East Indies: February 1614

Pages 274-279

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 2, 1513-1616. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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February 1614

686. Pieter Floriss, principal merchant of the Globe, to John Gourney, principal merchant of the James. Disposal of 852 ryals found by account to be short, having been given to Mier Shumelo, at their first coming to Masulipatam. [Half a page. O.C., Vol. I., No. 129.]
Feb. 1.
686. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Adventures of Edward Allen set over to Anthony Ramme. Suit of Mr. Wentworth for employment in the East Indies, referred. Request of the three Indians, Salvadr, Samuel Mounsr, and Ant. Deleber, to take their wives with them to the East Indies refused, as being unfitting " for such women to go among so many unruly sailors in a ship," but to have certain allowances during their husbands' absence. Admission of Sir Stephen Soame and Edmund Forrest, late servant to Wm. Bonham. John Browne, a jeweller, willing to go the voyage, to be conferred with. Leave to Mr. Mountney to adventure 60l. in the joint stock. Course to be taken with Mr. Mountney's son, as with the rest of the youths maintained at the Company's charge. [One page and a half. Court Bk, III., 25, 26.]
Feb. 3.
688. Sir John Digby to Sir Dudley Carleton. Doubts not he has heard of the several ambassadors, sent these years past, from the King of Persia to the Princes of Christendom, as the two Sherleys, and since some other natural Persians. Their main propositions to assist the King of Persia in his wars against the Turk, and to bring silks and other commodities directly from Persia, without passing through the dominions of the Turk. Resolution of the King of Spain to enter into this treaty after many years' deliberation, and to dispatch an ambassador, Don Garcia de Silva, to the King of Persia, with an extraordinary rich present, to go by Ormus. [Extract from Correspondence, Spain.]
Feb. 4. 689. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Concerning the purchase of the ship of Shoreham of Mr. Binglosse. A new ship of about 500 tons, to be begun as soon as convenient. Agreement with John Browne, the jeweller, for five years. Mrs. Hawkins' business; Mr. Towerson and Nicholas Ufflett to attend tomorrow. James Cunningham, a preacher, recommended by Mr. Offley to have 100l. per annum for three years, if the good reports of him are confirmed by Mr. Newton, the late Prince's tutor. The spotted scarlet cloak to he made up with gold lace, and bestowed upon one of the principal Governors of Ahmedabad or some other place. Francis Bullock about the aloes he bought of the Company. Admission of Anthony Bridges. [One page and a half. Court Book III., 26–27.]
Feb. 5.
From the
English house
at Firando,
690. Richard Cocks to Rich. "Wickham, at Yedo or elsewhere. Mr. Peacocke will be ready in four or five days to go to Langasaque [?Nangasaki]. Understands that Ushian Dona, the old King's [of Cochin China] governor has been seized, and is likely to lose his life. The Capt. Chinesa fallen out with his new wife; he bid her cut off her little finger, which she would have done but was prevented. His fowling pieces given to Peacocke. [Half a page. O. C, Vol. I., No. 130.]
Feb. 8–11. 691. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Mr. Cunningham, the preacher, by the advice of his physician, declines taking so long a voyage. Another preacher recommended by D. Layfield. Difference of Dr. Poe, who began to be an adventurer in the 4th voyage, with Mr. Compton and Richard Atkinson; he desires to turn over his freedom to a friend, but the Company, "knowing how near he is about the noblemen at court," are unwilling that he should give it up, and for his sake grant the freedom of the Company to his friend. Loan by John Holloway of 600l. to the Company at 9 per cent. Conference of the governor with Sir Noel Caron; his masters satisfied that the King will not send over commissioners as yet; his desire to have in writing what the Company require, that the States may the better prepare their commissioners that should be sent over with those things fit to be treated of. Serious debate, and resolution that good correspondence should be held to join together in some good course against the common enemy, and in a loving and friendly trade, both defensive and offensive, that they may use Cambaya and the Company the Moluccas, so "that no places may be overlayed;" Mr. Middleton and Mr. Bell appointed to confer with Sir Noel Caron, to acquaint him with the Company's desire, "but leave the manner to proceed from them" [the Hollanders]. About purchase of the ship of Shoreham. Suit of Humphrey Robinson concerning pepper bought of the Company. James Kennetye's wages. Concerning Mrs. Perpoynt's son.
