East Indies: May 1627

Pages 346-356

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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May 1627

May 2–11. 440. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Ordered that Blythe be warned to attend the Court to answer a complaint of the gunpowder made by him, which upon trial by the master gunner of England was found to be but reasonable good though he was supplied with excellent good "peter" and coal. The answer to Bourne's bill to be read on Saturday, when Acton and the defendants are to be present. No pinnace to be found in the river fit for the Company's service, therefore in case their occasions require to build one themselves, the Committees are desired not to provide 60 hhds. of beef and pork until Michaelmas, the price being now so excessive high. Ordered that the 39 tons of iron bought be brought to the anchor smith to be presently wrought into anchors. Examination concerning a parcel of very defective masts pretended to be bought by Kerby of Crewe, the same giving a shrewd suspicion of some underhand dealing with Crewe. Hurt and Mountney bound to the King on the Company's behalf for return of their ordnance. Committee appointed with Mr. Acton to make sure of a good title from Mr. Dalton the owner, of a brick house and three acres of ground at Blackwall proposed to be bought for a hospital for 360l. Examination of Robert Young, who came home in the Great James, concerning his private trade, the business concluded; fine imposed for his wasteful expenses and the excessive rates he had set upon his presents given in the Indies, to which he submitted, and as he had become an adventurer in the Company's stock for 500l. and had had no interest nor dividend; ordered that he have 11 divisions in money presently paid to him, and all his goods delivered, except the 8 cwt of gumlac for which the Company would pay as he had offered the same 2s. 6d. per lb. Petition of Robert Camporne, one of those who had private trade, and was served with a subpoena to answer the Company's bill in Chancery, to respite his answer, grand Gratuity of 20s. to Thomas Wotton heretofore in the Company's service.
May 4.— Suit of Parks for the remainder of the estate of his brother-in-law Richard Westby, deceased, at Jambi. Consideration how the fine of 500l. imposed on Robert Young at the last Court is to be satisfied; his 11 divisions on stock will raise 343l. 15s. 120l. are due for wages, and the remainder can be dafalked out of his gumlac, ordered accordingly; but for mitigation of his fine was told the former resolution of the Court was confirmed, to which he submitted; what was due to him on John Willoughby's account, to be allowed, and a general release to be interchangeably given by the Company and himself. Motion of Nicholas Crispe on behalf of Mrs. Gonninge, mother and executrix to John Gonninge, deceased, that the two wills be shewed to Sir Henry Marten for his opinion 10l. 4s. to be paid to Woolhouse the minister, out of the wages of Sivers Johnson for goods embezzled by him out of Woolhouse's cabin. Petition of Walter Mountfort for remainder of his wages. Thomas Corne's bill for riding charges to be examined. Ordered that John Stabridge, administrator of Robert Cockes, deceased, in the Indies, who was indebted to Richard Langford deceased, who was indebted to Stanbridge, receive Cockes's estate, Langford's widow having given consent.
May 7.—Mr. Treasurer Bateman's proposition revived, and in particular that before entering into the charge of another fleet the Company would bethink how to be supplied with moneys for the same, considering their treasure in cash was not above 6,500l., and present payments to be made for interest money due this month 70,000l., and dividends 15,000l., besides ordinary disbursements 1,000l.; he further made known that debts to the value of 6,000l. were not yet brought in, the greater part due from the Committee themselves; whereupon the Court held the best way as formerly was to take up moneys at interest on the Committees' credit until their own money for commodities sold should be brought in, Mr. Governor and two others meantime promising to send in 1,000l. apiece, though not yet due. As for the 6,000l. debt, Mr. Treasurer was entreated to speak once again privately with those Committees and let them know the Court much blamed their backwardness, it being expected they should be examples to others, and if they should not then bring in their moneys forthwith the Court would declare their names openly and proceed against them. Concerning John Gonninge's estate, ordered that his mother receive 78l. 6s. and a bill for 400l. at a month or two, and that releases be reciprocally sealed. Touching the complaint against Blyth about the goodness of his powder, he affirmed that the master gunner of England utterly denied to have dispraised it; resolved that the Auditors cast up the charges of building and materials to see whether the Company gained or lost. The business of Furley for the estate of his brother, late cooper in the James, referred to the Auditors to report. On petition of Parks for a pretended debt out of the estate of Richard Westby, it being remembered that Sir Thomas Smythe, deceased, was Westby's executor, was answered he must apply to executors of Sir Thomas Smythe.
