East Indies: January 1626

Pages 137-144

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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January 1626

Jan. 3–5. 241. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Demand of Mrs. Bolt, wife of Symonson deceased, for 136l., due to her husband for timber; Burrell confessed the receipt of said sum from the Company, but she refused their offer to make a report to the Lord Keeper on the matter. Agreed to buy 20 ton of alum from Abraham Chamberlain at 18l. per ton. Imprest money to be paid to the mariners of the Exchange and Christopher. Captain Moreton and Mr. Hockett to find a man to look into the Company's stores in the Indies: also for careening their ships there. The Dutch praw lately bought of Captain Tookely to be named the Expedition. Committes appointed to examine the accounts of Richard Watts, deceased, late purser of the Bull. Misselden's letter of 7th December last to be read before the Lords of the Council.
Jan. 4.—Offer of Richard Allnutt to go as master at 10l. per month; he was offered 6l. 13s. 4d., but refused. Arthur Hatch entertained as preacher at 60l. per annum and 20l. to set him to sea. Appointments of officers: To the William, Geo. Williamson, purser's mate; John Perry, steward; and Jas. Wood, his mate. Discovery: Wm. Heath, purser's mate. Expedition: John Samuel, purser; John Davis, his mate; Hugh Hutchins, steward's mate. Morris: Henry Graves, steward's mate. Blessing: Henry Barlow, steward's mate.
Jan. 5.—Henry Glasscock entertained under factor for Lagundy for six years at 20l. per annum for the first two years, rising 10l. for the rest. Richard Southaicke, a youth, presented by Mr. Cooke, a minister, taken into the Company's service at his mother's desire, she allowing 10l. per annum for his maintenance for three years; then his wages to be settled on report of his behaviour and carriage. Deed of sale of the Dutch bottom called the Praw, now named the Expedition, bought of Capt. Tookely, presented by Styles: the payment of 655l. contracted for ordered. John Morgan, a schoolmaster in Canterbury, entertained from Lady Day next for seven years at a salary of 20l. for the first year, rising 10l. per annum, to be trained one year in the Company's house. Resolved to send out 60,000l. in ryals of 8 to Lagundy, 50,000l. in the Exchange, and 10,000l. in the Christopher. Gold to be sent out to the value of 2,000l. or 3,000l., to be provided by Barlow, in Hungary ducats, "saltaines and checkeenes" Also six chests of coral and 60 pieces of perpetuanoes for Coromandel; 500l. worth of small English silver coins of 2d. and 3d. to be exported for circulation among the Company's colonies and factories; the bullion to be forthwith delivered into, the Mint for coining, and license obtained from the King for transportation of 1,000l. per annum. Abdi in treaty with Vandeputt for quicksilver. The Governor desired to buy four emeralds of Rogers; 60 ton of tin and 1,200 elm chests bought of Wm. Cockayne at 5l. 5s. per cwt. 4½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII., 210–214.]
Jan. 10.
242. Extract out of our letters received from Holland. Here is strange working among the directors of the East India affairs to send Coen in their next fleet to the Indies, and that if the Duke had not made some motion of him to the States they had sent him in their last ships. Knows not anything that concerns their worships more, for it is not his own opinion only, but that of the principal adventurers and some of the Bewinthebbers, that if Coen goes again he will make it worse than ever, for his malice is no less than formerly; it will therefore be needful for their worships to use means by the King to the States that the Bewinthebbers do not attempt to send him, for without a new countermand they will send him without giving the States notice, presuming to answer it well enough hereafter, as they do other things. In a letter of the 17th January he says, If you do not something more concerning Coen the general opinion is he shall be sent away. 1 p. [Corresp. Holland.]
Jan. 11–20. 243. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Composition money for spices due to his Majesty to be paid according to a warrant of the officers of the Green Cloth. Demand of James Slade, appointed master of the Blessing and Vice-Admiral of the Surat fleet, of 10l. per month wages, which for example and precedent's sake was denied; offered 9l. per month, and on his refusal Styles was entreated to confer with him privately. Two carpenters entertained to go to Lagundy on condition that when they had no work for the Company they should have liberty to build themselves houses there of the Company's timber, and at their return to sell them. The Court, conceiving this to be the readiest means to have houses built in their new plantations, condescended thereunto, provided there be some small rent reserved to the Company. Articles of agreement between the Company and Browning and his son ordered to be sealed. Rogers' four emeralds bought for 235l. at six months. Eleven shillings given to Elizabeth Becke, widow, out of the poor box. Committee appointed to examine the Governor's account for emeralds, &c. The Auditors' report of defects, losses, and wants through the negligence of factors, to be drawn into a book and sent to the Indies, unto which the President and Councll are to answer particularly. Treasurer Stone requested to take 1,000l. of double pistolets, the Court of opinion that they may yield profit in the Indies. Nicholas Greut appointed steward's mate in the Discovery.
