Aug. 3.
1543. Sir James Modyford's memorial of what passed between
Lord Willoughby, Governor of Barbadoes, and himself at Barbadoes,
from 29 May 1667 until 5 July following, concerning Modyford's
request for the Colchester or a ship of force to take himself and his
people to Jamaica on his Majesty's service. Incloses,
Deposition of William Beeston, taken before Sir Thomas
Modyford, at St. Jago-de-la-Vega. That on the 10th June Sir
James Modyford wrote to Governor Lord Willoughby, by Capt.
Thos. Kendall, requesting that since the Colchester frigate was
disposed of he would furnish Modyford with one of the men-of-war
ketches which came in Sir John Harman's fleet to take
Modyford and his people to Jamaica on his Majesty's service.
Lord Willoughby's answer was that he was so far from so doing
that if the Colchester were now there he had orders to keep her
for the service of Barbadoes. Two copies. Together 5 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XXI., Nos. 92, 92 I.]
Aug. 7.
1544. License for the ship Ascension of Genoa, manned with
foreign seamen, Antonio Surrato master, to sail to Barbadoes, on
giving security for her return. ¼ p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II.,
Vol. XXV., p. 27.]
Aug. 13.
1545. John Clarke to James Hickes. Last night six of the Virginia
fleet were forced in here by stress of weather ; 30 more put in
to Fowey, of which one was cast away there, having advice that the
Dutch fleet was upon the coast ; 22 more, bound for Bideford, Barnstaple,
and Bristol, are passed into the Severn. They bring news
that four Dutch men-of-war with two fire-ships assaulted the English
ships in James river, Virginia, burnt the Elizabeth frigate and five
merchantmen, and took 13 more, most of them belonging to Bristol,
one to Plymouth, and the rest to London. There are other letters in
this Vol. of Dom. Corresp. to the same effect. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol.
CCXIII., No. 70, Cal., p. 384.]
Aug. 14.
1546. J. Hayes to John Fitzherbert, of Luckington. Four
States' ships came to Virginia and met a Londoner of 24 guns, which
after some fighting they took, and meeting with a shallop, made her
convoy them into James river, where the Elizabeth frigate of 46
guns lay, and several ships to be convoyed by her. The captain and
crew of the Elizabeth being ashore and the powder locked up,
the Dutch burnt the Elizabeth, together with nine Bristol, seven
west country, and two London ships, and went clear away to sea.
Names of the Bristol ships burnt. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CCXIII.,
No. 103, Cal., p. 390.]
Aug. 14.
Fort James,
New York.
1547. Col. Nicolls to [Thos. Prince, Governor, and the Assistants
of New Plymouth]. Refers to his letter of 15 May in behalf of
Wm. Nicarson, to whom he then also wrote, advising him to submit
to the judgment of their Court. Has now seen his papers, and is
confirmed in the weakness of Nicarson's judgment. It is a sad
truth that most men are more zealous in the maintenance of heresy
and error than in a just cause. It appears that Nicarson grounded
his first conceipt upon an order of their Court. Upon the word
liberty this whole controversy has arisen, the sense of which word
is too frequently perverted into licentiousness. Capt. Willett will
bear witness that the man was convinced, but will submit his cause
to their discretions. In compassion to whose relations Nicolls once
more doubles his request in his favour, not doubting but some of the
nine persons to whom the Governor of New Plymouth have lately
made grants of the land may be better accommodated in other
places. Capt. Willett will tell them with how much respect and
caution towards them Nicolls has entered into this business as a
mediator. Begs pardon for Nicarson and for himself for the trouble
they have given. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 46, pp. 3, 4.]
Aug. 16.
1548. Thos. Jago, Mayor of Dartmouth, and five others, to Sir
Thos. Clifford. Taking notice of his great care of them and the
western parts in reference to the Newfoundland fishery, request
him to improve his interest for obtaining the ends of their petition,
that his Majesty may order the whole matter to be heard by gentlemen
of this county. The fishery is a great nursery to seamen and
increase of shipping, and has from the beginning been carried on by
these western parts, which are now plunged in difficulties by the
endeavours of some for their private ends to erect a Governor there,
which by sad experience has proved injurious and destructive to
the fishing trade ; and no other can be expected from the endeavours
now on foot. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CCXIII., No. 127, Cal.,
p. 394.]
Aug. 17.
Upon the
1549. Thomas Mayhew to Col. Nicolls. Has received his letter
by Nicholas Davis. Is necessitated to trouble him further, for he
hears that Mr. Tallman has bought land upon the Vineyard, notwithstanding
his Majesty's Patents [see ante, No. 685], and notwithstanding
Mayhew had those islands granted to him on payment
of due acknowledgment yearly to the Lord Proprietor ; first, by
James Forrett, agent to Lord Sterling, then by Vynes, steward to
Sir Ferdinando Gorges, who professed it was his master's, Mr. Gorges,
then Governor, approving of it. Supposes he knows that Sir Ferdinando's
grandson obtained of his Majesty a special declaration in
his favour, which Esquire Archdale sent to the writer. All he desires
is to enjoy his grants. The land is the meanest he hears of, but
such as it is he hopes "none shall have such liberty as to ruin the
well-being of both nations." Intreats him to put into Mr. Lawrence's
hand a short answer to this. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI.,
No. 93.]
Aug. 17/27.
1550. Capt. Wm. Hill, prisoner at Rochelle, to Mr. Browne.
Was cast away by a hurricane in the West Indies, being there Vice-Admiral
to Lord Willoughby of Parham, who was lost in the storm
with seven ships. Was the only Commander sent to France as a
trophy of the French General's victories. Hopes to get passage
for England from St. Malo. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CCXVI., No. 96 I.,
Cal., p. 449.]
Aug. 19.
