Jan. 1.
St. Jago de la
1371. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. Ordered that Col.
Theodore Cary be his Majesty's Advocate-General of this island. That
the several companies and regiments named exercise on the days
herein stated, and that certain guards be kept. Articles and military
laws by Governor Sir Thos. Modyford for the better ordering
and governing his Majesty's forces belonging to Jamaica. 11½ pp.
[Col. Entry Bk., No. XXXIV., pp. 155-166.]
Jan. 3.
1372. Commission appointing William Lord Willoughby Governor
of the Caribbee Islands for three years. Whereas his Majesty has
been informed that Francis Lord Willoughby of Parham, Governor
in Chief of the Caribbee Islands, is lately deceased, but cannot yet
be certainly advertised thereof, and being desirous to provide for
the government and defence of said islands in case the same be
void, his Majesty hereby appoints William Willoughby, brother of
said Francis Lord Willoughby of Parham, Captain-General and
Governor in Chief over said islands (in the same terms mutatis
mutandis as Francis Lord Willoughby's Commission (see ante,
No. 478), for three years from Christmas last ; provided that if the
said Francis Lord Willoughby be living, then these presents to be
utterly void. [Patent Roll, 18 Chas. II., Part 4.]
Jan. 3.
1373. Two copies of the preceding. [Col. Entry Bks., No. V., pp.
51-64, and No. XCII., pp. 350-373.]
1374. The King to the Deputy Governor and Council (of Barbadoes).
They cannot but believe how sensibly his Majesty was
affected with the disappointment it pleased God to give to the late
design of Lord Willoughby upon the Leeward Islands, and having
too much cause to fear the miscarriage of Lord Willoughby's person
in that accident, his Majesty has thought fit to make choice of
William now Lord Willoughby to succeed his brother in the Government,
a person of whose singular worth, conduct, and loyalty his
Majesty has had long experience. Doubts not they will receive
him with that duty and affection which his worth and his Majesty's
care in this point deserve, and assures them of his very particular
favour and protection. Draft with corrections in the handwriting
of Joseph Williamson. Indorsed, "Dep. Gov. and Council." 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 1.]
1375. The King to the Council of Barbadoes. Has lately received
their letter praying his Majesty's assistance for their preservation.
Has always had a principal consideration of Barbadoes and her
industrious inhabitants, and has with the greater grief received
intelligence of the unhappy disappointment of the hopeful and
generous expedition, wherein his Majesty has reason to fear Lord
Willoughby and many good subjects have perished by storms. Has
provided for the future preservation of Barbadoes and neighbouring
Plantations by sending ships of war with powder, firelocks, and
great guns, and supplying the great loss of Lord Willoughby by
his brother, whose fair reputation and general esteem is such, that
with one voice on the Exchange he was wished for his brother's
successor, by the joint petition of the planters, merchants, and
masters of ships trading to the Caribbees. Has the less reason
therefore to require them to an universal obedience, with all possible
union, to a Governor of so approved a conversation. Draft. 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 2.]
Jan. 5.
1376. Sir John Colleton to Ambrose Mudd, merchant of Dartmouth.
Asked the Duke of York for a pass and protection for
Mudd's ship, and he promised its despatch in Council ; but the
only petition that could be found was one for removal of guns,
fortifying a place, and supply of arms and powder. Could have
sent a pass and protection this post ; if that be all Mudd desires he
must send a petition for it, and it may be obtained next Council day.
But if the other things are desired, reasons must be given, for the Lord
General says this business has been before the Council already, and
complaints have been made concerning the planters in Newfoundland,
who pull down the ships' stages, steal their boats, and do other
mischiefs. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CLXXXVIII., No. 28, Cal., p.
Jan. 5.
1377. The King's license for the Leyonberg of Stockholm of
200 tons (now in France), C. Guldenaer, master, to trade to the
West Indies. 1¼ pp. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XIV., pp.
112, 113.]
Jan. 7.
Fort James.
