East Indies: May 1626

Pages 192-205

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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May 1626

[May 1.] 314. Petition of John Brooke, late commander of the ship Moon, belonging to the East India Company, to the House of Commons. That the 15th of September last through violence of weather, foulness of the ship, and rottenness of sails and ground tackle petitioner suffered shipwreck, losing his whole estate (save what the Company owes him) except the ring on his finger and such clothes as with swimming he recovered to Dover, where on false allegations he was committed by the Mayor (a member of the Company) to the bailiff's prison, and then brought to the Castle, where he continued six months without being suffered to come to hearing, albeit there were in that time at least 12 Admiralty Courts holden there. And so should still have continued, but on petition to the Duke of Buckingham, petitioner was released, yet forced by the Company to enter into 1,500l. bond to appear within 14 days after warning. And now finding their aim not to question him, but to keep him from doing any service at sea, or prosecuting for what is due to him, prays for reformation of these wrongs, and for avoiding the loss of serviceable subjects in every voyage lost by the hard measure of the Company, that the House would appoint a hearing of this cause and give warrant for bringing in such witnesses as petitioner should nominate. Underwritten, Causes of the loss of seamen in the East India Company's service. 1. They draw them in by promising them great means. 2. When in the country they keep them there so long that many die for want of food and necessaries, and some run to the Portugal and the heathen, so that the greater part never return. 3. The sailors have but two or three meals of flesh a week, short measure, two of butter, 4 oz to five men, a quart of small arrack in the morning to five men, and all the week else rice and water, many times short, by which and the ill air many fall. 4. The Company keep their ships out so long to take purchase (to great value) from the Portugal and Chinaman, that they become so decayed that none would venture home in them, but such as would rather put themselves to the mercy of God than perish in the country, though kept labouring at the pumps all the way home, and if any extreme weather happened they had small hope of safety. Divers more grievances will appear on examination. Endorsed by Nicholas, Cap. Hawkrege and Jo. Brooke. This petition was read and referred to the Committee for grievance, see Commons Journal I. p. 852. See also the Fast India Company's petition, 19 June, No. 334. There is a certificate dated 27 Nov. 1626, that John Brooke was an able gunner and an ancient seaman. See Dom., Chas. I., Vol. XL., No. 31. 1 p. [East Indies, Vol. IV, No. 20.]
May 3–5. 315. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Ordered that Edward Scudamore, Thos. Sanderson, Francis Askewe, Wm. Clarke, Oliver Straucke, Harris, Futter, or any other that can speak mate rially in the business between the Company and Brookes shall be sent for forth with and examined in the Admiralty in perpetuam rei memoriam. The Governor made known that Lady Dale's Bill had been read in Parliament and was committed, but the hearing was adjourned by Sir James Perrott; resolved to expect a new summons before the Company appeared again. The Governor further reported that Brookes had petitioned the Lower House, against whom the Company had complained in the Upper House, neither petition being yet read; additional members were nominated for following these complaints in Parliament. Concerning John Chester, accused of embezzling gold out of the Choul junk, for which the Company at Surat were enforced to make restitution to the value of 128l., whereupon Chester's wages amounting to 50l were stopped: his wife now petitioned for the wages; ordered that the wages stayed should accrue to the Company in part satisfaction for the gold embezzled, but in regard of her poverty 10l. was bestowed upon her and her husband, she giving a general discharge to the Company. Concerning the demands of Henry Dorrell, deceased. The three blacks brought home in the pinnace from St. Helena ordered to work in Blackwall yard. Resolved to sell the Legee silk this afternoon at the candle, thought meet to set it at 27s but moved to advise the Persian merchant, lest the Company's selling at under rate should give him an advantage to oversell them. Information that Sir Walter Cope's sons, Sir Edwin Sandys, and Gibbs had sent and come for their dividends, and had returned without money or good words; Crispe and Harby entreated to speak with Richard Guy and to advise him not only to pay the same, but to give good words to the adventurers when they come upon any occasion. At a Court of Sales appointed for this afternoon, it was propounded to sell the silk by the candle, but thought fit rather to see at what price the Persian sells his silks. Committee to confer with linendrapers desirous to treat with the Company in private for calicoes. Capt. Blagden to receive 20l. at the instance of the Lords Committees of the Upper House, and not as of right. Desire of divers merchants and shopkeepers to give some reasonable fine to be free of the Company; referred. Ordered that Thos. Rastell's bond be cancelled. About sale of 360 bags of the Moon's wet pepper. The Auditors to make a calculation of debts due to the Company; the debtors to have once more notice, but in case they then fail of payment, action to be entered against them. Sambrooke blamed for suffering indebted persons to take out their dividends; ordered that no dividends be paid to any until their debts be cleared.
