Index: A

Pages 507-511

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 3, 1617-1621. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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Abbas, Mirza, Shah of Persia, 15, 18, 19, 30, 38, 44, 54, 56, 59, 68, 69, 70, 74, 76, 80, 90, 92, 98, 103, 122, 135, 156, 186, 230, 263, 267, p. 121, 302, 308, 330-1, 339, 340, 347, 380, 451, 480, 498, 589, 600, pp. 306-310, 756, 811, 848, 872, 880, 1130.

-, -, character of, 446.

-, -, valiant, and the discreetest prince in the East, 91.

-, -, "a tyrant, and cuts off heads every hour," 59.

-, -, not beloved by his nobles, but feared for his tyranny, 446.

-, -, good supply of presents necessary for, 19.

-, -, presents desired by, 122, 124, 330, p. 159.

-, -, presents for, 76, 77, 91, 97, 122, 489, p. 309.

-, -, a coach and coachman and dogs, recommended and sent to, 91, p. 159, 848, 872.

-, -, his reception of King James' letter, 122, 753.

-, -, drinks health to King James on his knee, 122.

-, -, sends King James a very noble letter, 271, 302.

-, -, his favour and protection to the English, 122, 289.

-, -, proposed treaty between King James and, 369.

-, -, his desire for the English to settle a trade in his dominions, 308, 489.

-, -, commission to conclude trade with, 155.

-, -, his contract with the East India Company, 475.

-, -, contract with the English for silk, p. 158, 849.

-, -, payment of customs on English goods remitted by, 330.

-, -, dishonourable peace with Turkey made by, 498.

-, -, overthrows the Turkish army, 584.

-, -, his secret entry into Ispahan, 753.

-, -, his anger against the King of Spain, 753.

-, -, and the King of Arabia, 753.

-, -, his indisposition, 872.

-, -, Foreign ambassadors resident at the court of, 753.

-, -, his ambassador, 811.

-, -, his army, p. 200.

-, -, oath of, 122.

-, -, his father, p. 290.

-, -, his sons and their characters, 446.

-, -, his treasurer and favourite, see Lalabegg.

-, -, palaces of, 80.

Abbot, George, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1040.

-, -, letters from-,
-, 1617 : 22.
-, 1618 : 468.

-, gent., usher to, see Lyne, Rich.

Abbot, Morris, deputy governor of the East India Company, p. 58, 166, 198, p. 100, 306, 445, 505, pp. 229-30, 589, 669, 678, 744, 752, 762, 771, 791, p. 340, p. 348, p. 386, 920, 922-3, 928, 945, 954, 964, 969-70, 977, 987, 994, 1003, 1039, 1062, 1096, 1173, 1180.

-, -, elected deputy governor, 377, 700, 1039.

-, -, commission to, 534.

-, -, letters from-
-, 1620 : 938, 938. I.
-, 1621 : 957, 960, 974, 1063.

-, -, letters to,
-, 1621 : 1009, 1042, 1055.

-, -, gratuities from East India Company to, 391, 712, 734, 1079.

-, -, -, exceptions taken to, 700.

-, -, -, to be kept secret, 1086.

-, -, his opinion of the course to right the East India Company, p. 454.

Abdallah Chan, 33.

Abdie, Abdye, or Abdy, Anthony, 700, 1039, 1040.

Abney, Philip, p. 338.

-, Anue, sister of, p. 338.

Abraham, 594.

Abram Khan, 209.

Abulhassan, 213.

Acheen (Sumatra), 51, 88, 94, 119, 137, pp. 56-7, 159, 180, 184, 245, p. 106, 384, 466, 592, 597, 611, 643, 760, 767. 775, 787, 802, 835, 844-5, 856, p. 375, 878, 883, 908, 915, 933, 943, 980, 1129, 1136, p. 486, p. 496.

-, factory at, 94, 384.

-, trade at, 257, 430, 590, 592, 767, 879.

-, commodities fit for, 257.

-, punishment of the Polema of, 136, 285.

-, great planting of pepper in, 285.

-, English ships arrived at, 879, 933, p. 496.

-, inventory of goods and chattels in, 950.

-, great mortality at, 915.

-, King of, 47, 52, 119, 120, 127, 136, 184, 238, 257, 285, 360, 515, 590, 592, 597, p. 265, 663, 760, 776, 879, 985, p. 486, p. 496.

-, -, presents to King James from, 760.

-, -, consideration to, for trade at, 120, 134.

-, -, brass piece of ordnance for, 149, 166, 255.

-, -, factor's interview with, 134.

-, -, character of, 134, 136, 590.

-, -, cruelties practised by, 933.

