June 5.
1209. Gov. Sir Thos. Modyford to Sec. Lord Arlington. Since
his letter of 8 March [see ante, No. 1147] has not had the least hint
of advice from England, only by way of New England they hear
that war was proclaimed against them at Paris in Feb. last ; if it
be true, will be enforced to continue the encouragement begun to
the privateers, and thereby lessen the numbers of the French at
Tortudos. The Curoçao fleet has done nothing and are dispersed
on several designs of their own heads, their own disorders not being
subject to any commands, being the cause given. Hopes when more
of them come in, to find more particular reasons of their neglect.
Cannot hope in a short time to get another force fit for that design,
but will use his best diligence. Could wish he had two or three of
his Majesty's smallest frigates, by whose reputation he would soon
bring those pillagers under command ; meantime he is hedging them
in with stricter rules, as he has more at large advised the Lord
General. Will by his next give his Lordship a view of all the freeholders
in this island. ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 26, p. 2.]
June 5.
1210. Four Acts passed at a Grand Assembly held at James City,
Virginia, 5 June 1666 ; the titles only of three of these Acts are
given, against which in the margin is written, repealed, expired,
needless. Printed in Col. Entry Bks., Nos. 89, 90, 91, see ante,
No. 262. [Col. Entry Bk., No. LXXXVIII., p. 63.]
June to Oct.
1211. Acts passed at a Grand Assembly held at James City by
prorogation from 5 June 1666 to 23 Oct. 1666. The titles are as
follows : An Act for establishing a cessation (from planting tobacco).
How debts are to be paid in the cessation year. Surveyors' fees
ascertained. Allowance for wolves killed by Indians left to the
bylaws. Restraining the importation of salt into Northampton
county repealed. Indians not to come within their bounds in
Henrico county. Country courts impowered to provide ammunition.
Weavers to be set up in each county. The fine for entertaining
runaways augmented. Servants without indentures, how long to
serve. Estates of criminal persons to pay the charge of prosecution.
Lower Norfolk exempted from giving account of their tobacco.
Repeal of the Acts for encouragements. Concerning millers. Sheep
included in the 77th Act (of '61). Damages upon bills of exchange
protested. No justice of peace to take fees. Seating of land declared
[explained]. Confirmation of imperfect Patents. Provision for
buying of law books. Refractory persons fined. Transcription of
an Act concerning sheriffs and bail. Signed by Gov. Berkeley and
Robert Wynne, Speaker, and certified by Hen. Randolph, Clerk of
the Assembly. 15 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 96.]
June 6.
1212. Francis Sampson to his brother John Sampson. Mr.
Potts of Plymouth brought the King's proclamation of war against
the French to Antigua, which was hastened by President Cardine
to the Governor of Nevis, and within two hours sent to Col.
Watts, Governor of St. Christopher's. But said Watts not long
before had entered into a league with the French General if war
broke out to give twice 24 hours' notice before they fell on ; wherefore
he sent copy of said proclamation to the French General, which
the French knew not of, telling him that at the expiration of the
time aforesaid he must expect an assault ; yet made little provision
for it, depending upon the numbers of the English, almost two for
one of the French ; yet sent to Eustatia and Nevis for men, and soon
after arrived 500 armed men from Nevis and 200 buccaneers from
Eustatia commanded by valiant Lieut.-Col. Morgan. The French
then begged for twice 24 hours more, which Watts granted without
consulting his Council, but never obliged the French to the same ;
whereupon the French General next morning, seeing the English
forces lay all towards Sandy Point, with his whole body of horse
and foot assaulted the windward parts, "where the careless Governor
had made inconsiderable provision of defence." The French negroes
also came all armed, being promised each man a white wife and
freedom, as well as plunder. They fired all the houses and the
people in them, and canes ; and as they went killing men, women,
and children, some 18 files of men at last charged them and killed
the French General, who had a friar on each hand charging stoutly
with him to encourage him, one of which fell with him, and divers
others ; but they came on again and broke the English, and the
women and children fled by droves to the mountains. This news
being carried to the Governor to leeward, he still disputed fighting,
whereupon Morgan presented his pistol to his breast, calls him
traitor and coward, swears buccaneer-like to kill him immediately