Minute of a Court of Sales. List of articles sold, comprising calicoes, stuffs, nicanees, taffetas, grograms, myrrh, cotton-wool, and cloves, with names of purchasers and the prices.
May 5.—Ordered that Edward Corbett, administrator to Thos. Corbett, deceased, receive moneys due to said Thomas, except 25l. to remain in the Company's hands for the use of Corbett's child. Petition showing that Giles Hobbs, deceased, had been employed by the Company in the carriage of his Majesty's packet to the Sophy of Persia, when Sir Dudley Digges was sent Ambassador to Russia, and from that time until his decease, which was about three years, had been employed in the Company's affairs in Persia; at his departure out of Russia he had some 200l. worth of pearls and other stock, for which, and for his charges in fitting himself out, it was humbly, desired that reasonable and competent recompense should be given: the Court remembered they had employed such a man, yet in regard it was so long since, Sambrooke was required to report what he finds to the next Court. Divers merchants and shopkeepers of London being desirous to be adventurers and to be made free of this Company; resolved to allow of their acceptation, every merchant paying 20l., and every shopkeeper 30l. for their several freedoms respectively. Upon reading a letter from John Yonge and Sir Dodmore Cotton, wherein was declared the continued resolution of Sir Dodmore to be transported in the Expedition directly for Persia pretending that he hath a commission from his Majesty to that purpose, it was thought fit that Mun and Styles should wait on Lord Conway, and, in case any such commission be granted from his Majesty, desire his Lordship's favour for a countermand in regard of the ship's necessity in going for Jacatra; but if his Lordship refuse to favour the Company, then to frame a petition to the Lords of the Council, and desire their assistance to his Majesty for his royal commission for said ship to keep her intended course for Jacatra. Motion whether to continue Jesson master of said ship deferred. Desire of divers clothworkers to be satisfied for work performed. Report of the Governor of what passed in the Committee of the Lower House concerning the complaint of Lady Dale; upon debate most of the Committee inclined to the belief that Lady Dale had unjustly grounded her complaint; but nothing was concluded. Examination of the differences between Rowe, the master, Daniel White, the purser, and Wilson, the surgeon of the Star; agreed to fine the master 20 marks to the poor box, as well for his excessive lavish of powder as for freight of his goods; and the surgeon as well for freight of his goods as for his uncivil carriage in the ship 20 nobles, in respect of his poverty; the purser to come to the next Court and then he should have an end likewise. 14 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII. 388–402.]
May 6.
The Downs.
316. Sir Dodmore Cotton to (Sec. Lord Conway). As the life of law consists in the execution, so King's commands in the quick obeying. His Majesty has commanded that the merchants should transport Sir Robert Sherley and himself into Persia in their ship Expedition, yet after lying in the Downs a fortnight sent to demand whether they would consent to go for Jacatra; sends letter with answer. To carry them to a place far out of their way and unhealthy, and afterwards transport them for Persia could be no sooner than if they should stay in England and go with their next fleet. Besides the ship is so pestered that officers and mariners protest they will hang before they will go to sea in her so laden; yet are content to undergo all these inconveniences so they might go directly for Persia, but rather than go by Jacatra desire to take some other way, or stay till the fall of the leaf to go with the next shipping. Begs an answer that the merchants prevent it not by the speedy carrying them for Jacatra. Endorsed, "May 6,1626." 2 pp. Incloses,
316. I. Sir Dodmore Cotton to the East India Company. Their demand by John Yonge to know whether Sir Robert Sherley would consent to go for Jacatra, before they go for Persia is so strange that he cannot conceive their intentions; and if they do not suddenly amend this contempt of his Majesty's command he must complain to the State, for howsoever they dare to slight his Majesty, he may not vary from his express will; they too well know already that he is commanded to go directly for Persia in their ship Expedition, and he will not vary in the way to the right hand or to the left. Therefore you will perform the duties of obedient subjects, lose no more time in such unnecessary delays, and, though you have hitherto neglected all, yet now as ye are men, take some order for the lightening the ship of such unnecessary loading as she is now burdened with, whereby my stuff may be all taken in, and if need be the ordnance may play. Thus to satisfy your curiosity I have written what you knew long since far better."—P.S. "I may not go for Jacatra, but must go directly for Persia." From the Downs, 1626, April 28. 1½pp.
