Nov. 3.
478. Sec. Naunton to Carleton. The King expects that the
Commissioners will be fully instructed to treat and conclude upon all
points. News from Mr. Cottington that throughout Spain the
Spaniards speak of their glorious triumphs over his Majesty's subjects
in the East Indies and elsewhere, "and make legends of their
valiant exploits achieved upon our men." What he mentions of
staying the Dutch East Indian ships is untrue ; the merchants have
been earnest to procure their stay ; but if the Commissioners give
no satisfaction when they come, "doubts our people's patience will
hardly be forced by the authority of the State to endure such foul
insolencies and indignities unrequited." [Holland Correspondence.]
Nov. 3.
479. Minutes of a Court of Commissioners for both (the East
India and Muscovy) Companies. Robt. Turbervile appointed purser's
mate in the Elizabeth. Letters read from Captains Parker and
Jourdain, from the Cape, of 6th and 7th July past, with news of
their arrival there on 26th June previously, and the loss and sickness
of many men, partly through the stinking beer, which they were
obliged to throw overboard, the tainted beef, the lack of fresh provisions
at the Cape, and the want of warm clothes. Request of Capt.
Parker, that 100l. be paid to his wife, granted. The complaints
above mentioned to be inquired into and amended in future. [Half
a page. Court Bk. IV., 245.]
Nov. 6-10.
480. Court Minutes of the East India Company. There being a
want of surgeons in the Indies, two more are to be sent over, one to
remain at Bantam. Jonas Colbye entertained for employment.
Robert Fotherbye appointed overseer for making cordage, in the
room of Edlyn, deceased. Gratuity to Thomas Gifford. Thomas
Barker, who speaks the Turkish, Arabian, Persian, Italian, and
Spanish languages, appointed a factor at 60l. a year, rising 10l. per
annum, for seven years. Gratuity to William Nelson, who is reappointed
to carry the letters overland to Persia. Richard Haselwood
appointed an accountant at Bantam at 40l. a year, rising 10l.
per annum. Salary of Thomas Barker, now in Persia, and "graced
much by the Emperor of Persia," who hath only 30l. a year, to be
increased to 100l. a year, with an annual rise of 10l. (notwithstanding
the Company's former intents and advice upon Mr. Connok's
complaint), and to assure him of the Company's good opinions
of his service. Directions to be sent for Monox to remain chief at
Shiraz, "or some other place of eminence for profit in those parts."
No further letters to be procured from the King to the Emperor of
Persia at present, three having been sent already ; and seeing the
Emperor rather expects deeds than words, the other letters to be
despatched overland, it is thought, will give good satisfaction. Agreement
with Diego for seven years. No more Noialls[Noyaux] or French
cannons to be bought in France. Committees to peruse Sir Dudley
Diggs' instructions, confer with him about his other projects, and
consider what they conceive fit to satisfy his travels and pains for his
voyage. Journal made by Stephen Newboll of the voyage, to the time
of his death, bought of his widow for 40s., to keep it from the press,
as it contained some things not fit to be divulged or read,
Minutes of a general court. Sale of goods, with names of purchasers
and the prices. Letters having been received from Persia, whereby
the Company are satisfied of the state of their affairs, it is resolved
to send a good supply of commodities there, and that allowance be
made on all Christmas payments that are paid at once.
Nov. 10.-Henry Bates appointed a factor, to go with the first ships.
Arthur Hatch, who preached on Sunday and was approved for his gifts
and a good scholar, entertained for a preacher. Old debts due to the
Company amounting to 7,000l., "from some men of good note, who
will beloth to have their names publicly known ;" committee appointed
to speak with them privately. Allowance to William Nelson increased.
Barwick, on.his request, to be sent from Bantam, "being
so unhealthful a place," to Surat, with spices and commodities, and
so supply Jasques. An act to be made to punish such as shall not
transport their ungarbled pepper. Ball to be sent for home, who
hath committed so many and such notorious abuses, to the great
wrong and damage of the Company. Capt. Pennington informed
that nothing can be concluded (touching his suit for employment)
until the Dutch Commissioners have been conferred with. Gratuity
to John Alexander, master of the Diamond. Offley desired to
treat with some bachelor sailors, for their consent to stay in the
country, if occasion require. The commanders forbidden to increase
the sailors' wages, but gratuities to be made to them on their return
home according to their deserts. Suit of Katherine Gibson for a debt
out of Brackston's account. Concerning Capt. Pepwell's goods ; and a
dispute between the brothers of John Gourney, deceased, and Finch,
about the estate of the deceased. [Six pages and a quarter. Court
Bk. IV., 246-252.]
