East Indies: January 1627

Pages 300-310

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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January 1627

Jan. 2–22. 391. Court Minutes of the East India Company. The coral shipped in the George and Elizabeth to be assured for 2,000l. at 4s.d. per cent. The resolution for providing 2,000l. in ryals of 8 confirmed. Mr. Treasurer to buy all the ryals and gold to be had. Sir John Wolstenholme to have a carpet seven yards long promised to him as a gratification for saving the Company 1000l. in customs upon calicoes exported after they had been in England above a year. Mr. Governor related a favour done by him, in so representing to the King and Duke the state of the Company, the oppressions of the Dutch, and the benefits of this trade to the King and State, that the Duke desired to have this relation in writing, and accordingly Mr. Governor and other Committees conceived a Remonstrance, which was now read in Court and approved, and a transcript sent to Sir John who was to attend the Duke to Chatham. Motion of Henry Garway on behalf of Nich. Leatt and himself to discharge their accounts of a debt for caviare. Touching an adventure standing in the name of Thomas Barker but belonging to Mr. Decrowe. Capt. Hall required to use all possible expedition for the ship's dispatch; he recommended Mr. Malim as Vice-Admiral, Capt. Bickley having fallen off, and approved of Evans, master of the Star, and expected answer from Capt. Goodall. Motion of Capt. Hall "for making ports so low that frigates might not come under the range of the ordnance as formerly they had done"; the Court left him to take a carpenter from the yard, and consider how and where such ports may safely be made, and forthwith to be effected accordingly; 100 cloths ready dyed and dressed for Persia to be provided to go in this fleet. Ordered that Signor Jeromino receive three months imprest to furnish him forth to sea in the ship with Capt. Hall. That Sambrooke draw out an account of what is due to Richard Hasellwood, so the Court might consider of an answer to his executors. Proposition for raising money by sale of goods to lessen their debt and interest left to a fuller Court. Discussion on the two sorts of pepper bags, those of French canvas thinner than those made of Muscovy yarn.
Jan. 3.—Demand of John Parks, who married the sister of Richard Westby, deceased, for 1,329 ryals of 8 which he pretended were disbursed by Westby for the Company; ordered that the Auditors examine and report upon that account. Bill of 31l. 15s. presented by William Dartnell, upholsterer, for hire of bedding, &c. for the Persian Ambassador when he lay at the Company's charge to be paid. The Remonstrance concerning the injuries done by the Dutch again read and approved. The Auditors to report upon the question between the Company and Alderman Freeman, concerning interest for a contract for 6,000l. for goods in Greenland. Request of Sir Robert Cotton for the sister and executrix of John Osterwicke, deceased, to receive what is due to her brother; ordered that Sambrooke draw out of his account. Upon petition of John Saris and Katharine Foster, brother, sister, and administrators of Edmond Saris, who went out 16 years since in the Clove, and died lately in the Jonas, desiring payment of their brother's estate; the Court willed them to have patience 14 days longer. As to his wages after the rate of 40s. per month enlarged as they pretended from 20s. by Capt. Saris at Japan, the Court gave no power to Capt. Saris to enlarge any man's wages, yet willed them to desire him to certify whether he made any enlargement and by what warrant. Concerning a contract for a quantity of saltpetre last year, which by reason of the wars was taken from the contractors. Request of Phipps for delivery of goods bought by him out of the Great James, and stayed at the Custom House by the Lord Treasurer's warrant; he was desired to have patience.
