[Mar. 1.]
39. Petition of Planters of Barbadoes inhabiting in and about
London, to the King.—Whilst petitioners were endeavouring to lay
before His Majesty some disadvantages that arose in Barbadoes by
the Patent of the Earl of Carlisle, and praying either for no change
of Governor or a disinterested person to be appointed, and were
addressing certain proposals to the Lord Treasurer, letters from
His Majesty were procured which have removed the Governor and
given countenance to some settlement intended by Lord Willoughby,
which tends much to the grief of petitioners and many of the ablest
planters. Having stated to the Lords Chancellor and Treasurer the
illegality of the Earl of Carlisle's Patent, and the advantage to His
Majesty in sovereignty and revenue, in case the Planters have an
immediate dependence on His Majesty, petitioners pray that fresh
letters may be sent to Barbadoes, intimating His Majesty's resolution
of taking the Plantations in America, and particularly Barbadoes,
into a more immediate dependence on the Crown ; what the Crown
will do for them ; and what it expects from them. Petitioners are
confident that if no such despatch speedily be made the present
power may be so made use of as many of the best planters may be
forced to withdraw. Signed by Peter Lear, And. Riccard, Richard
Batson, Jno. Colleton, Wm. Williams, Thos. Middleton, Martin Noell,
Tobias Frere, Thomas Kendall, John Roberts, Will. Chamberlaine,
Jona. Andrewes, & Thos. Parris. Indorsed : Read in Council, Mar. 1,
1660-1. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 25.]
40. Petition of the Planters, merchants, and traders to Barbadoes
to the King.—Petitions by reason the laws for the recovery of debts
in Barbadoes have not been fully put in execution through the
want of knowledge of former Governors, have very much suffered,
and forasmuch as the present Governor, Col. Thos. Modyford is
by profession a lawyer, and "full of justice and ability," that he may
be continued in the Government until His Majesty has had some
further trial of him. Signed by Jon. Keate, Knt. ; And. Riccard,
Knt. ; Hen. Batson ; Tho. Overall ; Jno. Berwick ; Tho. Frere ;
Jno. Pemell ; Jona. Andrewes ; Seth Rowley ; Wm. Beale ; George
Keate ; Wm. Williams ; Rich. Batson ; Tho. Middleton ; Tobias
Frere ; Da. Skynner ; and Ri. King. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No.
41. Reasons of the Commissioners appointed by the Governor
Council, and Assembly of Barbadoes against holding any treaty with
Lord Willoughby upon his designs and propasals until they receive
direction from some noble persons in the King's interest how to proceed
therein. They have been entrusted with an Address to the King
on his most happy and blessed restoration, and desire immediate protection
against any proprietary claim, for which purpose they have
been advised to commence a suit by scire facias to overthrow Lord
Willoughby's claim. The Governor's interest in the island and the
state of both parties for and against. It is complained that a petition
is set on foot by several seamen and other inconsiderable persons praying
that Lord Willoughby may be sent over as Governor. Annexed,
Names of persons improper for the Council of Plantations [sic?
Barbadoes] and fit to be put out : Wil. Glascock, Wm. Watts,
and Alex. Howe. Those fit to be added—John Lewes, Thos.
Middleton, and John Jeffreys, of great experience and interest
in several plantations and of clear reputation. Together 2 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XV., Nos. 27, 28.]
March 4.
Inner Court
of Wards.
42. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations. Capt. Breedon
and Messrs. Godfrey, Gifford, and Mavericke to attend on the
11th inst., with such papers and writings as together with their own
particular knowledge may give information of the present condition
and government of the several Colonies commonly known by the
name of New England. Mr. Bonnell to attend the Sec. of State
about his petition touching the transport of men and goods for
Jamaica. ¾ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIV., No. 59, p. 22.]
March 4.
43. Copy of preceding. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 29.]
March 8.
44. Order of the Privy Council on petition of Charles St. Stephen,
Lord de Latour, Baronet of Nova Scotia, Thomas Temple, and William
Crowne, concerning their right in Nova Scotia ; directing said
petition to be referred to the Committee formerly appointed to
consider some matters in relation to Nova Scotia. See Vol. XIV.,
No. 64. I., Cal. pp. 496, 497. 4½ p. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LX., p. 15.]
[March 11.]
