March 1.
609. Sir Thos. Dale to the East India Company. Knows not
whether those in a Flemish ship had the honesty to deliver his last
letters from Saldanha. Narrow escape of himself and the President
from drowning at Penguin island, where they landed for refreshment ;
one boat cast away and twelve men lost. A Portugal galleon
taken, but, having nothing in her profitable for the Company, was let
go. Met with the Portugal Admiral carac, of 1,600 tons and 800
men, exceedingly richly laden ; preparations for a fight, but a parley
desired by the Portugals, and after 20 days' treaty received 70,000
dollars for the East India Company, and 10,000 dollars for the men
in the fleet, by way of restitution in part for former losses by their
nation, and so they parted without bloodshed. Death of Captain
Parker, 24 September. Loss of the Sun, 15 November, wherein he
lost all that he had to his shirt, he and the President both recovering
from sickness at the time ; arrived at Bantam 19 November ; Capt.
Pring's fleet there. Resolution in Council to make war against the
Dutch for satisfaction of their former losses. Seizure of the Black
Lion, very richly laden, without the loss of a man. Account of a
fight with the Dutch fleet of seven ships on 23 December, the
English having eleven, whereof the Black Lion was one, the Peppercorn,
fully laden, another, and the Thomas, fitted as a fire-ship, the
third, but five of the Dutch fought, "the more shame for some
of them." It lasted from eleven till three, "a cruel bloody fight ;"
3,000 great shot fired ; many men maimed and slain on both sides,
but the Dutch had four times as many slain and maimed as the
English ; three of the Dutch ships reported to be sunk ; knows not
how true it is, but is sure they were soundly banged. Next night
both fleets came to anchor in sight of each other, but the Dutch
having the wind, began not with them. It was their ill fortune to
discover three English ships out at sea from Bantam ; waited for
them to join the fleet. The Dutch made off to the eastwards for
Banda ; did not imagine they would have run away from their
people at Jacatra as they did, "and so by this means we lost them,
which troubled me very much, for if our three ships had not come
in sight that morning, they had never gotten away from us, which
was a great hindrance to our proceedings to the Moluccas." Roger
Dale died of his wounds in this fight, his leg shot off. Chased the
Dutch fleet through the Bay of Jacatra in sight of all the Javas,
to whom formerly they had made their great brags, night overtaking
them anchored near Jacatra. Order for the Black Lion to
unload the next day. The same morning about 2 o'clock three or
four drunken rogues broke open her hold and went to steal
"rackapée," and, as they were drawing it, set some that was spilt on
fire, and so fired the ship. Amazed at the accident, they stole out of
the hold and covered the scuttle, and some fell to breaking open the
chests while the ship was on fire about their ears and impossible to
be quenched, "and so they consumed all that wealth in her, an
unfortunate accident." Despatched the Francis to relieve the
English fort at Pooloroon and encourage them to hold it against
the Dutch. The Great James, Advice, and Owl joined them on
28th Dec. (?) Went on shore (at Jacatra) next day to make articles
of agreement with the King for their abode there, on condition of
assisting him and delivering the Fort Royal of the Dutch into his
hands, which the King of Bantam for his sake had many times
entreated the English to do. Articles agreed on, concerning the
taking of the Dutch Fort Royal. Ships under Capt. Pring despatched
to the straits of Sunda to chase six Dutch ships and keep
them from refreshing their men, "the which was speedily effected."
Conditions of surrender of the Dutch fort. The King of Jacatra
to share the goods, ordnance, munition, &c. with the English, and
the 360 Flemings to be taken under the protection of the English,
guarded from the treacherous Javas, and afterwards shipped for the
coast of Coromandel on payment of 2,000 dollars and taking an
oath not to serve against the English until November next ; the
castle to be delivered into the King of Jacatra's hands. Liberated
two English merchants who were in irons ; twelve of the principal
Dutchmen hostages on board his ship. Demand of the Pengran of
Bantam for deliverance of seven prisoners, treacherously taken by
the King of Jacatra, "by which means we were not able to keep
our former contract with the Dutch." Conference with the Dutch
and King of Bantam concerning the surrender of the castle, "but
in truth meaning nothing." Came to Bantam Road with the rest
of the English fleet, where they met Capt. Pring and his fleet.
Dogged disposition of the Pengran to the English. Resolution at a
Council to leave Bantam ; all the Company's moneys and goods
shipped aboard within one week, but could not be so closely done
but that the Pengran took notice of it, yet never sent to them.
Fair promises still held out by the Dutch at Bantam, that the fort
at Jacatra should be given up to the Pengran, but after nightly
fortifying and daily getting in fresh supplies, they told the King
of Bantam the castle was their master's. The King beginning to
see himself gulled of so much wealth and lose both Jacatra and
Bantam, if the Dutch held their castle no power could beat them
out, made overtures to Dale, "but he [the King] is so perfidious that
there is no trust to be given to anything he promises by word or
deed, which makes us we dare not trust him."
March 15. Account of things sent home in the Little James to his
wife, some of Japan ware. Should be glad to hear how Virginia
prospers and his (Dale's) business goes forward there. Begs him to
tell his wife that John Poll was drowned at the Cape, and the youth
Sir William Padye "put to me" and Stephen Pert. Roger Dale
was slain in fight with the Flemings. Has only of his servants
living Robt. Owen and his nephew, Henry Fusdyck ; Smythe's
cousin Tracye died in Persia. [Fourteen pages. O.C., Vol. VI.,
No. 767.]
March 2.
610. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Letter read
from Bantam, of 14 July last, from Rowland Quoitmore, master of
the James Royal, to his wife, with news of their arrival there 19 June,
having left Surat 12 March previously. Death of Wm. Wilson, the
cooper, and of Nath. Salmon, 9 April. Petition of Robert White,
master's mate in the Bull, about freight of his goods. Letter from
my Lord of Buckingham in favour of his servant Cannon about Sir
Henry Middleton's goods, the propriety being in the children and
not in the woman. Timber to be borrowed out of the King's yard
by reason of the Company's building four new ships. Letters read
from the Lord Chancellor from York House in favour of Finch's suit
concerning Gourney's goods ; also from the Lords about advancing
part of the money promised against the pirates ; opinion that the
Company are best able to husband their own affairs, and that being
granted, to set forth their own ships, and that "if those moneys
should be directed another way, and not against the pirates, they
supposed they should be exclaimed of and cried out against." Committee
to attend Mr. Chancellor with said answer. Petitions of
Anthony Morbeck and Wm. Younge, who went forth in Lord Rich's
ship and returned in the Bull, for recompence for their service for
the Company ; of John Boyde and John Palmer, sailors, for
relief for their losses by the burning of the [Black] Lion ; and of Mary,
widow of Peter Burton, to receive her husband's means, without
taking out letters of administration. [One page and three quarters.
Court Bk. IV., 304-306.]
March 3.
Aboard the
New Year's Gift
Bantam Road.
611. Anthony Finche, purser, to the East India Company. Promotions
in the ship in consequence of great mortality ; Capt. Salmon
and Philip Cr[e?]we among those deceased ; John Hatch, master of
the Bee, placed commander and himself the purser. Riding in Acheen
Road in May 1618, found the books in a most imperfect state, which
John Hatch, John Beamont, and Michael Holman will testify. Reasons
for his inability to send home his accounts. Presents given to
Wm. Nicolls for the King of Tiku, to procure trade there either for
a year or six months, but could no longer be procured, so they took
everything on board, and dissolved the factory. Hear since their
arrival at Bantam that the Flemings have had the trade granted
them. Nicolls suspected of giving them assistance. The loss of
Tiku will be a hindrance to the sale of cloth, as well as other things.
Loss of the Admiral [ship Sun], and death of seventy-seven men,
some from the Lion and the Francis. [One page and a half.
Endorsed, "In this ship seventy-seven men dead. Wm. Nicolls suspected."
O.C., Vol. VI., No. 770.]
March 4.
612. Isaac Crowther, steward in the Moon, to Sir Thos. Smythe.
Account of provisions consumed on board the Moon, and those
remaining, three hundred men having been aboard for a month
together at once. [One page. O.C. Vol. VI. No. 771.]
March 5.
613. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Inquiry of
Capt. Adams as to the services of Anthony Morbeck and William
Younge. Suit of the brother of Edward Langley, factor, deceased,
for his goods. Five new ships to be built, two of 300 tons, "very
good warlike ships," for Jask or Surat. Timber from Ireland. Virginia
wheat, called maize, much commended for an excellent strong
meat and hearty for men at sea, and more wholesome than beef ; the
Virginia Company to be desired to procure some for trial by the
next shipping. Fifty pounds to be paid to Mr. Giles for burning
logwood. Wages of John Cooke. Carpets from Surat found to be
somewhat dear. Petition of John and Elizabeth, children of John
Averill, taken in the Defence in the Moluccas, and supposed to he
since dead, for relief. [Two pages. Court Bk. IV., 306-308.]
March 5.
Jacatra Road.
614. John Jourdain to his uncle, Capt. John Jourdain, at
Bantam. Departure of Sir Thos. Dale hence eastward in his own
ship the Moon, with the Hound, Bee, and Rose, to try and meet
with the Flemings, who were reported to be cast away. Arrival of
the prow from Bantam with the purser of the Peppercorn. Their
ships want good employment, for they are now very idle. [Quarter
of a page. O.C., Vol. VI., No. 772.]
March 6.
615. Sir Thos. Wynne to Carleton. The English and Dutch
Commissioners absolutely dissevered ; Bas, Boreel, and Vanderdussen,
all Armenians, thought to be the principal occasioners. They
would have pre-eminence, not only in the Moluccas, but in all other
places where they are not planted. [Extract from Domestic Corresp.
Jac. I., Vol. CVII., No. 9, Cal., p. 21.]
March 9.
616. Marquis of Buckingham to Carleton. Doubts not but he
has long since heard from the States Commissioners what their treatment
has been, wherein Buckingham assures himself they cannot
justly complain of any want of courtesy. Had a special care to
show some particular respect to Mr. Gogh, because of Carleton's
testimony of his affection to his Majesty's state and subjects. The
King will well consider the project for the new Company before
any resolution be taken in it. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
March 9.
617. Court Minutes of the East India Company. John Averill
placed with Wm. Townsend, cooper, at the Company's expense. Langley's
business ; his brother's will not yet proved ; the Company will
consent to nothing until it is. Gratuity to Adam Bowen for drawing
13 several plots of Surat, Jask, and other parts in the Indies, and
writing three journals of Capt. Pring, with directions how to use
them. Capt. Pepwell's goods to be sold ; abuses committed by him
in taking a junk at Surat, &c. Gratuities to John Boyd and John
Palmer. Petition of Hugh Emerye about payment of his imprest
money. Allowance of 400l. or 500l. per annum to Giles Martyn,
for procuring coral from Marseilles, Leghorn, &c, if he employ
30,000l. for the Company. [One page and a half. Court Bk. IV.,
March 9.
