East Indies: August 1623

Pages 133-147

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1878.

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August 1623

Aug. 1.—Court Minutes of the East India Company. Messrs. Abdy and Eyers reported that they, with Mr. William Cokayne, had received the accounts concerning the estate of George Cokayne, on behalf of Mary Cokayne, executrix to her husband, the brother of the said George [? Mary Jackson administratrix to her brother George, see ante, No. 30, pp. 90–1.] and find no reason to allow any more than hath been already paid; it was therefore the general opinion of the Court that the Company hath paid what can be justly challenged, and this was their final answer. Concerning the Lord Keeper's order for delivery of Ball's apparel, &c., it was explained that he intended not the delivery of any merchantable stuff; his Lordship very honourably minded towards the Company. Their course in the Star Chamber against Ball in some danger to be lost and to fall heavy on the Company through want of well following; it was therefore thought fit, that albeit Mr. Tichborne is entertained to solicit the business, Messrs. Bell, Style, and Harby do oversee the proceeding. Motion concerning the dividend of James Coxe by his brother Charles Coxe. Counsel to be taken of Sir Henry Marten, Drs. Steward and Zouch, and Mr. Stone, whether the mariners of the Lion, having reaped the benefit of the spoil of Ormuz, should also have wages; some thought they should, and that it had been the practice of the Company to pay them, and instanced the case of Sir David Middleton and Sir Thomas Dale, who both took prizes and yet the men were paid, to which it was answered, the case differeth, for this was not a pillage at sea but a proportion allotted out of the general spoils of the places taken; resolved to consult counsel thereon. All Weddall's goods aboard the Jonas, to be brought up to the Company's house before anything be delivered to him. Request of Anthony Wallis, prisoner in St. Katherine's, about payment of arrears in his accounts. Messrs. Abdy and Eyers to see the weight and tale of the ryals now to be sent in the Charles. Request of Mr. Hackwell on behalf of the widow of Isaac Stevenson, late master of the Dolphin, for payment of 350l. 8s. 0d.
Aug. 4.—Such as desire it may take out one third of their dividend in Calicut pepper. As to the bill, of exchange formerly presented by the widow of Stevenson, albeit the Company hold it unreasonable to allow the rate of 6s. per ryal, yet they are tender of the reputations of their factors (Rastell and James) and will not protest the bills. Whereas it had been moved that there be stay made of paying the Lion's men, in respect of their share of the spoils of Ormuz; it was now held fit to let fall that pretence and stay payment in respect the Company's goods aboard that ship have received 1,000l. damage by ill-handling in the stowage.
Aug. 6.—Request of Mr. Friday, a preacher returned out of the Indies, to take up his goods, the greatest part being indigo. Mrs. Stevenson's bill of exchange ordered to be paid. James Beckford, a factor returned in the London, presented two packets of letters out of the Indies, which he received from Mr. Blythe. Answer of Beversham, master of the Lion, in reference to the ill-stowage in his ship to the value of 1,000l; also as to the escape of Ruy Frere, the captain of the Portugal. The Court altogether unsatisfied with his answer, and that Beversham not only let him go, but with him the commission which gave him order to ruin the trade of the English in those parts, which had been a matter of very great moment to the Company, the Company having been given to understand that Ruy Frere offered Capt. Weddall that had him formerly in keeping 1,000l. to wink at his escape, and it was not unlikely that now also he sought to make his way by money, and afterwards wrote that by the drunkenness of the master and company he escaped. Beversham confessed he had sent some goods in a catch to Ipswich, and against next Friday is to set down what goods have been carried out of the ship and to whom they belong. The farmers of his Majesty's Customs to be intreated to question one Brooke of the Customs at Portsmouth, who did very much slight the Company, and being "of inward acquaintance" with Bleth (Blythe) captain of the London, refused to give a note of the entries of goods landed out of the London. Order to Mr. Mountney that certain Indians come home in these ships, that have done good service, and some apprentices whose times are not yet expired shall be forthwith apparelled Mr. Deputy reported that he and Mr. Munnes had audience of his Majesty at Brempton, a house of Sir Edward Baynton, whither the King was retired from Salisbury. They gave thanks to his Majesty for directing them a way to gain so noble a friend as the Duke of Buckingham by gratifying him in his absence, and said that notwithstanding their low estate they were content to gratify the Duke with 2,000l. The King made answer it was well, and asked when it should be paid; they answered when his Majesty should appoint and desired to know to whom it should be paid; the King said to the Duchess of Buckingham. Mr. Deputy said the Company hoped the Duke would take notice of their love and respect, to which the King replied, it should be his care to make him know it and prepare them to requite it. Mr. Deputy further made known to the King that the Company will be able to give a good account of the service at Ormuz. His Majesty said he was glad of it and asked what lading their ships brought and what vent they had for the great mass of calicoes that yearly come, to which was answered they vend in England, whereby the prices of lawns, cambrics, and other linen cloth are brought down, that England is now made the staple for that commodity, which having first served his Majesty's dominions the overplus is transported to foreign parts in the nature of a home bred commodity. The King approved exceedingly of their answer, and said that was the ready way to bring treasure into his kingdom. Request of Mr. Woortoft, a brother of this Company, attending upon the Lord Keeper, for Edward Langford and William Sandy to be entertained for the next shipping. Concerning Henry Bate's petition for recompense for overplus of service, the Company have had no time to peruse their letters. Request of Mary Cokayne [? Jackson] for a further answer concerning her late brother's estate, and the money he had laid out on the Company's house in Succadana. Report that the account of the prize taken by the Richard is too short and that goods were spoilt by Beversham's fault. The account to be delivered to his Majesty concerning Ormuz must be referred till his return from progress. Sir Henry Marten altogether excuses himself from being counsel in the doing of it, and Dr. Steward is far off. The Governor has received from Weddall good satisfaction in four particulars—firstly, that there was a necessity of their aiding the Persian, because the Company's goods and servants ashore had been in danger; secondly, they gave no help by any land service; thirdly, two of those Portugal ships then at Ormuz were appointed to serve against the English; fourthly, the English mollified many rigorous courses intended against the Portugals, and lent them their own ships to carry them to a place of safety. The Court thought fit that a report fit to be delivered to his Majesty be drawn up "by some well chosen civilians," but that it be verbal and not in writing, unless the King command it. [Sixteen pages. Court Minute Book, VI., pp. 35–51.]
