1593. Nov. 3/13. Manilla, in the Isle of Cuzon [Lucon]. |
244. Advice by way of the East Indies that Gomez Perez, governor and general of those parts, having all his forces ready in the province of Pincados, for a journey against the fortress of Terrenato [Ternate], remained at Manilla with the Admiral galley, intending to have furnished himself to go with the rest, and having taken in 250 Indians of China, good rowers, without chaining them, smoothing them with fair speech, and allowing them weapons, as pikes and swords of grapon, which they call Catanai, these good fellows, when arrived near the Isle Caza, spying the Spaniards asleep, fell upon them, and cut their throats. The Governor awoke with the noise, and the captain of these Indians, perceiving it, entreated him to come out of his cabin, which he had no sooner done, than they slew him, and so made away for Burney, as is thought. The loss of the General created so much discomfort that they durst not pursue them. Pedro de Rosas chosen in his stead, who has recalled the forces which should have gone for the Moluccas. The Viceroy advised to succour the King [of Spain's] forces in the Moluccas. Mexican news. The traitors who carried away the Admiral galley are since understood to have touched in this Isle of Lucon, in the province of Pangasinan, being driven back from China by contrary winds; the city have sent a great ship and two frigates to take them [One page. Corresp., Spain.] |
1594. Nov. 26./Dec. 6. Lisbon. |
246. “The substance of a letter written from Lisbon.” The King [of Spain], understanding that the Hollanders have of late discovered a shorter course to the East Indies than their ordinary voyages, and that they are now preparing a navy to go, “resteth very discontent as yet, not knowing how to prevent it.” Some counsel further negotiation with the Hollanders; others, that it were better to arrest all their ships coming into Spain, or any of that King's dominions; but neither are liked for divers reasons, although they seem to incline most to the first, so that a course were taken by the Viceroy in India concerning the conveying of spices, and engrossing by their merchants, with the payment of all duties to the King [of Spain], [Extract from Corresp., Spain.] |