618. John Smelte to the East India Company. Wm. Evans and
himself were kept in irons 45 days by the Hollanders. During his
imprisonment at Jacatra they pillaged and then burnt the English
house there ; his losses were to the value of 400 ryals. Concerning
the stay of a Chinese junk in May 1618 by Capt. Ball's orders ; the
death of John Bindon at Jacatra in October last, and the money
found in his chest. [One page. Endorsed, "Received 6 Nov. 1619
by the Little James." O.C., Vol. VI., No. 773.]
March 10/20.
619. W. Trumbull to Carleton. It were a happy turn if our
treaty were ended about the East India trade before the return of
the Spanish ambassador. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
March 11/21.
620. Alvaro - to Mestre Ceres [Edmund Sayer]. Requests
his good offices for Antonio Peres, who he wishes to employ respecting
a consignment to Cochin China. [Portuguese. One page. O.C.,
Vol. VI., No. 774.]
March ?
621. Germo de Varreda. Instructions and authority to Maestre
Ses [Edmund Sayer] to trade for him in the place of Antonio Peres,
should anything happen to the latter. [Portuguese. One page.
O.C., Vol VI., No. 775.]
March 12.
622. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Concerning
Martin's allowance for his employment about the coral. Petition
read of Christopher Boddam, Thos. Owen, Richard Rist, Richard
Fowkes, John White, John Day, Thos. Faulkner, Abraham Hillwill,
Edward Joye, and Bartholomew Grove, complaining of want of
necessaries on board the Bull. Capt. Adams proved they fared
no worse than himself, and that Boddam had been mutinous and
punished ; Committee appointed touching the business. Proceedings
of the Committee at Deptford and Blackwall. Request of the Virginia
Company to borrow four minions ; acknowledge they owe four
Minutes of a General Court. Sale of commodities from the East
Indies with names of the purchasers and the prices ; also of about
1,000 weight of tobacco from the Somers Islands, at 6s. per lb.
[Five pages and a half. Court Bk. IV., 309-314.]
March 12.
623. George Muschamp to the East India Company. His last
was of 12 July 1617 from Pooloroon by Walter Stacye, with
relation of their miserable and unfortunate voyage to Banda ; the
surprise of the Swan by the Hollanders, the loss of the Great Defence,
which was carried to Neira Road, and there detained by the Hollanders,
and the lawful surrender of the islands of Pooloroon, Pooloway,
Rosingyn, and Waye (Ay), signed and acknowledged by the country
people, with other occurrences. Since then Courthope, Muschamp,
and thirty-two men have kept possession of Pooloroon, enduring
much want and misery in the hope of relief to maintain the
surrender and settle upon the island of Lantar. This island the
country people desired to surrender on the same terms as the others,
not to trade with any other nation but the English. Feigned league
of the people with the Hollanders. Their hopes frustrated by the
late coming of the English ships from Bantam. Fight between the
Solomon and Attendance and three Holland ships from two till eight
o'clock p.m. Base conduct of Cassarian David, who struck his flag
and surrendered to the Dutch. Details of the Dutch taking possession ;
their disgraceful conduct, treading upon the English colours and
speaking in contemptuous terms of England and her King. The
Dutch dared not attack the English fort at Neira, but attempted
Lantar 2 June 1618 with 700 men, but were repulsed by the
country people with the loss of about thirty killed and wounded.
The Bandanese hardened against the Dutch, and vow unless they be
relieved from them they will abandon their islands and destroy their
fruits. Are determined to stay until the next westerly monsoon ;
have only rice and rain-water for their sustenance both in health
and sickness. Commendations of Courthope. Left for Bantam
2 Aug. 1618 by Courthope's orders. Determination of Sir Thomas
Dale to assist them at Pooloroon with the fleet, but "other occasions
detained them." Miserable state of the poor men at Pooloroon ;
hazard of losing that hopeful trade. Letters sent from Pooloway
from the English prisoners there ; tyrannical conduct of the Dutch ;
the English kept in irons and their diet bad and scarce. [Three
pages. Endorsed, "Received 6 Nov. 1619 by the Little James."
O.C., Vol. VI., No. 776.]
March 12.
624. Kerridge Biddulphe, Rastell, and James to the East India
Company. Wrote by the Royal Ann, which departed hence the
16 ult., and now write overland by a Surat junk for Mocha. The
Dragon, Lion, and Expedition, under Capt. Bonner, arrived at Surat
20 Sept. last. Disposal of the goods consigned hither. Advice
concerning cloth and the colours most fit for sale. The elephants'
teeth intended for Ahmedabad seized by the customer for the Prince,
and the merchant refusing to share with him, they are still detained ;
care should be had to their soundness and size, &c. Not sufficient
lead ; the Expedition landed all she had at Jask. Their endeavours
to improve the prices prevented by the customer. Half the tin has
been sent for Persia, and the rest landed and sold ; larger quantities,
60 chests, may be sent for the supply of Surat and Persia. Sudden
sale of all the coral from Capt. Pring's fleet ; yearly supply of 60, 70,
or 100 chests of unpolished required. A hundred or a hundred and
fifty skins a sufficient annual supply for Surat. Amber and coral
beads not in so much request. The base prices given for quicksilver
and vermilion. The sale of sword-blades, knives, glass ware, strong
waters, and the like yields little profit, but are fit for presents.
