Sept. 3.
1276. Sir Jas. Modyford to Williamson. Has with some difficulty
found out Thos. Kendall's packet, and broken it open. Sends
enclosed Lord Arlington's letters, and beseeches him to acquaint
Arlington that the Governor of Jamaica hath done all in his own
name concerning the privateers' commissions, that nothing thence
might impede any treaty at home. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CLXX.,
No. 51, Cal., p. 92.]
Sept. 15.
Boston, New
1277. John Winthrop, Governor of Connecticut, to Sec. Sir Wm.
Morrice. Acknowledges receipt of the King's most gracious letter
of the 10th April last. The colony "deeply affected with those high
favours which he hath been pleased to confer upon them." Begs
their loyal and dutiful affections may be represented to his Majesty.
Signed. ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 141.]
Sept. 20.
1278. John Man to Williamson. A small vessel from the West
Indies arrived in Swansea a few days ago with some passengers
that were inhabitants of St. Christopher's ; they report that the
island was lost by the cowardice and indiscretion of the Governor
and those chiefly entrusted there ; they much commend the French
in that they sought a peace with the Governor, but he denying put
them upon the attempt of the island, which they carried without
any great slaughter ; 'tis supposed it might easily be regained, they
being already afraid of the inhabitants of Nevis in case they should
upon command with some help attempt a recovery : this is the report
of a passenger who says he was in the island at the taking thereof.
[Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CLXXII., No. 76, Cal., p. 144.]
[Sept. 25.]
1279. The King to Lord Willoughby, Governor of the Caribbee
Islands. His Majesty being satisfied that there is justly due to
Richard Jones 3,000l. lent by him to the Duke of York for the use
of his Majesty's fleet, it is the King's pleasure that so much sugar
belonging to his Majesty in Barbadoes, as shall amount to 3,000l.
be paid to said Richard Jones or his assigns, according to his letter
of Privy Seal, any former directions for the disposal of the sugars
to the contrary notwithstanding. Draft with the date 11 April
1665, which has been struck out and other corrections made by
Williamson. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 142.]
Sept. 25.
1280. Copy of the preceding, but omitting "according to our letter
of Privy Seal," see ante, No. 968. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol.
XVII., p. 205.]
Sept. 29.
1281. Lieut.-Gov. William Willoughby and Council of Barbadoes to
the King. Consider it their duty to inform his Majesty of the many
dangers that threaten them. No sooner had they notice that the
French had declared war, than the Governor sent his nephew Henry
Willoughby with three or four vessels, and 600 or 700 men and
great store of provisions, arms, and ammunition to relieve St.
Christopher's ; before whose arrival the French had become masters
of the English interest there, and the French are so absolute masters
of the seas that our forces were forced to land at Antigua. Lord
Willoughby apprehending that the other islands, long disheartened
through restraint of trade, would render themselves without opposition
to the enemy, put himself on a treaty of ways and means with
the representatives of this island for its prevention, but not meeting
with concurrence he dissolved them, whereupon the people petitioned
him to accept their voluntary contributions for fortifying this island
and opposing the enemy. And now Lord Willoughby, by their
advice, declared he would go in person to make war on the enemy,
being strengthened by the arrival of two ships from his Majesty
with positive orders to execute those designs. Having pressed eight
merchant ships, and good store of provisions with 600 or 800
volunteers, he departed hence the 18th July, intending to stop at
Antigua and take with him the Lieut.-General's forces. Thus far
the design was laid with much prudence, "nor doubtless could a
less hand than that that did it have rendered it ineffectual" ; for
five or six days after this departure, before he could reach Antigua,
there arose a hurricane which lasted eight hours with such violence
that it dispersed the fleet, and only two out of the 10 ships are
known to be safe, and those two having cut their masts were driven
into Montserrat ; Capt. Hill in his Majesty's ship Coventry with
two others being the day before engaged at Todos Los Santos with
two of the enemy's ships, so ill-behaved himself that by his unnecessary
delay the storm forced them on shore, where 450 of our men
were taken prisoners ; his Excellency aboard his Majesty's ship
Hope with three or four more are not yet heard of, and the best of
their hopes are that they are driven without masts to Jamaica. The
enemy likewise lost all their ships ; but three or four days after
appeared four ships of war from France, and although four merchant
ships were immediately pressed, the French received such an access
of strength that they were necessitated to quit the design. Prays
his Majesty speedily to send such ships, men, great guns, powder,
and ammunition, whereby he may become master of these seas. As
for this island, so many of their best men have adventured abroad
to mend their fortunes, that their only hope of safety is in a speedy
supply from his Majesty. The people at present in a great calm,
some turbulent spirits having received condign punishment, yet
to take off all colour from restless spirits, beseech his Majesty's
pleasure for the Government here, till intelligence is received of his
Excellency, or in case of his loss. Restraint of trade has withheld
their prosperity and will in a short time destroy them, and few
negroes have been sold, so that many persons are ruined, and forced
to forsake the country. These settlements have been upheld by
negroes and cannot subsist without supplies of them. Pray for the
same freedom of trade as in England. Signed by Will. Willoughby,
John Yeamans, Henry Hawley, Phillip Bell, Will. Kirton, Thos.
