Index: C

Pages 497-503

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 2, 1513-1616. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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Cabota, Sebastian (governor of the Company of Merchant Adventurers), 2, 238

-, instructions by, 4

-, voyage of, 21

Cabul, 650

Cadge, see Cage, Nich.

Cadiz, 268, 279

Cæsar, Dr. Julius, 70, 75, 221

-, Sir Julius, 467, 616

-, Thos., 54, 75

Caffras, 632

Cage, Nicholas, 362, 479

Cairo, 611

Calais, 272, 274

Calicoes, 309, 327, 472, 477, p. 271, p. 273, 693, 695, p. 282, 715, 717, 723, 746, p. 315, 763, 773, 776, 792, 842, 1114

-, price of, 455

-, sale of, 761

Calicut, 241, 266, 387, 1105, 1137

-, discovery of, 2

-, King of, 387; see also Underecoon-Cheete

Callis, Mr., 1157

Calthorpe, Alderman, p. 74

Calvert, Geo., 456, 479

-, Mr., p. 273

Camay, see Cambay.

Cambalu, 147

Cambasson, 1016

Cambaya, 266, 386, 397, 406, 412, 449, 501, 558, 560, 561, 638, 639, 649, 659, 662, 674. I, 691, 695, 711, 739–741, 749, p. 318, 805, 811, 840, 841, 846, 847, 866, 886, 890, 928–9, 932, 938, 1014–5, 1072

-, licence to discover, 336

-, trade in, 1014

- King of, 1, 356, 393

-, princes and governors of, 361

-, governors of, p. 316; see also Mocrob Chan

-, bay of, 459

-, quilts, 925

Cambell, Jas., 715

-, Aid. Sir Thos., afterwards Lord Mayor of London, 1609–1610: 256, 257, 281, 288, 304, 321, 356, 378, 448, 477, 1003

-, -, elected governor of the East India Company, 308

Cambello (Ceram), 406, 745, 862, 888, 1004, p. 420, 1104

-, castle of, 1078

Camboja, 806, 1067, 1104, 1110, 1118, 1170

Cambridge, 221, 359 see also King's College

Camden, Edmond, 632, 706, 899

-, letter of—
-, 1613: 634

-, letters to—
-, 1611: 595
-, 1612: 622, 624–628
-, 1613: 635–637

-, Rich., brother of, 899, 930

Camels, 17, 1186, 1188

-, cost of (on a journey), 1177

Cameran, 551

Campayo, Francisco, 716, 745

Campbell, Archibald, Earl of Argyle, 871

Camphor, 270, 902, 1084

Campion, Abraham, 297

Canaries, The, 206, 207, 224, 231

Canary wines, 279, 463, 1010

-, price of, 279

-, scarcity of, 1009

Cancer, Tropic of, 206, 229

Candish, see Cavendishe, Capt.

Canninge, Launcelot, 659

-, -, death of, 662

-, Paul, 638, 640, 647, 650, 651, 659, 662, p. 270, 695, 715, p. 303, p. 315, 763, 771, 773, 788, 859, 921

-, -, death of, 650, 662, 766, 767, 773, 811, 846, 856

-, Wm, 715

Cannibals of Brazil, 223

Canvas, 892

- French, 443, p. 319, 769, 770, 833, 956

-, Ipswich, 453, 769

Canterbury, 409

-, Archbishop of, see Abbott, George.

Canton (China), 387, 902

-, offer of the Dutch to trade in, 822

Canynge, Geo., 256

Cape Blanco, 206

Cape Clear, 93

Cape Comorin, 692, 647

Cape of Desolation, p. 241

Cape of Good Hope, 206, 216, 218, 220, 224, 225, 231, 232, 265, 266, 292–294, 298, 307, 310, 317, 419, 451, 578, p. 228, 591, 620, 632, 634, 638–640, 651, 652, p. 315, 769, 772, 779, 788, 870, 903, 907, 908, 985, 988, 989, 991, 1034, 1061, 1085

