Nov. 3.
1303. John Fitzherbert to Williamson. There are at Bristol 30
sail for Virginia, and 15 for Barbadoes and Nevis ; at the latter place
they are in great fear of the enemy, they want ammunition, and
their turn comes about to be upon duty every third night ; the King
might send them upon this fleet a good quantity of soldiers to reinforce
those Plantations and gain others with much ease. [Dom.,
Chas. II., Vol. CLXXVII., No. 39, Cal., p. 236.]
Nov. 6.
1304. Col. R. Nicolls to (the Commissaries at Albany). Confirms
the persons nominated in theirs of 26th Oct. for this ensuing year
to be Commissaries, Capt. Abraham Staets, Philip Pieter Schuyler,
Cossy Gerritson, Arent Van Curler, Richard Renzlaer, Theunis
Cornelis Spitsenbergh, and that Schout Swart continue in office till
further order. Supposes his letters to them may by chance be
broken up, but not purposely, by Capt. Baker, but will prevent the
like in future. Sent full directions in his last in case the French
attempt to do them further prejudice. In regard it is uncertain
whether the river will be open before the time fixed by the court of
assizes for bringing in the ground briefs, he will suspend the penalty
for one month. Could wish that all the land between the fort and
town lay in common, so that the people who lost their houses may
be recompensed on the hill. Knows they only are authorised to
give billets for the quartering of soldiers, but if they exempt the
chiefest men, the common people will cry out. Doubts the river
will be shortly frozen, and therefore earnestly requires them to be
careful of the public peace and safety ; and that English and Dutch
may live as brothers, to keep a strict hand on authors or reporters
of strange news, which commonly tends to the dividing of men's
hearts. If any news happens this winter, be it good or bad, they
shall have the truth from him. Printed in New York Documents,
III., 143. 1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 163.]
Nov. 6/16.
1305. Col. Nicolls to M. Renzlaer. By the date of his letter from
Renzlaerwicke in Albany the 25th Oct., perceives that he concludes
the town of Albany to be part of Renzlaerswicke. Gives him friendly
advice not to grasp at too much authority. Doubts not his Royal
Highness' final determination of all matters relating to this jurisdiction
in May next. If Renzlaer imagines there is pleasure in titles
of Government, wishes he could serve his appetite, for Nicolls has
found only trouble. To his pleading for a succession to his brother
Baptista as of right belonging to himself will answer in a Latin
verse, Filius ante diem Patrios inquirit in annos. Let there
be no controversies of this nature between us. Set your heart therefore
at rest to be contented with the profit, not the Government of
a colony, till they hear from his Royal Highness. In his letter to
the Commissaries he will find Theunis Cornelis Spitsenburgh confirmed.
His service to Renzlaer's wife, his brother, and M. Curler.
Printed in New York Documents, III., 143, 144. 1 p. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XX., No. 164.]
Nov. 8.
1306. Commission from Sir W. Berkeley, Gov. of Virginia,
appointing Thos. Ludwell, Maj.-Gen. Robt. Smith, Maj.-Gen. Ric.
Bennett, Capt. Robt. Wynne, Col. Nic. Spence, Capt. Peter Jennings,
Thos. Ballard, Capt. Jos. Bridger, and Capt. Dan. Parke, Commissioners
to treat with the Commissioners of Maryland and Carolina
about cessation of planting tobacco in the year 1667. Attested copy
by Ludwell. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 165.]
[Nov. 10.]
1307. Commission appointing Sir Jas. Modyford, Lieut.-Governor
of the island of Providence also Sta. Catarina, to exercise the Government
according to such instructions as he shall from time to time
receive from Sir Thos. Modyford, Gov. of Jamaica. Draft with
corrections in Williamson's handwriting. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XX., No. 166.]
Nov. 10.
1308. Fair copy of the preceding. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX.,
No. 167.]
Nov. 10.
1309. Entry of the above. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XX.,
p. 134.]
Nov. 11.
1310. Thos. Holden to James Hickes. The King David of
London is arrived in Falmouth laden with tobacco from Virginia ;
she left about seven weeks ago, and reports that three days before
she came away the Golden Lion, of 26 guns, and two other ships,
were blown from their anchors in a storm, and have not since been
heard of ; six other ships came away with her but were dispersed
within 10 days in a storm, and what is become of them she knows
not except they be gone for New England. The Indians fall upon
passengers from place to place and kill very many ; forty persons
were destroyed while the King David was there ; the inhabitants
want ammunition very much ; the silk trade goes on very prosperously.
[Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CLXXVII., No. 164, Cal., p. 253.]
Nov. 14.
1311. Petition of Robt. Yate, Walter Tocknell, and others, late
owners of the ship Alexander of Bristol, to the King. That said
ship was taken by a Dutch caper from the rest of the Virginia fleet,
about 60 leagues to the westward of Ireland, and had the rest
endeavoured her recovery, as they ought according to agreement,
the Alexander might not only have been preserved, but in all probability
the caper secured. Pray for his Majesty's order, that an
average may be set on said fleet to make good the loss to the
petitioners. Indorsed, Recd. 14 Nov. To be heard 11 Jany.
1666(-7). Annexed,
1311. I. A relation of the loss of the ship Alexander.
1311. II. Report of Sir Lionel Jenkins concerning the loss of the
ship Alexander. "The question is whether the interested
in this loss ought to have reparation by an average
laid upon the whole fleet, as also what is usual in cases
of this nature." Indorsed, Recd. 14 Nov. 1666. Read
in Council, 21 Dec. 1666. Together, 5 pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XX., Nos. 168, 169, 170.]
Nov. 14.
1312. Edward Rawson to Col. Nicolls. His letter of the 3rd
inst. received from Mavericke on the 10th. The answer of the
Governor and Assistants given to Mavericke for his Honour Sir
Robert Carr, &c. : That they find his letter refers to the General
Court, which was dissolved sundry days after their answer was
sent to Sir Wm. Morrice ; yet at the first meeting of the Assistants
his letter shall be communicated to them as desired. 1 p. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XX., No. 171.]
1313. Note by Williamson, of "Directions for the safer returning
of all merchant ships during the late Dutch war," viz., those sent to
Sir Thos. Modyford, Governor of Jamaica, and to Lord Willoughby,
Governor of Barbadoes, of 16 Nov. 1665 [see ante, Nos. 1079, 1082],
and to the same Governors on 15 Nov. 1666. 1 p. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XX., No. 172.]
1314. Mem. in the handwriting of Williamson for letters to Sir
Thos. Modyford and Sir W. Berkeley, containing the King's directions
for the return of the ships. Those given last year to be
followed this year also, and every occasion taken to annoy the
enemy, and disappoint their designs. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX.,
No. 173.]
Nov. 15.
1315. The King to Sir Thos. Modyford, Governor of Jamaica.
The directions for the return of ships from Jamaica given last year
having proved of good use, his Majesty repeats the same this year.
2¼ pp. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXIV., pp. 32-34.]
[Nov. 15.]
1316. The King to Fras. Lord Willoughby, Governor of Barbadoes.
Having found necessary last year to give directions for the
times and manner of the return of ships trading to Barbadoes [see
ante, No. 1079], his Majesty has thought fit to repeat the same this
year. He is also directed to be diligent and circumspect for the
safety of the islands of Sabia and Statia [Eustatius] under his
government against attempts of his Majesty's enemies. Draft with
corrections in Williamson's hand. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX.,
No. 174.]
Nov. 15.
1317. Copy of the preceding. 4 pp. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II.,
Vol. XXIV., pp. 28-31.]
Nov. 15.
1318. The King to Governor Sir Wm. Berkeley. Appointing
certain seasons in the year at which only ships be permitted to
return from Virginia to England, unless employed for his Majesty's
immediate service either as men-of-war or for carrying packets or
the like extraordinary occasions, viz., 24 March, 24 June, and
24 Sept. ; and repeating the same orders as were given last year
about the ships keeping company and defending each other during
their homeward voyage. 2 pp. [Dom. Entry Bk., Vol. XXIV.,
pp. 32-34.]
Nov. 17.
1319. Sir Thos. Langton, Mayor of Bristol, to Williamson. Will
take a special care to deliver the letters to the ablest captains bound
to Virginia and Barbadoes, with the directions in case of meeting the
enemy ; supposes it will be a week before the fleet will be ready to
sail ; will then give him account of the captains and ships in which
the letters are ; there is no ship for Jamaica ; the letter for Jamaica
may either be sent upon the Barbadoes ships or returned, as Williamson
shall advise. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CLXXVIII., No. 93, Cal.,
p. 266.]
