Pages 548-553
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 2, 1513-1616. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.
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Uffington, Geo., 768, 800, 831, 839, 843, 895, 899.
-, -, letter of, 1615: 992.
Ufflett, Nich., p. 271, C89, 693, 695, 841, 847, 912, 1175.
Ughtrede, Henry, sheriff, 156, 167, 173, 182 183, 191, 192, 196, 197, 204, 221.
-, -, agreement with, 180.
-, -, letters of, 1582 : 188, 193, 199.
-, -, Elizabeth, wife of 180.
-, the Galleon, or Bear Galleon, or Galleon Leicester, 76, 175, 180-184, 187, 189, 196, 197, 200-202, 205, 211, 212, 221, 224-227, 229, 232.
Umbra (Japan), 1126, 1138.
-, King of, 822.
-, -, secretary of, 1119.
Umfrey, Wm., 87.
Underecoon–Cheete, King of Calicut, letter from, 1616: 1100.
Unicorn, the, 1021, 1167.
Unicorn, head of a, 9.
-, horn of a, p. 57, 1169. I.
Union, the, 375, 377, 383, 393, 397, 400, 405, 406, 459, 521, 577, 582, 602, 623, 639, 787.
United Provinces, the, seeHolland.
Unity, the, 375.
Uredge, Thos., 454.
Ushian Dona, 690.
Utley, Geo., 281,292.
Vachell, Sir Thos., p. 320.
Vaigatz, island of, 9,147.
Van Berghen, Capt. Warner, 756.
Van Hardwick, Gyles, letter of, 1598: 254.
Van Lore, Peter, 706.
Van Mesick, Jan., 578.
Van Moyden, Wm. Cornelis, 963. I.
Van Oste, Thieri, 874.
Vanderbrook, Abrah., 942.
Vanguard, the, 892.
Varnon, Wm., 1090.
Vaughan, Wm., 78.
-, -, petition of, 68.
Vaygatz, see Vaigatz.
Veer, Gerat de, 248,249.
Velasco, Don Alonso de, Spanish Ambassador in England, 589. I, 615, 661.
Vellie, see Vellore, King of.
Vellore, King of, 1021.
Velvets, 797, 857, 944, 949, 969, 995, 1169, 1175, 1187.
Venice, 18,657.
-, ambassador to, see Carleton, Sir Dudley.
-, vice–consul at, 649.
Venne, Rich., 1031.
Vere, Edward de, Earl of Oxford, 54, 105, 106, 121, 125, 138, p. 59, 154. III. IV. V. VII. 156, 183, 221.
-, letter of, 1578: 154. xv.
-, Sir Fras., letter of, 1600: 264.
Vermilion, 455, p. 305, 770, 799, 847, 889, 915, 946, 989, 1021.
-, but one maker in Christendom of, 1021.
Vernon, Wm., p. 273, 1023.
Vienna, 874.
Villeroy, Mons. de, 581.
Vincent, Christ., 362, 367, 370, 379.
Viney, Edward, p. 271.
Virginals, 650, 867, 1086.
Virginia, 432, 613, 695, 641.
-, voyage, the, 378.
-, Company, the, 430, 697, 761.
Visiapour, King of, 1086.
Vizir Bashaw, the, 519.
Vizo Rei, 275.
Voari (China), 252.
Volga, the river, 19, 644.
Waadson, Robt., 393.
Wadlowe, Fras., 1053.
Wake, Robt., 467.
Walcott, Hump., 958.
Walden, Theophilus Lord, 616, 956.
Waldoe, or Waldow, John, son of Robt., 373, 374, 377, 381, 393, 403, 407, 447, p. 240, p. 271, 697, 711, 715, 730, p. 315, 772, 899, 912, 928, 941, 974, 1024.
-, wife of John, 772.
-, Lawrence, 281, 288, 373,374,418, 426, 429, p. 240, 704, 706, 715, p. 315, 912.
