Nov. 2-3.
758. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Letter read
from Mr. Sleigh acknowledging the Company's relief in his misery.
Request of Capt. Shilling for the Lord Admiral's leave to go to
sea. As to the yearly charge of the trade of Surat, and whether it
will bear it with profit ; the quickstock employed to Surat in five
ships (besides the Anne, now returned) calculated to amount to
9,526l. (sic), allowing 50,000l. as dead stock, "which sum together
maketh the whole stock 89,526l. (sic) at 4s. 6d. the dollar, the proceeds
of which goods returned and sold in England have made
(besides the general charges there of housekeeping, &c.; ambassador,
custom, presents, wages, and whatsoever charge else answered with
advantage) 260,860l., out of which the dead stock deducted, which
amounteth to 50,000l., the net proceed will come to 210,860l. or
thereabouts ; notwithstanding that the charges of late have increased
extraordinarily in the country, the prices of goods there have risen,
and some other things happened that have made it a declining trade
from that it was.
Minutes of a general Court. Sale of commodities with names of
purchasers and the prices.
Nov. 3.-Court Minutes. Suit of Capt. Thompson for the post of
commander. Consideration about employing Mr. Fitzherbert ; his
terms ; resolution not to conclude with him until the arrival of
Capt. Burrowes. Letter from Capt. John Pennington desiring employment.
William Baffin to be master of the London, on Capt.
Shilling's recommendation, Blieth Vice-Admiral, and Swaine and
Browne in the same ship. [Four pages. Court Bk. IV., 440-4.]
Nov. 3.
759. Kerridge, Rastell, and James to the East India Company.
Concerning the commodities received from the fleet under Capt.
Bonner's command ; the tapestry, &c., after long lying in the
custom-house, sealed by the Prince's officers and sent to Court ;
after further delay the Prince chose what he liked, and
appointed part of the rest to the King's use, "which being yet
unpaid for, we cannot certainly advise the benefit that will arise
thereon." The commodities "listed" by Sir Thos. Roe for the
Lion's lading nearly prepared. Proceedings of the factors in Agra
in providing indigo, carpets, &c. for Persia ; their detention by the
Vice-King of Burrampoor, at the suit of a Portugal ; four months
spent in obtaining their release. The despatch of the junk for the
Red Sea, the cause of the Guzerats prohibiting the English from
buying calicoes, and writing to the Governors of Baroach and
Brodera to do the like. In an assembly of merchants, they publicly
protested against the English trading into the Red Sea, "vowing
never to suffer it," so were compelled to promise not to make any
investments until the Prince's pleasure were further known ; the
solicitations of Wm. Biddulph "given absolute denial" on two
occasions. Their dwelling-house, the three years' contracted time
expired, taken from them ; have been exposed to petty habitations
for five months, not permitted to dwell near the river's side, and
forbidden by the Prince's express command to buy or build. Letters
received from the Bantam Council, of 16 July, then newly arrived
in Capt. Pring's fleet, and from Masulipatam of the arrival of Sir
Thos. Dale's fleet. Sir Thomas procured nothing at Engano but
certain knowledge of the death of his men left there. Arrival on
the 2nd current of the Charles, Ruby, and Diamond, under command
of John Bitkell ; also of five Danish ships, "who though they
pretended to be bound for Ceylon to inhabit, it is to be feared they
have some more fatal design." The Bantam Council requiring the
whole fleet, and the late arrival of these ships, has caused much
distraction and backwardness in their business. Long stay of the
Lion at Mocha ; she has now returned to good account. Indian
commodities the life of the Red Sea trade. Deccan merchants ready
to buy their coral, but it was prohibited to be landed ; have petitioned
the Prince about this and sundry other grievances, but have
small hope of remedy. Remarks on some of the commodities sent
in the ships, and the causes of delay in relading them for England,
"the innate accustomed villainy and unavoidable delays of these
people . . . . ; they will do nothing without bribes, which, howsoever
extorted, is made a continual custom, enforced as a duty, and yet
they never contented, nor will be made sensible of the necessity of
our haste." Though this country be esteemed rich, they find the
common inhabitants to be very needy, and unwilling, being subject
to the tyranny of every officer, to make provision beforehand ; this
keeps the prices low, and makes a present dearth and scarcity on
the least extraordinary occasion. Are confined to Baroach only
for the purchase of calicoes, which will not yield the eighth part
of the Company's demands. Brodera a place of great trade, and
under the King's jurisdiction, free to all except the English. "The
cause of our settling here was for fear of your ships ; our being is
a burden to these, who have ever repined at and covertly hindered
your designs." No hope of good usage and free trade without being
enforced. Advise the stopping of the Indian junks to and from the
Red Sea, "then the articles of our residence will be confirmed both by
King and Prince . . . . , and your servants relieved." By this course
the Company may also initiate a trade at Dabul, where most English
commodities will sell. Further necessity for urging trade in the Red
Sea, by recourse of "those new-come Danes and other pirates."