Cape of Guardafuy, 266

Cape Hopewell, p. 39

Cape de Palmas, 206, 232

Cape St. Augustine, 634, 639, 651

Cape Verde, 206, 211, 231, 232

Caper, Paul de, p. 272

Cardler,—, 859

Cards and card playing, 96, 179, 203

Careil, or Carrell, Robt. (? Jas.), 281, 288

Carew, Sir Geo., afterwards Lord, 477, 730

-, -, letters of,—
-, 1609 : 436
-, 1615 : 967
-, 1616 : 1085

- Henry, 59, 89, 93, 162

Carey, Allen, p. 269, p. 286, 1037

Carie, Allen, p. 240

-, Sir Henry, 616

Carleton, Dudley, afterwards Sir Dudley, ambassador at Venice and at the Hague, 645

-, - letters to,—
-, 1600: 269, 278
-, 1608: 421
-, 1609: 428, 476
-, 1611: 573 590 592
-, 1612: 604 613
-, 1613: 644 657 658 661 667 677
-, 1614 : 688 731 803 834
-, 1616 : 1130 1136

Carlile, Capt. Christopher, son-in-law to Sec. Walsyngham, 182, 183, 187–189, 192.i, 194, 196, 204, 206, 221

Carlille, Geoffrey, 361, 362, 386, 398

Carmarden, Mr., p. 272

Carmelite friars, 446

Carmichell or Carmychell, Wm., p. 335, 980

-, -, petition of, 982

-, -, wife and children of, 980

Carnation of Colchester, the, 300

Caron, Sir Noel de, Dutch Ambassador in England, 675, 691, pp. 314–5, 785, p. 336, 817, 831, 893, 966, 995, 999, 1001, 1014

-, -, letters of, 1606: 351

Carpenter, David, pp. 282–3, 697

-, Thos., 420

Carpets, 266, 695, 776, 846, 848, 857, 925, 1087

Carr, Sir Robt., Viscount Rochester, Earl of Somerset, Lord Chamberlain, 1613–1615: 616, 678, p. 269, p. 273, 715

-, -, letters to,—
-, 1612: 619
-, 1614: 708
-, 1615: 893

-, -, presents to, 677, 708

-, -, wife of, 677

Carryll, see Careill.

Carryll, John, p. 284

Carter, Henry, 682, pp. 282–5, p. 303

-, Rich., 214, 256

Carter, Robt, 786

Cartwright, Abraham, 395

-, John, 255, 303, 310, 313

-, Mrs., 472

Carwarden, Walter, 673, 694, 751, 753, 804, 823

Carwell, Thos., 1010

Casbin, 19, 353

-, letter dated from, 353

Casimir, Duke, p. 60

Cason, John, 281, 288, 409, p. 240, 739. p. 303, p. 315, 1009, 1033

Caspian Sea, the, 397, 644

Cassam, 537

Cassa Same, 1138, 1153

Castelett, 406

Casson, John, see Cason.

Castelyn, Edward, p. 59

Castelyne, John, 54, 199, 200, 221, 616

-, -, letter of, 1582: 193

Castile soap, 279

Castllla Nueva, 314

Castle, see Castile

Castle de Maine, p. 272

Castleton, Capt. Sam., 620, 680, 711, 742, 789, 807, 827, 891, 892, 895, 899, 902, 956, 960, 962, 969, 972, 976, 1100, 1103, 1124, 1127

-, -, wife of, 960

Caston, John, 892

Cataia, see Cathay

Catanai (swords), 244

Cater, Geo., 281, 288

-, Wm., 281, 288, 417, 431, p. 240, p. 273, 695, 715, 941

Cathay (China), 3, 9, 10, 21, 27, p. 14, 29, 32–34, 36, 37, 41, 45, 46, 48–50, 52, 54, 55, 74, 93, 122, 132. ii, 142, p. 57, p. 58, 146, 147, 154. iii, xv, 169, 187, 189, 190, 191, 196, 237, 303, 358

-, arguments for discovery of, 9, 10, 12, 22, 23, 25

-, journals of voyages intended for discovery of, 5, 150, 184, 187, 203, 248, 249, 705