Jan. 5.—Offer of John Martin, late the Persian Ambassador's interpreter, to serve the Company; answered when occasion should offer he would be sent for. Request of [John] Gerard concerning his debt to the Company. Nomination of a second Commander in place of Capt. Bickley deferred. Edmond Leigh, recommended by Sir John Savill, entertained as a common man. Ordered to send 200 cloths in this fleet to be vented at Gombroon and other places where it is reported many Armenians, Jews, and Persians are come down with great quantities of gold to buy commodities. Letter to be written to Mr. Barlow to provide 25,000 in ryals in Holland. Motion of Mr. Deputy, remembering the great quantities of saltpetre come home in this fleet from the Indies, to dispose of the saltpetre which remained on their hands at Dantzic. Suit of the executor of Hasellwood, late factor, for his estate, amounting to 600l. and upwards, deferred. Petition of Woodall, surgeon, for recompense for his many good services in recovering divers of their maimed and hurt servants; the Court having given him no gratuity these three years, deferred until those then in cure were recovered. Two bills of disbursements presented by Ed. Sherburne, secretary; one amounting to 165l. 8s. for new year's gifts allowed, the other for 61l. 6s. 4d. to be audited. Concerning the remainder of Philip Harison's estate claimed by John Harison, the administrator. A debt of 120l. for interest acknowledged by Alderman Freeman; also concerning another debt of his of 215l. for the arrest of the account of the Muscovy business. Ordered that the estate of John Gurden, late mate of the Diamond, be stayed until his executor and John Bancks, who pretend title thereto, be heard; also that Bancks in regard he lost his right arm in the Company's service, be employed. Petition of John Shorting for satisfaction for his service in the Dragon, Anne, and James, having gone out without wages, is now entertained master of the barge at 30s. per month on purpose to gratify him; but this would not give him content, so he was offered 20 nobles to leave the Company's service, which, if he refused, he is to expect no wages for his former service. Ordered that Philip Jacob, the administrator, receive the remain of Wm. Hurd's wages, if it does exceed 3l. Gratuities of 5s. each out of the poor's box to Mary Croply, Elizabeth Nutting, and Agnes Dynn, three poor widows; and of 40s. to Richard Landale who was hurt in the Jonas, over and above the 40s. formerly given him.
Jan. 8.—Ordered that the purser of the Great James give in the names of all that forsook the ship at Portsmouth, that they may be called to account before being paid for the voyage. George Humble to be paid 14l. due to him from one Haris[on], deceased John Holloway, now capable of receiving dividends for 1,000l., to have warrant for 400l.; and at his request 300l. adventure is passed over to Robert Robinson. One hundred barrels of powder to be procured from the City. The Court taking notice that Mr. Brookes, customer and clerk of the King's stores at Portsmouth, had given way to the landing of private goods, considered that such a man at an out port might greatly prejudice the Company; to advise with some of the chequer clerks whether Brookes being the King's servant might be brought up by writ without leave first had from the Lord Chamberlain. Conceiving it would quicken the drapers who stood off, resolved to sell 3,000 or 4,000 pieces of calicoes to Dyke and Ferris. Ordered that Mr. Edmonds receive the dividends due upon Charles Fettiplace's adventure, and that the debt due on his account be charged upon Hooker's account. It was observed that the 40,000l. agreed to be sent out this year will not be sufficient to lade home the ships abroad, and therefore moved to invest the 10,000l. payable to the King of Persia in cloth, which if he would not accept, it was conceived he would give way to the sale. The Governor having remonstrated that the King of Persia's account was very uncertain, it was ordered to be made up. Discourse with Young, factor from Surat, concerning goods vendible in Persia, he declared that Surat commodities would vent well there, instancing sugar in great quantities, and cloth, and cotton wool, spices and tin from England. Ordered that the objections in writing against Mr. Young be delivered to him. Concerning cloths to be bought for the Persian merchant to carry with him, also the 40l. demanded by Wither, being a debt from the Persian merchant. As to the estate of Richard Hasellwood, deceased, ordered that 40l. be defalked as a fine for his private trade, and the remainder paid to the executor. Ordered, at the desire of Mr. Lucatella, that no more divisions be delivered to Kerby on his father's account until they were agreed. Request of Robert Hackwell, late master of the Hart, to receive the rest of his account; was told that in 14 days the Company would clear with him and other masters and captains. Petition of Robert Jolly, late carpenter of the Anne, showing that he was three years prisoner with the Portugals, and ransomed at 200 ryals, which are now charged on his account, that he saved the Anne, as Capt. Goodall and others well knew, and praying that the Company would pay the 200 ryals or allow him wages during the time of his imprisonment; he was required to bring certificate of his service performed.
Jan. 10.—Notice by Daniel White, purser of the Mary, that unless the same allowance was made for breakfasts as was given to the men in the James, they would leave the Company's service; the Court understanding that said breakfasts would cost at least 200l. per annum, absolutely denied them, and required the purser to dismiss all who would not serve without. Complaint of George Bennett concerning his three half capitals in pepper. The Court refused to allow men to pass over one to another their ninth division. Capt. Malim and Mr. Evans freely left to bring their ships on shore in regard of the frost. Mountney, Evans, and the purser much blamed for delay in lading their ship. Two Committees appointed for each ship, the Mary, the Hart, Star and Hopewell, to go down twice a week to see that the officers did their duties. A writ of replevin brought by Mr. Phipps for his goods at the Custom House. Letter read from Mr. Hassall, son-in-law to Abraham Cartwright deceased, undertaking to pay a debt due from Cartwright for goods. Ordered that Mr. Robinson, of Rochester, who bought goods aboard the Company's ships, be served with process to answer the Company's bill in Chancery; also that the Secretary attend Alderman Hamersley with the Court Book, and show him the Act concerning Delinquents, but not to give him a copy, only of the preamble.
