Index: G

Pages 547-550

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1878.

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Gall, 130, 265.

Galliard, -, p. 482.

Galthorpe, Richard, p. 493.

Gamalama, a Spaniard, 1.

Gamaliell, the, sale of, 92.

Gamall, Capt., his junk, p. 318.

Gapper, Robert, p. 220.

Garatt, Signor, 375.

Gardner, Christopher, p. 480.

Gardiner, Stephen, p. 484.

-, Thomas, p. 486.

Garland, Philip, 698.

Garland, H.M. ship.

-, master of, see Young, Joseph.

Garlick, Eliz., 362, p. 221.

Garnett, Simon, 83.

Garrat, Peter, 124.

Garrett, John, p. 242.

-, Thomas, p. 485 (2).

Garroway, Sir Wm., farmer of the Customs, p. 179, p. 231, p. 488.

Garway, or Garroway, Henry, p. 13, 30, 90, 109, p. 124, 314, p. 136, p. 150, p. 153, p. 169, 492, 536, p. 372, p. 487, p. 488 (2).

-, -, elected one of the Committee of the East India Company, 492.

-, Dr., father of, 314.

-, Jane, p. 479.

Garway, William, 573.

-, -, elected one of the Committee of the East India Company, 492.

-, -, letters from, 1624: 522, 609.

Gearinge, John, 477, p. 491.

Geere, Capt., 495.

Geering, John, see Gearinge, John.

Gelly, David, purser's mate in the Jonas, 395, p. 238, 398.

Gelstropp, Mr., orphans of, 388.

Genoa, merchant of, see Turetine, Jean.

Genoese, the, not so curious to forbid exportation of money as the English, p. 267.

George, John, 279.

Germane, David, p. 151.

Gerrard, John, 81.

-, Nicholas, 554.

-, Thos., p. 221.

-, Wm., p. 487.

Geryng, Nicholas, surgeon of the White Bear, 124.

Ghilan (Persia), 226, 440, p. 288.

-, silk, pp. 376–7.

Gibb or Gibbes, Thos., 323.

-, -, petition signed by, p. 492.

Gibson, Anthony, 660.

Gidwyn, Thos., p. 224.

-, -, Elizabeth, widow of, p. 224.

Giffard, or Gifford, Roger, auditor to the East India Company, 346, p. 227.

-, -, petition signed by, 492.

Giles, or Gyles, Capt., 397.

Gill, Alexander, master of St. Paul's school, p. 152.

Gilly, or Gilley, David, p. 148.

-, -, petitions of, pp. 221–2, p. 484.

-, Martha, p. 484.

Ginger, p. 109.

Girdler, Nicholas, p. 266.

-, -, sentenced to be ducked at the yard-arm, p. 269.

Girdles, p. 165.

Glanvill, John, 438.

-, Richard, p. 479.

-, -, his two sons (deceased), p. 479.

Glass, a curious perspective, p. 111.

Gleeson, Randall, p. 481, p. 486.

Glenham, Charles, commission to, 136.

Gleyd, Symon, pp. 485–486 (2).

Globe, the, p. 4, 91, 99, p. 63, p. 484.

-, mutiny in, p. 109.

-, rotten, unfit for service, and laid up, 256, p. 112, 266, p. 201, p. 205.

-, purser of, see Collins, Edward.

-, gunner of, see Bottes, Thos.

Gloster, John, 300.

Gnoffiquia (Machian), 137.

Goa, 146, 182, 266, p. 146, pp. 193–4, p. 202.

-, articles of agreement with the King of, 727.

-, vice King of, 59.

-, fleet, 9, pp. 63–4, pp. 110–112, p. 204.

-, -, fears it must be given over for want of supplies, p. 63.

-, -, consultations aboard the English, 34.

-, Dutch fleet off, 293.

-, - have besieged, 326.

-, the English refuse to join in a second exploit for, p. 200.