Strength of shipping requisite to settle at Dabul. Commodities
they have provided for Persia. Have presumed to open the Company's
letters to Persia, that they might the better understand their
minds. Intend sending the Lion home after her return from Jask,
whither she sails with the fleet, but fears she cannot be despatched
until about the 5th February. [In a postscript of 5th
November, "Have received letters from Masulipatam, both from
the Bantam Council and Capt. Pring, the first of which, from
the Vice-President Spaldinge, or rather his assistant, Mr. Ball, discovers
their self-conceit and passion ; so transmit copies, whereby also
the Company will learn the death of Sir Thos. Dale, and the present
condition of their fleet and affairs, and opinion of the commander."
[Eight pages. O.C., Vol. VII., No. 818.]
Nov. 5.
760. Nicolls to the East India Company. The Dragon and
Expedition, Capt. Robt. Bonner, arrived at Acheen 8th April last
with gun, spangles, and dogs, all which were presented to the King,
but the gun, "so thin of substance as not to be shot off," he esteemed
nothing worth and would not accept. Would not grant them trade
at Tecoe, alleging the ruin both to his gentlemen and merchants,
who are wont to profit by trading, and "are now become beggars"
and opposed to their suit. At his urgent solicitation, two months'
trade granted for his sake only. Presents sent to his Majesty by
the King of Acheen of 6 baharrs of pepper, with a lance and knife.
Sailed from Acheen 7th July ; fell in with the Rose from Bantam,
with a cargo for Acheen. Reasons for Capt. Bonner detaining her
voyage ; letter from Spaldinge and Ball "to get me aboard by all
means possible," leave Fursland chief, and so home to answer objections
against himself. Arrived at Tecoe 28th August, hoping to
lade the Dragon. Her surprise on 1st October by five Holland ships
with the Star taken by them at Bantam, after little more than an
hour's fight, with the loss of 28 men and Capt. Bonner, who died ashore
nine days after. The Bear shot not a shot, but being so good was
most basely given up. The Dutch being victors, turned 270 men
ashore, and gave the English the Rose, under whose rice was steel,
which they sold for their relief. The men ready to cut one another's
throats, but he kept them in awe. The Hollanders landed all the
English goods at Priaman. Fortunately met with the Palsgrave,
Elizabeth, and Hope, upon which ships the Englishmen were distributed ;
himself returned to Acheen with Mr. Bates and another, principally,
if possible, to rout the Hollanders out of all factories in this
island. Trick played by the King of Acheen upon the Hollanders,
who cannot abide Nicolls. Is in great favour with the King, who
"has given me his crest that no man dares to injure me," by which
favour the Company's house and goods are in security. A little
money can do much. Many respect their own profit rather than the
Company's good, and "are seeming saints at coming home, but devils
in earnest." Presents fit to send the King, not a gun, but broadswords,
&c. "He is so covetous and careless of others' profits but his
own, that better to keep him with a bit than give him the bridle,
and so tyrannical as I protest it is great danger to remain in his
country without hazard of loss of life." The English endanger
themselves and the Company's goods by not observing the orders
of the country. Their ships should not be suffered to transport
any "Judas villains Guzerats" or goods from Surat to Sumatra.
Trash goods bought at Surat. It is generally thought that the
English Company and the Hollanders will join stocks together ;
necessity for doing so, no trade to be had without maintaining
twenty stout ships of war. The fleet does not know which way
to make a voyage, and the best wits are not able to determine.
The Hollanders dog them from place to place, and have pursued
Capt. Jourdain, who is suspected to be ruinated at Patani, whither
he was bound. What the Hollanders took in the Bear. Complaints
of Capt. Keeling, and that he did not deliver Nicolls' accounts to
the Company. Sends Robt. Carter's will and Jackson's account.
Concerning Rich. Harris' account, and the estate of Capt. Bonner.
W. Methwold will give account of the estates of Millward, Pattesonn,
Yates, and Pyborne. [Six pages. Endorsed, "Received 19 May
1620 by the Rose." O.C., Vol. VII., No. 819.]
Nov. 6.
761. Henry Bate to the East India Company. Arrived 21
August in the Bear at Tecoe, where they found the Dragon,
Expedition, and Rose, from Bantam. The Star taken by four
Flemish ships (named) in the straits of Sunda. "Being but one,
accounted folly to resist them." Having read the Company's letters
to their factors "of no conditions of peace, but by all means to right
your wrongs and weaken your forces . . . ., and the fire so much
kindled by Sir Thos. Dale," the Flemings not only surprised the Star,
but dispeeded six of their greatest ships of force (named) from Bantam,
under command of Wm. Johnson, to Tecoe. In less than two hours'
fight they took the Dragon, killing at least 25 men, amongst whom
was that honest and worthy servant, Capt. Bonner. The Expedition
and Rose likewise obliged to yield ; the latter the Hollanders returned
to transport the remainder of the English, about 300, after taking
away all provisions and munitions, but leaving a quantity of steel
buried in the rice, which was sold by Nicolls. Happily met with
the Palsgrave, Elizabeth, and Hope. Nicolls has delivered his books
and accounts to Thos. Brockendell. Their hopes to meet with the
whole fleet from the Coromandel coast, and so consult about the best
course to be taken. The Hollanders have at Bantam thirty-five
ships well appointed, but dare not set foot on land, though the
people cannot stand out long, because the island affords not maintenance.
