Pages 527-532
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 2, 1513-1616. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.
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Macassar (Celebes), 406, 522, 664, 668, 724, 732, 733, 736, 745, 748, 754, 862, 882, 888, 898, 1004, 1016, 1022–3, 1056, 1076, 1091, 1171
- King of, 716, 733, 745, 1006, 1013, 1078
-, -, son of, 1091
-, great fire in, 716
-, factory in, 1006
-, -, dissolving of, 1056
-, Flemings in, 1013, 1078
-, Portugals in, 1006
-, letters dated from, 716, 724, 745, 1004, 1006, 1013
Maccan, see Macao.
Macao (China), 338, 387, 822, 825, 1040, 1073
-, Portugals in, 822
Mace, 359, 367, 424, 447, 691, 717, 949, 1006, 1023, 1056, 1072, 1078, 1091, 1104, 1184–5, 1187
Maobian, 425, 664, p. 262, 671
Machievell, Sir Nich., 1158
Madafalabar, 1043
Madagascar, 266, 387, 632, 634
Madox, Rich., 187, 189, 190, 192, 195–197, 199, 200, 212, 213, 218, 231
-, -, journals of, 206, 221
-, Roger, 895
-, Thos., 1024
Madrid, 485, 508
-, letters dated from, 366, 371, 384, 396, 404, 451, 480, 481, 483–486, 499, 500, 503, 508, 518, 527, 573, 576, 587, 595, 600, 607, 613, 615, 618, 652, 660, 661, 681, 688, 986, 1079
Magellan, Straits of, 2, 23, p. 76, 207, 208, 215, 217, 220, 224, 225, 231–233, 238, 293, p. 228, 706, 709, 711, p. 306
Magore, the, see Great Mogul, the.
Mahomet, 18, 391
- Aga, 551
- Bashaw, 446
- Chan, 1144, 1169, 1174
Mahometanism, 1
Mahometans, 266, 632
Maidstone, 458
Maibore, Jaques, p. [0-9]28
Mail, shirts of, 284
Mainwaring, Geo., 255
- [ILL] 1049
Ma:[ILL] of 369
Majore, p. [0-9]72
Malabar, 239–241
-, King of, 905
-, Queen of, 18
-, -, son of, 18
-, trade in, 521
-, junks, 647
Malabars, the, 266, 534, 785
-, Nahudaof, 535
Malacca, 1, 185, 238–240, 266, 275, 369, 376, 382, 386, 402, 408, 419, 449, 647, 716, 740, 779, 905, 968, 998, 1029, 1039, 1050, 1052, 1058, 1062, 1127, 1134; see also Jhor
-, King of, 1, 275, 382
-, Viceroy of, 402
-, taken by Hollanders, 408
-, siege of, 1091
-, Straits of, 747
-, book printed in the language of, p. [0-9]72
- boy, a, 864
Malayans, 639, 1118
Maleck, Amber, captain of Dabul, letters of, 1611: 555, 561, 562, 566
Malhilia, see Mohila.
Malice Scourge, the, 267, 268, 271–274, 276, 279 see the Red Dragon
Mallery or Mallerey, Timothy, see Mallory, Timothy.
Mallory, Timothy, p. [0-9]71, 695, 1023, 1026, 1052, 1083
-, -, letter of, 1615: 934
Malta, Knights of, 436
-, letters of, 1615: 934
Maltby, Sir Nich., 133
Malym Ghany, 647
Mammy Capitan, letter of, 1612: 614
Mancer, John, p. [0-9]71
Mangi, 21
Manilla, 244, 669, 823, 905, 1032, 1127, 1134
-, governor of, p. [0-9]30, 669
Manistay or Manestye, John, 470, 477, p. 285
Manley, Nich., 281, 288
Mann or Manne, Eustace, 697, 700, 706, p. 318, 892, 902, 983, 995, 1010, 1014
Mannering, Sir Arthur, 616
-, —, 985
Mano–emoogi, 266
Mansell, Sir Robt., p. [0-9]40, 892
-, -, grant to, 616
Mansfield, Sir Robt., 461, 467
Mantle, Richard, 697
Mapledore, John, p. 335
Maplesden, Rich., 407, 409, 410, p. 240, 864
Marberie or Marbury, Thos., 479, 899, 912
Marcer, John, p. [0-9]71
Marcus (the Indian), 362
Mare Caspium, 7
Mare Scurge, see Malice Scourge, the.
