East Indies: February 1623

Pages 103-116

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1878.

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Feb 1623

Feb. 1. 253. Locke to Carleton. It will not be long before the States [Commissioners] depart; they were solemnly feasted by the merchants at Merchant Taylors' Hall on 30th Jan., and were entertained with a play after; yesterday the States gave a great supper at their lodging to the merchants. [Extract from Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CXXXVIII., No. 3, Cal., p. 486.]
(Feb. ?) 254. Inventory of goods taken out of a China junk in the Straits of Banca by the White Bear, and rated in Batavia according to the price current, amounting to 5,058 ryals. Endorsed, "Received the 18th June by the Lesser James. 1623." [Two pages. O.C., Vol. IX., No. 1093+3.]
Feb. 4.
255. Particular of goods taken out of the godown and seized by the Dutch fiscal for the sum of 8115 ryals, at which the Dutch General and his council valued the goods that were taken out of the China junk by the White Bear by Robert Johnson's order. Total, 9,117 ryals. [One page. O.C., Vol. IX., No. 1094.]
Feb. 5. 256. Certificate given by order of Rich. Fursland and his council, signed by Joseph Clark, carpenter of the Ruby, and others, that the Globe is rotten and unfit for further service. [Half a page. O.C., Vol. IX., No. 1095.]
Feb. 5.
The Hague.
257. Carleton to Sec. Calvert. The States Ambassadors landed in the Maese on Monday last, and have made so good a report of their business, and of the King's gracious usage of them during the whole of their long stay in England, that they remain here much comforted, and well assured that our match with Spain will breed no divorce with this State, of which there hath been of late days no small jealousy. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
Feb. 8. 258. The Governor and Deputy Governor of the East India Company to Carleton. Acknowledge his readiness in their affairs. Have had a tedious and inconstant prosecution of their business through the King's unsettled abode, and a desire of the Dutch "to bring the business within the compass." It is now at an end and they hope well of a good performance hereafter. Will send him a copy of their agreement, if he has not already received one. The King, when the Ambassadors took their leave, propounded some things for the better regulation of the Company's trade for the future, and desired that Carleton should receive a copy. Find it is not yet sent, neither have they yet got a sight of it. Will make further requests to him when they have seen it. [One page. Holland Corresp.]
Feb. 8.
259. John Hitchens to the East India Company. He sent an account of English stores by the Lesser James, and briefly advised of wants to be supplied. Encloses copy of same, with such addition of provisions as the President, &c. have thought fit for their yearly proportion for ships and factories. The stores may be rather increased than any way lessened, as may appear by the balance of account. Incloses,
259. 1. A balance of English stores, &c. remaining in the factory of Batavia. [Together, two pages. O.C., Vol. IX., No. 1096.]
Feb. 8.
260. John Brooke, master of the Trial, to the East India Company. Has explained in his letters by John Roberts and William Hawkeridge his "hard and miserable crass" (sic), how the Trial was lost, and he and 45 men and boys preserved in boats. They compared their judgments with Capt. Fitzherbert's journal, which was their ruin; he missing the danger, being a ledge of sunken rocks, not 15 leagues, as by his draught sent them by the President and Council will appear. His desire is homeward, but is willing to use his best endeavours for 12 or 18 months more than his time conditioned, being required by the President and Council. Desires them to supply his wife's wants with 60l. or 80l. more. [One page. O.C., Vol. IX., No. 1097.]
Feb. 8.
From aboard the Elizabeth, Jacatra.
261. Edmund Lenmyes to the East India Company. His last was per the Great James from Firando, wherein he related his departure from Jacatra, 21st May 1620 for Japan. Since they have made two voyages for Manilla, the first in Jan. 1621 with four English and four Dutch ships, in which they took five junks; the second in Nov. with five English and five Dutch ships, in which they took six junks and two frigates and burnt seven or eight. Our consortship being ended, and each Company upon their own account, order came from the President for the Peppercorn to lie off the Straits of Malacca, the Moon and Palsgrave to sail for Jambi, the Bull for Jacatra, and the Elizabeth to stay for the merchants and money. The moneys have safely arrived but the merchants cannot end their business as they say. The Bull disabled and not yet arrived, but they arrived in Jacatra Road 4th Feb. 1623, and have been upon this voyage 34 months. Finds the Palsgrave ready laden and bound for England. Mourns to see how the Dutch flourish here, "we being subjects unto them both in government and tribute, which might have been ours when time was." The small return for the Company's great charges is a grief to any honest man. By the loss of the Trial there is nothing to fit their ships with sails, cables, and cordage; neither have the surgeons means for the relief of sick men. Gave Capt. Pring a draught of his journal from Tecoe to Firando, and for the Manillas. Complains of their powder. Much envy amongst them; every one strives to be great. Beseeches them if there be any imputation upon him not to believe them, "for if I have not been an honest man since I came into your service, let me lose my life. * * * But there is a strong champion called strong drink that bears such a sway amongst us, and he that will not encounter stiffly with him is a fool, or proud, or hath more wit in his own conceit than all the parish and the like." Begs them in their commission to put such an article against this vice "that you may wring out all the juice out of their brains." [Two pages. O.C., Vol. IX., No. 1098.]
