Pages 569-572
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1878.
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Naboth, p. 398.
Naige, or Naick, the Great, see Tanjore.
Nails, p. 21.
Nan, Ubore, 91.
-, -, her son (Capt. Bread and Cheese), 91.
Nangasaki (Japan), p. 131, p. 315.
-, friars sent prisoners to, and roasted at, see Friars.
-, governor of, see Gonrockdono.
Napier, Sir Robt., 335, 646, 650, 665.
Naples, 546.
Napper, Sir Robt., see Napier, Sir Robt.
Narrow Seas, the, 69.
-, the King's ships in, 13, 23, 664.
-, -, one lost, p. 463.
-, concerning the seizure of Dutch ships in, 518, 540, 543, 566, 639, 643, 659, 664, 680, pp. 449–450, 691, pp. 463–4, 723.
Nassau, Maurice de, Prince of Orange, Governor of Zealand, 49, 104, 127, 350, 480, 486, 579, 615, 6l6, p.410, 644, 645, 655, 678.
-, -, called Prince of Holland, 375.
-, -, the King's affection to, 475.
-, -, his conduct respecting the Amboyna massacre, 504, 515, 521, 529, 588, 615, 642, 643, 647, 661, 663, 684, 689, 707, 717, 718, 719.
-, -, refuses to embroil himself in such an odious business, 529.
-, -, is much offended at, 555.
-, -, agrees to have the business driven forward from words to deeds, being encouraged by the King's affection, 566.
- -, letters from, 1624: 647, 661. iii.
- -, letters to, 1624: 475, 602. i., 631, 633, 649 (2), 655.1., 662, 707.
- -, the point of hostages ill understood by, 588.
- -, his presence much missed to set all right, and helps much to the furtherance of the business, 597, 678.
- -, his prudence and authority solicited by Carleton to prevent ills through delay, 602. i., 649.
- -, his resolution that until the two companies have distinct places of association there never will be any accord, 629.
- -, East Tndia Company desire a letter mandatory from, 617, 630, 635. i., 665.
- -, the letter already gone, 639, 644.
- -, the East India Company have not received, 660.
Nassau fort (Bandas), p. 99.
-, Island of, 9.
Navy, the, p. 280.
-, commissioners of the, 78, 299, p. 124, p. 174, 397, p. 249, 417, p. 269, p. 276, p. 279, 491, 616, p. 411, 660, 710.
-, six masters of his Majesty's, p. 280.
-, secretary to, 335.
-, treasurer of, p. 280.
Naygensama, Chief Justice of Firando, 146, p. 130.
-, threatens to put all English to death and to burn their shipping, 146.
-, presents for, p. 130.
Neale, John, anchorsmith, 38.
Neave, John, see Neeve, John.
Necksonn, John, 124.
Neede, Thos., p. 478.
Needham, -, a minister (the Queen's chaplain), p. 220.
Neeve, or Neave, John, purser of the Moon, p. 207.
- -, wages of, 525.
Neira, Isle of, 598.
-, governor of, 597. i., 598.
-, fort (the Bandas), p. 201.
-, charges of garrison and fortification of, 140.
-, road, 125.
-, -, the Dutch in, p. 53, p. 54.
- - -, treaty published by, p. 54.
- - -, exactions of, 140.
Netherlands, see Holland.
Netherlander, the, see Hollanders, the.
Nethersole, Sir Francis.
- -, letters from—
-, 1622: 179.
-, 1624: 484.
- -, letter to, 1622: 168.
Nevell, John, p. 170, p. 225.
- -, petition signed by, p. 493.
Neville, see Nevell, John.
Newall, Rich., 3, 21, 29.
Newbeggen, -, p. 485.
Newberry, Nathaniel, 595.
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, p. 312.
-, ships, 706.
Newgate, p. 91.
Newhall, 674.
-, letter dated from, 672.
Newmarket, 29, 178, 179, 181, 187, 190, 389, 564, 684, 687, p. 449, 688, p. 468.
-, letters dated from, 176, 184, 185, 188, 189, 401, 402, 404, 405.
Newport, Capt., pp. 307–8.
-, Jan Van Nieuport, one of the Amboyna judges, 611–613.
-, Sampson, p. 93, p. 265, p. 278, p. 479.
- -, petition signed by, p. 491.
Newrode, Capt. Cornelius, chief of the Dutch factory in Japan, p. 130.
- -, commission to recover debts for English company in Japan, p. 131.