Nov. 11/21.
481. Germo. de Vareda to Maestro Ses [Edmond Sayer]. Thanks
for his present of wine. Is sending him some wine by Miguel de
Salinas. [Spanish. One page. O.C., Vol. VI., No. 708.]
Nov. 13.
482. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Agreement
with Samuel Foxcroft, a factor. Peter Nedham, "a deboyst fellowe,
quarreller, and feighter," accused of falling out with the two factors
Millward and Patteson at Tecoe, thought "too hot a spirit for their
civil employment." Inquiry into the bad victuals and beer supplied
to the fleet. Request of John Clynch, merchant, of Ipswich, one of
the Company, on behalf of Edward Howe, his servant, to be a free
brother, and to be entertained for a factor ; the decision respited.
60,000 ryals to be sent out in the Bear, and 40,000 in the Star,
"which will come to a matter of 10 chests." The Charles, Ruby, and
Diamond to proceed to Surat. The seventh voyage to be concluded.
The payment for this joint stock to be considered of. Allowance to
Robert Tofeild, servant to Hugh Benet, deceased. Agreement with
William Nelson for carrying the Company's letters to the Indies for
100l., and a further 100l. for returning with letters from thence, he
being unwilling to remain in the country. [Three pages and a
quarter. Court Bk. IV., 252-255.]
483. Remonstrance of the States Ambassador to the Privy
Council. The Commissioners having represented to their superiors,
that before their departure they require an act of his Majesty declaring
that they may freely go and return, whether a treaty be concluded
between the two Companies or no, it is requested that his
Majesty will grant them a pass accordingly. [French. Holland
Nov. 14.
484. Robert Bell to Sir Dudley Carleton. Has received his
letter, and so has Sir Thos. Smythe, who takes it very kindly. Perceives
the resolution of the States General to send over about composing
the wrongs and injuries they have offered us, but is afraid
both their ships and ours will have sailed for the Indies, and so
revenges may fall out amongst them. However we endure these
things with patience, "yet there must and will come a time when
they must come to a reckoning." [Extract from Domestic Jac. I.,
Vol. 98, No. 92, Cal. p. 595.]
Nov, 14.
The Hague.
485. Carleton to Sec. Naunton. The Commissioners' instructions
have been somewhat enlarged since Carleton's speech in the Prince of
Orange's presence. Alarm of the deputies for the merchants of the
East India Company upon hearing of a purpose to arrest their ships ;
they said they would not venture their persons where there was no
safety for their goods, but now that difficulty is removed, they meet
with a new or rather an old one revived by the States of Friesland,
who, resolving to be no longer excluded out of that commerce, will
give them liberty to conclude nothing with our men for more than
four years, the time of the expiration of their octroi. It has been
agreed to compose this matter afterwards by arbitration, which is
approved by the States and the Prince of Orange. Sees no other
impediment, so that the Commissioners, who seem resolved to do so,
may take the first wind. A ship, richly laden, newly arrived in
Zealand from the East Indies, the eighth this year, all valued at
ten millions of florins. No small question whether their good
success and prosperity will help or hinder the business of the conjunction
of the Companies. The deputies have given them full
power to treat and conclude, whereas Grotius and those who went
to England some few years since had only commission to talk and
dispute. Those who know them, and have interest in the advancement
of the business, say they must be roundly dealt with, and rather
by way of intimidation than persuasion or inducement. Riccard
[? Rychaerts], of Amsterdam, and Sounck, of Horne, both good and
modest men ; but Bas, of Amsterdam, Meerman, of Delft, and Boreel,
of Middleburgh, of the Armenian faction, great dependants on Barneveldt,
and therefore less affected to any conjunction with the English
nation. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
Nov. 15.
The Hague.
486. Carleton to Sec. Naunton. The Commissioners have now
their commission delivered to them by the States General, with order to
use all possible expedition in their journey. [Extract from Holland
Nov. 17/27.
The Hague.
487. The States General of the United Provinces to the King.
Accrediting Thiery Bas, of Amsterdam ; Jacques Boreel, of Middleburgh ;
Arnoldt Jacobsen Lodensteyn, of Zealand ; Albert Sounck, of
Horne ; Andrew Rychaerts, and Guillaume Boreel, Advocate of the
East India Company, as Commissioners for the Dutch East India Company,
to treat for the preservation and increase of navigation and
traffic in the East Indies, and begging his Majesty to facilitate the
success of so good a work by commanding those of the English East
India Company to be tractable and reasonable according to what the
nature and condition of this commerce can bear. [French. Holland.