Feb. 9.
262. Sec. Calvert to Carleton. This despatch has stayed longer than it should have done, because he could not get the copy of the treaty out of our merchants' hands; the original they have yet among them. Besides the particulars capitulated in the treaty, there were divers things propounded on both sides for regulating the trade hereafter, of which we could not agree; and therefore the King, as a supplement to the treaty, made this declaration to the Ambassadors when they took their leave, which he sends herewith [see ante, No. 250]. And thus, after many long and tedious conferences, not without some harshness and discontents on both sides, we are at last parted good friends, and I hope shall so for ever continue. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
1623 ? 263. Copy of the treaty agreed upon by the English Lords Commissioners and the States Ambassadors on behalf of the English and Dutch East India Companies. This treaty consists of 14 articles, and (1) engages each Company to observe all the articles of the treaty [of July 1619] and the explanation thereof; (2) not to grant letters of marque against each other; (3) perfect freedom of traffic; (4) not to supply the natives with arms or other munition of war; (5) the expenses of the Council of Defence to be borne equally by both Companies; (6) to maintain their respective quotas for forts and garrisons, according to the treaty; (7) each Company to maintain its 10 ships of defence, according to the 10th and 11th articles of said treaty; (8) to contribute equally to open a trade with China; (9) not to receive or conceal criminals or delinquents; (10) the English Company, with the approbation of the Dutch Company, to choose an indifferent place of residence for the Council of Defence; (11) the English Company to be left to punish their own people in the Moluccas, Banda, and Amboyna, and to enjoy all their former privileges at the Fort of Pulicat; (12) and not to be liable for the expenses of the colleges, schools, presents, or table of the Dutch Governor or people; (13) the Fort of Pooloroon to be restored; and (14) finally, to agree in a short time upon the number of fortresses and where necessary.
This is the exact text of the above treaty, which the Editor of this Calendar has not been able to find printed in any collection of treaties that he has consulted. "The original" (Sec. Calvert tells Carleton) "they have yet among them." Neither the original nor the ratification is in the collection of treaties in the Public Record Office:—
Comme ainsi soit que sur le doubte du vray sens et intention de divers articles contenuz au Traicté general, en L'Explanation, et aux Reglemens du Conseil de Defence faicts cy devant pour le bien commun entre les deulx Compaignies d'Angleterre et des Pays-bas trafficquans aux Indies Orientales, plusieurs conventions auroient esté negligées et seroient tombées en inobservation, dont aussi seroient suivies de grandes mesintelligences, non sans trèsapparent danger de debvoir en leur continuation produire une rupture de leur bonne et necessaire societé sil n'y estoit promptement pourveu de remèdes convenables par une plus claire explication des choses qui y pourroient estre rencontrées douteuses. Pour ces causes le Roy de La Grande Bretagne et les Seigneurs Estatz des Provinces Unies, desireux de les faire cesser, et de restablir entre elles la vraye amitié, avec la sincère correspondence, qui requiert un negoce de si grande importance, auroient a cet effect deputé, scavoir sade Mate de La Grande Bretagne, les . . . . . . . . et lesdts Seigneurs les Estatz les . . . . . . . . leurs Ambassadeurs, authorisez de part et d'aultre les quelz ayans à ceste fin tenu diverses assemblées par ensemble ont finalement conclu et arresté au nom de sa Mate et des Seigrs Estatz pour le bien de leurs subjects respectivement les articles qui s'ensuivent.
1. Premièrement que chascune des Compaignies sera tenue d'observer et faire observir rondement et sincèrement tous et chascun des Articles dudt Traicté et son Explication, avecq les Reglemens et Resolucions du Conseil Commun de Defence establi aux Indes qui explicquent la vraye intention du Traicté.
2. Qu'il ne se accordera point de lettres de marque, ny ne se fera aucune saisie de navires ny marchandises appartenans a l'un ou l'autre Compaignie, sinon après le manifeste deny, ou extraordinaire delay de justice laquelle l'interesse aura à poursuivre convenablement, premier que de rechercher des voyes extraordinaires.
