Index: J, K

Pages 522-525

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 2, 1513-1616. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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Jaoatra (Java), 636, 739–741, 749, 756, p. 318, 771, 862, 1088, 1104

-, King of, 686, 739, p. 314, p. 319, 862, 1078

-, letters dated from, 979, 1082, 1157

Jacatra, the, 1067, 1040

Jackman, Chas, 89, 93, 97, 122, p. 58, 149, 675, 705, 963.i

-, -, commission to, 148

-, -, instructions for, 147

-, -, journal of the voyage of, 150

Jackman_s Sound, p. 39, p. 41, p. 56, p. 57

Jackson, Geo., 807

-, John, 288, 290, 295

-, Robt, 912, 960, 968

-, Thos., see Juxon, Thos.

-, Mr., 786

-; -, trumpeter, 98

Jacob, Abraham, p. 240

Jacobson, Philip, p. 285

Jado or Jadowe, __, 781, 790

Jaffar Aga, 558

Jambee (Sumatra), 1020, 1023, 1039, 1072, 1090, 1157

-, letters dated from, 1038–9, 1046, 1089–90

-, journal of a voyage to, 1020

-, factory at, 1090

-, King of, 1020, 1038–9, 1041, 1090

-, Flemings in, 1072, 1147

-, Portuguese in, 1038–9, 1147

- river, 1020, 1038, 1090, 1147

-, difficulties of getting up the, 1038–9, 1041

James I., King of England,—
-, 1603–6: 321, 324, 332, 351, 356
-, 1607: 357, 361, 362, 373, 386
-, 1608: 394, 403, 409
-, 1609: 444, 453, 461, 463, 465, 467, 474, 476
-, 1610: 495, 499
-, 1611: 503, 546, 554, 572, 578, 588, 593
-, 1612: 600, 601, 603, 605, 609, 612, 613, 619

James I., King of England,—cont.
-, 1613: 630, 632, 640–647, 650, 655, 662, 669, 672, 674
-, 1614: 678, 682, p. 269, p. 273, 691, 702, pp. 284-5, 704, 715, 717, 730, p. 305, p. 314, p. 819, 767, 769, 774, 778, 785, 787, p. 336, 791, 799, 801, 803, 804, 808, 810, 812, 817, 822-3, 839, 847, 848, 852, 853
-, 1615: 864, 871, 874, 877, 879, 881, 891, 893, 899, 900, 911, 917, 921, 924, 943, 946-7, 953, 955-7, 963, 966, 984, 994, 996, 998-9, 1004, p. 420, 1018, 1021, 1026, 1034, 1035-6, 1053-4, 1058
-, 1616: 1086, 1128, 1137, 1146, 1172, 1180

-, abused by the Governor of Surat, 1077

-, commissioners of, 434

-, -, letter of, 1613: 645

-, his letters to the Princes of India translated into Portuguese, 362

-, letters and petitions to,—
-, 1605: 346
-, 1607: 391
-, 1612: 617, 618
-, 1613: 641. I. II., 652, 660
-, 1614: 681
-, 1615: 961, 977, 982, 1002
-, 1616: 1100, 1131

-, pension granted by, 303

-, warrant by, 679

- presents to, 325, 384, 739, 1078

-, strange fowls and beasts reserved for, 454

-, master of his barge, 693

-, “picture” of, 638, 1169.i

James or JaymeB, Edward, 256, 460, 616, p. 303, 899, 1003

James, Sir Roger, 1021

James (master of a vessel), 467

- Mr., 772, 889

James, the, 597, 620, 623, 632, 647, 651, 663, 686, 695, p. 284, 726, 743, 748, 749, 754, 756, 759, 760, 763, 771, 783, 792, 862, 870, 875, 877, 898, 904, 905, 910, 917, 921, 959, 969, 1004, 1016–7, 1019, 1021, 1024, 1048, 1053, 1167, 1172–3, 1179, 1181, 1186, 1189

