East Indies: August 1624, 21-29

Pages 369-382

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1878.

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August 1624, 21-29

Aug. 21. 568. Morris Abbott, Governor, Edward Allen, Alderman, and William Stone, Treasurer, of the East India Company, to Carleton. Have received his of the 12th. The time limited by the King for satisfaction being passed, and it appearing by express writing from the Mayors they have no other purpose but to justify their cruelties, have intreated some of their body to attend his Majesty in progress; upon whose return they will advertise Carleton what is further intended, together with a short answer to their printed relation. He may send them as many more of their people's confessions at Amboyna as he can come by, for good use may be made of them all. [One page. Holland Corresp.]
Aug. 21.
569. Lords of the Privy Council to Sec. Conway. Have according to his Majesty's commands met sundry times about the propositions of Sir Robert Sherley for the Persian trade, and because they conceived it might in the future most concern the East India Company, and for their particular experience and knowledge of those parts, their Lordships caused them to deliver their opinion in writing, which was not received till yesterday. Have sent it to him praying him to let his Majesty understand that before their Lordships present their opinions they are according to his own directions to speak with the Turkey Company, which they reserved to the last, supposing them to be not so well persuaded of the enterprise as the East India Company. [One page. East Indies, Vol. III., No. 31.]
Aug. 24.
570. Sir Robert Sherley to Sec. Sir E. Conway. Has received his favorable letter and sends copy of what he delivered the Lords, to show to his Majesty and the Duke. The merchants delayed the Lords in hope the time would be lost, and have put up bills to acquaint the world that this year they will send out no shipping, whether to affright the State, or for what other intent he knows not; but certain it is that the Dutch ("whom they so much hate for their industry and great traffic") are got into Persia, "which trade if we neglect and they embrace, they shall be the gloriest and flourishing nation in the world, and we the most unfortunate in losing so great a treasure as seeketh us. I speak as a well-devoted naturalist to my own Patria, and should be more than thrice happy (although with a great deal of danger) to effect this business and rest with my father's bones." Prays him to hasten an end to this business which will do honour and profit to the State, for his time is precious. Printed in Sherley Brothers, pp. 90, 91. Incloses,
570. I. "Sir Robert Sherley, the Persian Ambassador's propositions to the Lords of the Council concerning the trade into Persia,"—copy of which he has delivered to his Majesty in which he shows what small things the King of Persia requires in respect of the great ones he offers. The engrossing of all the Persian silk, which amounts to 5,000,000 of pounds and the bringing it on English shipping and paying freight and custom, by which his Majesty's customs will be yearly increased almost 500,000l., besides all our poor set on work, and great part of our native commodities vented. This has been almost 100 years the wealth of the Portugals. And lastly, that the King of Persia would be infinitely pleased in disabling the Turk, his common enemy, who keeps 50,000 soldiers in pay on his quarters with the customs of his silk. Two copies, both signed by Sir Robt. Sherley. [Three pages. East Indies, Vol. III., Nos. 32, 33, 34.]
Aug.? 571. Answer to the [above] propositions of Sir Robert Sherley, touching the Persian trade, presented by the East India Company to the Lords of the Council. Although they have not received any such encouragement as might settle a resolution in them to follow the trade to the East Indies in general, yet they will answer these propositions concerning the Persian trade wherein by seven years' traffic they have attained a good knowledge of the disposition of that King and people, and of commerce and affairs in those countries. The offer of 20,000 or 25,000 men for the King's service is a matter of state no way concerning them. As for the richness of the trade, they find a wonderful mistake both in the quantity and value of the silk; all that can be yearly transported to Europe is 7,500 bales, and will cost about 650,000l., which is far short of the 5,000,000l. for 34,000 bales estimated in said proposition; so that the profit to his Majesty's customs will not be an eleventh part of that projected. Lastly, reasons are given why the East India Company think these propositions are weakly grounded; nor can they conceive what security can be given for such great sums as will be disbursed for the setting forth of the ships that are required, and without this caution, it were a great weakness to disburse so great a charge. Two copies. [One page and a quarter. East Indies, Vol. III., Nos. 35, 36.]
1624 ? 572. Report to [the Duke of Buckingham] on the offer of the King of Persia's Ambassador to sell "all the silk that will be vented in these parts of Europe" to the King of England or his subjects at the rate of two ryals of eight the great pound of 24 ounces, to be delivered at the sea-side in Persia free of all charges, which will be about 10s. per lb. It is thought the quantity will be 5,000 bales which in Persia will 1,000,000l. and will be worth double in these parts. Recommend that four of his Majesty's old pinnaces may be sold to the Ambassador for silk, as he desireth to serve the Persians about Ormuz. The silk may be brought home in the East India Company's ships. It will cost to furnish the four pinnaces 6,000l.; and for victuals and wages of 80 men about 3,000l. more. The silk will return 36,000l. [Three pages and a half. East Indies, Vol. III., No. 37.]
