Pages 592-595
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 3, 1617-1621. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.
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Waddon, Peter, 418, 654, 755, 763, p. 495.
-, -, letter from,
-, 1618 : 415.
Wade, Nathaniel, p. 229.
-, Timothy, p. 229.
Wadingbourne, 1128.
Wadlow, Francis, 1134.
Wadsworth, John, coxswain of the Lion, p. 96, 345.
Wagstaffe, Christopher, 672.
-, Henry, 672, p. 341.
-, -, daughters of, 672.
-, Richard, 672, p. 341.
Waight, Bartholomew, p. 351.
-, Thos., p. 230.
Waire, see Wayer.
Wake, Sir Isaac, letter to, 1618 : 342.
-, Robt., p. 339.
Walcott, Humphrey, p. 228.
Walden, Lord, 791.
Walding, John, p. 225, p. 338.
Waldowe, see Walldo.
Walkaron or Walkeron, the (Dutch ship), 879, 911, 1042, 1057.
Walker or Waulker, John, 789, 1040, 1068.
-, Jos., 836.
-, Peter, p. 503.
-, Wm., 1092, p. 502, p. 505.
Walldo, John, 241, 280.
-, -, widow of, 241.
-, Lawrence, 17, 180, 184, 198, 241, p. 227.
-, -, leave to return to England, 34.
-, -, petition of, 166.
-, -, sworn a free brother of the East India Company, p. 340.
-, -, Alice, wife of, 241, 329, 387, 672, p. 341.
-, Robert, 280.
-, Anne, 329, 387.
Waller, Rowse, p. 505.
Wallis or Wallys, Anthony, 34, p. 121, 276, 917, 932, 1153.
-, Edward, p. 226.
-, John, 450.
-, Catherine, widow of John, 450.
-, Robt., 692.
-, William, 499.
Walter, Henry, 323, 450.
-, Sir John, 1152.
-, William, 450.
Walthall, Anna, p. 56, p. 341.
-, Luke, p. 56, 216, p. 230, p. 341.
-, John, p. 56.
-, Mary, wife of Luke, 356, p. 230.
Walthamstow, p. 229.
Walthew, Richard, p. 504.
Walton, Wm., p. 340.
Wappen or Wapen or Zealand, the, 667, 883.
Wapping, grant and subscriptions toward building a chapel at, 205, 289, 600.
Ward, a goldsmith, 635.
-, Sarah, p. 504.
Warde, Henry, 294.
Ware, see Wayer.
Ware, John, 166.
Warman, Wm., p. 98.
Warwick, Earl of, see Rich, Robt., Lord.
Washbourne, Robt., 216, 459, 661, 1068.
Washington, John, 450.
Watch, the (watchmen), p. 311.
Watches, 330, p. 159.
Water Spaniels, see Spaniels.
Waterfort, Seigr. Henry de, p. 7.
Waterworks, 266, 268.
Waterworth, Wm., 596, 656, 659, p. 339.
Wath, Nicholas, p. 98.
Watkin, Gilford, p. 505.
-, John, son of, p. 505.
Watkins, David, p. 100.
-, Wm., 604.
Wats, Rich., 678.
Watson, Timothy, 1086.
Watts, Sir John, 745.
-, -, son of, 745.
-, Joseph, p. 226.
-, Nicholas, p. 226.
-, Richard, letter from,
-, 1621 : 1105.
-, Capt., 776, 797.
Watty, Parnell, p. 498.
Waulker, John, see Walker, John.
Wax, 12, 234, pp. 106-7, 438 ; see also Sealing-wax.
Waye, island of, see Ay.
Wayer, p. 6, 245, 425. I., 438.
Waytes, Bartholomew, p. 408.
-, -, sworn auditor of the East India Company, 1060.
Weare, John, 656.
Webbe, Frances, Mrs. Towerson's maid, married to Steele, see Steele, Rich., wife of.
-, John, p. 97, 1100.