How Sir Thos. Dale made all the Dutch fly out of the road
and go to the Moluccas, and might have prevented this had he kept
Bantam and the straits of Sunda instead of going to the bare coast
of Coromandel, which has given the Flemings respite, and made
them so proud and strong that none is so fit to deal with them as
devils. "I say their insolency had been resisted, and their ships
taken, coming as they came, one and one." Had Sir Thos. Dale kept
the straits of Sunda with his twelve ships, the Dutch could neither
have had force to take the Company's ships, nor have despatched three
ships to Patani after Jourdain with the Sampson and Hound, which
the country people report have been surprised and taken. Concerning
the loss of the Bear, with which he may be maliciously taxed, "there
was such odds that there was no hope of escaping." The danger of
landing her treasure ; fears of the factory being robbed three nights
before ; one John Tucker killed. Nicolls and himself bound for
Acheen in a prow, as thought fitting in consultation to solicit the
King about the insolency of the Hollanders in his harbours, and taking
his presents, sent by his Majesty of England, in the Dragon. Report
that the English fleet have taken three Dutch ships on the Coromandel
coast. "Copy of my last letter send home from Tecoe by the
ship Rose, by Thomas Barwick, Ao 1619." [Two pages. Endorsed,
"Delivered the factors at Jask to be conveyed through Persia overland.
This received from Surat by the Lion the 27 September
1620. Read. Of some import." O.C, Vol. VII., No. 820.]
Nov. 8-10.
762. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Concerning
the appointments of Mr. Fitzherbert and Capt. Burrowes, recommended
by the Earl of Southampton, and of Capt. Pennington,
recommended by the Lord Admiral. The Hollanders having on
the return of their last ship informed the Company of the state of
affairs in the Indies, it was held fit to requite them with the like on
the return of this ship, the James ; a committee appointed to draw
out some particulars out of the letters that may be fit for them to
know. Motion of the French, who have certain money and goods at
Bantam, for the Company to bring them home. Great store of
pepper returned in the James. Concerning Wm. Swanley's great
private trade, Patteson, the factor, and Methwold, "the other executor
who took Patteson's estate into his hands ;" Swanley's accounts
to be drawn out by Ellam. The Unity, of 280 tons, ready sheathed,
with all her furniture, and 20 pieces of ordnance, to be bought for
1,600l. The Bear to carry men and provisions to the Cape, for relief
of shipping touching there. Interest payable to Sir Thos. Roe on
his adventure in the first joint stock. Concerning Mr. Steele, his
wife's goods, and his services ; to be further considered.
Nov. 9.-Consideration of Mr. Mun's calculation relating to the
trade of Surat ; "no place proveth so good, so sure, nor any trade so
profitable ;" also of Alderman Hamersley's calculation of the charge
and profit of the trade. Employment of the three ships ready to be
sent off. Objections to prevent the danger of the Portugals at Jask ;
landing and carrying goods overland thence ; and the security of
trade with the Persian. 50,000l. sent to Persia last year ; probability
of the trade thither yielding 70, 80, or 90 per cent. profit one
year with another ; if the voyage may be effected in sixteen months, as
Sir Thos. Roe confidently affirms, 50 per cent. may be gained yearly
with safety. Resolution to send 250,000 ryals of eight for Persia
only, and to send a messenger overland to let them know in Persia
such stock is coming. Committee appointed to consider what stocks
are already in the country ; what may be fit to send for Persia,
Surat, Bantam, and other places. There being a necessity for
employing more money than their patent will bear, the consideration
is left to the Governor, Deputy, and Treasurer. Gratuity to
Mr. Bag, of Plymouth, for assistance to Sir Thos. Roe. Sir Dudley
Diggs' business.
Nov. 10.-Report of the committee appointed to cast up Sir Thos.
Roe's accounts, that his charges both ordinary and extraordinary for
housekeeping, travelling with the King, &c., amounts, one year with
another, during his residence in the country, to about 600l. a year,
and the Company adjudged he had been very frugal, and purposed
some other time to make a final conclusion of his business. Touching
the will of Golding, the preacher, who had two wives in England,
and left the most part of his estate to his second wife. Swanley and
his private trade. Bargains between factors and mariners to be
prevented. Committee to consider Steele's demands. [Five pages
and three quarters. Court Bk. IV., 444-449.]