if he falls not on. At last they advanced the Nevis forces to
the frontiers towards Blackstarr, and there Watts leaves orders
not to fight on pain of death till further orders. In the meantime,
when the field was in a manner lost, instead of gaining the
same, Watts draws up Morgan and the rest of the leeward forces
against a well-fortified house, where 200 men well armed received
them with much resolution and wounded and killed most of the
buccaneers, and the Irish in the rear, (always a bloody and perfidious
people to the English Protestant interest) fired volleys into the
front and killed more than the enemy of our own forces. Most of
the officers fell, Lieut.-Col. Morgan shot in both legs and since
dead, Col. Watts, Darcy, and many more slain. All this time no
order was sent to the Nevis forces, who might have done the
work and possessed Backstarr. Now comes the body of French
leewards ; thousands of women and children planted all along the
paths with great shrieks disheartens the rest of the men ; some ship
themselves away, others make terms for themselves, and at last the
enemy, formerly imploring mercy, now are begged to show pity
and so become masters of the place and of twice the number of
prisoners as themselves. Some they transport to New England,
to Virginia, and about 1,500 hither [to Nevis], this little spot being
now a mere hospital. As men made desperate they arm all their
negroes with proclamation of freedom if they fight, and so expect
a daily assault upon themselves. They are building land and sea
forts, the Indians having built 80 "pereagoes" and threatened to
assault them with the French. Five or six lusty frigates from
England would save them and the rest of the islands, but if they
are neglected from Europe farewell all the Caribbee Islands. The
French have eight considerable ships of war. They are kept
prisoners, but now and then by stealth a small vessel gets in. No
trade. Had the last fleet from Barbadoes stopped here, as was
intended, their countenance might have regained St. Kitt's. Now
comes knowledge of a Jamaica man-of-war commanded by Capt.
Steadman that took Tobago, being taken by a Frenchman of 36
guns off Guadaloupe ; the French had 400 men and Steadman 100,
who being becalmed and unable to escape ran the enemy aboard
and disputed two hours on deck, but were at last overcome and
most part slain. The French from St. Kitt's landed 300 men on
Anguilla, where the inhabitants fired their own houses and took to
the woods. The word Col. Watts gave his men at onset was
"Have at all." 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 97.]
June 8.
1213. Governor Sir Thos. Modyford to the Duke of Albemarle.
About ten days since arrived two vessels from the fleet that was
bound for Curaçao, who aver they might have performed the service
on Curaçao, but the private soldiers aboard the Admiral were
against it, averring publicly that there was more profit with less
hazard to be gotten against the Spaniard, which was their only
interest. Two of their fleet are gone to Tortuga, and the other four
joining with two French rovers are gone to attempt the retaking
the island of Providence, where they intend to set up for themselves.
In all this time they have done little or nothing, only they
landed 600 men at Cape Blanco, in the kingdom of Veragua, and
marched 90 miles into that country to surprise its chief city Cartago,
but understanding that the inhabitants had carried away their
wealth, returned to their ships without being challenged. They
marched through divers Indian towns, who all joined with them,
and told them the Indians about Grenada are still in arms expecting
their return. Three days since arrived one of the best men-of-war,
which has been in revolt these 20 months, distasted by reason of a
rich prize Governor Modyford took from them by his Majesty's
order and restored to the Spaniard : the news of commissions
granted against the Spaniard caused their return, otherwise they
said they must have sought some other country. About Christmas
last this privateer took a Spanish packet boat, and presented Modyford
with divers letters, which he has sent to Lord Arlington. On
this ship comes Capt. Wm. Beeston, who will give account of Modyford's
endeavours with these privateers to attack Curaçao, of the
great decay of inhabitants at Port Royal upon suppression of the
privateers, and the hopeful effects of encouraging them ; so that till
his Grace's command to the contrary, he shall pursue the way he is
now in, holding it very imprudent to put his Majesty's affairs to so
great a loss and hazard, by endeavouring to obtain of the Spaniard
here what they can never consent unto. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX.,
No. 24.]