Supplies of morse teeth, cochineal, pearls, enamel, gloves, and bone
lace may be refrained from altogether. Camlets, mohairs, or the
like from Turkey not profitable, these people bringing them from
Mocha much cheaper. No reason to encourage a second supply of
tapestry, gold lace, spangles, mercery ware and embroideries,
pictures, &c., except satin, which is useful for garments. Sir Thomas
Roe conditions with "these chiefs" concerning the goods : those
liked to be delivered to the appointed agent to carry to the Court for
sale ; great inconveniences caused through this pretence of reserving
them only for his first sight. Detention of Biddulphe to the hindrance
of the Court affairs, the sale of the goods and investing the proceeds.
The opportunity of a general reformation of their grievances and
satisfaction of the Company's debts abroad omitted through the King's
departure for Agra, and will never again be obtained. Of the bullion
which arrived in the fleet three chests were sent for Persia, the rest
landed at Surat. Employment of the Royal Ann in the Red Sea ; on
her return the Expedition was sent to Persia. Amount of bullion,
specie, and English and Indian commodities taken by the Expedition,
which arrived at Jask 22 November, where the factors were expecting
her with seventy-one bales of silk provided last year. On
her way the Expedition surprised two Portugal ships laden with
commodities from Goa to Ormuz, estimated, besides the vessels,
"which are very useful for your occasions," to be worth some 2,000l.
or 3,000l. sterling. Find encouragement for the sale of sundry
English commodities in Persia, but, hope further conditions will be
proposed for the Company's trade before a large supply is furnished.
The Royal Ann, from which much more was expected, had not such
success as the Expedition ; the captain and factors of different
opinions as to the construction of Sir Thomas Roe's orders and
intent. Opinion of Joseph Salbancke, who went up to the Bashaw
at Sana, of the sale of cloth there ; both Indian and southern commodities
will satisfy their desires and yield the Company "contented
profit." Certified the Company by the 13 ult., the conditions of
their residence at Surat ; they have received but poor remedy of
former injuries, and have suffered many others since. The mean grace
in which Sir Thomas Roe stood with his King and Prince ; after
three years' attendance, at his departure he could not by earnest
intercession procure the gift of a house or ground, or licence to build
a habitation, or so much as continue them in this, whence (their
time nearly expired) they shortly expect to be removed. Difficulties
of finding another; these chiefs will not allow them to have any near
the water-side, and in the inner part of the town there is not any
either strong or convenient enough, except those belonging to
Banians, who will not let them ; so where to be accommodated as yet
they know not. Debts at Court and terms of his Lordship's licence ;
his capitulations refused ; the fruits of the phirmaunds granted by the
King and Prince may be seen in the detention of the Company's
goods these six months in the custom-house, and themselves dwelling
on every trivial humour subject to change. Another phirmaund
granted by the Prince to as little purpose as the former. Roe's proposal
to detain the pinks next year. The debts unlikely to be soon
recovered; "these are a people that curbed will be brought to any
reason, and if suffered in their own ways grow insolent and insupportable ;"
and this is exercised not so much on the Portugals that
encroach so much on them and permit none of their ships to sail
without licence, and even forced the Gogo pink appertaining to the
beloved Queen to pay custom to the port of Diu (an ancient duty).
Account of the Company's "caphila" from Agra, being set upon
and robbed while standing on some unjust tolls or exaction ; of this
they have complained to the governor and chiefs, but fear the Lord
of that place, "who is of the chief nobility," is the guilty person, and
they dare not inform against him, and so "our relief is delayed."
Presents given by Sir Thomas Roe during his residence to the
King, the Prince, their ministers and officers, some of whom never
till then received any, "who now will make it a custom, or cause
your greater prejudice." Lading of the Lion, intended to be sent
home next year. Touching supplies for the Agra factory consequent
on the long detention of the Company's fine commodities in the
custom-house. Goods laden upon the Royal Ann, besides the
Persian silk. Roe returns in her, and takes with him in a sealed
box, accounts, letters, registers, invoices, and other writings from the
Surat and Agra factories ; others distrusting that conveyance have
delivered theirs to Captain Shilling, master of the ship. Gabriel
Towerson, the wife of Richard Steele, and Mrs. Hudson also go with
Sir Thomas. Goods and specie on board the Dragon and Expedition
for the coast of Sumatra. The reception last year at Mocha caused
them to resolve on a further overture of trade there. Lading of the
Lion for that place ; she will be returned next year for England.
Breach between the Portugals and a people some twenty leagues to
the southward of Goa that are "Malabar gentiles ;" their country
is called Batacala [Battecollah] ; a frigate of war sent by them to
the English ships in the name of their Prince with proffer of a trade
in pepper and other spices ; measures taken to prevent any treachery.
The Dutch at Masulipatam have divulged the removal of the English
from Tiku and their own purchase of trade there for two years ; if so,
doubt not but that the Dragon may reprocure it. The Company's
factories all in health. The plague increases in Agra. The King at
Fettipoore [Futtehpoor], within twelve coss of Agra. No supply from
Bantam this year from the Masulipatam factory. This letter sent by
the junk of Surat express to Mocha, from thence to be sent express to
Alexandria, and conveyed either by the Venetian or French consul.
It should arrive before the Royal Ann, but distrusting the consul's
fidelity, a great part of this letter has been written "in characters."