Aug. 6.
312. [Sec. Conway] to [Morris] Abbott and [Robert] Bell. Concerning 15,000l. impost money to be paid in for the ships lately arrived out of the East Indies. [Minute. Conway's Letter Book, p. 70.]
Aug. 6. 313. Frances Lady Willughbye to Lord Zouch. The bearer, Ascugh, hath a great inclination to go the East India voyage, as the Company will not entertain him without the recommendation of some nobleman; requests Lord Zouch's letter in his behalf, not for any place or preferment but that he may go the voyage. [Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CL., No. 39, Cal., p. 46.]
Aug. 8–15. 314. Court Minutes of the East India Company. A certain box of letters brought in the London, and by Blythe brought aboard the Jonas, to be called for. The farmers of the Customs to be requested to order their officers not to make entry of any goods out of the Company's ships, without first making them acquainted. Messenger from the Lord Treasurer requiring that Mr. Deputy and Mr. Bell should attend him at Chelsea that afternoon: the Company's secretary to attend Mr. Bell thither.
Aug. 9.—A letter read from Sec. Conway to Mr. Deputy and Mr. Bell, that his Majesty having understood by them at Theobalds that there was to come into his coffers 15,000l. ready money for impost on the Company's goods in the London, Jonas, and Lion, had destined that money for a very special service, which "was weighty and could not otherwise be supplied," and therefore gave order the same should be paid to the Lord Treasurer; the Court found that, considering their silk (which is a great part of their lading) pays no impost at all, calicoes half impost, and much to be paid back for goods shipped out, and that pepper, the least parcel of the three, only pays whole impost, the King's part will not come to above 3,000l. It was said that Dr. William Garroway has a patent to receive the whole and pay back as men transport, and it was asked of Mr. Garroway whether if the whole impost were paid to the King, his father will pay back what shall be due upon shipping out; his answer was that except he received it, they could not expect it from him, and he was intreated to make known the case to the Lord Treasurer.
Garroway makes known that certain goods were landed at the Custom House quay belonging to Weddall, master of the Jonas, and a watch set upon them, but whether by corruption or negligence they were conveyed away to the Tower of London. It appears that some of the officers of the Custom House "are overforward in helping our people to take up their goods," and must be restrained by a more commanding hand; a letter to be gotten from the Lord Treasurer to that effect.
Aug. 13.—Mr. Deputy and Mr. Bell have satisfied the Lord Treasurer and Chancellor of the Exchequer that their words were merely mistaken by his Majesty, having reference to the Customs and not to the impost; and now it is only required that the impost be paid in as soon as it shall appear what it is. No wages to be paid to Evans, who being made master of Capt. Roe's prize, "did break bulk and serve his own turn." Stay to be made of the monies payable to Mrs. Stevenson, for that her husband was a freeman of the city of London, "and therefore the orphans part is to be paid into the chamber." Capt. Blythe, commander of the fleet, now returned from Surat, came into court and received the loving salutes and welcome of the Company. He promised that his journal and those of his officers and men should be brought in, and spoke of the victuals of Capt. Hall's fleet. The Company wished him to deal fairly with them concerning his goods brought home on his own account, and to deliver a true inventory of them all, and he should find all loving and kind dealing; he promised to do so, and craved the Company's pardon in that he had thought on a way of private conveying his goods away, out of fear lest there might have been a sequestration of them and perhaps of his person. He said that Willson, who came home surgeon in his ship, had undertaken to set down some businesses whereat he had not been present, but grounded merely upon relation, and that the journal was at a scrivener's shop to be written out, for whose use he knew not, and the Court, apprehending that through such idle discourse the Company might receive prejudice, intreated a couple of committees to go to the scrivener and get both copy and original, which they did. Capt. Blythe further delivered a writing subscribed by Portugals of the better sort, testifying the good usage they had from the English. Beversham came in and delivered a note, wherein was set down that there was no likelyhood that Blythe had been offered 1,000l. to wink at Ruy Frere's escape, for Blythe had written to the President at Surat to set him at liberty; whereto Blythe made answer, that it was most true that he had been offered 1,000l. (whereof mention is also made in Willson's journal), and that the letter to the President was not to deliver Ruy Frere, but to use him courteously, as a prisoner of his quality. The Court told Beversham that they had received no satisfaction by this writing concerning the escape of Ruy Frere, and that he had given no inventories of his own goods nor of the goods conveyed out of his ship; they therefore ordered him the second time to bring both inventories in on Friday next. Mr. Leate moved that some allowance be given to Mr. Kirkham for his care in sending and receiving the Company's letters by way of Aleppo, the Company having given Mr. Chapman 20 marks for four years' service of the like nature. 