316. II. The East India Company to Sir Dodmore Cotton. Have received his of the 28th, written, in a more lofty style than they are accustomed to receive from personages of the highest degree in this kingdom, neither do they at any time neglect their duty or promise to his Majesty as he supposes, and particularly concerning his transportation to Persia, which should have been performed in a ship of 600 tons if his occasions had given him leave to have come in due time; but he is much mistaken to challenge a second promise from them to his Majesty to carry him into Persia in the Expedition, which they ever appointed and are resolved shall go directly for Jacatra for the relief of their servants and ships there, whereof they have acquainted the State. Wherefore pray him to rest contented with such accommodation as they are able to give, which shall be to part the cabin and receive of his provisions what they may; but they let him know they are not ignorant in their affairs to send needless provisions, nor may they leave them out. Pray him in future to make better constructions of their proceedings, which shall be always found dutiful to his Majesty and just for the Company.—P.S. " This ship must not go for Persia, but God willing shall go for Jacatra, from whence you may be transported." East India House, 1626, May 2. 1½ pp. [East Indies, Vol. IV, Nos. 21, 21 I, II.]
May 8–15. 317. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Concerning the goods challenged by Brockendon's executors. Consideration of dispeeding the Expedition; question whether to continue Bowen the master in that place, because he had discovered some particular passages to the Ambassadors; the further consideration of this business was deferred until the Lords' order might be procured for the ship's immediate passage for Jacatra. Request of the Persian Ambassador to speak with some of the Court to procure maintenance from Shasswar Beg, the Persian merchant, demanding 200 tomands, for which he will give a discharge, being 750l. sterling; it was answered that some of the Court would attend his Lordship when Banggam came. Petition of John Thatcher that being surety for John and William Faulkner, he had paid for them 2,500l. in part satisfaction, whereof they made over 800l. of their adventure for his use to Robert Kay, merchant; prays his freedom; the Court required him to lay down 30l. fine, which he promised to perform. Whether Daniel White be fined; referred to further consideration. Warner to take up 3,000l. instead of the like sum due to Sir Baptist Hicks. A General Court to be holden on Tuesday come se'nnight. Rudd to have 20s. per week for six weeks' pains about the cloth business.
May 10.—The Deputy made known to the Persian merchant with whom Sir Wm. Becher had conferred that the Ambassador wanted means of maintenance and desired the merchant to take care for the Ambassador's supply; the merchant answered that the King of Persia had given the Amdassador money sufficient for two years, together with silver plate, jewels, and all necessary provision, and had given express command to the merchant not to deliver any money to the Ambassador; the Deputy put him in mind that he had promised to furnish the Ambassador with what moneys he would have, and intimated how much it concerns the honour of the King of Persia that his Ambassador may be fitly provided for; the merchant replied briefly, if the Ambassador could show the King of Persia's hand he might have what he would, otherwise not, and desired to know whether the Ambassador could take his silk from him by violence; the Deputy made answer no such thing was intended; the merchant said the Ambassador should have no money of him as long as his head was on his shoulders; if the King of England command him the Ambassador shall have all the silk, or half, or what he would; he complained that the Ambassador had disgraced and beat him and threatened to rip up his belly; and when nothing would prevail the merchant departed the Court. Examination of William Plant, who stole the beef at Blackwall; he confessed to stealing it several times, and accused Edward Long and others of encouraging him and sharing the beef. The parties accused by Plant to be examined and some punishment inflicted upon them, in the meantime Plant to be kept in safe custody in Bridewell. Order upon the demand of Bright, brother and administrator to Thos. Bright deceased, for his brother's estate; Bright and Ford then desired that the account might be made up, but the Court were unwilling to meddle therein. Jesson confirmed in his place as master in the Expedition; he was reproved for his former errors and told of the Lords' order for his proceeding directly for Jacatra, which order the Company would have him read at the mainmast; he promised with diligence punctually to observe the Company's directions, only be desired he might not have his ordnance cloyed with lumber, which was wholly left to his care.