-, commission for discovery of, 148

-, petition for discovery of, 11

- attempt for discovery of, 144

- privileges desired for discovery of, 11–15, 41

-, licence to discover, 336

-, company of, grant to, 30, 31

-, man and woman brought from, 59. i, p. 52, 142

Cathayens,” 9

Cattabashaw, King of Masulipatam, 1091

Cave, Thos., 393

Cavendish, Wm., Lord. 616, p. 272

-, Lady. 682

-, Capt. Wm., 274, 281, 288, 355, 591, 905

Cawshot, 197, 200

Caza, Isle, 244

Cecil, Sec. Sir Wm., afterwards Lord Burghley, Lord High Treasurer, 1572–1599: 20, 24, 29, 31, 33. II, 45, 47, 52, 70, 75, 93–95, 105, 126, 132. ii, 136, 137, p. 57, 182, 183, 187, 189, 192, 192. I, 221

-, -, memoranda, notes, and observations of, 13, 87, 152

-, -, addressed as Peter Artson, 254

-, -, letter of—
-, 1582: 186

-, -, letters to—
-, 1566: 10 12
-, 1567: 15
-, 1571: 17
-, 1572: 19
-, 1576: 25
-, 1578: 78 92
-, 1582: 191 220
-, 1583: 225

-, Sec. Sir Robt., afterwards Lord Cranbourne, Earl of Salisbury, and Lord High Treasurer, 1609–1612: 261, 295, 296, 370, 373, 427, 440, 443, 453, 454, 460, 461, 463, 465, 572

-, -, indisposition of, 593, 605

-, -, parrots, monkeys, &c. for, 359

-, -, letters and petitions to—
-, 1596: 247
-, 1600: 266
-, 1602: 312
-, 1603: 323, 324
-, 1604: 335, 337, 338, 341
-, 1606: 347, 348, 349
-, 1607: 360, 366, 376, 384, 392
-, 1609: 445, 446, 451, 469, 471, 473, 475
-, 1610: 478, 480, 481, 483–486, 499, 500
-, 1611: 503, 5087, 513, 518, 527, 572, 574, 576, 579, 581, 589, 587, 588, 589, 591, 593, 595
-, 1612: 600, 601, 605, 606, 607
-, 1614: 822

-, secretary to, see Wilson, Thos.

-, Wm., Earl of Salisbury, 616, 770

Celebes, 668, 1072, 1104; see also Macassar

-, trade in, 521

Cendalaya, 596

Ceram, 1004; see also Cambello

Cerna, island of, 369

Ceylon, 578, 632, 647, 740

-, trade in, 521

Chace, Thos., p. 240

Chalmers,— 13

Chaloner, Sir Thos., 616

Chamberlain, Abraham, 616, p. 272, p. 318, 944, 1044

-, And., 281, 288

-, -, death of, 443

-, David, 1044

Chamberlain, Geo., 281, 288, p. 240, 939

-, John, 270, p. 270

-, -, sworn free of the East India Company, 443

-, -, letters of—
-, 1600: 269.
-, 1605: 336.
-, 1608: 421.
-, 1609: 428, 476.
-, 1611: 590, 592.
-, 1612: 604.
-, 1613: 644, 658, 667, 677.
-, 1614: 731, 803, 834.
-, 1616: 1130

-, Rich., 281, 288, 616, p. 286

-, Robt., treasurer of the East India Company, 281, 288, 300, 308, 313, 321, p. 286

-, Thos., 89

Chambers, Hugh, 501

-, John, 407, p. 240

-, Wm., 256, 267, 268, 273, 281, p. 117, 288, 324, 378, 388

Champion, Rich., 288, 289, 616

Champney, Fras., 472

Champneys, Thos., letter of, 1566: 10

Chan Allam, 650

Chancellor, Nicholas, 89, p. 52

-, Richard, 3, 5

Chandlor or Chandler, Geo, 281, 288, p. 240, 944

Chandos, Lady, 447

Chapman, John, 430, 693, 742

-, Lawrence, 16, 17

-, Thos., p. 240

Charing Cross, 769

Charles V., Emperor of Germany, 2, 901

Charles, Prince of Wales, afterwards King Charles 1, 791, 999

Charles, the, 1010, 1021, 1167

Chatham, 502

-, letter dated from, 160

Chauncey or Chaunceye, Geo., 620, 756, 771, 870, 877, 888, 1004, 1006, 1023, 1056, 1091

-, -, letter of—
-, 1612: 620.
-, 1614: 743, 792.
-, 1615: 877, 882.