-, Wm., 662, 714, 1070.
-, -, sickness of, 1051.
-, -, letters from-
-, 1620 : 851, 921.
-, 1621 : 973, 975, 1002, 1007, 1012,
Webster, Thos., p. 407.
-, Wm., p. 505.
Weddall, John, see Wedell, John.
Wedell, John, 176, 216, 224.
-, -, letter from,
-, 1621 : 1163.
Wedmore, Rich., 234, pp. 503-504.
Weekes, Andrew, 932.
-, Rich., 46, 48, 176, 194, 208, 216, 224.
Welby, Wm., 1048.
Welcome, the, 1014.
Weld, - Town Clerk of London, 1173.
Welden, Rich., 194, 196, 524, 546, 562, 563, 569, 571, 775, 835, 846, 851, 877, 932, 993, p. 424, 1032, 1138.
-, -, his wages, 231.
-, -, to succeed Courthope as agent at Banda, 989.
-, -, his "Journal of Banda," 1088.
Wellen, John, p. 337.
-, -, Sarah, wife of, p. 337.
Wendover, co. Bucks, p. 99.
Wentworth, Lord, 306, 631.
West, John, 73, 99, 353.
-, -, letter from,
-, 1617 : 130.
-, -, death of, 747.
-, Nath., p. 97.
-, -, 198, 1168.
West countrymen, the East India Company have no affection to, 161.
Western Islands, 127.
West India Company, the, 1054.
-, proposal for a, 108-110.
-, design of the Dutch to frame a, 470.
West Indies, 329, 778.
-, silver imported to Spain from, 1024.
Westarwood, Adam, Dutch Admiral and Commander-in-Chief in Japan, 818-9.
-, -, his "noble parentage," 819.
Westby, John, p. 340.
-, Rich., 327-8, 419.
-, -, letters from,
-, 1618 : 326, 418, 473.
-, -, murder of, 512.
Westminster, letters dated from, 30, 382, 639, 658, 852.
Weston, Sir Richard, p. 99, 249.
Westron, -, 165.
Westrowe, Thos., 445, 700, 1040, 1052, p. 497.
Wetherall, John, 464, 990.
Wetherhead, Henry, p. 225.
Weymouth, Town Hall of, 723.
Whale, Richard, p. 226.
-, -, Margaret, widow of, p. 226.
Whale (ship), the, 1153.
Whale fins, 374, 442, 464, 608, 778.
-, proclamation about, 682.
-, price of, 1066.
- fishing
-, 383, 506, 527, 561, 583, 793, 1117, 1163, 1167
-, see also Greenland, East Indies.
Whaw, Capt., 206, p. 127, 275.
Wheat, 157.
- to be bought at Surat, 241.
-, comparison between English and French, 666.
- from Virginia, see Maize.
Wheatley, Henry, purser of the Lion, 1040, 1046.
-, -, letter from,
-, 1621 : 1158.
Whitaker, Henry, see Whittaker, Henry.
White, Daniel, 933.
-, John, 622.
-, Peter, 171, p. 97.
-, Robert, 610.
-, - (master's mate), 930.
White Bear, the, 778, 801 ; see also Bear, the, White Bear, the (Dutch), 746, 842-3, 934, 939, 943, 950.
- arrives in England, 775, 780, 782, 845-6.
-, arrested at Plymouth, 938. I.
Whitehall, 532, 560.
-, letters dated from, 28, 43, 202, 478, 506, 509, 513, 520, 527, 530, 533, 555, 565, 647, 716, 733, 855, 889, 901, 1001, 1004, 1028.
Whitehead, -, 910.
-, -, wife of, 910.
-, Joan, p. 504.
-, John, p. 504.
Whitelock, -, death of, 257.
Whitfield, John, pp. 227-8.
Whitinge, Walter, 455, p. 339.
Whittacres, -, 499.
Whittaker or Whitaker, Henry, p. 505, p. 506.
Whittington, -, 557.