Nov. 10.
From aboard the
Palsgrave in the
road of Tecoe.
763. Chas. Clevenger, Thos. Brockedon, and Thos. Mill to the
East India Company. Arrived in the road of Tecoe 23rd Oct.,
where they had intelligence of the surprise of the Dragon, Bear,
Expedition, and Rose by six Holland ships, the Dragon riding alone
and "so pestered with taking in of pepper" that only two ships, in less
than one and a half hour's fight, took her, the rest riding in as great
security as if no enemy had been expected, yet had advice by the
Rose of our mortal wars with the Dutch. Barwick's report that all
was peace a principal cause of the Dragon's security. The Bear,
though well prepared, and the rest yielded without fight, to the shame
and infamy of themselves and our nation. Barwick might easily
have saved the Bear's money by sending it ashore to the factors. The
Hollanders with the goods taken in the Expedition and the money
out of the Bear have purchased store of pepper at Tecoe and
Priaman, which for want of means they could not formerly do. Jo.
Rowe sent aboard the Holland ships by Capt. Bonner, but was
imprisoned and all our men put in irons against the law of nations.
Endeavours of the Hollanders to fire the Dragon, being at first out
of hope so easily to have taken her. The Star formerly taken in
the straits of Sunda by five men-of-war ; the letters found in her
the cause of our men's ill usage. Had not Barwick told Sir
Thos. Roe at the Cape that peace was concluded in England, he
would have taken four Holland ships. Wonders at the fleet being
dispersed, and Capt. Jourdain going with the Sampson and Hound
for Patani and Siam, and appointing Priaman for a rendezvous,
from whence the Hollanders have advice of their strength ; they
have sent four great ships with 800 men after Jourdain, and it is
reported have taken and burnt his ships. The Hollanders possess
Jacatra and make mortal war at Bantam ; the Pengran gives fifty
ryals for the head of a Hollander ; Diego Fernandez, taken to be
one, had his head cut off. Thirty sail of Hollanders at Bantam and
Jacatra. The Pengran, relying on Capt. Jourdain's promise of
return, holds out obstinately, but will be constrained to compound
with them. Some important cause must have enforced the fleet's
stay six weeks longer than the time appointed. Sent away the
Rose to give notice of these incredible losses before the Hollanders
return, who intend sending home four or five ships this year.
Reasons for sending her home empty. Hope to meet the fleet,
otherwise must sail for Surat. The Hollanders report that the
English have taken two rich ships of theirs, equal in value to those
taken at Tecoe. Sir Thos. Dale left Bantam in extremity of sickness,
and is thought to be dead. Preparations of the Portugals and
Hollanders against the English at Surat. Have taken 1,000 ryals
belonging to Capt. Bonner, deceased, for the Company's use. Nicolls
sent to Acheen with 2,000 ryals, to excite the King against the
Hollanders and to procure trade for the English ; concerning his
accounts. Damage to their trade by transporting Guzerats with
their goods from Surat to the southwards ; it is also suspected they
carry intelligence to the Hollanders. Great want of provisions for
their ships ; have aboard the three ships 700 men, seven ships'
companies. Peter Waddon and Thos. Gasken left at Tecoe with
letters for the fleet, if they chance to come after their departure. Bad
quality of their victuals. [Four pages and a quarter. Endorsed,
"Received ye [19] of May 1620 by the Rose." O.C., Vol. VII.,
No. 821.]
Nov. 10.
Tecoe Road.
764. Wm. Kirfford, late purser in the Bear, to the East India
Company. Unfortunate success of their ships through the carelessness
and cowardice of their commanders. Sir Thos. Roe would
have taken two Holland ships at the Cape but for Barwick's false
information that the English and Flemings were agreed ; this was
also the prime cause of the loss of the four English ships ; otherwise
they might have kept company and gone to Bantam. Reasons
for the Bear putting into Priaman ; the Hollanders there told them
of all the consultations of their (English) fleet. The English ships
taken 1st Oct. Barwick entreated by two of his mates to make
preparations to escape, but would not "get his sails to yard," and
yielded his ship, "contrary to our expectation," without one stroke.
His feasting of the Flemings at the Cape and Tecoe laid all the
ships' strength open to them ; a proof of it. How he seemed to be
rather friend than foe to the Hollanders. Swears Barwick has a
great deal more now than ever he brought out of England ; he might
very well have saved all the Company's money by sending it
ashore. Banqueting and feasting among the English merchants,
Rowe and the Flemish merchants, with music, within a short time of
the taking of the English ships, as if they had been great friends.
The Flemings had fourteen chests of money in the Bear ; Barwick
might very well have saved all the Company's money by sending
it ashore. [Endorsed, "Received by the Rose, [19] May 1620."
O.C., Vol. VII., No. 822.]
