East Indies: August 1627

Pages 386-390

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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August 1627

Aug. 1–3. 470. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Report of Mr. Governor that on the 21st last he, with Mr. Deputy and Mr. Mun, went to Whitehall to acquaint two or three of the principal of the Lords with the Company's resolution and reasons for a cessation of their trade, but found them from home; which fell out well, for an honourable personage of the Council told them this message would be unwelcome news to the Lords, and it were better rather to conceal what they had done and to let it come to their Lordships' knowledge from others, and that he must now defer mentioning the matter to his Majesty till he should attend him at Woodstock or on his return from progress; and therefore, as Mr. Governor explained, they had conceived better to carry the business thus tacitly than to declare this business in the public manner the Court had intended. Hereupon the managing of the trade was again discoursed at large, and it was resolved not to trouble the State with any request or complaint or give order for any provisions until by their letters expected by the Dutch ships lately arrived, the Company be advised what quarter is held between their servants and the Dutch in the Indies, and how their estate stands there, only it was ordered that the finishing of the three ships in dock go on with all expedition. Resolution on Hanson's propositions concerning the recovery of debts on the forfeited bonds of runaways. Webber sharply reprehended for his remissness in this service; he excused himself on account of six weeks' sickness, pretending that last year he brought in more debts than ever any man did in one year. The Auditors required to examine his complaint that his third of moneys brought in is denied. Thomas Tiggins, "a careful and painful poor man", who had served 11 years as under beadle to John Grimstone, deceased, appointed beadle with a salary of 25l. per annum, paid weekly. The Committees for Canvas to provide "Pole Davies," which is cheaper than canvas, for pepper bags. Petition of Richard Swinglehurst, for many years employed under Capt. Bacon and Mr. Sec. Sherburne for a salary; gratified with 20l. and wished to have patience until the return of their ships and account himself only as servant to the Company's Secretary. Edward Lee, in consideration of his long service and great charge, re-established in his place, with 10l. deduction of his salary to 30l. per annum.
Aug. 3.—Petition of Edward Elrington to procure him a pass into Germany and take his long journey into favourable consideration, considered, and resolved that forasmuch as he is a scholar who has shown his desire to honour the Company by publishing their actions to the world, and for Mr. Misselden's sake, to bestow 5l. more upon him, and Sir John Wolstenholme promised he should have a pass. Mr. Felgate to receive powder to make up the weight of his 60 barrels to a cwt. apiece, being 3 or 4 Ibs. short of weight. Relation of Boatswain Ingram concerning the recovery of the cable and anchor borrowed by the Great James of the King's ship at Portsmouth; to advise with Sir Henry Marten of a course for their recovery. About provision of cordage for the three ships at home. Suit of Thomas Tiggins to receive his wages weekly, seeing he is a poor man. Consideration of the settlement of Hugh Greete's estate, of which there rested 446l. 10s. 1d. to be disposed of; Mr. Governor observed it was to be employed for building an hospital; the Court minutes of the 15th, 17th, 22nd, and 25th June 1625, wherein the business had been handled and the advices sent home from the Indies, read; by which it appeared that Greete went out a very poor man, much indebted, carried himself very mutinously, debauchedly, and unfaithfully, gave away 1,000 ryals belonging to the Company, employed the Compny's moneys to his own use, when he bought diamonds for the Company's reserved the choicest for himself, dissuaded the men from the voyage to the Moluccas, gave in false accounts to the President and Council, and yet by his own account was indebted to the Company 252 ryals, of all which a Court of Merchants at Jacatra found him guilty, sent him home a prisoner, and sequestered his good; it was therefore resolved to employ the said 446l. 10s. 1d. towards the foundation of the hospital now in hand at Blackwall, which was to be reputed the work of the Company, and not of Greete. 9 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 35–44.]
Aug. 6.
The Hague.
471. Dudley Lord Carleton to Sec. Conway. The East India business sticks, and will do till the next assembly of the States on the first of next month, meanwhile if good fortune or other industry could bring any of these East India ships into his Majesty's ports it were more than necessary they should be held fast till these affairs were ended; which the directors draw wilfully into length, and it is impossible to be remedied in a Government of this nature where resolutions pass the votes of interested parties, and, to use a phrase of this climate, "one oar which holds back stops more than ten can row forward." Yesterday the States had the two Amboyna judges come home in the last ships before them to take their oath for appearance before those ordained to judge that cause. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Aug. 8. 472. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Thomas Tiggins, the beadle, to have 10s. per week. Mr. Blyth having brought up this week 20 barrels of powder, and intending next Friday to bring up 20 more, when there will be a good quantity in the storehouse; ordered that the Remembrancer speak with the Master Gunner to go down on Saturday morning to make trial thereof, and mark the powder with three crowns, two or one according to the goodness. Dispute having arisen whether the Court could dispose of Greete's estate without the consent of the generality, ordered that it be referred to the next mixed Committee. 2 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 44–45.]
Aug. 10.
The Hague.