May 12.—The Court required Jesson to promise, upon forfeiture of his whole wages, that he would carefully and punctually observe their instructions and the order of the Lords of the Council commanding him, amongst other things, not to carry Sir Robt. Sherley and Sir D. Cotton into Persia, but to go direct to Jacatra; to which he freely assented and promised performance. A collection of debts owing to the Company presented by the Auditor, showing debts already due 38,000l., and which will be paid in 1626, 1627, and 1628; 90,000l. not including the bargain of calicoes and pepper lately sold. Alderman Hodges is charged with 1,780l. Bigley Carleton with 2,900l. and Ellis Crispe with 1,700l., which might have been long since collected. Committee selected to treat with said debtors for payment, and Thos. Hanson to call upon the debtors to bring in their moneys.
May 15.—Concerning the estate of Brockendon, late the Company's resident at Jacatra, deceased; the Court could not as yet dispossess themselves of the books in regard they form part of their proofs against Brockendon for private trade; Tuesday sennight appointed to hear and determine all differences. Request of merchants to treat with the Company for their silk, which motion was the rather to be embraced m regard it is given out that the Persian merchant hath this morning made sale of all his silk; besides a Dutch ship is daily expected in Holland laden with 800 bales of silk; resolved to set the price at 27s. per lb., but as the merchants would not be drawn above 26s. the Governor refused to treat any further with them at this time. Information of the Governor that Sir Wm. Becher had reported to the Lords the difference between the Persian Ambassador and merchant. Offer of Nicholas Crispe to take 400 barrels of indigo at 3s. 10d. so as the Court would bind themselves for six months not to sell under 4s. per lb.; the motion liked in regard of the quantity, but not in respect of the condition, and so the resolution was deferred. Proposal of the Governor to read at the General Court so much of the letter of the Star as concerns the fight with the Portuguese, and the death of their people at Lagundy, as also what hath been recovered out of the Moon, and lastly to propound the business of delinquents; hereupon Treasurer Bateman made known the great debt which the Company is in at interest, amounting to above 212,000l., which, if it be not speedily looked into and timely prevented, will grow dangerous if not desperate. The Court approved of what the Governor had propounded to be delivered at the General Court, and for this business of the Treasurer, it should be taken into serious consideration. Provision of cordage referred to a Committee.
May 16.—Gratuity to Captain Hall for being aboard the Expedition while the Court settled a master in her. Rowe, master of the Star, to have his bond cancelled. Request of John Leaver, co-executor with his mother of Edmund Leaver, deceased, concerning moneys due from the Company. All the silk that came home in the Star sold to Millward and partners at 26s. 8d. per lb. Motion of Henry Garway to sell their indigo as the Company sold their pepper; the Governor's opinion was to send indigo dust beyond sea at 16d. per lb., but concluded to put it to the candle at next Court of Sales, for it would never yield above 9¼d. beyond sea. Propositions to be laid before the generality: 1, to read the letter about the fight in the Indies; 2, to give them an account of the loss sustained by the casting away of the Moon; 3, to move for the gratification, and lastly to enter into dispute about the settling of the business of delinquents; whereupon Garway moved that if the generality should refer the same to a Committee, that they would invest such power in them to do what they please and to make such an agreement as they should think fit 24 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII. 402–422.]