May 9.—A great quantity of cordage returned from the Indies, the best put in storehouses, but a great deal of old taking up "world of room" and fit for nothing but oakum, to be sold. Many old masts also found, for which there would be use shortly. Great store of broken anchors, chambers, and old iron, to be weighed out to the anchorsmith at 11s. the cwt. Report of the officers of the yard on the repairs necessary for the house lately bought for an hospital, that behind the house was a fair field, a dainty row of elms, and a private garden wherein a chapel might be built 90 feet by 32, which would be no annoyance to the lights of the house; ordered that Mr. Cappur speak with Mr. Dixon, steward to the Earl of Cleveland, about converting the house from a copyhold to a freehold. Petition of Woodall, surgeon, showing that formerly he had been allowed a labourer's pay in Blackwall Yard and 2d. per month out of every workman's wages there for curing and healing those hurt which had both been detained these three years past, and desiring consideration for his cost and care; 30l. bestowed upon him in full recompense of all charges and pains to that day. Gratuity of 5l. to John Farnell, "who had his senses taken from him in the Charles," to bear his charges to the Bath. Edward Seager to perfect his accounts in a month. A suit of apparel to carry him to his own country by way of Muscovia to be given to Rustam, one of the Persian Ambassador's servants on his petition, when the Muscovia ships are ready to sail. Hugh Perry to have his warrant of 750l. served with wet pepper if he please. The price of cloves set at 11s. per lb. Committee to decide a difference between Samuel Clay and Crofts, at the request of the President and Council of Jacatra. Milward to have 10 small quilts for his own use at a noble per quilt. The Auditors to peruse the accounts of Walter Mountfort to see what is due to the Company. Mary Clary, daughter of Francis Lane, to receive her father's estate towards the education of her brother, except (?) 20l. to remain in the Company's hands for the use of said child. The Committee of the Yard to buy a parcel of 300 or 400 loads of timber. The pinnace now building to be hastened with as much speed as may be. Freight due for goods sent home by Tho. Harris to his wife.
May 11.—Concerning the rent due to the Countess of Warwick for the Persian Ambassador's house, it was thought fit to call in the Company's former warrant for 100l. and sign another for 120l., howbeit they ever conceived the rent to be no more than 100l., and Mr. Secretary [Sherburne] to attend her Ladyship, so she be truly informed of all the circumstances. Request of John Sutham, who lately bought the two old ships Ruby and Elizabeth, for some allowance, alleging he had a hard bargain; the Court in respect he had been their ancient servant content to bestow on him an old boat appraised at 30s. and to sell him all their old cordage at 1s. 6d. per cwt., wherein they conceive they do him a special favour. All the defendants to Bourne's bill to be entreated to give a meeting to hear the answer; that in regard Gosfright, Cusnam, and others at Sandwich endeavoured to stand on their charter and intended not to answer the Company's bill, a petition be drawn to the Lord Keeper desiring his further directions therein, and that this answer be given to Mr. Long's requests, that the Company would give no copies of his brother's account, which he might at any time see. and that the 90l. at the foot of the account and the rings and other toys be delivered to him if he would give a general release. The proclamation for restraint of private trade drawn up by Mr. Clarke, the Company's counsel, to be read after the holidays. Report of Mr. Governor that himself and Committee attended Lord Carleton, who said his Majesty's resolution was firm to stand on his protest to the States, and for that they had not made good their promise within the 18 months time nor since, he intended to right himself by stay of their ships if he receive not present satisfaction and howbeit the Ambassadors have been earnest suitors for a longer time, yet his Majesty will give no ear or consent thereto, and therefore Lord Carleton doubted not to bring the business to a good pass; and being informed that Ephraim Ramsey (one of those that suffered the torture at Amboyna) had propounded that if the States intend to do justice on the actors of that bloody massacre he might be sent to Holland and see it done upon the right persons, lest some other malefactors should suffer in their stead, his Lordship held it a good course, advising he should be sent recommended to Mr. Misselden, there to remain on any occasion that may offer; whereupon ordered that Ramsey be paid 5l. towards defraying his charges into Holland. And considering the trouble Lord Carleton had heretofore taken, not being unmindful of that which is to come, and having already intimated their intended thankfulness when this business shall be brought to some perfection, it was thought fit to present him before his going over, as a token of their love, with a present of plate to the value of 100l. Letter read from Sir William Alexander to Mr. Governor on behalf of Wedderburne, to whom his late Majesty granted a patent to receive out of the estate of every Scottish man deceased in the Indies in their service 12d. in the pound; ordered, to avoid clamour, and Wedderburne's importunity, that what was remaining collected by virtue of said letters patent, a very small matter, be paid to him. Letter read from Fursland to Sir Thomas Smythe long since written, wherein mention was made of the 1,500 ryals of eight challenged from the Company out of his brother, Richard Westby's estate, but the Court was in no sort moved to give any other answer than formerly. Payment ordered of Acton's bill of charges, also of Mr. Righton's, the Company's Clerk in Chancery. 18 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. IX. 500–524.]