Aug. 25–27. 573. Court Minutes of the East India Company. The auditors represent the heavy burthen of interest that lyes upon the Company and having now a round sum in cash, wish that it may be made use of to shorten their debt, some being at 8 per cent. and some at 7 per cent. The Governor affirmed that no motion could have better "squared with his intentions" both to clear the debt and take off that canker which feeds upon the Company's stock. Mr. Treasurer Stone said the Company's debt was near 200,000l., that they have near 30,000l. cash, and more will come in daily, but forewarned the Company not to leave the coffers too bare, for that upon discharge of the Dolphin 10,000l. will be issued in wages, and it is expected there will be a dividend in money at Michaelmas of 20,000l. Opinions thereon. Resolved not to pay in 3,000l. of orphans' money borrowed of the "Chamber of London" if it may be had at 7 per cent. Several complaints made by the auditors considered, viz., the long stay of the ships abroad which very much increases the charge, and the imperfectly kept warehouse books. Notice to be given at the General Court that dividends will be paid upon rebate at 9 per cent. for the ease of cash. Petition of Augustine Spaldinge "that his cause may be heard arbitrarily" before some of the committees; some thought it good to make him an example, others proposed arbitration, but in the end Spaldinge was told that the Court holds his abuse of the Company to be so great as they will try it by law; action against him had been entered in the Admiralty "by way of prevention." Concerning the complaints in Chancery of Henry Bate against the Company for money detained from him; he said he was not willing to refer the business wholly to Sir Henry Marten, in respect he is informed the Company hath better interest in Sir Henry then he hath, as Sir Henry receives an annual pension of 200l. from the Company; but being satisfied that Sir Henry hath not any pension at all from the Company, only they gratified him for his help in the treaty with the Dutch, Bate was content to refer said question to Sir Henry. Ordered that the Dolphin and Exchange be brought into dock, as the Elizabeth is so crazy it will not be possible to get her ready for the next sending forth of ships; also that the Little James being altogether unserviceable be broken up. The offers of Mr. Smith to buy all the pepper in the Dolphin, of Mr. Martin for all the nuts and maces, and of Mr. Wm. Garroway for 100 barrels of indigo, deferred. Motion of Mr. Crooke, a minister, on behalf of Spaldinge, that he hoped the Company would not crush a poor man whom he knew to be very honest. Mr. Governor "arrested that word," and made answer that it is not the condition of this Company to crush any man; there may be outward forms of honesty in men, but for a man to be defended in point of honesty, that had once before been questioned, for private trade, and upon his second employment was not only bound from private trade, but to encourage his performance was entertained at 200l. per ann., for this man to offend will be held a most dishonest part in any equal judgment. He said he was encouraged by Sir Jas. Lancaster that no advantage would be taken of his bond, and that he was utterly unable and unwilling to contend with a Company and therefore prayed the business might be ended by arbitration. The Court told him "they had no quarrel to the person but to the condition of the man," but when it shall be considered that the Company with their vast charge cannot come near their own, and this man without charge shall make seven for one and have 200l. salary for his pains, this cannot sound well in any just ear; the Company was therefore resolved to prosecute him for example to others. But Mr. Crooke still importuning an end, they wished him to speak with Spaldinge, and let him come and make his own propositions. Mr. Crooke also moved that Spaldinge having underwritten 1,600l. in the second joint stock and made all his payments and taken out nothing, may take out as others do. Request of Mr. Chapman, executor to Mr. Porey (? Povey), deceased, for a parcel of feathers ordered to be delivered to him (see 27 Aug.). Mr. Crooke and Mr. Spaldinge entreated that the latter may be judged by the Court, and that his business may be handled before some of the committee and so ended at a full Court. The Governor answered that the Company neither shuns nor delights in suits, and therefore it was agreed to refer the business to a committee, and it was ordered that Spaldinge may take out his dividends on stock as others do. Concerning a report that is spread abroad whereby the price of calicoes shall be raised on linen drapers.
