suit for a young kinsman to go purser's mate in the Dove refused; and ordered that if any be accepted on the recommendation of Committees or other gentlemen of quality, they enter into bond of 500l. or more for their honesty and sufliciency. Ellarns' letters to Jacatra read, and new instructions and commission given to Hoare concerning Bantam, whither he is first to go and endeavour to settle that factory, and to recall that from Jacatra.
Minutes of a General Court. Ordered after some dispute that neither the minutes of the last General Court nor the proceedings of the mixed Committee be read, in regard they imply a contradiction to that which now is to be moved, the substance being whether the trade should be prosecuted or not. Reasons why the General Court had been so long deferred, because of the long stay of the London and Reformation in the West Country, partly occasioned by a powerful hand that gave command they should not stir till they were safely conducted into the river by his Majesty's ships; that the Expedition had arrived from Jacatra in less than five months, but for private ends had put into Portsmouth instead of sailing directly for the Downs, for which abuse the Company would proceed against the master. That the Committees had intended to have dispeeded a ship and pinnace before Christmas, but because mariners and materials were wanting they had dispatched the pinnace only, which was now in the Downs, with advices to Jacatra. Reasons why the Committee also held it necessary that the ship should be sent out to Surat with a competent stock for lading home their great ships not later than 10th of March next, and that the Company must run at interest for all or most part of the stock now to be sent. Opinion of the Generality on the question that their stock be ended, and a book sent about for a new subscription, and a division made of the goods returned and the Governor's reply, which, after being put to the question by erection of hands, was ordered as before, declared and set down, viz., that those who will may take out their 9th, 10th, and 11th, or 10th and 11th half capitals in pepper, without money, to transport at 18d. and 19d. ungarbled, two-thirds Jambi and one-third Priaman, and those who will not must expect their money in convenient time. Terms to be allowed to those that buy for the town, garbled pepper to be 1d. dearer. Those who have taken out their 10th and 11th half capitals, but not the 9th referred to the Court of Committees. Resolved after debate and by erection of hands to send the Jonas with such a stock as the Court of Committees should think needful, and a pinnace to accompany her if found expedient. Report of Mr. Governor that all things go fair in the Indies save only the late abuse committed by the Hollanders in the business of John Moretti, the Italian, which the King and State had required to be inserted amongst the Company's other grievances. He also intimated that there was expectation of the Palsgrave and Dolpin, and some hope of a third ship from Surat shortly after. Motion by Crispe, the younger, concerning a rebate of interest to those who brought in their debts in advance. The time for underwriting for the 9th, 10th, and 11th half capitals limited to the 1st of March next.
Jan. 24.—Committees to make ready the Jonas with all possible haste; Mr. Ellam to produce at next Court a note of all commodities to be laden aboard her. Contracts with Mr. Vandeputt, for 55 bullions of quicksilver at 4l. per lb., and for 150 bullions more if coming in convenient time to lade aboard the Jonas. Resolved to send no elephants' teeth this year, the price having risen from 7l. 10s. to 13l. 10s. the cwt., at which they would yield little or no profit. Advice that the Jonas might fall down to Gravesend by the middle of February and to the Downs by the end of that month at furthest. Complaint of Capt. Swanly about the great proportion of cider aboard the Jonas; provision to be made for victuals, &c. for 220 and not 250 men. Motion that the Expedition go with her to take in those provisions, but that she be first searched to see whether she had received hurt by striking on ground. Committee to entertain divers able men that were without at the usual rates, and also to give satisfaction to the 10 men sent down to Portsmouth to bring about the London and Reformation. Gratuity of 10l. to Capt. Lyddier of his Majesty's ship Charles for conducting the Expedition from Portsmouth into the river; also of 10l. to Joseph Alley, one of the late Persian Ambassador's servants, who received a hurt in the yard at Blackwall by a piece of timber falling upon him. The complaint and accusation of John Samuel, purser of the Expedition, against Randall Jesson, master, read, and ordered that Jesson be warned to attend on Friday next, and because he is charged to have brought home seven Dutchmen from Jacatra without the privity or consent of the President and Council, by which prejudice might redound to the Company's estate in the Indies, ordered that a petition be drawn to the Lords desiring that for the justifying of their innocency Jesson be punished for this offence. On petition of Mrs. Jourdain, wife (widow) of Capt. Jourdain, Committees to commend her cause again to Sir Henry Marten, and 10l. more out of her said husband's estate to be paid for her charges therein. 15½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 224–239.]
Jan. 25.
The Hague.
