166. Petition of Sir Thos. Whitstones to the King. In research
of somewhat answerable to his hopes from the King's promise, is
reduced to extreme necessity, and expects no issue but death or his
Majesty's favourable intervention. Implores his Majesty to bestow
upon him a plantation in Jamaica. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV.,
No. 84.]
Sept. 3.
167. Sir Thomas Whitstones to Secretary Nicholas. Begs assistance
in his petition to the King which the Lord Chancellor has
promised to second ; otherwise he must perish in the Marshalsea.
The letter is endorsed by Nicholas with a note to the Lord Chancellor,
and with the latter's reply that he will deliver the petition,
which he doubts will come to nothing ; it would be better if the
King would give Whitstones 100l. to get him out of prison and send
him to Jamaica. In 1663 Sir Thos. Whitstones had the command of
a fleet in Jamaica, see Index. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. XLI., No. 11,
Cal., p. 81.]
Sept. 9.
168. The King to Governor Endecott and the Governors of all the
Colonies of New England. Having been informed that several of
his Majesty's subjects called Quakers are imprisoned, that some have
been executed, and others are in danger to undergo the like, they
are hereby required, if there be any called Quakers already condemned
to death or other corporal punishments, or that are imprisoned
and obnoxious to the like condemnation, to forbear proceeding
any further therein, but forthwith to send said persons, whether
condemned or imprisoned, to England, together with their respective
crimes or offences laid to their charge, to the end such course may
be taken with them here as shall be agreeable to our laws and their
demerits. Copy certified by Jo. Cooke, Clerk to Sec. Morrice. 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 85.]
Sept. 9-18.
169. Orders of the Governor and Council of Jamaica. That
Nicholas Keine, fire-master and gunner, appoint some one to guard
the magazine, hoist the flag at the descrying of any ship, and
attend to the other duties of a "Mettross," for which James Jordan
shall pay him 12d. per diem weekly out of the impost money.
Sept. 11.—That John Morgan, master of the Elizabeth of Limerick,
deliver 2,000 lbs. of turtle to Thos. Rosewarden, Benj. Pecken, and
John Tudor, in satisfaction of their shares of meat.
Sept. 18.—Divers complaints having been made of the dearness
and badness of sugar, ordered that no person sell any of the sugar now
brought by Mr. Loveing for more than 5d. per lb. In consideration
of said order Loveing contracts to take 6,000 lbs. of bounty sugar
at 4s. per cwt., and 8,000 lbs. of Mr. Grant at 30s. per cwt. 2½ pp.
[Col. Entry Bk., No. 34, pp. 30-32.]
Sept. 11.
170. Grant to the Duke of York, Lord Willoughby of Parham,
Col. Wm. Legg, and Tho. Culling, Alexander Bence, Robert Starre,
John Lewis, and Philip Payne, of London, merchants, of all regions,
countries, and territories from Cape Blanco, situate in 20° N. lat.,
on the continent of Africa, unto 2 leagues to the northwards of
Sallee, lying in 34° N. lat., on the north part of Africa, bordering on
the Atlantic Sea, and of the free trade thereof for 31 years, rendering
two gold ducats when his Majesty shall arrive in said
dominions ; incorporating them by the name of the Morocco Company,
and giving them license yearly to deduct 1,500l. out of the
customs for all merchandise exported thence and brought into his
Majesty's dominions towards erecting and maintaining fortifications.
[Dom., Chas. II., Docquets.]
Sept. 12.
171. Warrant to pay 2,000l. to Sir William Berkeley out of the
duties and customs arising from the next ships for Virginia in recompense
of his services as Governor of Virginia [Docquet].
N.B.—There is another copy of this docquet dated Sept. 16, to
pay the same amount "in consideration of the many faithful
and good services performed by him as Governor of Virginia,
and in full recompense of all other engagements from his Majesty
and his Father of blessed memory." (Dom., Car. II.)
Sept. 20.
172. Capt. Richard Hodges of the Guernsey to the Navy Commissioners.
Lay off Newfoundland till August 29, expecting a
fishing fleet unto the southward, and sent to all the ports bidding
the vessels repair to the Bay of Bulls, the usual place where they
make up their fleet ; they returned answer they were bound by
charter not to stay for any company, but to hasten as soon as ready
to a market. Hastened home, having only three weeks' victuals,
with only three sail, two bound for the Straits and one for England ;
the remainder of the fishermen will not be ready to depart the
country till the latter end of this month, for they are resolved to
stay as long as possible by reason it hath been a bad year for
fishing. Had a bad passage, meeting a very great storm. The new
Governors of Newfoundland claim ⅓ of the two French prizes
sent home by him, though he took them five days before the
Governors came into the country ; told them if Lord Baltimore had
any right to them he could recover in England, for his own part he
could grant them no part thereof. Wants to get passage for the
Frenchmen on board the Guernsey, and an order to come into
Portsmouth to victual. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. XLII. No. 10, Cal.,
p. 93.]
Sept. 20.
173. Grant to Thos. Povey of the office of Receiver-General of
the rents, revenues, and profits payable to his Majesty from any of
his foreign dominions, colonies, and plantations in Africa and
America, during life, with the fee of 100l. per annum. [Dom., Chas.
II., Docquet Bk., p. 140, Cal., p. 94.]
Sept. 23.
174. Grant to Thos. Breedon of London, merchant, during life, of
the office of Governor of L'Acadie and part of Nova Scotia, with the
same powers and privileges as have been formerly granted to others,
procured by Mr. Secretary Nicholas. [Dom., Chas. II., Docquet Bk.,
p. 141.]
Sept. 27.
175. Minutes of the Council and Assembly of Barbadoes. List
of Acts passed (re-enacted), which are recorded in the book of Acts,
viz. :—For settling the regiment of horse. Encouraging all faithful
ministers, and appointing and regulating their maintenance. Concerning
the conveyance of estates. Encouraging the importing
of gold and silver. For the better ordering and governing of negroes.
For the good governing of servants, and ordaining the rights between
masters and servants. Settling the militia. For the more exact
stating of the accounts of the late tax of 5l. per acre, and levying
the arrears thereof. Ordered that the order of 10th May last, for
expunging all Acts and orders in any books, which are any ways
derogatory to the authority and dignity of the King, be forthwith
put in execution by the committee. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XI.,
pp. 63, 64.]