Margate, 874
Marie de Medicis, Queen of France, 609
Markham, Wm., 200
Mark Lane, 132. II
Marlott, Capt., 702
Marlow, Anthony, 105
Marlowe, Capt. Anthony, 361, 452, 454, 457, 460, 462, 466, 467, 472, 500, 505, 747, 749, 754, 758, 760, p. 315, p. 318, 771, 862, 898, 1021
-, -, journal kept by, 413
-, -, commission to, 597
-, -, letter of, 1608 : 412
-, -, letter to, 1613 : 663
Marlowe, Capt. Anthony, child of, 460
-, Ed., 870
-, -, letter of, 1612 : 620
Marmosets, 359
Marotta, 387
Marrantt, 353
Marsh, Thos., 281
Marshalsea, the, 1003
Marshe, Thos., 33. II, 288
Marseilles, 475
Marten, sheriff, 221
-, daughter of, 221
Martin, Lady, 105, 112, 141
-, Dr., 982
Martin, or Martyn, Rich., 48, 56
-, Robt., 24, 33. II, 47, 48, 95, 105, p. 74
-, Timothy, 373
-, Wm, 279, 812
Martyn, John, p. [0-9]19, 794, 1010
-, Nath., 273, 294
Mary, Queen of England, 221
Mary Edwards, the, 183
Marynell, Wm., 1047
Mascarenos, Rodrigo Alvares, letter to, 1600 : 275
MasBamoneda Bono, 1153
Mastiff, fight with leopard, tiger and bear, 917, 946 see also Dogs
Masulipatam, 406, 578, 582, 596, 662, 686, 743, 756, 763, 764, 767, 771, 792, 849, 862, 877, 917, 973, 1004, 1012, 1022–3, 1072, 1084, 1094, 1104–5, 1146, 1178, 1187
-, king of, see Cattabashaw.
-, ambassador from, 1084, 1105
-, governor of, 758, 877, 1084, 1091
-, customs in, 1021
-, the Dutch in, 788, 1084, 1091
-, letters dated from, 580, 737, 743, 792, 1083, 1091
Mataliphe, Admiral Cornelius, 369, 387, 874
Mataliphe Bay, 369
Matthew, Toby, Archbishop of York, 475
-, Toby, son of, 475
Mattran, King of, 862, 981, 1117
Maunsell, Tobias, 1034
Maurice of Nassau, Prince, letter of, 1613 : 641. II
Mauritius, 369
Mawgoule, 443
May, Henry, 239
-, John, 321
-, -, wife of, 321
-, Mr. preacher, 420
Maydwell, Anthony, p. [0-9]40
Maynard, Sir Wm., 616
Mayner, Geo., 36
Mead, a minister, 772, 1044
Mecca, 18, 570, 632
Medea, voyage to, 8
-, letter dated from, 19
Medes, Henry, 464
Mednall, see Midnall, john
Meerman, Dideric, 641, 643, 874
Mega, Peter Borges de, 283
Megges or Meggs, Wm., 288, 289, 431, 465, 467
Melinda, 266, 582
Melli, 266
Mellinge, Thos., p. [0-9]86
Mellis, Capt. Rich., 397, 403
Melsham, Wm., 683, p. 305, 864, 941, 1010
-, -, mother and wife of, 864, 1010
Mendez, Lucia, 711
Mendis, John, 357
Merchant Adventurers, governor of the Company of see Cabota, Sebastian
-, for discovery of lands, &c, petition of, 8
for discovery of new trades, see New trades
Merchant Bonaventurc, the, 431
Merchantoapos;s Hope, the, 938, 1127
Merchant Royal of Hull, the, 405, 409
Merchants, English, 16
-, -, memorial of, 239
Meredith, John, p. [0-9]62
Meriam, Thos., 474
Merike, Wm., 6
-, Capt., 695
Merland, Bart., 879, 989
Merricke, John, afterwards Sir John, 281, 605, 734, 739, 769
-, -, grant to, 616
Messopotam, see Masulipatam
Messelden, Edward, 785
Meta Inoognita, 89, 90, 93, 102, 116, 134, 136, p. 58, 153, 154. XV
-, voyage, description of, 97–99
Metcalfe, Henry, 895, 899