June 11.
1214. Mich. Smith to Richard Chaundler, merchant, at his house
at the sign of the Pelican in Ladd Lane, London. Business matters.
On Tuesday the 10th April last, the French on St. Christopher's fell
upon the English at Chyon, on the windward side, firing all as they
went, and sparing neither man, woman, nor child, till the French
General was killed. Governor Watts falling on at Sandy Point
on the leeward side without any express orders from his Majesty
or Lord Willoughby was there killed, with Mr. Darcy, factor to the
Royal Company, and many others, and whether by the treachery
of Watts or his too much forwardness, or the cowardice and
treachery of other commanders as Coll. Rhymes and Capt. Nicholas
Taylor, the island is now possessed by the French. Notwithstanding
when those at Chyon had retreated over the mountains
to Palmetto Point, they were four times more in number than the
French, but would not fight nor suffer 200 men sent from Nevis to
engage. But what with cowardice in some and treachery in others,
although the French on seeing the English force had concluded to
send for conditions (as we are here credibly informed) they sent a
flag of truce to the French for conditions, which was received with
no small alacrity, the English inhabitants laying down their arms
and willing to surrender their plantations and fortifications before
they were scarce demanded. Nay such was the earnestness of the
inhabitants for the articles of peace, that they left their persons and
estates to the disposal of the French. Many have been sent for
Virginia and New England and 2,000 old men, women, and children,
have been sent to Nevis to the great weakening of the island, provisions
being extremely scarce. The French men-of-war take such
vessels as come with provisions, and their men are day and night
in arms, for the French have a great while threatened to fall on
them and give no quarter, so that if God and his Majesty send not
relief they cannot as they do not expect to continue a living people
much longer, for the French at St. Christopher's daily increase
their force, and are far stronger than they. Know not how to dispose
of their sugars for want of shipping. 3 pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol XX., No. 98.]
June 11.
1215. Extract from the preceding about the articles and sending
the English inhabitants of St. Christopher's to Virginia, New England,
and Nevis. ½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 99.]
June 16.
1216. Governor Sir Thos. Modyford to Sec. Lord Arlington. On
12th inst. arrived Capt. Mansfield and one other ship, and complains
that the disobedience of several officers and soldiers was the cause
of their not proceeding on the design of Curaçao. In the meantime
the old fellow was resolved (as he tells me) never to see my face
until he had done some service to his Majesty, and therefore with
200 men which were all were left him and about 80 of them French,
he resolved to attempt the island of Providence, which was formerly
English, and by the Spaniards' whole armada taken from us in
1641, and ever since carefully garrisoned. In order to this he set
sail, and being an excellent coaster, which is his chief if not only
virtue, in the night he came within half a mile of it by an unusual
passage among rocks, where they say ship never came, and in
the morning early landed, marched four leagues, and surprized the
Governor, who was taken prisoner. The soldiers got into the fort
being about 200, but on conditions to be landed on the main they
yielded. 27 pieces of ordnance, 100 double jars of powder, shot, and
all things necessary were found, and the fort very strongly built ;
they acknowledge but very little plunder, only 150 negroes ; they
brought off 100, and left 35 men and Capt. Hattsell keeper of the
magazine, and so have rendered it to Modyford for his Majesty's
account ; they say many of the guns have Queen Elizabeth's arms
engraven on them. Has yet only reproved Mansfield for doing it
without orders, and really he dare not go further than rebukes
without his Majesty's express orders, lest he should drive them from
that allegiance which they make great profession of now more than
ever. Neither would he without manifest imprudence but accept
the tender of it in his Majesty's behalf, and considering its good
situation for favouring any design on the rich main, lying near the
river which leads to the Lake (Nicaragua), holds it his duty to reinforce
that garrison, and to send down some able person to command
it. Meantime they are increasing apace in ships and men, privateers
daily coming in and submitting to the strictness of the Commissions
and instructions he puts on them for his Majesty's service.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 100.]
June 16.