100l. to be paid to Capt. Monox on account of his wages. When Sir Humphrey Handford and the other referees from the King meet concerning the business of Capt. Bonner, Messrs. Abdy and Coxe to be present concerning the business of Lady Dale. Mr. Venn declared that if called to his oath, he must swear that Sir Thomas Dale wrote home "that when he lost his ship, he lost all that he had to his very shirt." Silk to be sold to any that will buy at the price fixed. Ten barrels of indigo to be sent to Amsterdam, consigned to Robert Barlow, to discourage the Dutch from fetching it. No allowance to be made above 5s. per ryal on bills of exchange under the hands of the factors at Surat. Request of Sir Richard Weston, Chancellor of H.M. Exchequer, concerning his adventure of 500l. in the second joint stock. The Court was possessed with a good opinion of Mr. Chancellor's readiness to pleasure the Company, but could not absolutely clear his brokes at that time, yet doubted not to find out some means to give him content. 69l. to be paid to David Bourne: "the Court foresaw that the Company shall be losers by the reckoning, yet the distress of the man did call up their charity to a present consideration and commiseration of those extreme wants whereunto prisoners are subject."
Aug. 13.—A Court held "to end the differences between the Company and Mr. Roe." Mr. Roe was questioned concerning goods taken by him out of the prizes in his voyage from Surat to Jask, and was also charged with five or six bales of cloth; his answer was that if he had not been taken by the Hollanders at Tecoe, where he lost all he had, he could have yielded a particular reason of every thing; but he freely acknowledged that by his error the Company had sustained much damage, and he would rest contented with such end as this Committee would make. The question being put whether to take 200l. or 150l., upon consideration of his free submission and fair carriage, it was fixed at 150l.; with which he rested satisfied, but desired he might be cleared of the imputation of drunkenness, and have the benefit of 900 wt. of gumlack, sold by the Company. To the first he received answer that he was cleared already, and for the second the committee would move the Court.
Aug. 15.—Leave of absence granted to Mr. Fotherby, the Company's servant at Blackwall. The Court considered it over early to think upon a recompense for Mr. Kirkham for conveying the Persian letters by way of Aleppo. The Master and Wardens of the Company of Watermen showed an Act of their Company, confirmed by Act of Parliament, for disposing of apprentices and their earnings after the death of their masters. Ordered that if, upon warning, Hugh Crosse, the apprentice in question, come not, they will proceed without him. The men of the Jonas to be paid, except the officers, who of custom do stay till their stores, accounts, and journals be delivered. Complaint of the beef and pork in Capt. Hall's fleet. Mr. Roe to have the money for a parcel of gumlac belonging to him discharged of freight. Concerning goods sent away by Beversham from the Lion in a ketch of Ipswich. A letter from the Lord Treasurer, delivered by Sir Philip Carey, to this purpose: that whereas the Company has made composition for fees with the inferior officers of the Customs, "they should likewise make some fair agreement above stairs." Andrew Evans to be heard next week. Concerning letters of administration of the goods of one Frewd, grounded on a will made before his going to sea. As to the disposal of the Company's silk, calicoes, and indigo, and the price. As to the silk there is expectation of good quantities both from Turkey and Muscovia, but the Company has all Legee silk, whereof the price is risen, and the other is Ardas. They have promised to the last contractors to hold up the price till Michaelmas next. Leave to Mr. Swann, master of the Charles, to cut out two ports under the half deck for mounting a couple of sakers. Mountford's accounts to be audited. A committee to inform themselves what has been sent for the forts to be erected in the Indies, and report to the Court. Matthew Malberry, a nailor, entertained to go into the Indies at 308. per month. Letter read from the Lord Mayor, that whereas stay had been made of Mrs. Stevenson's money, in respect her deceased husband was a freeman of London, "that the orphans portions were now secured to the Chamber, and therefore that lett was taken away"; the money ordered to be paid. Sir John Ogle having viewed James Browne's plots, and conferred with him touching fortification, thought he might be a fit man to serve the Company as engineer. Browne demanded 60l. per ann. for himself, and 24l. for his servant, which the Court thought over great, and willed them to come to the Court on Wednesday next. Mr. Stone, "of counsel with the Company," to draw a bond of 500l. "for honest service and from private trade," for Robert Hayes, entertained to go factor into the Indies; and as the said form shall be observed for all others, care to be had that it be made strong for the Company, and a proportion of blanks to be printed accordingly. Hayes to have for the first two years 100l. per ann., and 150l. per ann. for the remainder of seven years; 20l. per ann. to be paid here to his wife and mother, and 30l. per ann. to himself for his maintenance in the Indies, both on account of his wages. [Eighteen pages. Court Minute Book, VI., pp. 51–69.]