Aug. 27.—Discussion about the locking of the warehouse doors, both by night and day, about which the Court was put in mind to be more circumspect. Committee appointed to provide some sure way for the warehouses safe keeping. Henry Bate to be warned to appear before Sir Henry Marten. The books to be searched whether Capt. Towerson had not been allowed wages for his servant John Clarke. Messrs. Garroway and Munnes to provide coral in the Straits. An offer to buy 200 barrels of indigo, to be shipped for the Straits at 3s. 4d., accepted. No less quantity to be sold at the same price. Touching the publishing at the next General Court of a dividend of an eighth half-capital in pepper; that the two better sorts of Benjamin be taken out at 4s. per lb., also that there shall be a dividend of a third half-capital at Lady Day next, and of a fourth at Michaelmas following, the Governor saying that "there lies much scandal upon the Company by the nobility and gentry, as if the care were wholly to divide goods to the merchant and the rest unregarded;" which will be a cause to make men strain to bring in their adventure. It was also agreed that the generality be satisfied that their affairs in the Indies stand in good terms, the differences with the Dutch excepted, in which particular there is hope the King will do justice, and lastly for the better satisfaction of the world, it was ordered that the narration of the Dutch cruelties in Amboyna shall be offered to be read, and the rather because there are divers of the Dutch nation here that wonder at our proceeding, and do justify the Dutch in all things. The Dolphin's men to be paid, but for the Whale and Rose's men let them petition the Court, when they shall have answer agreeable with justice. Capt. Robert Adams to receive one month's extra pay for his services at the Manillas, and 100 nobles for bringing home the Elizabeth without any touch of land till he came into the Downs. Divers petty tokens, sent home by [Wm.] Hoare to his friends and kindred, to be delivered according to his direction. [Seven pages and a quarter. Court Minute Bk., pp. 88– 95.]
Aug. 27. 574. Minutes of a General Court. Those absent to be fined 12d. per piece. Mr. Governor acquainted the Court that the Dolphin is arrived in safety, and albeit the Company have suffered great damage by the loss of the Whale, yet they have received news to countervail that loss which their factors have so taken to heart, and have used such diligence as they have lade away two other great ships, which may be expected in October or shortly after; also that their estate stands excellent well at Surat, and at Jacatra never better. That their care is now to dispose of the lading of the Dolphin, which amounts to 120,000l. for the delivering of an eighth half-capital and the payment of the Company's debts. The prices of the Jambi, Priaman, and Malabar pepper set at 19d., 20d., and 21d. The consent was general, and without contradiction or reply; therefore said order stands confirmed. Mr. Governor said there hath not only been care taken to provide for those that will take out goods, but likewise to take away the common aspersion that the merchant swallows all but the gentry can get nothing; and it was agreed and ordered that a second dividend of a half capital in money be paid at Michaelmas next, a third at "our Lady" following, and a fourth at Michaelmas following. The business of delinquents is found to be of such a nature that which way soever the committees go they fall upon a rock; if one way, they crush the delinquent; if another, they take from the adventurer: so it is agreed only upon interest at 9 per cent., and the further consideration is referred. In the meantime it is to be hoped that the publishing of dividends in money will be a motive to many to bring in their payments. All other things being settled, Mr. Governor told them that the worst is yet behind, which he is as sorry to speak as they will be to hear, but whatsoever is done under the sun must come to light. It were an unjust and unchristian thing to expose the men they employ in the Indies to manifest danger, and at the last General Court it was held fit that except a real and speedy reparation be had they must give over their trade. Mr. Governor and a committee had attended his Majesty at Wanstead before the Progress with their petition (which was now read in Court), which his Majesty received and heard read, and showed himself to be as gracious and forward to repair the Company upon the Dutch as could be wished; that they had private speech with the Lords concerning the same in full council, and the "Relation" being read before them the next day "it did stir up much passion in their Lordships generally," since which time it has been said that this Company is weary of the trade and would pick the quarrel to give it over, but Mr. Governor has answered that it is true, if reparation cannot be had, the Company must call home their stock as they may: but if it shall please the State to see them righted, they have four brave ships which shall be made ready and sent out of hand. "The 12th of August was the time limited by his Majesty for satisfaction both for the slaughter of our people and the spoil of our goods; the day is come and past, his Majesty is in progress, and we have heard nothing." But by order of a court of committees, Mr. Deputy and some of the committees are gone to attend his Majesty, as well with letters from the King of Persia as concerning this business, and have taken a translated copy of that which the Dutch have published in justification of their "fact," with other papers, and hope to quicken the business at Court. The Court generally desiring to hear the "relation on the Company's part" [see ante, No. 499. I.] read, it was read accordingly. [Three pages and a half. Court Minute Book, VII., pp. 95–98.]