May 12.
441. Extract of letter from Amsterdam. MM. Joachimi and Catz have written to the States that the sending away of Coen is ill taken, for there is not something done all this while in the business of Amboyna, and this also but very coldly couched. And concerning the differences between the two Companies, it is the opinion of one of the most able and experienced in that State, well affected to the English nation and no way interested in the East India cause, that because the Bewinthebbers are so mixed in the Government, and have knit to them all sorts of men of principal place it will be impossible by any treaty or negotiation between his Majesty and the States to bring a good end to the English, for they will still keep off the King with one delay or another, arising as they pretend out of the various forms of their government, and if the States should determine anything against the Bewinthebbers, jealous of their own guiltiness, have given order that their ships from the late expiration of the King's 18 months shall go and come by the north. The great suit recovered of the East India Bewinthebbers is contrary to all custom and form of law stayed by a prohibition of the States General, which was never heard of before after a sentence of the Hoogen Raedt, which is the highest Court, and confirms what that statesman said. Endorsed by Lord Carleton. 2 pp. [Holland Corresp.]
May 18–21. 442. Court Minutes of the East Company. Examination of Smethwike, the broker, in reference to a calumnious report given out on the Exchange by him, that the Company had not estate in England to pay their debts by 70,000l.; he confessed he had reported as much in effect as was alleged, yet not out of any evil thought to prejudice the Company, in regard it was no more than what he had heard from a Committee who publicly delivered the same on the Exchange and willingly declared his name; but the Court could not but blame Smethwike for endeavouring to make an unjust advantage to himself thereby, by advising many to sell their adventures, and wished him to be more careful or the Company would be forced to make him an example. And as for the Committee who had been the author of this untrue report he was much condemned for divulging contrary to his oath the secrets of the Company, and the rather that thereby divers persons had called in their moneys before due, for fear the Company should be unable to give them satisfaction, desiring that hereafter the affairs of the Company be more secretly carried and not made so vulgar and common. Mr. Acton satisfied the Court that the house at Black-wall, bought for an hospital, is freehold and the title unquestionable; ordered that the assurances be forth with engrossed, and the names of Alderman Clitherow and 11 other Committees used as feoffees in trust for the Company. The Proclamation for restraint of private trade read and referred to be further considered, and Committees desired when perfected to wait on Secretary Coke for his opinion whether the King will give it a free passage. Suit of Mr. Cocks concerning Giles Hobbes' recompense for carrying letters overland to Persia. Application of Sir Thomas Morgan on behalf of Parks, especially recommended by the Countess of Leicester, concerning 1,500 ryals pretended to be due out of his brother Richard Westby's estate; the Court could give no other answer than they had done, nevertheless at her Lady ship's instance the Auditors should again review the accounts, and if anything found justly due the Company will willingly give satisfaction. Ordered that the Auditors peruse Mr. Bariow's accounts, by which it appeared he was indebted 5,700 [sic] to the Company. Debate whether to go on with the trade or give it over, if not totaily yet for a time; considering their stock is at an end, their debts great, and little hope of a new subscription. Opinion of Mr. Covernor that if they expect a good return the trade must be now followed with a full and ample stock; but how that should be done was the matter chiefly considerable. Opinions of divers of the Committee. It was considered that 150,000l. or 200,000l. in quick stock would manage the trade in a very plentiful manner; opinion of some that it might be done with far less, especially if the Persian, trade were given over and only that of the Indies followed. One Committee alleged that if the trade of Persia were mado good according to promise, it would yield as good profit as that of the Indies. Other of opinion absolutely to abandon the whole trade, at least for this year; and out of the returns first satisfy their debts, and work on the old stock, whereof no divisions being made for two or three years, a competent stock may be raised to proceed if there be cause. A proposition also made that if the Company resolve to forbear the trade this year they send out their ships for men-of-war against the Portugals, which may done for no great charge, and prove a good service; but in regard the Court was not full it was thought fit, though the Court generally seemed inclined to forbear the trade for this year, to resume the business on Wednesday next, and summon all the Committees to appear on forfeiture of 10s. each for default. Business of Richard Furley, late master cooper of the Great James, and since deceased; payment ordered to Thomas Furley his brother and administrator.