1378. Col. Nicolls to the Commissioners at Albany. Their
letters of 6-16 Nov. and 14-24 Dec., with propositions from and
answers to the Maquaes, and their resolution, all received ;
wherein he finds good cause to return thanks for their care of his
Majesty's and their own true interest in these times of difficulty
with the ambitious French. Has prepared the English in the north
to their succour in case the French disturb them ; the soldiers at
the Sopes are ready, and has written to the Schout and Schepens
there to be ready with as many as they can spare of the burgers,
knowing how impossible it is to send any from hence in the
winter. Hopes the French are not only weary of their two fruitless
voyages, but that most of their soldiers are commanded away
with the Viceroy into the West Indies. All letters received from
Albany this winter with much satisfaction, in regard no complaints
are made one of another, which is very agreeable to his disposition.
Same to [Arendt van Curler]. His account of the affairs
under his care received. Perceives his instructions are observed,
and hopes by that unanimous resolution taken the French will be
discouraged from attempting to disturb them, and the Maquaes
for ever obliged for protection in their necessity. Would gladly
hear of the demolishing of that fort mentioned in his. "You have
not forgot your promise to perfect the cart of the Lake with the
French forts, and how it borders upon the Maquaes River." Is so
abundantly satisfied with his care and conduct in these troubles,
that he will only desire him to continue in well doing. Fort James,
1667, Jan. 7.
Same to Schout Swart. The messenger made no great haste
with his letter ; hopes he will have no extraordinary occasion
to send another before the river opens. That not one complaint
is made is welcome tidings, and shows that every man walks in
his own station. Returns to him and all the officers particular
thanks for the care taken in their defence ; on his part nothing
shall be wanting to preserve peace and promote their welfare.
Fort James, January 5th. Indorsed, Mr. Ryven, be pleased to
translate these three letters into Dutch as soon as you can conveniently.
Printed in New York Documents, III., 144, 145. 2 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 3.]
[Jan. 11.
Fort James.]
1379. Col. Nicolls to the Captain and Commissaries at Albany.
His answer to theirs of 14/24 Dec. was gone before theirs of the 29th
of Dec. arrived, in which they referred him to the relation of
Smits Jan concerning the French, but it seems he came no further
than the Sopes, but sent the letters by another Indian, the bearer
of this, so that Nicolls much wants his information as to the terms
the French propose to the Maquaes, and the probability of a treaty
of peace. To the three points in their letter will briefly say :
1st. They will do well to counsel the Maquaes that one article may
oblige the French to demolish all their new advanced forts upon the
Lake, so they may not live in jealousy of the French, interrupt
hunting, or bring armed men into the Plantations without notice.
2ndly. He cannot imagine that the Maquaes will insist on settling
near Albany if this treaty goes forward, for their own country is
much more commodious for them, and less prejudicial to Albany ;
they will know best how to sweeten any denial. 3rd. It is fit that
his own and their former letters to the Viceroy be sent by Smits Jan ;
but let them consider well the advantage which may befal their
trade if they can counsel the Maquaes to make peace in the words
they shall direct, without openly appearing to be for the present
concerned in it. If such proposals be refused by the French, they
will soon discover their designs to engross the whole beaver trade,
for the advancing of so many forts shows that every place or nation
is the object of their ambition, as much as the Maquaes are now of
their revenge. Therefore it is wisdom to keep the treaty on foot,
and to oblige Smits Jan, who is reported to love best English and
Dutch, to give them notice of the French proposals or designs
which may shorten their interest. Sees no present reason to recall
his former directions, but concludes with thanks for their care and
circumspection, and resolutions of defending his Majesty's interest
and their own against the common enemy. They shall neither
want any possible assistance nor his prayers for their prosperity.
To send speedy notice to Capt. Pinchen, when they have any truth
of the French march towards them. Printed in New York Documents,
III., 146. 1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 4.]
Jan. 11.
Fort James.