Jan. 13.—Ordered that Giles James be paid the moneys due to him. The estate of Robt. Hughes, late the Company's servant in the Indies, to be retained until his two brothers disprove the will proved by Morgan Williams within two months. Joseph Bottone, a black, to be recommended as interpreter at Lagundy. A gunstock maker entertained.
Jan. 16.—Rich. Singlehurst's bill of charges to be paid. Ordered that Margaret Saunders receive the wages of her servant, Thos. Mullins, deceased. Upon better consideration, the former order of the 11th inst., granting liberty to carpenters to build houses, &c., was revoked, and liberty only was given to one chief carpenter, lately entertained for India, to build himself a house when not employed in the Company's occasions. Ordered that Hanson draw in writing the objections of the Surat general Accountants for divers goods wanting, to the end Giles James may give answer to them particularly. Letters to the Kings of Macassar, Bantam, and Siam read and approved; Sherburne, the Company's secretary, required to attend Lord Conway to have them engrossed and signed by his Majesty. Munne moved the Court to have their ships now bound for India manned at Erith or Gravesend to avoid the danger of Dunkirk, which motion was well accepted, but the consideration left to the committees that go down to clear the ships. On entreaty of Alderman Hammersley, Munne, Styles, Bell, and Venn appointed commissioners to join with Turkey and Muscovy merchants in treating about the proposition offered about the silk of Muscovy between the Emperor of Muscovy and the King of Persia. Consideration whether to continue Steele in their service, in regard he hath proffered his service to the Dutch since the agreement he made between the Court; he denied that ever he proffered his service to the Dutch Company, alleging private dealings only with a Dutch merchant, which was allowed by his entertainment; referred to the next Court. Ordered to send 20 dyed and dressed cloths to Lagundy.
Jan. 18.—Ordered that 116 pieces of calico detained for freight be delivered to Slade, who, at the persuasion of Styles and Ellam, accepted 9l. per month wages; the Court on his return from this voyage to give him 20l. by way of gratification He recommended Robt. Reason and another to go master's mates, they demanded 4l. per month; the Court offered 3l., but left it to Slade'a agreement. Committee appointed to attend the Privy Council about the Company's commission for trade; also to wait upon Lord Conway to give him satisfaction in the doubt he made concerning the letter from his Majesty to the King of Bantam. Cloths to be bought for this fleet. Johnson entertained master in the Discovery. 10l. given from the poor box to Signor Jeronimo, a Portugal, a very learned man, who came this last fleet from the Indies and, being heretofore a Jesuit, was reconciled to the Church, and had fallen into great want. A fund to be raised for the relief and maintenance of poor seafaring men maimed in the Company's service, and 2d. in the pound raised out of the wages of all officers and servants of the Company paid out of the Company's Treasury; draft of order for same; it was read and confirmed, and commanded to be fair written and set up in several places in the house. Cause between the Company and Woodcock now depending in the Court of Admiralty to be as speedily and effectually prosecuted as may be.
Jan. 20.—Ordered that the Company's agents give Groves, who had bought divers parcels of pepper wrecked in the Moon, as much as they give to others; if that will not satisfy him, not to give him any other answer until he had delivered the pepper. Request of Sir John Wolsterholme to appoint Committees to attend the Barons of the Exchequer to know whether any custom was due to his Majesty for pepper wrecked in the Moon; but the Court entreated Sir John that that business might be accommodated between themselves, to which motion Sir John unwillingly condescended. Upon reading the Order of the last Court as to the levying of 2d. in the pound from all wages to form a relief fund, there arose a dispute whether the Court intended the same to be defalcked from every officers' salary and gratification given by the Company or not; concluded that whosoever receives a salary or gratification from the Company shall deduct and allow 2d. in every pound for the use aforesaid. Request of the Governor concerning payment to Ling of the wages of Thos. Bright, factor, lately deceased. George Brewen, having undersold the Company's goods to the Dutch, not to receive pay without special order of the Court, and to be marked in the Company's books for dismissal. The penalty of the bond for performance of articles intended between the Company and Browning for timber to be 200l. Browning to receive money due to him upon sealing of said bond. Henry Dodsworth entertained an under factor, and to go in the Expedition. Ordered that Washborne deliver pepper belonging to the Countess of Warwick, and be warned to appear on Monday to answer complaint against him. After debate it was agreed to employ Steele to carry the letters to be sent to the Kings of Bantam, Siam, and Macassar; he said he would rather go to the northwards in respect of his former breeding, notwithstanding he desired respite till the next Court when he would give his answer. 12½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII. 215–227.