Wardall, Sam. Barwick, Will. Sharpe, Robt. Hooper, and Christopher
Codrington. On same sheet,
The present wants for the relief and defence of Barbadoes.
These include 1,000 carbines, 500 pistols, and other arms and
ammunition. Indorsed by Sec. Lord Arlington, "Rec. 30 Nov.
Answered Dec. 4, 1666, with a temporary Commission for the
execution of the Lord Willoughby's power," see No. 1344.
4 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 143.]
Sept. 29.
1282. Duplicate of the preceding, also signed. Indorsed, "Rec.
Dec. 5." 4 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 144.]
1283. Names of the Council of Barbadoes. Lieut.-Col. Will. Willoughby,
Deputy Governor ; Col. Hen. Hawley, formerly Governor,
a judicious man ; Thomas Wardall, a grave prudent man ; Col.
Robert Hooper, well beloved and a stout man ; Col. Sir John Yeamans,
of good conduct and stout ; Lieut.-Cols. Christopher Codrington
and Philip Bell, both well beloved, and free from faction,
ingenious young gentlemen ; Wm. Kirton, a judge ; Sam. Barwick,
formerly in the King's army and stout ; Col. Wm. Sharpe, an
ingenious man and of good interest. Gentlemen of the country : Col.
Lewis Morris, of good interest and conduct, and an honest man
though a Quaker ; Lieut.-Cols. Higginbottom and Richard Baily,
and Major Will. Bates, stout men and fit for command. Some turbulent
spirits questioning whether Lord Willoughby has power to
make a deputation, whether it be not requisite that his Majesty's
pleasure be known. Whether indulging trade during this war will
not be of great importance to support that people's spirits. There
are aboard two merchant ships for Barbadoes on the King's account
2,000 muskets, 1,000 pikes, and 200 barrels of powder. To inform
them of the additional supply to encourage them. Indorsed by
Williamson, "Who in Barbadoes, from Col. Willoughby." 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 145.]
Sept. 29.
1284. John Reid, Sub-Commissioner of Prizes, to Sec. Lord
Arlington. Fears his last of the 17th July by Lord Willoughby's
fleet never went to his Lordship's hands. Sends the amplest relations
he can find of their misfortunes ; he had like to have been one
in waiting on Lord Willoughby as Sub-Commissioner of Prizes but
for a fit of sickness. The four good ships of 30 guns joined to the
three frigates his Majesty sends, will be able to beat all the French
in these parts. All the French ships were lost in the hurricane, and
there are only 10 or 11 sail that came from Rochelle and stopped at
Cayenne, whereof not above three are great ships, but they have
many men and guns on land. Yet 1,500 good old soldiers and six
good and four small ships would send the Monsieurs to other habitations.
Beseeches his Lordship to be instrumental in sending men,
arms, and ammunition for preservation of this little pearl, for all
the kings in Europe have not (of its bigness) such a precious and
rare one in their crowns. Begs him to advise the Lords Commissioners
for Prizes that there have not been any brought into these
parts, and to be a means to recover his own and his brother's salary.
If a Custom house be erected, begs he may have a place as Commissioner.
2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 146.]
Sept. 30.
1285. Lieut. Gov. Will. Willoughby to Sec. Lord Arlington. To the
same effect as the letter of Sept. 29 to the King [see ante, No. 1281].
Only three ships saved from the storm, viz., two with his brother
Henry Willoughby at Nevis, who my Lord (Willoughby) sent down
in April as his Lieut.-General, the other at Eustatia. Hears as yet
no news of my Lord, who was in his Majesty's ship Hope. Very
little of the storm felt at Barbadoes. Begs his Lordship's assistance
in getting supplies, and also authority which is absolutely necessary
for pressing ships. Presumes the King will allow his revenues
to be spent in the defence of these parts as his Majesty's whole
interest therein is at stake. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 147.]