Jan. 12.—Complaint of Mr. Offley that having sold for Sir Joseph Hayes, a free brother, 10 bags of pepper to Chapiane, a grocer in town, 5l. per bag was imposed on him by way of mulct; answered they could not break the order of the General Court, and utterly denied to detain it, as requested, out of Sir Joseph Hayes' adventure. Renewed complaint of George Bennett (see last Court), answered they would not infringe the order of the General Court. Petition of Rich. Swanley, master of the Royal James, Hen. Wheatley, purser, John Willoughby, factor, Wm. Birch, carpenter, and John Saddler, druggist, to be freed from answering the Company's Bill in Chancery (concerning their private trade), in regard they would confess what they knew and submit to the censure of the Court; but the Court wished them first to put in their answers, or they must expect to have attachment taken out against them. Relation of Mr. Acton, the Company's solicitor, concerning the order of the Master of the Rolls in the cause between Messrs. Burrell and Bolt and the Company, to rehear the cause next term with one of the judges. Opinion of Mr. Acton that Mr. Phipps would receive no benefit by the writ of replevin, in regard the Lord Treasurer's warrant (for stay of the goods) was on behalf of his Majesty as well as the Company. The Persian merchant's son to be paid his allowance of 10l. per week; the musk to be sold with consent and in the presence of the merchant's son. Wither to repair to the Court in reference to the 40l. pretended to be due to him. The Committees for buying cloth for this fleet to hasten that business. Ordered that a bill of Woodall, the Company's surgeon, for drugs bought of Alderman Johnson, be forthwith paid. Proposition whether sale of the silk, indigo, and calicoes should be by contract or by the candle, left to further consideration. Motion of Mr. Munne to enlarge the proportion of ryals from 25,000 to 35,000; it was thought fit in regard Mr. Barlow takes up great sums of money by exchange at long time that 4,000l. or 5,000l. be made over to him, and that he supply in gold what he cannot get in ryals. Edward Lind, purser of the Hopewell, discharged at his own request. Mr. Governor related that himself, with Mr. Deputy and Committees, attended the Lord Duke yesterday at Whitehall to understand his pleasure concerning the Remonstrance of their grievances against the Dutch presented by Sir John Worsnam, when the Duke not only gave them a noble and respectful usage, but made known that he perceived new injuries offered by the Dutch in practsing to contract with the King of Jambi to exclude the Company from buying pepper there contrary to the Treaty, whereof he had acquainted his Majesty, who, albeit he could not with honour use the remedy propounded, to make stay of the Dutch ships until the expiration of the 18 months, yet intended a demand should be presently made to the States, and to that end had appointed a selected Committee of the Lords, the Duke being one, who would take the business into serious consideration so soon as Lord Carleton, another of the Committee, who had negociated this cause, should return, which would be in two or three days, assuring them that his Grace would be always ready to do the Company all good offices in his power. Ordered that the men of the James be paid, except such as there was complaint against for private trade, and that those that left the ship at Portsmouth be paid up to that time only.
Jan. 15.—William Penryn and John Tilt to be employed in plating the bread rooms of the Hart and the Scout at 26s. per centum for the plates. Warrant to Mr. Treasurer for 100l., towards the Persian Ambassador's household expenses. Claim by Mr. Blinckorne through a nuncupative will of the estate, amounting to 20l., of a black who died in the Indies; he was requested to bring witnesses to prove his allegations. Price of the Company's silk to be 4 nobles per lb. at six months. Petition of Bartholomew Simonds to go surgeon in one of the Company's ships, having made four voyages; is now being opposed by Woodall only through malice and some differences of 20 years' standing; Woodall to be warned to next Court. On consideration of the order of the 10th inst., ordered that if any man desire to pass over his ninth division it should be registered in the Company's books. Report of Mr. Governor about the pirate business and the expenses to be borne by the East India and Turkey Company towards the expedition against the pirates of Algiers and the service in the Narrow Seas. It was alleged that the charge for the last service was 11,000l., but it appeared to be 8,000l., for shipping, the superplus being for a ship to transport Lord Digby into Spain and for a pinnace to Rochelle. Request on behalf of Anthony Stoughton for remission of 15l. fine for not transporting three bags of pepper, but the Court could not grant it. Request of the executrix of Anthony Home, late master of the Hart, to receive 290 ryals of eight for 5 cwt. of cloves delivered to the factors at Jacatra; he was wished to be patient till next year, the accounts not being yet come home. Request on behalf of the widow of Edward Willmott concerning her ninth division of pepper. Ordered that 10 pieces of satins besides the 24 from Florence be bought for this fleet. Cloth and a very fair suit of tapestry to be viewed.