1217. Copy of preceding letter. 3 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No.
XCII., pp. 343-345.]
June 20.
1218. Col. Theodore Cary to Sec. Lord Arlington. Has presumed
to report the same as he sent in Nov. last by the Ann, Capt. May,
not knowing but in these times of war letters may miscarry. The
rest of his letter is a duplicate of his letter [see ante, No. 1088]. 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 101.]
June 22.
Fort James.
1219. (Col. Nicolls) to the Commissaries at Albany. Theirs of
the 12th received. To the 1st point : he hopes they will have no
cause to be jealous that the soldiers should disturb the trade with
the Indians, although two or three drunken rascals took, last year, two
or three guns from the Indians, which were immediately restored.
They need not doubt Capt. Baker's care to observe Nicolls' orders
for freedom of trade, &c. ; and wishes they would do the like
amongst the Burghers. 2nd. Is of opinion that every inhabitant
ought to exercise his trade without molestation, but it depends on
them to regulate the number of bakers without excluding such as
are already privileged, and who should supply the town in winter
as in summer, so that he refers the request of Gerret Lansinck and
Jan Jansen Vanderkell back to them. 3rd. Expects more ready
compliance with his orders against Cobus the Leper, and that they
do not overmuch rely on their own judgment hereafter, except in
cases left wholly to themselves. 4th. Every soldier ought to have a
blanket, but if any have embezzled their accommodations it is a kind
action of any Burgher to help their necessities ; however, their intelligence
from New York is mistaken, for there are 100 soldiers quartered
in the town, which pays 200 guilders a week for them. Refers them
to his last by Capt. Abraham in matters relating to the French. 5th.
Governor Winthrop has newly given Nicolls hopes that by his
mediation with the Northern Indians, the peace with the Maquaes
will be facilitated ; some Mahicanders are at Hertford, in consultation
with River and Northern Indians. Lastly. Some privileges
Nicolls gave them at Albany are either undervalued or not understood,
for a Burgher of this town proffered "50 schepills of wheat"
for liberty to trade in "sewant" (?) and bread this summer at
Albany. Printed in New York Documents, III., 117, where there is
a singular misprint, viz. : for "there are no soldiers quartered,"
read as in the original "there are 100 soldiers quartered." 2 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 102.]
June 24.
1220. Jo. Browne to Williamson. When Governor Watts received
the French King's Declaration of war and his Majesty's Proclamation
he summoned the Council of St. Christopher's, but cannot aver
whether it was by their advice that he sent said prints to the French
General de la Salle, a Knight of Malta, with a braving letter, saying
he would force the French to submission or to depart the island.
Upon which M. de la Salle, an old soldier, sent to desire three days
to consider, which Watts granted "in a foolish bravery ;" and at
the end of which the French desired three more, which were
absolutely denied ; but this was not communicated to the Council,
and none of the militia were gathered to make good his threats or
defend the English. Next morning the French General having
doubled his guards on the Cayenne side, marched from Basse-terre
with a considerable body of horse and foot, having armed many
negroes with bills, hoes, and fire-brands, burning all before him and
killing men, women, and children without opposition, till he
advanced three miles within the English quarters to St. Nicholas
Town, where Mrs. Jordan, a gentlewoman of good reputation,
endeavouring by flight to save herself and three or four small
children, was forced back by the French soldiers into her house and
burnt with her children. By this time one Lieut. Hoskins, with
eight firelocks, perceiving a negro ready to set fire to St. Nicholas
Church, cut off his head and put a stop to the rest of the negroes ;
then descrying the French General to advance with two "Religious,"
one on either side, M. de Poincy, Governor of one end of the island,
and another Knight of Malta, (who was to succeed in the Government),
at the head of a body of horse, Hoskins with his men retired
into a little thicket near the church, and at one volley killed the
General, the two Religious, the other Knight of Malta, and another
gentleman or two. After some pause the French advanced, and
Hoskins with his companions were all put to the sword, and all day
the French continued burning and killing. Next morning Capt.