3. Qu'il sera libre et en la volonté des peuples Indiens et traffiquans lesquelz aulcune des Compaignies ne tiendra point pour ennemiz de naviguer en seureté, et de pouvoir offrir et vendre leurs denrées et marchandises, aux lieux ou le commerce n'est point commun ny reglé, aux deulx Compaignies ensemble, ou a telle Compaignie en particulier comme bon leur semblera, sans que l'autre Comp. pourra à cette cause donner aux dts peuples aucun destourbue, ou molestation par prinses ou saisies, par lesquelles l'ordre et la liberté du commerce viendroit à s'interrompre au desavantage de l'une ou de l'autre Compaignie.
4. Qu'il sera expressement defendu aux deulx Compaignies de fournir les Indiens en aulcune facon, par dons, vente, eschange, ou aultre voye, d'artillerie, d'armes, de munitions de guerre, ou de semblables Instruments, qui les pourroient armer contre les dictes Compaignies.
5. Que la despence qui se fera aux entreprinses qui concernent le bien commun des deulx Compaignies en execution des deliberations du Conseil de Defence, sera portée par portions esgales entre les deulx Compaignies, apres avoir faict preceder l'estimation des navires, afix de prevenir toute dispute.
6. De mesme, que les deulx Compnies seront tenues de fournir sans aulcune interruption, leur part et quote ratée au Traicté, pour l'entretien des forts et des garnisons, selon le Reglement du Conseil de Defence, encor qu'elles unissent à entremettre le trafficq pour quelque temps, en aulcun des lieux.
7. Chasque Compaignie sera tenue de fournir et entretenir deuement et continuellement, leur dix navires de guerre, Galeres, Fregattes, etc., comme il est porté par le 10e et 11e art. du Traicté, pour estre vigoureussement employez a la defence du commerce, pour l'ouverture du Trafficq de la Chine, et ainsi que le Conseil de Defence l'ordonnera.
8. Que les deulx Compaignies auront à contribuer esgalement afin de faciliter l'ouverture et la liberté du commerce de la Chine, et d'aultres pays pour le bien commun, mais si l'un ou l'autre venoit a y defaillir, celle qui n'aura point contribué sa moietié, ne sera receue aux avantages dudt trafficq qu'apres q'elle en aura plenement contenté celle qui sera trouvée avoir avancé la despense.
9. Que nulz criminelz ny delinquans ne seront par aulcune des Compes receuz, cachez, detenuz, ny protegez en fraude de ceulx a qui ilz appartiennent, soubz quelque couleur que ce soit, ains incontinent renduz ou renvoyez sans aulcune remise.
10. Il sera permis a ceulx de la Compaignie d'Angleterre, de faire avecq approbation de ceulx des Paÿs-bas, election d'un lieu commode et seur pour les deulx Compaignies, ou par tour esgal de trois en trois mois, le Conseil commun de Defence pourra prendre sa residence, sans qu'il sera tenu de la continuer d'ordinaire comme il a esté faict jusques icy dans la ville de Jacatra.
11. Comme aussi lsur sera laissée aux Molucques, Banda, et Amboina, la punition de leurs gens propres en toutes manières d'offenses qu'ilz s'entreferont, sans pour ce estre subjects al a justice de ceulx des Paÿs-bas, et y jouyront, comme aussi au Fort de Palicate (Pulicat), de tous les privileges et libertez qui leur sont concedez et limitez au Traicté, en l'explanation, et aux Reglemens du Conseil de Defence.
12. Et ne seront tenuz ny attraiables aux fraiz des Colleges, et Escholes, ny à la table et nourriture des Gouverneurs de ceulx des Paÿs-bas, ny aux dons et presens qu'ils feront, si ce n'est du consentement de leurs ministres, et au nom commun.
13. Le Fort de Pouleron leur sera aussi restitué au mesme éstat qu'il estoit au temps de la conclusion du Traicté s'il se trouve que ceulx du Paÿs-bas y ayent faict aulcune innovation.
14. Finalement les deulx Compes d'Angleterre et des Paÿs-bas feront dans un brieff temps recognoistre et aviser par leurs ministres aux Indes ensemblemt combien de Forteresses, quelles, et en quelles places, seront doresenavant necessaires, afin de resumer la question des Fortz et la tellement accommoder qu'elle puisse reussir au contentement commun et reciproque des uns et des aultres.
[Six pages. East Indies, Vol. II., No. 77.]
Feb. 9.