-, the Isabella of, see Isabella, the.

Goat skins, &c. boiled for food, p. 157.

Goch, or Gogh, of Zutphen, Jean de, 133, 661, 718.

Godfrey, Edward, p. 482.

Godolphin, Wm., p. 481.

Godsuch, -, p. 93.

Goeree (Dutch island), Dutch fleet fitting out at, 273, 282, 343.

-, arrival of ships from East Indies at, 343.

Gogo, 372.

-, free trade granted in, 341.

Gold, 2, 243, pp. 99, 317, p. 140, 391.

-, English, profitable in the Moluccas, 682.

-, 60 lbs. weight of, taken to the Mint; 425.

-, from Japan to be coined, 723.

-, value of, p. 449.

-, scarcity of, 157.

-, taken prize, 422, 446.

-, chains of, 359.

-, rings, 493.

-, see also
-, Barbary gold
-, Bullion;
-, Silver.

Golden Lion (Dutch ship), the, 316.

-, prize, the, p. 246.

Goldsmiths' work, 226.

Goldwell, Henry, p. 91.

Gombroon, p. 127, pp. 163–5, 372–3, 440, p. 287, 711.

-, Sultan of, p. 287.

-, castle built at, p. 287.

-, ships sail for, p. 287.

-, English and Butch fleets to sail for, 676.

-, amount received for customs at, p. 442.

-, the Portuguese in, 676.

-, -, ancient fort of, p. 287.

Gondomar, Count de, 195, 196, 240.

-, -, letter to, 1622: 114.

Gonninge, John, one of the Council of Defence, 6, 53, 91, p. 64, 352.

-, -, letters from—
-, 1623: 370.
-, 1624: 399.

-, -, instructions from, 1624: 565.

-, -, protest of the Dutch against, 434.

-, -, protest of, against the Dutch general, 364.

-, -, request of, 120.

-, -, his wages, p. 253, p. 480.

-, -, see also East Indies, Council of Defence in.

Gonrockdono, Governor of Nangasaki, 70, 163.

Gooch, Samuel, p. 90.

Goodaille, or Goodall, Barth., master of the Diamond and Royal Anne, 34, p. 204, p. 222, p. 251, p. 479.

-, -, Elizabeth, wife of, p. 222, p. 479.

Goodchild, Deliverance, p. 481.

Goodrick, John, pp. 221–2.

Goodson, John, estate of, p. 222.

Goodyere, Thos., p. 492.

Gore, John, Lord Mayor (elect) of London, 650, 665.

Gore, see Goeree.

Gorsuch, Dan., p. 492.

Gosnold, -, p. 486.

Goswell, Robt., steward of the Palsgrave, 698.

Goulde, Jas., 277.

Goulding, -, p. 482.

-, -, Mary, late the wife of, see Orenge, Mary.

Grand Mogore, the, see Great Mogul.

Grand Signor, the, 406, 677.

-, ambassador of (to Persia), p. 162.

Grandison, Lord, 566, 626.

Grant, Edward, purser of the Diamond, the Elizabeth, and the Exchange, p. 209, 536.

-, -, letter from, 1622: 182.

-, -, his wages, 607.

Graves, Mathew, p. 143.

-, -, keeper of the council chamber, p. 232.

Gravesend, 29, p. 154, 348, p. 238, 698, 716.

Gread, Bruite, p. 219, p. 486.

-, -, his son. p. 219.

Great Bessee, see Bessee.

Great James, the, see James, Royal.

Great Mogul (Jehangeer Paudshah), the, 113, 136, 341, 347, 657.

-, his firmans, 295, 341, 657, 677.

-, greatly delighted with rarities, 35, 136.

-, asks his Majesty for rarities, 81.

-, inventions for, 107.

-, rare jewels for and desired by, 18, 690, p. 462.

-, dogs give him content, 657.

-, the Persians at war with, 131.