Nov. 12.
765. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Saltpetre to
be procured from the East Country. John Dent referred for employment.
William Moore entertained as a factor. The Hart
launched. Richard Brag having lost two of his fingers and the use
of his hand, three of his ribs and his arms broken, and a wound in
his breast 8 inches deep, in fight with the Hollanders in the Moon,
to be employed at home. Information received that Capt. Shilling
has, contrary to Mr. Burrell's opinion, had four extra pórt-holes cut
in the London, though she has 32 ; the Flemings, finding their error,
purpose to leave off using such great shipping and to abridge their
number of ordnance ; ordered in future that no alterations be made
aboard, after the ships be finished, without the consent of this Court.
Letter read from Richard Carmarden for satisfaction concerning
Capt. Pepwell's estate. Letter received from Capt. Jourdain from
Bantam concerning Richard Brag ; allowance to be made him at the
rate of 8s. per ryal for 200 ryals of eight. Sir Thos. Roe's accounts
perused and ended, and all his expenses both ordinary and extraordinary
cast up. The Company find great good husbandry in his
expense of housekeeping, which cometh to about 250l. or 260l. a
year. "And having duly weighed his carriage and behaviour from
the beginning till this present, they esteemed him a very worthy
gent, that hath husbanded things exceedingly well, and very
moderate in his expenses, and one that by his modesty, honesty,
and integrity hath given good satisfaction." Gratuity to him of
1,500l. for his service performed, wherein they had no regard to the
future, hearing of his readiness to give assistance at any meeting
hereafter. Sir Thos. presenting himself, the Governor made known
the Company's mind, acknowledging his honesty and frugality, and
commending his care, desired him to accept of the 1,500l., which
they held too little compared with his deserts, but their small returns
pleaded partly their excuse. Sir Thos. Roe made known that he
took in good part whatsoever is given, in the meantime purposed to
think thereof, and at next Court purposeth to come and give his
thanks. Allowance to Sir Thos. for some things of his own for
presents. Great defect of drugs and surgery stuff at Bantam for
the comfort and cure of men, store to be provided for Bantam,
usual for four great ships ; also two surgeons extraordinary, one
to remain at Bantam, the other at Surat, with convenient drugs
and surgery for each factory. [Two pages. Court Bk. IV., 449-
Nov. 13.
766. Chamberlain to Carleton. Has been told by Sir Dudley
Diggs that there was no manner of mention of Chamberlain during
all the treaty, but once by Mons. Basse. Sir Dudley has cast out
speeches of their [the East India Company] neglect towards Carleton,
but found all very cold, yet he will deal further with Sir Thos. Smythe,
who is the primum mobile in all these businesses. Hears of another
East Indian ship, the Little James, having come upon the coast, but
no great brag of what she brings. [Extract from Domestic Corresp.
Jac. I., Vol. CXI., No. 16, Cal., p. 93.]
Nov. 13.
Aboard the
767. John Rowe, late master of the Expedition, to Sir Thos.
Smythe. Arrived at Acheen 4 April 1619, where they found Nicolls,
and had fair trade ; at Tecoe 7 July, where they procured trade for
two months by means of great presents. Were informed there that
Sir Thos. Dale and Capt. Pring with their fleets had gone for
Masulipatam, and Capt. Jourdain with the Sampson and Hound to
Jambi, Siam, and Patani, all promising to meet at Priaman by end
of September. No news yet received of them. News by the Bear a
few days after their arrival that the English and Dutch companies
were joined. Thinking themselves secure from the malice of the
Hollanders, the Dragon was three-fourths laden with pepper when
six Holland ships, thought to be the English fleet, "layed the
Dragon aboard, not speaking other words but 'amayne English dogs,'
with a resolution either to sink, burn, or take the other ships riding
about a mile and a half from the Dragon." A "most cruel conflict"
ensued for about an hour and a half, when the English were forced
to yield with the loss of 28 men slain and many wounded, of which
number Capt. Bonner was one, "who received a shot in the body,
which cut one of his ribs and backbone asunder, living ten days ;"
he died 11 Oct. Two of the Holland ships of great force, one with
38 and one 32 pieces of ordnance. The Bear, Expedition, and Rose
yielded without any fight at all ; the Expedition had but ten men, the
Rose fourteen, all the rest fighting in the Dragon. Barwicke, either
"out of cowardliness or sincerity of religion," yielded his ship Bear
without firing a shot, though better able to maintain fight than the
Dragon. He might have saved the fourteen chests of money by
sending them ashore. The Flemings turned them all ashore, about
270 men, among the infidels, and were taken aboard by the
Palsgrave, Elizabeth, and Hope on the 23rd Oct. Was himself
previously sent aboard the Flemings to parley with them, but clapt
fast in irons, where he remained all the time of the fight. The
Hollanders boast of this action to the country people, with further
opprobrious speech of our King and country. Report of the taking
of Capt. Jourdain and two ships at Patani by the Hollanders.