-, -, death of, 1026

-, Thos., 892, 1031

Cheapside, 1086

Cheese, 706

Cheinie, Rich., 8

Cherubim, the, 267

Chery or Cherry, Fras., afterwards Sir Fras., 256, 267, 273, 281, p. 117, 463

Chesire, Martin, 640, p. 273, p. 335

Chester, John, 766, 928

-, Thos., 33. II

-, Sir Wm., 16

-,——, 168

Chichester, Sir Arthur, Baron Chichester of Belfast, Lord Deputy of Ireland, p. 269, p. 272, 711

-, -, (a kinsman of), p. 269

Chilcoet, Robt., 374

Chilcott, John (? Joe), p. 273

Childe, Alex., 1173, 1179, 1181–2

-, -, letter to, 1616 : 1186

Chili, p. 228, 616

-, Spaniards in, p. 228

China, 1, 9, 146, 147, 184, 190, 192. I, 196, 202–204, 214, 221, 234, 237, 238, 244–249, 250, 254, 266, 280, 283, 303, 333, 337, 358, 387, 611, 616, 702, 716, 743, 805, 822, 839, 843, 904, 980, 1021, 1027, 1063, 1078, 1134, 1150; see also
-, Bungo;
-, Macao;
-, Canton;
-, Mino;
-, Canthay;
-, Pekin;
-, Ciazzura;
-, Tambano;
-, Giamaco;
-, Voari;
-, Lanctou;
-, Xumoto.
-, Langfan;

-, licence to discover, 336

-, hopes of and trade in, 804, 822–3, 1070, 1095, 1180

-, novelties, dishes, rhubarbs, roots, silks, velvets, and other goods from, 312, 337, 611, 630, p. 270, 754, 756, 1006, 1021, 1031, 1065, 1086

- Seas, 239

-, Emperor of, 611, 702, 804, 805, 822–3, 839, 852, 1011, 1021, 1095, 1180

-, -, letters to—
-, 1596 : 250
-, 1602 –. 303

-, -, titles of, 252

-, -, presents for, 1053

-, Viceroy of see Acuna, Don Pedro de.

Chinese, the, 357, 425, 630, 634, 683, 716, p. 315, 862, 1039, 1046, 1066, 1170

-, dishonest dealings of, 1072

- junks, 387, 673, 771, 804, 1020, 1134, 1140, 1150

-, -, practice of the Hollanders to rob and pilfer, 823

Choul, 847, 859

Christen, purser, 1016

Christopher, ——, 427

Church, Thos., p. 240

Churches in Porqua, 242

Churchward, —— 412

Chydley, ——, 76

Ciazzura (China), 252

Cider, 431, 543, p. 284, p. 315

Cider, beer provided instead of, 477

-, price of, 430, 892

Cigalla, Bashaw of Babyon, 649

Cinnamon, 309, 325, p. 271, 706

Claborne, Thos., 431

Clarke, Edmond, 412

-, Peter, 1053

-, Rich, (mate), 398

-, Ric, 281, 288

-, Alderman Roger, 411, 433, 439, 453

-, Frances, widow of Roger, 453

-, Wm., 379

-,——, 393, 985

Clarkson, Robt., 662

Clavo, isle of, 333

Clayborne, Thos., 413, 430

Clement VII, Pope, 1523–1534 : 2

Clemham, Capt, 902

-, Thos., 902

Clemon, Capt., 956

Cletherowe, Christ., 288, 295, 479, p. 240, p. 303, 999

-, Dixie, 465, 467, p. 306, 746, 1016

Clifford, Geo., Earl of Cumberland, 1569–1605 : 54, 95, 267, 268, 271, 281, 288, 289, 292, 301