Wickham, Rich., 24, 26, 201, 221, p. 126, p. 128, 275, 278, 407, 418, 447, 643.
-, -, letters from,
-, 1617 : 105, 234.
-, -, letters to-
-, 1617 : 142, 152, 167, 174, 175,
190, 195, 206.
-, 1618 : 441.
-, -, disputes between Cocks and, 279.
-, -, his salary, 1.
-, -, death of, 747.
-, -, his will and executors, 1066, 1096, 1138, 1145, 1161, 1171.
-, -, his estate, 497, 1066, 1096, 1138, p. 498.
-, -, mother of, 105, 1066, 1096, 1138, 1161, 1171, p. 498.
Widdowes, Rich., 466.
Wiech, Richard, p. 341, p. 349.
-, -, his son, p. 349.
-, Thos. (?), 377, 505, p. 341.
-, Wm., p. 341.
Wield, Sir John, 216, p. 100, 333.
Wight, Daniel, 663.
-, -, appointed chief at Acheen, 879.
-, -, father of, 265.
Wight, Isle of, see Yarmouth, Cowes.
Wightman, John, p. 56.
Wigmore, Sir Richard, 368.
Wilcocks, Anthony, p. 227.
-, John, p. 503.
Wilde, Sir John, 347.
Wildinge, see Welden, Rich.
Wiley, Wm., 146, 522.
-, surgeon, 979.
Willcocks, Margaret, p. 504.
William and Ralph, the, 455.
Williams, Abraham, letter from,
-, 1619 : 639.
-, Edward, p. 97, 738.
-, Hugh, p, 359.
-, Owen, p. 226.
-, -, a proctor, 1079.
-, Mary, p. 227.
- of Bristol, 347
Williamson, Sir Joseph, 680, 681, 706.
Willmot, Edward, death and papers of, 282, 630.
Willoughby, John, 266, 786.
-, -, letter from,
-, 1619 : 790.
Wills, Mathew, 409.
-, -, taken prisoner by the Dutch, 424.
Wilmott, John, 176.
Wilson, Anthony, p. 505.
-, John, 552.
-, -, letter from,
-, 1620 : 949.
-, Ralph (deceased), 829.
-, Rowland, p. 98, p. 100.
-, Martha, 829.
-, Thos., afterwards Sir Thos., 1102.
-, -, letters from-
-, 1618 : 315, 672, 712.
-, 1619 : 792.
-, -, letters to,
-, 1620 : 819.
-, -, his house, see Britain Burse.
-, Wm., 122, 214, 237.
-, -, letter from,
-, 1618 : 283.
-, - (surgeon), 149, 157, 165.
-, - (of Brasenose), preacher, 192, 194.
-, - (cooper), death of, 610
Wilters, Dr. Casper, death of, 734.
Wilye, Wm., surgeon, 238, 1161.
Wimbish, Geo., p. 97, p. 227.
Winch, Rich., 697, 726.
Windebank, Fras., letter to,
-, 1620 : 852.
Windsor, letter dated from, 425.
Wine, 186, 187, 208, 216, 241, 316-7, 323, 697, 774, 796, 810, 905, 1112, 1173.
-, Canary, price of, 323.
-, China, 775.
-, Cognac, 776
-, white, purchase of, 1086.
- porters, petition of the, 216.
Wingatt, Nicholas, p. 99.
Winston, John, p. 337.
-, -, Elizabeth, widow of, p. 337.
Winter, John, p. 503.
Winterborne, Thos., 221.
Winwood, Sir Ralph, Secretary of State, 162, 176, 178, p. 120, 287.
-, -, letters from,
-, 1617 : 28, 43, 148.
-, -, letters to,
-, 1617 : 53, 107, 108, 115, 121, 163, 183.
-, Lady, wife of, 287.
Wiseman, -, 1072.
Wither, Anthony, 678, p. 340, p. 499, 1175.
Witherall, John, see Wetherall, John.