Aug. 18.
St. Martin's Lane.
315. Sec. Calvert to [Sec. Conway]. The Ambassadors have renewed their complaint against the East India Company for the spoil of Ormuz, provoked, it seems, by some bragging speeches of a captain of one of the East India ships who was in that action. [Extract from Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CLI., No. 5, Cal., p. 58.]
Aug. 18.
Aboard the Palsgrave in the Downs.
316. William Methwold to the East India Company. By the only mercy of Almighty God, the Palsgrave is safely at anchor in the Downs, from whence, the purser being dispeeded with the chest containing the relation of the whole of their affairs in India, he has only taken occasion to advise briefly the occurrences of their voyage. They set sail from Jacatra 11th Feb., but through adverse winds got not out of the straits of Sunda until 2nd March; on 9th April they descried the Golden Lion, dispeeded from Jacatra four days after their departure. On 28th May had sight of the island of St. Helena. Here they found the Delftshaven, and the Golden Lion driven from her anchor, ill-provided of water, and weakly manned, having buried of 90 men which she brought from Jacatra 12. The 2nd of June arrived there the Dutch General Coen, with three other ships, who had met in Saldanha Bay four Dutch ships outward bound, a fifth was passed by, and the sixth cast away in a fog upon Boavista, one of the islands of Cape Verd. Set sail the 5th, leaving General Coen to follow in three or four days, and the 15th discovered Scilly. Of 135 persons brought from Jacatra have lost 18, and there are yet sickly 30 or 40. Few ships have returned worse victualled, their flesh being five years old. Their greatest trouble and danger occasioned by leaks. Awaits their consent for his departure. [One page and a half. O.C., Vol. X., No. 1117.]
Aug. 18/28.
317. Complaint of the Spanish Ambassadors, the Marquis de La Ynojosa and Don Carlos Coloma, to the King concerning the action, at Ormuz. Since they conferred with his Majesty concerning the excess of the East India Company's ships that were at the taking of Ormuz, in company with the Persians, they find that these things following are to be added:—That in the ship London are brought goods stolen from their King's subjects, to the value of 500,000l.; that the very dishes that the lowest and basest sort of the crew put their meat in are of silver, stamped with the arms of many families of Portugal, whom they have miserably sacked and slain; that the gold, jewels, &c. sacked in that city are inestimable; that the captain of the London doth boast that with his own hands he hath taken the Castle of Ormuz, killed an infinite number of Portugals, and burnt two caracs named El Salvador and Todos Los Santos, by which the Company is beholden to him that for three years no ship can come to the King of Spain with East India wares; that the Portugals and other nations, subjects of the Catholic King, were made slaves, and Persians who had renounced Mahomet were, at the request of their own nation, delivered up to be barbarously torn in pieces; and that on their arrival in England, having (though falsely) heard that the match with the Infanta was broken off, the crew made no difficulty to shoot off all the artillery, and for a greater demonstration of joy, the captain giving the example, threw their hats and caps into the sea. These men (who are unworthy of the air they breathe) are now upon the James, triumphing with the spoils of Spain, where none that depend upon that Crown think of anything more earnestly than to give content to his Majesty and the Prince of Wales. Beseech his Majesty that these ships and all they bring may be put in sequestration, to the end that a restitution without deceit may be made of all things found to have been robbed from Spanish subjects, and that the authors (especially the captain of the London) of so great a disorder, never heard of between King's subjects, unless declared enemies, may be personally punished, and in so doing his Majesty shall perform that which the Spanish Ambassadors expect of his justice and greatness, and which belongs to the affection and sincerity which proceeds from all the actions of his Catholic Majesty. The original, also an English translation. [Three pages. Spanish Corresp.]
Aug. 19–20. 318. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Resolution about what the Lord Treasurer required concerning satisfaction to be given to the officers of the Custom House above stairs, deferred till Sir John Wolstenholm may be spoken withall. Letters from Portugal advertise that only one galleon is arrived there with pepper and calico, and no more expected this year, because the English and Dutch keep their ships from coming forth. James Browne, engineer, not thought fit for employment, as well for some ill parts in the man, as also for that he hath been altogether trained up in the service of the Dutch. Mr. Hurte's accounts to be audited. [Thos.] Millward to make trial of one bale of Bengala silk; it was conceived that the Company will find no benefit by bringing it hither. Certain interrogatories presented from the commissioners concerning Lady Dale; some of the Company are to be examined on Friday next; Messrs. Westrow, Bell, Browne, Lanman, and Cappur to draw cross interrogatories. Weddall, master of the Jonas, and Beversham, master of the Lion, presented their journals. The secretary, upon information from Capts. Blythe and Weddall, to set down what passed by way of hostility between the English and Portugals in the parts of Persia and Surat in 1621 and 1622. Weddall to receive 100l., and Beversham 50l., on account of wages.
