Feb. 1.
St. Jago de-la-Vega.
412. Proclamation of Sir Chas. Lyttelton, Deputy Governor, in
accordance with the preceding Minutes of Council of Jan. 23
concerning the free negroes. That Juan Luyola and the rest
of the negroes of his Palenque, on account of their submission
and services to the English, shall have grants of land and enjoy all
the liberties and privileges of Englishmen, but must bring up their
children to the English tongue. That other negroes in the mountains
shall enjoy the same benefits, provided they submit within 14
days after receiving this notice. That Luyola be colonel of the black
regiment of militia, and he and others appointed magistrates over
the negroes to decide all cases except those of life and death. Copies
in English and Spanish. [Col. Entry Bks., No. 34, pp. 75-79, and
No. 37, pp. 27, 28.]
Feb. 11.
413. Minutes of the Council and Assembly of Barbadoes. Ordered
that Major William Bate, the Treasurer, pay as formerly
150,000 lbs. of sugar for the support of the Government, for the
year ensuing the 18th Dec. last. ½ p. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XI.,
p. 78.]
414. Desires of the Royal Adventurers to Africa. That if the
Spanish subjects of the West Indies be licensed to trade in his
Majesty's dominions of America, the whole trade and commerce may
be appropriated to said Company for the considerations herein
named, among which it is urged that the granting such a license is a
prerogative of the Crown ; that English subjects have been freely
invited to join the Company on equal terms without any fine, and
therefore have no reason to complain of being excluded ; and that
the Company will give the like invitation to English subjects in the
Plantations, so they can have no reasonable pretence of clamour.
Also reasons against making this licensed trade universal, and
reply to the objection that if this trade should be established in
Jamaica in the Company's hands only, it may hinder the growth of
that infant plantation. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 4.]
415. The King to [the Governor of Barbadoes]. His Majesty
being certainly informed that the Spanish planters of the West
Indies lately attempted to trade with Barbadoes for a supply of
negro slaves, but were given to understand that they could not
lawfully do so, hereby grants license to Spanish subjects in America
to purchase from the Caribbee Islands and Jamaica supplies of negro
slaves, and such other European commodities as their own Plantations
may want, on payment of customs for the same, for every
negro five pieces of eight, at the rate of four shillings sterling for
every piece of eight. Draft with corrections, and with mem. added,
"If this be intended only for the Governor of Jamaica and the
Governor of Barbadoes, some expressions must be amended for it
now the Governors of Virginia, and all the American Plantations."
2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 5.]
416. Another draft of the preceding. The duty for every negro
person or slave is set down at ten pieces of eight, and two clauses have
been added prohibiting Spanish subjects to trade with English Plantations
in any goods whatever of the growth of Europe, Asia, or Africa.
2½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 6.]
Feb. 26.
417. Another draft of the above, with alterations and the date
filled in, by Sec. Nicholas, who has also written "To Francis Lord
Willoughby of Parham, Governor of Barbadoes and other the Caribbee
Islands." Annexed,
Extracts of letters from Thomas Modyford? of Barbadoes to
his brother. Concerning trade for negroes in Barbadoes with
the Spaniards. Overtures made by Spaniards from Martinique
to the President of Barbadoes, in which the Governor of Cartagena
had a share ; that the negroes now bought were to be
transported to Peru where their market price was 1,000 pieces
of eight per head ; that if assured of free trade in Barbadoes
the Spaniards would undertake to bring commodities to the
value of five million pieces of eight yearly ; and that for the
King of England's encouragement to grant a license they would
pay ten per cent. customs for all commodities or slaves they
should carry off. His Majesty is recommended to grant license
for said trade for several reasons, the first being that it will be
worth 100,000l. per annum to him. Barbadoes, 1662, March 30.
Since his last a Spanish ship has arrived and filled our island
with money ; 125 to 140 pieces of eight per head given for
negroes, the trade opposed by the Council, but the President
"hath done all on his own head." The Spaniards have bought
400 blacks and intend to make them 800. Will himself go to
Cartagena if his negro ship came not in before the Spaniards
go hence. Barbadoes, 1662, April 30.
At the Assembly on 7th May the 11 pieces of eight tax (on
negroes) was voted illegal and arbitrary, and the writer carried
the resolution to the President and Council. Col. Birch said it
was no less than high treason to assume a power which none
but King, Lords, and Commons durst or could lawfully execute.
Scene with the President ; the Council assented to and recorded
the vote. 100 negroes from the Peregrine bought by the
Spaniards at 220 pieces of eight per head embarked for
Cartagena. A ship belonging to the Royal African Company
sold negroes to the Spaniards, and although Jas. Beake told the
President they were the Duke of York's, he insolently enforced
the payment of 11 pieces of eight. 1662, May 26. Another
Spanish ship arrived with plate, jewels, indigo, &c., but was
denied trade ; it would be of great advantage if the license were
here now, but when it comes doubt not to make it highly beneficial
to the Royal [African] Company, and consequently to the
whole nation. Barbadoes, 1662, Sept. 3.
His ship has safely arrived at Boston from Cartagena with
the price in pieces of eight agreed for [the negroes], so the
Spaniards have performed honourably. A ship of theirs allowed
to trade with their bullion and jewels only. Hopes something
has been done towards the intended trade. Barbadoes, 1662,
Sept. 13. The last two letters are signed T. M. Indorsed by
Nicholas, "Barbadoes, Ch. Porter." 6 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XVII., Nos. 7, 8, 9.]
418. Copies of the preceding extracts of letters from Barbadoes.
Indorsed by Nicholas, "Trade of negroes." 6 pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XVII., No. 10.]
Feb. 27.
Point Cagua.
419. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. Ordered that the
Act concerning runaway servants be amended as to penalties, which
shall be recovered by action. That Nicholas Keine, fire-master, have
the use of the timber house called Stephen's building, one mile from
the town. That fairs and market days be holden on Lady-day, St.
John Baptist's, Michaelmas, and New Year's days. That a place
be fixed for the sale of flesh and fish on Point Cagua. That
Mastro de Campa be forthwith despatched with 12 men, to deliver
the declaration to the runaway negroes, and "endeavour their response."
[Col. Entry Bk., No. 37, p. 21.]
420. Petition of David Dacosta and Moses Hamesgago to the
King. Born in Spain, but now living in Barbadoes, and great
traders, pray for letters of denization for the better security of their
persons and estates. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 11.]
421. Grant of denization to Hamesgago and Jeronimo Rodrigues
Resio, aliens born, living in Barbadoes, provided they take
the oath of allegiance before the Governor or chief magistrate there.
[Dom., Chas II., Vol. LXVIII., No. 138, Cal. p. 61.]