264. Richard Fursland, Thos. Brockedon, and Augustin Spalding to the East India Company. Their last letter was dated 21/31 January, sent by General Coen. What was then written shall be enlarged in this; send also transcript of their letter of 27th August last (see ante, No. 143). The accounts received from the Moluccas, like the former, and more unreasonable. Have delivered their objections in the form of articles to the General and Council; but the time of General Coen's stay was so short that he could not give an answer in writing to their demands, but left his successor to perform it. Have not yet received the answer, and have no hope of any restitution or reformation. In reference to the Dutch accounts. These and their former objections sufficient to lay open the matters of most importance wherein they are wronged. The accounts must be audited by impartial men, and such particulars reformed as are unreasonably taxed; which "are so many that it is almost (impossible) that any agreement can be made between us." Unless they may pay, as the Dutch do, with commodities, there will be no following that trade for them, for "you will soon be eaten out of your means, and the Dutch made rich by your monies." Send the accounts of a year's charges and all the spices received, whereby they may perceive how dearly they buy those commodities. Very needful to make a new accord for accounting the year from primo May to primo May, for in that time all the year's spices will be received, and so no wrong can be done them, except apparent fraud be used. The Dutch pretend there must be added the wages of 200 soldiers to the charges of the garrison, which must not be consented to. Expect but a small quantity of spice, for their capital is so small that most of it will be eaten up in charges. Utterly destitute of ready money to supply those factories; next year they have resolved to recall all the factors, except two in each place where there are houses to keep them; and for want of victuals and a ship have intreated the Dutch to suffer them to come away in their ships. About the remains of their goods. The Dutch have condemned them in 40,000 ryals for the goods of a Chinese junk, taken by Robert Johnson, and 10,500 ryals for a fine. They appealed to the King and States General, but the General and Council have annihilated their appeal. Their protest touching their accounts with the Dutch. If hereafter the Dutch be suffered "to proceed in such management against you, and to condemn us at their pleasure, there will be no living in these parts for us; for they will and daily do extend their sovereignty so far, that if you speedily prevent them not, it will stretch over all the Indies." They entitle themselves "Governors of the Netherlands Indies, and do their best to bring both English and all others under their subjection; but we constantly hope that they shall never be suffered to effect it upon our nation." The chief plotter and actor of all business, General Coen, the Company will find a fair spoken, but most cunning fellow. Heartily wish they were present to confront him. His successor, Carpentier, is as subtle, and far more malicious against all English. Accounts of William Nicolls, he has "lavishly and vainly spent"; about the inventory of his estate and his will. Accounts received from Banda full of profuse expense; have put the excess upon Mr. Welden's account. Mistakes made in the amount of "carracks money," sent from hence in chests; have to deal with such unconscionable and dishonest men. Miserable state of their affairs when they must trust men with their estates who dare to conceal the sums that come to them by mistake. Chest sent to Pulicat, in the Unity, from which money was stollen. Pray that this may be remedied. Accounts of Mr. Methwold from Masulipatam. Brass ware, received by Thomas Jones out of Sir Thomas Dale's fleet, and attestation of James Troughton and Edward Sutton as to the weight. Visit of Methwold, in company of the Dutch Governor, to the diamond mine, about two years since. 200 pagodas left in the hands of one Bampa, a servant, to be invested for the Company; but upon Bampa's return, in company of the Dutch servants, they were set upon by thieves, wounded and robbed, and so the Company's means were lost. Differences between Methwold and his successor, Matthew Duke, who advised the Company that the 200 pagodas were Methwold's; remarks thereon; refer the deciding of the matter to their worships. Other particulars in Methwold's accounts; heartily wish "your displeasure were not the cause of his not return, whose absence from the charge he was employed in will cause you prejudice." Goods laden on board the Palsgrave, Charles Clevenger, commander, sent for England, consisting of pepper, cloves, nutmegs, gumlac, long cloth, fine cloth, green ginger, and cotton yarn, to the value of 76,874 ryals. Remarks on the prices of same. The gumlac bought by Adam Denton. Many passengers sent in the Palsgrave, some of whom they wish they could have persuaded to stay, but the greater part are good for nothing; and more such they have yet to send. Briefly touch the deserts of all now sent, and refer to copies of their consultations for the order of their proceedings against such as have been displaced or otherwise punished for their misbehaviour. Have granted William Methwold's return, his request being reasonable and their persuasions not prevailable to stay him to clear himself of all imputations. George Muschamp, also a suitor to go home, they could not in reason deny, in regard of his disability of body by the want of one leg, he cannot perform his service as he desires: he is a very sufficient merchant, and hath been faithful, honest, and careful in his charge, and in the accounts of Amboyna, in which place. "we have been as much exacted upon as in any other, and in divers particulars grossly abused," he can thoroughly inform the Company. Have likewise, upon John Hinchley's request, licensed his