Aug. 20.—Concerning "the officers of the Custom House above stairs," viz., surveyors, collectors, and controlers, "being persons of quality," Sir John Wolstenholme advised and a committee was named to confer with them. James Brown, engineer, and his man Robert Poole entertained; himself at 55l. per annum and 10l. per annum for his man. Lanman desired direction concerning Mrs. Baffin's business; "a troublesome impatient woman"; she has received 100l., and as private trade exceedingly prejudices the Company, it was thought fit to move Sir John Wolstenholme to cause her to have patience awhile. Treasurer Stone reports he has in readiness 114,000 ryals towards the 150,000 ryals to be sent in this ship [the Charles]. Examination of William Taylor, mate of the Jonas, concerning a prize taken in the Red Sea by the Little Richard; want of water constrained them, and they took from her rice, and 500 pieces of gold, which Mr. Davis, who did what he listed, delivered to the Lion for the Company's use though told he had no commission to give chase to Portugals, much less to Turks and Arabians. The Court feared that their servants at Aden must answer it, and held it fit that Davis should answer the fact himself, at his return. The Master and Wardens of the Company of Watermen attend for answer to their petition for the wages of Hugh Crosse, late apprentice to Katherine Browne, deceased, and produced to justify their claim an order of their Company grounded upon an Act of Parliament, whereby the wages of all apprentices whose masters or dames do decease before the expiration of their apprenticeship is to be disposed of by the Master and Wardens of the Company for the use of the poor, who are also to appoint a master for such an apprentice for the remainder of his time; agreed that 5l. of Hugh Crosse's wages be paid to the Company of Watermen, and 3l. to Mary Browne, daughter and executrix of Katherine Browne, his late mistress; only the Court desired of the Watermen that they would accept 20s. for the use of their poor and give the other 4l. to Crosse, in regard he had lost his eye in his last employment; whereto they seemed to assent, only requested the favour of the Court that for consideration of their right it might be left unto them who promised to deal well with Crosse for the Company's sake, whereto the Court readily gave way. Joseph Purser, Edward Midsley, John Pattison, and Tho. Cadway, newly come home in the Jonas, are pressed to serve the King: Mr. Bacon the secretary to mediate with Sir Thos. Smythe for their discharge. Joan Norris complained of Robert Smith, purser of the Jonas, that he had received money of her husband and given no account of the same; but by his accounts it appeared that he had honestly discharged himself of the trust reposed in him. [Eight pages. Court Minute Book VI., pp. 69–76.]
Aug. 21. 319. [Sec. Conway] to Attorney General Coventry. The King is exceeding sorry to hear of the great indisposition of Sir Wm. Holladay [Hallday], Governor of the East India Company, and a very worthy and well deserving magistrate and minister, and recommends his servant, Sir Henry Mildmay, to his good offices that he suffer not any prejudice in reference to the estate he is to receive by his wife. [Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CLI., No. 23, Cal., p. 61.]
Aug. 22. 320. [Sec. Conway] to Sec. Calvert. The Spanish Ambassador's secretary has made a complaint concerning the business of Ormuz. Sends copy of what they now offer [see ante, No. 317]. The King has commanded an examination of the officers and men of the London to be taken upon the articles to be delivered by the Ambassadors, but there can be no further proceedings during this vacation; if the information be true, the King conceives the complaints to be very grievous and foul. [Extract from Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CLI., No. 38, Cal., p. 64.]
Aug. 22.
321. Sec. (Conway) to the Spanish Ambassadors. Has received theirs of the 17th current conjointly with that addressed to the King (see No. 317). His Majesty conceives that these complaints are very weighty and will go ill with those who have committed the faults, and beseeches the Ambassadors not to doubt his justice or mistake the virtue and candour of his intention, on account of the formality of his proceedings; for in this time of vacation when the judges are absent and the council of state dispersed, it is impossible for his Majesty, without spreading terror and fright among his people, to give sentence and administer justice or to go further than an information. But he has given orders to Sec. Calvert to examine carefully and strictly, not only the officers and men of the London, but also any others that the Ambassadors may present for examination; and though the formality of examination must precede sequestration, his Majesty begs him assure the Ambassadors that every kind of justice shall be done, and in due time order shall be given for sequestration and restitution also, in strict accordance with justiee, the close bond of friendship between his Majesty and his good brother of Spain and his respect for their own powerful graces and virtues. [French. Extract from Spanish Corresp.]