March 13.-Postscript. A messenger this instant arrived from Goa
with news of the dispatch of the Portugal fleet of five ships, three of
which have returned laden for Lisbon, and the other two galleons
intend joining the three newly-built ships and other vessels in order
to possess the road of Swalley before the arrival of the English fleet,
so as to prevent their next year's trade. Good strength requisite to
prevent this. Hope the Company will not continually rely on the
small strength sent last time. The Lion warned of this news.
[PARTLY IN CIPHER. Endorsed, "Sent by ye waie of ye Red Sea,
dated, being coppie of one of ye same date receaved by ye Bull, 1619.
Receaved 1 of January 1620[-1] overland by Marseilles or Venice.
Fourteen pages and a half. O.C., Vol. VI., No. 777.]
March. 15.
The Unicorn,
Bantam Road.
625. John Silver to the East India Company. Has served the
Company three years in the country as a cooper In want of pipes
and staves, with punches, chisels, rivets, and other tools which are not
to be had at Bantam. [One page. "By the Little James." O.C.,
Vol. VI., No. 778.]
March ?
626. Report on the sufficiency of the Little James for a voyage
to England. [One page. O.C., Vol. VI., No. 786.]
March 15.
Bantam Road.
627. Thos. Batten to Sir Thos. Smythe. In behalf of "a poor
son of mine" to be admitted into Sir Thomas' service. Has reposed
trust in one Mr. Blomaly to attend his pleasure. [Half a page.
O.C., Vol. VI., No. 779.]
March 16.
Aboard the
628. John Jourdain to Sir Thos. Dale aboard the Moon.
Understood from his letters from Jacatra that he would be here
with as much speed as possible ; will attend his coming in the
straits, as they wish to see him before the departure of the Little
James. [Half a page. O.C., Vol VI., No. 781+1.]
March ?
629. Sir Thos. Dale's commission to Captain Rowland Coytmore
to be chief commander of the Lesser James, homeward bound ; in the
event of his death to Walter Bennett, master of the ship, and afterwards
to John Totten. [Half a page. O.C., Vol. VI., No. 780.]
March ?
630. Schedule of inventories, bills of sale, books, accounts,
writings, and letters sent in the Lesser James. These include the
wills of Raphe Coppindall, Henry Eltonhead, purser of the Hound,
William Baskerfield, Myles Booth, John Moore, Wm. Stonywell, and
papers of Henry Langton, surgeon, Geo. Barkeley, Edward Wilmot,
Richard Cocks, Wm. Methwold, and Jac. Peterson. [One page.
O.C., Vol. VI., No. 781.]
March 16.
631. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Letter read
from Thos. Brockedon aboard the Palsgrave in the Downs, giving
notice of the ships there, where they remain for want of wind ; also
letter from Walter Mountford from Deal touching the great expense
of fresh provisions. Edlyn's books of accounts to be called in.
Concerning the payment of workmen at Blackwall and Deptford and
the employment of Robt. Young and Atkinson. Negligence of
Henry Daniel, purser of the Charles. Boddam and Owen to be
punished for mutinous conduct on board the Bull. Proclamation
read, which had been published in Ireland by the Lord Deputy, concerning
Milton's patent for prohibiting the exportation of timber or
pipe staves from Ireland ; the Company finding it very prejudicial to
them, the Governor desired to see the commissioners of the navy
thereon. Suit of Jane, wife of - Martyn, armourer in the East
Indies, for the admission of one of her children into Christ's Hospital ;
wishing to relieve her poor condition, the Governor and some others
underwrote the petition "to see what effect it would work."
About obtaining a lease of the ground at Blackwall directly from
Lord Wentworth. [Three pages. Court Bk. IV., 315-318.]
March 16.
632. Sir Gerard Herbert to Carleton. The States Commissioners
breaking off discontented from the business they came for, gave out
they meant to return presently, but received a kind message by the
Lord Chamberlain from the King, which much comforted them.
They sat anew yesterday with the King's commissioners, so that it is
hoped the business will be well agreed on. The Lord Chamberlain
is a noble friend to the States Commissioners. [Extract from
Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CVII., No. 37, Cal., p. 25.]
March 17.
633. Sir Thos. Edmondes to [Carleton]. Can give but small
hope of the treaty with the Dutch commissioners being brought to
any good issue. Having passed over the point of reparation, the
English commissioners fell upon a proposition for joining the stocks
of the two companies, but the Hollanders pretending that theirs was
much the greater would allow the English so little part of the trade,
their first proposition was only a fourth, that another expedient was
found out ; the trade of the Indies to be free and equal to both
Companies, excepting the places possessed by the Hollanders alone,
especially the Moluccas. The English commissioners willing to
accept one-third of the trade of those places, but the Dutch commissioners
could never be brought to consent in writing, alleging
that they were not authorized to do so by their commission. Then
the English consented to join the Dutch in a course of mutual
defence, and to share half the burthen, which before the Dutch bare
alone, demanding as a recompence one-half of the pepper trade, but
that condition was directly refused, so that further conference has
since been a good while broken off. [Extract from Domestic
Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CVII., No. 38, Cal., p. 25.]
March 18.
Island of
634. Remonstrance of Cassarian David, Bartholomew Churchman,
and George Pettus to the Dutch Commander. "Consideration
in things of difficulty is requisite, and therefore more requisite in
this our unchristian-like misery ; but because this hath been but
slightly respected, we are therefore resolved at present to tell you of
all your perfidiousness." Gripp and his confederates, who surprised
the English ships and vowed not to touch life or goods, forsworn.