May 21.—On consideration that the charge of sending over Powell and Ramsey with the Lord Ambassador, and keeping them in Holland, would be great, resolved to write to Mr. Misselden that they will always be in readiness to go over if cause require. Report of Mr. Governor that the extracts out of Barlow's last letters concerning Coen's sending away, and the resolution of the Dutch to turn the English out of the Indies, be detained until Wednesday's Court be past, and then shown to the Lords, complaint at same time being made of the passing of their [Dutch] great ship from the Indies, the seizure of which have produced a good effect. Letter from Carpentier to the 17 directors read, with a computation of the state of their affairs in the Indies; the Court observed it was no profitable trade hitherto, for Carpentier required 27 ton of gold for a yearly stock, which would yield on return 66 tons, and when all charges at home were deducted the gain would be little or nothing; which is further manifested for that in 20 years their stock is not worth much above two to one. Letter read from the Lord from the Lord Treasurer, and Chancellor of the Exchequer, desiring to borrow the Exchange warehouse for a short time to lay the prize goods in, the Court content to give way for one-half. Motion of Wm. Wilson on behalf of his brother John Wilson, surgeon of the Hart, about the estate of John Jourdain, and a debt due to one Lovering. Ordered that Thomas Sanderson attend the Court on Friday next. 8 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. IX. 524–532.
May 22.
The Hague.
443. Dudley Carleton to Sec. Lord Killultagh. A ship richly laden to the value of 1,200,000 florins belonging to the Dutch East India Company, called the Wapenen van Rotterdam, which they made account had been lost, arrived in safety last week at Helvoetsluys, being one of four which they have expected these 10 months. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
May 23–30. 444. Court Minutes of the East India Company. This Court especially appointed for consideration of the East India trade. Opinion of Treasurer Bateman that the end aimed at by merchants in any trade is profit, which this yields not, yet if they should slacken or desist from pursuit thereof the Hollanders would presently appropriate the whole trade, and conceiving the Court could do nothing without consent of the generality, he advised that the Committees should prepare the business for a General Court to be held next term. Alderman Garway declared that the general opinion at former Courts was, first, that nothing was to be had by a new subscription, and secondly, that 200,000l. would be a competent stock, viz., 60,000l. or 70,000l. for shipping, &c., and 140,000l. or 130,000l. in quick stock, the raising of which might be best effected if for one year they should desist from the trade. In reply to some remarks of Mr. Governor, Alderman Garway said his opinion was that the former great losses by the Dutch had made the trade unprofitable, yet if they were redressed, and such a stock raised as is required the trade might be profitable; this was seconded by Mr. Deputy, who said that by accident and not in itself the trade had been unprofitable, that formerly it had divided three for one, and may hereafter if such a stock may be had and the Company not forced to ride at interest or to sell their commodities presently. Opinion of Mr. Mustard: It was observed that if the Company had ability to raise a new stock free from the burdens of interest and loss it might undoubtedly prove a beneficial trade, for if by the favour of the State there might be a redress of former injuries, there was no doubt but commodies could be procured at cheaper rates. Opinion of Mr. Munn and others that on a new stock the trade would be profitable; he produced a collection made by himself, showing that though by their inland trade the Dutch gained 100,000l. per annum, yet the charge of forts and garrisons, as appeared by the third part, formerly paid by the Company, was 75,000l., the charge of Taywan and Jacatra 25,000l., and that of the factories at Japan, Patani, Jambi, Surat, &c. 20,000l., so that their whole charge in the Indies may be esteemed 120,000l. per annum, not including the charges of shipping which remained continually in the Indies, but only of the ships employed to fetch home the return of the 270,000l. stock required by General Carpentier, which by his computation would produce 670,000l. From this Mr. Munn took occasion to make known that there had been a very great loss by the employment of too many ships in the Indies caused by the injuries done by the Dutch, 18,000 tons of shipping being formerly employed for a yearly return of 200,000l., but the shipping being now reduced to a competent tonnage of 8,000 tons yearly, 6,500 for two fleets out and at home, and the rest in the Indies to trade from port to port, in which 1,800 men will be necessarily required, the charge whereof, with all other disbursements, together with the yearly value of the returns, &c. he produced in the form of an account and esteemed