-, Robt, 281, 288, 373,374,418, 426, 429, p. 240, 704, 706, 715, p. 315, 912.
Waldore, see Waldoe, Robt.
Waldron, John, 426.
Walkeden, Mr., 17.
Walker, Edw., 288.
-, John, 187, 200, 206, 212, 213, 226, 231.
-, -, Journals of, 202, 214.
-, -, letters of, 1582: 195,209,220, 231.
-, death of, 202, 214.
Wall, the; see Blackwall.
Wallcott, Hump., 281, 288.
Walley, Wm., 474.
Wallis or Wallys, Anthony, 777, 785.
-, Jas., 89.
-, Wm., 412.
Wallop, Sir Hairy, 44, 95, 105.
Wallot, see Wallcott,Hump.
Walsyngham, Sec. Sir Fras., 24, 33. II., 34, 45, 70, 80, 94, 95, 105, 137, 156, 182, 183, 188, 192, 221, 234.
-, -, letters of—
-, 1582: 191, 192. I.
-, -, letters and petition to—
-, 1577: 43,57–60,62–64,67,69.
-, 1578: 77,79,81–83,85,92,110–112.
-, 1579: 115,117–121,132,133.
-, 1581: 157,169.
-, 1582: 186,220.
Walter, Edw., 281.
Walter, Wm., 284.
-, Mr., 958.
Walthall, Ann, p. 336.
Walton, Wm., 281, 378.
Wanderton, Fras., 939.
Waplett, Rich., 715.
Ward, Mr., 623, 711.
-, -, wife of, 711.
-, (kinsman of Judge Popham), 786.
Warde, Gilbert, 467.
-, Luke, 90, 99, 182, 183, 187, 189, 191, 196, 198, 200, 202, 205, 206, 209, 212-214, 221, 231.
-, -, mother of, 221.
-, -, letters of,—
-, 1582: 193,220.
-, 1583: 223.
-, -,warrants, &c, signed by, 165, 170.
Wardford,—, 400.
Wardhouse, 147.
Ware, Thos., 704, 800, 802, 807.
Warnor, Edward, 479.
Warrey, Wm., p. 269.
Warwick, Earl of, seeDudley, Ambrose.
-, Countess of, 45, 94.
-, -, Island and Sound, 93, p. 39, p. 41, 122, 134, p. 56, p. 58.
-, Foreland, 99.
-, Admiral, 387.
-, Admiral Gerbeant Van, 338.
-, —, 704.
Washer, Rich., 281, 288.
Washborne, Mr., 711, p. 320, 993.
-, Rich., 1034.
-, -, daughter of, 930.
Wasse, Thos., 272
Wastall, Wm., 281, 288, 374.
Water, Thos., 5.
Water, secret for preservation of fresh, 472.
Water Spaniels, see Dogs.
Waterford, 629, 653.
-, letter dated from, 653.
Waterhouse, Mr., 62.
Watkins, David, p. 240, p, 318, 770.
-, Thos., 843, 845, 871 899.
-, -, sisters of, 899, 928.
..........Wm., 1034.
Watson, Thos., 616.
Watts, Edward, 629.
-, Alderman Sir John, afterwards Lord Mayor of London, 1606-7 : 274, 281, 288, 298, 321, 361, 373, 388, 448, 465, 479, p. 302, 912.
-, -, elected governor of the East India Company, 289, 292.
Wauton, Mr., 221.
Wax, 270, 309, 760, 1030, 1068, 1079, 1081.
-, candles, 286.
Waymouth, Capt. Geo., 292, 294, 301-304, 310, 313, 315-318.
-, -, agreement with, 294, 303.
Webb, Rowland, 465, 467, 474.
Webbe, John, 1024.
Weild, John, p. 282.
Welbye, Rich, 256.
Weld, Sir Hump., Lord Mayor of London, 1608–9 : 463.