Aug. 22–29. 322. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Lanman presented his answer to Lady Dale's interrogatories; but the Court held it not fit to hear it read, but left him free to answer the Com missioners according to his conscience. Discussion with Mr. Swann about his having the great cabin; the Court have a purpose to establish a standing order, that henceforth no master of any ship shall have the great cabin, but it shall be reserved for the merchants, whilst they continue aboard; his reasons overcome, Swann rested satisfied and submitted to the pleasure of the Court. Discussion about lessening the proportion of ryals to be sent "on this ship" [the Charles], the Court remembered that 20,000 ryals will be employed to buy diamonds, and also supposed that Bantam might be opened, resolved to ratify the former proportion of 150,000 ryals. Concerning Sir Humphry Handford and the other commissioners for Capt. Bonner's business, who thought it just that a general release should be given, on payment of the bill of exchange for 1,000 ryals, but desired the Company for their sake to bestow something on the widow "by way of gratification": the Court foreseeing that as this solicitor was to have half of what he recovered, it would be an encouragement to other brokers and solicitors to undertake suits against the Company, resolved to make payment of the 1,000 ryals, but for gratification they would give none, and rather held it fit to complain of Mr. Abdy for exhibiting scandalous petitions against the Company. Resolved to send three ships to Surat next spring. Mr. Swanley represented that he takes extraordinary pains night and day, has ridden divers hard journeys to Plymouth, Milford, &c., and is out of purse 90l. for extraordinary diet and other expences: the Court duly considering the sufficiency of the man and his extraordinary care and pains, resolved that 100l. be given him for past services, and 30l. per ann. added to his allowance for extraordinary diet, &c. in all 150l. per ann. Mr. Governor sent to make known, that whereas there is an Indian boy at his house which come home in the London, Mr. Friday the minister had this morning demanded the boy with some unseemly carriage, and he desired the Court to examine whose the boy was. Mr. Friday said he was at Mr. Governor's house to see whether the boy were brought up in the profession and knowledge of a Christian, because himself had taken some pains with him in that kind, but for property in the boy he disclaimed it; so the Court sent the boy to Mr. Governor again entreating that he would as formerly give him entertainment again. Richard Barbor to be paid his wages. One Young, an east country merchant, supposed to have the estate of George Ball in his hands, to be examined in the cause depending between the Company and Ball; as also Ball's brother's wife. John Lukin, hired by Capt. Bonner in the Downs, to have his wages. Charge against Andrew Evans for taking goods out of a Portugal junk; he answered with great imprecations that he broke no hold, but had indeed both tin and cloves, which he delivered for the Company's use: the Court for the present dismissed him. From the pepper and cloves come in the Palsgrave, "they might divide half a capital and yet have cloves sufficient." As to whether a capital and a half of all commodities may not be divided; it was answered the Company must be careful of three things: first, to maintain the trade; secondly, to pay their debts; thirdly, to provide monies to divide to those that take not out upon stock. The Company's debts grow so great that they must call in the Michaelmas and Xmas payments: more interest to be imposed on those that have been slack, else no man will bring in his money: this business to be put to a General Court. How to put off their great return of calicoes, so as the Company may make three for one. In the opinion of the Court it will be fit to divide half a capital of pepper and cloves.
Aug. 25.—The ships at Blackwall, lately returned from the Indies viewed, viz., the Little James, the Eagle, the Star, the Lion, and the Great James. Estimates of repairs required. Divers bags of refuse biscuits and seven hhds. of beef to be given to the poor of Stepney, especially to such widows and fatherless children whose husbands or fathers had died at the Indies in the Company's service.
Aug. 27.—Concerning the account of Thomas Reynolds, purser of the Lesser James; was told he must bring an account of the goods landed and sold in Ireland. Report of the committee that had viewed the ships at Blackwall, viz., the Lion and Lesser James, the Eagle and the Star, concerning what ships will be fit to be sent for Surat in the spring, consideration being had that "the Portugals will not in likelyhood sit down by his loss and overthrow, but think upon revenge," and besides it is said there are two French ships bound for the Red Sea, it was thought fit to send a ship of extraordinary "countenance" for Admiral, and for that service the Great James is ordered to be finished, caulked, and tarred; the Lesser James to go as Vice Admiral if upon report she shall appear fit; and the Star for a third ship. Estimate delivered by Stephens for repairing the Great James. John Ducy to be measurer of timber and overlook the workmen about the ships, at 12s. per week, instead of Matthew Graves, brought in by Stephens; for it was conceived a very unfit thing that the carpenter who is to use the timber should appoint the measurer, which were all one as to be his own carver. George [? John] Browne, late the Company's servant, deceased in the Indies, made the Comp. his executors, but bequeathed them nothing; they therefore renounced the executorship. The inhabitants of Ratcliff, Limehouse, Poplar, and Mile End petition for relief and pension for their poor, alledging that many seafaring men that die in the Indian voyages leave their widows and orphans on the parish; a chest with a hole at the top to be put up in Mr. Hurte's office, and each mariner, factor, and other put in mind to do something as he receives his wages: the Company do not forget the poor of those places at Christmas time with money and at other times, with relief from the slaughter house at every killing, and at the returns of the ships with such victuals as remain, but in no case will be tied to anything. Mates that have brought in their journals to receive their wages. Concerning the sale of calicoes and the price; also of silk. Mr. Deputy and some committees to go aboard the Palsgrave, newly come into the river, and welcome the captain, &c., and licence them to come up; and for unlading the ship Walter Mountford, and Boatswain Ingram to be aboard. Mr. Johnson, master of the Rose, who had order to discover a place fit for refreshing about the Cape to plant upon, could find none, but by his journal ("which is not as yet digested"), it did appear he had discovered something in the Gulf of Persia that may turn out to the Company's benefit: meantime he is to receive 40l. of his wages. Morris Jones, surgeon's mate in the Charles, to have a free gift of 5l. in regard of his poverty and "to wipe away all pretences of merit in his former services."