the net gains to be 80 percent., which being reckoned at dear prices in the Indies and cheap here, his opinion was that a fair agreement with the Dutch might advance the business to the gains of former times, but if his Majesty do not effectually curb the insolence of the Dutch, the Company can promise to themselves nothing but loss and destruction of their estates. To this was added that it is not to be denied that the trade will be profitable and hitherto hath been beneficial, especially when Bantam was open, but since Sir Thomas Dale's going out there hath been no good returns, nor was there any hope unless upon assurance of better correspondence with the Dutch, in expectation of which the Company had these seven years been drawn on in prosecution of the trade, but it was now held meet to sit still for awhile, and when the State hath performed what they have promised then to proceed again. Remarks of Mr. Governor, who also said it was alleged that the adventure would be four or five years before it returned into cash, and demanded whether it were a trade fit to be followed. To this was replied that 20 per cent. is no competent gain upon such an adventure, with remarks upon severing the Surat from the Persian trade, and from Mr. Deputy that the trade would be profitable if supported, otherwise of necessity must be deserted, and held fit it should be plainly declared to the King and State. It was then observed that unless the stock be doubled in three years the trade is not worth following, and that the profit of this trade consisted chiefly in accommodation with the Dutch, and to bring down the prices of commodities abroad and advance them at home, instancing the price of pepper. Mr. Leatt advised to rest for a year in expectation of what the State will do, and in the meantime to employ the ships at home upon reprisal. Mr. Governor concluded that the general resolution was when the State helped the Company to pursue the trade, and in the meantime to desist. Further opinions on the difficulty of raising a new stock, without which the trade cannot be supplied, and the necessity of calling a General Court. Upon these deliberations Mr. Governor desired to know what answer should be given to the Lords, in case this day's proceedings, which were ordered to be kept secret for a time, should come to their knowledge; answered, that for this year the Company have thought meet to forbear, being indebted, disabled, and disheartened by former losses and injuries done them by the Dutch, for which redress being once obtained, and justice done, the adventurers will cheerfully proceed, who at present have taken notice of the Dutch East India ships passing by without any interruption, even now when the time for promised justice is expired, by which accident they are much discouraged. It was finally concluded that the full resolution of all must be brought first to the General Court, or to some principal adventurers selected by them, to be approved or disallowed, and then, if occasion offered, to attend his majesty and the Lords with their resolutions. Nothing determined as to the employment of the ships at home, but to proceed with repairing with moderation. Ordered that the minutes of a special Court, held about October last, for lessening their charge, be looked out against the next meeting.
May 25.—Payment ordered to Mr. Morgan, the Company's brewer. Letter read from the Countess of Leicester about the pretended debt of John Westby, deceased, and desiring that his accounts be re-examined; her servant was informed of the true state of the accounts, that the Court had given their answer to Mr. Parks, and could give no other. Suit of Mr. Browning for 80l. due for timber delivered at Blackwall. Note read by Edward Lee of those indebted to the Company; it was observed that he was a very weak and insufficient man; the Auditors examined and ordered to give their services but two days in the week, and to be allowed 50l. apiece yearly; and that Colthurst attend the gathering in of the Company's debts in place of Edward Lee, who is to be dismissed at Midsummer. Instructions to Colthurst for collection, &c. of the Company's debts; in case any refuse to make payment after two months, Mr. Acton, the solicitor, to proceed against them at common law. Suit of Hockett to be continued to the 7th December next, but the Court confirmed their former resolution, though sorry for his indisposition, which was the cause of his dismission. The two anchors borrowed of the King to be delivered to Mr. Burrell or any other authorised to receive them. Ordered that Mr. Terry, the goldsmith's, bill for 38¼ oz. of white plate for 12 dishes presented to Lord Carleton, with the graving of his Lordship's arms, amounting to 107l. 13s., be paid. Gratuity of 20 nobles to Ralph Crane for writing divers treaties, depositions, and remonstrances concerning the business of Amboyna for Lord Carleton's private use containing four or five quires of paper. Provision of cordage for the three ships now in dock; directions to the anchor smith for working new anchors for the three great ships.