473. Dudley Lord Carleton to (Sec. Coke). The States Deputy Catz, newly returned out of England, reports that instead of satisfactory resolutions he has been answered by his Majesty's Commissioners with debates. It were not amiss M. Joachimi were told, and that somewhat roundly, that here Carleton is not so much as debated with, for since the Memorial presented at their own desire against the Bewinthebbers' justification of sending Coen, he has heard nothing further. When some hang back the rest cannot go forward, so such as are willing to give his Majesty contentment it is desired may be pressed into it. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Aug. 10–11. 474. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Request of John Offley for leave to transport his and his father's 12th, 13th, and 14th divisions when they should come home, refused, and resolved that no divisions be transported for the future. Concerning a release from Sir William Russell for the remainder of Hugh Greete's estate, to which he was willing, if the Company would discharge him of the legacies in the will and set up some memorial of Greete as a benefactor to the hospital, but the Court absolutely resolved to have no release and not to attribute anything to Greete in this work. Report of Treasurer Bateman concerning the debts of Messrs. Reeve, Gray and Warner. Concerning the repairing of the dock at Deptford, and Mr. Burrell's house, and the houses and yards to be let at Deptford. Four or five tons of iron lent to the Commissioners of the Navy. Plan for altering the house at the charge of 350l. exhibited by Mr. Carter, the surveyor for the almshouse; resolved not to disburse any of the Company's moneys; Committees formerly named to agree with Mr. Carter and the carpenter, bricklayer and plasterer. Report of Sir Henry Marten concerning the anchor and cable sold by the Admiralty Court which belonged to the Company. Offer to buy the dust of indigo, the Committees first to rate it. The money received of Bourne for costs given by the Chancery Court for preferring a scandalous bill, to be put into the poor box. The defendants in the bill of Sir Thomas Smythe's executors concerning the estate of Richard Westby, deceased, to be warned to meet on Wednesday about the answer.
Aug. 11.—Minutes of a meeting of the Committee for the almshouse at Blackwall, and Mr. Carter, surveyor of the work. Concerning the works to be done and the amounts to be paid for same; a contract to be made for 30,000 bricks, now better cheap than they will be next spring. 6 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X.46–51.]
Aug.15. 475. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Ordered to fit the Jonas with masts with as much expedition as possible. Threat of Mr. Long to proceed to law if he may not have the purse of rings and 90l. odd which appear at the foot of his brother's account; answered if he will give a general release the Company will clear the account and deliver the rings. M. Beaulieu, Secretary to his Majesty for the French tongue, to be gratified with 10l. for translating divers pieces. Discussion relative to the bills for repairing the dock at Deptford. Bills. to be again set up on the Exchange and other places to give notice of the Company's intention to let their yards, house, and dock at Deptford from Michaelmas next. The seven bags of Malabar pepper remaining to be sold at 21d. per lb., and the remainder of cloves to the best advantage. 2½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 52–54.]
Aug. 15.
476. Sec. Coke to Sec. Conway. Sends Lord Carleton's letter, which shows how worthily and effectually he has proceeded in the business of Amboyna and for the revocation of Coen; secondly the justification presented by the Bewinthebbers to the States for sending Coen away [see ante No. 469 1.]; thirdly Lord Carleton's animadversions thereon delivered in writing to the States; and fourthly, an extract of writings cited in his answers. By all which his Majesty may understand that the barbarous cruelties and supplanting of our trade has not proceeded from the States General, or from the better part of their East India Company, but from the violence of some predominant spirits, who may be suppressed by his Majesty's authority adding more confidence to the States, who otherwise upon discovery of any indifference here will not be forward to oppose the pretenders of advantage to their trade by the overthrow of ours. His Majesty therefore may be pleased to take notice of Lord Carleton's good carriage in this affair, with intimation that he will have it still pressed as a matter concerning both his Majesty's honour and estate. Extract. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXIV., No. 2, Cal., p. 296.]
Aug. 17.
477. (Sec. Conway) to Sec. Coke. His Majesty would have his own approval of Carleton's proceedings delivered to Carleton, with direction to pursue that way constantly, and has commanded him to signify to the States Ambassadors his Majesty's wonder that after the long pursuit of his Ambassador and the fair promises from the States of justice, and after orders made for the staying of Coen, there should be offered to their Assembly a justification of an act which must be interpreted to be a great affront either to his Majesty or the States, and that his Majesty mislikes that proceeding and expects speedy and round justice answerable to the foulness of the fact. And his Majesty requires him to take order for the stay of those East India ships that are to return if they fall into his ports or power, Extract. [Dom, Chas. I., Vol. LXXIV., No. 25. Cal., p. 300.]
Aug. 17. 478. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Renewed demand of Long for the remainder of his brother Edward's estate, who said he thought it unreasonable to give a general release, pretending that goods mentioned in his brother's inventory were wanting; ordered that the Auditors re-examine the business in the presence of Long and compare the books and inventories. The bill exhibited against the Company in the name of the Countess of Leicester and others concerning the estate of Richard Westby to be read on Tuesday. Report that Mary Fagg, of Faversham, Kent, had 24 bags of pepper, which are verily believed to be part of that lost out of the Moon, John Yonge to be spoken with about same. The diver who undertook for 20l. to recover the two cables and anchor let slip by the Jonas in the Downs, being employed by the Lord Duke in this expedition for France, ordered that John Yonge agree with John Poynett for this work. Complaint against John Beck, clerk of the iron stores at Blackwall, for gaming, keeping debauched company, and keeping his wife and family contrary to order in the yard, and causing much expense of wood and chips; ordered that Beck and Giles Shepheard, porter, attend on Wednesday for examination of this abuse. Cables, deal, and tar to be provided for finishing the three great ships. Complaint of Gilbert Dethick of the great annoyance to himself and the whole marsh at Blackwall from the blood and slubb issuing from the Company's slaughter-house there, the stench being so noisome and offensive; the Committees on their next going down to Blackwall to give order for amendment of same. Motion for sale of pepper in town again revived. Gratuity of 408. out of the poor box to George Robins for his pains in recovery of losses occasioned by the casting away of the Union at Audierne, in Brittany, in 1614, on a promise not to trouble the Company any more. Petition of Richard Hall, 12 years the Company's anchor smith at Blackwall, for increase in prices in regard that iron, coal, and other stuff are far dearer than heretofore, referred. 5½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 54–59.]