Jamryn, Nath., 286, 463

Jangama, or Janggamay, 756, 1015

Janin, president, 473

Jantana Point, 771

Japan, 147, 303, 338, pp. 228–230
-, 1612: 616, 623, 624
-, 1613: 630, 636, 647, 655, 664, 665, 669, 670
-, 1614: 685, 697, 702, p. 286, 707, 718, 729, p. 303, 744,. p. 305, p. 318, 771, 779, p. 336, 791, 794, 822, 825, 843
-, 1615: 876, 888, 889, 891, 898, 902, 904, 906, 907, 912, 913, 928, 938, 945, 956, 959, 962, 969, 981, 1011, 1015-6, 1021-3, 1027, 1032, 1050, 1064, 1072-3
-, 1616: 1093-4, 1097, 1104, 1117, 1119, 1123-4, 1127, 1134, 1151, 1163, 1170, 1178, 1183
-, see also
-, Arima;
-, Sakaii
-, Faccatay;
-, Shashma;
-, Firando;
-, Saranga;
-, Ikanoura;
-, Toba;
-, Miako;
-, Umbra;
-, Nangasaki;
-, Xaxma;
-, Osaka;
-, Yedo;
-, Oxima;
-, Yshew;

-, letters dated from, 585, 835, 1185

-, Christianity in, 696, 698

- extreme cold in, 780

-, great fire in, in which300, 000 lost their lives, 1093, 1097

-, boy brought from, 361

-, licence to discover, 336

-, hopes of discovery in, 779

-, trade in, 707, 712, p. 336, 1070

-, -, no great hopes of the, 1078, 1091

-, gold, silver, iron, and copper in, 630, 822, 979, 1011, 1078, 1082, 1104

-, abundance of cotton in, 669

-, North–west passage from, 668–9, 772, 804, 822, 825, 962

-, Hollanders in, p. [0-9]29, 630, 666, p. 262, 698, 728, 750, 771, p. 336, 939, 1063, 1066–8, 1148

-, -, ordnance cast by, 1095

-, Spaniards in, p. [0-9]29, 630, 836, 838, 1030, 1063, 1066–7, 1134

-, ambassador to Spain from, 820

-, rumours of wars and wars in, 805, 822, 825, 1095, 1097

-, Portugals in, pp. 228–9, 630, 822, 939, 1030, 1063, 1066–7, 1073

-, Jesuits and friars in, pp. 228–30, 630, 696, 698, 699, 822

-, -, to be banished, 694, 1095, 1158–9, 1178

-, -, banished, 804, 805, 822, 825, 1097

-, doubtful whether Christians should be banished out of, 1158

-, all Christians banished to Firando from, 1178

-, Emperors of, see
-, Taico Same;
-, Ogusho Same;
-, Shongo Same

Japanese, fight with, 336

-, killed in Cochin China, 751

Japan, John, 815, 836, 838

Japan (Java), 522, 862, 913

Jappara, see Japara.

Jasques (Jask), 763, 788, 810, 846, 861, 921, 946. i, 953, 1167, 1172–3, 1176, 1179, 1186, 1188

-, -, description of, 798

-, governor of, 847, 1181, 1186, 1188

Java, 1, 522, 591, 653, 664, 756, 862, 898, 903, 908, 1038, 1078; see also
-, Bantam;
-, Gracia;
-, Jacatra;
-, Japara

-, King of, 908

-, junks, 1020

Javas, the, 683

- (women), 1046, 1170

Javaryn, see Jamryn, Nath.

