East Indies, China and Japan: June 1621

Pages 430-434

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 3, 1617-1621. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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June 1621

June 1. Madrid. 1016. Sir Walter Aston to Sec. Calvert. The fleet which was prepared in Lisbon for the East Indies, by unseasonable weather hath been detained so long that, the season for this year being past, they are commanded to forbear their voyage until another year. They were once at sea, but driven back ; only one that rode out the tempest proceeded on her voyage, a tall galleon, well armed, of about 600 tons. [Extract from Corresp., Spain.]
June 1. Hague. 1017. Sir Dudley Carleton to Sec. Calvert. No resolution is yet taken touching the sending to his Majesty about the business of the East Indies, but they have it now in deliberation. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
June 7. St. Martin's Lane. 1018. Sec. Calvert to Sir Dudley Carleton. His Majesty rests very ill satisfied with the slight proceeding of that state towards him in the matter of the East Indies, so far contrary to his expectation and to the hopes given him by their ambassadors that last were here, and finding now that his so often demands and propositions for accommodation do but draw upon him more scorn and neglect from them, he thinks it not for his honour to press any further in that kind, but to leave it unto their more advised consideration whether his Majesty's satisfaction in so just a business may not be worthy of a better regard. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
June 8/18. Castle of Malayo. 1019. Instructions agreed upon by the Council of Defence for the better direction of the factors resident in the particular factories. Signed by Humphry Fitzherbert, Wm. Nicolls, and John Goninge, and also by Jan Derickz Laus, Christiaane Grÿph, and Peter Bosschard. [Four pages. O.C., Vol. VIII., No. 958.]
June 8. Hague. 1020. Sir Dudley Carleton to Sec. Calvert. The states of Holland begin now to hearken better to sending into England touching the differences about the East India Companies, they having been hitherto only opposite, and the rest of the provinces with his Excellency more inclinable to satisfy his Majesty, but the merchants themselves remain still obstinate. They have a ship arrived in Zealand out of the East Indies with cargo valued at 70,000l. sterling, and with news that our companies there begin to sort better together as these men give out, but must suspend his belief of their report until he hears what is advertised our men. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
June 12. Amboyna. 1021. George Muschampe to [the President and Council at Jacatra]. There has been a general summons of the chief Orankays from all places under the jurisdiction of Amboyna, viz., Hitto, Looho, and Cambello, the islands of the Leasers, the Manepes, and divers places upon the coast of Ceram, with the chief of every village. Was present at the "Picharra," which continued six days, every Orankay confirming by oath their former contract made with the Dutch, whereby they are bound to acknowledge the Prince of Holland for their supreme head and absolute king, and not to enter in confederacy with any nation whatsoever, or entertain any other nation within their limits, without the consent of the governor here resident. They are to assist the governor with men and "Curre Curries" upon any service whatsoever when required, whereto they willingly submitted, only Chimalada, governor for the King of Ternate, and the Orankays of Looho and Cambello, answered by deputies, fearing to appear in person, having last year instigated those of the Leasers and of the coast of Ceram to renounce their former contract with the Hollanders, and to depend upon the King of Ternate. The garrison here near upon 350 men in pay, double the number formerly kept ; little profit to be expected from most of these places. Here is no opposition of anything the Dutch propound. Touching the Exchange going to Japan for the strengthening of the Manilla fleet. Goods required for the supply of this place, but no great quantity of cloth or the price will be debased. The Claw arrived 9th June with Haies. The Star expected within ten days. Intends sending the Claw to the factories for cloves, and then to send both ships for Jacatra. The Claw so leaky she cannot endure the Moluccas voyage ; knows the necessity of such vessels to carry advice to private factories. The clove harvest this year likely to prove better than he advised. Death of Edw. Mead on 10 June 1621 ; the Company hath lost a sufficient and faithful servant ; hopes he shall prevail with Haies to supply his place. Is subject to sickness. Henry Short also sick ; he requests to be removed from these parts, as it is hopeless for him to recover his health here ; "his service will deserve good employment." Encloses the "plott" of Amboyna, with the names and situations of all places under the jurisdiction of the Hollanders ; also the true platform of the castle, with the length, breadth, and number of munition, according to the order given to him [both wanting]. [Three pages. O.C., Vol, VIII., No. 959.]