-, -, wife of, 288

-, Fras., Earl of Cumberland, 1605–1641 : 359, 378, 397, 407, 418, p. 319

-, -, wife of, 397

-, Rich., 709

Clifton, John, 443, 892, 902, 930

-, Mathew, 1128

Clinche, John, 288, 292, 409, 423

Clinton, Edward, Earl of Lincoln, Lord High Admiral, 33. II, 45, 95, 105, 137, 182, 183

Cloths, English, 239, 268, 270, 412, 425, 430, 433, 449, 458, 503, 511, 627, 630, 638 650, 662, p. 262, 673, p. 282, 703, 716, 721, 727–730, 738, 741, p. 306, 749, 760, 763, 779, 782, 788, 796, 797, 799, 801, 841, 843, 847, 849, 859, 881, 890, 902, 904, 917, 946, 1009–10, 1013, 1021, 1063–4, 1072, 1076, 1078, 1084, 1091, 1114, 1118, 1147, 1156, 1167–8, 1170, 1174, 1183, 1187–9

-, price of, 671, 1064

-, Indian, 455, 521, 754, 1058, 1063, 1072, 1078

-, Dutch, p. 228, 230, 902

Cloughe, John, 736

Clove, the, 526, 529, 580, 623, 632, 635, 651, 666, 668, p. 262, 669, 670, 683, p. 284, p. 305, 769, 770, 772, 779, p. 336, 794, 802, 812, 813, 817, 822, 827, 833, 839, 876, 891, 902, 912, 928, 960, 979, 981, 1010, 1070, 1082, 1097, 1104, 1117, 1124, 1161, 1165

Cloves, 76, 309, 321, 426, 428–431, 433, 443, 447, 453, 455, 474, 479, 591, 634, 669, 682, 739, 745, p. 315, 862, 888, 898, 904, 964, 999, p. 420, 1021, 1024, 1031, 1048, 1072, 1104, 1127

-, price of, 420, 430, 1021

-, customs of, 427, 430, 443

-, sale of, 761

Cobb, Rich., 663, 726, 862, 870. 898, 913

-, -, letter of, 1612: 620

-, -, letter to, 1614: 759

-, -, charges against, 792

Cobbe, Robt., 274, 281, 288

-, ——, 771

Cobham, Lord, 48

-, Sir H., 186

Cochin China, 694, 699, 707, 751–3; p. 336, 804–806, 823, 898, 1091

-, Dutch in, 751–3, 804

-, King of, 751–3, 804, 823

Cochin, city of, 241, 266, 275, 280, 283, 1100

-, trade in, 521

-, letter dated from, 283

-, King of, 241, 275, 280, 690

-, captains of, letters to, 1592: 242, 243

-, Viceroy of see Saldanha, Aires de

-, road of, 844

Cockayne, Geo., see Cockayne, Geo.

-, Rich., 256, 257

-, Wm, 374, 417, 429, 616

Cockes or Cocks, Robt., 281, 448

Cocks, Rich., afterwards chief of the English factory in Japan, 98, 256, 281, 288, 626, 627, 666, 673, 696, 703, 713, 750, 753, 779, 888, 898, 981, 1015, 1021, 1027, 1040, 1045, 1051, 1053, 1060, 1063–4, 1079, 1081, 1091, 1104, 1116–7, 1119, 1152, 1155, 1162–3, 1165, 1168, 1178, 1184–5

-, -, letters of,—
-, 1606: 355
-, 1608: 401 402
-, 1613: 632 654 668 676
-, 1614: 685 690 694 698 699 707 721 728 729 751 751. II.,804–806 814–6 822-826 828 829 835 836 838
-, 1615: 1030 1032 1066-8 1070 1073
-, 1616: 1095-9 1106 1112 1121–2 1124 1134 1137 1140 1153 1158 1180

-, -, letters to—
-, 1614: 780 782 844
-, 1616: 1119 1120 1138

-, -, illness of, 1135

-, John, servant to Rich., 1051

Cofala, 240

Coghill, Henry, 928, 939

-, John, 256, 755

Coinage, queries relative to, 612

Cokayne, Geo., 472, 474. i, 733, 754, 888, 913, 1004

Cokayne, Geo., letters of—
-, 1614: 716, 745.
-, 1615: 1006, 1013

-, -, illness of, 716

Coke, Sir Edward, Attorney–General, 1593–1606, afterwards Lord Chief Justice, 273, 695