Aug. 28. 575. Morris Abbott, Governor, James Cambell, Alderman, Nicholas Crispe, and Thomas Mun to Carleton. When their committees presented to the King the pamphlet and the Mayors letter, and complained of the delay, and prayed that some further real course might be taken for the Company's satisfaction, his Majesty answered that the States had promised that the Governor of Amboyna and the rest should be punished, and that he had commanded Mr. Sec. Conway to send the Company a copy of Carleton's letter of the 11th present, which "puts us into admiration that the States should imagine the offers therein expressed could in any way satisfy his Majesty," considering his Majesty's resolution not to have the fact disputed but punished. Are not a little astonished to receive answer that right shall be done if they find it true; above all, that they should speak of remitting it to the Indies where the Dutch have absolute power; also of examining witnesses at Amboyna, which is utterly abandoned by the English, and of sending our people back thither that are the accusers and witnesses of that bloody execution. So as they must be forced still to attend his Majesty, to lay open the truth of these proceedings; they know not how he will take it, when he understands that it stands in other terms than he delivered it to our deputies. Have thought fit to acquaint him withall, as also to stir him up to the prosecution of his former noble favour towards their Company. Endorsed, "Recd 3 Sept. 1624." [One page and a quarter. Holland Corresp.]
Aug. 28.
576. Barlow to Carleton. The placard has been fixed on the pillars of the Burse and elsewhere, which doth not a little vex the Bewinthebbers, for now many men's mouths are open and speak very largely concerning all their miscarriages towards their fellow adventurers. Has sent three men abroad to find out the printer, one of whom thinks to find him in Zealand so soon as the placard is pub lished there. Answer from the Bewinthebbers concerning the payment of the 23,906 ryals; they crave a little patience till their next ships come from the Indies. [One page, Holland Corresp.]
Aug. 28.
577. Tho. Barker, Jno. Purefey, Jno. Benthall, and John Haywarde to the East India Company. Send copy of their last of 30th May [see ante, No. 462]. Lalabeg more courteous, to whom they laid open the difficulties of this trade; suspicion of deceitful proceedings. His Majesty made his public entry into this city the 24th June, 10 days before "the great byram," by reason whereof they could not come to the speech of any of his chiefest officers. The feast passed, they delivered the reasons which moved them to follow this trade no longer. Were answered that they sought in vain the abatement of the price of silk, and plainly told them he dared not prefer their petition, and that it little imported the King whether we carried away his silk or no. The perfidiousness of Lalabeg and others discovered. As they could not be admitted to the King's presence with empty hands, they prepared a present of three remnants of scarlet, three dozen knives, a rich case of bottles, and two spaniels, which John Purefey presented to the King with their petition. The presents were gratefully accepted and well esteemed, with promise of redress. Here follows their petition to the King, which consists of six articles, viz.: in reference to the appointment of commissioners to contract for his silks, the rates, the places the silks should come from, the prices of English commodities to be taken in part exchange, debts due to Wm. Robins, and restitution for silk stolen, with the answer to each separate article. Remarks upon said answers. As to the price of silk, "one of the chiefest props whereon the benefit of this trade dependeth," the King, will not hear of any moderation, chosing either to let it rot in his magazines, or forcing his subjects, the Julfalines at the same rate to the undoing of them, to transport it to Aleppo. As to the other main point, the venting of quantities of cloth and tin, their hopes are frustrated, neither is there any hope of recovering Wm. Robins' debt: it touches the King's proper interest. Will try what the law will give for their stolen silk. Can expect nothing from this inconstant and false people but entanglement and uncertainty in their trade. Therefore have resolved according to their honors' injunctions to crave licence for their departure. Reasons given to Mahomet Aly Beg for requiring an answer to our King's letter of last year, and testimony of their behaviour; that they came not as pedlars, but their traffic was, by command of their sovereign, recommended to this Emperor, upon expectation of benefit to both kingdoms. He said they were not prisoners, so might go when they pleased, but afterwards promised assistance in the delivery of their "arz" [petition]; still they find him delay. It will be dangerous to go unlicenced, yet will prove to the utmost they did endeavour a departure. God knoweth their desire to escape out of these unhealthful climates, where they consume their time without any profit to their employers and with less credit to themselves. Have omitted no occasion of putting off their remains, also horses, household stuff, &c. Account of what has been sold and bartered for carpets, viz., morse