Reasons for sending the Rose home. The three ships intended for
Surat. Twelve sail of Flemings daily expected at Tecoe. Purpose
going for Acheen, In want of provisions. Thirty sail of Hollanders
at Bantam, and fifteen or sixteen in other parts. [Three pages and
a quarter. Endorsed, "Received by the Rose, 19 May 1620."
O.C., Vol. VII., No. 823.]
Nov. 15.
768. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Concerning
Capt. Pepwell's estate, and Halsey's debts to the Company. Letter
read from Sir Thos. Roe of thanks for the gratification bestowed
upon him and offers of service for the good of the Company, with
note of certain moneys in his possession in the Indies, and the sums
paid to his servants more than he received ; also for presents to the
King, Prince, and Lords, his refusal of gifts to the prejudice of the
Company, and debts he has recovered for the Company to the value
of 3,000l. "His fair carriage" commended and compared with
others who have made use of their time by private trade, and
"supposing his experience and means here have enabled him to do
the Company good service, either at Court upon occasion, or by his
advice in drawing their letters and commissions, and that there is a
kind of necessity to use his help about the new trades, it was
thought fit to have him accepted as a committee amongst the rest,
and so to reward him accordingly by giving him a present yearly
allowance to bind his presence and advice amongst them, which will
be an honour and reputation unto him, and right to the Company."
Remembering also that some about the King having lately pressed
to ruin that business of my Lord of Warwick's, and that Roe took
it wholly upon himself and told the Lords it was his own act and
he was ready to justify it, "which gave a taste what further use
there may be of his courage and service," it was resolved to give
Roe for this year ensuing until the election (in July) 200l. The
presents made by Sir Thos. Roe in the Indies allowed, and the
100l. which was laid out in plate for him at his going bestowed
upon him, "that his money disbursed for those gifts may not return
barely to him again." [Two pages. Court Bk. IV., 461-453.]
Nov. 17.
769. Sir Wm. Cokayne, Lord Mayor of London, Sir Thos. Smythe,
Governor of the East India Company, and Sir Thos. Lowe, Governor of
the Levant Company, to the Privy Council. The merchants of the
several companies are ready with their proportions of money allotted
to them, for the expedition against pirates, except the Muscovy
Company, who allege great losses, and therefore will attend the
Council. It is desired that the merchants may be authorized to
hire such merchant ships and mariners as this enterprise shall
require, and that they be not enjoined to hasten this expedition
until the King's ships be also appointed to be sent forth to
strengthen them ; and they also desire authority to collect such
moneys on exports and imports as they agree on to defray the
charges. [One page. Domestic Corresp. Jac. I., Vol. CXI., No. 27,
Cal., p. 96.]
Nov. 17.
770. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Because of the
desperate and bold attempt lately made by certain mariners in the
river, who carried away a Flemish pink from Erith, the London and
any ships that may ride there to be furnished with muskets, powder,
and shot. Swanley to be employed in the Exchange or Anne.
Complaint against the sailmakers for bad work ; some recommended
steel hemp for twine, as that which the shoemakers altogether use.
John Dent entertained a factor. Supposing Capt. Burrowes will
hardly get permission to leave the Low Countries, he being a man
so well esteemed of, it was resolved to conclude with Mr. Fitzherbert.
The son of Nicholas Seyliard refused employment. As to
the sufficiency of the Unity. [One page. Court Bk. IV., 453-454.]
Nov. 18.
771. Sir Thos. Edmondes to [Carleton]. Has not been unmindful
to cause Sir Thos. Smythe to be mannerly remembered of the error
which the East India Company have committed in having forgotten
Carleton's extraordinary care and pains in the business of the late
treaty with the States. Sir Thos. Smythe acknowledged the
Company's obligation to be very great to Carleton, and he promised
that due respect should be had of it, according to the quality of
Carleton's special merit. Has since dealt privately with Maurice
[Morris] Abbott and Mr. Bell, who assure Edmondes that it is really
intended to give Carleton very honourable contentment, as soon as
Sir Thos. Smythe's indisposition will permit. [Extract from Domestic
Correspondence, Jac. I., Vol. CXI., No. 30, Cal., p. 96.]
Nov. 19.
772. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Two barges to
be made for Bantam and Surat, on Sir Thos. Roe's advice. Concerning
the Unity, and fitting her for sea. The Bear to be made ready to
carry provisions to Bantam, including 100 tons of tar. Touching
the employment of Fitzherbert as principal of the fleet to Bantam,
on certain conditions ; Sir Thos. Roe desired to undertake the place
and charge, but he acknowledging the Company's favour and
liberality, desired a breathing time, though ready to perform any
service for them both by word and deed. Debt of Sir Wm. Russell
to the United Companies. Mr. Burrell informing that all the ships will
be launched next week, resolved to have two new ones built, between
600 and 700 tons, and no more to be built above 700 tons, as big
enough and of power sufficient against any force whatsoever. Letter
read from his Majesty to the Governor and Company, requiring
satisfaction from the Company to my Lord of Warwick for the loss of
his two ships in the Indies and the overthrow of his voyage, yet
the King acknowledged the Company had done no more than what in
justice was lawful, "notwithstanding he set this action apart by
itself, expecting the Company should be as respective as his Majesty
had been, who was pleased to remit and forgive all his part, but in
any the like actions hereafter the Company should find his gracious
favour to prosecute them with all extremity." Opinion to stand upon
their innocency as they had formerly done, when his Majesty and
the Lords had seemed well pleased, but Sir Thomas Roe and Sir
Dudley Diggs, from speeches they had heard at Court, agreed it was
not fit for the Company to recall what they had done, but to justify
themselves upon his Majesty's letters patent, as Sir Thos. Roe hath
satisfied many of the Lords. Committee appointed to answer the
messenger, and that it should be known from my Lord of Warwick
what he esteems the value of the King's moiety which hath been
bestowed upon him, and to make a final conclusion with him. Sir
Thos. Roe to be allowed to adventure 800l. in the second joint stock.
[Two pages. Court Bk. IV., 454-456.]
Nov. 20.
773. Fras. Cottington to Sec. Naunton. Eight ships of war
designed for the East Indies have long been in preparation at Cadiz,
and stayed only for mariners, which they will not want now the
fleets are come home, for they take them by force and keep them in
prison ashore till they are ready to set sail. [Extract from Corresp.
Nov. 22.
774. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Necessity for
building a barge for Surat confirmed. Sir Dudley Diggs and Sir
Thos. Roe's report of their interview with my Lord of Warwick,
who promised to set his claim down in writing. Agreement with
Mr. Fitzherbert. Steele's accounts. Demands of Tracy, agent in
Gloucestershire, in reference to the estate of his son, Wm. Tracy, a
factor in Persia, who died in the voyage. Suit of Mrs. Hudson about
freight of her goods. The fleet to be supplied with fifteen tons of
white wine, to be drunk at the Line and the Cape, which is used by
the Dutch to preserve men from the scurvy, and "will refresh the
men and scour their maws, and open and cool as well as lemon
water." [One page. Court Bk. IV., 457-458.]
Nov. 23
Dec. 9.
Aboard the
775. Aug. Spaldinge to the East India Company. Departure of
the Sampson and Hound on 13th April last "to new establish both
with men and means the almost decayed factories of Jambi, Patani,
Siam, Succadana, &c." Adam Denton, Geo. Muschampe, Mr. Wildinge,
and others going to assist. Arrest of three China junks for the
Company's debts. Evil government of the English sailors "in
drinking of their China wine and robbing of the goods," though every
man has received a month's wages gratis out of the China silks.
Letters received from Capt. Bonner and Mr. Fursland, who had gone
for Acheen with the Dragon and Expedition to procure lading on
their way to Surat ; they were at Calicut to recover the Company's
debts, but were deluded by that King and came away without anything.
Bodman, the chief actor in burning the Black Lion, hanged
at the Moon's yard-arm off Sumatra. Value of the China silks.
Sudden death of Richard Harris. Thinks worser thieves live not in
Newgate than most of the men in this fleet ; Sir Thos. Dale's favour
in allowing them to pillage at pleasure has made them worse. The
Rose despatched for Acheen to Capt. Bonner and Fursland, with
information of their present state with the Dutch and Bantam, and
the time and place appointed for their meeting ; value of the cargo.
Set sail on 28 April. Sir Thos. Dale with the Moon, Clove, Globe,
Peppercorn, Advice, and Dragon's Claw went to Engano to see what
they could recover from the Sun, but got nothing but a little of
his own plate ; he found not one Englishman alive, but some 16 or 18
of their skulls lying in a heap together. Sir Thomas killed two of
their people, burnt and cut down part of their houses and trees, and
so left the place, but the diseases our people took there and aboard
the China junks left not them until many ended this life. Between
Engano and this place eighty died in Sir Thos. Dale's fleet, whereof
of note Peter Bowers, Vice-Admiral, Nich. Ufflete, Tanfield Evans,
Joseph Ralfe, and Samuel Hazard, merchants, also Martine and
Kitchinge, masters ; Sir Thomas himself very sick, and shortly
after his arrival, on 19 July, "he departed this life in peace." Capt.