return because his age makes him so peevish that his men will not be governed by him; otherwise he is a sufficient man, and a good husband of his ship and provisions. Also Richard Wood, Pickering, and Spottis, surgeons, honest men, long in the country, but for whom at present they have no employment. John Wood, sometime master of the Lesser James, a good for nothing, by reason of his continual beastlike drunkenness, and not to be reformed, they have sent home, his services not worth his meat and drink. Gideon Johnson, also sent home, is such an one that the whole fleet cannot contain him, he is so troublesome. William Kendall, when at the best was good for little, but now being good for nothing is sent home. Henry Woolman, who is out of cash 467 ryals, and Beverley, who stole money at Amboyna, they have kept to work out some part of the money. John Rose, the chief raiser of a mutiny in the ship Globe, and formerly condemned to be hanged for running away, is censured to be sent in irons. By the Palsgrave and Elizabeth, with letters from Japan, they have understood the whole proceedings of the Manilla fleet in their second voyage, where there has been better agreement between the Dutch and our people than they expected. Two China junks taken richly laden, and three others; also the Palsgrave, before Macao, took a frigate richly laden with silk; one half of which for our part amounts to 199,256 ryals, whereof the factors, Mr. Cocks and the rest, have sent in the Elizabeth and Bull 156,007 ryals. Know not what account they shall have of the first voyage. Have absolutely charged Cocks, Sayer, and Eaton to come away, leaving 5,000 taies with John Osterwick, but they scarce so much as take notice of the order, neither can show any excuse for their stay. Have earnestly required their accounts for two years, but it is to be doubted they can give none, and if all be true which is reported, it is a misery to know that men of such antique years should be so miserably given over to voluptuousness, regarding not what they consume therein. Next monsoon they will send some fit man to bring them all away from thence. "This purchase taken by the fleet" will help towards the Company's great charge, and what they have received give some life to their declining affairs. No shares have been allowed to the mariners this voyage, but know not what they have sharked and stolen. Relation of the success of the other Fleet of Defence, sent from hence for Goa; out of the three ships 150 men were lost, many of whom died of surfeit at the Comoros, including Capt. Fitzherbert, for whose untimely death they sorrow and shall find great want of him. On 14th July the fleet of three English ships, the Exchange, Royal Ann, and Diamond, and two Dutch ships meet with three carracs and a galleon to the south of Mozambique; they fought with them all that day and the next. They sunk the three carracs, and out of the Vice Admiral saved 68,553 ryals. They also chased one other carrac and a galleon. These and all the treasure they might have taken, but for the Dutch Admiral without Capt. Fitzherbert's consent, sending two of his ships to the Red Sea for his own purposes; by which proceedings the Company has just action against the Dutch for the overplus of ships and all damages. Capt. Fitzherbert's protest to the Dutch Admiral, Jacob Dedel, thereon. Said fleet now before Goa, but returns hither "at the fine of March." Arrival of the Discovery, Slade master, with cloth and six chests of ryals from Surat, and 30,000 ryals from the Goa fleet. Rastell writes that this ship is so weak and badly built that she cannot last long; "what a misery it is to have a new ship, in two or three years to be utterly decayed and unserviceable through falsehood of the builder." The taking and sacking of Ormuz proves not so profitable as they hoped, the fault being in the commanders giving too much credit to the Persian's promises. The London, Jonas, and Lion ready to sail for England 10th December last. Had hoped the Siam and Patani factories would have been cleared, and the factors come from thence, but are deceived in both. Excuses of Edward Longe, factor at Siam, for not coming by reason of some remains and debts he cannot get in, the King also is very unwilling our people should depart before he receive answer to his letter from his brother the King of England, to which purpose he has sent hither in the Fortune, two of his gentlemen, with a letter and present, desiring to continue the league of friendship, offering any privileges we will demand in any part of his country. If it be profitable for the Company to follow that trade where they may find great vent of cloth, will send hereafter factors again thither, wherefore they should procure the King's letter in answer to that (with the present) last sent from the King of Siam by Lucas Antheunis, and therewith send some present. These things will be most acceptable to him: some curious picture of men and women; a picture of the people and habits of all countries; and a picture of all wild beasts, which a fair map may sufficiently express; a curious perspective glass, fair and good; a fair and neat case of pistols; an English watch; six yards of fine scarlet; scarlet baize so much as will cover his white Olifant [Elephant] which may be some fifteen yards, with any other novelties of no great value. At Patani, Jourdain hath run himself so far in debt for china wares contrary to commission that he cannot come from thence until they send 4,000 ryals to release him; expect to find a bad reckoning of all business passed there by him, "he being given over to his pleasure." In Indraghiri, factory, before the factors could clear to come from thence "your house was fired by some of those villainous and treacherous people;" guess the loss will not be under 1,000 ryals. This loss brought with it another greater mischief, for by the rash proceeding of Edward Sarney and the rest of the factors in taking six of the