Newton, Margaret, p. 486.
New Spain, 145.
Neylacca, English fort at, p. 61.
Niack, the, see Tanjore.
Nicanees (striped stuffs), p. 411.
Niccolls, Patrick, p. 181.
Nicholas, Edward, Sec. to Lord Zouch, 422, 424.
- -, minutes of (about Ormuz), 303.
- -, letter to, 1623: 284.
Nicholls, Michael, p. 180.
-, Thos. and Wm., see Nicolls.
Nicholson, Joan, p. 90.
Nicolls, Wm., agent at Malaya, 91, p. 148, 328, p. 207.
- -, lavish expenditure of, p. 108.
- -, an ill servant, p. 152.
- -, declaration of, 52.
- -, protest of, 47.
- -, letters, &c. to, 1622: 1, 4, 5, 6, 16, 19, 33, 53, 57, 86, 88, 91, 100, 101, 106.
- -, death of, p. 64.
- -, his estate and will, p. 108, p. 148, pp.151–2.
- -, Thos., brother of, p.l48, pp.l51–2.
Niesligora, 597. i.
Nieuport, Jan van, see Newport, Capt.
Niggers, see Slaves.
Nixon, John, p. 482.
Noel, Wm., 277.
Noore (Persia), 330.
Norden, John, 138.
Norman, Ann, p. 480.
-, Francis, p. 479.
Normandy, p. 248.
Norrington, Richard, p. 479.
Norris, Baptist, p. 223.
-, John, p. 223, p. 231, p. 478.
- -, entertained as a writer to East India Company, p. 232.
-, Joan, p. 141.
- -, her husband, p. 141.
-, Robert, p. 222.
-, Stephen, p. 156, p. 220.
Nortwick, Herr Van, 602.
Nottingham, Earl of, see Howard, Charles.
Noy (Wm.), p. 265, p. 270, 451, p. 275.
- -, gratification to, p. 279.
Noyes, Michael, p. 223.
Nunn, Elizabeth, p. 222.
Nutt, -, p. 484.
Nutmegs, 35, 50, 91, 111, p. 54, p. 62, pp. 99– 100, p. 109, 293, 294, p. 122, p. 164, p. 206, p. 209, p. 225, 472, p.345, p. 376, p. 478.
-, concerning the price of, 237, 300, p. 157, p. 186, p. 202, 493, 573.
-, petition of garblers of, 690.
-, stolen, 690.
Nats, see Nutmegs; see also Spices.
Nymmock, James, p. 483.
Oader, Edmund, p. 223.
-, Isaac, p. 223.
Oakland, Philip, drowned, p. 166.
-, -, widow of, 331.
Oars, price of, 431.
Offield, Samuel, p. 488.
-, -, his mother, p. 488.
Offley, -, 8, 30.
-, Alderman Robert, p. 225.
-, -, elected one of the Committee of the East India Company, 492.
-, -, Thos., factor, 700.
Ogle, Sir John, p. 138, p. 238.
Oil, 30, 38.
Olivares, Conde de, 467.
-, -, and the Earl of Bristol about the taking of Ormuz, 195, 198.
Oliver, -, servant to the Duke of Buckingham, p. 274, p. 296, 495, 507, 643.
-, -, (aged fourscore and upwards), p. 483.
Olives, p. 5, 130.
Orange, Prince of, see Nassau, Prince Maurice de.
Orange (ship), the, 7, 120.
Orankays, the, or gentlemen of Pooloroon, 598.
-, dreadful tortures and death of, 598.
-, 160 punished with death by the Dutch, 193.
Ordnance, p. 64, 145, 339, p. 202, 394, 405, 449, 499. i., 531, p. 381, 594, 708.
-, price of, 66, p. 462.
-, brass, 594.
-, master of the, see Carew, Lord.
-, see also Sakers.
Orenge, Wm., p. 482.
-, Mary wife of (late the wife of Goulding), p. 482.
Ormuz (Persia), 59, p. 64, pp. 134–5, p. 158, pp. 180–1, 345, 347, 372, 385, 404, 440, 572, 607, 677, 690, 698, 700, p. 482.
-, the key to all India, p. 64.
-, taken by the Persians with the help of the English, 182, 135, p. 61, 194, 195, 198, pp. 126–127, 489.
-, surprised, taken, and sacked, 84, 113, p. 64, p. 110, pp. 126–7, 317, p. 164, 332, 467.
-, the articles of, 10, p. 164.