Welden, Rich., 439, p. 262, 716, 745, 888, 898.
-, -, letters of,—
-, 1614: 724.
-, 1615: 942.
Welder, Thos., 36.
Weldon, Weldyn, or Weldynge, Rich., see Welden, Rich.
Wellington, Peter, 308.
Wencapati Raia, King of Narsinga, 578.
Wentworth, Capt., 702.
-, Mathew, 465.
-, Mr., 687, p. 282.
West, Fras., p. 240.
-, John, 787, p.335.
-, Geo., 461.
West England Island, 99.
West Friesland, the, 369.
West Indies, 237, 238, 338, 591, p.285.
-, the Spanish, 41.
Westminster, letters and papers dated from, 186, 190, 496, 854, 1129.
-, dean of, 221.
West Sea, the, p. 14.
Westby, Rich., 862, 870, 1023, 1090, 1127, 1147.
-, -, letters of,—
-, 1615: 862–3,910,1039.
-, 1616: 1089.
-, -, letters to,—
-, 1616: 1097
Westwray, or Westwrow.Thos., 256, 281, 288, 374, 417, 453, 460, 616, p. 303, 949, 999, 1009.
-, John, 288, 292, 463.
-, John, son of, 463.
Wethrall, Lawrence, 256.
Whale fishery,the, see Greenland.
Wharton, Lord, 54.
Wheat (French), 465, 472.
-, shipped for use of East India Company, 1047.
Wheatley, Thos., 454.
Wheele, Paul, 76.
Wheeler, Ambrose, 281, 288.
-, John, 999.
-, Thos., 256.
-, Mr., 995
-, a gold refiner, 34.
White, Daniel, p. 284.
-, Edmond, 383, 398.
-, Edward, death of, 990, 992.
White, Leonard, 256, 281, 288, 479.
-, Mr., p. 315.
-, Richard, 928.
-, Thos., 281, 288, 377, p. 302.
Whitechapel, 1127.
Whitehall, p. 319.
-, documents dated from, 332, 852, 860, 955, 1092.
Whiteley or Whitley, Thos., 378, 385, p. 240, 682, p. 270, 723, 765, 785, 902, 928.
Whithall, John, 224, 225.
Whitlocke, Rich., p. 335, 800, 1157.
Whitmore, Geo., 256, 281, 288, 374, 912.
Whittacre, Henry, 999, 1024.
Whittington, see Wihington, Sir Nic.
Whyte, Rowland, letter of, 1608 : 399.
Wiche, see Wyche, rich.
Wickham, Rich., 386, 628, 639, 666, 673, 751. I., 779, 805, 879, 898, 1030, 1064, 1097, 1104.
-, -, letters of,—
-, 1614: 844.
-, 1616: 1138–9.
-, -, letters to,—
-, 1613: 654,676.
-, 1614: 685,690,694,696,698,699,703,707,712,713,720,722,727,729,738,751,751.II.,752,753,806,814–6,826,828,829,835,836,838.
-, 1615: 959,979,1012,1032,1040,1045,1060,1068,1079.
-, 1616: 1081–2,1093,1106,1109,1112,1117,1124,1126–7,1134–5,1137,1140,1148,1150–5,1158–60,1168.
-, -, wages of, 746, 1095.
-, Wm., p. 269.
-, mother of, 269.
Wickstade, or Wickstead, Alex., 629, 653.
Wiech, Thos., 755, 1051.
-, -, the younger, 1051.
Wight, Isle of, 200, 899, 902.
Wignall, Wm, 974.
Wilford, Wm., 274, 279, 286, 410, 411.
Wilkinson, Chas., 1034.
-, John, 629.
Willaston, Wm., 281.
William, the, 150.
Williams, John, 465, 467, 477, 732, 744, p. 305, 760, 845, 995, 1027, 1031.
-, -, letters of, 1611: 533, 539, 543, 545, 547, 556, 558, 561, 563, 566, 568.