Jan. 17.—Bill of exchange of 100l. from John Yonge to Sir James Oxendine to be paid. Purchasers of under 40 bags of pepper to have "three four months, and of above 40 four six months time for payment." Resolved that Alderman Hammersley should not have his warrant for pepper upon this division until he had conformed to the order of the General Court. Examination of the accusations against Bartholomew Simonds charged to his face by Woodall of drunkenness, insufficiency in his art, and bad and dissolute behaviour, besides having stabbed two men, so that no man would afford him a good word; not being able to clear himself of all these imputations he was absolutely dismissed. Request of Sir Dodmore Cotton on behalf of Mahomet, the Persian merchant's son, who desired to know how the Company would dispose of his goods; Mahomet was called in with Mr. Withers and made several demands as to his musk, Turkey stones, and Bezoar stones, investing his money in fine cloths and payment of his debts, particularly that due to Withers, and lastly, that his father's gravestone, for which Mr. Withers had given 3l., might be paid for and finished. To all these the Court gave answers, that they had already paid 40l. according to "his bill of particulars" of his debts delivered by himself. Withers was desired to agree with the stonecutter for the gravestone at as cheap a rate as he could, which the Company would pay, and for setting Mahomet to sea the Court were content to advance him 10l., being one week's pay; which proceedings Sir Dodmore Cotton well approved of, and much blamed Mahomet for complaining against the Company.
Jan. 19.—Concerning the accounts of Richard Guy, cashier, deceased. Gratification of 30l. to Mr. Massingberd who succeeded Guy for his extraordinary pains and encouragement. A Persian carpet seven or eight yards long to be presented to Lord Willough by for the late noble favour shown by him in sending men from his ship to relieve the Royal James in the Downs. Preparations for unlading the James and lading the other ships to be made ready. Petition of Tho. Parrie, grocer, to be discharged of 20l. 9s. brokes for 40 bags of pepper bought and not paid for in time, and for leave to sell in town four bags of pepper, refused, as being directly in opposition to an order of the General Court. Mr. Carew, of the Custom House gratified with a silk quilt. Request of the Persian Ambassador to have the remainder of the money for the King of Persia's silk invested in tin; 70 tons to be provided and a note procured from the Ambassador importing that it was done by his directions. Strong waters and knives to be provided for Persia. Letter read from Humphrey Burr from Middelburg desiring so much Malabar pepper at the price of Jambi in place of the mouldy pepper he had received and liberty to sell it within the land, which requests were utterly denied. A Court of Sales appointed for Wednesday next, and to set up bills on the Exchange that amongst other commodities will be sold Lahore indigo, silk, and calicoes, although it was rather desired to sell those parcels by contract. William Hodder to have two jars of green ginger and one basket of hard wax, all he brought home for private trade. No pepper to be taken out of the Company's warehouse without a bill of sufferance or a cockett from the Custom House. Wm. Hoare's accounts to be made out. Harbour provisions at Plymouth for the Speedwell to be paid. Wm. Cooke entertained on petition of his aunt Elizabeth, wife of Bartholomew Ayle, mate in the Palsgrave. Gratification of 3l. to Walter Jones who had his arm broken in a fight at sea, in the Scout. An order of Chancery made in May 1625 to produce the Company's books to Bolt's executors, being used for a further sight of said books the Court utterly denied to produce them again until a new order be procured.