-, -, sickness of, 134.

-, the people of, void of all honesty, 136.

-, factors at, see Nicolls, Wm. Wight, Daniel.

-, consultations at, 118, 120, 360, 663.

-, arrival of Holland ships at, 285.

-, the Hollanders at, 134, 281, 515, 590.

-, -, the English complain of, to the King, p. 375.

-, -, their offers to the King to turn the English out of, 424.

-, -, Nicolls sent to procure trade at, and excite the King of, against, 755, 763.

-, letters dated from, 134, 136, 257, 285, 365, 384, 388, 515, 590, 865, 879.

Adames, Capt. Robert, 158, 286, 613, 622, 678, 697, 712, 717, 726, 845, p. 375, 883, 915-6, 948, 1065, 1095, 1112, 1124.

-, -, letters from-
-, 1620 : 842, 927, 929-30.
-, 1621 : 1110.

-, -, imputations against, 697.

-, -, instructions to, 857.

-, -, journal of voyage of, 927.

-, -, sailed to the Manillas, 939.

Adams, John, p. 407.

Adcombe, Phœbe, 1150.

Addames, Capt. Wm., 24, 86, 238, pp. 125-6, 275, 278, 291, 300, 535, 557, 580, 782, 747, 817.

-, -, "now out of the Company's service," 1.

-, -, his debt to the Company, p. 128.

-, -, desire of the Japanese Admiral to engage the services of, p. 2.

-, -, his instructions for England, 302.

-, -, junk sold to, and his partners, p. 2.

-, -, letters from,
-, 1617 : 8, 190, 195.

-, -, letter to,
-, 1619 : 575.

-, -, sickness and death of, 739, 930.

-, -, his will, estate, and "overseers," 930.

-, -, his great loss to the English, 930.

-, Mary, wife of, 238, p. 128, 278, 557, 930.

-, -, petition of, 535.

-, -, his family in England and in Japan, 930.

-, -, his man, see Henquese.

Addyson, Thos. (drowned), 917.

Aden, English factory desired at, 372.

Admiralty, the, 925.

-, judge of the, see Marten, Sir Henry.

-, depositions taken before the High Court of, 868.

-, Registrar of the, see Horwood.

Advice, the, 8, 12, 24, 26, 86, 105, 106, 137, 221, 234, 246, 265, 273, 275, 278, 282, 407, 424, 522, 603, 607, 609, 643, 670, 775, p. 374.

-, arrives at Firando, 1.

-, letters dated from aboard, 363, 364.

Adye, John, p. 228.

Aerssens, Mons., (the Greffier), 1059, 1090, 1098.

-, Lord of Somersdike, son of, 1098, 1104, 1148, 1164.

Afzul Khan, p. 181.

Agate figures, 316.

-, pictures, 1149.

Agra, 4, 17, 44, 172, 182, 186, 189, 209, 213, 217, 218, 220, 228, p. 120, 269, 300, 336, 396, 535, 606, 624, 786, 830, 837, 926.

-, factors of, 759.

-, factory at, 220, p. 259.

-, -, letter to,
-, 1617 : 154.

-, goods proper for sale at, 790.

-, -, loss of by robbery, &c., 1000, 1078, 1119.

-, robbery of the Company's "caphila" from, p. 259.

-, ryals and ingots sent to, 302.

-, plague at, 38, p. 260.

-, the King of, see Great Mogul, the.

-, the Dutch at, 396.

-, letters dated from, 203, 218, 220, 786, 790.

Agulhas, Cape, 709.

Ahmedabad, 17, 33, 38, 45, 74, 119, 127, 162, 172, 182, 186, 189, 209, 213, 220, 266, 269, 289, 300, 336, 596, 624, 748, 754, 797, 830, 836, 1134.

-, extortions in, 33.

-, persuasions to dissolve factory in, 34.

-, Roe's account of factories at, 750.

-, dangers to the English by thieves on their yearly journeys to, p. 181.

-, Steele's grand projected waterworks at, 266, 268.

-, the King of, 266, p. 120.

-, ryals sent to, 302.

-, letters dated from, 217, 247, 263, 266, 267, 272, 276, 398.

Aiscough, Jas., p. 99, p. 231.

-, Vincent, 216, p. 99.

Ajmere, 16, 35, 44, 52, 218, 220, 244, p. 157, 786.

-, King of, 4.

-, -, baseness of, 244.

-, -, letters dated from, 4.

Alabaster, -, p. 230.

Albroke, Thos., p. 227.

Alderson, Anthony, p. 227.

Aldworthe, Thos., 54, 752.

-, -, death of, 54.