June 14. 1022. The Privy Council to the East India, Turkey, French, Eastland, Merchant Adventurers, and Spanish Companies. Having taken into serious consideration how silver might be brought more plentifully into the kingdom and the exportation of it hindered, the several companies are required each to make choice of experienced men to consult together and report their opinions thereon, not later than Monday next. [Dom. Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CXXI., No. 102, Cal., p. 265.]
1621 ? 1023. "Reasons to prove that the trade from England unto the East Indies doth not consume but rather increase the treasure of this kingdom." [On 6 Feb. 1621 Parliament took into consideration the scarcity of coin in England ; the East India Company's patent to carry out coin was asserted to be one of the causes of the scarcity, and the Company were directed to bring their patent to the committee. (See Commons Journal, I. 510-1). In Sept. 1622 the King appointed a commission to inquire into the causes of the decay of trade, and to consider by what means it might be made profitable without exhausting the treasure of the kingdom. Similar "Reasons" to the above will also be found under that date]. [Two pages. Endorsed, "Mr. Munns." East Indies, Vol. I., No. 87.]
1621 ? 1024. Statement concerning the silver imported from the West Indies into Spain, and its diffusion over Asia, with proposition to divert the trade of silk and other Indian commodities from Turkey direct to the East by the Cape of Good Hope, the only means to accomplish this being a union between the English and Hollanders ; this will diminish the great Turk's revenue at least 300,000l. yearly in customs. [Two pages. Endorsed, "Sir John Wolstenholme." East Indies, Vol. I., No. 88.]
1621 ? 1025. Reasons against dissolving the East India Joint Stock and deserting that trade, showing the loss the Sing and kingdom would sustain in doing so. The King will lose at least 20,000l. per annum in his customs and imports. The kingdom will lose 100,000l. per annum through having to buy spices from the Hollanders, and above 100,000l. per annum for other commodities which are now brought direct from the East Indies. If the Company were well settled, and the trade judiciously followed, goods to the yearly value of near 300,000l. would be imported from the East Indies. The trade if once deserted will fall into the hands of the Hollanders ; and it will be a thing of very great difficulty to raise a new joint stock. [In 1615 the customs paid by the East India Company amounted to 14,000l., in 1614 to 13,000l. Two pages. East Indies, Vol. I., No. 89.]
June 15/25. [Batchian.] 1026. Thos. Johnson to Wm. Nicols, agent and chief commander of the factories of the Moluccas in Mollayo [Malaya]. Encloses [wanting] copy of all business that he could by any means get of the Dutch ; remarks thereon and how the prices are fixed. No cloves have been gathered, because of the want of people and fear of the King of Tidore, for if he hear any are gathered he puts those who gathered them to death ; as they dare not gather cloves they are forced to get their living by sago. John Argeson, a merchant, came 5th June to view their proceedings. Meadlaye sick of the flux, at the mercy of God. There sits at their table Roll and himself and Giles Cole with the Dutch assistant, the Lieut. Serjeant Domine Barlier (?) and steward. Concerning the household expenses. Mr. Boll and the accounts ; also the names and wages of the soldiers. Inconveniences of putting off payment of them. Received his letter enclosed in Holman's. [Two pages and a half. O.C., Vol. VIII., No. 960.]
June 15/25. Batchian. 1027. Thos. Johnson to W. Nicols. Cannot certify him, for he has had no notice of what goods were landed from the ship ; Roll can give him an account thereof ; they have laden her with timber and sago. Giles Cole remembers his duty. Has received two letters from Holman. [Half a page. O.C., Vol. VIII., No. 961.]