45. Capt. Thos. Breedon to the Council for Foreign Plantations.
Relation of the state of affairs in New England at his coming from
thence in 1660. Having been summoned to appear before the
Council this 11th of March 1661 to give information of the condition
and Government of the several colonies of New England, he herewith
presents in the first place the book of laws of the Massachusetts
Colony, whereby they will understand the Government better
than himself, which they assert to be by patent from the King,
which patent he never saw, therefore cannot tell how agreeable to
their patent they act. The distinction between freemen and non-freemen,
members and non-members, is as famous as Cavaliers and
Roundheads was in England, and will shortly become as odious.
The grievances of the non-members, who are really for the King,
and also some of the members, are very many. A gentleman not
many years ago, supposed to be the King, was apprehended and
would have been sent to England, had not Sir Henry Moody and
others better known His Majesty. They look on themselves as a
free state, sat in Council in December last a week before they could
agree in writing to His Majesty, there being so many against owning
the King or having any dependence on England. Has not seen
their petition, but questions their allegiance to the King, because
they have not proclaimed him, they do not act in his name, and
they do not give the oath of allegiance, but force an oath of fidelity
to themselves and their Government, as in Book of Laws, pp. 62
63, 68, and 84. For his conduct to Whalley and Goffe, who came
to New England under the names of Richardson and Stephenson, and
who he commanded to appear before the Governor, he was called a
malignant, and the Marshal-General abused him, "grinning in my
face speak against Whalley and Goffe if ye dare, if ye dare, if ye
dare." The Act of Parliament and the King's Proclamation
villified by the Deputy Governor. None but freemen who take the
oath of fidelity are capable of bearing office in military or civil
affairs, yet two-thirds of the soldiers are non-freemen, who, he is
confident, would be glad to have officers with the King's commission,
and desire a Governor from the King ; others fear it, and say
they will die before they will lose their liberties and privileges, "by
which it may appear how difficult it is to reconcile Monarchy and
Independency." Refers to the laws against the King's interests ;
these laws contrary to the laws of England. Necessity for speedily
settling this country in due obedience and subjection to the King.
The two Hectors, Whalley and Goffe, daily buzzing in their ears a
change of Government. Multitudes of discontented persons of their
gang sending their estates thither ; the bad effects that will follow.
The French and Dutch trade to the English Plantations very much
to the prejudice of England, and the loss of many thousands of
pounds yearly to His Majesty's customs. "This was given in by
Capt. Thomas Breedon." 3 p. Printed in New York documents,
III., 39-41. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 30 ; also another copy,
Vol. XV., No. 31, pp. 5-7.]
March 11.
Inner Court
of Wards.
46. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations. The Council
having heard some informations concerning the condition and
government of New England, Capt. Breedon and Messrs. Godfrey
and Gifford are again requested to attend on the 14th inst., as also
Mr. Mavericke, Capt. Leveret, Thos. Bell, and Mr. Wollnough. ½ p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XIV., No. 59, p. 22.]
March 13.
47. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. The King's Proclamation
prohibiting unlawful and seditious meetings and conventicles,
under pretence of religious worship, to be published in St. Michael's.
Being asked by the President and Council to consent to the levying
of the 2 and 4 per cent. granted to Lord Willoughby during the
tenure of his lease, and to the Earl of Carlisle and his heirs for ever,
when the Island was under the King's obedience, the Assembly in
their answers signed by Geo. Thornburgh, Clerk of the Assembly,
desire a respite until it be determined in England, in whom the
proprietorship now is. Two Committees to be appointed, for the
Windward and Leeward Precincts, to revise the Statute Books, and
Coll. Ellice's Books of Collections, and present them to the Council
and Assembly. The Council Books also to be sent to the Windward
Committee, for the expunging of any matters contrary to
the King's right or dignity. 2½ pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XI.,
pp. 42-44.]
March 14.
Inner Court
of Wards.
48. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations.—Messrs. Bell
and Wollnough to be discharged from further attendance on the
Council, but Capts. Breedon and Leveret, and Messrs. Godfrey,
Gifford, and Mavericke to attend on the 18th, and Capt. Leveret to
bring the copy of the patent for New England which he acknowledges
to have. ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIV., No. 59, p. 23.]