Feb. 9.–Quicksilver and elephants' teeth to go aboard the ships. The Deptford business. Elephants' teeth from France to be shipped for the East Indies. Rich. Burrell's adventures in several voyages to be set over to Wm. Allen. Samples to be bought of pictures and books supposed to be very fit to be taken to the East Indies for sale. Agreement to give 5l. each to divers mariners, being bachelors, in lieu of their wages, if they die on the voyage. Petition of Thos. Mott, for restoration of his lighter sunk at Deptford. Proposal of Taintmore to build a new ship. Discourse of the governor to the factors; he exhorts them to discharge their trusts conscientiously, to avoid private trade, and acquaints them with the Company's care to furnish them with things needful for their spiritual comfort and the health of their bodies, "also books of divinity for the soul, and history to instruct the mind;" tells them of the offensive behaviour of some of the Company's factors in the East Indies, and admonishes them "to be the more respective and shun all sin and evil behaviour, that the heathen may take no advantage to blaspheme our religion by the abuses and ungodly behaviour of our men;" they are also advised to be careful to dispatch their bonds, and are informed that many have counterfeit ballast rubies, which will disgrace the nation and bring the Company into discredit, "by making the people hate and detest us, before we be settled amongst them" Suit of Mr. Adderley for allowance for a jewel alleged to have been disposed of by Capt. Hawkins.
Feb. 11.–Francis Bale's adventure of 400l. in the joint stock to be set over to Thos. Southwicke. Letter to Sir Noel Caron approved. Action to be brought against Wm. Kemphorne, a sailor, arrested for running away with his imprest money; to serve as a terror to others. Mrs. Hawkins' business; the Company cannot allow the extraordinary charges of her husband; "although he had esteemed himself one of the ‘Grand Magore's followers,’" his salary of 200l. a year amounts but to 700l., and 300l. allowed for bringing his wife and household down to Surat. Question of keeping a factory at Agra, or only at Surat, left to the general and the factors to be employed there. Request of Charles Hawkins for satisfaction, for 300l. in ryalssupplied to his brother Capt. Hawkins; Capt. Towerson and Mrs. Hawkins' promise to agree to the Company's award; review of the proceedings of Capt. Hawkins, and his deficiencies to the Company; but being charitably affected towards the widow, who is to be married very shortly, the Company present her with a purse of 200 jacobus, as a token of their love, upon a general release being given for all matters depending between herself and the Company. Customs not to be paid upon quicksilver and elephants' teeth. Elephants' teeth bought in France by Mr. Bell to be viewed. Complaint of the customs upon the nutmegs and mace, exceedingly overrated. A youth presented by Mr. Ferrers to be permitted for his sake to go with one of the factors; as also John Peerson, recommended by Mr. Stockley upon his deathbed. Wages of Edward Gamlin, purser's mate, and of Baily Ball, because of his former good services in bringing down the Company's goods from Cambaya to Surat. [Six pages and a half. Court Bk, III., 28–34.]
Feb. 16. 692. Grant to Nicholas Downton, and after his decease to Wm. Edwardes, of the office of General of the Company of Merchants trading to the East Indies. [Minute. Grant Bk, p. 110. Domestic, Jac. I., Gal, p. 223.]
Feb. 17. 693. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Debate concerning Nicholas Ufflett, who is confirmed in the Company's service. His revelations about Mrs. Hawkins, who he confesses has one diamond worth 2,000l. and smaller ones worth 4,000l., besides other precious stones. He promises to bring a book of intelligence of the proceedings of Capt. Hawkins. The governor charges all present to keep these things secret. Committee appointed to go down to Gravesend with the treasure, and the principal factors to attend. Admission of John Chapman, late servant to Wm. Palmer, and of John Bindlesse. Allowance of 10l. to the master of the King's barge for towing down the Company's ships to Gravesend. Each ship to have 10l. in ryals to be disposed of in the voyage, as occasion shall happen. Submission of Henry Elmer; orders to Capt. Downton to turn him before the mast as a common mariner, if any fault be again found with him. Loan of 500l. to defray certain charges due by the Pearl. Calicoes of Mr. "Robinson found defective. Mrs. Parpoint presenting her little son in court, the Company resolve to have him placed in some free school, Tunbridge is named; and to allow 10l. per annum for his maintenance. [One page and a half. Court Bk. III, 34, 35.]
Feb. 17.
Firando, Japan.
694. Richard Cocks to Rich. Wickham at Yedo or Shrongo [Surunga]. Received his letter in time to prevent all his fowling pieces going to Cochin China, and delivered his other letters to Nelson, Peacocke, and Carwarden. The two last left for Langasaque [Nangasaki], on the 14th present. Doubts whether Koyngeros' junk will go this year for Cochin China, the owners being indebted and the junk arrested for payment. Has given directions about buying her, as she may serve for Siam. Capt. Brewer sends goods for Cochin China, because the States shall not tax him with slothfulness, "they having been here so long before us." Report that all the papist Jesuits, friars, and priests shall be banished out of Japan, but doubts the news too good to be true. [One page. O.C., Vol. I., No.131.]