Morgan, Governor of Statia, came to Col. Watts, whom he found in
his gown and slippers at his own house, and calling him coward and
traitor marched with such as he had got towards one Saintoman's
house in the French quarter, near Sandy Point, where was a
garrison, and after some dispute having got into the house, Watts
came up with 200 or 300 men, and firing at both French and English,
killed 40 or 50 English and shot Capt. Morgan through the thighs,
and was himself shot through the head. After this the English
made little opposition, being betrayed into submission by one Reims,
[Reymes] Lieut.-Col. to Watts and Commander-in-Chief, who made
them believe that the French had 2,000 fresh men landed at Basseterre.
In this villany he was seconded by one Leveren and Lieut.
Clarke, so that by Thursday night the French were masters of the
whole island, and set up their flag in Charles Fort in the Old Road.
Esquire Darcy behaved gallantly and was killed at the head of his
troop of horse at Saintoman's house. Had this relation at Antigua
from Squire Warner and Squire Austen and other considerable
persons of that place on the 28th April ; where Browne left 500
brave soldiers under Lieut.-General Henry Willoughby, sent from
Barbadoes by Lord Willoughby, who apprehended some difference
might fall out at St. Christopher's, but they came too late. 2 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 103.]
June 24.
1221. Information by Hugh Squier. Heard three men of quality,
one a Dutchman, rejoice that the Dutch had done so well, and attribute
much of their success to Maurice Thompson and his brother
Major, who gave them intelligence of the English fleet. Maurice
Thompson was always violent against kingly government ; he was
intimate with the Protector, sat at the High Court of Justice, and
sentenced some of the beheaded lords, so is incapable of holding any
office ; he was once a poor fellow in Virginia, but got a great estate
in the wars, mostly rent out of the bowels of the King's party. His
brother, Major Rob. Thompson, was also very great with Cromwell.
[Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CLIX., No. 108 I., Cal., p. 457.]
June 26.
St. Marey's,
1222. Commission from Charles Calvert, Governor of Maryland,
to Philip Calvert, Henry Coursey, Nathaniel Uty, Thomas Notley,
Robert Slye, and Major Thomas Brooke to treat with Governor
Berkeley of Virginia, and Governor Drummond of Carolina, or Commissioners
from them, for a total cessation of planting tobacco from
1st Feb. 1666 to 1st Feb. 1667. Certified copy by Thos. Ludwell.
2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 104.]
June 27.
St. Jago-de-la-Vega.
1223. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. Ordered that prisoners
for debt who have nothing wherewith to maintain themselves, and
who languish in prison to the most insupportable charge of the
Provost-Marshal, be let out of prison for wages by the month to him
that will give most under conditions named, this by law to continue
until the next Assembly. That any negro lying in prison,
without his owner coming to release him, whose fees amount to 5l.
sterling, may be sold by the Provost-Marshal for the said sum on
security being given that the negro shall not be transported off the
island, and the owner to have said negro restored for 5l. sterling.
That beacons be set up in every parish 20 feet high ; that soldiers
watch at said beacons and officers be disposed at the several rendezvous
named for every regiment. 4¾ pp. [Col. Entry Bk.,
No. XXXIV., pp. 147-151.]
June 29.
1224. Robert Cardine to John Champante. The island is daily
subject to incursions of the Dutch, French, and Indians ; which he
conceives a couple of frigates from his Majesty would end, and also
reduce St. Christopher's again to his Majesty's obedience.
June 30.—Gilbert Gregory to the same. Their whole business is
to keep what they have from the French and Indians, who three or
four times a month visit them ; so that had not Lieut.-Gen. Willoughby
with 500 men been with them, the French had been masters
of Antigua ere this ; and when he draws off his men, they will be
in great danger except ships come from England, for the seas are
now altogether in obedience to the French. 1 p. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XX., No. 105.]
June 30.
1225. Warrant to the Commissioners of Ordnance. To deliver out
of his Majesty's stores in the Tower of London 2,000 firelocks, 1,000
pikes, 200 barrels of powder, and match and bullet proportionable
to Sir John Colleton or whom he shall appoint, for the use of Barbadoes.
¼ p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXIII., p. 208.]