Jeames, Alex., p. 336

- Edw., 928

Jecketta, 393

Jedda, 537

Jeffe, Geo., 501, 517

Jefferey, Peter, 189, 192. I, 200, 206, 212, 213

- -, letter of, 1583: 224

Jelba, a, 545–547, 549, 551

Jenckynson, Anthony, 6, 7, 10, 24, 31, 33. II, 45, 51, 70, 95, 105, 138

-, -, letters of,—
-, 1565: 9
-, 1566: 12
-, 1577: 33

-, -, voyages of, 9, 10

Jenkinson, Robt., 616

Jenkyns, Michael, 779

Jennynges or Jennyngs, Wm., 281, 288, 361, 373, 374, 400, 409, 417, 448, 450

Jeofferies, Thos., 393, 616

Jermosa Islands, 1134

Jeronimo, Don, 935

Jesuits, 147, 650, 659, p. 262, p. 318, 767, 781, 788
-, see also Japan Papists.

Jewels, see precious stones.

-, men skilful in, 474

Jhor (Malacca), 266, 338, 369, 647, 716, 1029, 1131

-, King of, 369, 905, 980, 998, 1058, 1090, 1105, 1127

-, -, marriage of, 1029

-, -, often gets drunk, 1029

-, -, ambassador from, 1118

Joachim, Albert, 874

Joanes or Jones, Thos., 393, 397, 406, p. 240, 739

-, -, death of, 746

John III., King of Portugal, 1521–1557: 2, 901

John de Nova Island, 632

John, the Indian, 458

Johnes, Stephen, 300

Johnson, Fras., death of, 992

-, John, 268, 621, p. 271, p. 319, 771, 1110. 1170

Johnson, Peter, 630, 1178

-, Rich, 839

-, Robt, 281, 288, 356 361, 367, 370, 374, 417, 448, 616, 682, p. 285, 741, p. 302, p. 315, p. 320, 807, 928, _994, 999, 1055

-, Thos, 286, 616

-, Wm, 1024

-, -, Mr., p. 315, 772, 1053

-, -, letter to, 1616: 1166

-, Mrs., 221

Jolles, Sir John, 769

Jolly, Robt., 155, 161

-, -, letter of, 1581: 171

Jon, Ph., 238

Jonas, see Schutz, Jonas.

Jonas Mount, p. 41, 122

Jonas, the, 502

Jones, Bennett, 769, 785

-, Alderman Eras., 616

-, John, 412, 616

-, Thos., 682, 697, p. 284, 772, 1034, 1167

-, Joan, wife of Thos., 772

-, Wm., p. 229

-, Mr., p. 335

Jonson, Rich., 268

Jor, see Jhor.

Joseph, Capt. Benj., 705, 1021, 1034, 1044, 1053

-, -, commission to, 1074

Jouile, “the great Geloly,” 446

Jourdain, John, president of the factory at Bantam, 386, 584, 646, 648, 726, 730, 739, p. 303, 744, 745, 754, 771, 779, p. 336, 792, 804–806, 870, 910, 972, 997, 1006, 1011, 1023, 1071, 1084, 1095, 1171, 1178

-, -, representation against, 684

-, -, letters of,—
-, 1611: 582
-, 1614: 683, 783
-, 1615: 862-3, 898, 913, 959, 979, 1012, 1022, 1078
-, 1616: 1082, 1104, 1117

-, -, letters to—
-, 1614: 716, 724, 732, 733, 736, 743, 749, 759
-, 1615: 1013, 1070
-, 1616: 1084, 1089, 1105, 1161, 1165, 1170

-, -, instructions from, 888

-, -, instructions to, 740

-, -, his journal of the 4th voyage to the East Indies, 406

-, -, the blind brother of, 1078

- Ignatius, cousin of, 1078

-, John, cousin of, 1078

Jude, John, letters of—
-, 1607: 380, 390
-, 1608: 396, 404

Judith, the, 93, 97, p. 40, p. 41, 120, 143, 154. xiii, p. 319

-, inventory of, 129

Juett, Widow, 812

Julian, Capt Don, 283

Juxon, Sam., 984, 994, 1023, 1029, 1054–5, 1084

-, - letter of, 1615: 927

-, -, commission to, 997

-, -, death of, 1054–5, 1058, 1034

-, Thos., 256, 281, 288, p. 240, p. 271

Jyde, Sam., 902


Kathai, see Cathay.