Feb. 18–26. 695.Court Minutes of the East India Company. Adventure of Robert Larkyn, a factor in the sixth voyage, to be set over to Richard Battye. The governor and committee formerly appointed to take the money down to the ships on Monday, and discharge them with all the speed they may. Request of Mr. Salter, on behalf of the executors of Thos. Emsworth, for an allowance for ryals taken by the factors in the James. Invoices of the cargo to be made up. Thos. Mitford's salary increased to 60l. a year. Concerning Tempest Peacocke; imputations against him cleared; his valour in opposing the country people at Priaman to the hazard of himself and safeguard of the Company's men on shore; his salary to be considered on his return. Weapons for the houses of the factors abroad. Offer of Mr. Stonyer to lend the Company 800l., accepted. Sir Jas. Stonehouse, one of the King's pensioners, to be admitted for 20l. fine, instead of 40l., "considering his place in court." Permission to Mr. Stockley's widow to adventure 1,200l. Two ships and a pinnace, the Samaritan, Thomas, and Thomasine to be sent next year to Bantam and to trade in the Indies. The Expectation and the new ship to be built to go the following year, and the Peppercorn to be prepared for any occasion. Motion to build a new ship at Shoreham, to be considered. Timothy Mallerye to go as a factor this voyage.
Feb. 21.–Deputations appointed from the East India and Muscovy Companies to meet the Lord Chief Justice and Lord Mayor at Hatton House. The employment of Nicholas Ufflett called in question; his stay considered dangerous "by encouraging others to undertake a voyage into the Red Sea to the hazard of our people in Cambaya." Debate concerning Mrs. Hawkins and the great diamond she has in store; resolved to present her with 200 jacobus, as formerly intended. A general release by Capt. Towerson and his wife [Mrs. Hawkins] of all matters against the Company and Sir Henry Middleton. Thos. Reignold's adventure of 100l. in the sixth voyage to be set over to Reynold Greene. Goods sold and remaining in the warehouse to be fetched away. The Peppercorn's goods unsold to be considered of. Want of money; warrants to be stayed for a month. Committee to go to Gravesend to clear the ships.
Feb. 22.–The mariner's pay. Request of John Sandcrofte, a factor, to adventure 265l. granted. Mr. Cater's suit to have carpets purchased for his own use. Additional imprest to Lawrence Spooner
Feb. 26.–Admission of Richard Ascrofte, a friend of Dr. Poe. Resolution to send the Samaritan, Thomas, and Thomasine next voyage, confirmed. Warrants to be signed by the governor and four of the committees as formerly. Sir Jas. Lancaster, who is supposed, to have the original of the privileges from the King of Acheen [see ante, No. 326] in his custody, to be asked for it, to send to the Indies. Request of Arthur Robinson concerning defective calicoes; also of Mr. Egerton, the preacher, to adventure 200l. in the general stock, readily granted, as also his freedom, the Company "desiring his prayers to God for their prosperity." Instructions to Mr. Ellym to insert sundry particulars in the commissions, concerning a commander for the ship to be sent away from Surat and the succession in the chief command. Salaries of Mr. Aldworthe and Mr. Canninge, principal factors at Surat to be increased, if they are found fit for service. That the articles of agreement made by Mr. Best with the Governor of Amadavar [Ahmedabad], Surat, and the rest, may be enlarged with sundry privileges, those from the King of Acheen and from the Grand Signor to the English, to be perused, and the most material articles collected from them by Francis Sadler, so that the general may, if possible, procure the grant of them. Letters received from Capt. Downton and others; Capt. Mericke or Mr. Poynet commanded to go to the Downs to fetch the Dreadnought, with the Pearl's goods. Permission to Sir Thos. Dale, now employed in Virginia, to adventure 100l. in the joint stock, at the request of Sir Wm. Throgmorton. Resolution that Mr. Elkington should be the principal factor at Bantam. If the Hector return from Surat, Mr. Spaight to take the command. Mr. Emsworth's business about the ryals. Three commissions to be drawn, one to be kept with the general, the other two with the factors at Surat and Bantam. There being no time to digest "the privileges," the most material and necessary to be left to Capt. Downton's consideration and discretion [to obtain]. Accounts to be kept in the currency of the country. Admission gratis of Stephen Egerton, the preacher. [Seven pages. Court Bk, III., 36–42.]