Jan. 22.–Demands of James Cocks on behalf of Giles Hobbes, deceased, for two and a half years wages at 200l. per annum, besides 200l. he took with him, and 100l. for extraordinary charges; answered that there were no wages agreed on, but he should be made equal with the other that went with him and he was willed to be at the Court on Friday. Request of Cocks to receive his warrant for pepper, detained in regard of his brother's debt to the Company denied as contrary to the order of the generality. Ordered that the masters and pursers receive a charge for the speedy dispatch of their ships. Request of the Persian merchant to have four pieces of calicoe out of the trunk sealed up by him, a bottle of silver for a sample to make some of tin, and a Persian dagger; the calicoes to be given, and if he bring a workman to have a sight of the bottle, but not give up the dagger. Petition of Roger Giffard, one of the auditors, for leave of absence. The last alum sold for 208. per cwt., and Blunt confessed he was offered 20l. to procure the rest at the same price; but the price being raised to 3l. the Court suspected some underhand dealing and ordered this business to be inquired into. About raising the salary of Cowley employed at the warehouse at the Exchange from 40l. to 50l. Proposal of Mr. Governor on sight of a list of the factors in the Indies, by which it appeared not above 10 were employed towards the northward, of whom some were shortly expected home, whether to entertain any more for this fleet, deferred. Concerning the taking out of the ninth division in pepper without paying for the half capital in money. The Wages of Hackwell, master of the Hart, to be paid and further inquiry made respecting the aspersion laid on him for the fact committed by his direction upon two blacks, for which the Company had discharged him from their service because he so confidently denied it. Ordered that 70 tons of tin be provided for the account of the King of Persia, made up in chests of 2½ cwt., 25 in the Mary, 25 in the Hart, 15 in the Star and 5 in the Hopewell. Agreed that the number of men in the Mary be increased from 200 to 250, and after the same rate for the rest of their ships, and that extra provisions proportionable be provided. Petition of John Sallus, late boatswain of the Star, for wages stayed till he brought certificate of good behaviour from Capt. Weddell, refused on information of his ill behaviour. To confer with Dr. Worrall about procuring a license for printing the book made by Mr. Skinner about the Amboyna business in answer to a Remonstrance made by the Dutch in justification of the said fact. 50½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. IX. 208–348.]
Jan. 24.
392. Robert Tottell to John Banggam. Has received his of the 8th with two carpets for Capt. Kerridge. This morning arrived a peon of Mr. Offley's with letters from Surat, which Tottell thought not fit to detain. Purposes on arriving in Simond [?Sinund] to make over to him what moneys are remaining. Thanks for the knives, which have stood him in great stead. Has not as yet the stolen 18 pieces of cloth. Sends particulars of the prices of cloth bought for Capt. Kerridge, amounting to 420 rupees. Indorsed: "To my much respected and very good friend John Banggam, agent, Lahore." 1 p. [O.C., Vol. XI., No. 1249.]
Jan. 24–29. 393. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Mr. Treasurer Bateman promised in open Court to make good any loss to the Company through his cashiers, although he had no other security from them than their honesty, upon which he relied. The ships to be dispeeded away for fear of a King's press. Capt. Goodall entertained vice-admiral at 10l. per month and 30l. to set him to sea. Trew, late gunner of the Jonas, entertained as midshipman; and John Wilson, who was in the Anne as surgeon, on the captain's recommendation. Robert Jolly, late carpenter in the Anne, having been a principal means of preserving that ship, the Court forgave him the 200 ryals charged upon his wages for his ransom from the Portugals, and ordered payment of his wages. Ordered that on his bond for 500l. Francis Wadlow receive dividends from the adventure of John Palmer deceased, amounting to 400l. transferred to him by Mr. Garrett, administrator of Palmer's estate. Request of Mr. Castle, a merchant stranger, to be admitted a free brother for a fine of 20l. was told that divers paid 200 marks, but the Court would accept 100 marks of him, which he refused. Concerning the provision of 100 flitches of bacon. Petition of Robert Smith, late purser of the Jonas, for delivery of his pepper brought home on private trade, to be allowed 12d. per Ib. for same. Ordered that the Mary fall down to Gravesend, and the Hart and Star to Erith, for their lading, and that Steevens hasten his survey of the Jonas, whether she can be made serviceable for another voyage. About the sale of silk, viz, at four nobles a pound at six and six months.
Jan. 24.—Minutes of a Court of Sales. Contract for rich indigo at 68. 1d. per Ib. at six and six months. Ordered that all who had not taken out their ninth capital in pepper might have Malabar pepper at 20d. per lb. List of commodities sold, with names of the purchasers and the prices.