Pring left Sir Thomas with the James Royal, Gift, Unicorn, and
Bee, bound for Masulipatam ; so many died that they were obliged
to hire some 120 blacks for the ships. The Advice unable "to swim
any farther." Harris' death caused by the upsetting of a boat, when
four others were also drowned, himself and six men escaping ; Harris'
loss very great, he keeping the accounts. Beaumont, Holman, and
Jourdain, jun., the only merchants left in this fleet. Ball pretends his
time of service to be expired. Leave to build a slight house at the
Bar to land their China porcelain. Inconvenience of expecting so
long the good news of an agreement with the Dutch. Understood
from some Dutch that there is no accord, and that the Star fought
six hours with three Dutch ships, and after great loss yielded upon
composition to depart in a boat for Priaman. Three of his best
ships sent by General Peterson Coen after the President (Jourdain) ;
is sure his fleet will not be able to perform any great fights for want
of men and good munition. The Dutch aim to be sole masters
of the whole Indies, and it would seem by the small strength the
English Company have sent out for Bantam this year, in comparison
of the Dutch, that they will be, unless there be some agreement of peace
made at home. Hopes the Little James has arrived home in safety.
Unless the Company has taken order for preventing future mischiefs
of the Dutch, they may judge what will become of their East India
trade, having no place in the Indies to retire to for succour. The
whole fleet committed to the command of Capt. Pring. This place
the worst ever he came to, for keeping dishonest men in order ; they
are grown rather worse than better. Daily complaints of the
officers of the ships of want of provisions and a hundred necessaries.
No hopes of amendment ; private trade never more common ; it cannot
be helped in these troublesome times. Account of cargo shipped
from hence this year. [Written December 9th.] Have now been plentifully
replenished with fresh victuals and provisions for the sea.
Great deal of foul weather hindered their shipping the necessary
provisions and their departure. Bantam cargo, formerly provided
for Surat, and in request here, landed with that in the lesser James
from Siam and Patani. [Nine pages. Endorsed, "Received 1 Jan.
1620-1 by the Dutch White Bear." O.C., Vol. VII., No. 826.]
Nov. 24-29.
776. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Letter read
from Sir Stephen Powell on behalf of a young gentleman, a kinsman of
his wife's, desiring to have him entertained in some place fitting his
birth and position, being heir to 300l. a year in land ; have no means
of employment but only for merchants and mariners, and so dissuaded
him, but offered their best assistance if he would go to the straits,
where he may gain honour and experience. Letter from Sir Jas.
Cunningham, claiming certain moneys for dismissing his voyage to
Greenland. Mr. Stamere to be admitted a free brother. Debt of
Robt. Angell. Submission of Nicholas Withington. Capt. Shilling
found fault with for his harsh speeches and answers to some of the
Nov. 26.-Concerning the supply of Coniak (Cognac) wine for
the fleet ; Capt. Shilling and his alterations in the London ; and the
supply of bread. Capt. Watts to be entertained. Complaint of the
weight of the ordnance supplied to the shipping, "which is only for
the gunfounders' profit and gain." Eustace Man, having lately
buried his wife, to be entertained for a master. Petition of Richard
Steele, claiming allowance for eight months' service in the Indies
more than was allowed him by the committees. Request of John
Woodhouse, the preacher, to proceed in the London with Capt.
Shilling granted.
Nov. 29.-Letters from Mr. Quoitmore and Mr. Bennet from
aboard the Little James, in Scilly road, for provisions and extra
anchors, ropes, &c., the weather being most violent. Distaste against
Mr. Robinson, a general auditor. Because many things of great
moment and secrecy are already in their books and argued and
spoken of in courts, which are not fit to be made known abroad,
but to be kept private and secret, whereunto all the committees are
sworn, resolved that the general auditors and general committees
also take the oath of secrecy. Suit of Mr. Giles, who has been in all
the great actions at sea since '88, for employment. The Bear to be
sheathed, Sir Thos. Roe informing that the King of Acheen will give
any reasonable sum for such a ship. [Five pages. Court Bk. IV.,
Nov. 30.
The Hague.
777. Carleton to Chamberlain. Begs him to let Sir Dudley
Diggs know how much Carleton is beholden to him, but does not
desire he should insist any more upon that matter, "for it is not a fit
thing to be prest, neither is it likely he can now make them (the
committee of the East India Company) apprehensive of the pains
and toil it cost me here during the distractions of this state, first to
procure a resolution of sending commissioners, and next to make a
sufficient commission be despatched after them, in which point I can
call to mind that you lighted upon some part of my endeavours."
Some of the chief of the Privy Council have acknowledged the good
and seasonable office he did in this business, by which means that of
the Indies had a despatch apart ; if it had been entangled with the
rest, as some back friends to the cause endeavoured, God knows
when we should have seen an issue thereof ; but it seems they can
be well content to reap the fruits of other men's labours without
searching much who did their help or hurt them." Writes not this
by way of remonstrances, but to let Sir Dudley Diggs and himself
know what reason Carleton had to look to be remembered. Thanks
Lady Smith for her token, though he does not yet see it ; but as it
falls out the provision he has of the same kind from friends makes
him able the better to excuse the stay of it. [Extract from Holland