Jan. 22.
Pendennis Fort.
244. Captain John Bonython to Sec. Conway. Has stayed a great praw of Amsterdam belonging to the Netherlands East India Company under the authority of a letter to Sir Thomas Killigrew from the Lord High Admiral, hopes he has not erred. By fair persuasions has taken off her rudder, leaving the crew of 130 men aboard. Has persuaded the captain or master to write to the States' Ambassador. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. XIX No. 22., Cal. p. 231.]
Jan. 23–25. 245. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Concerning the seizure of pepper from the Moon brought to London by Rawlins and Mason; the Court would give no compensation fearing to make a precedent, and because some of it was seized for his Majesty it might be lost to the Company. The trial of Brookes and the rest to be prosecuted as speedily as possible. 100l. given to Sir John Hippisley in recompense for the best anchor and cable of the Moon, and for his pains in obliging the Company, over and above 20l. already given to his Lady. Chauncey to be released from his bond for goods recovered from the Moon. Two months pay yearly of husband's wages allowed to every mariner's wife; question if the same allowance shall be made to mothers and other friends of bachelors, referred to Styles and Leatt. Leatt and Browne to confer with ships' captains and masters about plating the bread rooms, the platers now asking 40s. per cwt., whereas they formerly took from 21s. to 26s. Francis Futter to receive his wages. Accounts:—All differences that can most suitably be settled in the Indies to be settled there; tables of errors discovered to be sent with the next letters, and an answer thereto demanded. Account of moneys found in poor box and issued thereout since July 17th, 1624; total receipts, 31l. 19s.d.; total expenditure, 20l.; to be entered in the Company's books.
Jan. 24.—Court to answer petitions (see List of Petitioners at the end of this year).
Jan. 25.—The Governor declared to the Court that Misselden was without, having something to say from Lord Conway and Secretary Coke, which was a business of importance and concerned the Company very nearly. Misselden after his respects done to the Court related his late being with the Duke, and the favour he received from his Grace in bringing him to kiss the King's hand; that his Majesty had discourse with him concerning the affairs of the Company, and in particular concerning the Company's sending over Commissioners to treat with the States for accommodation and settling of the differences between them and the Dutch; that his Majesty required him to have recourse to his two secretaries, whom he found still inclined to the Company's sending over Commissioners; and that accordingly he is required to attend the Company at this time and again to propound this business, whereby to receive their answers. He was desired to withdraw, and after the question was discoursed for an hour it was observed that many inconveniences would accrue to the Company from consenting to send over Commissioners; also that it was dangerous to employ Misselden in this business, since the State would have power to revoke any commission given to him by the Company and to give him new directions, when once they should have engaged him; resolved that it was unfit and unprofitable for the Company to send over Commissioners to Holland. Misselden was informed of the resolution not to send Commissioners, for the Company never yet received any benefit from the Hollanders of their labours in this kind. But if the King and State shall be pleased to think of any such course as from themselves, the Court humbly submitteth thereto. Misselden insisted much that the Company should continue their claim, and advised them, if any of the Company should have occasion to go thither, to employ them on their service, or to devise some new propositions and overtures in which a middle course might be run between the two Companies for the accommodation of their differences. The Court thanked him for his care and love. Friday week appointed for a Court of Sales; 16d. the pound the price put on the wrecked and wet pepper. Steele embraced the Company's offer, and was willing to be employed to the southward in what manner and condition they should please to direct. 12½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VII. 228–240.]
Jan. 26./Feb. 7.
246. Memorial [of the States Ambassador] to Sec. Lord Conway. That a pinnace sent by the Netherlands East India Company in search of two of their missing ships has through a great tempest been compelled to put in at Falmouth, where she has been arrested in the King's name. Pray that said arrest be taken off and the pinnace allowed to proceed on her voyage. French. Indorsed. "Memorial of the States Ambassador." 1½ pp. [Corresp. Holland.]