Jan.26. Favour granted to Alderman Hammersley in reference to the payment of his arrear of subscriptions, and to be spared from paying for his "third half" until 1st March next; nevertheless this favour not to be a precedent. Contract with Job Harby for 123 tons of Muscovia cordage at 24s. the cwt. Request of Thomas Riche to have a parcel of rice out on bond. Request on behalf of the creditors of Edward Jourdain that the transport of his adventure of 600l. to Robert Edwards might be retransported to themselves. Petition of Clifton on behalf at the children of John Phillpott, mate in the Charles, who died in the Anne, for pepper, he having taken out letters of administration of Phillpott's estate; to receive after the rate of 12d. per lb, abating one fourth part in respect of the great quantity wanting in said ship. Mr. Castle a merchant stranger, to be a free brother for the fine of 40l. but his admission deferred until next Court. Suit of Scudamore to be again entertained factor, offered 60l. per annum, but he demanded 120l. Petition of the widow of Richard Swanley, who died in the Lion, that in regard her husband lost his life and the greatest part of his estate in their service, they would give her some recompence; the Court, though willing to have done something for her, yet observing that all whose husbands had lost their lives in their service would expect the like, which would cost them many hundred pounds, told her they could give her no relief at present unless some small means out of the poor box, which she refused. About payment for timber delivered in the yard. Offer of two or three suits of tapestry hangings at 24s., 34s., and 46s. a stick (sic). Concerning payment of the estate of Hill's brother, who died in the Indies, about 200l. Endymion Porter, with Sir Dodmore Cotton, came into Court and delivered privately a message from his Majesty to Mr. Governor to the effect that whereas his Majesty had formerly signified his pleasure that the Company should transport Sir Robert Sherley and Sir Dodmore Cotton into Persia, yet notwithstanding they suffered their ships last year to depart without taking them in, that his Majesty expected the Company shall now perform his former directions, and not suffer these ships to depart without taking them in; whereupon it was resolved to deliver their answer by petition, but before delivery it was resolved to entreat the Lord Duke's favour that if possible the Company might be released of this imposition and command for the reasons contained in their said petition.
Jan. 29. Report of Mr. Leatt that he had been with Dr. Worrall to procure allowance of the Remonstrance to be printed; ordered that Mr. Skinner be sent for. Opinion of Leatt that the Dutch Remonstrance in answer to Skinner's relation of the Amboyna cruelty should be printed together with Skinner's last Remonstrance, so that the truth might be better understood; ordered that the Dutch Remonstrance be searched out if it may be found, if not then some means to be used to Lord Carleton to procure a copy, meantime to procure allowance of the Remonstrance, and bestow on the Doctor two pieces for his pains and courtesy. Mr. Governor and Committee intreated to attend his Majesty with the Company's petition for reparation of injuries done by the Dutch. Hen. Garway to examine and report upon the business of alum. Ordered that the remainder of his wages be paid to Hackwell, late master of the Hart. The Court again declared their detestation of the "barbarous inhumanity rumoured against him," resolving never to employ him again unless he cleared himself, and to prosecute him if he should appear culpable, and ordered that in their next letters the President and Council at Jacatra be required to examine and certify how they find it. The Court saw no reason to detain his wages he having otherwise carried himself well, and confidently denying the fact, and no man directly accusing him. Petition of Jasper Dartnell, for recompense for two lighters sent down to unlade the Great James, and complaining that wharfingers came to the Exchange Cellar and there contracted with merchant's men to carry their pepper to other wharves; ordered to allow him 20 nobles, and that the warehouse keepers do not suffer any wharfinger to come into the cellars or make any such bargains. Jno. Offley to have his warrant for pepper. Committee to agree with Browne for five pieces of cloth of gold. Report of Alderman Ducy that the Persian merchant's cloths were high priced, and could not be ready before the last of February; but the Court conceiving the ships would not be dispatched before then engaged to pay for as many as were made ready by that time; also resolved as formerly to send two scarlets [cloths]. Scudamore entertained a factor at 100 marks yearly for five years. Because of the deceit and dishonesty of John Bancks, who by a false ticket from Rogers, purser of the Diamond, received two several sums of 50l. of Henry Smith, serjeant, and Jno. Conyers, corporal, stay was ordered of the wages of Bancks and Rogers. The executors of Edmond Saris submitting to the Company, thankfully accepted 100l. in satisfaction of all demands. Ordered that Robert Fotherby's bill of petty charges be paid. Much dispute passed upon the request of Capt. Weddell to be spared from answering the Company's suit in Chancery; being demanded of whom he bought his goods at Surat, he protested he bought them of a broker named Orgie, but knew not whose they were, resolved to suspend his answer, but not absolutely to discharge him. 20 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. IX. 348–368.]