Their pagan-like usage at Pooloway by that cruel man Lawrence
Riall, being kept in misery with stinking water, and rice half full of
stones and dirt, not able to keep life and soul together ; had not
free access to them been granted to the English at Pooloroon, they
had all, ere this, been in their graves. Now, again, their misery is
thrice doubled ; their base usage, and want of sustenance ; chained
up like so many dogs, and left to lie in the rains and storms all
night without shelter ; even the Dutch Commander's hogs lie better
and drier than the remonstrants. The Dutchmen taken in the
Black Lion were used like men ; the remonstrants like the most
abject of the world. Do not certify thus much by way of entreaty,
for that were in vain ; but that it may be known their lives are in
danger by these cruel dealings, and that they never look to come
alive out of the Dutchmen's hands, for manifestly the Dutch seek to
take their liyes. [One page and a half. Endorsed, "The copy of
a bill of grievances endured by the English under the tyranny of
the Dutch in the East Indies, as it was written and sent unto
Capt. Wm. Johnson, in the Angel" O.C., Vol. VI., No. 783.]
March 19.
635. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Clifton's contracts
to be examined. Resolution to oppose Milton's patent and to
procure that no timber be carried put of Ireland but in English bottoms,
or else no timber to be sold but to his Majesty's subjects.
Names of some of the Muscovy adventurers who have not paid in
their adventures, and are to be applied to for payment by the members
of the committee also named, with the amount due. Norton's
amount remitted, his wife having written for it without his consent.
Difference between Ward, a goldsmith, and Atkinson. Letter read
from Wm. Finch, concerning the payment of money due to him
under the will of John Gourney, whose executor he is, to Sir
Wm. Garway and his son William, to whom Finch is greatly
Minutes of a General Court. Sale of commodities from the
Indies, with names of purchasers and the prices. [Three pages and
three quarters. Court Bk. IV., 318-321.]
March 19.
[The Hague.]
636. Carleton to Sec. Naunton. Concerning M. de Boisise and
two French ships taken by the [Dutch] East India Company about
Bantam, and the goods confiscated. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
March 19.
The Hague.
637. Carleton to Chamberlain. Complaint of M. de Boisise of
the taking of two French ships near Bantam ; his demand of satisfaction
by an express audience. Two of the deputies of the East
India Company expected [daily from England] to relate what has
passed in the treaty in England, which, if it be not the sooner
dispatched, is like to find before long much opposition, because both
France and Spain, from whence ambassadors are going to England,
join in hindering the conjunction of our companies. [Extract from
Holland Corresp.]
March 19.
Aboard the
Bantam Road.
638. John Jourdain to Richard Hunt, master of the Clove.
Understands that he has not heard from the General [Sir T. Dale]
since his departure, which he much wonders at. If no news be
received from Sir Thomas by Friday next [the 26th), the Little
James is to sail. Has sent this, prow purposely for certain letters
Jourdain delivered to Samuel Hazard to be copied out, but which
he has detained idly in his hands. [One page. O.C., Vol. VI.,
No. 782.]
March 20.
639. Abraham Williams to Carleton. The States Commissioners
do nothing, but intend to refer themselves wholly to the King, who
says he will end the business between them for the proceedings in
the Indies ; they complain very much of the waywardness of the
English merchants, who, as the Dutch say, will yield to no reason.
[Extract from Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CVII., No. 44, Cal.,
p. 26.]
March 20.
The Hague.
640. Carleton to Sec. Naunton. Some of the deputies of the
East India Company daily expected from England to make report
of their treaty. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
March 20.
The Hague.
641. Carleton to Buckingham. Good report from the States
Commissioners to their masters, of their courteous usage ; testimony
from Mons. Gogh in particular of the effects of Carleton's recommendation.
[Extract from Holland Corresp.]
March 23.
642. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Report of Sir
Thos. Lowe and the other arbitrators in the case between Scott and
the Company. Those of the Muscovy Company to be again urged
to pay in their adventures. Abuses at Deptford to be examined ;
about John Lamprier and Robt. Smith. Justinian, son of Thos. Offley,
merchant, to be employed. Petition of Christopher Greene, who
went out surgeon to Sir Thos. Roe, about his goods brought home.
[Two pages and a half. Court Bk. IV., 322-324.]
March 23,
Aboard the
James Royal,
near the isle of
Becie, in the
straits of
643. Captain Martin Pring to the East India Company. Encloses
copy of his last by the Bull [see ante, No. 302.] Sailed
southward along the coast, anchored in the Bay of Brinjaun [in
Travancore], where Capt. Best in the Dragon took in refreshments ;
goats bought for a ryal apiece, four hens for a Spanish shilling.
Presents to the Governor, but his attempts to extort resisted. Death
of Nath. Salmon, master of the New Year's Gift, 10 April 1618.
The Bee despatched 14 April for Masulipatam to supply that factory
with money ; the Gift for Acheen, Tiku, and Priaman ; four days
after, the writer in the James Royal for Bantam, with the Francis
and the Portugal prize in company. The Francis leaky and unserviceable.
Arrived at Bantam 19 June, and a small pinnace bought
of the French, named the François ; the Hound and the Advice
there. The Pengran highly incensed, and refused to see Ball for
arresting a Chinese junk. Arrival of the Rose from Succadana
on 6 July, with a small parcel of diamonds. The François sent
to Jambi to supply the factory. Orders given by the Pengran to
Kewee to commence building the English house, but in less than
a week Kewee was put in irons purposely to delay the time,
thinking thereby to procure another bribe. "And this hath been
the manner of his dealing with the English from time to time,
being (as I conceived) bribed by the Dutch to cross us in all our
proceedings." The Hound despatched for Jambi 20 Aug., the Rose
to Priaman 25th, and on the 27th Pring with the James Royal and
the Advice sailed for Jacatra to treat with the King there, for the
continuance of a factory and building a house. Arrived 2 Sept. ;
found six Dutch ships in the mouth of the bay, and three in the
road. His presents to the King kindly received ; began to move
him touching their longer abode in this country which he seemed cheerfully
to embrace. The Dutch so strongly fortified in their house, that
the King knew not how to root them out without assistance of the English.