581. Dudley Lord Carleton to Sec. Lord Conway. Hears nothing from the States in answer to his proposition about the East India business though a whole week has passed since his audience, yet is assured they have had it in consultation, and that one of every province has been appointed to confer with his Excellency about it; but till the meeting of the States of Holland in about a fortnight there is small appearance anything of moment will be concluded. Meanwhile M. Paw's letters will be expected to see what can be done by private solicitation touching the release of their East India ships, and if that cannot be done they will think of some other course; hopes such an one will be taken as may breed better correspondence betwixt the nations. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Jan. 25. 582. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Committee entreated to be present at the hearing of Lady Dale's cause in Chancery on Monday next, and Mr. Solicitor to see the counsel as formerly. The Expedition if found sufficient for another voyage to be made ready for lading within 14 days. Draft of petition to the Lords against [Randall] Jesson for bringing homo seven Dutchman read and ordered to be engrossed, and exhibited on Monday next. Methwold ordered to clear at the Custom House a pecull of silk sent by Muschamp for some provisions, and to bring it to the Company's house. Motion for some speedy course to be taken for provision of moneys from the Low Countries. Mr. Perry and Alderman Ducie entreated to undertake for 20,000l., and Ellam to write to Barlow for 5,000l.; also to procure a Privy Seal to export English gold for the whole sum required; the whole business referred to a Committee. Request of Messrs. Deards and others to take out the 10th and 11th divisions and leave the 9th to be received in money, refused. Examination of Randall Jesson concerning the objections exhibited against him by John Samuel, purser of the Expedition; among other things as to the cloves or nuts sent by Steele to his wife; his intention to assault a monastry at Teneriffe; his bringing from Japara 40 bags of pepper, some small trees and a horse, because the Company's wages would not maintain him; his putting the purser in the bilboes because he violently thrust [himself] into the great cabin and took bread thence; his bringing seven burghers from Jacatra; his recriminations against the purser that the President and Council durst not trust him with anything; his punishing the purser, gunner, quartermasters, and others without consultation by whipping, putting in the bilboes, fastening bolts in their mouths, &c; his pulling the purser from the mess because he would not allow anything towards the charge of the fresh victuals laid in, beating the purser because he railed on him, pulling him out of his, cabin because he used to sit there drinking; as to his knowledge of the mate, Arnold, melting the Company's lead and selling it to Chinamen, mispending provisions, and offering to put Willoughby in the bilboes because he struck him. Willoughby said Jesson first abused and struck him, and that dissuading him from disorders was the occasion of their falling out, and that his carriage was ill the whole voyage. In the end Jesson desired a copy of all the objections, promising to give answer to each in writing. 7½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X., 239–246.]
Jan. 27. 583. Attorney-General Sir Robert Heath to his kinsman Sir William Becher. Has taken the enclosed examinations of Samuel Warner, Edward Gregge, and Randall Jesson by order of the Council Board. The first is the grocer against whom the East India Company complained and is yet in Newgate, the second is his servant and is in the Compter in the Poultry, and the third is the master of the ship. Begs he will acquaint the Lords therewith. Very good security offered for their discharge, but has no power to take any. Encloses,
583. I. Examination of Samuel Warner, grocer of London, concerning certain casks of goods received by him from one William Vincent, a grocer in Bucklersbury, out of a ship lately come from the Indies on the way from Southampton. 1628, Jan. 18.
583. II. Examination of Edward Gregge, servant to Warner, on the same subject. 1628, Jan. 19.
538. III. Examination of Randall Jesson, master of the Expedition. Went out master of the Expedition to the Indies 29th May last was a year, and arrived at Cowes 21st December last, where he sold one William Vincent four butts and three hhd. of long pepper at 9l. the cwt., six hhds. of round pepper at 7l. the cwt., a hhd. and one barrel of cloves at 7l. 10d. the lb., two hhds. and one barrel of nutmegs at 3s. 4d. or thereabouts, two barrels of green ginger at 2l. the lb., one barrel sugar candy, and one barrel of dragon's blood at 4s. the lb., all his own goods or such as he bought of others that might lawfully sell them. 1628, Jan. 25. Together 5 pp. [Dom., Chas I., Vol. XCI., No. 66, Cal. p. 531.]
1628? 584. Petition of Lewis Marbury, gentleman, to the Privy Council. Whereas on information that petitioner lately used some speeches discovering a purpose to make use in the next Parliament of orders their Lordships made in the cause between the East India Company and Samuel Warner, said petitioner was committed to the custody of a messenger; petitioner on his salvation affirms he never had any such purpose nor used any such speeches, but said his client Warner had the orders and would lie in prison till the Parliament rather than enter into bond for the master of the ship. Prays therefore to be discharged. 1 p. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 41.]
Jan. 30. 585. Court Minutes of the East India Company. That the Proclamation against private trade when digested, be presented to Mr. Attorney for passing. Request of Richard Craishoe for his kinsman, John Haddon, to be sent into the Indies; deferred. Desire of Mr. Smethwike to contract for 200 or 300 bags of pepper. Ordered that gold to the value of 4,000l. or 5,000l. written for by Alderman Ducie come on the Company's adventure. All men come home in the Expedition against whom there is no exception to receive their wages. Bequest of Capt. Swanley, commander of the Jonas, to have a barge along with him, far more serviceable than a frigate in regard of her force and swiftness; ordered that one be built, and the frigate left behind. Ordered that the Expedition have 12 pieces of ordnance instead of 10 as heretofore. The estate of the late John Cooper to be cleared. Request of William Steevens to take the yard and dock at Deptford, but the Court understanding he had been shipped master carpenter on the Jonas and refused to proceed, forbore to treat with him until he had found a sufficient carpenter to supply his place. Report of Hanson, the auditor, that Mr. Simms had overcharged himself 9382/3 ducats, and desired same might be repaid to Wm. Cokayne, which was ordered accordingly. Constance, wife of Paul Manly, purser of the Morris, to receive 5l. extraordinary of her husband's wages. Ordered that all goods belonging to Mr. Steele or any other man be brought from the Custom House. Letter read from the Lords of the Council requiring the Company to cause all their ships to be made ready for his Majesty's service; resolved that in regard the Royal James and Charles would take four or five months, that the London and Reformation be presently fitted and brought into dock, and Committees to acquaint the Lords. 4pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 247–250.]
[Jan. 30.] 586. Reasons why the East India Company do not send as many ships into the Indies this year as in former years. 1. They have many great and warlike ships there which for want of stock to relade them lie idle, and unless speedily freighted will speedily perish. 2. Though they intend to send only two ships and a pinnace the stock in money, besides 20,000l. in native commodities, will be as great as in four or five ships. 3. By this means they will richly lade home all their ships in the Indies, which will be both profitable to his Majesty and a good strength to his kingdoms. 1 p. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 42.]