teeth, iron, ropes, gumlac, spectacles, china cups, cloth, steel refuse, "one camel, worn out and tired," &c.; a few remains, including the coach. Their debts small, which they purpose trying to recover. Account of their repairing the day following to Aly Beg, who, after some courteous compliments, began to fall to reasonable discourse, saying how much the Emperor was affected to their King, country, and traffic, and had weighed their losses, services, and continuance in his country, and what hopes there were for obtaining their desires, and how in the end privileges were granted to them by the King "to manifest how much we were esteemed above other strangers." No abatement was made in the price of silk, but a gift of two whole loads in every hundred, prices at which their cloth and tin were to be taken. This, the King's absolute answer, they requested under his seal, and have received a phirmaund for this contract; "also we were all of us vested, and to myself besides was sent one horse." Thus the chiefest difficulties objected against the Company, Persian trade being granted and confirmed under his Majesty's royal seal, the performance thereof is not to be doubted so long as the Shah liveth. Remarks on the difference of the new contract and their previous traffic; the profits on cloth 60 per cent., the use of which is much is much increased. The King has determined to distribute 2,000 cloths [pieces] to his soldiers, who are to the number of 35,000, in yearly pay. The colours should be hare colour, deer colour, popinjay, peach, brimstone, red, green, and such like light colours. Of Suffolk blues and azures, some few would give content; also of Devonshire and northern kerseys. About 60 tons of tin may vend yearly. Infinite quantities of Indian commodities will sell to good profit, viz., at cent. per cent. and upwards, but for pepper, cloves, nutmegs, and mace, fear the Hollanders "will cloy this country." Complaints of Mullaimbeg and his false promises about the price of silk, but no hope of redress. The Hollanders have procured as little remedy as themselves.
Had intended to close up the above, written this 10th Aug., but a happy and, they hope, prosperous, accident hindered. Seeing that none would prefer their "arz," nor themselves find any opportunity for delivery of it, they appointed their interpreter to take a rich case of bottles and try if he might have entrance into the forecourt of the palace, "where usually his Majesty twice or thrice a week sitteth with his chief officers in justice." Many days passed, but at last the chief porter had orders to let the interpreter pass in; he entered the presence of his Majesty, who called him, when, with the case of bottles, he presented their petition. The King asked what the request of the English was, and being answered license to depart to their own country, demanded why they sought to be gone; the interpreter replied the reasons were in their petition, adding his Majesty would please to understand their coming into his dominions was with determination to trade, so that the charges of sending three or four ships or more might be defrayed, but seeing the more they brought the more the loss would be, they had orders to demand license for their departure, "upon which words the King licensed him," and referred him to Aly Beg for answer. Estimate that the sale of English and Indian commodities will produce 500 loads of Ghilan silk a year. If they prosecute this design, will require 10 factors at least, and one chief, "whose experience, authority, and grave carriage may purchase him respect from this Emperor." His Majesty requireth by way of presents, scarlet cloth, violet in grain, very fine, large knives, well tempered; special morse teeth, of a blackish grain; mastiffs and spaniels; 20 barrels of Milan pieces, of five spans long, to carry a bullet of five drachms; and above all, having an earnest desire to bring into his country the art of printing, he has been very importunate with them to write for men skilful in the science, who he promises to maintain at his own charge. About 1,000 loads of silk arrived and expected, which confirms the King's determination to cause to be brought yearly to Ispahan 1,000 loads for the English, Hollanders, and Indians. Having truly related what they have performed about your Persian trade, refer the prosecution thereof to your mature judgments. [Nine pages. O.C., Vol. X., No. 1159.] Incloses,
577. I. Petition of the English factors at Ispahan to the Shah. Humbly represent that the English Company has these eight years past trafficked in his kingdoms without so much profit as may countervail their charges, wherefore they hope that, as by his noble command they entred into his dominions, they may obtain Imperial licence to depart. And to that effect entreat his royal letters to the Sovereign of Great Britain, and a free passage without disturbance. [Half a page. O.C., Vol. X., No. 1164.]
Aug. 28.
578. Copy of the above letter. Endorsed, "Rec. by the way of Aleppo and Marseilles, 19 April 1625." [Ten pages and a half. O.C., Vol. X., No. 1165.]
Aug. 29
Nov. 5.
579. Letters from and consultations of Rich. Bix, Rich. Swan, and Robt. Hayes, the Commissioners aboard the ship Charles, addressed to the President and Council at Batavia [see ante, No. 565].