country people, it cost Sarney his own life, and the lives of John Darby, master of the Bear, and one of his men, occasioned by Robert Johnson's denial to deliver the foresaid men to the King of Jambi when he demanded them, and "Johnson himself and Byrd, master of the Bee, had like to have tasted of the same cup, for they were bound and the stroke ready to be given, but God altered the King's heart and they escaped." These broils almost the ruin of the Company's affairs at Jambi. The price of pepper will not abate so long as the Dutch and we vie who shall get most. Johnson left the factory until they sent him express order to dissemble the wrong received until a more convenient opportunity for revenge. Johnson hopes to get half the Moon's lading. Have made him chief factor again, for Stevinton is utterly insufficient. Johnson very earnest to come from thence, so that they will be wholly unprovided with a sufficient man in that factory. At Acheen, the pepper still lies for want of a ship, which they will send as soon as the monsoon permits. Have received more cloth from Masulipatam and Pulicat than they know how to dispose of. At Pulicat the factors complain (like as in all other places where we are under the Dutch authority) how they exact upon us. The last year's charges raised the cloth at least 30 per cent. Intend dissolving that factory. Have given orders to dissolve the factories of Amboyna, Banda, and Moluccas. About Macassar and Japara. The latter a petty factory only for timber and boards. The Company may not lessen the proportion of stock set down, if they mean to follow the Moluccas business, and maintain so many ships of defence. Send copies of their general books, wherein the charges in every factory may plainly appear. In Japan, Siam, and Jambi there have been either wasteful expenses or many debts which will never be recovered; also of their journal and pursers' accounts, wills, inventories, and copies of consultation letters, &c. Their general wants cannot be reckoned less than they were by their last advices, the necessity whereof requires them to be most importunate. Employment of all the Company's ships:—the Exchange, Ann, and Diamond with the Dutch fleet afore Goa, which they expect in May or June, unprovided of all things. The Moon at Jambi, to take in what pepper may be procured. The Bull and Peppercorn at Japara, driven thither by contrary winds and the current, the latter a poor rotten ship; her master doubts he shall hardly bring her hither. The White Bear at Jambi fit for nothing but the river. The junk or pinnace Welcome on her voyage to Macassar. The Elizabeth, Ruby, Unity, Discovery, and Bee here in the road of Jacatra, also the Fortune, good for little, and the Clove and Globe, ready to be hauled ashore, both being unrepairable. The Supply lately laid up, and the pinnace Dragon's Claw the Goa fleet was fain to cast off at sea, where she sank with all her provisions and munitions. These are all the ships you have remaining in these parts under our autho rity. Intend as soon as the moonsoon serves to send to Acheen, Masulipatam, Sumatra, Jambi, and Siam, and afterwards for Japan. Wish the Bantam trade were open, which might hinder the sending to some of those places. Have now received the new General's answer to their articles formerly delivered to General Coen and contra-protest. Find, as they supposed, nothing but framed answers and delays, without any hope of reformation, being according to their ordinary custom "stuffed with colored glosses and false matters," wherein they stand so much on their sovereignty, that they comprehend all men in all parts of the Indies to be their subjects. "It is high time to abate their pride and make them know themselves, which we hope our King's Majesty will perform." Success of the Dutch at Macao and the Piscadores, and fight with a carrac at Cape Bona Speranza. Had many conferences before General Coen's departure about making peace with Bantam, but received for a final answer from the Pengram that if the Dutch will have peace they should first demolish their fort at Jacatra and deliver over the country, and then they may come and be at Bantam upon such terms as formerly; but with us English the Pengram saith he never had any wars, therefore we may come thither when we will. Mean shortly to speak to the Dutch thereon. Conceive it necessary to recommend Chas. Clevenger's deserts, not doubting but the Company will reward and cherish him and all well deserving men. Must still put them in mind of their want of sufficient merchants, also of a secretary that can perfectly translate Dutch, and is experienced in law. It is most needful to set down some good order for the well governing of the Company's people which is the prosperity of their affairs, for the seamen are so disorderly that severity and exemplary punishment must be used. Have a sensible want of three or four good penmen; that such are needed may appear by copies of letters now sent "wherein you may find so many faults committed that if we could help it we might reap shame in sending them." Express orders required as to the victualling of the ships; this must be remedied at home or there will be nothing but murmuring and muttering. The commanders must be stinted as well, for in beer, wine, &c. they will not be controlled. "At present we feed our people with fresh meat, giving them two meals in the week, and to each mess four pounds of flesh, and five meals in the week they have butter to their rice. Murmuring and grumbling enough we have with them, but such as are honest (the number whereof is very small) are content, seeing there is no remedy." Expect the Dutch will cross their design for Bantam, because it so nearly concerns their new plantation. Hope it will not be long before the Company express order come for their going to Bantam. [Fifteen pages and a half. Endorsed, "Copy. . . the original hereof was received by the Palsgrave." O.C., Vol. IX., No. 1099.]
Feb. 9.