Nov. 17/27.
The Hague.
488. The States General of the United Provinces to Carleton.
Accrediting Jean de Goch, of Zutphen ; Gevvout Vander Dussen, of
Delft ; and Joachim Liens, of Tholen, members of their own body,
as also Sir Noel de Caron, ambassador at his Majesty's Court,
Commissioners to settle the differences between their respective
subjects as well in the East Indies as elsewhere. [French. Holland
Nov. 17-20.
489. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Erasmus Baynham
to be an under-factor. Robert Carpenter refused employment.
Henry Crewe referred. Edward Howe appointed a factor for seven
years, with 60l. salary, and an annual increase of 10l. Letter read
from L. Chapman, consul at Aleppo for the Turkish Company, to
Sir Thos. Lowe, governor, with letter enclosed from Thos. Barker
and Wm. Bell, dated Kasbin, 14 July 1618, signifying the Emperor
of Persia's resolution to embrace the trade of the East India Company
in the Turkish Ambassador's presence, and Barker's suspicion
of the utter dissolution of the Turkish trade, and his fears for the
security of the consul's person and goods, with other occurrences ;
which caused Sir Thos. Lowe to request the East India Company
not to use the Turkish Company's factors for the conveyance
of their letters, because of the dangers that may befall. Ellam
requested to school Barker for it in the letters to be sent over, and
thanks to be returned to Sir Thos. Lowe. Finnett, lately returned
home, to be conferred with about taking over a "character" (or
cipher), "whereby intelligence may the more safely pass undiscovered,"
with the letters overland, as having more discretion than
Nelson. Committees to bring the accounts of the seventh voyage
to a conclusion. The Committees for Persia to investigate into
the business of William Swanley, master of the Charles, as to his
bringing home such an extraordinary store of spices ; also to agree
upon what presents should be sent to the Emperor of Persia.
Gratuity to Edward Lee. Richard Paulson, Bewley, Thomas Oldeberry,
Francis Pinto, James Brierly, Taylor, and Sleigh, "to be put in
suit" for money due to the Company.
Nov. 20.-William Hill to be a factor. Edward Howe, factor, permitted
to adventure 400l., and to have two-thirds of his wages put
into stock. John Benthall entertained a factor. Ships to be furnished
with fireworks. Each ship to have a supply of wormwood beer,
"a very excellent, wholesome, and sovereign preservation of men's
healths." Clivinger to continue master in the Palsgrave. Suit of
Rich. Frubusher, master carpenter in the Charles, concerning his
spices brought home. [Five pages. Court Bk. IV., 255-260.]
Nov. 20.
490. Ufflete to President Ball. Death of Byndon. The King
of Jacatra's desire that Ball should help him to the purchase of
powder and shot for 200 ryals. The King means shortly to have a
bout with the Flemings, and demanded whether the English would
help him. Ufflete's reply that they were merchants, and sent by
their masters, not to take part with any, but had no doubt the King
of Bantam would help him. The King said "Bantam for itself, and
so is Jacatra." How the Dutch at Japara invited Jincee Mooda aboard
their ships to feast him, well plied him with liquor, bade him send
for his wife and friends, who he put aboard his own junk, and then
the Dutch set fire to the town, having taken 100 men, women, and
children, who they put aboard Mooda's junk with six Flemings.
Mooda, his wife, and children daily expected at Jacatra ; a house
fitting for them. The Dutch have retaken the Englishman who
escaped from the Angel. Kendall with the Javas is fled up the
country. Progress of the Dutch fortifications. Whether the English
be secure, there is no trusting the Javas. The Dutch have five ships
at the island, one in the road, and five at Japara. Requests a supply
of English beer or Spanish sack ; also money, of which. they are
quite destitute, and some quills and paper. [Two pages. O.C.,
Vol VI., No. 707.]
Nov. 21./Dec. 1.
The Hague.
491. Maurice de Nassau, Prince of Orange, to the King. Credentials
to the same persons and to the same effect as No. 487 from
the States General of the United Provinces. [French. Holland
Nov. 21./Dec. 1.
The Hague.
492. Maurice, Prince of Orange, to the King. Credentials to
the same persons and to the same effect as No. 488. [French.
Holland Corresp.]
Nov. 21.
The Hague.
493. Carleton to Sec. Naunton. The three Commissioners of the
States General, with the five deputies and an advocate of the
[Dutch] East Indian Company, finally dispatched after many difficulties
and delays, and now setting forward. Lodensteyn goes in place
of Merman, of Delft. They have desired Carleton to give them a
letter of recommendation to Sec. Naunton, knowing that he will
lend a willing ear and a helping hand to the business. They promise
to go with full commission, and as good intention ; but their
chief confidence is in his Majesty's favour. [Holland Corresp.]