May 10. 318. Minutes of a General Court. The Governor, having commanded the last General Court to be read, first thought it most proper to speak of the arrival of the Star, and of the value of her lading which doth amount near to the sum of 43,000l., which is a reasonable good return. He then took notice how the Company had been importuned by the Lords, (1) to imprest unto Sir R. Sherley 2,000l., (2) to redeem his jewels, and lastly to furnish Sir D. Cotton with money in Persia; but by the earnest solicitation and reasons given both to his Majesty and the Lords, the Company had found favour of the State to be excused and freed from these and all charges concerning their ambassage, and chiefly that neither Sir Robert nor Sir Dodmore shall have any power or authority over the Company's goods or meddle in their affairs. The Governor further declared that Sir Robert, Sir Dodmore, and the Persian Ambassador were come too late to the Downs to take their passage for Persia in the Company's fleet bound for Surat; that the Persian, being now returned to London, shows himself very noble, for he is content to bear his own charge; and for the other two they have got aboard the Expedition by the carelessness of the master, whom they would by force have constrained to carry them directly for Persia, and diverted her course from Jacatra, but upon petition of the Company to the Lords, and after some attendances and oppositions, they obtained a warrant commanding the master of said ship to keep on her course for Jacatra, which was published at the mainmast in the hearing of the Ambassadors, who are now content to leave the ship and return likewise to London. The Governor then related the ill news that was reported from Lisbon and Antwerp, that the Portuguese with seven ships and divers frigates had sunk four of our ships; read the letters brought home in the Scout from Surat, and gave reasons why he conceived the news unlikely to be true; the Portuguese loss in men reported not to be so few as 800; it is certain that the Falcon was got into the bar, and for the other three, the Palsgrave, Dolphin, and Lion, supposed to be in the fight, they could not obtain their port, but are supposed to be gone into the Gulf of Persia, so as there is no fear of their pursuit by the Portuguese, but they have escaped, but with the loss of some English also. The Governor next informed the Court of the miserable loss of the Moon, with a cargo of pepper worth 55,000l., whereof only between 4,000l. and 5,000l. have been recovered. The next thing propounded by the Governor was the gratifications formerly allowed to himself, the deputy, the treasurer, and committees; which, though it is more than ten months since the last election, yet he confessed he was unwilling to mention, but would let them know that he and the rest conceive themselves neglected by the generality in that they are not answered with that love and acknowledgment which they justly deserve, considering their often and sundry meetings here, and consultations, and going down to Gravesend and other places to discharge the ships outward bound, and into the Downs to clear the ships homeward bound, and their many occasions to attend his Majesty and the Lords in progress and elsewhere, as at this instant they are summoned to attend both the Upper and Commons' House upon the complaints of Brookes, late Commander of the Moon, and Lady Dale; all which particular services if they will take into their considerations the Governor doubts not but they will think the committees worthy of that small remembrance, and rather hold it fit to be enlarged than in any way abridged or detained; that the Treasurers keep three men for the only service of the Company, whose salary for the last year they have paid out of their own purses; the deputy added that none of the committees served them as mercenary men, and therefore he wished as they were served in love so they should have a little respect considering the quality of the persons, and return the like. One of the generality desired this business might be deferred until a fuller Court, but was answered, the motion being opposed by none but himself, that, if he could not prove the Court had been surreptitiously called, there was no colour to defer it; one of the committees alleged that he gave a servant more wages than his gratifications came to, another that the committees reap nothing but loss and scorn. In conclusion, by a free and general consent, the gratifications were granted, and it was ordered that from henceforth they should be allowed and taken, after they shall grow due by the expiration of the year, without further motion. Treasurer Bateman made known that having lost his colleague, Mr. Stone, through death, and himself growing old, he purposeth to hold his charge no longer than until the next election day. The Governor further declared that the calling of them together was upon the most difficult business that ever the East [India] Company was troubled withal, being how to order the business of delinquents who have not paid in their adventures; the "brokes" are moderately put off, the interest heretofore rated at 9 per cent, amounts to 27,000l.; many of them that are in arrear have pressed in an extraordinary manner to have an end, one has called the Company into Chancery, another into Parliament House. Something hath been done in the Court of Committees, but nothing concluded; there is 79,000l. in arrear by delinquents, twenty or thirty thousand of which may be recovered. There are three sorts of men, some