-, -, not fully observed, p. 450.
-, the taking of, and James I., and the Duke of Buckingham, see Villiers, George, Duke of Buckingham, James I.
-, the wounded and killed at, p. 151, pp. 221–2, p. 224.
-, concerning the spoils of, 308, p. 138, 317, pp. 160–1, p. 164, p. 179, 347, 351, 358, 359, 394, p. 246, 447–8, 489, 682.
-, a ruined heap, p. 442.
-, commission granted to examine into the taking of, 196, 240, 241.
-, complaints at the Spanish Court and of the Spanish Ambassador about, 194– 196, 198, 248, 297, 301, p. 122, 303, 307, 315, 317, 320, 321, 467, 489.
-, the King's commands about, 298.
-, examination of Capts. Blythe, Clevenger, Weddell, and others, concerning the taking of, 358, 359, 363.
-, examination of Edw. Monox concerning, pp. 126–7.
-, journal of Monox concerning, 305.
-, profits to be raised to King James from, 360.
-, concerning trade to and the customs, 680.
-, estimated at 20,000l. and 25,000l., 359, 363.
-, amount received for customs at, p. 442.
-, Keridge appointed to attend to the affairs of, p. 227.
-, Kerridge, or Rastell, to settle trade and begin a factory at, pp. 232–3.
-, Capt. Weddell offers to settle the trade at, p. 233.
-, resolution of East India Company to embrace the trade of, 404.
-, houses allotted to the East India Company in, 358.
-, factory settled in, 560.
-, cloth to-be sent to, p. 186, 393.
-, hire of ships at, p. 159.
-, Castle of, 305, p. 164, 358, 360, 386, p. 442, p. 451.
-, -, besieged and taken, 113, 131– 132, p. 64, p. 127, 305, p. 164.
-, -, report of surrender of, 84, 132.
-, -, persons slain before, p. 220.
-, -, untouched, but the town in ruins, p. 287.
-, the East India Company have a fort at, 510.
-, King of, p. 127.
-, Governor of, 358, p. 287.
-, New (Portuguese) governor of, 59.
-, general of the Portuguese fleet in, see Ruy Frere.
-, the Portuguese in, 131, 145, 240, 241, pp. 126–7, 135, p. 164, 347, 379, 440, p. 287, p. 442, p. 450, 694.
-, -, keep six galleons before, p. 5.
-, -, bravery of, p. 64.
-, -, a place of great importance to, 195.
-, -, their expulsion from, 305.
-, -, made slaves and miserably slain, 317.
-, -, caracs burnt, 317.
-, -, value of goods taken by East India Company from, 394.
-, -, customs of, worth 400,000l. per annum to King of Spain, 360.
-, -, the customs in times past yielded 180,000 ryals per annum to, p. 450.
-, -, their trade in, desired by East India Company, p. 233.
-, -, no fear of in, but 2 months in the year, 360.
-, -, vessels sent by, to regain, 368.
-, -, burnt vessels before, 386.
-, the Dutch in, 560, pp. 450–451.
-, -, have two ships at, p. 165.
-, -, refuse to pay customs in, p. 287.
-, -, save an English ship from burning, 386.
-, -, the gulf of, about making it free, p. 442.
Orphans, court of, 65.
-, money, 573.
Orton, Jane, p. 219.
-, -, husband of, p. 219.
-, John, p. 91.
Osaka (Japan), p. 129.
Osborne, -, 435.
-, Robt., 670.
Osterwick, John, p. 62, 146, 163, 175, p. 110, 352.
-, -, letter from, 1622: 164.
-, -, commission from, p. 131.
-, -, consultations signed by, pp. 128– 131.
-, -, ordered to leave Japan, p. 250.
-, -, detained in Batavia to perfect the accounts of the Japan factory, p. 250.
Ottwell, -, 30, 35.
Overing, Edward, p. 487.
Owen, David, 352.
-, Richard, p. 482.
-, Robt., 18, 24, 46, p. 91.
Owendono, Secretary to the Emperor of Japan.
-, presents for, p. 129.
Owkeno Camme, p. 131.
Owtadono, presents for, p. 129.
Oxen, p. 158, 409, p. 412, 676.
-, price per cwt., p. 158.
-, about killing of, p. 267.
-, to be salted, 38; see also Beef.
Oxford, Earl of, see Vere, Henry de.
-, p. 181.
Oyles, Jacob, or Jacques, 30, p. 226.