-, -, debts and estate of, while sheriff of Bristol, 216, 266, 280.

-, Mrs., 149.

-, -, children of, 284, 347.

-, -, -, gratuity to, 692.

Ale, Bartholomew, 176.

Aleppo, 15, 91, I., 103, 122, 123, 135, 168, 189, 331, p. 158, 347, 356, 367, 380, p. 200, 498, 535, 584, 594, 753, 828, 853, 858, 872, 880, 992.

-, English merchants at, p. 200.

-, dollars to be bought for, 474.

-, Dutch, Italians, and Portuguese in, 535.

-, Grand Vizier of, see Malill, Bashaw.

-, consul at, see Chapman, L.

Alexander, Pope, compared with King James I., 329.

-, John, 480, 1031, 1050, 1093, 1153.

Alexandria, p. 260.

Algiers, English prisoners in, 608.

-, pirates of, see pirates.

Alisbury, Thos., 801.

Alkin, John, 810.

Allen, alderman, 1128.

-, Edward, p. 408.

-, Joan, 445.

-, -, husband of, 445.

Allen, Richard, 388, 879.

-, a poor minister, 1171.

Allot, Wm., 314.

Allye, an Indian, 238.

Allyn, Henry, p. 407.

-, -, Joan, widow of, p. 407.

-, Thos., p. 340.

Almeda, Don Pedro de, the Portuguese captain of Diu, 230, 300.

Almshouses, 734, 785.

Aloes, p. 107.

Alvaro, -, letter from,
-, 1619 : 620.

Amacoa, see Macao.

Ambar, Meleck, 1119.

Amber, 60, 624.

-, beads, 38, 1149, 1171.

Ambergris, 300, 302, 320, 433, 952, p. 495.

Amboyna (the Moluccas), pp. 4, 5, 7, 99, p. 57, 194, p. 106, 250, 500, 547, 643, p. 266, 718, p. 386, 932, 990, p. 425, 1008, 1021, 1032, 1037, 1050, 1144, 1153, p. 495.

-, factories in, 990.

-, chief factor in, see Muschamp, Geo.

-, instructions by Council of Defence for factors in, 976.

-, articles of agreement for trade in, 953.

-, -, about forts in, 965.

-, ships for, 933, 947, p. 486, 1176.

-, names of English ships at, 1169.

-, garrison at, 1021.

-, "plott" of, 1021.

-, English prisoners of the Dutch in, 424.

-, yields at least 400 tons of cloves yearly to the Flemings, p. 106.

-, the Flemings by proclamation forbid trade to, p. 108.

-, the Hollanders in, 99, p. 57, 311, 344, 718, 727, 1153.

-, -, Englishmen kept in irons by, 99, 100, 145.

-, -, war against English in, 413 736.

-, -, fraudulent dealings of, 1050.

-, -, threaten mortal war against English who dare trade to, 425. I.

-, -, garrison in, 982.

-, Moors and Mahometans in, 736.

-, castle of, 990.

-, -, the seat of the Dutch governor of the Moluccas and Bandas, p. 386.

-, agreement between, the English and Dutch at, 990.

-, letters dated from, 736, 989-990, 993, 1021.

Ambrose, Robt., 236, 791.

America, 110.

Ames, Amis, or Amys, Richard, 224, 387, 391.

Amsterdam, 225, 249, p. 127, 294, 487, 660, 712, 726, 734, 738, 806, pp. 348, 350, 922, 962, 964, 994, 1041, 1042, 1053, 1148.

-,discontent of the Dutch at, 734.

-, the mayors of, 987.

-, commissioners for the East India Company in, see East India Company.

-, letters dated from, 112, 113, 131, 170, 199, 338, 344, 351, 354, 435, 955, 957, 959-961.

-, the, 250.

Amy, John, 74, p. 307, 797, 800, 811, 849-50, 992.

-, -, letters from,
-, 1620 : 858, 861, 872.

Amye, Dr., 255.

Anderson, Thos., petition of, 1179.

Andrada, Ruy Frere de, 1126.

Andrapora, see Indrapura.

Andrew, the, 1119.

Andrewes, Rich, 149, 1092.

-, Nich., p. 98.

Andrews, Peter, p. 502.

Angel (Dutch vessel), the, 141, 490, 634, 643, 799, 817, p. 359, 868.

-, -, cast away off Cochin China, 1002.

Angell, Robt., 738, 751, 776, p. 350, 810.

-, Wm. (the King's fishmonger), 738, 750, 751, p. 350, 810.

Aniar, 835.

Anne, Queen, wife of James I., 560.

-, -, the Hollanders' vile speeches against, 868.