"We made choice of this time to capitulate with the King, for now
was the only time for us to work, when the country people did generally
hate them." Advice from Japara that the King had taken the
Dutch godong with all her money and goods, put some of the
merchants to death, and the rest in irons. Arrival of the Bee from
Bantam in September [1618] with Capt. Ball, Rich. Wickham,
[Nic.] Ufflete, and others. Their interview with the King of Jacatra
for his resolution concerning their stay or departure from his country ;
his exorbitant demands for the privilege of their trading and a
plot of ground. Arrival of the Dutch ship Angel from Amboyna
with cloves and nutmegs ; also of the Gift, at Bantam, from Acheen ;
on her way she stopped at Tiku, brought away the English merchants,
and dissolved the English factory. Concluded with the King of
Jacatra to pay 1,500 ryals for a plot of ground, and 700 ryals per
annum for free trade. Arrival at Jacatra of Rich. Bishop from
Japara ; desire of the Mataram for the English to establish a factory
in his country ; Ball's answer, that it should be so, if he would
utterly exclude the Dutch, but not otherwise. Bishop brought
letters from English prisoners in the Moluccas. Certain information
that the Dutch had taken four English ships, and "keep our people in
chains like slaves ; thus have they requited the love of the English,
who have spilt so much of their own blood to keep them from slavery.
These boorish Netherlanders are now grown to that height of pride
and arrogancy that they deceive all nations in respect of themselves."
Visit of the King of Jacatra, the Prince, and the greatest part of the
nobility to the James Royal ; their "no little admiration" of it. Opportune
arrival of the Gift, Unicorn, and Bee ; plot of the Dutch to
take the James Royal. Arrived with the James Royal, Gift,
[Unicorn] and Bee at Bantam 22 Oct. Found the Thomas, Hawkeridge
master, from Ternate, with about 40 pecul of cloves, having,
through the Governor's friendship, narrowly escaped the Flemings.
Return of the Rose from Tiku with news of the dissolving of the
English factory there, and the establishment of a Dutch factory by
order of the King of Acheen. Arrival of Sir Thos. Dale's fleet ;
the Sun struck upon the rocks of Engano. Capture of the Dutch
ship Black Lion "without any blows ;" she came from Patani, and
was laden with rice, pepper, and other commodities. Message of the
Dutch President to the English President, to know the reason of her
arrest ; "before he received our answer he shot at our house at
Jacatra." Reception of some twenty Portuguese who had escaped
from the Dutch at Jacatra ; from them the strength of the Dutch there
was ascertained. Departure of eleven English ships to assault the
Dutch at Jacatra, 19 Dec. Details of their manœuvres. When
within sight of the Dutch fleet, Sir Thos. Dale began the fight
with the Sun, of Holland. It continued about three hours, in
which time the English shot above 1,200 great shot from six ships.
Chased the Dutch the next day through the Bay of Jacatra, in sight
of their castle. Dec. 28, about 3 a.m., the Black Lion was set on
fire by the wretched carelessness of three wicked fellows, and burnt
to the water's edge. The President ashore, with John Jackson, to
view the fortifications ; death of Jackson, whose leg was shot off.
Arrival of the James Royal, Advice, and the Prize from Bantam.
Conditions on which the English agreed to assist the King of Jacatra
to take the Dutch fort. Return of. Capt. Pring to Bantam with
six ships. Conditions on which the Dutch agreed to surrender
their castle at Jacatra to the English ; but the King failed to keep his
promise, and the English abandoned the siege. Resolution in Council,
in consequence of the Pengran of Bantam's base usage, to ship
all the goods and merchants at Bantam, and so leave but a few to
take care of the house there. Chase of four Dutch ships and fight
with them for an hour and a half, when "they grew so weary of
their presumptuous attempt, that the Admiral first of all betook him
to his heels, and the rest every one his way, for every way that led
them from us seemed choice unto them." Return of the English
fleet to Bantam ; the skipper of the [Dutch] Black Lion, who was
present at the fight, put ashore to contradict the "abominable lies"
of the Dutch merchants, that the English had been beaten. News of
the casting away of two of the Dutch ships before Jacatra. Arrival
of Mr. Powle from Jacatra 4 March, with news that Sir Thos. Dale
had gone eastward. An intention of some of the sailors to have
mutinied discovered, and five of the chief offenders whipped. Difficulty
of governing this irregular and almost incorrigible scum of
rascals, whom the land hath ejected for their wicked lives and
ungodly behaviour. "Our misery is that we so often see the proverb
fulfilled, which is if they be good for nothing send them to the
East Indies." It were to be wished that your worships would not
lend so free and gentle ears unto the unreasonable requests of many
who think they have made an East Indian voyage if they lose an
ungracious and disobedient son or an unruly depending kinsman.'