Withers or Wythers, Edward, 557, 661, 783, 810, 821, 823, 1068, 1100.
-, -, agreement with, p. 311.
-, Ellis, p. 503.
-, Wm., 73, 353.
-, -, letter from,
-, 1617: 129.
Withington, Nicholas, p. 85, p. 103, 255, 333, 778.
-, -, accusations against, 262.
-, -, submission of, 776.
Wittres, Admiral, 105.
Witters Island, 1095.
Wittye, George, p. 408.
Woder, Edmund, p. 99.
Wogan, Devereux, 294, p. 230.
Wolferstone, Edward, p. 96.
Wolhouse, see Woodhouse, John.
Woller, Edward, p. 99.
Wolley, Nicholas, 166, 171, 194, 738, 781.
-, Thos., p. 407.
Wolman, see Woolman, Henry.
Wolmer, Geo., see Woolman, Geo.
Wolstenholme, Sir John, 238, 249, 433, p. 229, 700, 781, 785, 801, pp. 348-9, 1024.
-, John, son of, p. 229.
Wood, Dr., 752.
-, -, book on Navigation written by, 238, p. 228.
-, Elias, p. 55, 1171, p. 503.
-, Capt. Geo., 176, 450, 466.
-, Gregory, p. 227.
-, -, Elizabeth, wife of, p. 227.
-, Guy, 184.
-, John, p. 226, 646, p. 339, 1015.
-, -, disorderly conduct of,
-, 1176 : p. 504.
-, Richard, surgeon, 846.
-, Stephen, p. 98.
-, Thos., 194.
-, William, father of John, p. 339.
Wood from Siam, p. 55, 201, 226.
Woodall, John, "general surgeon for the Company," 149, 241, pp. 349-50, 808, 810, 821, 825, 829, 911, p. 408, 1046, 1168, 1175, p. 504.
-, -, his salary, 306.
Woodbridge, 1130, 1168, 1171, 1173.
Wooden, -, 410.
Wooder, servant of Sir Fras. Bacon ("one of his bedchamber"), 238, 284.
Woodfall, John, 808.
Woodhall, -, p. 339.
Woodhouse, John (preacher), 752, 754, 776, 803, 821, 972.
Woodroffe, Henry, 7, 34.
Woodward, Rowland, letter from,
-, 1620 : 852.
-, S., letter from,
-, 1617 : 223.
Wool, cotton, 122, p. 159, 753, p. 306, 1133.
Woolhouse, John, see Woodhouse, John.
Woolman, Geo., p. 49.
-, -, death of, 71, 246.
-. Henry, 118, 384, 917, 930, 990 ;see also Parkin, Henry.
Woolmer, Henry, see Woolman, Henry.
Woolwich, 743, 1138.
Wormwood, see Beer and Wine.
Wotton, Humphrey, p. 338.
-, -, Sidbrough, son of, p. 338.
Woyes, Richard, letter from,
-, 1620 : 822.
Wrecks, see Brittany.
Wrenton, co. Somerset, 216.
Wright, Barnard, 212, 216, 599, 671.
-, Daniel, 227.
-, Fras., p. 225, p. 339, 1145.
-, Geo., "a poor minister," 216.
-, Henry, p. 227.
-, Dr. Lawrence, p. 340.
-, Lyonell, son of Richard, p. 229, p. 505.
-, Richard, p. 229.
-, Sarah, wife of Fras., and daughter of Capt. Downton, p. 225, 1145.
Wriothesley, Henry, Earl of Southampton, 754, 762.
Wroth, Lady Mary, 688.
Wyeth, Governor, p. 345.
Wylden, see Welden, Rich.
Wyles, surgeon of the Moon, p. 470.
Wylson, Rowland, see Wilson, Rowland.
Wyly, Wm., see Wilye, Wm.
Wynne, Sir Thos., letters from,
-, 1619 : 567, 591, 595, 615.
Wythers, Edward, see Withers, Edw.