Nov. 17.
1320. Petition of several merchants of the city of London to the
King in Council. For his Majesty's grant to take off the embargo
of their trading ships now ready to sail for Virginia and Maryland
Indorsed, Recd. 17 Nov. 1666. Read in Council 1 Dec. 1666.
Names of said ships, their burthen, number of guns, mariners
and passengers, most of which have been cleared at the Custom
House, London, since 23rd September last. Together 2 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XX., Nos. 175, 176.]
1321. Petition of several Merchants, Planters, Masters of ships,
and others, trading to Virginia and Maryland, to the King in Council.
Set forth the reasons for the prayer of their petition that no ships
bound for Virginia or Maryland be permitted to set sail from England
before the first day of January yearly, or after the last day of March,
and to that purpose that a restraint be laid upon the ships now preparing
for that voyage. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 177.]
[Nov. 21.]
1322. Petition of Sir John Colleton on behalf of his son Thomas
Colleton, to the King. That one Col. Wm. Fortescue was long since
in possession of a parcel of land in Barbadoes, but one Holdip or
White obtained judgment against him and possession thereof ; that
Fortescue sealed a lease to eject Holdip or White, but White being
"a favourite" and in those times Fortescue a "loyal subject" was not
admitted to trial on pretence of a statute of 4 Hen. IV., contrary to
the opinion of Lord Willoughby and Council, and of the judges of
Barbadoes and lawyers of England. Fortescue dying left his title to
petitioner's son Thomas. Prays that Lord Willoughby be commanded
to see justice done. With reference to the Solicitor-General to consider
how far it may be fit for his Majesty to grant the letter desired.
November 21, 1666. Also, Report of Solicitor-General Heneage
Finch, that he conceives petitioner's son ought to be admitted to the
trial ; that there is no law to debar him of it or to make one
verdict final, and the statute of 4 Hen. IV. was never yet expounded
so. Conceives it right and just for his Majesty to grant the letter
desired, and to command that right be done to petitioner. 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 178.]
1323. The King to the Governor of Barbadoes. Sir John Colleton
having, on behalf of his son Thos. Colleton, set forth by petition
that a trial has been denied of his right of inheritance to some land
in Barbadoes, called the Bridge Town, and recovered by Holdip from
one Fortescue deceased, he is directed to give orders that the cause
be fairly and legally tried. Draft with corrections by Williamson.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 179.]
Nov. 24.
1324. Sec. Lord Arlington to Col. Nicolls. His letter and papers
lie before the Committee of the Council intrusted with those affairs,
and he presumes some directions will be speedily sent him. This
serves only to accompany his Majesty's letter directing that ships
from those parts put themselves in bodies for their common security,
the war lying too heavy upon his Majesty here to give them convoys
otherwise than is expressed in his said letter. In all occasions
relating to his advantage he will be ever mindful of their old
acquaintance and friendship. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX.,
No. 180.]
Nov. 24.
1325. Instrument of Cecil Lord Baltimore, Lord and Proprietary
of Maryland, disallowing and vacating an Act of Assembly in reference
to the cessation of planting tobacco. Attested copy by Ludwell.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 181.]
Nov. 25.
1326. Capt. Wm. Traherne to Hayter. The bearer, Mr. Leburne,
is appointed surgeon of the ship East India Merchant ; if there is
any imprest money to be paid, let him have it, as he is going with
the writer to Barbadoes. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CLXXIX., No. 60,
Cal., p. 288.]
1327. Mem. by Sir James Modyford for the Duke of Albemarle.
That Jamaica wants powder, ball, and carriages for 60 great
guns and 1,000 firelocks. That the Isle of Providence must be
furnished thence, or it may be lost, as it was in 1641. How the 50
men now going are to be maintained, and whether it were not
better to allow pay at first, until the island be better filled
with planters, lest being but newly acquired the Spaniard be
suddenly busy towards its recovery. Whether the 5th rate frigate
now going be not ordered directly, lest being under Lord Willoughby's
command she should be stayed long, the King's service
at Jamaica requiring more haste than can be here expressed. ½ p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 182.]