Meteor, a, seen in 1582, 221
Methwold, Wm., 1014, 1021, 1167
Mewe, John, 960
Mexes, Mr., daughter of (wife of Capt. Saris), 1127
Mexico, 244
Miako (Japan), p. [0-9]30, 669, 676, 698, 707, 712, 751, 805, 1030, 1032, 1045, 1060, 1098, 1106, 1109, 1112, 1124, 1127, 1134, 1151, 1158, 1160, 1163, 1165
-, factory withdrawn from, 1180
-, letters dated from, 1040, 1079
Michael Eedro–witsch, Emperor of Rusia, 1613–1645 : 901
Michael, the, 26, p. 13, 32, 33, 37, 51, 93, 98, p. 41
-, inventory of, 130
Michelbome, Sir Edward, 268, 281, 292, 345, 374, 393, 397, 424, 458, 472, 620, 711
-, -, report of his massacre, 336
-, -, licence to, 336
Micho, Robt., 477
Middleburg, 298, 323, 606, 641, 850, 873, 874
-, letter to merchants of, 825
Middleton, Capt. David, 361, 362, 365, 367, 387, 418, 427, 430, 435, 439, 591, 646, p. 262, 697, 702, pp. 284–6, 704, 706, 711, 718, 723, p. 305, 754, 874, 898, 904, 910, 913, 940, 958, 1017, 1022, 1055, 1088, 1091
-, -, commissions to, 364, 438, 714
-, -, gratification to, 433
-, -, letter of, 1615 : 906
-, Henry, afterwards Sir Henry, brother of the preceding, 274, 277, 279, 325, 346
-, 1607–8: 357, 359, 361, 383, 397, 406, 413, 426.
-, 1609–11: 443, 474, 479, 489, 580, 582.I.,591
-, 1612–: 608, 623, 632, 634, 636, 638, 640, 646, 647, 650, 651, 653, 662, 663, 671.
-, 1614: p. [0-9]71, 691, 695, p. [0-9]82, 731, p. [0-9]02, p. [0-9]06, 758, p. [0-9]15, p. [0-9]18, p. [0-9]20, 767, 770, p. [0-9]36, 804, 805, 847.
-, 1615: 867, 897, 902, 906, 958, 1006, 1010, 1024.
-, -, commissions to, 330, 482
-, -, declaration of, 569
-, -, escape of, 571
-, -, lettere of,— 1610: 501
-, -, letters to,—
-, 1610: 490–494
-, 1611: 506, 509–512, 514–517, 523–525, 528, 530, 531, 533, 534, 536–540, 543–545, 547, 551, 552, 555–558, 561, 563, 566, 568, 582, 584.
-, 1612: 614.
-, -, death of, 730, 811, 903, 907, 1006
-, -, accounts and goods of, 748, 749, p. 315
-, -, Alice, wife of, p. 305, 755, p. 315, p. 319, 958, 1010
- Henry, purser and factor, 268, 272, 274, 286
Middleton, John, 273, p. 117, 286, 288, 409
-, Rich., 465
-, Robt, 256, 281, 288, 374, 417, 420, 448, 465, 474, 616, pp. 269–70, p. 284, 715, pp. 302–3, p. 315, 817, 833, 834, 853, 864, 871, 958, 960, 967, 976, 999, 1001
-, -, commission and credentials for, 854–5
-, -, letters of, 1615: 911, 943 961
-, -, letter to, 1616: 1188
-, Sir Thos., Lord Mayor of London, 1613–4 : pp. 270–2, 695, p, 315, 802, 884
-, Thos., 256, 257
-, Wm., 1037
-, Mr,, p. 272
-, -, of Plymouth, 321
Midnall or Mildnall, John, 411, 443, 453, 461, 463, 464, 467, 563, 763, 764, 767, 781, 788, 790, 799, 846, 881, 917, 921, 946, 954
-, -, children of, 767
Mier Shumelo, 686
Mighelson, John, 60
Mildmay, Robt., 281, 288, 289, p. 240, 839
Milford, 629
- Haven, 32, p. 56
Milhall, 755
Milk Street, 221
Mill, Thos., 786
Millett, Wm., 281, 288, 374, 417, 448, 616, p. 306
Millgate, letter dated from, 78
Millward, John, 616, 996, 997, 1008, 1057
-, -, letters of,—
-, 1615:907, 1058.