49. Petition of divers persons who have been sufferers in New
England on behalf of themselves and thousands there to the Council
for Foreign Plantations. Through the tyranny and oppression of
of those in power there, multitudes of the King's subjects have
been most unjustly and grievously oppressed contrary to their own
laws and the laws of England, imprisoned, fined, fettered, whipt,
and further punished by cutting off their ears, branding the face,
their estates seized and themselves banished the country. They
would willingly petition the King for relief but dare not knowing
the danger, should not his Majesty own them they would be for
ever undone by that power that assumes the privilege of a free
State which makes and breaks laws at pleasure. Pray that they may
be owned and their oppressions relieved, that the law of England
may be established amongst them and a Governor in general
appointed over them, or what else their Lordships shall think fit.
Signed by John Gifford, Archibald Henderson Edw. Chapman, James
Bate, Henry Wilson, Robert Seymor, Edward Godfree, Theophilus
Salter, John Dand, George Baxter, John Baker, Arch. Crowder, and
John Baxe. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 31, p. 1.]
50. Petition of Lyonell Copley, Thomas Foley, Thos. Pury, Nicholas
Bond, John Pocock, Wm. Heycock, John Beex, Wm. Greenhill, Geo.
Sherpuls, and Wm. Beck on behalf of themselves and other merchants
adventurers in the iron-works in New England to the Council for
Foreign Plantations. Above 10 years since they erected sundry
iron-works there at a cost of 15,000l., and left John Gifford and
Wm. Avery to manage same. For supposed debts the petitioners,
estates were seized and their agents imprisoned. About three years
since the petitioners dispatched an agent to implore the common
justice of the country, which they were so far from obtaining that
their estates are still witheld even by some of the Judges themselves
so that petitioners are without hope of remedy. Pray for relief.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 31, p. 2.]
51. Petition of Archibald Henderson to the Council for Foreign
Plantations. Through injuries offered him by the Government and
Planters of New England he was endamaged to the value of 800l.
as by the annexed paper may appear. Prays for satisfaction from
said country as the Council think fit and appertains to justice.
1. State of the injurious usages of those of New England
towards Archibald Henderson. He arrived at Boston from Barbadoes
in May 1652 being enforced thence after it was surrendered
to Sir Geo. Ayscue. Ignorant of their laws, which in
several particulars are contrary to the laws of England, he had
been walking in the street half an hour after sunset one Saturday
when a constable entered his lodging, dragged him downstairs
by the hair of his head, beating his head against the stairs,
stripped him of his purse and clothes and carried him as a dead
man to prison. Recites the charges and proceedings against
him, Capt. John Leverett, as Attorney-General prosecuting.
His petition to Governor Endecott for redress, the stay and
loss of his ship bound for Barbadoes in consequence, his fines,
charges of Court, payment of his ship's company. and damage
to his goods amount to 800l. Together 4 pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XV., No. 31, pp. 2-4.]
52. Petition of Gyles Sylvester, merchant, on behalf of himself
and other inhabitants of Shelter Island, near the Colony of New
Haven in New England, to the Council for Foreign Plantations.
That Charles I. by letters patent granted Shelter Island to Lord
Sterling, who employed an agent to purchase from the Indians their
right and title therein, and who continued in possession thereof for
several years. For want of supplies the island was sold to Stephen
Goodyere, then Deputy Governor of New Haven, who in 1651 sold
it to Col. Thos. Middleton, who with his partners, at great charges,
settled a plantation on said island, under whom petitioners claim
their interest. The Government of New Haven, because of petitioner's
refusal to yield obedience, have laid violent hands on the
inhabitants of said plantation, have seized and confiscated all estates
they could find, and most wrongfully detain about 3,000 acres of
very good land upon Long Island, which the petitioners lawfully
purchased of the Indian king of those parts. Pray that they may
be restored to their lands and goods and receive satisfaction from
the Government of New Haven for the insupportable injuries they
have received, and be preserved from like outrages until the King
be pleased to settle the government of those parts. 1 p. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XV., No. 31, p. 5.]
March 14.