265. Thomas Brockedon to Christopher Lanman, chief accountant to the East India Company. Copies of books and accounts sent per this ship Palsgrave. From Patani, where John Jourdain remains, they can neither get accounts nor the man, though expressly sent for, but understand he is so much indebted he could not come. But a small matter resting in Siam, but in Jambi there will be 15,000 ryals (?) in bad debts. The charges of the Moluccas, Amboyna, and Banda so excessive that a great part of the remains will be consumed. In Macassar are several debts made for account of the first joint stock by keeping Pooloroon, which they will be forced to make good; are informed that in Japan the charges are most excessive, and great debts standing out likely to prove desperate. Never could get accounts from thence. Cocks and the rest were expressly sent for, but they neither come themselves nor send any account. The Succadana debts are all desperate, the Queen being taken by the Materan's people, and the natives fled. Particulars of the accounts and want of men to keep them. Twenty reams of paper may be yearly sent, and some gum, galls, and copperas to make ink. Hopes the Company have granted his request to return next year for England. "By the Palsgrave, whom God preserve." [Two pages and a half. O.C., Vol. IX., No. 1100.]
Feb. 10.
266. James Slade, master of the Discovery, to the East India Company. Refers to his letter from Surat, by the London and Jonas, giving an account of what had happened since his departure from England. Left Surat Dec. 14, with the six chests of money they brought out of England, together with 400 and odd bales of goods for Jacatra, to which place he was bound by commission, as also to Goa, in search of the Fleet of Defence. Arrived at Goa the 22nd, and received from Capt. Green 30,000 ryals of eight, some sandal wood, and 22 slaves, and departed the 28th, leaving the Fleet of Defence, viz., the Exchange, Anne, and Diamond, and four Hollanders, to hinder the Portugals of sending any goods this year into Portugal, there being but one carac this year to lade. Arrived at Jacatra, 4th inst., Feb., where they found the Palsgrave laden for England, Mr. Cliffingham [Chas. Clevenger] commander, (by whom he has thought good to advise the Company). Found here also the Elizabeth, Ruby, Unity, Fortune, and Bee; and the Globe and Clove decayed, "and little hope of her recovery, for want of all kind of provisions," of which the factory and most of their ships are in great want. The Moon is at Jambi, and the Bull and Peppercorn at Japara. The Fleet of Defence to come hither from Goa to be careened. Knows not when they shall return, for there are so many ships of greater burthen, and as yet no lading for them; but were it not for the Dutch, there would be hope to have them all laden from Bantam. [Two pages. O.C., Vol. X., No. 1149.]
Feb. 10.
267. Chamberlain to Carleton. The States [Ambassadors] left this day sevenight. If they had been so disposed they might have concluded the business as well in two months as in all this time, with so much trouble and charge. The King gave them very good words at parting, and they were feasted by the East Indian Company at Merchant Taylors' Hall two days before going away, where were divers of the council and most of the lords and gallants about town; the feast very confused and disorderly because so ill handled. Hears Mons. Aerssens' son is made a gentleman of the Privy Chamber, and stays behind to woo Mistress Smith, Lady Exeter's daughter, of whom he is much enamoured. [Extract from Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CXXXVIII., No. 23, Cal., p. 489.]
Feb. 11.
268. Sec. Conway to the Lord Treasurer. The King desires him to be diligent in the business of Ireland and the East Indies, and to go in hand with the articles concerning Sir Anthony Welden and Sir Robt. Banister. [Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CXXXVIII., No. 26, Cal., p. 490.]
Feb. 11.
269. Sec. Conway to Sec. Calvert. For preparing the business to be sent to Sir Dudley Carleton touching the East Indies, fishing, &c. [Minute, Conway's Letter Bk., p. 1, Cal., p. 490.]
Feb. 11.
270. John Alexander to Sir William Halliday, Governor of the East India Company. In need of pitch, tar, cordage, and canvas for preservation of their shipping, "the which it is my charge, at this time, for to look unto." [One page. O.C., Vol. IX., No. 1101.]
Feb. 14.
At the Cape.
271. John Barnes, master's mate, and others to "Mr. Lorderman Hollyday," Governor, and the committees of the East India Company. Certify the ill-carriage of two of their factors [George Jackson and Thos.] Bright, and one of the master's mates, David Arnold, in usurping authority, setting bad examples, and with "plots of Machevilianes," seeking the displacing of Mr. Cradle and the good, honest, and worthy carriage of their commander, whose people not only fear but love him, for he spends none of his provisions extraordinary, but gives to each man a like portion. [Two pages, mutilated by damp. O.C., Vol. IX., No. 1108.]
Feb. 14.