1380. Col. Nicolls to M. [Arendt Van] Curler. Has received his
of 29 Dec., but not by the hands of Smits Jan, who stayed in
Esopus, so that Nicolls is disappointed of all intelligence. Desires
he will take in writing from Smits Jan's mouth what is worth the
writing and send to Nicolls. Guesses the French will not trouble
them this winter. Smits Jan must carry letters to the Viceroy of
Canada. Sends back all the French letters ; for his own part he
understands well Banchot's meaning, which is to let him know how
little goodwill M. de Tracy has for the Dutch, and that when time
serves he will make use of those pretences for engrossing the beaver
trade by destroying and interrupting theirs at Albany. In return
for his news, Curler may send these two copies ; one relates to the
fight in June, the other to the enterprise of Schelling Island after
the defeat of the Dutch fleet on the 25th August. Probably
M. Banchot knows not that war is lately begun between France
and Spain. Hopes affairs will permit Curler to visit these parts in
the spring, which he has not done since Nicolls came into the
country. MM. Le Rolle and De Ville have written M. Fountaine
to return to Canada, who hath kept his Christmas with Capt.
Carteret in New Jersey, and it would be impossible for him to
march to Canada through the snow a foot. All the French soldiers
but one gone to Boston to seek a passage thence by the help of the
Alinconquins. Printed in New York Documents, III., 147. 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 4, p. 2.]
Jan. 11.
Fort James.
1381. Col. Nicolls to Capt. John Baker. His of the 20th Dec.
brought by an Indian who calls himself Mr. Thomas. Has sent
his best advice in a letter of this date to the Captain and Commissaries,
but must refer the management of affairs to their discretion.
The relation Baker made him is sent to Mr. Winthrop and Capt.
Pinchen. Gathers they have not much to fear from the French
this winter, yet their forts are too near neighbours, and can pour
forth men before the English are aware, if they be not always
watchful. His advice to the Maquaes is that they make a good
peace or none with the French, such as may bring beaver to Albany
and leave them without fear or jealousy of the French. One point
will be necessary, that the Maquaes declare to the French that the
King of England is the Great King of all their country and parts
adjacent, and that they will keep peace with the French if they
will demolish their forts and bring no more troops of soldiers into
the King of England's country or their Plantations. To this purpose
he may instruct not only Smits Jan but the Maquaes Sagamores,
showing that it is their interest to make honourable mention
of the King of England, what numbers of English there are round
about, how considerable a force from the adjacent colonies can come
to Albany in three or four days, and with what friendship the
English, Dutch, and Maquaes live together. Some Dutch here are
persuaded that Smits Jan is turned Frenchman, but he has drawn
too much blood from the French to think they have good intentions
for him. Have no late news, being shut up with a hard winter.
A friend writes from Quebec to M. La Fountaine, that the Viceroy
intended to relieve him at any hazard, on which he would have
written more if he thought the letter would pass directly to M.
Fountaine's hand ; and further, that they had found an easy and
admirable means to transport their men on all occasions. Therefore
it is necessary to inquire of Smits Jan what new passage or inventions
they have found. Printed in New York Documents. III.,
148. 1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 4, pp. 3, 4.]
Jan. 11.
1382. License to John Champante, merchant, to transport 100
nags or geldings, not exceeding 10l. apiece, to Barbadoes, to be
employed in the sugar works there on paying the usual duties and
customs. ¼ p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XIV., p. 116.]
Jan. 14.
1383. Gov. Sir Thos. Modyford to the Duke of Albemarle.
Since his letter of 21 Aug. last our privateers have had several
encounters with the French, and made these seas too hot for them,
so that none of that nation but what serve his Majesty are to leeward
of Cape Tiburon, where we have three privateers to fight with any
supplies which may come from St. Christopher's, which they expect
and much brag of. Divers of the French Protestant buccaneers are
come down, and more hourly expected. Was very solicitous to
supplant the rest, and assembled his Majesty's Council, whose
unanimous results are in the enclosed, which he held so prudent
as to consent to it, "duly considering how small a loss may put us
to a sad after game." And therefore, being in no wise able to assist
their countrymen in the Windward Isles, and everyday bringing
down some of those poor people, ruined by the French, who much
magnify their present force, as also what great supplies they expect
from France, it was unanimously concluded to put this island in a
military posture of defence, silence the common law courts, and not
by any foreign design to weaken themselves while their enemies are
in so flourishing a condition. Doubts not his Grace will have an
eye on the French motions, that we may not be overpowered by the
forces of Europe. Some prisoners escaped from Porto Bello who
have just arrived say that the Spaniards having notice how weak
our party was at Providence, being but 48, pressed the English ship
Concord, Capt. Wasy, and with other vessels manned with 600 men,
in three days recovered that island, and make our men slave it at
their forts, which is their constant usage to us when we fall into
their hands, while we use them more like friends than enemies.