1551. Sam. Tucker to Sec. Lord Arlington. Judith Singleton
fears that her husband, who was in the fleet with Lord Willoughby,
perished in the hurricane, for she has had no news of him since that
time ; she is now in Newgate for some words spoken in drink ;
prays Arlington to procure her release. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol.
CCXIV., No. 12, Cal., p. 399.]
Aug. 20.
1552. Capt. Silas Taylor to Williamson. Our enemies have
showed us what we should have done ; perceives by his last news
the injury done by four Dutch ships in James river, Virginia ; asks
to be allowed to go out thither as engineer, with an allowance out
of the moneys raised there for defraying the Government ; asks that
his appointment may be for all Virginia, and if it can be put in for
Maryland and New England, it would very much comply with his
desires, and partly with his way of study and employment at
Dunkirk. Sir Bernard de Gomme has little love for him, believing
he knows too much in fortification. It is a proposition neither
irregular nor chargeable to the King, and therefore very feasible ;
Lord Arlington can make the salary very comfortable, and the
subsistence during life. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CCXIV., No 42, Cal.
p. 404.]
1553. Petition of Henry Bradshaw to the King. Is settled
upon his own plantation in Barbadoes, where for his loyalty he lost
by the forces under the late Usurpers to the value of at least 500l.
Prays for a grant of the office of Provost-Marshal for life in that
island. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 94.]
1554. Petition of Wil. Clapham, merchant, to the King. Has
ever been a faithful subject, and has suffered much for his loyalty in
his trade. Prays for the office of Provost-Marshal of Barbadoes now
void. ⅓ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 95.]
1555. Petition of James Hamilton to the King. The office of
Provost-Marshal of Barbadoes granted to Francis Cradock in 1660
[2nd August] is become void by his death. Prays for a grant of
said office to himself and Edwin Stede. Annexed,
Draft of the warrant prayed for. Together 2 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XXI., Nos. 96, 97.]
Aug. 21.
1556. Warrant for a grant to James Hamilton, Groom of the
bedchamber, of the place of Provost-Marshal General of Barbadoes
for life, to be exercised by his sufficient deputy or deputies, with
all ten powers, profits, &c. as Francis Cradock held the same. ¼ p.
[Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXIII., p. 541.] N.B.—The grant
passed in Sept. 1667, see Mem. from the Signet Bks., Dom. Chas. II.,
Vol. CCXI., No. 123.
Aug. 24.
1557. John Powell to Williamson. Two vessels from Nevis are
arrived at Milford, which report the French with 25 sail attempted
Nevis, but ten ships of the place made a very handsome dispute
with them, and beat them back into their own harbours. A small
vessel belonging to Swansea has also arrived laden with sugar and
tobacco from New England, who reports all to be well there.
[Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CCXIV., No. 110, Cal., p. 413.]
Aug. 27.
1558. Jo. Champante to Under-Sec. Williamson. Letters from
Nantes of the 17/27 inst. tell that two ships more are arrived at
Rochelle from the Leeward Isles, which confirm our losing 1,300 or
1,400 men at St. Christopher's ; and give further account that 25
of our ships have worsted 32 or 33 of theirs under Martinico, and
that they intended to fight next day, and feared they would be
again worsted ; which makes us hope that we have sunk and taken
ships and men sufficient to redeem all ours at St. Christopher's.
Will wait on him to-morrow morning. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XXI., No. 98.]
Aug. 27.
St. Jago de-la-Vega.
1559. Minute of the Council of Jamaica. Lieut.-General Sir
James Modyford sworn one of his Majesty's Council of this island.
[Col. Entry Bk., No. XXXIV., p. 168.]
Aug. 28.]
1560. Louis XIV., King of France, to M. De la Barre. Has
already informed him of the conclusion of the treaty of Breda,
signed 31st of last month, the ratifications of which were exchanged
on the (8th) current, and sent copies, ordering him to conform
entirely to same. Renews said orders, the French King's intention
being that as soon as De la Barre receives letter from the King of
England, he restore without delay or difficulty to said King or the
bearer of his Majesty's orders under the Great Seal of England that
part of St. Christopher's which the English possessed in January
1665-6, proceeding therein in sincerity and good faith, and conforming
himself in all other matters to Articles 8 and 13 of said treaty.
Indorsed, Lettre au Governor des Isles Amériques du Roy très
Christienne, portant ordre pour dition de St. Christoffle. French,
1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 99.]
Aug. 28.
1561. Petition of Merchants, Owners of ships, and others, inhabitants
of Plymouth and places adjacent, trading to Newfoundland, to
the King. The carrying on of the useful fishing trade tends greatly
to the increase of mariners and shipping, and of the customs ; yet
several persons for their own sinister ends have endeavoured to
establish a Governor, which hath heretofore been very destructive
to the trade. Have had very great losses of late, and cannot bear
the charges of solicitation and sending witnesses at so great distance
to testify against such an appointment ; pray that persons in the
county of Devon (in regard the trade is chiefly carried on by inhabitants
thereof) may be empowered to hear and examine the whole
matter. Signed by George Storey, Mayor, and 52 others. Annexed,
1561. I. Petition of merchants and shipowners of Totness, trading
to Newfoundland, to the King. To the same effect. Signed
by John Ley, Mayor, and 16 others.
1561. II. Order in Council, on above petitions, empowering Sir
Edw. Seymour and other baronets and gentlemen to examine
matters of fact concerning the miscarriages of former
Governors of Newfoundland to the damage of the trade
of that place, with authority to give oaths to witnesses ;
the petitioners to prepare reasons to make good the allegations
in their petitions, and the whole result with such
reasons to be transmitted to the Council board. [Dom.,
Chas. II., Vol. CCXV., Nos. 47, 8, 9, Cal., p. 423.]