272. Answer of the Dutch General Coen to six and thirty points "raped" together by the committees of the English Company, touching the common charge of the Moluccas, Amboyna, and Banda, which their worships do say to be constrained to pay to the full (against all right and reason) to the Netherlands Company. If the galley be valued at more than it was worth, the same must be restored again to the English; good shipping must be maintained in Banda as well in peace as in war, a good garrison of soldiers, a hundred mariners, and an armada of 30 tingans and other small boats must be maintained by the tolls of merchandise. Whatever each nation may happen to conquer, by right appertains to its sovereign lord, whereto no merchant that pays the toll has ought to pretend. As to the wages paid to the slaves and prisoners, the Dutch General will better inform himself, and "mediate" the charge, if found too high. If any buildings be found charged to the tolls which concern not the fortifications, we will make those good to the English Company. Schools for bringing up the chilren in the Christian religion are among the best works that can be done, and must be charged to the tolls, until the lords of the land find some other revenues. The double charge for the soldiers sick in hospital is a great fault of the respective governors, and shall be reformed. The furniture of the Governor's chamber and the clothing of his boys must be put to the general charge, but those of the merchants to that of each Company. If any presents were given for services done to Governor Lam, the same must be done good to the English again; but those made by General Coen in Amboyna were for matters of State, with which the merchants ought not to trouble themselves. The voyage of the Governor of Amboyna was to prevent the designs of the Moors, and keep every one in their own limits, and not to blaze out the conquest of the Netherlands, as is alleged. If the English can prove the promise of a third of the cloves received by the Netherlands Company for the King of Ternate's debts, it is reason they should enjoy the same. No other than good rice and clothing are sent inwards; it is fit that the bad be given to the hogs, poultry, and surgeons. Will procure direct advice from the Governors concerning price. They will inform themselves better on the next articles. If the taxation of goods is unreasonable, amends shall be made. The English are not forbidden to "cross" the common enemy to both, but only not to hinder the friends of the Dutch trading at Banda. It is more than reason that each provide his people with meat, drink, and apparel; what can a soldier purchase for nine guilders a month. The officers receive their hire in ready money. If the soldiers sell again, how can the Dutch help it; if there be deceit in bringing goods to account, it must be proved. The most hinderance both Companies suffer in the matter of clothing is caused by the Spaniards, Portugals, Macassars, Javans, Malayans, Guzerats, and particular Hollanders and English, especially English, and the Dutch, for their parts, would do the best they can to remedy it. The Netherlanders taught by a debt of 211,489 (ryals) still outstanding, have lent nothing since the Accord, and therefore the English are misinformed. In the Moluccas, the Netherlands Company reap no benefit of tolls, &c. In Banda and Amboyna they are now in hand to do it; no other may make pretence to the fruits of the land than the owners, and those of the Moluccas, Banda, and Amboyna do not defray the extraordinary charges for shipping, &c. "Meantime we must with patience endure the charge that we rake all profits to the Netherlands Company," whereas, on the contrary, it is long ago that the charge of the ships of Defence, which are of necessity in the Moluccas, has but shifted on the Netherlands Company. It is fit that a reasonable tax be imposed upon all wares given out, and that the abuses in accounts be corrected and reformed, they shall appoint committees so speedily as the English Company please. [Eight pages. East Indies, Vol. II., No. 78.]
Feb. 15.
273. Carleton to Sec. Calvert. The 17 directors of the East Indian Company are now to meet about the accomplishment of their conditions with our men resolved on in this last treaty. The nine ships which were unladen at Gore last year, upon the alarm of a Spanish armada, are now setting out again with the same admiral and the same equipage, but the design, though still kept secret, is plainly seen to be for the Indies. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
Feb. 22.
274. Barlow to Carleton. Has received a letter from the Governor and Committee of the East India Company, advising that the States that were Ambassadors in England sent to his honor the King's declaration concerning the future trade of both Companies, to which they promised to return answer, both from the States and the Company here, which the English Company much desire, that they may give the better directions to their servants in the Indies. Desires he will further the same, so they may have it before their ships depart. [Holland Corresp.]
Feb. 24.
The Hague.
275. Carleton to Sec. Calvert. The East India merchants, as well Bewynthebbers, as the chief of the Participants, are all here in debate about their private differences, which falls out opportunely for the Ambassadors and States, to induce them to payment of the money, at the just time accorded by the treaty, wherein otherwise, by reason of diversities of humours and interests, there might have been some default. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
March 6.
The Hague.
276. Carleton to Sec. Calvert. The Ambassadors pretending ignorance of the declaration which the King made, as a supplement to the East Indian treaty, has delivered the writing to them; because all the directors of the Dutch Company are here at present, and he perceives that the English Directors expects to hear whether these men will accommodate themselves to the King's declaration, to the end they may govern themselves accordingly in the instructions they are now sending to their factors in the East Indies. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]