Incloses, Minutes of a Council of War held at St. Jago-de-la-Vega,
19 Dec. 1666, Cal., see ante, No. 1357. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XXI., Nos. 5, 5 I.]
Jan. 16.
1384. Gov. Sir Thos. Modyford to Sec. Lord Arlington. Sends
copy of his letter of 21 August last [see ante, No. 1264], together
with his answers to the late Orders of Council in favour of two
Spanish subjects. Indorsed, Rec. 30 April 1667, answered 4 Feb.
1666-7 ; this last date refers to Modyford's letter of 21 Aug. 1666.
3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 6.]
[Jan. 16.]
1385. Petition of Averina, relict of Robert Bannatine, and her
son Hyllyard, an infant, to the King. Being lawfully possessed of a
plantation in Barbadoes called Locust Hall, together with negroes,
cattle, and stock worth more than 20,000l., petitioner was in Sept.
1663 most illegally dispossessed by a warrant of Lord Willoughby, who
for 2,400l. sold the same to one [Edward] Pye. Prays his Majesty to
take order for petitioner's re-establishment until she be evicted at
law. Indorsed, "Recd. Jan. 16, read Jan. 23, 1667, to be heard
the 29th." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 7.]
Jan. 19.
San Sebastian.
1386. Valentin Morgan to Sec. Lord Arlington. Requests a pass
for a ship of his own of 150 tons named the Charity of Dublin, to
go hence manned with 14 Spaniards for New England with a cargo
of salt, brandy, pitch, wine, sail canvas, cordage, and other goods,
to return hither with fish. It will be a great relief to his friends
in these distracted times and to himself no small help during the
war. [Extract from Correspondence Spain.]
Jan. 23.
1387. Report from the Committee of Plantations concerning the
dispute between Lord Willoughby and his agent and the planters
of the Leeward Isles. Mr. Champante being heard could make no
proof at all, that before the late Lord Willoughby's time any
Governor of Barbadoes had ever any authority over the Leeward
Isles ; on the contrary, it was by the planters made out, that Sir
Thos. Warner was first from the King, and afterwards from the
Earl of Carlisle, Lieut.-General of all the Leeward Isles. Which is
to be made out again, for their Lordships make difficulty to report
thus much to his Majesty without another hearing. "Thanks come
from the Govr. of Nevis." "Esqr. Marsh hath the letter." 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 8.]
Jan. 23.
1388. Order of the Committee of Plantations. Lord Willoughby
proposing to have for the safety of the Caribbee Islands 1,000 carbines,
500 cases of pistols, 3,000 firelocks, 500 barrels of powder, and
60 great guns ; and it appearing that he had lately 200 barrels of
powder, 2,000 firelocks, and 1,000 pikes, the Committee thought fit
his Majesty should be moved to grant further, 20 iron guns and 800
hand grenades. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 9.]
Jan. 26.
1389. The Duke of York's Commission, constituting Wm. Lord
Willoughby Vice-Admiral of Barbadoes and the rest of the Caribbee
Islands, with authority to exercise all the powers, and enjoy all
the privileges, fees, &c. of his Majesty's principal Court of Admiralty
at Barbadoes, provided he send a yearly account of what he has
done, collected, and received by virtue of these presents. Latin,
11 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. V., pp. 88, 89.]
Jan. 26.