-, 1616:1111, 1156.
-, letter to,—
-, 1615:1062.
-, -, jeweller, p. [0-9]89, 702
Millworth John, 940
Milton, Thos., p. [0-9]82
Milwarde, Humph., 281, 288, 290
Ministers, relief to poor, 772, 1044
Minna - motto-no - Yeye - yason, Emperor of Japan, 656
Mino (China), 252
Mint, the, 612
Mitford, Edmund, p. [0-9]84
-, Thos., p. [0-9]70, p. 273, 695, 768, 773, 808, 809, 841–2, 847, 861, 892, 958, 1086, 1167
-, -, letters of,—
-, 1614: 846.
-, 1615: 953.
Mocha 387, 393, 406, 489, 504, 506, 509, 511, 514, 521, 523, 525, 528, 532, 533, 544, 569, 603, 634, 638, 640, 662, 663, 771, 897
-, description of, 406
Governor of, see Regib Aga.
-, -, present for, 492, 493
-, island of, 585
-, letters dated from, 490, 491, 493, 494, 501, 509, 519, 520, 534, 538–540, 543, 545, 547, 548, 552, 555, 556, 558, 559, 561, 563, 564, 566, 568, 570, 614, 632
Mocrob .Chan, Governor of Cambaya, Viceroy of Surat, Governor of Ahmedabad, 449, 455, 584, 662, 767, 773, 778, 788, 790, 795, 796, 799, 832, 846, 847, 849, 856, 859, 883, 887, 915, 929, 931–2, 935, 938, 946, 953, 1028, 1033, 1077, 1169
-, “particulars desired by,” 797
-, letter to, 1615: 1035
-, displaced, 1086
Mocorow Bowcan, see Mocorob Chan.
Mogor, King, of, see Great Mogul, the.
Mogores, the, 280
Mogul, the see Great Mogul, the
Mogustan, 1186, 1188
Moha, 406, 459
Mohila (Comoro Islands), 632, 634, 638
Molaccaes, see Moluccas, the.
Molakantin, 876, 879
Molesworth, Bevell, p. [0-9]40
Moll, John Johnson, 700
Mollineux, —, 412, 474–479, 653, 923, 938
Moluccas, the, " Islands of the Spiceries, "
-, 1527:2.
-, 1580–3: 146, 185, 187, 216, 220, 221, 231.
-, 1589–93: 239, 244.
-, 1607: 357, 358, 362, 387.
-, 1608: 401, 406, 412, 418, 424, 425.
-, 1609–12: 448, 479, 522, 591.
-, 1613: 664, p. [0-9]62, 671.
-, 1614: 683, 691, 697, 702, p. [0-9]85, 709, 716, 730, p. [0-9]02, 744, p. [0-9]05, 751, 754, 756, 771, 779, 783, p. [0-9]36, 792, 812, 823.
-, 1615: 860, 862, 870, 882, 888, 893, 900, 904, 907, 910, 917, 956, 958, 970, 979, 981, 999, 1004, 1006, 1014, 1022, 1039, 1056, 1063, 1072.
-, 1616: 1082, 1095, 1117, 1124, 1127, 1162, see also Amboyna, Bachian. Hitto. Lasede. Lugho. Machian. Ternate. Tidore.