-, Sir John, 642

Colchester, 300

Cole, Humphrey, 87, 91, p. 57

Coles or Colles, Geo., 281, 288, 453

Colfox, Chas., 831, 833

Colgoyeve Island, 147

Collins, Edw., 256, 362

-, -, Anne, wife of, 362

-, Philip, 465, 467

-, (surgeon), 983, 995

-, Mr., 980

Collison, Geo., 506

Collymore, Rich., 279

Colman, Nath., p. 284

Colmer, Mr., 902

Colston, Lawrence, pp, 284–5

Colthurst, Christ., commission to, 330

-, Thos., 460

Colyner, Abrah., 769

Combar, Mr., 379

Comely, Robt., 479

Comoro Islands, the, 632; see also Mohila.

Compter prison, the, 944

Compton, Wm., Lord, 734, p. 302, 1009

-, Wm., 381, p. 315

-, Sir Henry, 730

-, Mr., 691

Conception, the, 283

Concord, the, 772, 783, 862, 882, 888, 898, 904, 913, 942, 959, 1004, p. 420, 1012, 1017, 1022–3, 1072, 1078, 1091, 1104, 1127, 1157

Conda Maa, 578

Condemned men transported to Saldanha, 987–991

Congo, 266

Conne, ——, 723

Connocke, John, 616

-, Rich., 616

Connok, Edw., 1021, 1027, 1034, 1044, 1167, 1172, 1179, 1181

-, -, articles of agreement with, 1059

-, -, letter of, 1616: 1186

Consent, the, 356, 359, 361, 362, 387, 427, 430, 431, 443, 447, 812

Constantinople, 503, 552, 554

-, ambassador at, 649

Convocation House, the, 221

Conway, Capt., 999

Cook, John, 1153

Coombe, John, 256, 273, 281, p. 117, 286, 288

Cooper, John, 787, p. 335, 791, 802, 807, 827, 1034

Cope, Sir Walter, 359, 453, 593

-, -, grant to, 616

Copland, Patrick, 730, p. 316, 1007

Copper, 266, 682, 990, 1153

Coppindall, Raphe, pp. 284–6, 907, 981, 1012, 1040, 1066, 1068, 1079, 1117, 1171

-, letters of, 1615: 1060, 1063–5

Coral, 455, 659, 662, 763, 956, 1021, 1149

Coray, 252, p. 241

Corbett's Point, p. 39

Corbitt, John, 460

Cordell, Thos., 256, 257, 267, 271, 273, 281, p. 117, 378, 407, 411

-, Sir Wm., 100, p. 74

-, -, letter to, 1578 : 101

Corea, 673, 699, 804

-, licence to discover, 336

Coree, the Indian, 908

Cornells or Cornelius, John, 256, 281, 288

Cornish, ——, 405, 467

Cornwaleys, Sir Chas., ambassador in Spain 1605–1609, 452, 616

-, -, letters of—
-, 1607: 366, 371, 384
-, 1609: 451

-, -, negotiations of, 372

Cornwall, p. 42, 113, 117, p. 58, 268

Coromandel, 239, 467, 522, 578, 580, 632, 697, 702, p. 286, 716, 740, 760, 771, 862, 906, 910, 938, 945, 973, 1021, 1027, 1034, 1050, 1094

- ware, 620

- napkins, 1071

Corsellis, Michael, 706

Cortesreales, Gasper, 21, 238

Cory, 796

Costack, letter dated from, 1186

Coswarth, Mr., 113

Cotten or Cotton, Allen, 447, 453, 472, 474, 616

Cottingham, —, 472

Cottington, Fras., ambassador in Spain 1609–1611, 505, 702

-, letters of——
-, 1610: 480, 481, 483–486, 499, 500.
-, 1611: 503, 508, 518, 527

Cotton, Allen, see Cotten, Allen.