1390. John Fitzherbert to Williamson. Yesterday arrived the
John Pink, a small Bristol ship, from Barbadoes ; she is an excellent
sailer, and came thence in six weeks ; she left in company of
22 more, but parted with them in a storm. They report that the
French had taken Antigua ; they came with English colours, landed
without opposition, and surprised the fort and Governor. The
islanders got together and beat them back, but they have not
quitted the whole island ; they had 18 ships and landed 1,500 men.
Barbadoes is in excellent condition, 3,000 foot and 1,600 horse
ready in arms, and 20,000 more upon any occasion. Five of the
ships escaped the hurricane that Lord Willoughby miscarried in.
[Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CLXXXIX., No. 70, Cal., p. 472.]
Jan. 27.
1391. Sir John Skelton to Williamson. Yesterday arrived the
Ostrich, of London, which came from Barbadoes in company of 20
sail of merchantmen belonging to London, Bristol, Topsham, and this
place, with whom she parted 300 leagues off in a storm. She gives
relation that Antigua is taken by the French, and that it was reported
there that Montserrat was also taken. [Dom., Chas. II.,
Vol. CLXXXIX., No. 81, Cal., p. 473.]
Jan. 27.
1392. D. Grosse to Williamson. On the 25th a ship arrived in
30 days from Virginia, and reports that colony full of tobacco and
in a very prosperous condition. Yesterday arrived a ship from
Barbadoes bringing the sad news of Antigua and Montserrat wholly
reduced by the French ; it is feared Nevis will follow. This ship
came out in company with 20 more, from whom she was separated
by storm ; hope all the rest are passed up Channel. [Dom., Chas.
II., Vol. CLXXXIX., No. 82, Cal., p. 473.]
Jan. 28.
West Cowes.
1393. John Lysle to Williamson. A vessel has arrived at
Southampton from Malaga laden with wines and fruit. Last night
arrived at Cowes the John and Mary of London from Barbadoes,
laden with sugar and indigo, who came without meeting any enemy
with about 20 sail, but by storms they lost each other. No news as
yet of Lord Willoughby's safety, but there is great fear that the
French and Dutch will invade those parts ; Montserrat and Nevis
are like to be starved for want of provisions ; Antigua and the five
islands are partly taken, and the Governor prisoner to the French ;
good store of sugars at Barbadoes, and cotton which cannot be
shipped for want of shipping. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CLXXXIX.,
No. 94, Cal., p. 475.]
Jan. 28.
1394. J. Pocock to Same. The Adventure has brought into
Portland Road three of the Barbadoes' fleet ; they left the place in
very good condition seven weeks since, 22 sail, but were scattered.
The Leeward Isles are in great danger, Antigua being partly taken.
[Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CLXXXIX., No. 95, Cal., p. 475.]
Jan. 30.
1395. Ri. Watts to Williamson. The whole fleet of merchant
ships in the Downs outward bound, sailed yesterday, except those
bound to Barbadoes, which have an embargo upon them till Lord
Willoughby come down, who is expected to-night. [Dom., Chas. II.,
Vol. CLXXXIX., No. 116, Cal., p. 478.]
Jan. ?
1396. Note of what is convenient to be done for the dispatch of
Sir Tobias Bridges to Barbadoes. That a commission be drawn for
him to have the command of the forces, and to take care of the
fortifications and magazines in that island, and that a letter be
written to the Governor, Council, and Assembly to appoint Sir T.
Bridges one of the Council there. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI.,
No. 10.]
Jan. ?
1397. Commission appointing Sir Tobias Bridges commander of
the forces within the island of Barbadoes, with directions to obey
the orders of Governor Lord Willoughby. Draft with corrections
by Williamson. 2 pp. [Col. Papers., Vol. XXI., No. 11.]
Jan. ?
1398. The King to the Governor of Barbadoes. By a Commission
bearing date with these presents, Sir Tobias Bridges is
appointed Commander of all the King's forces within that island.
Lord Willoughby is therefore directed to admit him of the Council,
and to give him assistance in all things. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XXI., No. 12.]