August 29.—Poolambam [? Palembang]. Set sail 18th inst., and next day prepared to land about 80 or 90 men on the island of Bessee, but saw ashore a company of about 40 Dutch soldiers, besides boats full of men with provision of arms. Landing of the Commissioners, and conference with the "chief or leader" of the Dutch, who said they were appointed to be there by order of their General and Council of Batavia, and demanded the cause of the Commissioners' coming. Interview with the Dutch General on board his ship off the island Sabaco, where the Dutch had also landed. Told him they were sent by the President and Council to take possession of the islands Bessee and other adjacent islands to the use of his Majesty of Great Britain, well knowing them to be uninhabited. He replied that he likewise came with a commission from the General and Council of India to take possession of them to the use of Prince Maurice and the Lords States of the Netherlands, which they had done, alleging they had divers castles, a great city, schools, and a great number of ships to build and maintain, and these islands were commodious for wood and harbour. To which was replied, that he came rather to prevent them, "which indeed he could not heartily gainsay, only thus replying said, how should we know your business." Then set sail for Crocobo, of which they took possession and landed some men, but finding it altogether unfitting for their designs, took their men and munition on board and sailed on 22nd for Moroh, but after searching the most likely place for their purpose, "found there no encouragement at all." Arrival of the Reformation this 29th August written within a league of Poolambam Point, which they have resolved to send back, and stay at Aniar until they hear again. A fortification at the river Champore not to be attained by any such power as they have. Strength of the Dutch at Bessee and Sabaco. The name of their chief is Gurcom. Annexed,
Consultations aboard the Charles, 20th, 21st, 26th, 29th August 1624. Prevented by the Dutch from bringing to pass their purposes at Bessee, they set sail for Crocobo, which they took possession of in the name of the King's Majesty of Great Britain. Reasons for leaving the island Crocobo to search elsewhere. Have with diligence sought to perform their commission, but being prevented by several accidents, they make their return to Batavia, and forbear to put into Bantam, for their ship is pestered with combustible matter, and the unlikelihood of their coming thither for trade if observed by the Dutch peradventure "might fall into strange misprisions, which with them is nothing." By reason of a letter received from the President and Council at Batavia by Richard Allnatt, commander of the Reformation, have resolved to dispeed her to Batavia with relation of their proceedings, and with the Charles anchor over against Anjar till further order come. [Signed as above.]
October 8.—Ricd. Bix, Ricd. Swan, and Robert Hayes to the President and Council. Came to anchor over against Anjar 30th Aug. Officers set by the Pengran to prevent the selling of pepper to Dutch or English. Arrival of a Flemish yacht from Bessee, whose commander told them he was sent to forewarn them against trade with the Pengran's subjects, otherwise within 24 hours they would be treated after another fashion. Replied, in case they should trade they could not perceive it to be any breach of the articles; and as for their departing thence, they would take their time, come who would, "the sea being as free for us as them, * * * keeping ourselves 'cautulous' of their fox's case and showing no fear of their lion's skin." Account of the manner of the carriage of this yacht or frigate towards us, whereby may be noted their unmannerly pride. Pepper bought of the Java prows; one taken by the Dutch, who have kept one of the Javas, it may be as a witness to prove our trade. Have been thus particular in showing their trading. Arrival of the Reformation, with Mr. Hayes. Relation of discoveries made by the Reformation and the Charles; a deep bay near the west end of Java and Hippons island. On 18th Sept. found an island N.W. five leagues from Bessee, with a convenient bay for fortification and riding and carreening ships. Received theirs of Sept. 29 by the Rose. The Dutch report that five Javas escaped by swimming, and that four men were lost in the "exploit" disagrees from the truth. If they shall report any circumstance other than we have related, let it, we pray, be unto you as water spilt upon the ground. Took possession of this island [Pulo la Gundie] 6 Oct., which they shall make their abiding place, being well advised of its fitness. The blacks have made a great riddance of trees with fire and hatchet; have got ashore two demy-culverins, and laid out ground for the blacks dwellings. Are like to have good air and good soil, apt to bring forth fruits, and hope by digging to meet with springs. Have put aboard the Rose, master Robt. Hackwell, all the pepper they bought about Anjar. Have but few hands for the great work in hand. The blacks take great pains, but they have many of their own men sick, and six dead since 27 Sept. Provisions required. If they had 300 or 400 blacks, could set them on work, and unless furnished with store of hands little will be done. Annexed,
Consultation aboard the Charles, 4th Octr. 1624. Have spent full 24 days at Hippons island, and find fruitfulness of ground, convenience for carreening ships, and fresh water, but no possibility of fortification; but compared with an island found and surveyed by Allnatt and Hayes in the Reformation, the commodiousness whereof is so great, they mean to repair thither; and for avoiding of prevention by the Dutch have agreed to send the Reformation 12 hours before, and they in the Charles to follow with the junk Welcome. Signed by Ricd. Rix, Ricd. Swan, Robt. Hayes, Ricd. Allnatt.