Complains likewise of the semi nautœ, or rather seeming seamen,"
"who cannot want entertainment if they know what point of the
compass is opposite to N.E." Knows many proper seamen were
refused that would most willingly have been entertained, the only
difference being two shillings a month. One good seaman worth
five of these sea-gulls. The "damages" and "dangers" the Company
undergo by entertaining such sailors, or sea-apes. They come to sea
with few clothes but many diseases ; they fall into the purser's
books, then if once denied money their fingers are like live twigs,
nothing being too hot or too-heavy for them, that lies in their way ;
many honest men robbed of the little money they had brought to
sea by those wicked villains. All things removed from the house at
Bantam. A Council held by the President, Spaldinge, Ball, Denton,
and Pring to determine on the quantity of money to be left, and for
the building of the house, "the President and principals having long
before resolved to leave the place, and seek their fortunes with us at
sea." News of Sir Thomas Dale following the Dutch fleet. The
dispatch of the Little James deferred by the President in consequence,
thinking to have Sir Thomas here at her departure. Certain information
that the Mataram, who is King of Japara and hopes to be the
monarch of Java major, is levying a great army by sea and land to
bring Jacatra and Bantam under his dominions, a thing he has aimed
at many years ; he has often said to his nobility that Jacatra had a
thorn in her foot, which he himself must take the pains to pluck out
for fear the whole body should be endangered ; the thorn is the castle
of the Hollanders, who have so fortified themselves through bribery,
that they regard neither the King nor his country, but set him at
defiance. Return of Sir Thos. Dale, who was forced to give up chasing
the Dutch ships because of a great tempest. Resolution to go
for the Coromandel coast to repair their wants, hoping to return by
the end of August to meet with the English fleet, which Pring hopes
will be provided a little better than the last was. Necessity of the
Company's sending a warlike fleet to arrive in Bantam before the
Dutch fleet, "otherwise we are like to have a double assault both from
the East and from the west." John Coone [Cœn], their new created
general, resolved to return the first of the easterly monsoon with all
the force he can get from the Moluccas, Amboyna, and the Bandas,
saying, "he will either win the horse or lose the saddle, expel the
English or be expelled himself." Great power given to the Dutch
general ; his promises to his people to remain in the country. Something
must also be given to "the ordinary sort" of the Company's
people ; a small gratuity better esteemed now than a large one ; on
their return, they ask what the Company will do for their wives and
children if they themselves lose their lives in the Company's service,
and say "there is more hope of a living fox than of a dead lion."
These men must be fed with hopeful words. "Oh! what a great
happiness it were if the Hollanders were united to the English ; we
should then have all the trade of these countries in our own hands ;
we might buy all commodities here at our own price, and your
worships might make sales at home at your own pleasure." In
favour of peace. Are not yet resolved to attend the coming of the
Dutch fleet ; first in regard of this unwholesome coast, secondly
because the Pengran of Bantam debars the English from all provisions,
"endeavouring by all his devilish policy to cross and hinder
us in all our proceedings." Cannot guess the cause unless it be the
accumulation of bribery by the Hollanders. The English wrongs so
grievous and intolerable that they can no longer be endured, and
they must by force leave the country. Hopes on the arrival of the forces
from England to be able to kick him out of his usurped government
and draw beneficial conditions with the young King. The Company's
desire for present returns, not regarding the future, has been the
cause of their unstable estate. Unless means are sent this year to
redress their wrongs, all the Company's factories are like to fall to
the ground. If the Company intend the extirpation of the Hollanders
"then we must hoc agere with all our force and might and
not have too many irons in the fire, until your main business be
effected, but if it shall please God in mercy to unite the companies
of England and Holland (which were most to be desired by all true
Christians), then had you none to oppose you but the King of
Spain, and he overthrown by the proverb ne Hercules contra duos,
so that in fine you might expect both wealth and honour, the two
main pillars of earthly happiness." [Fifteen pages. Endorsed, "Before
their going to Masulipatam. Received by the Lesser James." 6 Nov.
1619]. [O.C., Vol. VI., No. 784.]
March 24.
Aboard the
644. John Jourdain to Sir Thomas Dale aboard the Moon.
Sends abstract, as Jourdain conceives, of the true meaning of the
Company's commission to them both, which if Jourdain mistake in
anything, then is he content to be censured by those of better
judgment, being indifferent persons. Has thought fitting before
the departure of this ship, to send him these five articles that he may
send them home to the Company, who can best decide this business
and their meaning. Desires all things may be carried with peace in
the meantime, without prejudice to the Company's business or any
man's honour or reputation in particular. Encloses,
644. I.
The five articles mentioned above. Sir Thos. Dale to have
only command of the fleet he came forth with, except others
be assigned to him by the President and Council. These to
be disposed of by the Council after his arrival at Bantam.
All shipping whatever to be disposed of by the President
and Council, only the commanders of all other fleets to
give priority to Sir Thomas, but the directions to be given
to such commanders by the President and Council. The
President not tied by commission to call Dale to any
Council except on a matter in which he is to be chief actor
or where his fleet is concerned. In all merchandising
causes and employment of shipping, commissions to be
given by the President and, his Council ; Dale himself, if
employed in any voyage, to take his directions from the
Council, retaining only his authority for government at
sea, and not to appoint any chief commander or vice-admiral,
such are to be chosen by the President and Council.
[One page and a half. O.C., Vol. VI., No. 785.]
March 26.
[The Hague.]
645. Carleton to Sec. Naunton. Touching the two French ships
taken by the Hollanders in the East Indies, for which M. de Boisise
demanded "towards a million for recompence," no other satisfaction
is given than in general terms, the matter being left with M. du
Maurier for further prosecution. [Extract from Holland Coresp.]