Kay or Kayes, Robt, 281, p. 240

Keale, __, 956

Kedgee Island, 393

Keeling, Capt. Wm., 325, 357, 361, 362, 365, 412, 416, 424, 454, 460, 474, 591, 723, 741, 754, pp. 318–20, 769, 772, 787, p. 336, 791, 794, 827, 831, 833, 839, 843, 845, 850, 867, 876, 879, 884, 889, 891–2, 899, 902, 912, 928, 939, 958, 974, 976, 981, 988, 992, 1049–50, 1100, 1104, 1117, 1124, 1127, 1131. i, 1132, 1137, 1172, 1174–5, 1178, 1180

-, -, commissions to, 364, 868

-, -, letters of, 1615: 989, 1033, 1043

-, -, letter to, 1616 : 1156

-, -, notes from journal of, 948

-, - wife of, 787, p. 336, 791, 827, 831, 839, 876, 879, 899, 902, 912, 974, 976, 989

Kegor, 5

Kelke, Thos., 33. II

Kellett, Wm., 288, 289, 292

Kelly, Sir Edward, 25

-, Eras., 716, 736, 745, 754

Kempe, __, 43

Kemphorne, Wm., 691

Kendall, Wm., p. [0-9]35

Kenn, Rich., 386, 639

Kennetye, Jas., 691

Kent, 585

Kent, Wm., 467, 474

Kentishe, Martin, 812, 817, 827, 845

Ken ton, John, 813

Keridge or Kerridge, Thos., 638, 659, 662, 763, 768, 832, 856, 859, 924, 1167

Keridge or Kerridge, Thos.—cont.

-, -, letters of,—
-, 1613 : 640, 650
-, 1614 : 766, 767, 790, 799, 801
-, 1615 : 881, 946, 954

-, -, letters to,—
-, 1614 : 778
-, 1616 : 1169

Kernshawe, ——, 1021

Kerseys, 430, 458, 470, p. 284

Kever, Edward, 5

Kewee, 913

Key, Robt., 288

Keys, Justice, 467

Killybegg Harbour (Ireland), 1049

Kinasted, see Kinaston, Brian.

Kinaston, Brian, 448, 450, 739, 956

-, Hump., 1044

King, Raphe, p. [0-9]72, p. 282, 702

- __, 407

King_s College, Cambridge, letter dated from, 775

Kingston, John, 407

Kinsale, 229, 231

Kirbie, Kirby or Kyrby, Jeffrey, 281, 286, 288, 393, 417, 448, 455, 616, p. 272, pp. 302–3, 770, 928, 930, 999

Kirke, Gervase, p. [0-9]40

Kirkham, Robt,, 285

Kirkman, Henry, 89

-, Robt., 300

Kitchen, __, 407, 1009, 1044

Knevet, Sir Henry, 33. II., 48

Knevett, Mr., 221

Knightley, Sir Valentine, 616

Knives, 274, 584, 632, 638, p. 287, 797, 801, 847, 917, 1021, 1031, 1086, 1097

Knokes, __, 983, 985

Knollys, Sir Fras., 33. II., 94, 105

Knowles [Knollys], Wm. Lord, p. 319

Koyngero, __, 694

Kraurych, Dr. Burchard, 67, 86, 87, 113, 116, 117, 122, p. 57, 154. III. v, 169

-, -, letters from,—
-, 1577: 62, 7.II
-, 1578: 77, 82, 83, 85

-, -, pension granted to, p. 57

-, -, death of, 153

Kyha, the, 568

Kyllygrew, Wm., 33. II, 48, 54

Kyndersley, Mathew, 24, 33. II, 47, 89, 94, 105

-, Robt., 33.II, 45, 89, 94, 105

-, Mrs. Ann Francis, 105

Kyrby, see Kirby, Jeffrey.