June 16. [Whitehall.] 1028. Order of the Privy Council. Upon a petition of the East India Company to the King, complaining of the insufferable wrongs done to them by the Dutch nation in taking their ships and goods, and using violence upon the persons of their factors in the East Indies. Sir Noel Caron, ambassador from the States, being sent for, attended, and being informed how sensible his Majesty was of these injuries, satisfaction for which had been oftentimes promised, and that his Majesty, though unwilling to take any unfriendly course against the States, could not deny his subjects protection and justice, and therefore expected speedy redress from the States, explained why commissioners who were to have come at Whitsuntide to settle the differences in dispute had not arrived, and assured their Lordships that they would be here by Midsummer with sufficient instructions and authority to give his Majesty full satisfaction. [Draught with corrections. Original in Holland Correspondence. One page and a half. East Indies, Vol. I., No. 90.]
June 22. Hague. 1029. Sir Dudley Carleton to Sec. Calvert. The States of Holland have separated for two months, having taken the resolution to excuse their sending into England, and if his Majesty be not contented therewith then to send. This in case the other provinces allow of this course, if not then to conform with the rest. Hereof has privately informed some of the other provinces, to the end a better regard may be shown his Majesty, to which they are all well affected, Holland only excepted, and the difficulty rests chiefly upon the point of charge of the journey. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
June 23. London. 1030. John Chamberlain to Sir Dudley Carleton. Most of the Privy Council think that Carleton has not pressed the East India business in time, "else had it not come to this pass ;" besides the wrongs and indignities [of the Hollanders], their trifling is no longer to be endured ; fears this breach is like to fall out very unseasonably for both sides, if things be so far gone as Chamberlain is made to believe. [Extract from Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CXXI., No. 121, Cal., p. 267.]
June 25. Aboard the Royal Exchange 1031. Certificate by John Goninge and John Alexander of insulting speeches spoken by John Pensley, master, to Humphry Fitzherbert, commander of the Royal Exchange. [One page. O.C., Vol. VIII., No. 962.]
June 28. Pooloway. 1032. Henry Bate to President Fursland at Jacatra. His departure in the Star and Exchange to Japara, where they took in provisions for the eastward. Arrived at Macassar 20 January. Capt. Fitzherbert despatched away the Star the same day, and laid in wait at the southernmost part of Celebes for surprising two Portugal frigates ; one only taken with rice and nothing else, having run ashore and made away with her goods. The Star with Welden and himself left Amboyna 21 Feb. and arrived at Pooloroon 3 March ; Courthopp had been slain by the Hollanders four months before. For further relation of the Hollanders' heavy yokes, he refers to the general's letter and Haies' report. The writer's abode is at Pooloway ; goods he has shipped in the Star. Begs leave to return to England by the next conveyance, his time will be then more than three years expired before he can see England ; also that he will send the most sufficient wrangling factors that come to his hands, for here in Banda is most use for them ; "in so doing you purchase ease to yourself and benefit to the adventurers." [One page. O.C., Vol. VIII., No. 963.]
1618, Aug. 16, to 1621, June 29. 1033. Collection of charges against Adam Denton, taken from letters received by the East India Company from the President and Council at Jacatra and from factors at Patani and elsewhere. There are seven letters referred to, only one of which is now to be found among the correspondence, viz., a letter from Thos. Jones (see ante, No. 404). [Onepage. O.C., Vol. VIII., 949.]
June 30./July 9. Batchian. 1034. Thos. Johnson to W. Nicolls, chief in the Moluccas at Malaya. Has sent letters by Roll and a Dutch merchant. Goods sold, and of which he is in want, and there is a demand. Hendrick is well, and both the assistants. Wishes to know the time of the Ruby's coming. Remembrances to Perie. [One page. O.C., Vol. VIII., No. 964.]