Sept. 1.
1049. Orders of the Governor and Council of War in Jamaica.
Whereas the Varmahaly negroes daily treacherously beguile and
murder hunters and others ; and for an encouragement to surprise
and kill those sneaking and treacherous rogues, whoever shall
bring to the Governor that Varmahaly negro commonly called
the Sergeant-Major, dead or alive, shall have 30l. reward, 20l.
reward for any other negro officer, and 10l. for any of the common
negroes of that gang. Any servant or slave killing or bringing in
one of those negroes shall be free ; any Varmahaly negro bringing
in one of his fellows shall be pardoned and set free ; and any
persons finding out the pallenque of said negroes, shall have and
enjoy to their uses all the women, children, and plunder for their
reward. 2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXXIV., pp. 138-140.]
Sept. 2.
Excise Office,
1050. John Champante to Sec. Lord Arlington. Has received,
as Lord Willoughby's agent, a packet of letters for his Majesty and
his Lordship. If his Lordship have any commands, if he will direct
them to be left at the Excise Office in London, they shall be carefully
delivered into the first ship sailing thence for the Barbadoes.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 103.]
Sept. 6.
1051. Warrant for a pass for 100 gelding nags for Robert Vickres,
merchant, of Bristol, to be transported to Nevis, or other his
Majesty's plantations in the Caribbees. ¼ p. [Dom. Entry Bk.,
Chas. II., Vol. XXII., p. 267.]
Sept. 9.
1052. The Governor and Council of the Massachusetts to the Chief
Saggamakers of the Mohawk Indians. Describe the depredations
committed by five of their men armed, whom they have imprisoned
and examined. Are willing to accept the answer they make, that
they intended no hurt to the English, and that the Mohawks desired
to live in amity with the English as formerly, but expect if they
desire to continue friendship with the English that they will not
permit their people to come armed or in great companies into any
English towns or houses without leave from some of the magistrates ;
also, that the Indians forbid their people to rob or spoil the
English or their corn or cattle ; and that they distinguish between
those Indians who live amongst the English and others, that none
of their people kill, rob, or spoil any Indian that lives within a
day's journey of Boston, who are generally clothed in English
apparel and their hair cut after the manner of the English, these
Indians being their friends and under their protection ; complaints
against any such will be punished as the fault deserves. Have
released their men and delivered them all their arms and victuals
for their journey, and sent them home with this letter, to which the
Governor and Council desire an answer to be sent to Capt. John
Pinchon, that lives at Springfield, upon Connecticut river. 2 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 104.]
Sept. 10.
1053. Thos. Middleton to Samuel Pepys. The Royal Catherine has
arrived at Cowes from Barbadoes laden with sugar sent as a present
to the King from Lord Willoughby, being part of the 4½ per cent.
Customs in Barbadoes ; the captain is unable to venture further
without a new cable ; has, therefore, lent him one from the stores
[Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CXXXII., No. 62, Cal., p. 557.]
Sept. 12.
1054. Prince Rupert to Sec. Lord Arlington. Encloses a relation of
the condition of the country and fort of Goree in Guinea ; the writer
says it was victualled but for two months, and had no cargazoon to
trade with ; he speaks of a design to drive the English out of the
river Gambia, to which he says the Portuguese have offered
their assistance ; he also complains that the French only now trade
above that place ; in the postscript he gives notice of some English
shipping come to the Gambia with ill news. Supposes it was
of the last battle. [Dom. Chas. II., Vol. CXXXII., No. 86, Cal.,
p. 562.]
Sept. 14.
1055. Wm. Rider, J. Bence, Geo. Cock, and Ellis Leighton to
Joseph Williamson, Sec. to Lord Arlington, at Oxford. The factors
of the Royal Company at Barbadoes advise that when Capt. Peperell
arrived there with his prize the William and Susan, the owners
arrested him "in an action of 500,000 lbs. sugar trover and conversion."
Their factors were obliged to bail the captain in double the
action, and petitioned Lord Willoughby to have the business heard
in the Admiralty Court, but they would proceed nothing to the
condemnation of the ship, or removing the case from the common
law, "where they say we can expect no favour from a jury of their
neighbours." Request him to move his Majesty for a command to
Lord Willoughby to proceed no further against the bail of Capt.