-, his court, presents fit for, p. 442.

Great St. Helen's, parish of, 374, 384.

-, minister of, see Browne, -.

-, sermon preached at, p. 232.

Greene, John, 362.

-, Lawrence, p. 126, p. 166.

-, Capt. Michæl, 34, 182, 266, p. 201, p. 251, 495.

-, -, sent to England to answer his demerits, p. 204.

-, -, to be prosecuted in the Admiralty, 491.

-, -, charges against, p. 467.

-, -, petitions for a loan, p. 482.

-, -, his sureties not accepted, 493.

-, -, his business referred to arbitrators, 510, 517, 525, 536, 539, p. 411, 636, 660, 665.

-, -, petitions for an umpire, 673.

-, -, -, referred to the Judge of the Admiralty, 687, p. 449, 698, 708.

-, Thos., p. 485.

-, William, p. 223.

-, -, steward of Sir Ed. Cecil, p. 282.

Greenland, 38, 74, 118, 250, 281, p. 326, 529, 666, 689.

Greenwell, Mrs., 13, 18, 21, p. 93.

Greenwich, p. 279.

-, letters dated from, 297, 470, 484, 489.

Greete, Hugh, his estate, p. 174, p. 466, p. 481 (2).

-, -, leaves 300l. for erecting a school, p. 174.

-, -, his executors, see Russell, Sir Wm.; Smythe, Sir Thos.

Gressic (Java), p. 99.

Greyhounds (Irish), 226, 339.

Grice, Alice, 362.

Griffith, Geo., pp. 487–8.

Griggs, Wm., p. 305, pp. 309–311, p. 447.

-, -, taken by the Dutch in irons to Amboyna, p. 305.

-, -, examined, p. 307.

-, -, judged to death, 5 March 1622–3, p. 311.

-, -, his written confession and protestation of innocence, p. 311, 504, 585.

-, -, executed, p. 815.

-, -, see also Barbour, William.

Grimes, Randall, p. 222.

Grimstone, John, beadle of East India Company, p. 225, 503, 566.

-, -, petition of, p. 486.

Grissell, John, p. 223.

-, -, Judith, wife of, p. 223 (2).

Grocers, the, " scandalous imputation " on the East India Company by, 55.

-, petition of, 393.

Grosayemondono, p. 131.

Grove, Thos., steward of the London, 111, p. 282, 646, 698.

-, petitions of, p. 219 (2), p. 480.

Grymes, Robert, p. 492.

-, Thos., p. 486.

Guadagni, Signor, p. 152, 539.

Gualters, Signor, 290.

Guelderland, 133.

Guildhall, p. 122, p. 269, 493.

Gulenburgh, Count of, President of the States General, 602.

-, -, proposition of Sir Dudley Carleton about the Amboyna massacre, presented to, 555, 556.

Gum, 130, 265.

Gumlac, p. 109, p. 137, p. 160, p. 162, p. 181, 553. i., 577.

-, price of, p. 186, p. 206.

Gundivee, 341.

Gunne, John, 698, p. 484.

Gunning, John, see Gonninge, John.

Gunpowder, see Powder.

Gunrockdono, see Gonrockdono.

Guns, 226.

Gurcom, General, 579, p. 378.

Guttrie, James, p. 220.

-, Nicholas, wife of, p. 220.

Guy, Edwin, purser of the London, p. 123, pp. 158–60, p. 179, 347, 348, 351, p. 238.

-, his wages, 351.

-, -, an examiner in the Star Chamber, p. 232.

Guylan, see Ghilan.

Guzerat, 438.

-, trade with, 539.

-, the governor of, 539.

-, -, articles of agreement between English, and, 341, 539.

-, natives of (Guzerats), 84, 272, 462.

-, ships. About seizing, 438.

Gyant, Mary, p. 484.

-, her husband deceased, see Archer, Arthur.

Gyles, Capt., see Giles, Capt.