May 28.—Letter read from Sir Simon Harvy desiring on his Majesty's behalf the other half of the south part of their vault in the Exchange for stowing prize goods; Mr. Leatt to report if it might be spared. Motion on behalf of the Grocers for liberty to sell part of their pepper in town. Bill of charges presented by the two Rands for house rent, saving the Blessing's anchor in the Downs, and piloting the ships from Portsmouth to the Downs to be paid; it was observed they were honest, able and willing, and more reasonable than the Poynett's and thought fit to employ them in that service. Relation of the late accident befallen their powder mills by breach of the bank or watercourse; letter to be sent to Mr. Blythe to repair the same. The Court to be put in mind at next meeting to appoint a time for going down to Blackwall.
May 30.—Motion to call a General Court to approve or disallow the resolution of the Court held 23rd May to surcease the trade to the Indies for this year, but in regard this resolution is already known to many of the generality, who seem to be well pleased therewith, it was thought fit to defer calling a General Court until the day of election, which is not far off, and if there be cause, to acquaint the king and state therewith. On the recommendation of Sir John Worsnam, ordered that Mr. Acton take care that two of the Farmer's deputies who seized for the behoof of the Company four of five bushels of the Moon's pepper, and are sued in the Admiralty Court at Dover, be secured from danger. Wednesday afternoon appointed for a Court of Sales. The silk and indigo bought by Alderman Garway and Mr. Crispe to be weighed, and to obtain leave to sell their alum in regard they intend not to send it to the India. At the earnest solicitaion of Alderman Poole and Mr. Greene, a counsellor-at-law, in behalf of their kinsman, Rebert Young, for mitigation of the fine of 500l. lately imposed for private trade, wasteful expenses, and. in the Indies, the Court "utterly for their sakes," after long debate, remitted 100 marks. Gratuity of 40l. to Mr. Skinner for his pains in writing and translating many things of importance. Charges for the powder mills. Steevens much blamed for keeping 40 or 50 unnecessary men at work at Blackwall. An offer of 400 loads of timber reported as good as ever had been seen, rejected, but not less than 30 or 40 loads of knee and compass timber requisite for the James and Charles to be provided. Suit of Mr. Crew for satisfaction for his masts. 15½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. IX. 532–548.]
[May.] 445. The King's instructions to Dudley, Lord Carleton, Ambassador Extraordinary to the States General of the United Provinces. To press the States earnestly to a speedy proceeding against their subjects that are any way guilty to the foul and bloody fact of Amboyna, and to consider how his Majesty has racked his patience already on their earnest protestations to do him justice, for he cannot find it reasonable to restrain his subjects from seeking their own right when he protects them not; "our own honour calls upon us, and justice in the eyes of God and men, expect that we pass not by so foul a fact without receiving or taking justice for it." Indorsed, "His Majesty's instructions given me in May 1627, signed by my Lord Killultagh." Signed also by the King. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
May. 446. The King's secret instructions to Dudley, Lord Carleton. Whereas by forcible and fraudulent means those of that State trafficking in the East Indies have utterly dispossessed his Majesty's subjects of all commerce, nay of subsistance in their wonted factories, which had the managing of many millions of the goods of his subjects, to demand reparation of such damages as the merchants complain of, with establishment of such order as are required by Treaty and prevention of such inconveniences as experience has better taught than could be foreseen at their first association. Particularly to require justice to be done for the bloody butchery at Amboyna upon such persons as they have amongst them who committed the same, with revocation of John Pieterson Coen (a suspected sower of those seeds of barbarous cruelty) now again sent as General to the Indies, according to his Majesty's protest in 1625, at Tichfield, and what is now resolved of between his Majesty's deputies and theirs. In the whole carriage of this business to endeavour a distinction betwixt the directors of the Company and the States General, making the latter sensible of the growing danger to that State by the overgrown greatness of those directors, who are in effect a State within their State, and for their particular ends run contrary to the common good. Endorsed, "His Majesty's secret instructions given me in May 1627, signed by Secretary Coke." Signed also by the King. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
May. 447. "Memorial of the grounds whereupon the Lord Carleton is to be dispatched for the Low Countries." To summon them to a final satisfaction in doing justice in the bloody business of Amboyna, which they are obliged in promise to do in this month of March now past. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]