altogether unable, some though able yet will carry it away by their greatness, and a third sort of men that are able but not willing. Among those unable were Sir Francis Jones, 1,500l.; James, 1,700l.; Gerrard, 500l.; Greene, 1,500l.; Dike, 2,200l.; Traves, 500l.; and Bourne, 3,200l. Besides 5,000l. will come in upon the old stock. The question is what they will do, for in 1,600,000l. subscription there will be about 50,000l. lost. Therefore the Governor desired to know, (1) whether they would sink the adventure; (2) whether they would lose the interest; if their adventures be sunk the loss will not be above 13s. 4d. per cent.; then they must have no dividends but for that they have paid in. The Treasurer thought a committee of eight or ten should be appointed to join with the Auditors and Accountants, and so inform themselves of the business which will then be ripe for the next General Court. One of the generality wished there may be a committee appointed to join with the Standing Committee for ordering of this business. One wished that, for such as are not able to pay the whole, the money paid in by them should lie as long as the Company have paid interest for money, to supply their defaults. Another moved to have the delinquents show their reasons. A third moved that no delinquents receive dividends till those that have paid in fully have received theirs. The Governor said the Company may easily reach such as have paid in half, for the sixth dividend will be at Mich. next, and the seventh and eighth will follow shortly. As to the sinking of the adventure, and the delinquents to stay till all be paid in. he would never yield unto it. After divers disputes and opinions it was referred to the Standing Committee to treat with the delinquents, and further names were added to the Committee for this purpose. If any delinquents be discontented with this Committee, report to be made to the generality. 11¼ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII. 425–436.]
May 17–19. 319. Court Minutes of the East India Company Motion of Richard Burrell to bestow a freedom upon his son-in-law Samuel Cust; resolved that Cust should lay down a fine of 30l. , and then, suing for grace, the Court would accept of 20l. and remit the rest. Burrell would offer only 5l. Request of Edward Corbett that 40s. per annum be paid for the further maintenance of the child of his brother Thos. Corbett, deceased, and that he might have the Company's bill for the money in his own name, both which requests were yielded unto. Offer by Block Marsten, a Dutchman, of his services to the Company. Presentation by the Auditors of the collection of the Company's debts; divers good sums of money had been brought in since same was ordered to be drawn out, the Court therefore ordered the Auditors to present a collection every month.
May 19—Bill of charges presented by Evans, master of the Scout, allowed; Mountney required to take care that the four blacks, which came home in the Scout, be accommodated with clothes and other necessaries. Offer of Nicholas Crispe, the younger, of 3s. 10d. per lb. for 400 barrels of indigo, so as the Court would not sell under 4s. the Court refused to be so tied, but would accept his offer if he would contract for 1,000 barrels; would return his answer next Court. Thomas Corne's bill of charges for riding post to Dover referred. Concerning the suit of James Dorrell, brother and executor to Henry Dorrell deceased, late the Company's factor in Persia; the Court still insisted upon the objections formerly made, but after debate, by erection of hands, the Court agreed to give in full satisfaction of bill of exchange, wages, and all other demands, 550l. , which he thankfully acknowledged. 9½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII. 436–445.]
May 19.
320. Thos. Barker, John Purifie, and Robt. Loftus to the East India Company. The difficulty of conveyance at these times is no doubt the chief cause why no advices have arrived Sent tran scripts of former letters with their last of April 13th to the Consul at Smyrna; adventure this present by way of Balsora with two Frenchmen who have been buying drugs here. Received goods out of the Lion and Falcon on April 27th, but have not put them off or received any return in silk, not having any news from Court, which is daily expected by the coming of the chief of the Dutch from thence. It is reported that the King upon complaints hath given the charge of their and our business to another. Want of letters causeth suspense, and want of supplies giveth discouragement; through the one are ignorant of the Company's determinate purpose concerning this trade; by the other are made to live more idle and unprofitable than should be or is desired. Dutch supplies are come up, most part spice, ready money, and gold in bars; by computation they may this year carry away 300 loads of silk, and give out they will augment that quantity yearly. The King, with the Khan of Shiraz and a great army, is a day's journey on this side Bagdad, relieving with men and provisions the town, which these eight months hath been strongly besieged by the Turks, who have given many assaults, but prevail little. The Georgians stir little, being pent up by the brother of the Khan of Shiraz. The Kurds oppress the country about Tauris on purpose to withdraw part of the King's forces from Bagdad for the more advantage of the Turks, their friends. What hath else occurred in the Company's affairs hath been in former letters related. 1¼ p. [O.C., Vol. XI., No. 1228, pp. 1, 2.]