1328. Mem. to move for 50 barrels of powder to be sent to
Jamaica for Sir Thos. Modyford, and for 40 chaldrons of coals for
the smiths, Robert Mutton, John Brayner, and Edward Lilliot, at
Wapping, for making anchors for his Majesty. Indorsed, Ordered.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 183.]
Nov. 27.
1329. Warrant to the Commissioners (of Ordnance). To deliver
to Sir James Modyford, Knt. and Bart., 50 barrels of powder, 50
muskets firelocks, 50 bandoliers, and one barrel of flints, with ball
and match proportionable, to be by him disposed of for his Majesty's
secret service. ¼ p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XX., p. 135 A.]
Nov. 27.
1330. D. Grosse to Williamson. A ship arrived yesterday from
Barbadoes reports that in July last Lord Willoughby embarked
thence with about 5,000 men on Capt. Reynolds' and five other
ships to retake St. Christopher's, but in their passage they were all
cast away by a violent hurricane ; only one of the ships escaped,
and about 400 or 500 men got ashore on Santa Tour Island, where
they are detained prisoners by the French : Lord Willoughby and
all the rest of the men and ships are certainly lost. The Guernsey
and Eagle [appointed to convoy the outward bound ships] have
been driven back by storm, with only four of the American fleet,
which have lost their masts ; all the rest are miserably dispersed by
this violent storm ; one ship, bound for Portugal, was cast away
near this place, the men being all lost. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol.
CLXXIX., No. 92, Cal., p. 292.]
Nov. 27.
1331. John Clarke to the same. Additional details of the above.
Some of the outward bound fleet put into Dartmouth, Falmouth,
and Plymouth, but above 20 have not been heard of : the number
of men lost with Lord Willoughby is estimated at above 1,000,
two English frigates and several merchant ships were also lost. A
vessel from Portugal reports that they have had a brush with the
Spaniards, and lost 400 or 500 men. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CLXXIX.,
No. 98, Cal., p. 293.]
Nov. 27.
1332. John Lanyon to Navy Commissioners. Giving a few more
details as to Lord Willoughby's loss ; he sailed from Barbadoes with
two men-of-war, Capts. Reynolds and Hill, and 11 merchant ships ;
met with a hurricane, and forced to anchor at Todos los Sanctos,
where they were driven ashore, and the soldiers defended themselves
for about 20 days, and at last yielded upon composition ; it is
uncertain how it is with Lord Willoughby, but feared he is lost,
for some part of his ship is said to be driven on Plymouth Island.
[Dom. Chas. II., Vol. CLXXIX., No. 102, Cal., p. 294.]
Nov. 29.
1333. Hugh Acland to Williamson. Several vessels have
arrived in Falmouth harbour from New England, Barbadoes, and
other ports of the West Indies, laden with indigo, sugar, tobacco,
and some beaver skins, also five from New England with masts, of
which it is said one is for his Majesty's account ; they are sending
to Plymouth to get a convoy ; several that were in company with
them are supposed to have put into Plymouth. Further account
brought by these ships of the loss of Lord Willoughby, the same as
the above, except that it states the total number of men with him to
have been 1,500, and that they were cast away on the very night of
their arrival at St. Christopher's. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CLXXIX.,
No. 131, Cal., p. 298.]
1334. Petition of the Company for the plantation of the Somers
Islands ałs Bermudas, to the King. Petitioners having obtained a
grant and charter for said islands from his Majesty's grandfather
King James, planted a colony there at their own great charge, built
forts, and settled a wholesome Government, which they have constantly
maintained without any charge to the Crown, though the
customs, &c. from tobaccos imported thence have amounted yearly
to thousands of pounds. And forasmuch as further supplies of
ammunition may be of great concernment, not only to the defence of
the place, but to his Majesty's affairs in the West Indies, and through
the loss by surprisal of two of their ships this year they are utterly
disabled to send such supplies ; pray for fifty barrels of powder out
of his Majesty's stores for the better security of the place. Indorsed,
"His Majesty grants twenty barrels of powder. Lord Chamberlain
certifies it." [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 184.]
Nov. 30.
1335. Order to the Commissioners of the Ordnance to deliver to
the Lord Chamberlain [Earl of Manchester], Governor of the Bermudas,
20 barrels of powder. ¼ p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II.,
Vol. XX., p. 136 A.]