Aug. 29.—Sir John Wolstenholme acquaints the Court that he hears of divers persons who take warrants to ship out pepper and very dishonestly steal it back again, by which not the Company only but the King is deceived, for they take back their imposts; prays the Company to make an example, otherwise, as he is a farmer of his Majesty's customs, and has taken both an oath and a fee, he must take such a course as will be a trouble to many honest men: the matter to be propounded at a general court to be held at afternoon. He further said he had spoken with Sir Philip Carey concerning the gratification expected by the officers of the Custom House above stairs, who refuses to treat till "Sr John" be returned out of the country, at whose request the Lord Treasurer wrote to the Company. One Rose, accused of mutiny aboard the Palsgrave, to attend on Wednesday next. Opinion to be delivered to the general court that all brothers of the Company may underwrite one whole capital of calicoes to ship out, at a price somewhat less than to sell in town. Concerning the price to be set upon the cloves; Methwold, a factor returned in the Palsgrave, called; the price set at 6s. 6d. garbled and 5s. 8d. ungarbled. Mr. Treasurer has cast up the arrears of adventures; 92,000l. owing to the Company; to be brought to a general court. Refusal of the Charles' company to weigh anchor unless they may have the imprest as usual; the Court conceives that the motion proceeds from such as have a purpose to "coosen" the Company, for enough has been said to satisfy honest men. Mr. Punnett to pilot the Charles into the Downs. The great cabin in the Charles appointed to the factors, but Mr. Swann to have liberty to sit with them. Capt. Pring's motion for gratification refused; the Court answered that 40 marks a month for so many years as he served was gratification sufficient and more than he had deserved. Drs. Atkins and Winston, concerning the surgeon's chest for the Charles; Woodall ordered to bring in his medicines at the same time. Report of Stephens that for 550l. he will make the Lesser James fit for her voyage to the Indies; ordered to be repaired. James Browne entertained to go in the Charles as an engineer, for building such forts as the Company shall direct to be built in the Indies. The extraordinary expense of wine and powder in the Lion to be examined. [Sixteen pages. Court Minute Bk., VI., pp. 76–92.]
Aug. 29. 323. Minutes of a General Court; those absent to be fined 12d. each. The Governor having been grievously afflicted with sickness, and not able to come out of his house, Mr. Deputy exhorted them to give humble thanks to Almighty God for sending in safety from Surat the London, Jonas, and Lion, richly laden with silk, indigo, calicoes, and other petty commodities, and the Palsgrave from Jacatra with pepper and cloves; which bring not only the best returns that ever came, but also advertisements that they have at Surat and Jask in a readiness as good a return for next year, and at Jacatra, notwithstanding some petty discontents with the Dutch, there is hope of good trade, and that when the Charles, now ready to be gone, has arrived there, the Company will have the greatest stock in the Indies they have ever had. Discussion about the disposing of the goods returned: ordered, that any brother of the Company may take out his fifth half capital in pepper and cloves in equal proportions, and two or three half capitals in calicoes, to ship out at the price fixed; the book for underwriting calicoes to remain open till Christmas. Mr. Deputy acquainted the Court that some have made a show of shipping out their pepper, but stolen it in again, and that in no small proportion, wherein not only the Company is prejudiced, but the King cozened: ordered, that whosoever shall hereafter offend in that kind shall pay 5l. for every bag of pepper, and 20 per 100 for all other commodities, besides such punishment as by ordinary course of justice is to be inflicted on such as defraud his Majesty of his customs; the party that commits the deceit to be taken to be the offender, and not the underwriter. On the motion of Sir John Wolstenholme, the Governor, Deputy, treasurers, and committees ordered to be gratified for the year past, as they were for the year preceding, which they thankfully accepted. Mr. Deputy acquainted the Court that it is time to propound the business of those who "are run into broakes through want of paying in their adventure;" some being noblemen and gentlemen, some widows, some orphans, some at so low an ebb as they lie in prison in a miserable case; some able to pay have purposely forborne, "that they might be in the wind until the action might mend, or if it fell, to suffer the less;" some have made but one payment, and some one, two, three, four, or five years' payments. Committee appointed Sir Randall Cranfield, Munnes, Gibb, Cator, Backhouse, Bankes, Armitage, Crispe, Andrews, and Bonham, or any six of them, to examine the cases aforesaid, and report to a General Court. [Five pages. Court Minute Book, VI., pp. 93–97.]
Aug. 29.
324. Mathew Brownryg to the East India Company. Has received theirs of the 20th. Beversham, Wheatley, the purser, and Kitchen, the surgeon, of the Lion, and sundry others of the Company, did enter some indigo, pepper, and calicoes in their own names, as the officers of the Custom House do certify. They are fearful of some hard measure; beseeches they may be kindly dealt with. Has known Beversham 20 years, and is pursuaded they have not a more faithful servant, "howsoever he did oversee himself in sending these goods from the ship as he did. * * * It is not good for the Company to give discouragement to such men." [One page. O.C., Vol. X., No. 1118.]
? after.
