Nov. 6.
178. Report by the Commissioners of Customs concerning the
Scotch trade, how far it intrenches by the late Act of State upon
the Act of Navigation and the Plantations. That by allowing the
Scots to trade as the English the customs would be much injured,
they bringing in foreign goods without paying alien duties ; they
might then trade to the Plantations that are absolute English, to
the infinite prejudice of his Majesty's duties and of the Englishmen
who have property there both in goods and land, by whose cost
and industry they have been planted. The Plantations are his
Majesty's Indies, without charge to him raised and supported by
the English subjects ; they employ above 200 sail of good ships
every year, breed abundance of mariners, and begin to grow commodities
of great value and esteem, and though some of them
continue in tobacco, yet upon the return it smells well, and pays
more custom to his Majesty than the East Indies four times over.
The Scotch would by this liberty overthrow the essence of the Act
of Navigation, and they must not be allowed to trade from port to
port, for they are strangers and their bond is not sufficient security.
[Dom., Chas. II., Vol. XLIV., No. 12, Cal., p. 135.]
Nov. 11.
Inner Court of
179. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations. Messrs.
Boyle and Povey to draw up a letter to New England according to
the King's instructions, to be sent by this Council. Mr. Froude to
attend the Secretary of State and inform himself of the last address
from New England to the King, and give an account thereof to
Messrs. Boyle and Povey ; also to wait on the Lord Treasurer and
obtain his warrant for 100l. towards the charges of this Council.
½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIV., No. 59, p. 39.]
[Nov. 14.]
180. Petition of Francis Lord Willoughby of Parham, vested by
the late Earl of Carlisle in the Government of Barbadoes and the rest
of the Caribbee Isles and in the moiety of all profit and advantage
to the King. That after so many years of expense and suffering he
may be speedily despatched with instructions and sufficient powers.
With reference to the Lord Chancellor, Lord Treasurer, Lord Privy
Seal, and Chancellor of the Exchequer, to consider how petitioner
may receive satisfaction proportionable to his interests to be surrendered,
and for his support as his Majesty's Lieut.-General and
Governor in Barbadoes and the rest of the Caribbees. See 27 August
1662. ½ p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XIII., p. 11.]
181. Conditions upon which Fras. Lord Willoughby is ready to
submit to the King all his right and title to the Foreign Plantations
possessed by him under a grant from the late Earl of Carlisle.
That he have a commission to be the King's Lieut.-Gen. for the six
years to come, in his lease of 21 years from Lord Carlisle ; with the
moiety of the profits of the revenue confirmed to him, but to receive
no other reward or allowance. The Government of those islands being
loose and distracted, Lord Willoughby desires to be despatched
to that command see Nos. 309, 359. 1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV.,
No. 87.]
Nov. 15.
182. Orders of the Governor and Council of Jamaica. That
Henry Sweeting and William Beeston, collectors for George Johns,
minister, forthwith pay the money they have collected, to him,
deducting 50s. for the clerk. Receipt by George Johns and Henry
Marcutt for same, amounting to 18l. 4s. Warrant to Rich. Povey
to pay 11l. 16s. to Lieut. Orchard for the relief of Lieut. John
Frampton, who is very sick and necessitated and much indebted
to Orchard. Concerning the suit of James Jordan, treasurer, against
John Pemwell. Setting forth the penalties for the wanderings of
servants and slaves, and stealing their masters' goods, of moderately
whipping and committing them to the custody of the Provost-Marshal.
That no person remain on Point Cagua without giving
security to a justice of peace not to be chargeable to the inhabitants
for more than one month. Any waterman bringing a person likely
to be chargeable to pay a piece of 8/8, and carry him back again.
That all persons imprisoned for debt not exceeding 5l. shall contract
with their creditors and serve them such time as a justice of the
peace shall award. 4½ pp. [Col. Entry Bks., No. 34, pp. 34, 38,
and No. 37, pp. 10, 11.]
Nov. 19.
183. Petition of Thomas Elliott, groom of the bedchamber, and
Francis Cradock to the King. The propositions to his Majesty for
erecting banks without money in England, and raising a great
yearly revenue by the ease of his people, though approved by many
are not as yet countenanced by any, no experiment having been made
elsewhere. The laws and customs in Barbadoes are suitable for
that design, would be acceptable to the people, and prevent many
grievances complained of. Pray the King's commission empowering
him, the Governor for the time being, and a commissioner at the
country's election to erect a bank there, and take the profits thereof
for such time as his Majesty shall direct. Annexed,
183. I. Reference to Lord Ashley, Chancellor of the Exchequer,
for his report. Whitehall, 1661, November 19.
183. II. Report of Lord Ashley on the above petition. Has no
confidence in the success of the first experiment of new
inventions, especially in matters of this nature ; yet conceives
that a licence for a bank in Barbadoes might be
granted for not more than 31 years, reserving one-fourth
of the annual profit of the undertaking, as is offered in
the propositions to be disposed of as the Governor and
Council of the island may think fit, which may assist
towards the charge of the Government there. 1661,
December 3.
183. III. "Cradock's propositions for erecting banks in England
without money, and raising a revenue by the ease of
the people, seeming as great a mystery as it is a novelty,
and therefore without a precedent, will hardly gain
credit with a people apt to create more difficulties than
God and nature hath made them. Why may not his
Majesty make an experiment thereof in the island of
Barbadoes, and by that means introduce it here in
manner following, as herein set forth." Together 3 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XV., Nos. 88, 89.]
Nov. 19.
184. Minute of the above petition. See Warrant of 9th December,
No. 194. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XIII., p. 15.]
Nov. 20.
A board the
Carlisle Bay
185. Richard Whiting, captain of the Diamond, to the Principal
Officers of the Navy. Had received orders from the Governor of
Jamaica to fetch passengers from Barbadoes, but met with great
obstructions, the chief men here very averse from acting anything to
the good of Jamaica, so that the number falls short of what is expected.
Sails for the Leeward Islands on the 21st inst. to carry off
as many persons as are free to go, having stayed a few days at each
island, he will steer his course for Jamaica to get orders from his
Royal Highness [the Duke of York?] 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV.,
No. 90.]
[Nov. 27.]
186. Petition of officers and soldiers returned from Jamaica to the
King and Council. As petitioners bore too visible a stamp of
loyalty, they were compelled to accept service in the West Indies in
1654 by that late usurper Cromwell ; but in consequence of the
reducement of two regiments into one, were discharged to return for
England. Have received part of their arrears, and the remainder is
promised. As the army of England and the soldiers of Dunkirk
have already been paid, and there only remains between 19,000l.
and 20,000l. due to petitioners, pray that means be taken for their
speedy relief from utter ruin and the debtors' gaol. Indorsed, "Read
in Council, Nov. 27, 1661." ¾ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 91.]
187. Petition of John, son of Thos. Woodward, to the King. To be
put into possession of the house and office of Assay Master of the
Mint, held by his father until the late troubles, when John Bradshaw,
the so-called President of the Council of State, on 23rd October 1649,
dismissed him for refusing obedience to the usurped powers, and put
in Samuel Bartlett ; on this his father repaired to Virginia, with a
public declaration never to see England again till his Majesty's
return : is forthwith sending him the joyful news, and wishes to
keep the office for him till his return, or, if he be dead, to have a
grant of it for himself. N.B.—Woodward's petition was granted, see
the King's letter to the officers of the Mint, 12 July 1665. John
Woodward had died just before that date. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol.
XLIV., No. 17, Cal., p. 137.]