-, Ferdinando, letters of, 1612: 623, 903

-, John, 903

-, Rich, 407

-, Roger, 281, 288, 447, 453

-, Wm., 281, 288, 379, 447, 453

-, Mr., 226, 231

Cotton, 266, 669

- yarn, 737, 763, 764, 776, 792, 811, 872, 925, 1034, 1048

Coachman, John, 281, 288, 373, 616, 739, p. 302, 1014

Coulan, 241

-, castle of. 242

Couleahill, Geo., solicitor to the East India Company, 367, 370, 429

Coulson, Wm., 941

Counger, Nicholas, 89

Countess Sound, see Warwick Sound.

Courthope, Nath., 465, 467, 477, 710. 732. 744, p. 305, 754, 760

-, -, letter of, 1614: 736

-, -, commission to, 1171

Courtney, —, 357

-, Susan, 930

Coutay Island, 1100

Coutinho, Manuel de Souza, 240

Coventry, 843

Covert, Rich, 477

Coverte, Capt. Root, 406

Covett, Robt., 1007

Covill, Thos., p. 240

Cowes (Isle of Wight), 200, 224, 999

Cowper, John, 256, 377

Coxe, Peter, 395

-, Richard, 89

-, Robert, 256, 288, 356, 374, 616, 785

Coytmore, John, 412

Cozucke, Sophony, 431, 439, 623, 730, 732, 736, 760, p. 302, 862, 888, 898, 913, 1023, 1072, 1078

-, -, instructions to, 710

Cradle, Wm., 785, 988

Craford, John, 623

Crane, Rafe, 200, 213

Cranfield, Sir Lionel, 762, 892

Crangranor, port of, 1100

Cransbye, John, 715

Craven, Sir Wm., 430, 450, p. 272, 711, 912

Crawley, Fras, 827

-, John, p. 262, 827

Creeke, Alex., p. 58

Creswell, Rich., 1031, 1051

-, Robt, 268

- Thos., p. 305

Crewe, Francis, 895, 912, 1044

Crewes, Robt., 454

Crigues, Peter (John Enrickes), letter of, 1600: 280

Crips, Elizeus, 431

Crippes, see Crispe

Crispe, Ellis, 274, 281, 288, p. 240, 706, 711, 723, p. 319

-, Nich., 256, 281, 288. 370, 374, 417, 448, 465, p. 240, p. 303, 999

Cristian, Capt Edw., 638, 730, pp. 302–5, 746, p. 314, 870, 875, 906, 913, 1016–7, 1088

Croft, Sir Jas., 33 ii, 45, 47, 54

Crofte, Raphe, 812

Crompton, see Crumpton, Hugh.

Crooke, Mr., p. 271

Crosse, Leonard, p. 335

Crouther, John, pp. 272–3, 788, 809, 811, 846, 849, 856, 861, 915, 917, 923, 946, 1167, 1169

-, - letter of, 1614: 847

Croydon, letter dated from, 617

Crumpton, Hugh, 281, 288

Cryche, Edmund, 616

Cuama, River, 266

Cuerton, Thos., 785, 807

Cullimer or Cullymer, Geo., pp. 284–6

Cullimore, Jas., 281, 288

Culpeper, Thos., 616

-, Wm., p. 240

Cumber, __, 386, 730

Cumberford, Thos., pp. 303–6

Cumberland, Earl of, see Clifford, Geo., 1569–1605 ; Clifford, Fras., 1605–1641

Cunningham, Jas., 689, 691

Cunyng, Gilbert, 1095

Cuppur, Paul, 969

Currants, 361

-, impositions on, 342

Curtis, 988

Cushman, John, 467

Custom House (London), the, 358, 397, 479, 700, 746, 755, p. 315, 830, 833, 864, 915, 1037

-, farmers of, 373, 941

- waiters, 867, 1031, 1034

-, (Surat), 1077, 1107–8, 1114

-, -, judge of the, 1167

Cuta (Sumatra), 521

Cutteler or Cutler, Thos., 256, 378, p. 269

Cutts, Sir John, 616

Cuzon, see Lucon, isle of. Cyprus, island of, taken by the Turks, 18