325. Brief reply of the President and Council at Batavia to the answer which the General of the Netherlands Company exhibited the 2/12 August 1623, against several writings concerning the trade of Bantam, common defence, &c. Whereas those of the Netherlands Company vaunt of their endeavours of observing the contract; the contrary is most apparent, as in our protest of October to the General at large will appear. First, concerning the ships of defence: it is answered we may lawfully lade the English ships of defence for England; neither do we hold ourselves any way liable to continue those hostile and offensive exploits (where our trade is in no way opposed) tending more to the particular ends of the Netherlanders, and upholding their greedy desire of sovereignty than to any expectation of benefit to the respective Companies; especially seeing that the Netherlanders Company have wilfully broken the most fundamental points for which the defence was erected, namely, by appropriating the trade of China, excluding us by exactions and bloody executions in the Moluccas, Amboyna, and Banda, from trade in those parts, opposing our free trade at Bantam, Sangora, &c., and by their faithless proceedings in the last exploit for Goa, &c., Yet we are always ready to unite our forces with theirs against those who shall oppose our common trade. And though 20 ships be named, we hold it agreeable to the contract to lessen the number according to the occasions offered. Secondly, the Pengran absolutely refused to treat with the Dutch, but for the English, said he had no war or difference with them, and if they would come again at Bantam, they should be welcome, and their house ready for them. But more especially when they sent Philip Badnedge in company with the Dutch, the 28th November, Key mas worga, the Pengran's brother, was sent with a final answer, that unless the Hollanders would demolish their fort at Jacatra, the Pengran would not grant them trade or make peace with them. This being reported in the General's own presence, we marvel they are not ashamed to infer to the contrary. As to the love shewed to the English being only to work the Pengran's own ends and bring up the old monopolies of pepper, the cause of the former excessive price was the greedy desire of either Company to get all to themselves, which is now taken away by the union of the two Companies, who may put such prices as they think good. Extracts from the consultations of April and May 1620, showing how unjustly the Netherlands Company pretend to lay upon the English all that concerns "the forcing of Bantam to seek peace;" these have reference to the forces to be employed on both sides to batter and besiege the town of Bantam, and to what followed thereon, and the unjust pretences of the Dutch to bring the English into part of their fruitless and unnecessary charges of the pretended siege of Bantam. That the Netherlanders should suspect the English of private intelligence with Bantam is altogether without ground, while their own sinister dealings are notorious. Thirdly, in reference to the obstinate opposition of the Netherlands Company in denying the opening of the Bantam trade to be the only hope of bringing down the price of pepper elsewhere. Reply to their accusations of our unfaithful proceedings in Jambi, Patani, &c., at which we cannot but marvel. Fourthly, it was the General's own motion that the pepper of Bantam goes to decay, and it is the general report that the people suffer their trees to go to decay, pepper being nothing worth, and addict themselves wholly to the planting of paddie for their maintenance. "With what brazen face" can the Netherlanders lay the charge upon us of taking the China junks before Bantam and Batavia, so that they fear to come for this place, when themselves have burned above 80 sail of their junks, and proclaimed war against them. Our reasons for taking the China junks being chiefly for the great debts owing to our employers by the Chinas, and their refusing to deliver the goods, ordnance, &c. taken out of the Unicorn. But that through lying of two ships before Bantam, the bringing the business of Bantam very shortly to a wished for end, we know to be impossible, having above four years vainly expected some good conclusion. Refer themselves to the divers instruments sent into Europe concerning the business of Admiral Dedell. Recapitulate the causes the Netherlands Company have given the English to desist from those offensive exploits by them so mainly urged where the trade of the English Company is no way opposed or hindered. "If these many wrongs being the only grounds for which the common defence was erected be not sufficient motives to desist from joining with those that most unjustly seek with our master's overthrow to build up their own sovereignty, let the impartial judge." Refer to the relations and examinations of those that are come from Amboyna and were fellow-feelers and spectators of those inhuman actions for what concerns the barbarous executions there. Reply to the Netherlander's answer to "our Act" delivered the 10th July 1623: First, in reference to the damage the English camp have sustained by the faithless dealings of Admiral Dedell; second, to the breaking of the chief articles of the Accord by the Netherlanders; and third, to the force offered by the Netherlanders in all matters that concern their own benefit, for which we doubt not to have redress in due time. As to our demand whether the General approve of the execution of our people in Amboyna, he not only maintains the same, but denies to give us "their forced and tortured confessions and examinations" lest we might thereby learn the truth of Governor Speult's bloody and indirect proceedings. "We will refer the clearing and searching out of the truth thereof to the impartial in Europe, not doubting but Almighty God (the searcher of all hearts, and the avenger of such bloody practices) will in his due time reveal the truth of this matter, and bring the same to light, to the confusion of such cruel and inhuman butchers." Finally, although we have often declared that the Dutch exactions, usurpations, and bloody executions have justly caused us to give over the trade of the Moluccas, Amboyna, Banda, and Pulicat, and to leave off those hostile and offensive exploits, we have offered to settle again in the Moluccas, &c., if we may enjoy those privileges granted by the contract, and have declared our readiness to join in the common defence, where our good trade is opposed. Endorsed, "Necessary instructions for the handling of several Acts, especially for the trade of Bantam." [Eight pages. O.C., Vol. X., No. 1138.]