53. Letter and information of Edward Godfrey, sometime
Governor of the Province of Maine. In reference to Capt. John
Leveret, agent for the Massachusetts. To consider his acting there
in subjugating the eastern parts in New England presumptuously
and audaciously without any power from England, as by Jo. Baker's
deposition and other papers Godfrey can show. After three years
spent there in vain for redress, Godfrey came for England, showed
Capt. Leveret his papers and complaints, but stayed two years
without any answer. Then he got a reference from O[liver] P[rotector],
but nothing effected, then one from R[ichard] P[rotector],
when Leveret acted for and acknowledged himself to be agent for
the Massachusetts. In this reference now of Mason and Godfrey's,
though at first he refused [to act as agent], yet a process being
fixed on the Exchange, he made an excuse. After he sent a letter
with one from the Court [of the Massachusetts] accusing receipt of
their petition, which answer is most unjust and untrue, as by
sundry depositions may appear. Capt. Leveret presented the
country's addresses to the King. As touching New England, Godfrey
has known the country from the first discovery ; he lost his
nearest relations, slain by the Indians, and has faithfully served the
country 25 years ; his only son transported his wife and family
there, and now hearing of Godfrey's ruin abides here to present
these few lines. He always said that Piscattaqua River and the
Province of Maine were of more concernment to the King for trade,
present and future, and discovery of the country, than all New
England besides, and other reasons as by the maps may appear.
Whether it be not fitting, that a general Governor should go.
The jurisdiction of those eastern parts may not be regulated
by commission as formerly 30 years [ago] without complaint there
or here, nor never questioned till 1652. Boston would be a free
state. His reasons. The Commissioners formerly and now living
are Capt. Henry Jocelyn, Capt. Fran. Champernowne, Thos.
Jordan, an orthodox Dean for the Church of England and of
great parts and estate. John Gifford goes this year, Joseph Mason
is there for Godfrey, who is too old to act, yet Oliver Godfrey, his
son and grandchild, being well versed in the country, will assist to
the uttermost. Indorsed, "The information of Mr. Edward Godfrey,
sometime Governor of the Province of Maine, concerning the
consequence of that Province and the usurpation of the Bostoners."
2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 32.]
March 18.
Inner Court of
54. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations. Mr.
Froude to move the Lord Treasurer for expediting the payment of
500l. remaining unpaid of the money ordered to Sir James Drax for
the brandy wine [sic] shipped and sent for Jamaica. Messrs. Denham,
Waller, Povey, and Noell to draw up a letter for New England
like those sent to Barbadoes and Virginia, but with such
alterations as they shall think suitable to the condition of the place ;
the direction to be left to the King. ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIV.,
No. 59, p. 23.]
March 19.
55. — to Henry Hobbes, Barnstaple. As for New England,
though he has not yet altogether layd aside all thought of it,
yet hardly thinks he shall go this summer, and whenever he goes
it will not be so much the desire to see his father and friends there,
though he is not without natural affection to them, as mere necessity
that shall drive him away. Neither is he for leaving the land till
all means possible have been tried for their liberty, and till the
cause and truth of God, which they profess, have been more witnessed
to by suffering, which the writer prays Hobbes to acquaint
Mr. Bartlet withal, and to send word whether it was the father or
son who spake to him concerning New England, for he purposes to
write about it. [Extract from Dom. Chas. II., Vol. XXXII., No.
113, Cal., p. 540.]
March 25.
Inner Court of
56. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations. Mr. Froude
to speak with the officers of the Receipt of the Exchequer to expedite
the payment of 500l. due to Sir James Drax for brandy sent
to Jamaica. Letter drawn up by Mr. Povey and the rest of the
Committee for New England to be engrossed, and said Committee
to report on the several petitions and declarations concerning New
England, that it may be presented to the King. Lord Berkeley,
who presented Mr. Cleyton's proposals for transporting 1,000 able
men to Jamaica, to desire Cleyton to attend on the 1st April. 200l.
to be paid to Mr. Froude, Secretary, towards his charges. ½ p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XIV., No. 59, p. 24.]
March 26.
H.M.S. Convertive,
57. Thos. Wilkes to the Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy.
Set sail from Jamaica on Jan. 23rd last, and is wanting victuals.
Sends by post the packet of Lieut.-General D'Oyley, who, with all
the people of the island, is in health. The place prospers with
plenty of all things, and many resort thither from the Windward
Isles, but his Majesty's protection, commission, and laws are much
wanted, especially by the soberest sort of people, for the others are
ready to mutiny. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 33.]
March 28.
58. Copy of petition of John Clarke to the King, and inclosure
[see ante, No. 18]. Indorsed, Rec. from Mr. Sec. Nicholas the 28th
of March 1661, with directions from his Majesty that it be read
at the next sitting in Council. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV.,
No. 34.]