Peperell, to transmit the whole case to the King and Council, and
that some of those merchants that have shown such contempt to the
King's charter may be sent for home to answer it.
Jan. 2.—The above letter is a copy of one sent by Mr. Ald. Bence,
which they confirm, and doubt not he has taken effectual care about.
If not, he is desired to apply his best endeavours speedily to effect
it, considering how prejudicial the loss of time may prove to the
Royal Company. Indorsed, "Rec. 3 Jan. 65/6 Ginney Comp."
1055. I. Proclamation of Gov. Lord Willoughby that he will hold
a Court of Admiralty in Barbadoes on 17th June inst.,
1665. June 13.
1055. II. Proceedings in the Court of Admiralty of Barbadoes on
17th and 24th June 1665 on petition of Thomas Colleton,
Tobias Payne, and Nicholas Pepperrell, captain of the
Charles, to restrain Nathaniel Kingsland and others from
pursuing an action at common law for 500,000 lbs. of sugar
against Capt. Pepperrell for seizing the ship "William and
Susan" found trading on the African coast in contravention
of the charter granted to the Royal African Company, and
to transfer the suit for the condemnation of the "William
and Susan" to the Court of Admiralty 17th June 1665.
A citation having been issued the court adjourned to the
24th, when it having been shown that the "William and
Susan" had been sent out of the jurisdiction of the court
to Jamaica, the court refused to take further cognizance
of the matter, 24th June 1665. Together 10½ pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XIX., Nos. 105, 106.]
Sept. 15.
1056. The King's Commissioners to the Justices of the Peace and
magistrates of Rhode Island. Duplicate of No. 1033. "Signed and
approved by mee, R. Nicolls. 7ber the 15th, 1665." 1 p. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 107.]
Sept. 22.
1057. Warrant from Sec. Lord Arlington to Robt. Gyde, serjeant-at-arms,
to take into custody Samuel Farmer for treasonable practices,
and to bring him before the King and Council next week. See
his petition, No. 1068. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXII.,
p. 275, Cal., p. 570.]
Sept. 22.
Deal Castle.
1058. Capt. Titus to [Sec. Lord Arlington]. Has received his
Lordship's letter and warrant, but believes the prisoner is with his
Lordship now, or else Capt. Parey who transported him is very much
mistaken. Capt. Parey was so credulous as to dismiss the prisoner
at Portsmouth upon his giving a bond for 5,000l. to repair to the
King. Scarce ever saw such a warrant as Lord Willoughby's committing
a man to close custody without specifying any crime or
reason. In his Lordship's warrant there is no such omission, but it
mentions high treason and other misdemeanors. Intercedes that the
prisoner may be punished for the treason only. Has interest enough
at Court to get his other faults pardoned. Protests he knows not
the man's face, and is not over kind to the King's enemies, but reads
that there is in ulciscendo modus, which morality allows us not to
transgress. Indorsed, Rec. 26th Sept. 1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XIX., No. 108.]
Sept. 26.
1059. Alderman J. Bence to Williamson. Sends petition on the
Royal African Company's business with copy of counsel's advice.
The ship Barbadoes, Capt. Heath, is arrived with news that our
people are safe at Cape Coast Castle, and at Ardra have a number of
blacks on their hands, and want shipping to take them off. The
blacks are wary of the Dutch, and had the English a fleet there, they
might easily have all again ; prays that somebody may move the
King to it. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CXXXIII., No. 43, Cal., p. 573.]
1060. Petition of John Willoughby, Mayor and other merchants
of Bristol, adventurers to Virginia, to the King. For a convoy to be
sent to Virginia to escort back 24 ships which they have sent thither,
a far greater number than they intended, but that the trade from
London and other places is obstructed by the plague ; these ships
produce a large revenue in customs, and supply many mariners for
his Majesty's navy, but the Dutch are making great preparations to
surprise them in their way homewards. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol.
CXXXIII., No. 66, Cal., p. 577.]