Jan. 30? 394. "Remembrances" (of matters to be submitted to the King). Sir Dodmore Cotton carries with him into Persia Mr. Goche, B.D., and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and prays his Majesty's letter to the master and seniors for allowance of all his profits as fully as if he were present, and that if a senior's place fall void in his absence he may be chosen according to seniority. And another letter mandatory to the Vice-Chancellor to give Mr. Goche a present admission to the degree of Doctor of Divinity. See Warrant dated 16th Feb., No. 407. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LII., No. 1, Cal. 35.]
Jan. 31. 395. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Warrant to be obtained form Sir Henry Marten to prosecute runaway sailors. Bills in Chancery of Lady Dale and Grove against the Company read by Acton, the Company's solicitor; resolved to advise with counsel whether there is not sufficient matter to prefer a bill in the Star Chamber against Grove. Concerning the great Muscovia cordage bought at last Court from Job Harby. The bread rooms of the Mary too little to take in her proportion of biscuit by 20,000, ordered that the rest be put in good sweet casks. The Persian Ambassador to be requested speedily to accommodate himself with everything necessary for his journey, so as not to lose his voyage as last year. Certain ordnance to be provided for Capt. Hall. Examination of the demands of Mr. Cocks concerning Giles Hobbes, deceased, whom the Company sent overland to Persia. Report of Mr. Governor that yesterday he and Committees went to Whitehall with their petition in answer to his Majesty's message concerning the transportation of Sir Robert Sherley and Sir Dodmore Cotton into Persia, but first attended the Lord Duke, desiring his favour that they might not be enjoined to transport Sir Robert, especially for that he himself had desired leave to set forth a ship at his own and friend's charge for his transportation, unto which they willingly assented; his Grace answered he would persuade Sir Robert to take that course, advising them nevertheless to prefer their petition to the King, which they did at his Majesty's coming forth to supper, but received no answer; but understanding since that his Majesty had sent the petiton to Lord Conway, Mr. Bell and the Company's directions, and likewise entreat Mr. Crowe's favour to the Duke for seconding the petition. His Grace further took notice to Lord Carleton of the Committee to be appointed for composing the business between the Company and the Dutch, and that the Commission should shortly be made ready, and promising his favour and furtherance therein. At the desire of the Persian merchant's son ordered that the proceeds of the musk sold at the last Court of Sales be invested in knives. Request of Mr. Withers that having bought 38 cloths of Mr. Meade for the Persian merchant's son, he receive 200l. part payment, but the Court holding it no way safe to part with any money to Mr. Withers, wished the cloths to be brought into the house and they would then pay Mr. Meade. A bargain for five pieces of cloth of gold at 5l. per yard confirmed. The buying of cloth for this fleet to be hastened, and in case Mr. Bell's ship should not arrive before that day sennight, the white wine to be furnished in town "and not to depend any longer upon uncertainties." The wages of Hoare, late factor, to be paid. Crispine Blackden, formerly employed in the Indies under Capt. Browne, entertained under factor for seven years, at 20l. the first year, 30l. the second, and 40l. the remainder of the time. Suit of Mr. Pinder for his wages, but as there were many complaints against him 10l. to be paid on account and his answers to be heard on Monday next. Ordered that 50 lb. of ambergris challenged by the executrix of Mr. Hasellwood be delivered to her. Certificate produced by John Blincorne that John Blincorne [sic], a black, who died in the Indies, bequeathed to him his estate, about 20l., by will nuncupative, and said Blincorne freely submitting to the Court, it was ordered that he should abate 10l. to be put in the poor box, lest wages be demanded by any of his kindred, and receive the rest. Report of Mr. Leatt that he had spoken with Dr. Worrall to procure license for printing Mr. Skinner's second book against the Dutch concerning the Amboyna business, and that he complained that on licensing the first book he was promised that Sir Hen. Marten should have certified his allowance and approbation before it was printed, but not being performed he desired Sir Henry might approve this book before it were licensed for the press; Mr. Cappur to attend Sir Henry accordingly. Capt. Watts to have satisfaction for a parcel of cordage supplied to the James. Wages to be paid to William Birch, carpenter of the James. 8½pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. IX. 368–376.]