May 22–26. 321. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Mountney and Washborne to enter into bonds on behalf of the Company for return of ordnance to Lord Carew, Master of the Ordnance. Gratification of 10l. to George Hooker, secretary to Lord Carew. Motion of the Governor that Geo. Ball's executors be called for and questioned upon an action of account to clear that business after the decree in the Star Chamber be drawn up by Titchborne. Payment ordered to Haynes for the Persian Ambassador's charges. Wm. Mynors, who came home master's mate in the Scout, recommended for employment.
May 23.—Minutes of a Court holden at Blackwall and Deptford. Fotherby, clerk of the yard, presented in writing certain propositions, which the Committee resolved only to read over, and leave the consideration thereof to a Court or to another meeting of the Committees of the yard. (1.) Concerning the wood yard and stone wharf at Deptford, to lease them out or appoint dwellers in the houses to keep them in repair, &c. (2.) For disposing of unserviceable ordnance. (3.) To consider of a timely provision of materials for supply of this present year's wants, especially of cordage; 50 ton of cordage had been bought at 26s. 6d. per cwt., ready money, with condition that all said cordage be made of Husband hemp, and spun at Deptford under the Company's surveyor. (4.) Whether boats and barges should be made in the houses adjoining to the powder room to prevent the danger of fire. (5.) To provide anchors for this year's shipping; a note of the proportions needful, viz, 18 great anchors from 13 cwt. to 25 cwt, and 37 small anchors from ½ cwt. to 12 cwt.; it was thought that all old anchors be mended before the new work be began. (6.) About the place for laying masts, boats, &c (7.) For making trucks, quoyns, and stoolbeds in their places reckoned as part of the carriages. (8) Precautions for preventing anything within the yard being converted to private use without warrant in writing from Fotherby. Whether to break up or sell the Elizabeth and Ruby; greater cost to the Company to break them up than the materials are worth. Note of timber wanting, especially long timber for building of the great new ship. It was found by conference with Lucy that 73 Norway masts were bought which were unnecessary; he was blamed for providing these masts and neglecting to provide long timber. Useful wood having been made into firewood, ordered that the great chips be stacked, and no serviceable pieces of wood cleft out without especial order. That John Beck's wife and children dwell in the yard contrary to the intendment of the Court. Motion made for building a crane between the two docks for anchors. Fotherby required to perfect his books.
May 24.—Application on behalf of Mrs. Bickley in regard of her sickness, for payment of part of her husband, Capt. Bickley's, wages, granted. One hundred barrels of indigo bought by Nicholas Crispe at 3s. 10d. per lb. Ordered that Andrew Evans, master of the Scout, and Daniel White, purser of the Star, have their bonds cancelled. Renewed suit of John Clement and Philip Brockenden, executors of Thos. Brockenden, deceased, for payment of his wages. The Governor declared that their kinsman had wronged the Company, both in using private trade himself and conniving at others, for which, and for .the freight of his goods, the Court expected recompense. After arguments on both sides the executors were moved to submit themselves to the Court, but desired to have a particular account of their kinsman's wages and private trade; ordered that Sambrooke deliver a particular account of Brokenden's wages, which the Company were ready to pay, but for his private trade and for his freight they would advise with counsel. Bartholomew Churchman, master of the Moon, desired to know what wickedness or villany he had committed to occasion his long imprisonment in Dover Castle, protesting himself innocent in the casting away their ship or in doing anything that might incur their disfavour; he confessed he brake up Brokenden's chest, but only to save the goods and at the commandment of Brookes; he then desired payment of his wages and debts due to him, but was told by the Governor that if he cleared himself from.the accusations wherewith he is charged they shall be glad, but for his wages, &c. they know not of any he can justly challenge; nevertheless he was willed to accompany Sambrooke to the counting house, and there to examine the books. Edward Sherburne, the Company's secretary, for his diligence and care gratified with 100 marks, also 10l. to Richard Swinglehurst for his pains in riding several times of late post to the Downs upon dispatch of the Company's fleet.