-, -, death of, 716, 754.
-, Peter, 596.
-, Reynold, 467.
-, Wm., Assay Master of the Tower, 34, 228.
-,—, 1016.
Williamson, Sir Joseph, 3, 4, 6, 7, 38, 149.
-, Wm., 409
Willoughby, Lord, 274.
-, Sir Hugh, 3, 5, 144, 675, 963. I.
-, -, voyages of, 705.
-, -, death of, 5.
-, Kenelm, 723.
-, of Bristol, the, 166.
Wilmot,—, p. 273, pp.|319-20, 1137.
-, -, letter of, 1616 : 1184.
-, Robert, letter of, 1614 : 775.
-, -, brother of, 775.
Willsonn, Ralph, 395, 623, 717, 903, 1023.
-, -, letter of, 1613 : 651.
Wilson, Dr., 48, 75.
-, Edward, p. 240.
-, Fras., 268.
-, see Willsonn, Ralph.
-, Roger, 5.
-,—, p. 286, 704, 706.
-, Thos., sec. to Lord Treasurer Salisbury, 70, 94, 105, 137, p. 59.
-, -, letters of,—
-, 1604: 337.
-, -, letters to,—
-, 1606: 355
-, 1607: 380,382,390
-, 1608: 396,401,402,404,408,415,422.
-, 1609: 432,452,457,462,466.
-, 1610: 487,488.
-, 1611: 505,507,575.
-, 1614: 823.
Wincall, Robt, 993.
Winchcombe, Phil., 274, 362.
Wine, p. 284, p. 286, 1086.
Winter, Mr., 417.
Winterburne, Thos., 431.
Winwood, Sir Ralph, Ambassador to Holland and Secretary of State, 599, 831, 956, 961, 1001, 1014.
-, -, letters of,—
-, 1606: 354.
-, 1609: 471.
-, 1612: 601,606.
-, 1613: 641.
-, 1615: 955.
-, -, letters to,—
-, 1614: 820.
-, 1615: 885,911,943,947,947.I.,957,963,966,970,986,1061,1080.
-, 1616: 1087,1143.
Wise, see Wiche, Rich.
-, Wm, 813.
Wiseman, Rich., 256, 257, 267, 273, 281, p. 117, 288, 843, 1021.
Withers, Edward, 1034.
Withington, Nic, afterwards Sir Nich., 659, 662, 763, 790, 921, 946, 1175.
-, -, "distracted in his wits," 917.
-, -, letters of—
-, 1613: 613.
-, 1614: 781.
Whittington, Sir Nich., 799.
Wogan, Devereux, 463.
Wollastone, Wm., 288, p. 240.
Wolldreth, Rowland,death of, 968.
Wolman, see parkins, Geo.
Wolstenholme, Henry, 616.
-, John, 281, 288, p. 240, p. 272, pp.284-5, 800, 812, 941, 960.
-, -, grant to, 616.
-, -, letter to, 1616 : 1092.
-, John, jun., 616.
Wood, Capt. Benjamin, 76, 250, 254.
-, Elias, 928.
-, Timothy, p. 271, 788.
-, -, death of, 811, 846, 849, 856, 915, 923.
-, a pilot, 196, 206.
-, Cape merchant, death of, 651.
Wood Street, 833.
Woodcott,—, 393, 407.
Wooddall, surgeon, 772, 991, 1014.
Wooddisse, Rich., 431.
Woodriffe, Henry, p, 315, 769.
Woodward, Henry, p. 319, 843.
-, John, 256.
-, Katherine, p 240.
-, Richard 974, 976.
Woolley, Mr. Sec, 48, 54.
Woolwich, 268, 274, 397.
-, docks, 267.
Worsnoone,—, 362.
Wotton, Sir Henry, ambassador to Holland, 817, 831, 834, 853, 874, 957.