An act for the possession of an island, taken in the name of the King's Majesty, 6th of Octr. 1624, in the ship Charles. Arrived at an island lying west from the high land of Moroh about eight leagues, "we do here, in the name of God, to the use of our Sovereign Lord the King's Majesty of Great Britain, his heirs and successors, take quiet and peaceable possession of this island and the several islands adjacent and thereto belonging, not doubting but this and all of them shall remain to his Majesty, his heirs and successors for ever, * * * and having advanced thereon his Majesty's colors of England, we, with ensign displayed, sound of drums, and shooting of great ordnance, proclaim and publish James by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. God save the King." [Signed as above.]
The Commissioners' pass for Henry Short and Ricd. King, 8th Octr. 1624. Henry Crosse [sic ? Short], desiring with many tears to be sent to Batavia, the Commissioners have agreed to his childish importunity. Also Richard King, who hath likewise made great suit, to go in the Rose. [Signed as above.]
October 16.—Ricd. Bix, Ricd. Swan, and Robt. Hayes to the President and Council. The Rose departed the 9th October. Have yet but two demi-culverins mounted upon platforms. Must make use of the seamen, and to every man that would take pains on shore with spade and pickaxe they have agreed to give 6d. a day, and every Wednesday and Friday a piece of beef. The number that thus work is about 60, the rest occupied in fetching water; a matter of 20 they maintain for their "court of guard," though they have more need of 50 in case of disturbance by enemies; but those that take pains all day are so weary at night that most of them would rather die sleeping than defend themselves by waking; divers also are sick. The blacks are only for labour, and whilst the Dutch could at a call have 150 soldiers for Bessee, they have not 15 to perform an action, for the seamen think they are employed only for ship service. Encouragements held out to them to work after this week. Need not put them in mind how many hundred men are fitting such a design as this, being for plantation. Several springs and other advantages discovered; also timber, with which the islands are stored. The spades and shovels nothing answerable to the price. What is required for their use. Have put aboard the Reformation a chest of ryals. Have given Mr. Allnatt order in writing to touch at Bantam, and do as required, and sent with him Owen Davis. Arrival of two Dutch ships; gave them friendly welcome. The commander framed a poor lame errand; that they hoped we had seen a leaky ship of theirs which they sought, and then with ordinary courtesy departed. Peter Tolcorne sent prisoner, who, accidentally shot Robert Wade in the arm, which Rich. Dale, our surgeon, cut off, and Wade has since died, but cleared Tolcorne of any wilfulness. Pray them to consider their small strength; the blacks cannot fight; have lost eight men by death, and 20 are sick; so that if expected to hold by force, they must despatch ships to them as soon and as many as they can. Require instructions about the 24th Article. The preparations making for their defence. Annexed,
Commission to Rich. Allnatt from the Commissioners aboard the Charles, 9th October 1624. To sail with the Reformation to Bantam Road, and there observe how the Dutch demean themselves towards the town and inhabitants of Bantam, for they make show how they keep seven ships for no other end but to offend those of Bantam, and so make it unlawful for us to trade with them. To use all lawful means to procure trade, and to this purpose a chest of ryals is sent with him, and Owen Davis to speak the language; but if any violence be offered by the Dutch, or threatened, he shall not stand to opposition, but refer himself to Batavia, and depart thither with what possible haste he can. [Signed as above.]
Attestation concerning the death of Robert Wade, from the Charles, 16th October 1624. That he intreated Capt. Swan to let Peter Tolcorne loose from the bilboes, for he was persuaded his error was done casually; and that Ricd. Dale, chirurgeon, and Basil Bowdler, purser's mate, would speak in his behalf. [Signed, Basill Bowdler, Ricd. Dale, surgeon, Hugh Cowly, boatswain.]
October 23.—Ricd. Bix, Ricd. Swan, and Robt. Hayes, to the President and Council. Arrival of two Dutch yachts on 15th present. They go fair and easily forward with their business. The Reformation departed the 17th. Since being here not any of the inhabitants have been with them.