-, Hollanders in, 1063, 1072, 1104, 1124, 1127
-, -, English threatened by, 1082
-, -, -, beaten by, 1012, 1078
-, -, differences between English and, 1147
-, - hated in, 904, 1095
Moluccas, Hollanders in, danger of, losing, 822–3, 843
-, Spaniards in, 751, 822–3, 1014, 1063
-, Portugals in, 1063
-, - gone to fight the Hollanders in, 1039
-, desire of the people to trade with English, 1078
-, trade in, 521, 671, 943, 947. I, 961
-, profit on gold in, 898
-, wars in, 630, 904
Mombaca, 266
Monkeys, 359
Monomotapa, King of, 266
Monson, Sir Win., 474, 839
Montague, Sir Edw., 45
-, Sir Henry, 1003
Monteagle, Boron see Parker, Wm.
Montgomery, Earl of, see Herbert, Philip.
Monts, Mons de, 436
Moone, the, 93, p. 40, p. 41
Moor, Capt., 1045
-, Adrian, p. 305, p. 315
Moore, Sir Geo., 616
-, Alderman John, 256, 257, 273, 281, p. 117, 288
-, Robt, 400
Moore, Simon, 813
Moors, the, 1, p. 14, 412, 603, 632, 724, 917
-, made slaves, 266
-, wars between the Portugals and, 923
More, Robt., 386, 461
-, Wm, 730, 739, 763
-, -, letter of, 1613 : 647
Morehouse, purser, 479
Morgan, Thos., 274, 286
-, Sir Wm., 34, 48
Morice, —, 679
Moritius, see Mauritius.
Morley, Thos., p. [0-9]40
Morocco 266
Morrafaccol sugar, 1168
Morrice, Griffin, 383
- or Morris, John, 256, 288, 294, p. 240, 812
Morris, Henry, 406
-, Mr., 711
Morrises, the, p. [0-9]19
Morse, fishing for teeth of the, 9
Moscovia, see Moscow
Moscow, 17, 19, 238
Mosley, Anthony, 288, 292, 379
-, Clement, 256, 281, 297
-, Eliz., wife of Clement, 288, 297
-, Nich., 256
-, Samuel, 702, 903
Motir, 664
Mott, Thos., 691, 706
Moulla, 850
Mounsr, Samuel, 687
Mount Edgecombe, letter dated from, 113
Mountford, Walter, 1010, 1016
Mountney, Rich., husband to the East India Company, 374, 377, 411, 426, 430, 443, 461, p. 240, p. 272, 687, p. 303, 769, 999, 1009
-, -, gratification to, 455, p. 272
-, -, son of, 687
Mount Oxford, p. [0-9]
Mowse, Mrs., 725
Mozambique, 240, 266, 350, 386, 449, 451, 457, 587, 905
-, trade in, 521
Mua, see Moha
Much, see Mocha island of.
Muelia, see Mohila.
Mullet, Justice, 268
Mumbarrick, 624
Muncke, Levinua de, 460, p. 269
Munden, master of a vessel, 682, p. 270, p. 273
-, (painter), pp. [0-9]14–5
Munger, Jas., 1047
Munnes, Thos., 999
Murrey, Sir David, 616
Muscat, 1188
Muschampe, Geo., 1010, 1021
Muscovia, see Muscovy company.
Muscovy, see Russia
- Company, the, 6, 7, 17, 27, p. 13, 41, 126, 132.11, 149, 150, 171, 182, 221, 234, 289, 294, 295, 297, 298, 334, 385, 407, 675, 678, 695, 697, 706, 739, p. 319, 871, 1048
-, charter of, 30
-, grant to, 616
-, house, 91, 104, 147, 154. n, 188, 221, 230
-, ships, 769
-, hides, 1175
Musgrave, Edmund, 431, 435
-, Thos., 383
Musk, 270, 309, 327
Muskets, p. [0-9]84, 931
Mustapha, 541, 632
Mutton, goldsmith, 1146
Myldemay, Sir Walter, p. [0-9]7
Myldemay, see Mildmay, Ropt
Myll or Mylles, John, 817, 833, 902, 912, 939
Mylles, Fras., 54
Myliett, Wm., 697
Myllward, see Milwarde, Hump.
Myssenden, Robt., 201