-, -, commission and credentials for, 854–5.
-, Thos., 431.
-, -, letters of, 1615 : 911, 943.
Wragge, John, 281, 288.
-, Rich., 256, 281, 288.
Wright, Daniel, 956.
-, Edmond, 1051, 1053.
-, Edward, p. 240.
-, Edward, the mathematician, p. 284, p. 306, 999.
-, John, 465, 472.
-, Rich., Sec. to the East India Company, 268, 279, 281, 291, 301, 304, 308, 362, 367, 368, 373, 958.
-, -, wife of, 958.
-, Rich., p. 284.
-, Robt., p. 316
Wriothesley, Henry, Earl of Southampton, 443, 448, 463, 479, 616, 1053.
Wroth, Mr., 1009.
Wustall, see Wastall, Wm.
Wyche, Jas., 256.
-, Rich., 256, 257, 267, 268, 273, 281, 288, p. 117, 409, 616.
Wyckham, Rich., 487.
Wymers, Hump., 256.
Wynche, Philip, 286.
Wyndham, Hugh, p. 286.
Wynne, Thos., 802, 884.
Wynter, G., 33. II., 45, 47, 51, 75.
-, letter of, 1577: 33.
-, Sir Wm., 31, 33. II., 34, 45, 51, 71, 79, 85, 87, 91, 95, 105, 127, p. 52, 154. III., 169.
-, -, letters of, 1577: 33, 58, 64.
-, -, letters to, 1578: 154. XI. XXV.
Wynter's furnace, p. 42
Xaxma (Japan), 1095
-, King of, 1095
Xavier, a Jesuit, 763
Ximonaxeque, 654
Xumoto (China), 252
Yarmouth, 200, 202, 221, p. 285
Yarmouth, Thos., 302–304, 316
Yates, John, 702, 912, 996, 997, 1008
-, -, letter of, 1615: 903
-, -, letter to, 1615: 1062
-,—, 983
Yeadzo, see Yedo.
Yedo (Japan), pp.229–230, 654, 656, p. 262, 676, 685, 690, 694, 696, 698, 712, 720, 722, 728, 729, 738, 751. i, 752, 1030, 1032, 1040, 1045, 1060, 1068, 1079, 1124, 1138, 1151, 1154, 1159–60, 1163
-, King of, 1068, 1098
-, factory withdrawn from, 1180
-, as big as London, 823
-, letters dated from, 1158, 1159
Yerdley, Hugh, 636
Yewer, (?Youarte, Robt.), p.303
Yield Hall, seeGuildhall.
Yonge or Young, Rich., 45, 71, 79, 87, 91, 94, 105, 118, 143, p. 74
-, -, letter from, 1579: 118
-, -, letter to, 1578: 154.XI.XIV
Yonger, Thos., 373
Yor, see Jhor.
York, 43, 785
York, Sir John, p.13
Yorke, Capt Gylberte, 89, 93, 98, p. 58, p. 60
-, -, letter of, 1579: 135
-, Rowland, 34
Yorke's Sound, p.39, p. 41
Yorkshire, 79
Youart or Youarte, Robt., 746, p. 303?, p. 315, 769, 779, p. 335, 802, 1023
-, - letter of, 1615: 1011
-, -, death of, 1137, 1140
Young, John, 638, 768
-, -, letter of, 1615: 914
-, Rich., see Yonge.
- or Yong, Robt., p.271, 811, 841, 847, 1086, 1177
Yshew (Japan), hot baths of, 728, 1106
Zaccatora, see Socotra.
Zamet, Sebastian, 312
Znanne, see Sana.
Zangomaye [Zangnomang], 771
Zealand, 283, 323, 324
Zeila, 611
Zeilon, see Ceylon.
Zeyea street in Osaka, Japan, 782
Zezay Seeman, 782
Ziricksea, the, 338
Zulpheck Chan, governor, 1108, 1114