November 5.—Same to same. The Dutch yachts still in search for the leaking ship, but their trap is to take our bay in their way The Dutch anxious to see our business on shore, where are four pieces of ordnance mounted and 20 soldiers with muskets. Have received theirs of the 21st by the Rose. Are right glad to receive their approbation, and shall still go on to perfect what they have begun. Will no more send for hundreds of hands, but go forward with those they have as best they may. Amongst the commodities of this island are deer and swine, both of which they have tasted. Arrival of a prow with three poor men from Sellabar, who told them the name of the island was Poola la Gundie, and that these islands belong to the King of Bantam, but are not inhabited. They had a Dutch pass, and required one from us, which was given. Cannot choose but to enlarge sometimes on the expense of their victuals to the blacks as well as to others; and to say truth, the blacks, with John their commander, are the men for labour. Want daily more planks, boards, and thatch. Instead of being able to add anything to what you conjecture, we stand looking what will be the event of the Dutch coming hither, and framing errands, or rather excuses, "such as stand on lame legs and cannot bear." Annexed,
Pass given by the Commissioners aboard the Charles to a prow of Sellabar, 1 November 1624. Consultation aboard the Charles, 2nd November 1624. The allowances first agreed upon to such were, as would work ashore, 6d. per day, or one-eighth ryal of eight, and two meals extraordinary of beef in a week; but have since agreed to allow 9d. per day, and a proportion of arrack at night, and to the carpenter, besides double allowance, a quart of arrack to every five. [Signed as above.]
Certificate from the Commissioners of leave to Gabriel Kennecott and John Bankes, to go to Batavia, 5 November 1624. [Signed as above. Together 48 pages. O.C., Vol. X., No. 1166.]
Aug. 30 ?
Toddington. Monday morning.
580. Sir Robert Sherley to Sec. Conway. According to his Majesty's command, on Tuesday (31 Aug.) will be a fortnight (since) he attended the Lords of the Committee for the Persian business, where the business was thoroughly debated at the Council table, and he has given it them very amply in writing. The Lords sent for the merchants, that they should likewise in writing declare their oppositions; but they are so cunning that they procure nothing so much as delays, knowing very well that nothing can more prejudice his master's affairs nor his own reputation, and they lose time, the most precious jewel in the world. Beseeches him to favour him with an answer, and send word where he may meet with him. [Two pages. East Indies, Vol. III., No. 38.]
Sept 1. 581. Sec. Conway to the East India Company. Sends some propositions of Sir Dudley Carleton for their opinion [ante, No. 548]. The King's resolution to give them justice and protection. The Company must not forego the trade. The King expects their answer touching his joining with them. Domestic, Jac. I., Conway's Letter Bk., p. 149, Cal., p. 333.]
Sept. 1. 582. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Touching the claim of George Pike to his brother Edward Pike's estate, and for which he threatens to sue the Company. Ordered that Mr. Cappur attend Alderman Hamersley and Sheriff Mowlson, and desire them to be examined in Chancery if there be cause. Also that Mr. Munnes' paper, containing a "distribution of the whole work proper for the auditors," which was read in Court, be delivered to the auditors for their opinion. The accounts of John Young and Edward Seagar about the ships to be audited. Punnyett to receive pilotage from the Downs for the Exchange and Dolphin. Consideration of "their great business with the Dutch," first, that they renew their suit to the King, concerning right to be done for the murder of their men, and secondly, to set down reasons why this Company excused themselves of the King's partnership. Committee appointed to attend the King at Windsor on Monday, and "to hold one thing for a ground, not to give way to any dispute upon the business of Amboyna, that were the way to make it infinite;" it was hoped by then that letters should be received out of the Low Countries whereon to ground something. While these things were in agitation a letter was delivered from Sec. Conway, with a copy of propositions sent by the Dutch to his Majesty, pretending them to be for the satisfaction of the English Company, wherein albeit they confess the number of English put to death and acknowledge that the English did nothing against them, yet affirm the English had an intention, as much as they were charged withal; whereas it appears plainly that there was no ground of probability for either, also it is a ridiculous thing for the Dutch to propound the decision of this question in the place where the Dutch pretend sovereign jurisdiction. Mr. Secretary's letter required a present answer to these articles, but it was thought fit not to be over sudden in a matter of this weight, and in the meantime it is resolved to draw up, by the advice of civilians and common lawyers, articles to be yielded unto by the Dutch, such as may both repair for injuries past, restore what hath been injuriously taken, and assure against both for the future. Ordered that the dock at Blackwall be lengthened and made fit for great ships at the charge of 20 marks (sic). Report of the Committee on Spaldinge's case: in regard to private trade he said "that he did but as other men did;" being called in with his brother-in-law Mr. Crooke, Spaldinge said he would submit to such an end as the Court shall think just, and it was resolved that in regard of private trade and other embezzlings from the junks, he is to pay to the Company a fine of 1,000l., which he agreed to. Suit of Capt. Watts in favour of Mr. Staverton, for 200 ryals due to him. [Five pages and three quarters. Court Minute Bk., VII., pp. 99–104.]