May 26.—Information of Smethwike on behalf of the Persian merchant, that there is an action for 2,250l. against him who desired the Company would bail him, which the Court for the King of Persia's sake were content to do. Demand of the Countess of Warwick for interest for 1,000l. in the Company's hands, in consideration of the love she bears the Company in affording the Persian Ambassador her house, ordered that she receive interest up to this day. Consideration of the necessity of electing a clerk solely to attend the powder works; Edward Collins, one of the Amboyna men, chosen for that place. Motion to build a brick power house in the field adjoining to the mill, and to consider of powder-workers gratifications; referred. Ordered that Dodd's wages be paid to Willbram. Concerning payment to Richard Screen, the fuller charged with receiving some missing cloths. Bell's bill of charges allowed. Heynes presented an account of wages coming to 428l. but was told the Company had made no agreement with him, to" which he replied that his wages were at several times enlarged by Sir Thos Roe, Mr. Rastell, &c; the Court took knowledge of his good services in the Red Sea, and when their factors were in trouble at Surat, but referred the conclusion of this business. Request of Win. Mynors for a gratification for taking the prize of Arabian horses according to promise made him at Surat; upon perusal of his certificate under Rastell's hand, and finding him a hopeful young man fit to do the Company service, the Court bestowed upon him 100 nobles (83l. 6s. 8d. ), and resolved to employ him as master of a pinnace 17½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII. 446–463.]
From my House at Deptford.
322. Sir Robert Sherley to Sec. Lord Conway. "Hogga Shan su warr," the King of Persia's merchant, has desired his assistance to his Lordship that since his Majesty has put the Persians under his Lordship's protection, he would call before him such persons as daily give them molestation, lest sharp beginnings discourage them. Hopes his Lordship will not think him troublesome, but such are his obligations to the King of Persia that he cannot be silent in anything for the good of that nation. Endorsed, "May 1626." 1 p. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 22.]
May ? 323. Sir Robert Sherley to the Privy Council "Hogga Shan su warr, merchant for the King of Persia," has acquainted him that their Lordships had warned himself and Noctybege to come before them, as he supposes concerning some disbursements of money for Noctybege, for which he says he has no commission, and desires Sir Robert's assistance. Therefore signifies, as one who knows the King of Persia's desires, that merchants must not tie taxed or forced by any ambassador, except he can show a sufficient commission under the King's seal. On a corner of the outer leaf is written, "Jarvis Oliver, Sir Robert Sherley." 1 p. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 23.]
(May.) 324. Notes (by Nicholas) of the proofs (in defence of the Duke of Buckingham on his impeachment) concerning the 10,000l. received by him from the East India Company. 1. Informative proofs, the sentence, and all the acts and proceedings in the Admiralty Court. 2 All the notes of the Company's book touching the conferences and agreement [see Court Min. of the E. I. Co, ante p. 175]. 3. The treaties between Spain and England. [Dom. Chas. I., Vol. XXVIII., No. 105, Cal., p. 345.]
May ? 325. Petition of the East India Company to the Privy Council. Have lately informed their Lordships how the Ambassadors by their own defaults lost their passage in the ships lately departed for Surat. Since which Nagdi Bey, the Persian Ambassador, is come back to London to expect other means for his return into Persia. But Sir Dodmore Cotton, with Sir Robert Sherley and their followers have in his Majesty's name entered upon petitioners ship Expedition in the Downs, and though he has been often answered that she is laden for Jacatra, 1,000 leagues from Persia yet he, presses to be transported direct to Persia. Pray for his Majesty s commission to proceed for Jacatra, and that the Ambassador be transported for Persia on some other ships. 1 p. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. XXVII., No. 115, Cal., p. 345.]