March 28.
59. John Clarke to the King. Humble and hearty thanks of the
Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations for the late
grant bestowed upon them. Awaits the King's commands, being
about to return to those parts. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV.,
No. 35.]
March 29.
60. Col. Humphrey Walrond to [Sec. Sir Edward Nicholas].
Is emboldened by the reception of the late address of himself and
the Council, begging the recall of the King's late patents with regard
to Barbadoes, and that whatever the King might do with the Earl of
Carlisle's patent he would "not interest himself in each little office
here, as to grant immediate commissions from England," but leave
them to the disposal of the Governor, and the consent of the
country, as used to be the custom, "till treason by the treachery of
Col. Modyford and his party found a way to tyrannize over us."
Hears that Mr. Kendall and Mr. Colleton, to oppose Lord Willoughby,
are offering in the name of the Council four per cent. on all commodities
to be paid to his Majesty if he will take into his hand the
Earl of Carlisle's interest, and appoint Col. Modyford Governor.
Entreats he will acquaint the King that these gentlemen have no
power from them to act so ; that the assumption of the Earl's patent
by the King would give great satisfaction if he will not exact more
than the Earl did, for so the people of Barbadoes would suffer an
undeserved loss, as they were the first to proclaim his present
Majesty immediately upon the news of their late dread Sovereign's
horrid murder, and should have defended the island under Lord
Willoughby had not Col. Modyford betrayed them. None would
be more acceptable as Governor than Lord Willoughby. Should
Col. Modyford be appointed "it would be no little discouragement
to those who forfeited their lives and fortunes by a constant
loyalty ;" his treachery in betraying the island to the usurper and
his persecution of royalists ever since, has rendered him odious to
all honest people. Prays these evils may be averted from them. If
further information in their affairs is desired it will be given by
Mr. John Walrond. Indorsed, Received 25th May. 2 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XV., No. 36.]
61. Col. Edward D'Oyley, Governor of Jamaica, to his kinsman,
Sec. Nicholas. Has impatiently expected orders from his Majesty,
how to carry himself in this great and happy change, but in their
absence has pursued his former instructions. Received on 4th of
February last from the Governor of St. Jago upon Cuba, a letter
with an order from Sir Henry Bennet, his Majesty's Resident in
Spain, for a cessation of arms, and with it about 30 prisoners. Has
issued an order for the cessation. Saw a proclamation of peace with
Spain in print on 9th February ; that very day the soldiers brought
in 100 negroes from the mountains, being the last of 2,000 who had
infested them since their arrival. This put him to another stand,
for the negroes were the prize of the soldiers, who receive no pay,
and know his want of authority ; whereupon he called a council of
war, who adjudged that the Proclamation did not concern this side
of the line, and if it did restitution might be made. Judged it
therefore safest to let them alone, having already, by the order for
cessation, sufficiently enraged the populacy, who live only upon
spoil and depredations, and whom nothing but strict law and severe
justice can keep in obedience. Hopes Nicholas has received his
letter of the 11th September last. Indorsed, "Rd. 21 Junii 1661,
brought by Mr. Bird." 1¼ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XV., No. 37.]
62. Petition of Cecil Lord Baltemore to the King. Recites his
former petition, and the proceedings thereon [see Col. Papers, Vol.
XIV., No. 9, calendared in Vol. I., pp. 481-2], with his Majesty's order
(of 20th March 1660/1) to restore petitioner to his possession and
rights in Newfoundland, but that he hath yet no satisfaction for the
great damage done him by Sir David Kirke and others in dispossessing
petitioner of his house, goods, and rights in the province of
Avalon, and keeping him out of possession many years, to his prejudice
of above 20,000l. sterling, for which damages petitioner sued
said Sir David Kirke at his first return thence into England about
ten years since, and laid him in prison, where he died before making
any satisfaction to petitioner. That nevertheless Sir Lewis Kirke
claims satisfaction for the charges wrongfully bestowed by his brother
upon said province to petitioner's prejudice. Prays that persons
may be appointed to examine petitioner's claim for damages and
some order be given for his satisfaction. With reference, supposed
to belong to this petition, to Sir Heneage Finch, Sir James Ware, and
Sir Maurice Eustace, for their examination and report. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XV., No. 38.]