Jan. 27.
Aboard the Anne Royal, Kinsale.
247. Sir Tho. Love to the Duke of Buckingham. Some 10 days since there came in a Dutch ship of 1,000 tons, bound for the East Indies, with the President of the Council of that country in her. She had spent all her masts in a storm, and was like to be cast away. Extract. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. XIX., No. 64, Col., p. 236.]
Jan. 27. 248. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Thanks to Eaton of Dover for his many good offices, especially for entering into bond for the payment of custom claimed on the Company's wrecked goods, and for entertaining the Committees. Signor Jeronimo thanked the Court for their favours. Information of Capt. Moreton that the Exchange is already too heavily laden; ordered that she be lightened by unlading the four whole culverins and 5 ton or more of the stones for the fort at Lagundy. 15d. per lb. offered for wet pepper by Clarke, but the Court demanded 16d., as already agreed. Consideration of recompense to the waiters at the custom house for seizure of 16 bushels of the Moon's pepper and paying the carriage. The Governor intimated the great want of able and experienced factors; proposed to entertain Brownlow, who had formerly offered himself, but had demanded unreasonable wages; his abilities very highly spoken of, so referred to the Governor. The Governor also propounded Goodlake, brother-in-law to Towerson; but if Brownlow be entertained there will be no need of him. George Turner, late surgeon in the William, offered his services in the Indies for five years on condition of being paid 500l. at the end of that time if he be alive, but if he die within the time then to expect nothing; he was offered 50l. per annum upon that contingency, but utterly refused same. Tapestry to be provided for this fleet. Rastell of opinion that coloured plushes and Florence damasks would sell well in the Indies; he was therefore desired to view Harby's damasks. Wm. Burneby entertained for five years' service in the Indies. Aqua vitae to be bought at the Tower at 22d. per gallon, Mountney commanded to report on it. 5¼ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII. 241–246.]
Jan. 30. 249. Court Minutes of the East India Company. A silver bason and ewer, to the value of 40 marks, to be presented to Dr. Winston, as gratification for services to the Company. Discussion concerning the impost of 2d. in the pound on all wages, &c. for a relief fund; Sir Henry Marten's opinion that it may be lawfully imposed; ordered that said act should look no further back than Christmas last, but that all be put in mind thereof and desired to contribute to so good a work, those hired after that time to be required to pay the same. 1,000 ryals of 8 to be coined into shilling, 6d., 3d., 2d., and penny pieces, but if no 3d.'s can be procured, then said ryals to be coined proportionably into the other four kinds. Lawrence Henley, purser in the Exchange, strictly commanded not to pay mariners in the Indies more than the third part of their wages. Tapestry to be bought by advice of Clement Harby. Petition to his Majesty praying that the Company may have liberty to buy foreign gold or bullion of gold for setting forth their ships, they being unable, by reason of the present interruption of commerce with Spain, to furnish themselves with foreign silver, according to the tenor of their letters patent, to be presented to Lord Conway for his Majesty's answer. Ordered that wages due to Robt. Davis who went out master in the Little Richard and came home master's mate in the Discovery, be stayed till he hath answered complaints. Conference about silk from Muscovy; the Emperor offered to supply the English with silk for ready money only; this at once rejected as impossible. The Governor of the Muscovy Company then proposed part money and part commodities, also refused, the Company refusing to give consent to any treaty with said Muscovite concerning Persia silk, since they perceive that this trade is already driven with more safety and profit from India and Turkey than it can be from Muscovy. 4½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII. 246–250.]
Jan. (?) 250. Petition of the East India Company to the King. Thanking his Majesty for his royal letters of encouragement for the continuance and prosecution of the trade to the East Indies, which have been read in a General Court. That after some debate it was resolved to proceed in said trade, and thereupon six stout ships are being prepared richly laden to be sent forth with all expedition. That in their late remonstance to his Majesty they have, amongst other grievances against the Dutch, specially complained of being debarred from buying pepper at Bantam. Pray his Majesty's letters to his Ambassador to the States signifying that his Majesty has directed petitioners no longer to forbear that trade, and has sent his letters to the King of Bantam for free commerce for pepper, yet so as the Dutch Company, according to the Treaty of 1619, receive half; and that petitioners be not interrupted in said trade, without which they cannot return these ships fully laden, which will redound to their exceeding loss, and the great hindrance of his Majesty in his customs. 1 p. See States Ambassador's Remonstrance, dated 7th April, 1626. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 1.]