Nov. 21.
The Hague.
494. Carleton to Sec. Naunton. Beseeches him, of the Commissioners
and deputies who go all now in the same ship, to take particular
notice of the first, Mons. Goch, of Guelderland, with whom
Carleton has long held particular correspondence. Though not
styled Ambassadors, the Commissioners have all but the title and
precedence of the Ambassador resident. The rest, as they are deputed
by the Company, so they are authorized by the States to
treat and conclude the business of the East Indies. [Extract from
Holland Corresp.]
Nov. 21.
495. Memorial of Sir Dudley Carleton to the States General.
The report of the arrest in England of some of their East Indian
ships is false, the King never Having thought of doing so, but, on the
contrary, has been expecting the arrival of Commissioners to treat
amicably upon all differences. That the Commissioners be fully
instructed on all the points in dispute, so that their voyage may not
be without fruit. [Draft in French, corrected by Carleton. Holland
Nov. 24.
496. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Letter from
Sir Wm. Russell about purchase of the beavers' wombs. Agreement
concluded with Sir Dudley Diggs ; 1,000 marks allowed to
him. Dividend of Robert Young, now at Surat, to be paid to his
wife. Arthur Hatch, the preacher, to have 50l. per annum. Gratuity
of 100l. to poor ministers. Concerning the seventh voyage
and the proceedings of Floris and Ball. Petition of Robert Jefferies
for the post of principal factor in Persia. [Three pages. Court
Bk. IV., 260-263.]
Nov. 27.
497. John Powle to President Ball. That a silver bowl, weighing
16½ ozs., and other things left by Richard Wickham at his
decease, but belonging to Powle, may be returned to him. [Half a
page. O.C., Vol. VI., No. 710.]
Nov. 30.
498. Edward Pettus to the East India Company. Delay in the
receipt of the loan promised by Lalabegg on 28th September last.
Concerning their "unworthy and undeserving servant," Thos. Barker,
and his insupportable injuries and cunning practices. Arrival of the
Turkish General, with his army, within half a day's journey of Ardabil.
A dishonourable peace, it is feared, has been made by this King,
and, if truly reported, a most unprofitable one for their trade. The
conditions. Lalabegg's unkind usage to them of late. It is not
unknown to the Turk that, if the English trade goes forward, Aleppo
and those parts are overthrown. Effect of a report of the Consul
from Aleppo, that the English agent had run away. Their endeavours
to take soundings about the port of Combran [Gombroon], by
demanding a boat and guard from the Governor to "free them of
the Portugal," denied. The Governor said he had written to the
new Governor of Ormuz Don Luis de Susa, that he would be friends
with the English. His proposals ; but was answered they were
merchants, and had not power to accept them. Relative advantages
of Gombroon, Ormuz, and Jask for shipping. The fort of Gombroon,
taken by the Duke [of Shiraz?] from the Portugal three years
since, destroyed, and another built a furlong from the sea-side ; a
pretty platform of resistance enough, if well manned. All water
used at Ormuz is fetched from wells by the labouring people of
Gombroon ; the rain-water is saved in cisterns ; the island of Ormuz,
all salt. Prices for carrying an ass-load of goods ; a camel will carry
four times, and a mule half as much again. Will be forced, for want
of camels, to use asses. Tolls paid upon each ass-load ; and nature of
the towns between Ispahan and Gombroon. The distance between
Ispahan and Jask, about 550 or 560 English miles, which is performed
by camels in 45 days, by asses in 40 days, by mules in 36 days, and
by horses in 30 days. Monox and the writer, with a Turk and servant
of Lalabegg, arrived at Moghistan 31st October. Barker had left
Jask four days before their arrival. Requested licence of the Governor
to follow him, but were told that Lalabegg had given orders
they were not to leave before paying for the silk. His unsuccessful
attempt to get away. Believes the King thinks they will cozen him
as he has been cozened by other Christians. Were kept prisoners at
Moghistan 29 days, and only procured their release upon news of a
ship's arrival at Jask with goods of more value than the silk. Proceeded
thither, but on his way heard from Barker that he had laden
42 camels for Moghistan, and wished Pettus to return ; so Monox went
alone. Is thus ignorant of what passes at the water-side. The
Portugals have for certain lost this year five ships to and from
Ormuz, two of which had much money. Hears that the English
ship, arrived at Jask, had taken two more. [Three pages and three
quarters. O.C., Vol. VI., No. 700.]