-, -, ambassadors sent from Denmark concerning the death of, 659, 704, 851.

-, -, chaplain to, see Needham.

-, -, gentleman of the privy chamber to, seeFitton, Edwd.

-, -, surveyor of woods to, see Davies, Wm.

Anne, Royal, the, 158, 189, 269, 293, 295, 302, 389, 446. I., 502, 624, p. 259, 743, 745, 748, 750, 752, 754, 756, 758, 770, 781, 799, 801, p. 345, 808, 810, 821, 825, 829, 1108, p. 486.

-, -, has no other cargo than the refuse of India, 293.

-, -, to sail for the Red Sea, 296, 298, 302.

-, -, to unlade at Woolwich, 743.

-, -, arrives at Plymouth from East Indies, 738.

-, -, cast away between London and Gravesend, 826, 829, 926.

-, -, touching her recovery, 832.

-, -, consultations aboard, 1015.

-, -, commander of, see Shilling, Capt. Andrew.

-, -, surgeon of, see Harries, Ralph.

-, -, letter dated aboard, 300.

Annes, Douwe, 857.

Annis, Arthur, p. 503.

-, -, wife of, p. 503.

Anstruther, Sir Robt., 333.

Antelopes, 241, 749.

Antheunis, Lucas, 47, 54, 189, 214, 221, 226, 245, p. 109, 438, 455, 499, 503, 505, 553, 697.

-, -, letters from,
-, 1617 : 52, 94.

-, -, letter to,
-, 1617 : 96.

-, -, his return to England, 428.

Antwerp, 367, 692.

Apsley, Sir Allan, 341.

Aqua vitæ, 455.

Arabia, 78, 1119.

-, English boy sold in, 47.

-, the desert of, 91, 91. I.

-, King of, see Fyant.

-, see also Muscat.

Arab guides, 91. I., 123, 356.

Archangel, 310, 1080.

Archer, Arthur, 584, 682.

-, -, Margery, widow of, 445.

-, -, Mary, wife of Arthur, 584, 682.

-, Richard, p. 339.

-, Thos., 445.

Ardabil, 498, where all the King's (of Persia) ancestors "lie interred," p. 200.

Arger, John, p. 337.

-, -, Joan, wife of, p. 337.

Argeson, John, 1026.

Argoll, Capt., 720, 1175.

Armenian merchants, 600, 753.

Armenian faction, the, 485.

Armenians, the, 220, 615, 786.

- drive a rich trade between Persia and the East Indies, 54.

Armestrong, Cuthbert, 474.

-, -, Thos., brother of, 34, 474.

Armitage, -, p. 348.

Armour, 91, 122, 317, 380, p. 159, 557, p. 309.

-, a light Hague, 316.

Arms of Zealand (Dutch ship), the, 1108.

Arnold, Peter, 176.

-, -, brother of, 224.

Arras, 173, 186, 216, 317.

-, a suit of, 316.

Artillery, Portuguese, 753.

Artson, Walter, 1125.

Arundel, Earl of, see Howard, Thos.

Asapasbozurb, letter dated from, 65.

Ascension, the, 171.

Aseph Khan, 162, 172, 173, 186, 203, 209, 213, 217, 247, 266, 270, 317, 398.

Ashley, John, p. 340.

Ashton, Geo., p. 339.

Asia, 1024.

-, not correctly drawn in the maps, 16.

Askew, Christopher, 880.

Asses, 64, 498, 853, 861.

Assigny, Marquis of, 387.

Aston, Sir Walter, ambassador at Madrid, letters from,
-, 1621 : 1016, 1137, 1156.

Atheist, extraordinary death of a desperate, 289.

Atkins, Dr., p. 350.

Atkinson, John, 1111.

-, Rich., 238, 459, 631, 635, 910, 947, 1130, 1133, 1177.

-, -, reduction of his salary, 1066.

-, -, gratuity to, 726.

-, -, his accounts to be audited, 1175.

Attendance, the, 73, 95, 99, 117, 129, 130, 137, 232, 243, p. 106, p. 109, 254, 260, 330, 407, 424, 623, 746, 883, p. 386, 886, 892, 914, 939.

-, -, seized by the Dutch, 424, 746, 818, 846.

-, -, arrives at Macassar. 353.

-, -, restitution of, 862-3.

-, -, arrives in Japan, p. 359.

Attorney General, the, see Yelverton, Sir Henry.

Audierne, 355.

Austen, -, 168.

Averey, Laurence, 717.

Averill, John, 613, 617.

-, -, children of, 613.

Avery, John, pp. 226-7.

Awberye, John, 341, p. 230.

Ay, island of, 623.

Ayle, Bartholomew, 194.